Britain’s Disposable Expenditure On The Up For First Time Since Credit Crunch

Spending on non essential products and services is on the increase after a hesitant start to consumer spending in 2009. Research conducted by Kublax, an online money management service, reveals that discretionary spending is on the up.

Kublax - money mangement platform

Products and services, such as shoes and gifts, are usually the first areas of spending to be cut down on in hard economic times. The fact that a lot of these spending areas are showing signs of recovery is good news for the economy, as it indicates that consumers are regaining confidence. This circulates money through the economy, creating a multiplier effect, rather than leaving it stagnant in savings accounts.

Kublax took a sample of 1000 adult users and studied their specific spending habits through their finance software, from everyday living to luxury purposes. The report found a massive increase in spending in the second quarter when compared to the first quarter of 2009.

The ‘Kublax Spending Index’ revealed holiday expenditure increased by a staggering 117% in the second quarter, rising from an average spend of £511 in the first quarter to an average spend of £1107.

Other spending categories with notable increase in the second quarter include:

• 62% increase on spending on children
• 28% increase on gifts and flowers
• 12% increase on clothing

These statistics indicate a more positive economic outlook for the summer period. Tom Symonds, CEO of Kublax comments, “The correlation between the arrival of summer and an increase in monthly outgoings may also be due to a seasonal change in attitude; as the weather brightens, so too does the mood of the British public as they unwind and treat themselves more.”

The results of the ‘Kublax Spending Index’ also correlated with other industry surveys of the same period, which found decreases in spending on eating out. Kublax found 42% decrease on coffees/sandwiches/snacks, and an 11% decrease in restaurants/dining spending.

Although launched in May 2009, the site has been in beta testing phase from September 2008 and collected the data from January 2009 to June 2009.

Kublax is a money management platform through which users are able to simplify their finances. The finance software works by pulling together all building society, bank and credit card accounts into one easy access location. Once all information has been compiled, users are able to budget and manage their finances more effectively than by viewing different statements from multiple banks. Kublax automatically categorizes spending and produces diagrams and charts illustrating how you are spending your money. Comparisons to user averages as well as an effective alert and reminder systems provides a sense of financial benchmarking and real time money management that is innovate, extremely useful, and is likely to save people money and reduce stress.

With set up taking a matter of minutes, Kublax is perfectly placed to help the online generation, who hold on average two current accounts and two credit cards, deal with their ever more complex finances.

To find out more about Kublax’s online finance software, or to read more about spending habits in the UK, visit

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Molly Is The New Face Of M&S Pet Insurance

A beagle from South Wales is to become the new face of M&S Pet Insurance after winning a national competition to find a cat or dog with true star quality to feature in a future marketing campaign.

To enter the competition, which ran from April until the start of June, M&S pet insurance customers were asked to simply submit a photo and a few words about why their cat or dog is a star. Following the huge response to the competition and after some close deliberation by the judges, five-month-old Molly, who lives with The Mainwaring family in Blackwood, Gwent, was named the M&S Pet Star contest top-dog.

This means that Molly will now have a professional photo shoot and be featured in promotional material for a forthcoming M&S Pet Insurance campaign. The Mainwaring family will receive £100 worth of M&S vouchers. Sian Mainwaring said: “Molly is very mischievous and certainly has a mind of her own but we forgive her anything – most of the time. She means so much to us and it is wonderful that she will now be the face of M&S Pet Insurance.”

Amanda Newman, M&S Head of Marketing, said: “The huge response to the competition illustrates the fact that we are a nation of cat and dog lovers. It was wonderful to spend time looking through all the photos and reading why the cats and dogs mean so much to their owners.”

About M&S Money
M&S Money (the trading name of Marks & Spencer Financial Services) was founded in 1985 as the financial services division of Marks and Spencer Group plc. The company is now a top ten credit card provider and the second largest travel money retailer in the UK. M&S Money also offers a range of insurance cover, including travel insurance, home insurance, car insurance, loans, savings and investment products.

In November 2004, Marks & Spencer sold M&S Money to HSBC. The Group serves customers worldwide from around 9,500 offices in 86 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. With assets of US$2,527 billion at 31 December 2008, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. HSBC is marketed worldwide as ‘the world’s local bank’.

M&S Money has an executive committee comprising an equal number of representatives from HSBC and Marks & Spencer.

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Barclaycard Launches Waterslide iPhone Game

Barclaycard has launched a free iPhone game to coincide with its acclaimed Waterslide advertising campaign. The game, called Waterslide Extreme, is a first for the financial services industry and reinforces Barclaycard’s commitment to embracing new ways of connecting with current and potential customers.

The Waterslide Extreme game, developed by fishlabs and Dare for Barclaycard, has nine levels with the objective to steer a character down an increasingly difficult waterslide in the quickest time whilst collecting points and avoiding objects along the way. Visitors to an Apple Store or ITunes can download the application for free from mid July.

Paul Troy, Head of Advertising and Sponsorship at Barclaycard, said: “The launch of the iPhone ‘Waterslide Extreme’ game is a first in financial services. The Waterslide ad has engaged millions online and this game gives consumers the opportunity to go on the Waterslide themselves.”

CEO & Co-Founder Michael Schade, from fishlabs said: “We expect the game to be a great success from the feedback we received from the customer testing. It is great to work with a client such as Barclaycard that wants to do something different and fun and we are delighted with what we have produced.”

The concept for the mobile game is taken from Barclaycard’s latest advertising campaign that demonstrates the ease of contactless payment.

Barclaycard continue their innovation drive by being one of the first brands to use Sky’s new green button technology, providing consumers with behind the scenes footage of how the TV ad was made. An animated introductory spot to the 40″ Waterslide advert has also been created in partnership with Sky to invite viewers to engage via their green button.

About Barclaycard
Barclaycard, part of Barclays Global and Retail Commercial Banking division, is a leading global payment business which helps consumers, retailers and businesses to make and accept payments flexibly, and to access short-term credit when needed.

The company is one of the pioneers of new forms of credit card payments and is at the forefront of developing viable contactless and mobile payment schemes for today and cutting edge forms of payment for the future. It also issues credit and charge cards to corporate customers and the UK Government. Barclaycard partners with a wide range of organisations across the globe to offer their customers or members payment options and credit.

In addition to the UK, Barclaycard operates in the United States, Europe, Africa and the Middle and Far East.

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The Children’s Mutual Reveals Child Trust Funds Top 4.4 Million

The Children’s Mutual has highlighted that the latest figures issued by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) show the continuing revolution in children’s savings and demonstrates parents’ commitment to their children’s futures in the current environment. The quarterly Child Trust Fund (CTF) statistics released by HMRC have revealed that 4.4 million children under seven in the UK now have a Child Trust Fund.

David White, Chief Executive of the Child Trust Fund provider, The Children’s Mutual said: “These latest figures show that the Child Trust Fund generation is growing steadily and, unlike any generation before them, in 11 years’ time the first CTF recipients will reach adulthood with greater financial knowledge and an important financial headstart. The average amount saved each month by our CTF customers is £24. Over 18 years, these savings could produce a fund of around £9,750*, a significant financial help for young adults who may want to attend university or put down a deposit on their first home.

Recent research by The Children’s Mutual found that despite the recession parents still feel that saving for their children and giving them the best future they can is very important. In the last year The Children’s Mutual has seen a considerable rise in the number of CTFs being opened and a 16% increase on 2007, with record months for the number of parents with newborns opening CTF’s online in May and June.

David continued, “It is now more important than ever during these challenging economic times, that parents take the time to choose where to open a CTF and start saving towards their child’s future. And now that parents no longer have to hand over a CTF voucher when opening a CTF, it’s even easier and faster for them to set up their child’s account.”

Had a product similar to the CTF existed 18 years ago and family and friends saved£100 a month in a shares-based plan for a child over that time, that youngster could now have the benefit of a fund worth £37,400**.”

* Projected values quoted based on investing £24 a month (plus £250 government vouchers at birth and age 7) for 18 years in a stakeholder CTF account. 7% per annum assumed investment return, with charges of 1.5% of the CTF account value each year. Projected values cannot be guaranteed as shares can go up or down. Final payout could be more or less than this.

** The assumed maturity figure is based on a hypothetical calculation, tracking the real performance of shares over 18 years, from 1991 to 2009. They include £250 invested at the child’s birth and at age seven and 1.5% charges, as with the Stakeholder CTF today. This assumes investment in the FTSE All-Share index over that period including reinvestment of the dividend yield. The figures also include lifestyling. Amount Received as at end May 2009

About The Children’s Mutual – Home of the Child Trust Fund
The Children’s Mutual’s mission is to help parents, grandparents, family and friends fulfil their hopes for today’s children. The Children’s Mutual is the only UK company that specialises in long term savings for children and is now the choice of 1 in 4 parents for their child’s Child Trust Fund, with more than 650,000 accounts.

The Children’s Mutual has won the The Moneyfacts Award for Best Child Trust Fund Provider every year since its 2006 launch.

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Auto Insurance Quotes Impacted by US Point System for Driving

While many drivers have had their licenses suspended thanks to their state’s driving point system, they might be unfamiliar with how it works and how it impacts car insurance.

Auto Insurance Quotes

Established to hinder the amount of dangerous drivers on the road and to enforce traffic laws, the point system provides DMV’s with an extra set of eyes on the road. Depending on the way the state implements the system, points are added or taken away from your driving record. Although the accumulation of points can either be positive or negative, depending on the state, the goal is the same: decrease the number of dangerous drivers on the road.

Having your license suspended, however, isn’t the only negative outcome of possessing multiple infractions on your driving record.

According to the article, ‘ The U.S. Point System: How it Affects Your Driving Record and Car Insurance,’ “The more infractions (and therefore, the more points) you have on your driving record, the more risky you are to insure. As such, insurers will offer you higher car insurance quotes and rates.”

If you are worried about your car insurance increasing, but aren’t familiar with your driving record, says there are steps you can take to ensure you avoid any future infractions. To learn about your state’s point system’s rules and regulations, contact your local DMV and your local police department. They can provide you with the most up-to-date information about the state’s point system.

“They can give you more specifics on the point system that affects you,” according to the article. “You can use that information to know where you stand as a driver in your state and whether or not you need to get proactive and work toward a better driving record.”

Once a driver understands their state’s point system, it makes it easier for them to follow traffic laws. If your driving record is clean, it will be much easier for you to find affordable auto insurance. If you’re currently in need of affordable auto insurance, compare quotes online. With a little patience, you’ll be able to find the most convenient coverage for you.

For more information, visit

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CML Reported An Increase In Mortgages For Home Purchase In May, Up 4% From The Previous Month

Fixed rate mortgages accounted for 74% of all loans in the month, the highest share since August 2007.

Fixed rate mortgages

Encouragingly the CML predicted that lenders might become slightly more relaxed in the coming months following the introduction of some higher loan–to–value mortgages recently. This is backed up by the Bank of England’s recent Credit Conditions survey where lenders reported that they intend to increase lending at higher loan-to value ratios. This bodes well for first time buyers looking to get on the housing ladder.

This will be welcome news for parents who are still acting as an important source of help for young first time buyers. 80% of first time buyers under 30 are still getting help with a deposit from parents to enable them to get a mortgage.

Potential borrowers looking to get onto the housing ladder can see the range of leading deals at London & Country best buys and use a range of calculators to see how much they can borrow and what stamp duty will cost on potential properties at L&C Mortgage Calculators For more information and no-fee advice, borrowers can call free on 0800 373300 or request a call back.

London and Country Mortgages Ltd is the country’s leading whole of market no-fee mortgage broker and submitted over £4bn of mortgages to over 70 lenders in 2008. For more information visit our website London & Country Mortgages.

L&C is a Climate Neutral company and for the last seven years has invested in climate friendly projects and tree-planting to help offset its emissions and those of its customers.

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Nationwide Has Hit The Headlines With News That It Can Offer Homebuyers A Mortgage Of As High As 125% Of The Property Value

This initially sounds like a return to the lending practices of the “pre-crunch years” and the now infamous Northern Rock Together mortgage. Whilst the Together 125% deal actually served some borrowers pretty well it has become synonymous with the carefree credit conditions of 2007.


However when you look closely at the Nationwide proposition it is a world away from replicating the Northern Rock product. It is designed to help existing borrowers that need to move home but now find themselves in negative equity, as their property value has fallen to the extent that it is less than the outstanding mortgage.

Nationwide allows all existing customers moving home to borrow as much as 95% of the property value albeit at higher interest rates. In this scenario the borrower still needs to put in at least a 5% deposit but they can also borrow an amount to cover the negative equity, although this is charged at an even higher rate.

The reality is that this initiative will only have any relevance to a small niche of borrowers that really need to move, perhaps to relocate for a new job or to accommodate an expanding family. However it will at least provide an option to those that have a genuine need to move.

Borrowers looking to find out how much their current property is worth can use London & Country Mortgages house price calculator. They can then calculate their loan to value ratio (LTV) by dividing the current balance of their mortgage by the current value of their home. If this is over 100% they will have negative equity.

London and Country Mortgages Ltd is the country’s leading whole of market no-fee mortgage broker and submitted over £4bn of mortgages to over 70 lenders in 2008. For more information visit our website London & Country Mortgages

L&C is a Climate Neutral company and for the last seven years has invested in climate friendly projects and tree-planting to help offset its emissions and those of its customers.

L&C has won numerous awards including:

Best Mortgage IFA/Adviser of the Year – Money Marketing, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008
Best Technology Adviser – Money Marketing 2007
Best Mortgage Broker outside London – Mortgage Strategy, 2004 and 2005
Best National Broker – Mortgage Introducer 2005, 2006 and 2007
Best Overall Broker – Mortgage Introducer 2005
Overall broker of the year – Pink Home Loans, 2006 and 2007
Top 100 company in the Sunday Times Fast Track 100 for 2004 and 2005
Business of the Year – The Bath Business Awards 2005
Growth Strategy of the Year – National Business Awards (Wales and West) 2008
Business Leader (Broker) – British Mortgage Awards – 2008
Online Mortgage IFA of the Year – Financial Adviser – 2008

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Mortgage Protection Insurance Helps Prevent Foreclosure

The loss of one’s primary source of income almost always creates a domino effect that results in difficulty paying even your most menial of bills, let alone your most important bill: the mortgage.

However, losing your job isn’t the end of the world. There are always ways to make ends meet and mortgage protection insurance is available to prevent your home from being foreclosed on. According to an article recently published on you should speak to your homeowners insurance agent today about job loss protection.

“With an added job-loss rider, mortgage protection will help pay your mortgage payments in the event that you lose your job and can also cover your mortgage if you are otherwise unable to continue the payments on your own,” according to the article.

It is important for those interested in purchasing mortgage protection insurance to understand what factors go into the amount they are being charged for coverage. Those deciding factors include your employability, the cost of your mortgage payments, and the current state of the economy. The job market has a significant deciding factor on your mortgage protection premium. The higher the risk that you may lose your job, the more your mortgage protection insurance may cost.

With the economy in shambles and job security a term of the past, mortgage protection insurance is now more important than ever. Most policies come with job-loss coverage included but others require you add a job-loss rider. Visit to get set up with a home insurance agent in your area and ask them if mortgage protection insurance is right for you.

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New Fixed Rate Direct Two Year Bonds By NS&I

NS&I is to launch a new 2-year issue of both its Guaranteed Growth Bonds and Guaranteed Income Bonds. The new 2-year Bonds will only be available direct (via phone or online) from NS&I and will pay an interest rate of 3.75% per annum and 3.65% respectively.

Fixed Rate Direct Two Year Bonds

Customers can invest between £500 and £1 million in total in the fixed rate bonds, with guaranteed rates of interest. The Guaranteed Income Bond offers customers the opportunity to receive their interest as a monthly income, while with the Guaranteed Growth Bond customers will receive their interest at the end of the 2-year term.

The Bonds come with the 100% capital guarantee which NS&I can offer because all of its savings and investments are backed by HM Treasury.

The new Bonds, which are available online and through NS&I’s award winning UK based call centres, are part of NS&I’s strategy to encourage customers to buy and manage their savings with NS&I directly. This enables NS&I to offer a more attractive interest rate to customers.

Peter Cornish, Director of Customer Offer at NS&I, said: “Our Guaranteed Income Bonds and Guaranteed Growth Bonds offer customers a simple and straightforward saving opportunity.

“Money saved in our Guaranteed Income Bonds or our Guaranteed Growth Bonds will earn a competitive and guaranteed rate of interest for the next two years. It is a simple offer and easy to take up, either online at or through our UK based call centres.”

Dr Robin Keyte, Chartered Financial Planner and Director of Towers at Taunton Ltd, which specialises in fee-based financial planning and socially responsible investments, commented on the new issues from NS&I: “NS&I’s Guaranteed Growth Bonds and Guaranteed Income Bonds are an effective way for customers to earn a fixed rate of interest on their investment, either as monthly income or as a lump sum at the end of the term. Like all NS&I investments, they also have the added benefit of a 100% capital guarantee, which is something many people will value highly in the current environment.”

About NS&I
NS&I is one of the UK’s largest financial providers with almost 27 million customers and over £94 billion invested. It is best known for Premium Bonds, but also offers Inflation-Beating Savings, Guaranteed Equity Bonds and Children’s Bonus Bonds in its range. All products offer 100% security because NS&I is backed by HM Treasury.

NS&I products are available over the telephone, internet, post and by standing order. They are also available through a network of Post Office branches. Customers can also pick up brochures for NS&I Premium Bonds, Inflation-Beating Savings and Income Bonds at retailer WHSmith in 400 of its High Street stores and 155 of its travel stores.

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In A Down Economy, Consumers Look For All Possible Ways To Cut Costs. Suggests Looking Online For Insurance Quotes

Looking Online For Insurance Quotes

You can preserve your energy doing things you like doing as opposed to doing things you have to do. Finding competitive insurance quotes usually falling in the latter category.

According to, locating the lowest possible insurance quotes is not only easy and free but takes very little energy and can be done without ever having to leave the house.

“Not many people these days have dozens of hours to spend driving to insurance companies’ offices, consulting with insurance agents face-to-face and doing background research on each carrier,” according to the article.“But with online insurance quotes, you can let the quotes come to you and simply relax with all that time you saved.”

The way works benefits you, the potential customer. Once you enter your information and it is received by insurance companies and agents, a bidding war ensues with your business being the goal these agents have their sights set on. This means you have the upper hand, you are in the pilot’s seat, and you can compare and contrast each of their offers to find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Also, if there is one thing everyone can agree on it is that you can never save enough money. Feel free to ask the agents competing for your business what savings or discounts they can offer or you are eligible for. You will be surprised to find how much money you will save in the end.

