Category Archives: Financial Information

Financial Information

The Children’s Mutual Launches What I Want To Be Webmercial

The Children’s Mutual, a leading Child Trust Fund provider, has captured the career aspirations of kids in the UK in its new webmercial and microsite.

Dressed to reflect the most popular career choices, babies from seven to 11 months are seen acting out different job roles in the 50 second web ad.

The What I Want To Be webmercial was prompted by research from The Children’s Mutual into the dream jobs of the nation’s children entitled What I Want To Be. Every year the research tracks the career aspirations of children as they grow up, to explore how social and economic factors might affect their ultimate career choices.

The brains behind the ad, Head of Online at The Children’s Mutual and dad of one, Nathan King said: “We wanted to engage with a new generation of parents who enjoy and respond to online media. We understand families and their desire to help their children fulfil their ambitions. So while the ad and microsite are a lot of fun our products support parents in helping their children to reach their goals.”

The project isn’t the first time The Children’s Mutual has broken new ground as a CTF provider. The family finance specialist also created the first branded CTF TV advert encouraging parents to save for their children as well as a recently launched animated guide to the Child Trust Fund. The webmercial and CTF microsite now form part of the company’s evolving social media engagement strategy.

According to King: “Personal finance is very few people’s favourite subject but it is a crucial part of daily life. As a family finance specialist we want to try everything we can to help make saving and planning for the future as engaging and straightforward as it can be.”

Child Trust Funds are designed to provide a tax efficient, long term savings vehicle for all eligible children. Each eligible newborn child (born on or after 1 September 2002) receives a£250 Child Trust Fund voucher (£500 for low income families) from the Government when their parents register for Child Benefit. The Government will make a second contribution of £250 (£500 for low income families) when the child reaches seven and is considering a third in the child’s teenage years. Parents, family and friends can all then add to this account up to a maximum value of £1,200 each year.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Savvy Self-Employed Seek Little-Known Tax Benefits Provided By The Solo 401k

The Solo 401k is designed for the self-employed and offers powerful features not found in traditional 401k or IRA retirement plans. The Solo 401k offers unique tax benefits to those who open an account before the New Year.

The clock is ticking for taxpayers to secure their end-of-the year tax breaks and many Americans who qualify for a tax shelter are not utilizing it.

“That’s because many people are completely unaware of a special retirement vehicle that offers the self-employed a way to make significant contributions,” said financial expert, Jeff Nabers, CEO of Nabers Group.

The Solo 401k account offers powerful features that are not available to those who invest in traditional IRA or 401k accounts.

“One special feature of the Solo 401k is that it can be run by the accountholder. You don’t have to open it up at a Wall Street-focused firm. That means that you’re not stuck to ordering your investments off of a menu that offers only stocks, bonds, and mutual funds,” explains Nabers.

The volatile stock market and significant losses that many investors suffered have caused them to look for alternative options. Nabers says that’s where the Solo 401k can really be helpful. “Using the Solo 401k, people can invest in real estate, gold, foreign annuities, foreign currency, small businesses, and much more,” said Nabers. Even better, the Solo 401k allows accountholders to make large retirement contributions totaling more than $50,000.

About the Jeff Nabers, CEO
Jeff Nabers is the Chief Executive Officer of the Nabers Group and is a renowned consultant, speaker, and educator. Nabers is an expert in the fields of Self Directed wealth management and personal finance. Nabers teaches seminars on understanding money, free market capitalism, inflation, Austrian economic theory, real estate investing, direct possession of gold and silver, income-producing assets, small business startup funding, and Self Directed IRA and Solo 401k investing. Additionally, Nabers is the chairman of the IRA Association of America and authored the book 5 Steps To Freedom.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

NS&I Reveal Findings Of Families, Finance And The Future Report

NS&I’s ‘Families, Finance and the Future’ report has shown that before having children, Britons believe you should have an income of at least £25,000 per annum to ensure financial security, while 20% of those surveyed said that they would seriously consider not having children because the cost of having them nowadays is so high.

The NS&I report, Families, Finance and the Future, was written by the Future Foundation and commissioned by NS&I. The report was produced by a combination of desk research and original survey work. Figures taken from a nationally representative sample of 1,049 adults aged 16+. Other sources the report used include the British Household Panel Survey, the ONS, Eurobarometer, the Department for Communities and Local Government, and previous surveys conducted by the Future Foundation.

Almost two-thirds (64%) said people should be financially secure before starting a family, while 78% agreed that the standard of living was an influencing factor when deciding on how many children to have. Just 26% of Britons believe that money shouldn’t be a consideration when deciding to start a family.

Tim Mack, NS&I Savings Spokesman, said: “Starting a family is always going to be much more than a purely economic decision, though for some the financial requirement is clearly an income of £25,000 per year. Britons are also considering their financial future when deciding on the number of children they will have.”

More than one in ten respondents (12%) thought that those thinking of starting a family should be earning between £40,000 and £70,000 before having children, while a similar number (13%) believed that they didn’t need anything as they would always be able to get by. Men were more likely to suggest a bigger financial cushion than women – £27,000 per year, compared to just £23,000 for women – while people without children gave much higher estimates, saying people should be earning at least£30,000.

As well as looking at the situation for individuals, the report also argues that finances and families are linked on a larger, macroeconomic, level.

Barry Clark, Account Director at the Future Foundation, said: “Baby booms tend to follow economic booms and the reverse is true too. Our data suggests that over the past 60 years, GDP growth and the change in birth rates in the UK have been closely linked, so we expect that the coming years will show more than ever that finances and families are related on both a personal and national economic scale.”

The primary consideration influences on the number of children people decide to have appeared to be common:

78% – standard of living they can give their children
73% – meeting the cost of raising their children
51% – size of the house they can afford to raise their family in
39% – education they can make sure their children receive

It is evident that perceived affluence has an effect on the birth rate. In fact, Future Foundation research and the British Household Panel Survey both have shown that in European countries where more people have an income that is either in line with or above their financial expectations, families bear more children.

Barry Clark added: “The highest earners would seem less likely to have larger families owing to the demands of, and devotion to, their careers, or a sharper awareness of just how much children cost to raise.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Hargreaves Lansdown Named Best Online SIPP Provider of the Year

Hargreaves Lansdown has been named the Best Online SIPP Provider of the year at the Technology Administration and Service (TAS) Awards, 2009.

The awards programme, which is organised by the Pensions and Investment Group of the Financial Times, aims to recognise achievement by providers of products and services to UK advisers.

It is the second award that that Hargreaves Lansdown’s SIPP has received this year, following their award for Best SIPP provider from What Investment, an accolade which the company has received three years in a row.

Following the awards, which were held at the Park Lane Hilton, Alex Davies, Director of Pensions at Hargreaves Lansdown, said “We never get complacent about these things but hope these awards demonstrate our commitment to providing clients with the best information and the best tools to manage their own investments.”

If you are interested in considering a SIPP, visit the Hargreaves Lansdown website, were more information, along with a downloadable, free guide to Self Invested Personal Pensions is available.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Animated Guide To Child Trust Funds

Leading Child Trust Fund provider The Children’s Mutual is pleased to announce the launch of a new cartoon guide to Child Trust Funds – the first of its kind in the marketplace.

The cartoon guide is a five minute animation in a graphic style reminiscent of perennial children’s favourite, Fuzzy Felt. During the film, busy new mum, Mel, (and baby Emily) explain what the Child Trust Fund is, the different sorts of funds that are available, their individual features, how to find a provider and how to go about applying for a fund.

The Child Trust Fund guide has additional link-back buttons at the end that allow viewers to go directly back to sections of particular interest and watch them again. It also gives clear direction to alternative information sources including HMRC.

Marketing Director, Tony Anderson, said: “We appreciate that new parents have very little free time and when they do get a chance to sit down they aren’t necessarily in the mood to wade through financial paperwork or regulatory terminology. But they still want to be sure that they are making the right choices for their children. This is where our animated guide provides a completely new approach to helping customers – through carefully chosen language and functionality. It provides all the salient information about CTFs in easy to understand language and simple to access bite size sections.”

The cartoon guide can be viewed at The Children’s Mutual’s own website and is also available for publications and sites to host themselves to help their own audiences to more easily understand the Child Trust Fund.

Tony concluded: “Opening a Child Trust Fund account can seem like a daunting task, but with our new guide it needn’t be. All we ask is that parents give us just five minutes of their time to help them make an informed decision.”

Child Trust Funds are designed to provide a tax efficient, long term savings vehicle for all eligible children. Each eligible newborn child (born on or after 1 September 2002) receives £250 (£500 for low income families) from the government when their parents register for Child Benefit. The Government will make a second contribution of £250 (£500 for low income families) when the child reaches seven and is considering a third in the child’s teenage years. Parents, family and friends can all then add to this account up to a maximum value of £1,200 each year.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Workers Beyond Retirement Age To Double In 10 Years

Prudential has revealed that UK businesses are bracing themselves for a surge in staff looking to delay retirement with around 1.8 million people expected to be working beyond traditional retirement ages in just 10 years.

The findings from new research commissioned by Prudential among finance directors at UK businesses found 24% of companies expect staff to work beyond retirement age in the next 10 years, with the proportion of people in the workforce who are past traditional retirement ages expected to more than double to 1.8 million people.

Larger companies expect to see an even greater proportion of their workforce working beyond retirement, with 39% of finance directors at larger firms expecting to have to accommodate requests from staff to work longer.

UK companies anticipate this will mean around 6.3% of their workforce (equivalent to 1.8 million people across the UK working population) will be made up of people working beyond statutory retirement ages in 10 years, more than double the current proportion of 2.6% of company workers (equivalent to around 752,700 people***) who currently work past retirement.

The study also found that in the past 12 months alone, 7% of finance directors have reported an increase in the number of employees asking to work past traditional retirement ages.

Martyn Bogira, Prudential’s Director of Defined Contribution Solutions, said: “As health and longevity continue to improve and people look to fund a longer life in retirement, it is inevitable that compromises have to be made.

“The statutory retirement age for men and women is due to rise to 68 by 2046, so working longer will be a fact of life for those entering the workforce today but these findings suggest that increasing numbers of pensioners will be forced to work later far sooner than this. Employers have told us that their staff costs could rise as their employees work for longer.

“Workers face the stark choice of either having to save more for their pension from an earlier age or having to work longer if they are to avoid taking a significant drop in their standard of living in retirement. Early pension saving is critical and we strongly encourage people not to delay starting a pension.”

The research also identified a clear North/South divide. Companies in the north of the country expect an average of 16.2% of their staff to work past the statutory retirement age compared with an average of 2.4% in Greater London and the South East.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

New Tax Law for Roth IRA May Be a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

In 2010 millions of Americans will be able to do something they have never done before—convert their IRA into a Roth IRA account. Current 2009 limitations do not allow anyone who makes more than $100,000 per year to convert their traditional retirement funds into a Roth IRA.

However, beginning in 2010, the Roth IRA conversion restrictions are being lifted. But is this really a good thing for taxpayers?

“Roth IRAs are a bad idea for taxpayers because they are paying taxes now in order to avoid paying taxes on distributions that are taken later,” said Jeff Nabers, CEO of Nabers Group. The problem is partly the economic crisis that we are in. “It makes sense if we were in a commodity-based monetary system, but we’re not. We have a fiat currency system that creates an inflationary environment in which Roth conversion is a good deal for the government and a bad deal for the taxpayer.”

Additionally, the Roth IRA conversion can be costly for the taxpayers. If they opt to convert their traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs, the IRS will view this as a taxable event. Accountholders will be taxed based on the entire conversion amount for their current tax bracket. The income taxes due on the 2010 conversion can be spread over two years. However, future conversions must be included in income reports to the IRS and will be taxed during the tax year in which the conversion is completed.

Nabers cautions his clients to carefully look at all their options when considering the Roth IRA conversion. He suggests, “Instead they should continue using their non-Roth Retirement accounts for the maximum tax benefit.”

Nabers, the author of Five Steps To Freedom: How to Cut Your Dependence on Institutions and Escape Financial Slavery, points out that the most important thing that taxpayers can do in these economic times is to find alternative investment solutions. “We’re likely heading into an era of significant inflation. I recommend that people seek alternatives to volatile Wall Street Securities and dollar-denominated assets in general.”

“The action that I recommend is to get more educated on the matter and look at both sides of the story before making a decision,” said Nabers. He says deciding to convert to a Roth IRA could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. “Before paying taxes using half of your savings, wealth, or retirement account, consult experts about all of your options. What you don’t know could hurt you—so seek knowledge and information so that you can make an informed decision that you won’t regret.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Learn How to Customize Business Insurance Policies

With any insurance policy, the consumer should take the time and care in making a checklist with their insurance agent to make sure all their bases are covered. Only a personally tailored business insurance policy stands the chance of being efficient while also providing the necessary amount of coverage, according to an article recently published on

“When venturing out and starting your own business, it’s important to financially protect it with a quality business insurance policy,” states the article titled, ‘Make Your Own Business Insurance Policy Checklist.’ “Having all of the right coverage options and necessary inclusions will protect you from serious financial loss later.”

Here are several necessities that should be included in any business insurance policy. Without these, a business insurance policy is pretty much obsolete. Depending on the nature of the business, some types of coverage should be emphasized while others should be minimal. Talk to a licensed professional about the needs of your specific business.

-Reparation/replacement coverage for any damaged property or assets
-Liability coverage with high enough limits
-Reimbursement of any income loss if the company temporary ceases productivity (this is known as interruption insurance)
-A deductible that fits within the framework of the company’s budget
-Optional: workers compensation and health insurance for employees

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Children’s Mutual Launches CTF Cashback Site

The Children’s Mutual, leading Child Trust Fund provider, has revealed that expectant parents can earn over £200 by using its new shopping portal to kit out their babies’ nurseries.

Research shows that on average, British parents spend £3,383 decorating and furnishing a nursery with a further £605 spent on prams, buggies and car seats. If parents did this shopping through CTF Cashback, they could be earning financial rewards of up to £215.

Free to use, the site enables online shoppers to build up cash in £10 increments which can be placed directly into a bank account or a Child Trust Fund with The Children’s Mutual.

The site, which offers members up to 20% cash back and lists over 1,000 retailers – many with additional voucher codes – can help parents and the wider family continue to save as the baby grows up too. By using to purchase ongoing essentials such as nappies and baby wear right through to buying presents and even holidays.

Tony Anderson, Marketing Director at The Children’s Mutual, said: “All parents quickly realise that buying everything they need and want for their child can be an expensive business. We created our CTF Cashback site to assist parents in getting great value for money on all their purchases, whilst being able to save towards their child’s future”.

Over 1,000 major retailers have already signed up to the scheme including leading brand favourites such as Mothercare, John Lewis, and Marks & Spencer. Collectively, retailers are offering members average returns of over 5% through the site, with some offering up to 20% or lump sums of up to £85.

Tony Anderson continued, “When questioning expectant and new parents through our monthly poll, nearly 90 per cent* suggested that they would like to receive ‘money back’ for their nursery shopping. We have taken this one step further so, whether it’s buying baby grows and nappies or school uniforms and family holidays we wanted cash-strapped parents to be earning money every time they spend online. With so many pulls on household budgets, offers a practical way of helping families to be savvy with their money and encourage them to save towards their children’s futures.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Acquires A 40% Stake In Initto

Saxo Bank, the online specialist in trading and investment, has announced the acquisition of a 40% stake in Initto, the Danish owned software and IT services provider. Initto has around 200 employees based mainly in India and Ukraine and the acquisition of Initto will enable Saxo Bank to continue to support and speed up the development of its trading systems.

Saxo Bank Acquires A 40% Stake In Initto

Designed to meet the varying needs and demands of financial investors and traders, Saxo Bank has developed four specialised and integrated trading platforms; the downloadable SaxoTrader, browser-based SaxoWebTrader, compact SaxoMiniTrader and phone-based SaxoMobileTrader.

Mikael Munck, CEO of Initto, commented: “Initto provides a wide range of customized IT services and software engineering solutions to clients. We have been very successful in offering and integrating our services into the organisation of our clients. We offer access to a wide range of international specialists that focus entirely on delivering high quality solutions to our clients’ allowing them to focus on core competencies, freeing up time for innovation and value creation. This is the secret of our success which we are certain Saxo Bank also will benefit from”.

Since its establishment in 2003, Initto has grown by an average of 50% per year and expects to enhance its service offerings with the support of Saxo Bank as a strong financial partner. Initto is headquartered in Ballerup near Copenhagen with a representative office in Oslo. Initto will continue to develop software and provide services to its existing client base.

In a joint statement, Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen, Co-CEOs and co-founders of Saxo Bank, said: “We are thrilled to have acquired this stake in Initto, which has great synergies with Saxo Bank and fit perfectly with our business model. The acquisition is in line with our ambition to acquire fully developed businesses and utilize their expertise to develop and strengthen Saxo Bank’s products and services. Over the next few years, we will be working with Initto to further increase the value we offer our own clients. Initto’s current and future client base will also benefit from our commitment as client and shareholder. We want to remain a first class service provider and we believe Initto can help us achieve this goal.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers Partner With NLA and SEF

National Lending Associates, Inc. (NLA) and Sterling Education Finance, LLC (SEF) announces their strategic partnership with the Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers. Through this partnership, a new education financing solution called the Community Education Loan (CEL) will be provided to their member banks. “Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers is pleased to have the opportunity to recommend to our member banks a turnkey private education product which can be customized to meet the needs of our constituents” said Richard K. Arnold, Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer. “Today, students and their families are finding it more difficult to obtain financing for a college education due to the continued financial pressures on traditional lenders because of the instability of the financial markets. This is a great opportunity for the financial institution to offer an alternative loan program, as well as better serve their customer base.”

The Community Education Loan program allows community banks to develop their own student loan offering without additional staffing or resources. This program is completely managed by NLA and SEF including product development, application origination, credit decisioning, disbursement processing, and loan portfolio administration services, with loan servicing being performed by PHEAA/AES. PHEAA/AES is one of the largest and most respected student loan servicers in the country.

“We are delighted that Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers has chosen to promote the CEL program to their member banks,” said Nancy Chalker, Regional Vice President at Sterling Financial and the relationship manager for this program. “By combining the in-depth knowledge and strength of the Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers and the private loan expertise of both NLA and SEF, we are able to bring a quality private education loan solution to this marketplace.“

For more information on the Community Education Loan go to (, contact Pat Cook at (828) 335-1092 or Nancy Chalker at (570) 899-1595.

About National Lending Associates, Inc.
Based in San Diego, California, with offices in Ohio, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and New York, National Lending Associates, Inc., is a nationwide specialty service company focused on providing financing solutions, loan and portfolio administration services, and technology options for the education financing marketplace (

About Sterling Education Finance, LLC
Sterling Education Finance, LLC is an innovative education financing company dedicated to the larger mission of ensuring access to education. Our product suite is designed to offer financing solutions for every private K-12, career and trade institution, college or university based on the institution’s unique needs as well as the needs of the student and families they serve. We have a select group of origination, funding and servicing partners and all of our products are fully supported by our team of industry veterans.

About Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency/American Education Services
Created in 1963 by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA/AES) has evolved into one of the nation’s leading nonprofit student aid organizations. Today, PHEAA/AES is a national provider of student financial aid services, serving millions of students and thousands of schools through its loan guaranty, loan servicing, financial aid processing systems and outreach programs. As a nonprofit organization belonging to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, PHEAA/AES devotes its energy, resources and imagination to developing innovative ways to ease the financial burden of higher education for Pennsylvania’s students, families, schools and taxpayers.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Homeowners Insurance Tips for Halloween

Generally speaking, one doesn’t usually associate Halloween with homeowners insurance. One is a night of fun-filled night of adventure, sweets, and costumes while the other is, well, there. But when it comes to saving the headache and expense that goes into filing a homeowners insurance claim, even the most festive Halloween appreciator will perk up and listen. According to an article recently published on, homeowners planning a Halloween party should take a few simple precautions so they don’t find themselves in a claim situation.

Halloween is one of the few occasions where homeowners across the country actually invite total strangers onto their property. With all the elements involved, anything can go wrong and it is for that reason why a quality homeowners insurance policy is important. “If you are planning a relatively large party then you might want to consider additional homeowners insurance coverage,” states the article titled, ‘Halloween Parties Gone Bad: Homeowners Insurance Affected.’ “You should consult your home insurance agent about your options regarding additional coverage for an event such as a Halloween bash.”

The first step in keeping a Halloween party safe is keeping the pets away. Even the most gentle of animals can go off on an unsuspecting guest without notice. This could, unfortunately, lead to a costly homeowners liability insurance claim. So don’t take the chance and just lock Fido in the basement for the night.

Home fires are another unfortunate occurrences at some Halloween festivities. With Jack-O-Lanterns and candles in bags lighting walkways, any number of circumstances could take place which could result in an untimely and unfortunate house fire. So be cautious and don’t be a part of the staggering statistics relating holidays and house fires.

Halloween is supposed to be a worry-free night of fun and adventure. So keep it that way with the aforementioned simple precautions. Visit today to learn more about saving on all types of insurance.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

No Kidding – Average Age of Child on Parent’s Car Insurance is 31

In the past year the average age of a child named as a second driver on their parent’s car insurance policy has shot up from 25 to 31 years old, according to new research from As the recession takes its toll on the Bank of Mum and Dad, 10 million drivers (39%) have a second named driver on their policy and 2.5 million (10%) of these are offspring.

Being named on a parent’s policy is a legitimate practice, providing that the child in question is not the main driver of the vehicle. However, with insurance premiums on the up, high petrol prices and other escalating costs, keeping a car on the road has become challenging for many young motorists. As a result, many are putting themselves on the wrong side of the law by indulging in a fraudulent practice known as ‘fronting’.

‘Fronting’ takes place when a young person buys and registers a car in their own name, but the insurer is falsely told that a parent is the main driver – and cases have shot up since the onset of the recession. According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), ‘fronting’ and other forms of insurance fraud have increased by 30% since 2007 and the cost of undetected fraudulent general insurance claims is now estimated at £1.9 billion a year, up 24% from £1.6 billion two years ago.

Ultimately consumers end up paying the price for this activity – insurance fraud now adds an average of £44 a year to every household’s general insurance costs.

In addition to ‘fronting’, some young motorists are taking cost cutting to an extreme with as many as one in five (250,000) 17-20 year olds driving without insurance, according to the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). In the current economic climate it’s also unsurprising that many feel forced to downgrade their type of cover to the more affordable ‘Third Party’.

Young drivers are not alone in this – one in five (20%) of all third party policy holders have opted for a reduced level of cover because they are simply unable to afford fully comprehensive cover in the current financial environment.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Is An Investing Book Worth $799?

The author is not even dead . . . yet! Better to gain ‘know-how’ than gold. But is a book worth $799? An immodest ‘yes’. Sushi Zen Restaurant, Times Square - A statuesque, charming Senior Analyst for an Chicago-based investment journal magazine, showed me a remarkable sight on her laptop.

Incredible! But there it was. Imagine my astonishment when I saw used copies of my previous book The Profit-Taker Breakthrough; selling on for the price of $799.00.

Is it a joke? Is it clever merchandising? You tell me. Certainly I confess to a twinge of pride. I was flattered.

The ‘Breakthrough’ . . . the proven, rapid, money-maker in good and bad markets . . . is the detailed ‘good news’ text and workbook for Profit-Taker Strategies.

The two entrepreneurs book sellers are highly regarded five star dealers – Motor City Books of Michigan and The David Bean Books of California. Good luck to them!

I was enheartened as a writer when The Chicago Tribune headlined their review to my book with the “PROFIT- TAKER: SOLID ADVICE ON THE STOCK MARKET”, but this is special. Selling my book at $799!

Although I’m 78 years old, I’m still committed to living. They forgot I’m still breathing.

In fact, on my SCOREBOARD on which is totally free and transparent, the annualized profits are registering up to 382%.

Like most authors, no doubt, I had a few new copies of my book lying around my study. So I added a current 2009 revision. Subsequently I placed them on at the original price for the world to see.

Professor Don Abrams

Author and Inventor of the The Profit-Taker

Prof. Don Abrams is the author of a number of published financial books, including the international bestseller…The Profit-Taker: the Proven Rapid Money-Maker in Good and Bad Markets.

P.S. Notification of The Profit-Taker Breakthrough selling on the internet at $799.00 is located at:

The $22.95 Version is located at:

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

NS&I Has Announced Changes To The Way Customers Can Invest In Its Fixed Rate Bonds

From the end of October, the products will only be available directly from NS&I (by freephone, online or by post) and no longer available through the Post Office.

NS&I and the Post Office have jointly agreed to this change, which is in part a reflection of the development of the Post Office’s own brand of savings products. These include Post Office Growth Bonds – a very similar range of fixed rate savings bonds to the two NS&I products. The decision also reflects NS&I’s desire to develop its direct sales channels.

The Post Office will continue to offer a wide range of other NS&I savings products – including Premium Bonds and Savings Certificates – which can be purchased over the counter.

Existing NS&I Guaranteed Growth Bond and Guaranteed Income Bond customers will not notice any change as all post-sale servicing and support is already carried out directly through NS&I.

Peter Cornish, Director of Customer Offer, NS&I, said: “We are committed to making our products as straightforward as possible and ensuring that customers understand where they are investing their money. The changes we have jointly agreed with the Post Office will do just that. Our Guaranteed Income Bonds and Guaranteed Growth Bonds will continue to offer customers a simple and straightforward saving opportunity.”

“The Post Office is our key distribution partner and we recognise it is a familiar option for many savers looking to invest with NS&I. Therefore, a wide range of our savings products will continue to be available over the counter in Post Office branches.”

Gary Hockey-Morley, Post Office Limited marketing director, said: “NS&I savings products will continue to be a key part of the ever expanding range of value for money financial services available at Post Office branches. We look forward to continuing our long standing partnership with NS&I well into the future, through providing easy access to a wide range of their savings products through our 12,000 branches which lie at the heart of communities across the UK.”

Customers can invest between £500 and £1 million in total in an NS&I fixed term bond, with guaranteed rates of interest. NS&I’s Guaranteed Income Bond offers customers the opportunity to receive their interest as a monthly income, whilst the interest earned on NS&I’s Guaranteed Growth Bonds is credited to the Bond annually.

NS&I’s fixed rate bonds are available in terms of one, two, three and five years. The two-year term was launched in July 2009 and is only available directly from NS&I.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Find Security in Term Life Insurance

In the midst of massive job cuts, more and more people are finding themselves separated from benefits like healthcare and life insurance. While it’s not guaranteed that you will get sick and need healthcare, it is guaranteed that, one day, you will pass on. That makes life insurance possibly the most important insurance policy a person can have. But with all the kinds of life insurance out there, which one is the best for you?

According to a recently published article on, any number of life insurance policies may work for you, but oftentimes the most affordable is term life insurance.

Term life insurance can provide you with some security between jobs or if you’re working only part time or at a temporary job. According to the article, “Term Life Insurance: Get Peace Of Mind,” it doesn’t matter if you are a single, a married or single parent, old or young, rich or poor, term life insurance can be an affordable service for everyone.

It’s affordable because “it’s purchased for a specific amount of money and a specific amount of time (called the term). There is no cash value except for the death benefit. If you don’t die before the term runs out, the company owes you nothing,” which is why providers can afford to offer it for such a low rate, according to the article.

“30 Year term life insurance is a competitive commodity so it pays to shop around and see where you can find the best rate,” recommends the article. “Using online quotes is a smart way to do just that. In no time you can compare rates and choose the carrier you want, without ever leaving home. Look for a name you can trust. There are many large insurance companies providing term life so it won’t be hard to find the right company.”

For more information or to receive life insurance rates from up to five local agents, visit

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Rise Of Stay At Home Dads

According to new research by leading Child Trust Fund (CTF) provider, The Children’s Mutual, contrary to concerns of an allegedly worsening work/life balance in the UK, many fathers are electing to be at home either full or part-time, looking after their little ones and taking care of the house. Figures refer to The Children’s Mutual Working and Stay at Home Dads research, undertaken by 72 Point. 2,187 dads interviewed in June 2009.

Following the birth of their children, 26% of dads decided to work part-time and nearly as many (24%) started working flexibly. 14% of dads chose to stop working outside the home altogether.

43% of these dads are responding to the current recession by spending even more time helping around the house, with only 27% feeling that they now need to become more focused on earning money.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, stay-at-home dads spend the greatest amount of their time each week looking after the children (4hrs 22mins) and cooking (3hrs 50mins), as well as arranging the family finances (3hrs 45mins). And even though they have more time to be with their children than full-time working dads, stay-at-home dads wished they could spend a further hour a day with their children.

David White, Chief Executive of The Children’s Mutual, said: “The changing role of dads within families is a positive step towards the greater recognition of what dads can and do contribute to family life. Dads play a vital role within their children’s lives and their homes, so it’s great to see these changing family dynamics.

“One of the most important roles for every dad is being a provider for his children, whether that’s as the main breadwinner or as the lead carer. Dads want to provide for their children now and will want to continue to do so as they grow up. One way dads can really help provide for their children is planning for the future and saving regularly over the long term. Contributing towards a Child Trust Fund is one of the ways dads can save for their children’s futures. By opening a Child Trust Fund early and saving regularly and encouraging friends and family to contribute too, dads can help to give their children a financial springboard into adulthood.”

Child Trust Funds are designed to provide a tax efficient, long term savings vehicle for all eligible children. Each eligible newborn child (born on or after 1 September 2002) receives a £250 Child Trust Fund voucher (£500 for low income families) from the Government when their parents register for Child Benefit. The Government will make a second contribution of £250 (£500 for low income families) when the child reaches seven and is considering a third in the child’s teenage years. Parents, family and friends can all then add to this account up to a maximum value of £1,200 each year.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

64% Rise In The Number Of Drivers Being Clamped In The Last Year

LV= has revealed a 64% rise in the number of drivers being clamped in the last year. Municipal clampers typically charge £116 and private clampers £120, with the legality of private clamping companies currently under dispute.

According to the research from car insurer LV=, local councils took £21m in clamping fees over the last 12 months compared with £58m taken by private clamping firms.

It’s not just the fines drivers have to pay; according to the research 4% of drivers who had their car clamped ended up with damage to their vehicle adding to their financial woes.

As the private clamping industry is currently unregulated, motorists have no official route of complaint or to get money back in the event of being unfairly clamped. Driver who find themselves in this situation are advised that the most effective route of complaint is to send a letter via recorded delivery including relevant photography of the clamped vehicle and localised area.

The rise in clamping by private firms has been particularly dramatic over the last 12 months, increasing from 292,023 incidences to 486,705 incidences, year on year.

The most common reason cited by people for parking on private land is the lack of available legal parking spaces in the vicinity (12%). LV= is calling on the government to increase legislation on private clamping companies and increase the number of parking spaces available.

17% of drivers believe they were clamped even though they were being parked legally and 59% said there was little or no warning displayed to indicate they were parking in a private space.

Moreover, 11% of those clamped by private individuals said their vehicle was not released immediately, even after they had paid the release fee. And a number of the motorists interviewed said they received high levels of abuse from private clampers.

John O’Roarke, managing director of LV= car insurance, said: “What we’re seeing is a huge surge in the number of drivers being landed with unreasonable and extortionate fines. Private clampers make millions every year and in some cases are using intimidating and aggressive tactics to raise money from drivers who have unknowingly parked in the wrong place.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Relationship Between Dog Bites And Homeowners Insurance

All dog owners like to think that their little ball of fur and love is nothing but. Unfortunately, that is not always the case and any dog owner who is also a homeowner would be wise to make sure they have enough liability coverage on their policy as well as coverage for any or all dogs they own specifically listed in their policy.

According to an article recently published on, dog bites account for 30 percent of all liability claims on homeowners insurance policies. Although listing dogs with aggressive reputations can raise homeowners insurance premiums, not listing these dogs could result in financial disaster if the dog bites someone. Lawsuits and medical bills are bound to pile up and that is why adequate liability coverage is necessary.

“The last thing any dog owner, or homeowner, wants is to have to file a homeowners insurance claim as a result of a dog bite,” according to the article, ‘Dog Bites and Homeowners Insurance Claims.’ “Be careful and use common sense if you have a dog and have company over. If the dog is prone to aggressive behavior then isolate him or her from your guests. Accidents happen, yes, but can be avoided if you take the right precautions.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

New Forex Strategy To Strengthen Portfolios And Reduce Volatility

Trading Floor has unveiled a new Forex Portfolio Model created by Saxo Bank’s strategy team. The Portfolio model offers a way to reduce total portfolio volatility in the wake of the stock market rally that saw many investors turn away from Forex trading.

“Many investors are staying out of the Forex market – either because they lost money and have given up, or because they simply don’t know where to put their money,” said David Karsbøl, Chief Economist at Saxo Bank and Trading Floor commentator. “The Saxo Bank Forex Portfolio Model is a way of re-activating this idle money by applying them in a low-cost and relatively low risk fashion.”

The portfolio model is based on the Saxo Bank Fundamental Indices that measure the underlying economic strength (contraction or expansion) of 10 currencies: NZD, AUD, CAD, JPY, EUR, GBP, USD, CHF, SEK, and NOK. This should give a theoretical 45 possible currency crosses, but the model subtracts the12 most illiquid and expensive to trade and looks at 33.

The allocation signals are generated by the spreads in the fundamental indices and the idea is to always allocate more capital to the currencies with a relatively strong economic activity (and positive rate outlook) and fund the positions by going short on the currencies with weak economic activity (weak rate outlook).

The model allocates capital after changes in the spreads between the fundamental indices. For example, if the Eurozone Fundamental Index suddenly drops relative to the US Fundamental Index, the model (everything else being equal) would reduce exposure to EURUSD. Additionally, positions are scaled up or down according to the volatility of the currency crosses in question so that the expected risk-adjusted return for positions in EURCHF is the same as for positions in EURCAD.

“The model is always well diversified and is always in the market,” said David Karsbøl. “It is therefore not exposed to timing issues.”

The model doesn’t use stops, since the overall volatility of returns tends to be low (especially on single leverage). One particularly interesting feature is that returns tend to be almost completely uncorrelated to returns in stock markets (correlation = 0.1) and other risky asset classes (correlation to the CRB Index is 0.11).

In back testing since 1991, the model has produced annual returns of 5.34% using single leverage, 10.58% using double leverage and 15.67% with triple leverage.

“Therefore, if the back-testing is indicative of future returns, it would make a lot of sense to use part of one’s portfolio to allocate to the FX Model and thereby decreasing overall portfolio volatility without lowering returns too much or at all, depending on the leverage used.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases