Category Archives: Financial Services

Financial Services

Saxo Bank Launches New Morning Markets And Trading Notes On

Saxo Bank, the specialist in online trading and investment, has launched two new European morning publications entitled the ‘Morning Kickoff @ Saxo Bank’ and the ‘Saxo Bank Charts of the Day’ which will be published through the site.

The trading Morning Kickoff @ Saxo Bank will deliver analysis and trading commentary on both short-term intraday events and the longer-term trends which are important to traders dealing Forex – foreign exchange or equity markets.

The Saxo Bank Charts of the Day, on the other hand, provides a snapshot of key graphical indicators traders should be watching to detect any changes in market trends and sentiment.

David Karsbol, Saxo Bank’s Chief Economist, said, “The creation of these two notes marks our (Saxo Bank / desire to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the market drivers without cluttering up an already information-overloaded world.

“We have balanced the need for fundamental information on what has happened, what is about to happen and what could transpire, with a set of charts to help understand the relationships between key instruments and indicators.” is a website bringing traders insightful commentary, analysis and research to keep them informed on strategies and news in Forex, FX-options, stocks,commodities and CFDs. Some of its key publications and channels include:

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

MidCountry Financial Hires Chief Accounting Officer – Adds Additional Planning, Compliance, And Industry Experience To Seasoned Executive Team

MidCountry Financial Corp. (MCFC) is pleased to announce that Darren Cantlay has joined the executive team as Vice President of Accounting and Finance, and Chief Accounting Officer. In this newly-created position, Cantlay will manage all financial reporting, budgeting, financial systems, and tax functions for MCFC, among other things, and will also assist with strategic planning and overall financial management for the organization. Cantlay begins his new role Sept. 1, 2010.

“We’re extremely excited to have Darren join the MidCountry Financial family,” said David Hall, chief financial officer for MCFC. “He brings a diverse and extensive set of financial skills to the company, and he will be a valuable asset as we continue to grow and expand our organization.”

Cantlay has more than 15 years of experience handling a variety of accounting, compliance, planning, and operational issues for a variety of financial institutions, including McIntosh Bancshares, the Bank of Ellijay, Appalachian Bancshares, and United Bank Corporation. He has previously held the positions of chief financial officer, chief operating officer, controller, and accountant.

A graduate of Valdosta State University, Cantlay has been an adjunct faculty member at Griffin Technical Institute, where he taught both accounting and tax courses. He is a member of the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Management Accountants, the Georgia Bankers Association Asset Liability Committee, and was Secretary of the Gilmore County Rotary Club from 2008-2009.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Possible £2.7bn Bill for PPI Reclaim Compensation

The Financial Services Authority has announced that compensation for mis-sold PPI reclaims could reach as much as £2.7bn and involve 2.75 million people in the UK. Complaints regarding PPI reclaims are expected to rise to over 550,000 per year for the next five years, with compensation for PPI reclaims varying from £900 – £1,800 per person.

The FSA found ‘wide and deep evidence of weakness in PPI sales’ over the last five years and warned lenders they have until December 1st 2010 to adopt a new set of rules that deal with PPI reclaim complaints, key features of which include:

  • If the customer would not have bought the policy in the first place, the PPI premiums plus interest should be reimbursed.
  • If the customer was persuaded to buy a premium with a single up-front payment instead of a regular premium policy, the customer should be reinstated to the position they would have been if they had done.

Dan Waters of the FSA said: “The rules are the culmination of months of hard work and now, with these measures, we look forward to consumers being treated fairly whether they are buying or complaining about PPI. Since we took over the regulation of PPI we’ve carried out 24 investigations and three thematic reviews, issued warnings, halted the selling of single premium PPI with unsecured personal loans, visited over 200 firms, and handed out some very significant fines.”

Lenders up in arms about new PPI reclaim rules

Many have argued the new PPI reclaim rules are unnecessary and disproportionate, with lenders waging a behind-the-scenes campaign to stop the new regulations from being instated.

However, the FSA is adamant the new rules are necessary given the behaviour of some lenders when faced with dealing with PPI reclaims. Some lenders have been automatically turning down almost half of the PPI reclaim complaints they receive with others have been rejecting every single one. Of those customers who had their PPI reclaims rejected, 1 in 3 turned to the Financial Ombudsman Service for help and 80% had their complaints upheld. Such is the extent of the problem, last year the FSA instructed lenders to open up 185,000 rejected PPI reclaims and review them.

