Tag Archives: banking


Mike Baur: Die Veränderungen im Schweizer Bankwesen veranlassen viele Fachleute der Branche dazu, den traditionellen Karriereweg zu verlassen

ZURICH, Feb-19-2017 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Mike Baur machte sich im Schweizer Bankensektor einen Namen, als er 2008 ein wichtiger Akteur bei der Privatbank Clariden Leu wurde. Er fand sich in seiner Position gut zurecht und beriet schon mit Anfang zwanzig die wohlhabendsten Einwohner der Schweiz in finanziellen Angelegenheiten.

Das Bürogebäude, in dem Baur arbeitete, war auch sehr beeindruckend. Solch ein ehrwürdiges Gebäude konnte sich natürlich nur in der sehr eleganten Bahnhofstrasse befinden. Baur bezeichnete das Gebäude als „ein Juwel“, aber die guten Zeiten, die er dort verbrachte, fanden ein Ende, als die Finanzkrise ausbrach, und die Geschäftslage wurde sehr unruhig.

In diesen schwierigen Jahren entschloss sich die Muttergesellschaft von Clariden Leu dazu, die Türen der 250 Jahre alten Einrichtung zu schließen. Daraufhin wurde Clariden Leu ein Teil ihrer Muttergesellschaft, der Credit Suisse Group AG. Das wunderschöne Bürogebäude, in dem Baur einst arbeitete, ist mittlerweile verkauft worden.

Baur hörte im Jahr 2014 bei Clariden Leu auf, um anderen Projekten nachzugehen. Bei diesen Projekten handelte es sich um Technologie-Startups. Während Clariden Leu also kurz vor dem Ende stand, hatte Baur sich bereits Größerem verschrieben.

Baurs Karriere im Bankensektor nahm zunächst einen sehr positiven Anfang. Im Alter von 16 Jahren begann er seine Karriere als Lehrling bei der UBS Group AG. In einem Treffen mit dem Personalmanager der Firma erhielt er ein Diagramm, auf dem aufgezeichnet war, wie seine gesamte Karriere bis zu seinem Ruhestand aussehen würde. Baur folgte diesem Plan und erhielt eine Beförderung nach der anderen, bis er Teil einer Gruppe wurde, die auf der Suche nach innovativen Methoden für die Anwerbung sehr wohlhabender Investoren war. Seine Strategien funktionierten und UBS begann, in einem rekordverdächtigen Tempo zu expandieren. Das hielt an, bis die Wirtschaft schließlich von der Finanzkrise getroffen wurde.

Nachdem die Regierung UBS im Jahr 2008 gerettet hatte, fing die Bank an, sich zu verkleinern. Auch die Credit Suisse musste ihre Expansionsbemühungen zurückfahren und sich darauf konzentrieren, die Bank im Geschäft zu halten. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt verließ Baur UBS, um bei Clariden Leu zu arbeiten.

Baur blieb nur sechs Jahre bei Clariden Leu. Er war soweit, seinen eigenen unternehmerischen Ideen nachzugehen und sein großes Talent in Startup-Unternehmen zu investieren. Diese Entscheidung bedeutete, dass er ein üppiges Gehalt hinter sich ließ, aber er erfuhr später, dass die Leute, die sich auf sein Accelerator Programm bewarben, auch ehemalige Bankkaufleute waren. Für Baur ist der Grund dafür sehr klar. Aufgrund der verstärkten Regulierungen, mit denen Banker im gegenwärtigen finanziellen Klima zu kämpfen haben, ist das Bankwesen mittlerweile eine weniger attraktive Karrierewahl als in der Vergangenheit.

Derzeit versinkt das Bankwesen in gesetzlichen Vorschriften und viele Rechtsskandale sind ans Licht gekommen. Dazu kommt, dass die Zinsen stark gesunken sind und Banken nicht mehr die enormen Gewinne einfahren, die sie in der Vergangenheit erwirtschaften konnten. Die Finanzbranche war in hohem Maße für die bequeme Position verantwortlich, die die Schweiz in der Welt innehat, aber die aktuelle Stimmungslage hat dazu geführt, dass sie sich in einem anderen Licht betrachten. Präsident Johann Schneider-Ammann hat vor Kurzem eingeräumt, dass es für die Schweiz an der Zeit sei, weniger risikoavers zu sein und mehr unternehmerischen Esprit zu entwickeln.

Derzeit hat es nicht den Anschein, dass das Bankwesen sich in diese Richtung bewegt, da die Branche 2015 weniger als fünf Prozent zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Schweiz beigetragen hat. Das Beschäftigungswachstum in der Branche sank auch unter das Niveau des Beschäftigungswachstums in der Bau- und Immobilienbranche.

Mike Baur erkannte die Gelegenheit und machte sich die Talente, die der Bankenbrache abhanden gehen, zunutze. Er entwickelte eine Methode, um diesen Leuten zu helfen, ihre Karrieremöglichkeiten abseits des Bankensektors zu realisieren.

Es scheint, dass Baur und seine Kunden viel gemeinsam haben. Er war Teil einer traditionellen Branche, aber er hatte nicht immer das Gefühl, dass seine Ideen sehr traditionell waren. Es fiel ihm nicht schwer, seinen Job bei UBS hinter sich zu lassen, weil er dort seine kreative unternehmerische Seite nicht fördern konnte.

Das Unternehmen, das er gegründet hat, nennt sich „Swiss Startup Factory“. Er hat sein Unternehmen eine „Fabrik“ genannt, weil er die Absicht hat, Menschen dabei zu helfen, aus ihren Ideen erfolgreiche Unternehmen aufzubauen. Er betrachtet seine Aufgabe als eine Art Hersteller, der neue Unternehmen für den Markt „herstellt“.

Der andere Grund, der „Herstellung“ zu einem guten Wort für Baurs Unternehmen macht, ist seine Überzeugung, dass die jungen Leute, die mit ihm arbeiten, hart arbeiten müssen. Er hat in seinen Jahren als Banker viele wohlhabende Menschen kennengelernt und er glaubt, dass sie dazu neigen, nicht hart genug zu arbeiten, um Erfolg zu haben.

In dieser Branche gibt es andere Gründerzentren, aber Baur besteht darauf, dass sein Unternehmen anders ist. Der Hauptunterschied liegt darin, dass er und die anderen Gründer der Swiss Startup Factory ihr eigenes Geld in das Unternehmen investiert haben, sie wollen also wirklich erfolgreich sein. Sein Unternehmen ist zudem unabhängig und das macht einen riesigen Unterschied, weil sie so nicht durch die Agenda einer bestimmten Person eingegrenzt werden. Jeder einzelne ist wichtig.

Baur hat verlauten lassen, was seiner Meinung nach die Stärken sowie die Schwächen seines Unternehmens sind. Die Stärke der Swiss Startup Factory ist die Tatsache, dass es ein hochinnovatives Unternehmen ist. Seine Schwäche ist, dass sie Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung ihrer Strategien haben. Er glaubt auch, dass sie daran arbeiten müssen, den Investoren die Chancen und Möglichkeiten auf professionellere Art und Weise zu präsentieren, damit diese Investoren mit mehr Begeisterung mit seinem Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten.

Unter dem Strich kann man sagen, dass Mike Baur sein Unternehmen mit Leidenschaft führt und hart daran arbeitet, seine Ziele zu verwirklichen. Er glaubt, dass dies die zwei Faktoren sind, die in jeder Branche zum Erfolg führen. Es schadet natürlich nicht, dass er das liebt, was er tut.

Mike Baur glaubt, dass man Menschen beibringen kann, was ein Unternehmer ist, aber dass man ihnen nicht die Mentalität beibringen kann, die man als Unternehmer braucht. Laut Baur wird man entweder mit der unternehmerischen Mentalität geboren oder eben nicht.

In Zukunft möchte Baur, dass sein Unternehmen der Schweiz etwas zurückgibt. Er und seine Partner leisten schon ihren Beitrag, aber er sieht in diesem Bereich noch Verbesserungspotenzial und wird weiter daran arbeiten, einen positiven Einfluss auf das Ökosystem der Schweizer Geschäftswelt zu haben.

‘SOURCE: EuropaWire

Wealth Managers – Reasons to Own Gold Bullion

Gold is undervalued. Why? The main reason is inflation. Rising prices eat away at your income and purchasing power whether you know it or not. Gold that sold for $850 per ounce in 1980 would be worth approximately $4,000 to $5,000 today when you adjust for inflation. So Gold today is a steal by historical standards. Another way to determine the real value of Gold is to compare it to the stock market. In October of 2007, Gold was selling for roughly $750 an ounce. Meanwhile, the Dow Jones Industrial Average soared to approximately 14,000. Do the math. This means you needed 18.66 ounces of Gold to buy the Dow. Now fast forward to the present. If Gold sells for about $1600 an ounce while the Dow trades around 13,000, then it only costs 8.12 ounces of Gold to buy the Dow. It’s just one more reason why Gold is cheap by historical standards — and why Gold will continue to rise.

Gold is a life preserver for investors when prices rise and currencies decline as well as during periods of economic crisis. With the United States and other nations now printing money to spend their way out of recession, conditions are ripe for rising inflation and a declining dollar. That’s why more and more investors are going with Gold to protect and grow their wealth.

Demand for Gold is growing. It’s not only because smart investors are turning to it as the best way to protect and grow their wealth. There are many other reasons as well. Demand for Gold is also rising because millions of people in China and India are buying Gold as they join the ranks of the middle class at an unprecedented rate. Meanwhile, many central banks are buying Gold as a way of reducing their exposure to a declining U.S. dollar. That’s what’s happening on the demand side. Now consider supply. Gold mines can’t dig enough of the stuff out of the ground to keep up with rising demand. It’s Economics 101. It’s supply and demand. The conditions are now in place for Gold to spike.

Wel believe gold should be considered as an investment for the clients of wealth managers. Richard W. Davey Organization is a consulting firm that helps wealth managers of financial institutions purchase gold bullion on behalf of their clients.

Via EPR Network
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Tom Holcom Receives ‘Outstanding Civilian Service Medal’ from U.S. Army

Tom Holcom, chief executive officer of Pioneer Services, was presented with the U.S. Army’s “Outstanding Civilian Service Medal” Oct. 5, 2010, during a special celebration of his 25 years with the company. The award was presented to Holcom by retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Robert Arter.

Holcom was recognized for his work in helping to found the Command General Staff College Foundation (CGSCF) at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., which supports the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) in the development of tomorrow’s military leaders. He was instrumental in helping the CGSCF obtain tax-exempt status, and was elected the foundation’s first president.

“Tom has displayed extraordinary leadership, enabling the Foundation to develop into one of the most successful supporting foundations in history,” said Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen, the current commander of the Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, which includes the CGSC. “His dedication and selfless service reflect great credit upon him, the Combined Arms Center, and the United States Army.”

Past recipients include Sgt. Audie Murphy, the most decorated service member in American military history; E.N.J. Carter, creator of the “Be All You Can Be” slogan; and ninth Sergeant Major of the Army Richard A. Kidd.

Pioneer Services, the military banking division of MidCountry Bank, provides financial services and award-winning education to members of the Armed Forces. For more than 20 years, Pioneer Services has been a leader in military lending, offering military loans, retail lending, VA loans, and award-winning financial education programs through a network of offices and on the Internet. Pioneer Services is proud to support military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

MidCountry Bank Names Steve Meads New President

MidCountry Bank has named financial industry veteran Steve Meads as its new president. Meads is now responsible for leading the growth of the bank in each of the communities it serves.

“We are very excited to have such an exceptional individual on our team who demonstrates the characteristics for which our company was built: local community spirit, and our core values of integrity, honesty, fairness, compassion and excellence,” said Bob Hatcher , CEO MidCountry Financial Corp , the bank’s holding company.

Meads graduated from Carleton College with a BA in Economics and also earned his MBA in Finance from the University of Wisconsin. He has nearly 25 years of financial services industry experience, most recently serving as President and CEO of Bremer Bank in the Twin Cities. He also is the Chairman of the YMCA of Greater Saint Paul and is active on the board of the Woodbury Community Foundation. Meads resides with his wife, Teri, and their four children in Lake Elmo.

MidCountry Bank is a full-service bank with administrative headquarters in Minnetonka , Twin Cities and out-state branches in Minnesota and a regional presence in Southern Illinois and Nevada . As a community bank, MidCountry provides high quality, diversified financial services and solutions for customers to meet their personal, business and professional banking needs. To learn more, visit www.MidCountryBank.com.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

MidCountry Financial Hires Chief Accounting Officer – Adds Additional Planning, Compliance, And Industry Experience To Seasoned Executive Team

MidCountry Financial Corp. (MCFC) is pleased to announce that Darren Cantlay has joined the executive team as Vice President of Accounting and Finance, and Chief Accounting Officer. In this newly-created position, Cantlay will manage all financial reporting, budgeting, financial systems, and tax functions for MCFC, among other things, and will also assist with strategic planning and overall financial management for the organization. Cantlay begins his new role Sept. 1, 2010.

“We’re extremely excited to have Darren join the MidCountry Financial family,” said David Hall, chief financial officer for MCFC. “He brings a diverse and extensive set of financial skills to the company, and he will be a valuable asset as we continue to grow and expand our organization.”

Cantlay has more than 15 years of experience handling a variety of accounting, compliance, planning, and operational issues for a variety of financial institutions, including McIntosh Bancshares, the Bank of Ellijay, Appalachian Bancshares, and United Bank Corporation. He has previously held the positions of chief financial officer, chief operating officer, controller, and accountant.

A graduate of Valdosta State University, Cantlay has been an adjunct faculty member at Griffin Technical Institute, where he taught both accounting and tax courses. He is a member of the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Management Accountants, the Georgia Bankers Association Asset Liability Committee, and was Secretary of the Gilmore County Rotary Club from 2008-2009.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

MidCountry Financial Corp. Website And Newsletter Named Finalist For National Awards

PR News has named MidCountry Financial Corp. a finalist for its “2010 PR Digital Awards” in two separate categories: Best Newsletter, and Best Website Redesign. Directed by PR News, a leading communications and public relations news source, these awards for digital communications expertise are nationally recognized and highly competitive.

“MidCountry Financial is proud to have its Vantage Point employee newsletter and website, as well as those employees who develop and maintain these critical communications vehicles, recognized as best in the nation,” said Julie Schaller , senior vice president, human resources, for MidCountry Financial Corp. “Our corporate culture is centered heavily on open communication and transparency with our employees, our customers, and our investors, which makes such national recognition even more important to the MidCountry family.”

Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in New York City Oct. 6, 2010. Finalists in other categories include Coca Cola, General Motors, Barilla Pasta, Cisco Systems, Hilton Hotels, and Boeing, among others.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Pioneer Services’ Fort Hood Office Chosen As One Of ‘The Very Best In Central Texas’

The Fort Hood Pioneer Services’ office was honored recently when a reader’s poll in the Killeen Daily Herald, the area’s 100-year old daily newspaper, named the company one of the best places to get a loan in the Central Texas region. The annual “Central Texas ‘ 100 Best” poll is an opportunity for the community to vote on where they go to find the region’s best products and services. The 2010 winners were announced in the June 27, 2010, edition of the daily publication.

“We are honored that the community chose Pioneer Services as one of the best places for Fort Hood service members and military families to get a loan,” said Romy Mortel, branch manager of Pioneer Services’ Fort Hood office. “Our primary mission is to improve the quality of life for military families and support the community, so it’s nice to know that our associates’ hard work is appreciated and recognized, not only by our customers, but by the broader community as well.”

The poll, initially launched in May, asked readers to complete a write-in ballot telling the newspaper where to find the best businesses and services in more than 100 categories, and generated nearly 6,000 responses. Winners receive a certificate of recognition and a banner to display at their establishment that highlights the honor.

Pioneer Services, the military banking division of MidCountry Bank, provides financial services and award-winning education to members of the Armed Forces. F or more than 20 years , Pioneer Services has been a leader in military lending, offering military loans, retail lending, VA loans, and award-winning financial education programs through a network of offices and on the Internet. The Pioneer Services Ft. Hood office, located at 202 E. Veterans Memorial Blvd, Killeen, TX, has been proudly supporting military families and the community through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships since 1997.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Free Financial Education Podcasts For Military

April is Financial Literacy Month, but for more than a decade Pioneer Services has celebrated financial education every month, creating more than three dozen articles, two books, and in-office materials designed to help military families take control of their finances. These efforts have been recognized in recent years with four awards from industry and educational groups.

The company’s library of materials just got even better with the addition of the Pioneer Educational Podcast series’ “Financial PEP Talk,” released this Financial Literacy Month in order to give service members yet another way to access financial education. The podcasts, which last just six to 10 minutes, are available on the company’s website at www.PioneerServices.com/podcast, where users can listen or download an MP3 file. By the end of April, there will also be an iTunes feed to which users can subscribe and listen to at their convenience.

“These podcasts give us another way to share the financial knowledge we’ve gained from more than 77 years in the industry,” said Chief Marketing Officer Karen Von Der Bruegge . “Military families can now choose how they want to learn money management: reading an article or book, visiting our offices for one-on-one consultations, and now, listening online or on an MP3 player. Whatever their preference, we have an option.”

The first three episodes cover setting financial goals, developing a spending and savings plan, and the changes consumers will see due to the recently-implemented Credit CARD Act. A new Financial PEP Talk episode will be released regularly, with future topics to include how to prioritize debts, creating an emergency savings account, how to choose a bank, tips for online borrowing, and many more.

To listen to the Financial PEP Talk, visit PioneerServices.com/podcast.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Moneystand.co.uk: Take Advantage Of Saving Strategies

Savers must look for smart new ways to make the most out of their accumulated wealth in the midst of continual drops in saving rates. With easy access and notice accounts both dropping their rates in recent months, savers must act swiftly to ensure they make the most out of any savings they may have remaining.

For those relying upon savings accounts to support their income the consistently low rates of the past 12 months will have been particularly difficult to stomach. Moneystand.co.uk founder Matt Spencer suggests that there are ways around this reality for individuals willing to put in the extra effort to ensure they actually see a real return on their savings.

“Savvy consumers who assess how separate bank details can be played off one another are likely to see the best return on their savings. In these tough economic times, it is always important to make your money work as hard as possible.”

Some savings accounts, such as the Santander offer will reward you for making regular monthly payments in to their account; paying 6% as long as at least £1000 is deposited per month. Other banks, such as the Halifax are offering £5 per month payouts as long as a minimum £1000 monthly deposit is made.

Clearly logic implies that multiple accounts across banks will ensure maximum return and with both of these banks accepting direct transfer from other banks this technique is completely plausible. Many customers are already making use of this process to ensure that they acquire the saving rates they need to ensure they see a real return after tax and inflation are taken into account.

Moneystand suggests consumers must be wary not to fall into the overdraft facility if they do decide to take this approach. Multiple current accounts, all of which have had their overdraft facility used will reflect very negatively upon an individual’s credit rating and must be avoided at all costs. Proper planning must go in to making this decision to ensure that all accounts are clearing whilst still in the positive.

For the latest financial news and advice on individual voluntary arrangement, debt and insolvency issues visit our personal finance blog, http://www.moneystand.co.uk.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Millions Of Brits Head Abroad In 2010 Bucking The Staycation Trend

  • 35.6 million Brits are heading abroad for their main vacation this year, suggesting a shift from 2009’s ‘staycation’ trend
  • 1/3 of holidaymakers blamed the UK’s recent cold weather as their main reason for travelling abroad to sunnier climes
  • 1 in 3 Brits still plan to travel in the UK for shorter breaks
  • 1/3 of Brits have already booked their main holiday for 2010, thought nearly 60 per cent admit they have not organised travel insurance
  • 8.5 million travellers admit they have required medical attention on a previous overseas trip

Millions Of Brits Head Abroad In 2010 Bucking The Staycation Trend

A survey of more than 2,000 UK residents has found that almost 60 per cent of Brits plan to take their main holiday abroad this year, bucking last year’s ‘staycation’ trend.

According to new research from Lloyds TSB Added Value Accounts, a third of holidaymakers blamed the recent icy snap as their main reason for wanting to go abroad this year, in search of warmth. But holidaying in the UK still remains popular, with one in three Brits intending to stay in the UK for short excursions.

Although a foreign holiday is more likely to be on the cards, holidaymakers are not going too far afield, with over 60 per cent of Brits visiting Europe for a holiday this year, making it the number one continent to visit for 2010, followed by America (12 per cent), Africa (5 per cent) and Asia (4 per cent). Sun and beach are also the number one priority for travellers this summer (45 per cent), with city breaks also proving to be a popular choice (23 per cent). Only 5 per cent are planning a cruise and only 3 per cent have opted for a safari or wildlife trip.

A third of those surveyed have already booked their main holiday for the year, whilst a further 24 per cent are planning to book in the next few weeks. Almost 40 per cent of holidaymakers intend to pay for their holiday abroad on their debit card, with one in three planning to use their credit card, surprisingly nearly a quarter of travellers will pay in cash and only 2 per cent will pay by cheque.

Worryingly, nearly 60 per cent of those holidaymakers who have already booked their vacation this year have not organised travel insurance, with almost half (42 per cent) claiming it was just something they had yet to organise. An additional five per cent said it was too costly and two per cent have not booked travel insurance in order to save money on their holiday.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Pioneer Services’ Receives National ‘Workplace Innovation’ Award For CSR Efforts

Giving back to the communities it serves is an integral part of Pioneer Services’ workplace culture, and those efforts were recognized when the company received the “CSR Award for Workplace Innovation” from PR News during an event at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., Feb. 24. Pioneer Services received first place, while finalists included Pepsi Co., Butterball, and Deloitte.

Pioneer Services provides full-time associates with 16 hours of paid volunteer time off (VTO) each year, with part-time associates receiving 8 hours. In 2009, the company created the internal “Be the Difference” campaign to increase usage of the benefit. The campaign included a Volunteer Fair at the company’s Kansas City headquarters, a website, t-shirts, poster, and a Volunteer Committee that helps associates find volunteer opportunities.

These efforts led to a 400 percent increase in VTO usage over the previous year, a special award from the Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as several community recognitions for individual associates. The company’s VTO program and commitment to community service have been showcased on several news broadcasts and received other national recognitions.

“Being honored as the best in nation for our corporate creativity and innovation in regard to CSR is exciting, especially given the caliber of other award finalists,” said Chief Operating Officer Joe Freeman. “Our entire organization, including the associate-driven Volunteer Committee, exhibited incredible commitment to this effort, and showed that, for us, Compassion is more than just one of our corporate values—it’s simply who we are as a company.”

Pioneer Services, the military banking division of MidCountry Bank, provides financial services and award-winning education to members of the Armed Forces. F or more than 20 years , Pioneer Services has been a leader in military lending, offering military loans and award-winning financial education programs through a network of offices and on the Internet. Pioneer Services is proud to support military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.

For more information, visit PioneerServices.com. For loan information, visit PioneerMilitaryLoans.com.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Invest in Life Insurance Now for Your Children

Nothing is more precious to a parent than the guaranteed protection of their children. Children’s life insurance is among the most valuable protection a parent can invest in. It offers a variety of benefits and is affordable. According to a recent article by InsuranceAgents.com, parents willing to spend several dollars each month can obtain valuable coverage for their children throughout their lives.

No parent wants to contemplate about the time when their child—whether they’re 8 months, 8 years, or 80 years old—will pass on. But it can be a very valuable and wise to make the investment when it’s at its most affordable, according to the InsuranceAgents.com article, ‘Children’s Life Insurance: A Solid Investment.’

There are many reasons to compare life insurance rates for children, though parents may not want to think about any of them. Some reasons include:

1. Funeral/burial costs. A child’s death yields some expensive funeral expenses—bills you won’t want to worry about if you need to grieve. Burial costs and grief counseling alone can range between $6,000 and $15,000.

2. It won’t cost much. Children’s life insurance can cost mere dollars a month. And if you fix the rate at the earliest opportunity, your child could have life insurance coverage throughout their life and benefit from such an amazingly low rate.

3. Ultimate protection. “Life insurance can be hard to obtain for people with unfortunate genetic traits or preexisting conditions. Investing in children’s life insurance cuts the risk of your child being denied coverage later on in life if they develop a disqualifying condition,” the article states.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Campaign Raises Thousands Of Dollars For Wounded Service Members

MidCountry Financial Corp. created the ‘Answer the Call Now’ program to raise money for wounded service members, honor military service during National Military Appreciation Month, and even help the environment by diverting hazardous materials from landfills. The program was a success, as the company collected nearly 1,600 old cell phones during the month of May.

“Teamwork was really what made the campaign successful,” said Karen Von Der Bruegge, chief marketing office for Pioneer Services, a division of MidCountry Bank. “Associates and customers alike stepped up to help our wounded warriors. Some offices were so into it they had contests to see who could collect the most, with one collecting 143 phones in a single day!”

The phones will be sent to Recellular, which pays anywhere from 50¢ to $150 per phone, depending on type and condition. The money received from Recellular will then go to USA Cares, a non-profit that assists service members and their families. In this case, all of the funds raised will benefit their Combat Injured Program, which assists those suffering Traumatic Brain Injury or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

“It was fantastic to see so many people dedicated to the campaign,” added Von Der Bruegge, “and speaks volumes to the respect we all have for military families and what they do for our nation. To help them cope during these difficult times is something we’re honored to do.”

MidCountry Financial Corp. is a financial services holding company with subsidiaries that deliver high-quality and diversified financial services to targeted markets. These subsidiaries include MidCountry Bank, Pioneer Financial Services, Heights Finance Corp., OFC Capital, MidCountry Investments, and Insurance Planners. Since 2002, its associates have been dedicated to building a high quality financial services organization respected by its constituencies, and characterized by a commitment to the values of integrity, fairness, honesty, excellence, and compassion. For more information, visit www.MidCountryFinancial.com.

MidCountry Financial associates collected nearly 1,600 cell phones during the “Answer the Call Now” campaign. The phones will be recycled for cash, and proceeds will benefit USA Cares’ Combat Injured Program

Via EPR Network
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Barclaycard Contactless Payment Revolution Continues

Barclaycard, the leading payment provider in the UK, has announced that it is increasing its roll out of contactless enabled cards to Barclaycard Gold and Classic cardholders. Customers who receive a new, reissued or replacement Gold or Classic Barclaycard will now receive one of the new innovative cards.

Contactless credit card technology, pioneered by Barclaycard in the UK, makes life easier for customers as it saves time when paying for items that people typically pay for in a rush such as the morning coffee, lunchtime sandwich or newspaper and magazine. Contactless credit cards allow secure payment for goods and services costing £10 and under without the need to enter a PIN or signature.

Contactless enabled credit cards can be used at a growing number of outlets throughout the UK including Prêt a Manger, Coffee Republic, Eat, Yo Sushi and a whole host of other independent retailers.

Recent research from Barclaycard showed that 98 per cent of contactless cardholders believe that contactless payments are easy to use and 88 per cent claimed that it enabled them to cut down the amount of time they would usually take to buy items such as a coffee.

Amer Sajed, Managing Director UK Cards, Barclaycard said: “Barclaycard is leading the UK’s contactless payment revolution. In three years we will have an additional four million customers who will be able to make payments using their contactless card.

“We are dedicated to making our customers’ lives easier and are seeing increasing demand for contactless by our customers, who can now make contactless payments at thousands of retailers across the UK.”

Barclaycard currently has almost two million cards in circulation that can be used to make contactless payments. This includes Barclaycard OnePulse, Barclaycard Platinum and Barclaycard Goldfish credit cards.

About Barclaycard
Barclaycard, part of Barclays Global and Retail Commercial Banking division, is a leading global payment business which helps consumers, retailers and businesses to make and accept payments flexibly, and to access short-term credit when needed.

The company is one of the pioneers of new forms of payments and is at the forefront of developing viable contactless and mobile payment schemes for today and cutting edge forms of payment for the future. It also issues credit and charge cards to corporate customers and the UK Government. Barclaycard partners with a wide range of organisations across the globe to offer their customers or members payment options and credit.

In addition to the UK, Barclaycard operates in the United States, Europe, Africa and the Middle and Far East.

Via EPR Network
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Barclaycard Reduces Balance Transfer Fee

Barclaycard has announced that it is reducing the balance transfer fee on its 0% for 12 months Barclaycard Platinum balance transfer deal with immediate effect.

The change means that the current balance transfer fee on the Barclaycard Platinum card has been reduced to 2.5% of the amount transferred from the previous level of 3%. This offer is available for any transfers made within 60 days of opening an account, on amounts up to £5,000. The reduction means customers will be able to save £25 on a £5,000 balance transfer onto the Barclaycard Platinum.

The reduction in the balance transfer fee following the Barclaycard announced in February that it was reducing the annual percentage rate (APR) on its Barclaycard Platinum credit card from 14.9% down to 12.4%. This means that at the end of the promotional balance transfer period, the rate on the card will revert to ne lower rate of 12.4%.

Commenting on the reduction, Amer Sajed, Managing Director of Barclaycard UK said, “This reduction will mean customers looking to move their balance now have to pay less to get a market leading deal”.

Along with services like identity protection, fraud monitoring, purchase delivery protection and contactless payment technology, the new lower rate will help to further consolidate Barclaycard Platinum’s position as the market leading credit card in the UK.

Notes to Editors
The reduced balance transfer fee is available through the Barclaycard website. Barclaycard reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time. Terms and Conditions apply. Barclaycard is subject to application and status. This offer is only available to new customers.

About Barclaycard:
Barclaycard, part of Barclays Global and Retail Commercial Banking division, is a leading global payment business which helps consumers, retailers and businesses to make and accept payments flexibly, and to access short-term credit when needed.

The company is one of the pioneers of new forms of payments and is at the forefront of developing viable contactless and mobile payment schemes for today and cutting edge forms of payment for the future. It also issues credit and charge cards to corporate customers and the UK Government. Barclaycard partners with a wide range of organisations across the globe to offer their customers or members payment options and credit.

Via EPR Network
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Barclaycard Announces The Conclusion Of A Project To Create A New Range Of Corporate Imagery, Whilst Simultaneously Fostering Some Of The Best Up And Coming Talent In The UK Industry

Barclaycard undertook a project to hire four semi-professional photographers in order to create a new set of imagery that moved away f r o m the traditional metaphors and financial services conventions.


Unusually for a big business, when Barclaycard realised it needed fresh creative images to sit with the new visual identity, and its customer promise, “One Step Ahead”, it decided to bypass the usual route of enlisting established corporate photographers. Instead the credit card and payment acquiring business set up a new programme to uncover some of the most talented semi-professional photographers and help them to get their career on the road.

The four photographers chosen – Australian Noel McLaughlin, Russian Natalia Urazmetova and fellow Brits Stuart Hendry and James Ellerker – were tasked with producing shots around a central theme of liberation that were warm and had a natural feel. The brief requested genuine situations with real people and with a clear focus on a key moment within the image.

Sharon Zimmerli, Senior Design and Identity Manager, Barclaycard said: “Our image content needs to remain optimistic and positive and must be intelligent and imaginative enough to engage our audience. By entrusting our brief to photographers who are inventive and talented, but not yet accustomed to the conventions of corporate photography, we were able to create fresh and engaging imagery to fit with our brand.”

The project was in many ways inspired by the success of social media photo sharing site flickr. When Barclaycard sourced notional images to demonstrate the style of photography which fit best with the new visual identity, most of the images that were deemed a neat fit were f r o m flickr.

About Barclaycard 
Barclaycard, part of Barclays Global and Retail Commercial Banking division, is a leading global payment business which helps consumers, retailers and businesses to make and accept payments flexibly, and to access short-term credit when needed. The company is one of the pioneers of new forms of payments and is at the forefront of developing viable contactless and mobile payment schemes for today and cutting edge forms of payment for the future. It also issues credit cards and charge cards to business banking customers and the UK Government. Barclaycard partners with a wide range of organisations across the globe to offer its customers or members payment options and credit. In addition to the UK, Barclaycard operates in the United States, Europe, Africa and the Middle and Far East.

Via EPR Network
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Lloydstsbcompare.Com Raise Public Awareness Of The Need To Tackle Household Bills Ready For The New Year

Skyrocketing energy costs have been a prime concern for many Brits in 2008 but switching suppliers could save a typical household up to £454 – that’s £7,384 million across the entire country.

To help raise awareness, LloydsTSBCompare.com declared December 30th to be ‘tackle your bills day’ to encourage people to assess their household bills and save money in 2009.

According to research by LloydsTSBCompare.com, 80 per cent of people have seen a rise in their energy bills this year. Over one in four (27 per cent) of UK households saw their energy bills rise by more than £40 per month and 30 per cent think they could rise by a further £40 per month this winter.

Despite the pressure from rising bills, one in three (36 per cent) households has never switched energy providers and one in four believes shopping around will not make any difference. But those who have used comparison sites to switch providers have, in recent months, benefited from average annual savings of £284.

By using a comparison site such as LloydsTSBCompare.com customers can compare gas and electricity, telephone and broadband providers, as well as travel and car insurance. The site also has supermarket and petrol price checkers, helping customers to secure the best deals in and around their local area.

Steve Grainger, LloydsTSBCompare.com, said: “A concerning 40 per cent of Brits said they don’t know how they will cover their bills if prices continue to increase. December 30 was the perfect day for us all to concentrate on getting on top of our finances for the New Year. LloydsTSBCompare.com gives customers all the tools they need to cut their household bills and save money.”

Stealing the crown from TescoCompare, LloydsTSBCompare.com was recently named ‘Britain’s best car insurance comparison site‘ by Defaqto, the independent product research company.

The ‘tackle your bills day’ declaration comes at a time when many UK households are feeling the pinch and LloydsTSBCompare.com hope it will encourage homeowners to push sorting out their personal finances higher up the list of new year’s resolution for 2009.

About LloydsTSBCompare.com:
LloydsTSBCompare.com has been developed by Lloyds TSB Insurance Services Limited to offer our customers a choice of independent impartial quotes from a wide panel of insurance providers and energy suppliers. Comparison features include price, policy benefits, plan features and customer service rating, so consumers can make sure they get the policy that best meets their individual needs.

LloydsTSBCompare.com is a trading style of Lloyds TSB Insurance Services Limited registered in England and Wales under company number 968406, with registered offices at 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN.

LloydsTSBCompare.com is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (Registration number: 310738).

Via EPR Network
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Barclays Financial Planning Offers An Effective Retirement Planning Solution As An Alternative To Stakeholder Pensions

Barclays Financial Planning has launched two new pensions products, designed to offer an effective retirement planning solution as an alternative to stakeholder pensions.

Both of the new offerings combine the traditional elements of a personal pension, with the addition of considerable investment flexibility, making them bespoke to individual clients’ needs. Clients can choose either a basic investment solution, comparable with a stakeholder pension, or the choice to diversify their pension assets, including the option of a ‘Select Choice’ fund proposition.

David Stuart, Director of Investment Advice and Products at Barclays Financial Planning said: “We have launched our new pensions to offer the everyday pensions investor something much more flexible than a stakeholder plan, but without the more complicated structure or cost implications of a full Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). We offer the structure of a stakeholder pension with the option to place pensions assets in something more than a basic UK fund. In current market conditions retirement planning is still as important as ever, and we have seen clients wanting to look at alternative investments which would not be available in a basic stakeholder pension. This new product gives them that option.”

Barclays Financial Planning provides access to fully qualified financial planners in any branch of Barclays Bank, who can advise individuals on the pension solution most suitable for their circumstances. As well as pensions advice, Barclays Financial Planning can give advice on all areas of financial services.

About Barclays Financial Planning

Barclays Financial Planning (BFP) provides tailored financial advice on life, pensions and investment products across a carefully selected range of products from a range of product providers according to customer needs. Barclays Financial Planning is one of the largest financial advisers in the UK, with over 700 advisers. A no obligation financial planning consultation is available to personal, business and corporate clients, and Barclays Financial Planning advisors have a range of solutions available for businesses wishing to discuss succession planning.

Customers can contact Barclays Financial Planning through any branch of Barclays Bank, or by calling 0800 587 2024.

Via EPR Network
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Lloyds TSB have reported that while many Britons have taken action to clear their debt, they are saving less money

Lloyds TSB Consumer Banking released a new report revealing that over half of UK adults have taken action to clear their debt, but despite gathering economic gloom, almost two in five Britons (37%) are saving less money.The ‘Financial Face of Britain’ report reveals the nation’s savings and spending habits, debt levels and tests Briton’s overall financial know-how.

The in-depth study, of over 5,000 adults*, shows a distinct change in financial behaviour as the credit crunch bites. But whilst spending levels have been curbed, the current financial crisis has hit consumer’s appetite to save at a time when acash reserve is vital.

The report reveals a third of people have changed their spending habits in the last six months and spent less to cope with the credit crunch, with almost 40% of under 35s reporting that they have been cutting back.

People have also reassessed their finances, with over half (55%) of UK adults taking action to clear their debt. Almost one in three (32%) have increased the amount they pay off each month, with a fifth (19%) focusing on paying off more of their debt which is on higher interest rates, such as store cards.

But, almost two in five (37%) are saving less, particularly the older age group; with 43% of 45-54 year olds currently neglecting their savings. While the younger generation are bucking this trend, with almost a third (32%) of under 25s currently putting more money to one side. But when it comes to long term savings, almost three quarters (74%) of under 25s do not have a pension and are not saving enough to secure their future.

Worryingly, one in five people have less than £500 in their savings, with four out of ten families having less than £500 available to them should disaster strike, making many consumers vulnerable to financial difficulty during these uncertain times.

In addition, over two million families are also failing to put enough money aside to secure their child/children’s future and the average family savings balance of£7,542 is considerably lower then the national average (£12,703) for a single person.

Consumers are aware that they need to save more but many people want more guidance and support to kick start the savings habit. Research shows that the majority of consumers are looking for advice and guidance on how to save more money and how to make long term savings.

Ian Larkin, managing director, Lloyds TSB Consumer Banking said: “It has never been more important to save. Economic conditions are set to become more challenging and a healthy savings balance could prove to be a financial lifeline for some families during the economic storm.

“But, with rising bills it’s becoming harder to put money on one side. We all understand the need to save but what consumers told us they need is more guidance and advice on how to save more when their finances are being squeezed. To tackle this, we are launching a nationwide programme to help get Britain saving, which is going to be packed full of advice on how to boost your savings balance and make saving a habit.”

About Lloyds TSB:

Lloyds TSB offers customers a wide range of current accounts, savings accounts,insurance, loans and credit cards, designed to meet different customers’ needs. Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Lloyds TSB Scotland plc are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and signatories to the Banking Codes.

Lloyds TSB Bank plc Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales no. 2065.

*Research conducted by ICM with 5000 UK adults between 29th July – 4th August 2008.

Via EPR Network
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