Tag Archives: Funding


Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

LIMASSOL, Zypern, 14-Jun-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Star-Investor und ICQ-Mitbegründer Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

  • Durch Funding von Investoren und Accelerator Programmen erreicht Velvet ein Seed-Investment von über 1,3 Mio. USD
  • Velvet erhält außerdem Funding und Auszeichnung durch HubSpot Accelerator
  • Fintech-Startup beschleunigt KI-Technologieentwicklung und Kundengewinnung

Das Fintech-Unternehmen Velvet Software Technologies erhält ein Seed-Investment in Höhe von 1,3 Mio. USD, sowie Unterstützung von Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger. Der ICQ-Mitbegründer sichert sich einen Platz im Advisory Board des in Stuttgart gegründeten Startups. Die Finanzierung erfolgte nach Zielerreichung von exponentiellem Kundenwachstums sowie starkem Performance-Ausbau der KI-basierten Velvet-Algorithmen. Neben dem Investment von mehreren Investoren wurde Velvet in die Microsoft und Hubspot Accelerator-Programme aufgenommen, im Rahmen derer sich das Fintech-Startup ein weiteres 6-stelliges Funding und Zugriff auf modernste KI-Infrastruktur sichern konnte.

Velvet Software Technologies bietet mit Velvet AutoInvest eine neue Art des Investierens für Privatanleger aller Erfahrungsstufen an. Mission ist es, Privatinvestoren mittels modernster Technologie eine Geldanlage bereitzustellen, die bislang hauptsächlich Hedgefonds vorbehalten ist. Der Handelsalgorithmus Velvet AutoInvest ist zur Ausführung seiner KI-basierten Trades an einen durch ASIC regulierten, international renommierten australischen Broker angebunden. Zur Nutzung von Velvet verbinden Kunden ihren zuvor beim Broker erstellen Account mit Velvet AutoInvest. Daraufhin werden die von der Velvet-KI automatisiert generierten Trades auf das Kundenkonto beim Broker übertragen.

Julius Franck-Oberaspach, CEO von Velvet: “Dass Velvet AutoInvest, ursprünglich für den Eigennutzen entwickelt, bereits nach kurzer Zeit so sehr Fahrt aufnimmt, ist für uns unglaublich. Velvet bietet Privatinvestoren an, mittels unserer KI-Algorithmen den fehleranfälligen, manuellen Investment-Prozess nun wie Investmentbanken zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Die extreme Komplexität und Tiefe der am Finanzmarkt verfügbaren Informationen waren Ideenbringer zur Gründung von Velvet.”

“Velvet AutoInvest bietet ein für Privatpersonen in der Finanzwelt sehr revolutionäres, benutzerfreundliches Anlageprodukt: Die schlichte Verbindung zu einem KI-Algorithmus, der in seiner Komplexität normalerweise nur von institutionellen Anlegern verwendet wird. Privatanleger können technisch hochgerüstet und mit weitreichendem Risiko-Management damit wie Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan oder BlackRock am Finanzmarkt investieren”, ergänzt Jonathan R. Hirsch, CMO von Velvet.

Yair Goldfinger: „Für mich sind junge, talentierte und motivierte Teams, die unglaubliche Ergebnisse erzielen, der wichtigste Baustein in einem Unternehmen. Bei Velvet sehe ich das auf das nächste Level gehoben. Das Produkt, das sie entwickelt haben, ist einfach großartig. Ich verfolge den Markt seit Jahren sehr genau, aber etwas Vergleichbares zu dem, was Velvet anbietet, habe ich noch nie gesehen. Das Team hat in den letzten Monaten nicht nur eine herausragende Performance der KI-basierten Handelsalgorithmen erreicht, sondern es ebenso geschafft, daraus ein intuitives Produkt für Privatpersonen zu bauen – und nun steigt das Kundeninteresse explosionsartig. Diese Kombination aus Team-, Produkt- und Marktinteresse zeigen zweifelslos absolutes Potenzial für weiterhin exponentielles Wachstum des Startups.“

Mit der neu erhaltenen Liquidität wird Velvet sein Fintech-Angebot von der Integration bis hin zum Nutzererlebnis weiter optimieren und beschleunigt skalieren. Dazu zählt unter Anderem die Einstellung zusätzlicher Analyst*innen zur kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung der Handelsalgorithmen wie auch der Ausbau des Customer Supports Teams. Hinzu kommt der Einsatz fortschrittlicher CRMs, gesponsert vom HubSpot Startup Accelerator, zur weiteren Support-Automatisierung, um so für künftige Expansionen gerüstet zu sein.

Mit den Velvet-Strategien Blue, Ultra und dem Flaggschiff Pro verwenden Privatanleger KI-gestützte Anlagestrategien mit Zugriff auf einen breiten Diversifizierungsmix aus über 20 Finanzinstrumenten. Die Produkte folgen dabei unterschiedlichen Risikoprofilen und Renditechancen. Den Kern aller Velvet-Strategien bildet ein Random-Forest-Algorithmus für maschinelles Lernen, welcher Anhand von über 1.300 Datenpunkten mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit Erwartungswerte verschiedener Handelstaktiken prognostiziert. Anhand dieser Prognose werden Handelsentscheidungen gewichtet und die Strategie flexibel an neue Marktverhältnisse angepasst. Ziel dabei ist der nachhaltige und kosteneffiziente Vermögensaufbau der angebundenen Accounts, mit aktivem Risikomanagement und Automatisierung. Aufgrund der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und des minimalen Eigenaufwands sind alle Velvet-Produkte speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Privatanlegern ausgelegt und damit für Einsteiger wie auch für erfahrene Investoren gleichermaßen geeignet.

Neukunden erhalten bei Velvet AutoInvest einen kostenfreien Probemonat, in dem die automatisierten KI-Handelssignale ohne Berechnung einer Gewinnprovision getestet werden können. Nach Registrierung und Eröffnung des Broker-Accounts wird dieser mit der gewünschten Risikoklasse verbunden. Kunden behalten dabei jederzeit die volle Kontrolle und Transparenz über ihr Depot. Die Nutzung der AI-Software ist grundsätzlich kostenlos, Gebühren in Höhe von 15-25 % werden ausschließlich auf erzielte Renditen gezahlt und pro Monat abgerechnet. Velvet AutoInvest kann jederzeit ohne Kündigung deaktiviert werden.

Weitere Informationen zu Velvet Software Technologies und Velvet AutoInvest unter: https://www.vlvt.ai/de/

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Cap Expand Partners announce fresh new approach to business acquisitions, financing and exit strategies

RIEMST, Belgium, 27-Jul-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Financial consulting company Cap Expand Partners are pleased to announce a fresh new approach to business acquisitions, financing, and exit strategies. The company offers exciting windows of opportunity for mid-sized businesses considering expansion overseas, particularly in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg (Benelux), and also for independent, fundless sponsors.

According to Managing Director Sergio van Luijk, Cap Expand Partners have the experience to help businesses with insufficient resources or local expertise manage cross-border acquisitions. The company’s network of debt and equity providers are also proving invaluable to independent sponsors, for whom raising capital on a deal-by-deal basis can be time-consuming, leading to many missed transaction opportunities.

“The independent (or fundless) sponsor model is still a novelty concept, and many individuals working on transactions fail to raise the necessary funding on time,” says van Luijk, “which can be detrimental to their reputation in future deals. That’s why we encourage them to discuss financing options with us before signing a letter of intent.”

As pandemic-related lockdown measures subside, many companies are renewing their quest for growth abroad. Due to Brexit, an increasing number of foreign companies are now setting down roots in the Benelux when expanding to Europe:

“The U.K. is no longer a first port of call for many of our international clients seeking to gain foothold in Europe,” adds van Luijk. “Most companies we speak with were previously unaware of the Benelux’ favorable investment climate, which is why we are temporarily offering qualified companies affordable market entry and business valuation quickscans.”

Cap Expand Partners’ Corporate Development & Acquisition Services build upon the client’s existing strategy. At this time, the company will educate the client on local market considerations, assess the industry potential, analyze possible entry strategies, and if applicable, identify and approach potential acquisition targets. Cap Expand Partners will then manage the deal process, value the company, coordinate with existing in-house and external local counsel, draft offer letters, and conduct negotiations. Post-closing assistance and capital raisings are also offered as required.

Cap Expand Partners also help raise capital on behalf of independent sponsors. Unlike traditional private equity teams, these are experienced individuals who do not have a dedicated pool of funds and raise financing on a deal-by-deal basis to acquire and manage companies. This allows the client to focus on sourcing new deals, and creating value for the companies that they already own. Additionally, Cap Expand Partners educate their investor network on independent sponsor economics, create credibility towards counterparties, and ultimately streamline these complex transactions. The company recently published an article on the independent sponsor model.

For more information about Cap Expand Partners, or to arrange a consultation, visit the website at www.cap-expand.org.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Privus closes funding round led by Silicon Valley and New York-based Rubicon Venture Capital and by a highly regarded Toronto based investment firm

ZUG, Switzerland, 10-Oct-2018 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Privus announced today that it has closed a funding round led by Silicon Valley and New York-based Rubicon Venture Capital and by a highly regarded, Toronto based investment firm with a successful track record in business building and technology investment. The $635,000 raised also includes funding from existing investors and management and will be used to extend Privus’s enterprise software portfolio and commercial footprint, as well as to meet growing demand for its SecurLine Cloud and TurnKey solutions, in line with the company’s government and corporate focus.

SecurLine, Privus’s flagship solution, employs open-source, state-of-the-art, peer-to-peer encryption to ensure the security, privacy and quality of communications between users. SecurLine is offered on an annual, prepaid basis for unlimited use as a cloud-based application, and as a tailored, on-premise solution, allowing clients to manage their own private network. SecurLine is available for download directly from the App Store or Google Play.

“We are focused on privacy first and foremost and have developed the company and its products on that basis. That investors of the calibre of Rubicon have joined Privus is a testament to the quality of our products and to our long-term vision,” stated Henrique Corrêa da Silva, Founder and CEO of Privus. Luis Lavradio, Founder and CFO added, “I am delighted with the success of this round and that we have been able to add two new investors that complement and strengthen an already exceptional shareholder base. They will both actively reinforce our ability to open new markets and grow our business.”

Andrew Romans, General Partner of Rubicon Venture Capital said, “I was introduced to Privus by an old friend as a blockchain-based start-up, with strong existing technology that is hard to replicate and is already generating meaningful enterprise revenue that we see growing very quickly. At Rubicon we share Privus’s vision that communications should be private and free from interference or geofencing, a vision that also makes great business sense. We use SecurLine on a daily basis to ensure our business and personal calls are kept private, and look forward to the roll out of the Privum network, which will allow anyone to access the Internet privately and securely, regardless of where they happen to be. On the treasure map of blockchain and cyber-security start-ups we place a large X on Privus.”

The long-term orientation of the Canadian principal investment firm, as well as its extensive global business network, will underpin Privus’s ability to focus on building a world-class enterprise platform with privacy and digital security at its core, and consolidate its position as a global reference in privacy and digital security.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Mike Baur: Die Veränderungen im Schweizer Bankwesen veranlassen viele Fachleute der Branche dazu, den traditionellen Karriereweg zu verlassen

ZURICH, Feb-19-2017 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Mike Baur machte sich im Schweizer Bankensektor einen Namen, als er 2008 ein wichtiger Akteur bei der Privatbank Clariden Leu wurde. Er fand sich in seiner Position gut zurecht und beriet schon mit Anfang zwanzig die wohlhabendsten Einwohner der Schweiz in finanziellen Angelegenheiten.

Das Bürogebäude, in dem Baur arbeitete, war auch sehr beeindruckend. Solch ein ehrwürdiges Gebäude konnte sich natürlich nur in der sehr eleganten Bahnhofstrasse befinden. Baur bezeichnete das Gebäude als „ein Juwel“, aber die guten Zeiten, die er dort verbrachte, fanden ein Ende, als die Finanzkrise ausbrach, und die Geschäftslage wurde sehr unruhig.

In diesen schwierigen Jahren entschloss sich die Muttergesellschaft von Clariden Leu dazu, die Türen der 250 Jahre alten Einrichtung zu schließen. Daraufhin wurde Clariden Leu ein Teil ihrer Muttergesellschaft, der Credit Suisse Group AG. Das wunderschöne Bürogebäude, in dem Baur einst arbeitete, ist mittlerweile verkauft worden.

Baur hörte im Jahr 2014 bei Clariden Leu auf, um anderen Projekten nachzugehen. Bei diesen Projekten handelte es sich um Technologie-Startups. Während Clariden Leu also kurz vor dem Ende stand, hatte Baur sich bereits Größerem verschrieben.

Baurs Karriere im Bankensektor nahm zunächst einen sehr positiven Anfang. Im Alter von 16 Jahren begann er seine Karriere als Lehrling bei der UBS Group AG. In einem Treffen mit dem Personalmanager der Firma erhielt er ein Diagramm, auf dem aufgezeichnet war, wie seine gesamte Karriere bis zu seinem Ruhestand aussehen würde. Baur folgte diesem Plan und erhielt eine Beförderung nach der anderen, bis er Teil einer Gruppe wurde, die auf der Suche nach innovativen Methoden für die Anwerbung sehr wohlhabender Investoren war. Seine Strategien funktionierten und UBS begann, in einem rekordverdächtigen Tempo zu expandieren. Das hielt an, bis die Wirtschaft schließlich von der Finanzkrise getroffen wurde.

Nachdem die Regierung UBS im Jahr 2008 gerettet hatte, fing die Bank an, sich zu verkleinern. Auch die Credit Suisse musste ihre Expansionsbemühungen zurückfahren und sich darauf konzentrieren, die Bank im Geschäft zu halten. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt verließ Baur UBS, um bei Clariden Leu zu arbeiten.

Baur blieb nur sechs Jahre bei Clariden Leu. Er war soweit, seinen eigenen unternehmerischen Ideen nachzugehen und sein großes Talent in Startup-Unternehmen zu investieren. Diese Entscheidung bedeutete, dass er ein üppiges Gehalt hinter sich ließ, aber er erfuhr später, dass die Leute, die sich auf sein Accelerator Programm bewarben, auch ehemalige Bankkaufleute waren. Für Baur ist der Grund dafür sehr klar. Aufgrund der verstärkten Regulierungen, mit denen Banker im gegenwärtigen finanziellen Klima zu kämpfen haben, ist das Bankwesen mittlerweile eine weniger attraktive Karrierewahl als in der Vergangenheit.

Derzeit versinkt das Bankwesen in gesetzlichen Vorschriften und viele Rechtsskandale sind ans Licht gekommen. Dazu kommt, dass die Zinsen stark gesunken sind und Banken nicht mehr die enormen Gewinne einfahren, die sie in der Vergangenheit erwirtschaften konnten. Die Finanzbranche war in hohem Maße für die bequeme Position verantwortlich, die die Schweiz in der Welt innehat, aber die aktuelle Stimmungslage hat dazu geführt, dass sie sich in einem anderen Licht betrachten. Präsident Johann Schneider-Ammann hat vor Kurzem eingeräumt, dass es für die Schweiz an der Zeit sei, weniger risikoavers zu sein und mehr unternehmerischen Esprit zu entwickeln.

Derzeit hat es nicht den Anschein, dass das Bankwesen sich in diese Richtung bewegt, da die Branche 2015 weniger als fünf Prozent zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Schweiz beigetragen hat. Das Beschäftigungswachstum in der Branche sank auch unter das Niveau des Beschäftigungswachstums in der Bau- und Immobilienbranche.

Mike Baur erkannte die Gelegenheit und machte sich die Talente, die der Bankenbrache abhanden gehen, zunutze. Er entwickelte eine Methode, um diesen Leuten zu helfen, ihre Karrieremöglichkeiten abseits des Bankensektors zu realisieren.

Es scheint, dass Baur und seine Kunden viel gemeinsam haben. Er war Teil einer traditionellen Branche, aber er hatte nicht immer das Gefühl, dass seine Ideen sehr traditionell waren. Es fiel ihm nicht schwer, seinen Job bei UBS hinter sich zu lassen, weil er dort seine kreative unternehmerische Seite nicht fördern konnte.

Das Unternehmen, das er gegründet hat, nennt sich „Swiss Startup Factory“. Er hat sein Unternehmen eine „Fabrik“ genannt, weil er die Absicht hat, Menschen dabei zu helfen, aus ihren Ideen erfolgreiche Unternehmen aufzubauen. Er betrachtet seine Aufgabe als eine Art Hersteller, der neue Unternehmen für den Markt „herstellt“.

Der andere Grund, der „Herstellung“ zu einem guten Wort für Baurs Unternehmen macht, ist seine Überzeugung, dass die jungen Leute, die mit ihm arbeiten, hart arbeiten müssen. Er hat in seinen Jahren als Banker viele wohlhabende Menschen kennengelernt und er glaubt, dass sie dazu neigen, nicht hart genug zu arbeiten, um Erfolg zu haben.

In dieser Branche gibt es andere Gründerzentren, aber Baur besteht darauf, dass sein Unternehmen anders ist. Der Hauptunterschied liegt darin, dass er und die anderen Gründer der Swiss Startup Factory ihr eigenes Geld in das Unternehmen investiert haben, sie wollen also wirklich erfolgreich sein. Sein Unternehmen ist zudem unabhängig und das macht einen riesigen Unterschied, weil sie so nicht durch die Agenda einer bestimmten Person eingegrenzt werden. Jeder einzelne ist wichtig.

Baur hat verlauten lassen, was seiner Meinung nach die Stärken sowie die Schwächen seines Unternehmens sind. Die Stärke der Swiss Startup Factory ist die Tatsache, dass es ein hochinnovatives Unternehmen ist. Seine Schwäche ist, dass sie Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung ihrer Strategien haben. Er glaubt auch, dass sie daran arbeiten müssen, den Investoren die Chancen und Möglichkeiten auf professionellere Art und Weise zu präsentieren, damit diese Investoren mit mehr Begeisterung mit seinem Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten.

Unter dem Strich kann man sagen, dass Mike Baur sein Unternehmen mit Leidenschaft führt und hart daran arbeitet, seine Ziele zu verwirklichen. Er glaubt, dass dies die zwei Faktoren sind, die in jeder Branche zum Erfolg führen. Es schadet natürlich nicht, dass er das liebt, was er tut.

Mike Baur glaubt, dass man Menschen beibringen kann, was ein Unternehmer ist, aber dass man ihnen nicht die Mentalität beibringen kann, die man als Unternehmer braucht. Laut Baur wird man entweder mit der unternehmerischen Mentalität geboren oder eben nicht.

In Zukunft möchte Baur, dass sein Unternehmen der Schweiz etwas zurückgibt. Er und seine Partner leisten schon ihren Beitrag, aber er sieht in diesem Bereich noch Verbesserungspotenzial und wird weiter daran arbeiten, einen positiven Einfluss auf das Ökosystem der Schweizer Geschäftswelt zu haben.

‘SOURCE: EuropaWire

Securities Based Funding, Inc. Announces A Unique Financing Advantage To Borrowers Against The Value Of Their Securities Portfolio

Securities Based Funding, Inc. announces a unique financing advantage to borrowers against the value of their securities portfolio at below-market, simple interest, fixed rate loans ranging from 2.5% to 4.5%.

These   non-recourse   loans will assist Domestic and international buyers, sellers and developers of properties worldwide. The loan proceeds can be used for any purpose except to buy securities or carry securities in a margin account.

Despite the credit crunch and while access to liquidity through traditional capital markets is difficult in today’s uncertain economy, security-based loans enable borrowers to access liquidity at below-market rates by pledging the securities they own as collateral for the loan. Securities based loans offer residential and commercial real estate owners and developers, a viable alternative, that are being frozen out of the market, by their banks and traditional sources of financing.

Eligible securities are publicly trades stocks, bonds, tradable mutual funds, unit investment and real estate investment trusts as well as foreign positions on international exchanges. Ineligible securities include, privately held stocks, securities held in retirement accounts, such as, IRAs and 401Ks. The borrower retains all upside market appreciation and receives any dividends or interest to which the securities are entitled. Loan to security values (LTV) range from 35% up to 80%. The more liquid and actively trades the securities, the higher the LTV.

Securities Based Funding, Inc. represents a full-service, private, nonpurpose, direct lender that specializes in securities-based lending with investors in need of prompt funding. Terms are based on the evaluation of the risk and future performance associated with the stocks, bonds or U.S. Treasuries to be pledged as collateral to maximize and maintain complete yet proprietary flexibility of the equity-loan process.

Successful stock-lending transactions have been executed involving the American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ National Stock Market, NASDAQ Small-Cap Stock market, New York Stock Exchange, Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board and foreign exchanges.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Jeff Nabers, CEO Of Nabers Group, Cautions Against The Use Of 401(k), IRA Rollovers As A Financing Strategy For A Business Start-up

One unforeseen consequence of the current recession has been the increasing number of Americans who have stumbled into entrepreneurship after losing their jobs to round after round of layoffs. Many of these people have taken one look at a job market where the unemployment rate is nearly 20% in some regions and decided to start their own businesses. It’s a bold move and certainly there is something very admirable about the idea, but also a risky one, with about half failing in the first few years; making financing a small business start-up something, which should be done with great care.

There are a lot of people who think of using 401(k) or IRA rollovers as a source of financing the start-up costs of a new business or to cover the purchase of an existing one. While you may see a lot of praise for these plans (called ROBS for Roll Over Business Start-up by the IRS), especially online where their proponents try to sell would-be entrepreneurs on the merits of this form of financing, many financial industry experts strongly recommend thinking again about using your IRA or 401(k) to fund your small business.

One of these financial experts is Jeff Nabers, CEO of the Denver financial planning company Nabers Group. Nabers has written about how ROBS work and their risks on his blog, where he warns against using these financing vehicles.

“It’s entirely understandable that people are tempted by ROBS; the recession hasn’t made small business financing easy to come by and there are more Americans than ever trying to start their own businesses. However, there are a lot of risks associated with using IRA and 401(k) rollovers. Beyond the old diversification maxim of ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ the legality of the ROBS strategy has been on shaky ground. There’s a basic rule that prohibits “self dealing” for any retirement account participant, but ROBS promoters have attempted to skirt this by creating a loophole that claims a special exemption. Unfortunately, a government ruling from 2006 closed that loophole. ROBS structures could face a stiff penalty, which amounts to approximately 115% of your retirement funds,” says Nabers.

“It’s a subject that is somewhat controversial in the financial services industry, but as I have been informed by government officials and my legal counsel, the 2006 ruling means ROBS no longer occupies a legal gray area even. I can’t recommend these to my clients in good conscience. I don’t see a bright future for this strategy of funding, to put it mildly,” added Nabers.

Jeff Nabers isn’t alone in sounding the alarm about ROBS and other rollover schemes – there has been a lot of concern expressed by financial experts in the last year. Previously, ROBS was considered high risk, but as Nabers’ put it, “My recent DOL meeting was the nail in the coffin of the ROBS loophole.”

Nabers unabashedly encourages entrepreneurship in spite of the government’s unfavorable stance on ROBS. His message to would-be ROBS users is: “Start and fund your venture anyway [without ROBS]. You can still raise money from others, including from their IRA and 401(k) accounts. Frankly, that is actually a surer path to success because raising money from others will cause you to be more thorough in your business planning.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

St Peter Port Capital Limited, An AIM Listed Investment Company Announces Its Preliminary Results For Its Second Year Of Investment

St Peter Port Capital Limited (the “Company” or “St Peter Port”), the AIM listed investment company whose aim is to generate value by investing predominantly in growth companies shortly before an initial public offering (“IPO”) or other exit event, announces its preliminary results for its second year of investment..

St Peter Port Capital Limited


• 36 investee companies at year end

• realised to date, £22.5m in cash f r o m investee companies, generating a gain on investment of 39%

• following the year end, a further £5.67m invested in five companies, two of which are new to the portfolio

• NAV of 105.6p per share, up 3.1% over the year

• profit of £877,000 (2008: £3.69m), eps of 1.2p (2008: 4.9p)

Bob Morton, Chairman of St Peter Port, said:
“I am pleased to report that the Company has weathered the storm and maintained the net a s s e t value of the portfolio. We believe that many of the companies within the portfolio have considerable upside potential in a portfolio of high risk/high reward companies.”

Tim Childs, Chief Executive of St Peter Port Investment Management Limited, said:
“As at the 14 July 2009, we had £16.6m to invest in new opportunities and follow-on investments. Competition is limited and we are therefore being offered these on attractive terms.”

St Peter Port Capital Limited floated on AIM on 16 April 2007, raising £75m in new equity. The Company is a Guernsey registered closed-ended investment company. The Company’s objective is to achieve returns f r o m the uplift on or shortly after IPO, but the exit f r o m the investment could also be a trade sale. The universe for investment is principally companies across a broad range of sectors and geography expecting to conduct an IPO or achieve a trade sale or other liquidity event in the months after the Company’s investment. However, in current conditions, it may also include companies which are already public whose value is not properly recognised by stock markets. The initial focus is on companies targeting UK, US and Commonwealth stock markets although pre-IPO companies looking to float on other exchanges will also be considered. The Company appointed St Peter Port Investment Management Limited, a joint venture between Broughton Investments Group Limited (“Broughton”), a company in which Tim Childs is interested, and Shore Capital Limited (“Shore Capital”), the absolute return fund management specialist which currently manages approximately £1.4 billion, to act as its investment manager (“the Investment Manager”).

Learn more about Shore Capital :
Google: Shore Capital share price info –
Linkedin:Shore Capital information –
FT: Shore Capital Profile –
Puma Hotels:Shore Capital

Chairman’s Statement


Although our second year of investment was a year of unprecedented difficulty for financial markets around the world, I am pleased to report that the Company has weathered this storm well. It has maintained the net a s s e t value of its portfolio which includes a number of companies with considerable upside potential.

Investment Environment and Portfolio Composition

St Peter Port was relatively fully invested at the start of 2008/9, having invested most of the funds raised at flotation in the previous year. A number of companies in which we had invested were coming to market shortly or otherwise close to a liquidity event such as a trade sale. The portfolio accumulated in the first year was weighted its towards three sectors: oil and gas exploration and production; mining and resources and renewable energy/clean technology, reflecting suitable opportunities which had been identified for St Peter Port’s strategy. At the start of 2008/9 St Peter Port held stakes in 41 companies.

During the earlier part of 2008/9, commodity prices remained high, giving rise to a number of flotations and other exit opportunities. Wherever possible, as described in the report below, the Investment Manager took full advantage of these to release cash. Over the same period the Company redeemed nearly all its hedge fund holdings other than one much reduced holding in a third party fund of funds which has staged redemption arrangements. However, after the banking crisis became extreme in September 2008 the opportunities for achieving exits vanished and only began tentatively to return since the year end.

Given the extent of the turmoil in financial markets, and its impact on the global economy, the Company refrained f r o m making any further investments in the second half of 2008/9. This reflected the conditions for a number of months in which markets – were unable to find any sort of equilibrium.

Investments and Realisations during the Year

During the first half of 2008/9, the Company invested a further £14.9m in nine companies, two of the investments being follow-ons. The focus of these investments shifted f r o m a possible exit through flotation to investments where there was a credible expectation of a liquidity event in any form within a relatively short period, such as a trade sale or repayment of a loan.

To date the Company has realised over £22.5 million through disposals (over £22 million in 2008/9), generating a gain on investment of 39 per cent. This was largely derived f r o m six investments which were wholly or substantially realised during the year and one other which was partially realised.

Share Buy-Back

Shortly before the year end the Company bought back 1.95m of its own shares at 30p per share. These shares are currently being held in treasury. As discussed below, the effect of this buy-back was to enhance net a s s e t value per share.

Basis of Valuation for Financial Results

Determining the Company’s financial results for the year is an exercise largely dependent on an assessment of the fair value of each investment held. Where investments are now quoted, there is an external basis for determining fair value and we have valued holdings at the bid price of the shares. Where this is not available IFRS rules require us to select a fair value.

Values of our oil and gas and resource stocks are influenced by a number of factors, including company progress, exchange rates and commodity prices. Where we have invested in a mining or petroleum project, when the company receives positive results f r o m drilling geological investigation this should lead to a rise in value. We report in sterling but many of our investments were made in foreign currency. Even where this was not the case, the value of the investment is frequently determined by reference to dollar values rather than sterling. We have also taken account of any pre-defined uplift on a liquidity event; in some cases we have written investments down heavily and in others written them up.

Financial Results

The Company made a profit in the year of £877,000 (2007/8: £3.69m), generating earnings per share of 1.2p (2007/8: 4.9p). Income arose largely f r o m the net gains in fair value of investments of £2.51m (2007/8: £4.57m).

Net a s s e t s at year end were largely unchanged f r o m the previous year at £77.13m (31 March 2008: £76.84m). However, net a s s e t value per share increased by 3.1 per cent to 105.58p (31 March 2008: 102.45p), largely as a result of the share buy-back.

Balance Sheet

As at 31 March 2009, the Company held £54.3m in investments in companies, being equity investments and loan instruments (31 March 2008: £55.9m). Nearly all of the remaining balance sheet was in cash, £22.6m (31 March 2008: £12.5m – including commercial paper), the principal difference being that £8.7m was held in hedge funds at 31 March 2008, which was reduced to £130,000 at the year end.

Activity since the Year End

Since the year end conditions have become more stable and the Company has resumed making new investments, described below in the Investment Manager’s report. Three of these investments are follow-ons into companies in which we were already shareholders and the other two are new investments. The pricing of each of these reflects the depressed market conditions which currently prevail and offer the prospects of significant uplifts on exit.

As a result of these investments since the year end, the Company, as at the 14 July 2009, held £16.6m in cash and available for investment. We therefore have the cash to cherry pick f r o m the best of our existing portfolio and new opportunities at a time when many potential participants are illiquid.

The investment climate has become less volatile and commodity prices have recovered substantially since their lows around the turn of 2008. Competition in our area f r o m other funders is limited. We believe that many of the companies within the portfolio have considerable upside potential in a portfolio of high risk/high reward companies. The Board views the future with confidence.

Bob Morton

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Securities Based Funding, Inc. Announces A Unique Financing Advantage To Borrowers Against The Value Of Their Securities Portfolio

Securities Based Funding, Inc. announces a unique financing advantage to borrowers against the value of their securities portfolio at below-market, simple interest, fixed rate loans ranging from 2.5% to 4.5%. These non-recourse loans will assist buyers, sellers and developers of properties worldwide. The loan proceeds can be used for any purpose except to buy securities or carry securities in a margin account.

Securities Based Funding, Inc.

Despite the credit crunch and while access to liquidity through traditional capital markets is difficult in today’s uncertain economy, security-based loans enable borrowers to access liquidity at below-market rates by pledging the securities they own as collateral for the loan.

Eligible securities are publicly trades stocks, bonds, tradable mutual funds, unit investment and real estate investment trusts as well as foreign positions on international exchanges. Ineligible securities include, privately held stocks, securities held in retirement accounts, such as, IRAs and 401Ks. The borrower retains all upside market appreciation and receives any dividends or interest to which the securities are entitled. Loan to security values (LTV) range from 35% up to 80%. The more liquid and actively trades the securities, the higher the LTV.

Securities Based Funding, Inc. represents a full-service, private, nonpurpose, direct lender that specializes in securities-based lending with investors in need of prompt funding. Terms are based on the evaluation of the risk and future performance associated with the stocks, bonds or U.S. Treasuries to be pledged as collateral to maximize and maintain complete yet proprietary flexibility of the equity-loan process.

Successful stock-lending transactions have been executed involving the American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ National Stock Market, NASDAQ Small-Cap Stock market, New York Stock Exchange, Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board and foreign exchanges.

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New Software Helps Entrepreneurs Find Venture Funds

Commonwealth Capital Advisors (CCA) reached yet another milestone when it released a new software module of Financial Architect® Venture Producer™. Venture Producer™ is revolutionizing the way start-up and early-stage Venture/Hedge Funds are raising substantial amounts of capital using the techniques of Wall Street investment banks.

Venture Producer™ is an addition to the highly acclaimed Financial Architect® family of programs, which simplify equity financing for start-up and early-stage companies and Funds. The easy-to-use software based Venture Producer™ generates the required securities offering documents and investor leads, which enable start-up and early stage Venture and Hedge Fund managers raise and manage an unlimited amount of capital for their management companies as well as their venture or hedge funds.

CCA is an eleven-year-old investment banking advisory firm comprised of Wall Street Investment Bankers, Securities Attorneys and CPAs who invented Financial Architect®, a patent pending system designed to substantially reduce the cost (in time and money) of raising capital, through the selling of securities.

“The goals of Financial Architect®, and the module we’re announcing for Venture/Hedge Funds are simple,” said Timothy Hogan, CCA’s Chairman and CEO. “We want to help experienced professional entrepreneurs involved in and or desiring to break into the very lucrative fields of venture capital, mutual and hedge fund management industries to significantly lower the costs and increase the speed of raising equity capital. Just as important, we want to provide these professional management teams with an easy-to-use expert system that will enable them to choose the right deal structure for capital they need and manage those funds in compliance with federal and state securities laws, rules and regulations.”

“We believe there’s significant and growing demand among entrepreneurs for control over their financing strategies. The software components of Financial Architect® are designed to meet this ‘do-it-yourself’ approach,” he concluded.

More importantly, Commonwealth Capital Advisors has developed and now provides Financial Architect® as the Premier Expert System for start-up, early-stage and seasoned companies, that seek capital. The patent pending, software based, Financial Architect® is a system and method of reducing the cost of raising capital, as so states the abstract of its patent application.

Financial Architect® enables entrepreneurs to: valuate their company pre and post-money; create “marketable deal structures” for securities to be offered that are designed sell into today’s private equity markets; create the required securities offering documents compliant with federal and state securities laws, rules and regulations; and access to accredited “angel” investors, private equity funds, hedge funds, registered investment advisors, broker-dealers and many other sources of capital, around the world, that have a specific interest in funding start-up and early-stage companies. Access to investors, more Wall Street secrets and techniques, as well as, regulatory guidance is located in the password-protected “Commonwealth Capital Club” located on CCA’s website and is part of Financial Architect®.

“When it comes to raising capital, there are no guarantees — only degrees of probability. To further ensure success, simply increase the probability to the highest degree possible. Financial Architect® is designed to increase your probability of raising capital to the highest degree possible. How can we make such a claim? Because this is the Wall Street process and without it, Wall Street wouldn’t exist. We’ve simply brought the “Wall Street” process to “Main Street” companies.” Timothy D. Hogan, Founder & CEO: Commonwealth Capital Advisors

“When it comes to raising capital, there is no simpler way to explain how to effectively raise substantial amounts of capital while maintaining voting control. If you read just the first 2-Chapters of the Ebook, “The Secrets of Wall St. – Raising Capital for Start-Up and Early Stage Companies,” it would be time well spent. By doing so, you will be able to make an informed decision if our process is right for your company’s capital raising needs. At a minimum, you will save a significant amount of time, money and headaches trying to figure out how the world of capital really works,” Hogan concluded.

If you have not been through the process before and have a limited appreciation and understanding of it, then we suggest you educate yourself first, by reading the abridged edition of: “The Secrets of Wall Street — Raising Capital for Start-Up and Early Stage Companies.” (It’s Complimentary)

Entrepreneurs around the world are revolutionizing the way capital is raised using Financial Architect®.


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Angel Investors Take Control of the Economic Stimulus Plan to Create Jobs

The Southeast Private Equity Conference (SPEC) is seeking dynamic high growth companies in search of angel investors and venture capital to present their business opportunity at the acclaimed SPEC 2009 scheduled for April 14 and April 15 in Atlanta, GA.

Conference coordinator, Karen Rands, states “the market for angel investors and early stage venture capital is on the rebound and SPEC is at the forefront in bringing these communities together to create an environment where innovative companies connect with capital, investors and resources. The response f r o m investors for early registrations to attend SPEC 2009 has been impressive and indicative of their optimism for an economic upswing.” Investors f r o m across the East coast and as far away as Detroit, Dallas and Silicon Valley have made plans to attend this particular conference for three very important reasons:

1) SPEC targets early stage and emerging growth companies that have viable business models so the valuations are still low enough to garner a significant multiple on their investment at exit.
2) The location for SPEC is a more intimate setting than most conferences held at big hotels so they can maximize the effectiveness of their time at the conference by making the strategic connections critical to their business objectives.
3) The timing of SPEC fits with busy schedules to make a two day trip with only one night stay over in Atlanta.

Companies interested in participating in this year’s event are encouraged to submit their proposals by March 15, 2009. Early Bird discount pricing savings for investors, strategic service providers, and entrepreneurs expires Feb 25, 2009. Special travel rates are available through Travelocity and Expedia to travel to Atlanta. Hotel information, application, accommodations, agenda and registration information can be found online at seprivateequity.org.

SPEC will showcase the most promising emerging growth and technology companies f r o m across the United States, providing these companies with unmatched exposure to a national audience of venture capitalists, accredited investors, investment bankers, fund managers, angel investors, corporate and private equity investors representing over $560 million in investment capital. The conference offers exclusive networking opportunities, an exhibition area, featured speakers, and investor and entrepreneur break-out sessions.

The conference is unique in bringing together early stage companies and capital sources while blending a tradeshow environment with deal flow presentations and entrepreneur and investor education. Held at the trendy 103 West in Buckhead, Georgia, SPEC 2009 creates an environment that is conducive for networking and deal making.

Investors are treated to the best in culinary creations and comfort as they mix and mingle with other investors and the CEOs of the hottest emerging growth companies in the Southeast. Investors will view unique investment opportunities to rebuild slumping portfolios and will have a direct impact on the economy by creating needed jobs with the growth of these early stage companies.

The recession had already begun when the inaugural Southeast Private Equity Conference kicked off in April 2008. Over 100 investors attended that event to preview 40 of the most exciting high growth companies of 2008. Many deals were initiated and millions of dollars were invested to help those companies act on their market opportunities. Angel Investor Michael Horton had this to say about SPEC 2008, “Congratulations on a superb job on SPEC — great organization, many interesting companies and an attendance that far exceeded my expectations.” To learn more about what investors and entrepreneurs experienced in 2008, view testimonials at seprivateequity.org/success.html.

Atlanta is rapidly becoming the hotbed of innovation and capital formation in the Southeast. Three venture capital oriented forums are scheduled for 2009. The Southeast Private Equity Conference (SPEC) differs f r o m the larger conferences, SEVC and Venture Atlanta, in 4 ways that are important to both investors and early stage companies:

1) An intimate setting at a 103 West maximizes the connections made between investors and entrepreneurs.
2) The use of breakout sessions to educate both investors and entrepreneurs brings additional value to attendees.
3) The blend of formal venture deal presentations in the Innovative Company Showcase and the reverse capital marketplace set in the Capital Expo helps investors easily find the companies they want to talk with about investing.
4) With the Fast Pitch segment scheduled during the VIP reception in the Capital Expo, investors will get a highlight of each company and opportunity to identify those they want to spend more time with the following day following full presentations by selected companies in the Innovative Company Showcase.

Sponsors interested in reaching investors of all types and entrepreneurs of high growth potential companies should consider choosing a SPEC sponsorship level that fits their budget. SPEC offers a great value for sponsors looking to reach this target audience during a tight economic time. Information on sponsorship levels and benefits can be found at seprivateequity.org./sponsorship.html.

With investors looking for ways to rebuild their losses f r o m recent market fluctuations and entrepreneurs seeking capital to bring tremendous innovation and job growth opportunity to the market, the Southeast Private Equity Conference (SPEC) is poised to be a pivotal event to have profound impact on the market. Earlybird tickets are now on sale for this very important event at seprivateequity.org.

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Venulum’s Master Fund Has Risen Up The Bloomberg Ranks To Third Place Overall

Venulum, a multinational private wealth management firm, has reported that its Master Fund, consisting of Venulum Property Investment Limited, Venulum LLC and Venulum Property Limited, is now ranked third by Bloomberg across all mortgage backed arbitrage funds in all jurisdictions.

The excellent returns produced by Venulum Property Investment helped lift the overall performance across the funds. The performance was considered to be a strong reflection of the group’s strength by Giles Cadman, Chairman of The Venulum Group.

“We have an established team who utilise their skill and experience to create value,” Mr Cadman explained. “In rising markets it can be very easy to make strong returns, but when market conditions deteriorate you need to have the ability to add value. We often get criticised by our competitors in the property market for not taking enough risk, but as the last few months have proved, markets can change and wipe out value very quickly.”

CFO of Venulum Group, Richard Lowden, was instrumental in the listing of Venulum’s funds with Bloomberg. “Venulum is a private company owned by a family trust and we invest on behalf of private individuals, so the opportunities to compare our returns with competing funds are limited” he explains. “When our administrators, Folio suggested we register our funds with Bloomberg we thought it would be a great opportunity. The listings are not in the public domain because the funds are privately held, but brokers and independent financial advisors who subscribe to a Bloomberg terminal have access.”

The process involves significant due diligence carried out by Bloomberg on Venulum and the Private Placement Memorandums of the funds, and it is then the responsibility of Folio to update the monthly share prices.

Mr Lowden is confident that the funds will hold up well in the downturn. “Our wine business is run by exceptional people who have a very clear investment strategy to take advantage of price movements and we have taken the risk out of our property business by focusing on the public sector housing market and investing exceptionally cautiously over the past two years, in expectation of the current downturn.”

About Venulum:
The Venulum Group is a multinational private wealth management firm headquartered in the British Virgin Islands. The Group manages the wealth of high net worth individuals, and specialises in alternative investments often not available to the general public. Venulum helps high net worth individuals balance their portfolios.

The Venulum Group was formed in 2002, and has expanded to include offices in four countries, with service offices in a further two. Since 2002 Venulum’s client base has expanded rapidly, and now has a substantial number of United States based clients.

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