“[Y]ou can be sure they’ll be some of the lowest quotes around, because the agents are trying to get your business,” according to “Then you can compare multiple online insurance quotes and policies, and find the coverage you need for the price you want. Also, the search is free!”

Nobody likes their free-time being consumed with the search for insurance quotes, so let do the work for you. It’s simple, fast, and free.

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Best Buy Mortgages Are Available Under 3% Fixed For 2 Years And Under 5% Fixed For 5 Years

A number of factors have contributed to this. Firstly, it’s widely recognised that we are at or near the bottom of the interest rate cycle. Base rate could only fall by another 0.5% at most and in the May meeting of the Bank of England, base rate was held for the second month in a row. Consumers are looking to secure a fixed rate deal whilst rates are at their lowest. Best Buy Mortgages are available under 3% fixed for 2 years and under 5% fixed for 5 years. These fixed rate mortgage deals compare favourably with historical rates linked to lenders’ standard variable rates (SVR).

Best Buy Mortgages

Secondly there is widespread concern that when rates start to rise, they will rise sharply and so monthly repayments on mortgages linked to Bank of England Base Rate or a lender’s SVR will increase significantly over a short period of time. Securing a good fixed rate deal now will mitigate that risk.

Thirdly there is limited availability of mortgages for those with relatively small deposits (15% of house value or less) and so consumers in this situation are grabbing fixed rate mortgages whilst they still can.

Finally, as house prices have fallen, consumers have found that the value of their mortgage relative to the value of their home has increased. As the best fixed rate mortgage deals are available below 75% loan to value (ltv) it is sensible for consumers to fix their mortgage rate in case their property value falls further and the best mortgage deals are no longer available to them.

Potential borrowers wanting to secure a fixed rate mortgage deal can see the range of leading deals currently available at For more information and no-fee advice, borrowers can call free on 0800 373300 or request a call back.

London and Country Mortgages Ltd is the country’s leading whole of market no-fee mortgage broker and submitted over £4bn of mortgages to over 70 lenders in 2008. For more information visit our website London & Country Mortgages. L&C is a Climate Neutral company and for the last seven years has invested in climate friendly projects and tree-planting to help offset its emissions and those of its customers.

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Does Shopping for Insurance Quotes Hurt Your Credit Score?

With the economy slumping and people relying on credit more than ever, the last thing anyone wants to do is limit their access to credit by damaging their credit score. When you apply for insurance quotes these days most companies will pull your credit to judge what premium they will be charging you. The idea of inquiries showing up on your credit sounds like a very negative thing, but according to a recent article on, it’s actually no big deal.


Applying for insurance quotes does not negatively affect your credit score. There is no reason to not shop around for a better rate on your insurance, especially in tough economic times like these when every penny counts.

The insurance company may be pulling your credit, but it’s important to know the difference between what’s called a “hard pull” and a “soft pull”. According to the article, “When it comes to credit checks, there are two types of inquiries: ‘hard pulls’ and ‘soft pulls’. A hard pull refers to credit inquiries for acquiring credit, like from a credit card company or a lender. A soft pull is an inquiry that will review your credit score, much like an agent would to determine an insurance quote. … [T]he insurance company’s name will be listed on your report, but the inquiry will not lower your credit score.”

Though insurance quotes won’t affect your credit, it’s important to understand that your credit does affect your insurance quotes. The article continues, “While shopping for insurance quotes may not lower your credit score, it is important to know that a good credit score can lower your insurance quotes! Insurance companies and agents that see a potential client with a high credit score will consider you a low-risk client … They will then be able to offer you more affordable insurance quotes. Good credit saves you money in many different arenas of your life, including insurance.”

The best thing you can do if you have good or bad credit is to shop around for insurance quotes. Using services like you can compare up to five insurance quotes at a time and find the lowest rate.

For more information, visit

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Divorce Survival Kit Released as Ultimate Divorce Resource

The Divorce Survival Kit has just been released as the ultimate comprehensive resource for people experiencing divorce. The Divorce Survival Kit was developed by Carol Ann Wilson, one of the nation’s foremost experts on divorce and finances. The Divorce Survival Kit consists of a four (4) CD audio set and complete workbook filled with examples, forms and checklists. The product took over a year to complete, and it represents a great wealth of Carol Ann’s vast knowledge and experience. The Kit contains everything you need to know if you are going through a divorce and are concerned with how to survive financially.

The topics covered in the Divorce Survival Kit include:

  • Marital vs. Separate Property: Learn the truth about marital and separate property and how to keep what is yours. Don’t surrender it if you don’t have to!
  • Alimony/Maintenance: Find out if you are likely to receive alimony and how much. If you have to pay alimony, understand how to best protect yourself and minimize your losses.
  • Health Insurance: Did you know you could become uninsurable after your divorce? Protect yourself and your children.
  • Child Support: Learn what you need to know about the Child Contingency Rule that could save you from owing the IRS thousands of dollars.
  • Asset Division: Don’t ruin your financial future by failing to consider hidden assets and tax consequences. Discover the best ways to divide all your assets.
  • Dividing Retirement Accounts: This is often the biggest asset in the marriage. Avoid some common mistakes and make the most of this valuable asset.
  • Settlement Alternatives: Courtroom battles can be costly and expensive, but there are alternatives. Mediation, arbitration and collaborative divorce are explained.

Carol Ann Wilson, a Certified Financial Divorce Practitioner, is the founder of the profession of divorce financial planning. She has been working with divorcing clients and their attorneys for over 20 years.

Carol Ann’s dedication to helping couples financially survive their divorce has driven her to continuously develop more ways to help them. In addition to the Divorce Survival Kit, Wilson has authored many books and articles on divorce, has served as an expert witness in court for over 120 divorce cases, has developed software for professionals used in determining financial results in divorce settlements, and has trained thousands of divorce financial planners around the country how to work with divorcing clients to achieve fair and equitable divorce settlements.

Currently, Wilson is the president of the Financial Divorce Association, located in Longmont, Colorado, and an owner of the Academy of Financial Divorce Practitioners in Chicago. Her expertise, as the founder of the profession, is highly sought-after, and Wilson continues to consult with divorcing clients today.

“The Divorce Survival Kit is going to help a lot of people,” Carol Ann says. “I am excited to be able to offer all of my knowledge and experience in one complete package, that is affordable to anyone. I like to say that you get my 24 years of experience for less than the cost of 30 minutes with an attorney.”

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Lloyds TSB Insurance Reports Over 50s Driving Down Crime Rates

Lloyds TSB Insurance has conducted a new study that shows community-minded senior citizens are creating ‘safe havens’ with the lowest crime rates in the country.

Lloyds TSB Insurance, the home and car insurance provider, has revealed that Britain’s emerging ‘safe havens’ include North Norfolk, Berwick-upon-Tweed and West Somerset, which experience half the crime suffered in other parts of the country and whose population includes more than two in five people (43 per cent) over the age of 50.

Rates of burglary and malicious property damage are particularly low in these ‘safe havens’, running at around 40 per cent less than national levels.

The study suggests that low crime is promoted by the community-orientated mindset of older people. The over-50s are five times more likely than the under-35s to know their neighbours personally and are far more inclined to report suspicious behaviour in their area.

This anti-crime ‘halo’ created by older people is aided by much higher membership of community groups. One in six (16 per cent) are active in Neighbourhood Watch schemes, compared to a tiny proportion of those in their twenties and thirties (5 per cent).

The waning community spirit of younger Britons is explained in part by more transient, urban lifestyles. Many young people say they see “no point” in getting to know their neighbours and a hard core of one in twenty Londoners (7 per cent) has never met or spoken to anyone who lives nearby.

Phil Loney, managing director of General Insurance at Lloyds Banking Group said: “Our findings demonstrate that younger people aren’t as community-minded as their parents and this mindset can have a big impact on safety and security in our neighbourhoods.

“Young people can learn a huge amount from the older generation about security consciousness. Taking a little time to look out for other people’s property and reporting anything suspicious can have a huge impact on burglary rates and anti-social behaviour.

“We’ve spoken to some security conscious over-50s and have published some of their security tips on our website.”

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2017 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 27th-29th May 2009. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+). YouGov research questioned 18-35 vs. 50+ age cohorts. 4 per cent of over-50s know none of their neighbours personally, compared to 20 per cent of 18-35 year olds

About Lloyds TSB:
Lloyds TSB offers customers a wide range of current accounts, savings accounts, travel, home insurance, cheap car insurance, personal loans and credit cards, competitive home insurance quotes investment and cash ISA accounts designed to meet different customers’ needs.

Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Lloyds TSB Scotland plc are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and signatories to the Banking Codes. Lloyds TSB Bank plc Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales no. 2065.

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National Lending Associates, Inc. Launches the TuitionFlex Program

National Lending Associates, Inc. (“NLA”) is formally announcing today the launch of its TuitionFlex SM tuition payment program. The TuitionFlex Program is a highly flexible and customizable tuition payment program for schools and colleges which currently do or do not offer this low cost financing option to their students and families. TuitionFlex is designed to be compliant with all federal and state Truth-in-Lending disclosure requirements. This turn-key program features a branded on-line application process, electronic signature, customizable reporting, automated payment processing and flexible servicing repayment terms.

“NLA is excited to launch this additional financing option for schools and colleges while leveraging the experience and expertise of our management team.  Our TuitionFlex Program was created as an alternative higher education financing option, which enables institutions throughout the country to provide effective financing solutions for their students during a time of economic uncertainly and limited private financing choices ” states Douglas Feist, Chief Executive Officer of NLA.

The TuitionFlex Program offers payment products aimed at providing tuition financing solutions for K-12 schools, colleges, and universities. With its TuitionEase™ (less than 12 months), TuitionExtend™ (contracts greater than 12 up to 120 months), and soon to be launched TuitionExtend Plus ™ (contract purchase option) products, the TuitionFlex Program provides alternatives to meet the current demands of all educational institutions.

For more information on the TuitionFlex Program go to or contact Tim Kulesha at (602) 579-6555.

About National Lending Associates, Inc.
Based in San Diego, California, with offices in Ohio, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and New York, National Lending Associates, Inc., is a nationwide specialty service company focused on providing financing solutions, loan and portfolio administration services, and technology options for the education financing marketplace ( ).

Via EPR Network
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Take Time To Compare Car Insurance Policies Before Travelling Abroad, Says Insurancewide

Increasing numbers of travellers are taking to the roads instead of the skies to get to their European holiday destinations, and keeping their car as a mode of transport whilst they explore their vacation destination. However, Insurancewide, one of the UK’s leading insurance comparison websites, is urging holidymakers to check the details of their car insurance policies carefully – they might not be insured for driving abroad, in which case it’s vital to compare car insurance policies to get the correct cover.

If you are whisking your family away, it certainly seems somewhat easier to load up the boot of your car, put the kids in the back seat and take to the road with your satelite navigation programmed. But if you get into an accident without the proper car insurance, or aren’t aware of the rules of the road where you go, you could have more of an adventure than you bargained for.

Holidays can take time to plan but the one thing you shouldn’t miss out in the rush to get ready for your driving break is to thoroughly check your car insurance policy. If you find it doesn’t cover you abroad, or it’s expensive to add this on, go online to compare car insurance, using a comparison website such as Insurancewide. It’s important not to just assume you are covered under your existing car insurance policy before setting off. If you are not it’s essential to compare car insurance nad get the appropriate cover.

You should also check the general rules of the road for where you are going – different places in Europe can have different speed limits, and different road customs in the event of a breakdown. For example, when you drive in Belgium, France and Germany you must have a warning triangle in your car.

So, it’s clear not only should you compare car insurance using a quick and easy insurance comparison site like Insurancewide, you should look into local road rules, and do your best to prepare for your trip. Carry identification with you at all times in case you are stopped by the local police and check basic maintenance such as oil and water levels before you go.

About Insurancewide
Insurancewide, also known as Services Limited, is an online insurance comparison website offering insurance comparison tools which allow users to search the market and procure the best insurance policies and quotes. Insurancewide was launched in August 1999 as the first insurance comparison website on the internet.

Via EPR Network
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Term Life Insurance Protects Family, Future of Loved Ones

Term life insurance works by paying a predetermined amount of money to any beneficiary you choose if you pass away during the term of the policy. Term life insurance is the most popular type of life insurance policy because it is affordable, easy to understand, and simple to setup. It’s still important you understand how term life policies work before you go shopping for one so you know what questions to ask your life insurance agent.


Understanding the differences between whole and term life insurance is a good place to start. According to a recent article on, “Term life insurance is cheaper than permanent life insurance, it’s temporary but usually renewable, it has no cash value element and no policy loan provisions, and it usually can convert or transfer to a permanent life insurance.”

If your financial needs aren’t permanent such as tax debt, a term life policy will benefit you the most since it is perfect for things such as paying off mortgages or student loans.

It’s important to remember that term life insurance starts off very affordably, but the costs do tend to increase over time. Sometimes these cost hikes are annual, but they can also be periodic throughout the course of the policy. Also, keep in mind term life insurance policies typically come in 15 or 30 year coverages and you will need to discuss with your agent which one is best for you. “When the term is up, so is the coverage. The insurance carrier will not pay the coverage if the insurer dies at any time (even a day) after the term,” according to the article.

If you don’t feel that term life insurance is the best choice for you, there are several other types like variable and whole. Discussing the available options with your life insurance agent is highly recommended on such an important financial decision like this.

To find a local agent and compare up to 5 life insurance quotes, try using a service like to find the lowest rate on a new policy.

Via EPR Network
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Accident Advice Helpline MD chairs Annual Claims Forum Conference

Accident Advice Helpline Managing Director, Darren Werth, in his capacity as Chairman of the Claims Standards Council, was invited to chair the afternoon session of the IEA and Marketforce’s 4th Annual Claims Forum Conference in London.


Darren shared the stage with some of the insurance industry’s most significant players including Peter Hubbard, Former Chief Executive of AXA Insurance, David Williams, Managing Director Claims, AXA and John Higgins, Head of UK Personal Injury AIG.

It is thought to be the first time that a Claims Management company has been invited to participate at such a high level conference within the defendant insurance industry. Darren’s provocative and thought-provoking opening statement to the delegates echoed the warning shot issued by Lord Chief Justice Judge to lawyers at the ILEX Inaugural Lunch earlier this month that a failure to engage with the claims industry as a whole in the current environment may lead to the loss of opportunity, particularly as the future legal landscape remains very much under review.

Accident Advice Helpline remains at the forefront of the personal accident claims management industry trying to bring about reform. Accident Advice Helpline recently showed its intent to improve the industry as a whole with its acquisition and ongoing development of the Resolusion software system. The Resolusion software system will help settle claims more efficiently bringing about cost savings and streamlining the process.

About Accident Advice Helpline:
Accident Advice Helpline was established in 2000 following the removal of legal aid to accident victims with personal injury cases. The company was founded to provide access to justice for accident victims and, since its creation, has helped thousands of people claim compensation against the responsible parties.

The company has thrived and puts its success down to adhering strictly to its four key principles; integrity, dependability, reliability and accountability. As one of the most established companies in the industry, Accident Advice Helpline has worked tirelessly to ensure that making a claim is simple, fast and easy.

Working on a no win, no fee basis, the injury compensation specialist is the UK’s leading company of its kind and prides itself on quick and effective compensation claims processing, with high quality service and an admirable success rate. The level of customer satisfaction which Accident Advice Helpline is known for is characterised by television star Esther Rantzen’s continued support for the company, which she has steadily provided since 2003.

Via EPR Network
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The Children’s Mutual Finds Parents Prioritise Children’s Dreams

According to The Children’s Mutual over 5.5 million* young people in the UK are receiving financial help from their parents in order to realise their dreams and aspirations. In some cases this could lead to their parents abandoning their own dreams for the future and potentially undermining their finances.


The research by the leading Child Trust Fund provider illustrates the finances that can be needed to realise an adult child’s ambitions and The Children’s Mutual is encouraging parents of today’s younger children to consider saving now if they want to be able to afford both these and their own retirement dreams.

Many parents of today’s 20 something’s have had to raid their own savings or sacrifice their retirement goals in order to help their adult children fulfil theirs. After spending years saving to fulfil their long-standing future plans, parents are finding that when the time comes the funds won’t cover the aspirations of both generations.

28%** of today’s 25 year-olds have financial support from their parents towards education, 23%*** towards their rent and 19%*** have financial support from their parents towards holidays and trips abroad.

David White, Chief Executive, The Children’s Mutual, commented, “We are highlighting to parents of younger children that by starting to save for their child’s future now, they can help avoid the struggles faced by the baby-boomer generation who regularly sacrifice their own dreams for those of their children.”

Research from The Children’s Mutual shows that 80%** of today’s 18 to 25 year-olds believe they can be ‘financially independent’ while still receiving financial support from their parents and 66%*** of those who are ‘completely financially independent’ still get some form of financial support from parents.

Starting to save small amounts regularly over the long-term into Child Trust Funds, is one way parents of today’s children could stand a better chance of fulfilling their own desires alongside being able to provide for their children as they enter adulthood.

David White continued; “Making the step into adulthood is often a strain financially. But from 2020 all 18 year-olds will be receiving their Child Trust Fund and those whose families have managed to save the maximum amount of £1,200 each year will have a fund that could be worth£37,100**** upon maturity. Those who save the average amount amongst our customers of £24 a month could have a fund worth £9,750 (based on investing £24 a month) when they reach age 18.”

* 6,309,156 (UK 18-25 year olds – source: / 100 x 87.2 (18-25 year olds who have had financial help from their parents according to The Children’s Mutual’s Financial Independence Report 2009) = 5,501,584
** Financial Independence Report commissioned by The Children’s Mutual February 2009
*** ibid
**** Projection includes monthly investment (plus £250 government vouchers at birth and age 7) for 18 years in a stakeholder CTF account. Assumed investment return – 7% a year, with charges of 1.5% of the CTF account value each year. Projected values cannot be guaranteed as shares can go up or down. Final payout could be more or less than this.

About The Children’s Mutual – Home of the Child Trust Fund
The Children’s Mutual’s mission is to help parents, grandparents, family and friends fulfil their hopes for today’s children. The Children’s Mutual is the only UK company that specialises in long term savings for children and is now the choice of 1 in 4 parents for their child’s Child Trust Fund, with more than 650,000 accounts.

The Children’s Mutual has won the The Moneyfacts Award for Best Child Trust Fund Provider every year since its 2006 launch.

This expertise has led several financial institutions and family-focused high street retailers to choose The Children’s Mutual as their CTF partner including ASDA, Boots, The Co-operative, Lloyds TSB, Mothercare and regional bank and building societies across the UK.

Via EPR Network
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