For claims comparison site,, the behaviour of the lenders is nothing new. “The new FSA rules are incredibly welcome, For years lenders have been mis-selling PPI insurance alongside loans to everyone they could. Often they knew the premiums to be unnecessary or that the customer would be unable to claim on the policy because they were exempt from doing so when they took them out. Sometimes they didn’t even bother telling the borrower they were adding a PPI premium. Customers had no idea they even had an insurance policy.”

The spokesperson added; “The numbers of people coming to us for help with PPI reclaims has risen dramatically over the last 12 months and some of the stories we are hearing are quite shocking. It’s quite obvious the lenders are banking on people being disillusioned and put off when they repeatedly reject their PPI reclaims. That’s why many people need a helping hand from companies like ours to deal with the tactics of these unscrupulous lenders who have simply instated a blanket ban on dealing with PPI reclaims regardless of the merit of the customer’s case. Luckily we understand PPI reclaim law and aren’t so easily put off by the tactics of lenders”.

The Competition Commission is also expected to announce a ban on selling PPI policies at the point when someone is granted a loan. Some lenders however have realised the game is up and have already stopped offering polices, including HSBC and Lloyds.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Releases New Monthly Equity Research On Value Stocks In

Saxo Bank, the specialist in online trading and investment, has launched a new monthly equity research publication entitled “Global Value Equity Strategy” focused on highlighting the most undervalued stocks from around the world. It will appear each month on the Equities section of

The “Global Value Equity Strategy” will highlight a value portfolio on 30 of the most undervalued stocks from around the world according to a proprietary equity screening model. Each issue of the publication will included back testing results and performance evaluation of the live portfolio.

“One of the many advantages of such a value strategy is that the investment horizon is longer, usually one year or more, eliminating short-term volatility currently prevalent in equity markets,” said Christian Blaabjerg, chief equity strategist at Saxo Bank. “Equity related investment letters are widely distributed on the Internet nowadays. Few of them, however, focus on undervalued securities.”

The “Global Value Equity Strategy” report includes a brief introduction to value stocks, how to recognize them and why investing in them is likely to generate superior returns compared to widely used benchmarks. The phrases “growth stocks” and “value stocks” appear fairly often in financial reports and publications and the “Global Value Equity Strategy” explains that a growth stock is a company, often large and well-known, which has generated high and stable earnings growth over a longer period of time. Investors tend to value such stocks higher as they extrapolate historical growth into the future. The problem is that only few stocks are able to maintain such earnings growth for a long time and competition typically results in a slowdown, eroding margins and market share for growth companies. This seems to explain why they tend to be inferior investments.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV= Reports Kids Come First As Parents Increase ‘Back To School’ Spending To £709 Million

LV=’s new Cost of a Child study has found that parents will spend £709 million* on ‘back to school’ basics including uniforms, stationery, sportswear and winter coats as parents prepare to kit their children out for the start of the new school year. This is equivalent to parents spending an average of £122 on their children. This rises to£139 for secondary school aged children, compared to £96 for infants. Parents living in London spend the most preparing for their kids to go back to school at £158 on average.

Despite many families continuing to feel the squeeze in the current economic climate, 46% of parents expect to spend a greater amount this year on ‘back to school’ items than last year. When asked to consider the financial pressures of kitting their kids out for school, 48% said they are feeling the strain of having to spend ‘excessive amounts’, rising to 64% among parents in the North East.

54% parents are considering using low cost suppliers for back to school items, such as supermarkets to buy basics like uniform and stationery, and 23% are considering second hand items, including hand-me-downs and goods from charity shops or eBay. This rises to 70% and 41% respectively for families in the South East.

Mark Jones, LV= head of protection, said: “It is surprising that many parents are responding to increased money pressure this year by spending more on back to school basics; clearly kids come first despite the downturn. And it’s even more surprising that many parents are spending more despite looking at ways to be frugal and economise, by purchasing from cheaper suppliers such as their local supermarket or eBay.”

The annual LV= Cost of a Child study shows that parents are now likely to have to shell out more than £201,000 on raising a child from birth to the age of 21**. This equates to £9,610 a year, £800 a month or £26 a day. Education (not including private school fees) remains the second biggest expenditure behind childcare, costing parents £52,881 over a child’s lifetime – an increase of 4% on last year.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Reveals 1 In 3 UK Couples Know Nothing About Their Partner’s Finances

Prudential has revealed new research that shows UK couples could be risking poverty in old age because they are failing to talk to one another about financial planning for their retirement.

The study found that nearly a third of couples (32 per cent) aged 40 and above but not yet retired* say they don’t know or understand the details of their partner’s retirement savings, with more than a fifth (22 per cent) saying they have never talked to their partner about financial planning for retirement.

The findings from new research commissioned by Prudential reveal that women are even less likely than men to discuss financial planning for retirement with partners, with almost a quarter of women (24 per cent) saying they have never discussed this, compared to almost one in five men (19 per cent).

And a further 12 per cent of women and 11 per cent of men say they know nothing about their spouse or partner’s finances – and they’re not really interested. This lack of interest could be compounding low levels of financial awareness.

To help people prepare for their retirement, Prudential has produced a decade-by-decade guide to the conversations couples need to have at Suggested subjects include making a will, discussing pensions and how much to save, talking about when to retire, working out retirement income, reviewing total savings, researching annuity options and when to buy, checking National Insurance contributions, talking about housing options, leaving an inheritance, and agreeing on long term care.

Andy Brown, investments director at Prudential, said: “It is incredible that so many people do not know the details of their partner’s retirement savings. Essentially, this could mean millions of UK adults are banking on hope as their core retirement strategy and are approaching what is arguably the most important financial decision without a full understanding of their household financial situation.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases Reveals British Public Lending A Hand To Online Fraudsters

New research by has revealed just how relaxed the Great British public are when it comes to protecting themselves in the digital world. In the face of one of the fastest growing crimes in the world, the research has shown that millions of online users are readily making the information required to steal their identities available to digital fraudsters.

The online study commissioned to mark the launch of the new fraud protection service by Experian, revealed that three of the most regularly used passwords (town of birth (24%), date of birth (18%) and name of past schools (18%)**) also feature in a top ten of personal details which the public include on social networking and dating sites. By making these personal details so accessible online, people are making themselves easy targets for digital criminals who are ready to maximise this information for fraudulent activities such as ID theft.

The new study looked at how willing the public are to display personal details online compared with the information they are prepared to give out to people/companies contacting them by phone. The figures are vastly different, with minimal numbers of people admitting to give out such personal information directly to strangers (Town of Birth (7%), Name of past schools (1%), mother’s maiden name (6%)**).

In addition, the research revealed that over half the population (51%)** use the same online password for some or most of their online accounts, with 52%** admitting to never changing their online passwords, or only changing their passwords when they believe their online account may have been compromised or have been prompted to do so.

Speaking about the research results, Pete Turner, Managing Director of Experian Interactive, said: “The results of our research show that the message of identity fraud is still not being heard. The Internet is accessible to almost everyone and as the number of users grow, so do those using it for criminal purposes. Users need to be aware of what information they are giving out online and who might be accessing it. People are clearly aware of the dangers of giving away personal details to strangers calling them up on the phone, so why are they giving this information away to a huge audience online?”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Children Life Insurance And The Need to Purchase A Policy Early On In Life Resource and Information Center today reported the need for parents to acquire Children Life Insurance. Looking down on your bouncing little bundle of joy, the last thing you ever want to think about is – do I need to have life insurance for my child? As unpleasant a thought as it may be, the truth is tragedies do happen to children, and our job as parents in all things regarding our families is to hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

Be it homeowners, flood or auto insurance that kind of “being preparedness” is the very purpose of any kind of insurance – and life insurance for your child is one of those better to have it and never ever need it kind of things, then to need it, and not have it.

There are some circumstances where there is no question that you need to have life insurance for a child. What if they actually are the primary breadwinner in the family? If you are the parent of a working child in movies, TV or the like – then absolutely you need life insurance on that child. But even for those of us who are not the Mom or Dad to the next Hannah Montana – it still could make sense to have life insurance for your child. Here are a few good reasons why:

* By buying a life insurance policy for your child now – when they are young and healthy you lock in low rates for future premiums, and insure that they will not be without life insurance should they experience some health problems later in life.
* Purchasing a Whole Life Insurance policy now, becomes a perennial investment for your child, one that will eventually pay for itself.
* In the event of the tragic loss of a child, at least you will know funeral and burial costs will be taken care of

As an alternative to buying a separate life insurance policy for a child, if you have a current life insurance policy you may be able to add you child as rider to that policy. Such riders are most often applicable only until the child reaches a certain age, usually 21.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV Research Suggests Equity Release Set To Become Big Growth Area For IFAs

LV= conducted new research at its recent equity release road shows that reveals IFAs believe equity release is set to become a big growth area for their future business, helping to deal with the needs of the UK’s ageing population.

Research amongst IFAs that attended the road shows, which took place in May this year, showed that nearly all (98%) of them believe that there will be a surge in consumers using equity release over the next few years. 35% of the IFAs that attended said that equity release is already a core part of their business.

When looking into the reasons behind the future growth of the market, IFAs cited a shortfall in pension provision as the top reason for a future boost in people releasing the equity from their home, with funding to make home improvements and being able to help family onto the property ladder the next biggest motivators.

When looking into long term care planning, 88% of IFAs indicated that they believed, in the right circumstances, equity release could be the best option for people needing to fund long-term care in the home.

Vanessa Owen, LV=’s Head of Equity Release said: “Advisers can clearly see the importance property will play in people financing their future in and around retirement, and a large number of IFAs now class equity release as core to their business. Releasing the money locked in a home can, under the right circumstances, be a lifeline for cash poor, asset rich people in or at retirement. With people living longer and healthier lives many will want a cash injection to help pay for a standard of living they have grown used to in their working lives as well as paying for home improvements, dream holidays or medical care. People’s homes are often their greatest asset, so it makes sense for them to be able to access that capital when they need it.”

Andrea Rozario, Director General of equity release trade body SHIP, added: “It isn’t surprising that IFA’s believe in the future growth of equity release when you consider the longevity issues we face and the problems this brings. Clearly the shortfall in pensions, along with an increasing need to pay for care in later life is becoming more important for the consumer and turning to their biggest asset, often their property is a logical step. The use of this asset can help alleviate problems for customers as long as they are fully aware of all the options open to them and this is where advisers play a critical role.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Barclaycard Has Increased The Balance Transfer Period On Barclaycard Platinum

Barclaycard has announced it is increasing the balance transfer period on Barclaycard Platinum to 16 months at 0% for new customers with a handling charge of 2.9%.

Barclaycard Platinum also offers 0% interest on purchases for the first three months and a typical APR of 16.9%.

The extension of balance transfers to 16 months provides customers with an affordable way to manage their finances without incurring extra interest. The handling charge of just 2.9% makes it easy for customers to make the move as well as saving them money. Purchases over the first three months will also be interest free, with typical interest at 16.9%.

In addition to the extended 0% balance transfer offered by Barclaycard Platinum, customers will benefit from the broadest rewards scheme in the UK. Barclaycard Freedom provides Reward Money in pounds and pence in thousands of retailers across the UK without the need to carry additional credit cards or vouchers.

Customers will also enjoy the flexibility of contactless technology: payments of £15 and under can be made by simply holding the credit card over the contactless reader; all backed up by Barclaycard’s advanced security and fraud prevention measures.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Barclaycard Reveals Two Minute Limit For Britain’s Impatient Shoppers

Barclays’ and Barclaycard‘s latest research reveals that far from the stereotype as a nation that loves to wait in line, two fifths of Brits refuse to queue for longer than two minutes and 68% regularly abandon purchases.

According to the poll of 2,000 shoppers*, women will queue only 12 seconds longer than men, but the biggest surprise is the willingness of younger shoppers (18-24) to wait a full two minutes longer in line than those aged 55-64.

Impatient shoppers seem hungry for change, with food or drink outlets found to have the most frustrating queues. In contrast, supermarkets are seen to be the best at managing queues. 51% of shoppers refuse to even enter a store if they spy a queue and some retailers are taking extreme measures to cope with customers’ impatience with 30% of shops shifting till positions to hide long queues**. In contrast 12% of retailers, including supermarket chain Co-operative, have begun to deploy contactless payment systems which, by doing away with the need to enter a pin code, reduce transaction times by over a third (source Smart Card Alliance).

Stuart Neal, head of UK Payment Acceptance at Barclaycard, commented:

“While retailers appear to be aware that even their most loyal customers are not prepared to wait in line any more, hiding the evidence of queues is not the way to fix the problem. Consumers have increasingly busy lives and retailers must be prepared to fit in with them by offering innovative solutions to speed up transactions. By embracing technology and installing new payments systems, such as contactless, retailers will stay ahead of the curve and limit the amount of time that people are waiting in shop queues.”

The top frustrations of queuing shoppers were not enough staff serving customers, sales assistants spending too long chatting to customers and people fumbling in their pockets for change. Half of shoppers (46%) favour stores with express lanes.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

MidCountry Financial Corp. Website And Newsletter Named Finalist For National Awards

PR News has named MidCountry Financial Corp. a finalist for its “2010 PR Digital Awards” in two separate categories: Best Newsletter, and Best Website Redesign. Directed by PR News, a leading communications and public relations news source, these awards for digital communications expertise are nationally recognized and highly competitive.

“MidCountry Financial is proud to have its Vantage Point employee newsletter and website, as well as those employees who develop and maintain these critical communications vehicles, recognized as best in the nation,” said Julie Schaller , senior vice president, human resources, for MidCountry Financial Corp. “Our corporate culture is centered heavily on open communication and transparency with our employees, our customers, and our investors, which makes such national recognition even more important to the MidCountry family.”

Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in New York City Oct. 6, 2010. Finalists in other categories include Coca Cola, General Motors, Barilla Pasta, Cisco Systems, Hilton Hotels, and Boeing, among others.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Announces Half Year Results

Saxo Bank has announced its half year results, with the trading specialist reporting pre-tax profits of DKK 729 million and a net profit of DKK 551 million. The results for the first half of 2010 also revealed the company’s operating income reached DKK 1,992 million and an EBITDA of DKK 881 million. The solvency ratio for Saxo Bank Group was 19.2% (18.9%).

The results achieved in the first six months of 2010 are rooted in increased market activity as well as decisions and actions taken since shortly before the onset of the financial crisis in the autumn of 2008. Since then The Bank has:
– increased efficiency through IT investments, work process rationalisation, outsourcing and business focus;
– reduced its headcount by approximately 40% from the peak level in September 2008
– completed 10 acquisitions, all of which have lived up to expectations
– launched significant new products within FX, Equities and Commodities
– expanded the business to include asset management
– increased its geographical footprint with new offices in nine countries
– increased its deposits and funds under management significantly
– established IT development centres in India and Ukraine in addition to its Danish IT centre.

During the first six months of 2010, Saxo Bank saw positive developments in key drivers such as the number of clients, number of trades and trading volumes.

The Bank’s clients’ collateral deposits increased by approximately DKK 11 billion to DKK 26.6 billion including clients’ collateral deposits from the Nordic activities of E*Trade, which Saxo Bank acquired in April 2010. Saxo Asset Management, Saxo Bank’s legally segregated asset management division increased its assets under management from DKK 21 billion to 28.8 billion including DKK 4.2 billion from Saxo Bank A/S during the first six months of 2010.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Barclaycard Spending Index Shows July Year-On-Year Growth Up 9.9%

Consumer spending on cards saw a near double digit increase in July compared to the same month last year, challenging concerns that consumer confidence has dipped.

According the latest figures released by Barclaycard, traditional summer discounting by retailers appears to have enticed consumers back to the high street, with the amount spent on debit and credit card purchases, in-store and online, increasing by 9.9% in July compared to the same month last year. Year-on-year figures have steadily increased since the start of 2010, with July representing the third month in a row that these figures have increased by more than 9%.

The figures run contrary to recent reports of a dip in consumer confidence – including the British Retail Consortium’s Index of Consumer Confidence – suggesting that a gap exists between what consumers say about their financial prospects and how they behave, with spending on the high street remaining strong.

Stuart Neal, head of Barclaycard UK Payment Acceptance said: “If consumer confidence is taking a hit, it’s not happening on the high street. If spending remains at this level compared to last year, 2010 could prove overall to be a very good year for retailers.”

Compared with June, the spending figures showed a slight increase in July by 1.9%, partly through consumers taking advantage of the earlier start to summer sales and July having 31 days rather than June’s 30 days.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Joins SunGard As Co-Title Sponsor In 2011

It has been announced that Saxobank, the trading and investment specialist, is to become a co-title sponsor with SunGard, one of the world’s leading software and technology services companies.

Following the announcement during the Tour de France that SunGard had agreed to become co-title sponsor for the next two years, Bjarne Riis, owner and manager of Riis Cycling A/S, revealed at a press conference in Copenhagen that Saxo Bank will be the other co-title sponsor in 2011. The Team will be called “Saxo Bank-SunGard Professional Cycling Team”.

Bjarne Riis said: “I am very happy to announce Saxo Bank and SunGard as future partners. With these two companies committed to the team, we have a solid financial foundation for the future. Saxo Bank and SunGard have ensured that the Team can continue its essential role within the world of cycling and will be able to maintain competing at the highest level. With Saxo Bank and SunGard as two strong backers, our future looks very bright. I am grateful for their commitment and I am confident that this will be mutually beneficial to all involved.”

Based on the prospects presented by the Team for 2011, Saxo Bank has taken a strategic decision to sponsor the Team for one more year. Saxo Bank has sponsored the Team since 2008 but took over as main title sponsor on 1 January 2009. According to the Bank, the sponsorship has already achieved great branding results and increased Saxo Bank’s name recognition around the world. Saxo Bank’s decision to continue the sponsorship for yet another year is based on a genuine wish to support the Team but also a commercial decision to further build on the advantages that Saxo Bank believes is extended through this additional commitment to the Team. The new, unnamed sponsor, announced during the Tour de France, was willing to step aside in order for the Team’s new plans to materialize.

In a joint statement, Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen, Co-CEOs and co-founders of Saxo Bank, said: “Bjarne Riis has delivered excellent results over the past couple of years and has an impressive plan for 2011.We believe it’s important to recognize an unprecedented opportunity when you see one and therefore, we have decided to continue our sponsorship for one more year. In Saxo Bank, we always aim for the top and we believe Bjarne Riis and his Team can reach that goal next year. While our past collaboration with Bjarne Riis has been fantastic, we also know and trust the new co-title sponsor, SunGard, and that has made this strategic decision an even easier one to make.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

M&S Money Urge Drivers To Make Car Security A Priority This Summer

M&S Money has revealed a new survey that reveals thousands of drivers are risking invalidating car insurance claims by failing to make vehicle security a priority.

The poll* found that more than half (56%) of UK motorists have been victims of car crime – 12% of car owners have experienced maliciously damaged paintwork, 8% have had a windscreen smashed and 8% of motorists have been victims of theft of personal belongings from their car.

While 60% of car owners have an alarm installed in their vehicle, many risk invalidating car insurance claims by failing to activate the alarm when the vehicle is unattended.

The survey found that 40% of Brits do not always use their car’s security system. A further 12% of motorists never use their security facilities, while nearly half of people (43%) admitted to having left their cars unlocked.

The M&S Car Insurance policy states that when a vehicle is unattended drivers must ensure the car is locked, windows are closed, any security system activated and any keyless entry systems removed.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Re-Launches

Saxo Bank, the specialist in online trading and investment, has re-launched its website to provide a simple entry point to anyone looking to become a forex trader and to be a useful resource for foreign exchange traders, or others, interested in the trading of currencies.

The redesigned website will focus on providing visitors with all the information necessary for traders like topical forex market information, news and analysis from Saxo Bank and third parties, and on forex education using Saxo Bank’s TradeMentor program and comprehensive financial glossary. The ever-popular free forex charting widget will also remain on the website too.

“ is already a successful domain, attracting large numbers of new and returning visitors. The new version of augments the popular forex trading information and analysis of the old site with much more content from Saxo Bank and third parties,” said Hugh Taggart, head of research & analysis tools at Saxo Bank.”

“Visitors to are often there just to learn how to trade forex or to see the latest forex quotes, news and analysis. This version of the website answers those needs concisely and provides a link to opening a trial or live account with Saxo Bank,” he added.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

D.P.Wood Management Makes It Even Easier To Send Your Money Abroad

D.P. Wood Management has recently completed an expansion; both in terms of our workforce and the services we offer. Our new website at provides a user friendly interface that is both easy to navigate and comprehensive in the information it provides. As a result we are now widely recognised as one of the most respected names in the foreign exchange industry, catering for business and personal clients alike.

D.P. Wood Management are market leaders in foreign currency, providing the most competitive exchange rates for individuals and companies wishing to transfer funds abroad.

Our clients benefit from the best available foreign currency exchange rates and highly efficient, accurate and speedy payment facilities. This ensures your funds arrive both on time and to the correct destination. There are no hidden costs, commissions, or fees – the rate we quote you is the rate we stick to.

The success of D.P. Wood Management depends on two central principles that we endeavour to deliver to our customers:

– The best exchange rates available in the market
– Unrivalled, innovative customer service.

Our client’s needs are provided for by a team of dedicated and experienced currency exchange consultants, many of whom are experts in specific areas of the foreign exchange market. They are fully trained to guide and assist you in every aspect of your foreign currency requirements, including strategic forward planning and monitoring for favourable currency opportunities to secure the very best exchange rates for you.

Each of our clients receives a friendly, personal and highly efficient service regardless of the purpose of the transaction or the amounts involved. Our consultants ensure that everything is explained fully, clearly and without any jargon. All of our consultants and back office staff alike are a highly professional workforce; able and equipped to meet all your needs.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases