The Profit-Taker: Solid Advice On The Stock Market

This phenomenal financial game was invented by the author of an international best-seller. A top-ten best-selling author of John Wiley & Sons, New York is raving mad … giving away his new book. Not only is he making a gift of the sequel to his best-selling book… now he includes a ‘Live’ stock market game.

“Why should the billionaires have all the fun?”, says Professor Don Abrams, best-selling author of The Profit-Taker.

“Don’t lose your investing skills during these bad times”, says Professor Smarba, “Hone them!”.

He invented it to reveal the finer secrets of his proven, rapid, money-maker in both good and bad markets. And it’s free… Zip. Zero. Zilch. No registration. No required email. No ‘funny’ paper money. No catches.


The new free sequel reveals a proven strategy to grow rich – especially for late starters. It is a blueprint that awakens the self-actualizing quest to live long. Thousands are already playing the game. Modestly named ‘The Greatest Game on Earth’. It’s an adventure, not based on guessing – but on newly-gained knowledge. All this on

Is your current investing on a grand, small or academic scale? Doesn’t matter. Is it fun? If not, the author says you’re doing something wrong.

The solution? Discover it here. Now you can control your own destiny…be your own person.

‘The Greatest Game on Earth” allows people the world over the opportunity to relish the ingenuity and pure fun of the Profit-Taker Concept.

The game provides ‘live’ examples for the free book ‘The Profit-Taker Equalizer for the Underdog’.

The game is aimed at investment professionals as well as beginners.

Unlike the ‘usual game’, it is the actual chosen common stock which decides your next move. No rolling of the dice. No dealing of the cards. No spinning of a wheel.

It’s the actual ‘game’ action that opens up possibilities. Opportunities!

Let the good times roll on

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More Financial press releases

New Research Shows That 15% Of Homeowners Taking Out A Remortgage In Late September And Early October Either Had Deals Turned Down Or Moved Onto Their Lender’s SVR

Financial solutions company Think Money have advised homeowners who are looking to remortgage that speaking to a professional mortgage adviser has become more important in recent months, as the availability of mortgage deals has remained lower than 2007 levels.

The new NMG Research Survey, carried out for the Bank of England, showed that at the end of September and beginning of October, 15% of people who had taken out a remortgage had previously either had applications turned down or had moved onto their lenders’ standard variable rate.

Standard variable rate mortgage deals – a lender’s basic mortgage rate – tend to be noticeably more expensive than the lender’s discounted variable-rate mortgages at any given time, according to a mortgage expert for Think Money.

“Most mortgage deals advertised in the shop window or online are introductory deals,” she said. “Fixed-rate mortgages are usually priced based on the lender’s own long-term projections, but most new variable-rate deals are actually discounted from the standard variable-rate. So the only time homeowners will usually pay the standard variable-rate is when the pre-agreed terms finish – unless they remortgage.”

The Think Money spokesperson added that the recent base rate cuts by the Bank of England have meant that remortgaging can save homeowners a significant amount of money.

“The base rate has fallen from 5.75% to 2% in just under a year and a half, and while mortgage rate cuts have not been quite so pronounced, they still represent good savings for people who entered mortgage deals two or three years ago.

“For example, while at the peak of the market in July 2007 the best mortgage rates stood at around 6% to 6.5%, we are now typically seeing rates of 4.5% to 5%, and even 4% for homeowners with a particularly high LTV (loan-to-value) ratio.

“To put that in perspective, on a typical £120,000 mortgage, a homeowner moving from a 6% interest rate to 4.5% can save around £104 per month, or £1248 per year.

“What’s more, many economists are predicting further base rate cuts – so homeowners with tracker mortgages could benefit even more in the future.”

The spokesperson was keen to emphasise the importance of mortgage advice in the current market. “With lenders still cautious about offering mortgages, it can take a little longer to find the right mortgage deal compared with, say, 2007. That may explain why so many people questioned for the Bank of England’s report had been turned down by some lenders.

“A professional mortgage adviser can take a look at the homeowner’s circumstances, and based on that can search a range of lenders for the best mortgage deal available to the homeowner.”

The Think Money spokesperson urged homeowners to consider their remortgage deal early to allow plenty of time to find the best rates. “It’s often possible to‘reserve’ mortgages with lenders, so if the homeowner likes the look of a deal a little while before their current mortgage terms finish, they can ensure they get the lower rate later in the year. Of course, it’s possible rates could fall more, so homeowners may want to wait and see what happens in the mortgage market before making a move.”

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New Report Suggests That The Available Incomes Of Households Have Fallen Significantly Over The Past Year

Responding to a recent report suggesting that the average household had found it more difficult to repay their debts in 2008 than in the previous year, Debt Advisers Direct have warned consumers to take extra care with their finances. In financial terms, January can be a particularly difficult time, as many households find they’ve spent more than intended over the Christmas period – and Debt Advisers Direct have advised people struggling with debt to seek professional debt advice as soon as possible.

A new report for the Bank of England entitled ‘The financial position of British households’, carried out by NMG Research, is a snapshot of the financial situations of the average British household at the end of September and beginning of October.

The report claimed that the average household had found it more difficult to service existing debts than in the previous year, largely due to higher household bills which reduced ‘available’ incomes. It also said that the purchasing power of this available income had reduced due to high inflation.

More than half of the households in the survey had reported a fall in their monthly available income compared with the previous year.

In total, of those questioned:

• 31% reported a fall of more than £100 per month,
• 20% reported a fall of £51 to £100,
• 12% reported a fall of £1 to £50,
• 25% reported no change, and
• the remaining 12% reported an increase in ‘available’ income.

A spokesperson for Debt Advisers Direct commented: “It’s been known for some time that British households have been under pressure financially in the past year, but these figures demonstrate the extent of the problem. In particular, a drop in available income of more than £100 can make a significant difference to the ability of households to meet their commitments and repay debts.”

The fall in available income was particularly evident amongst homeowners. In both high-LTV and low-LTV categories, 39% of mortgagors reported a fall of more than £100, while a further 19% reported a fall of £51 to £100.

The report suggested that this may have been due to homeowners experiencing higher mortgage costs, especially those who came to the end of fixed-rate or discounted variable-rate mortgage deals.

“Due to rising mortgage costs earlier in the year, homeowners have been particularly
hard-pressed, although this situation may have eased since the figures were recorded due to base rate cuts and the subsequent lower mortgage rates,” the Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson said.

“The implications for homeowners are potentially more serious, since homeowners stand to have their homes repossessed if they default on mortgage payments. Homeowners who are paying relatively high interest rates could improve their situations through remortgaging, although they should consider any costs involved.”

The Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson added that there are a number of debt solutions available that could help those who have experienced a fall in available income.

“For people with several debts who want to reduce their outgoings and simplify their
finances, a debt consolidation loan might be the best option,” she said. “By spreading the repayments out over a longer period of time than the original debts, monthly payments can be lower, which can make a big difference to available income. However, more will be paid in interest as a result of the longer repayment period.

“For those with more serious debts, particularly if the repayments exceed the household’s available income, a debt management plan could help. This involves working with a debt adviser to negotiate lower monthly payments based on how much they can afford. However, a debt management plan will normally require people to pay whatever available income they have left after payments to household expenses have been taken into account, so anyone entering a debt management plan should be fully committed to repaying their debts.”

For debt help and advice on a range of debt solutions, visit the Debt Advisers Direct website or call 0800 074 8639.

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The Partnership Between Rekon Technologies And Simplifile Will Allow Users Of The Rekon Processing System To Instantly And Securely Send Lien Release, Assignment And Other Documents To The Simplifile E-Recording System

Simplifile, the leader in e-recording, and Rekon Technologies, a leading software vendor in the mortgage loan servicing industry, today announce that they have entered into a strategic partnership to integrate Rekon’s lien release and assignment processing system into the Simplifile e-recording system.

The newly formed partnership will allow users of the Rekon processing system to instantly and securely send documents to the Simplifile e-recording system. The solution will automatically upload recordable documents into the customer’s Simplifile account and create a new e-recording package. This tight integration allows Rekon users to quickly and easily prepare documents and electronically record them with Simplifile’s enabled counties throughout the United States from the convenience of their own office.

“Rekon is known for its advanced method of lien release and assignment document preparation,” said Aurora Marsh, CEO of Rekon Technologies. “By integrating Rekon into the Simplifile e-recording system, the combined solution fuels the current industry trend toward paperless solutions. Our strategic partnership with Simplifile provides our clients with an opportunity to build state-of-the-art networks that will give them the edge in delivering excellent customer service, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.”

“Simplifile is pleased to work with Rekon to bring the benefits of industry leading lien release and assignment processing with the Simplifile e-recording system,” said Erik Blomquist, Simplifile Vice President of Technology. “Rekon is a leader in the mortgage loan servicing industry. With the integration of Rekon into the Simplifile e-recording system, our mutual clients will benefit from the integrated systems to more efficiently prepare and record documents, and virtually eliminate the need for paper documents.”

About Simplifile
Simplifile provides innovative, simple, and secure electronic recording services via the Internet. Simplifile’s customers include title companies, banks, attorneys, lien filers, and county and state government jurisdictions. Simplifile electronic recording services accelerate document recording and simplifies document workflow processes that reduces costly overhead associated with traditional submission and recordation methods while improving client service levels.

Simplifile is focused on building the industry’s de facto electronic recording network. As such, Simplifile provides a streamlined and scalable approach to electronic recording tailored to organizations of all shapes and sizes. For more information on how Simplifile can benefit your organization, visit or call 801.373.0151.

About Rekon Technologies
Rekon Technologies offers technology solutions to the loan servicing industry, providing tools to track, manage, prepare and record loan documents such as lien releases, assignments, UCC terminations, trailing documents and others.

Rekon Technologies’ flagship product and namesake “Rekon” is a fully sustainable workflow driven document preparation and management system, integrated with imaging and eRecording solutions to process loans from payoff to recording in a truly automated and paperless environment from anywhere in the world. Meanwhile, the DokTrak software is considered to be the most versatile document tracking and data warehousing technology solution, especially in resolving the gap between origination and servicing, including the processes of post closing and file certification for securitization. More information about Rekon Technologies and its products is available by visiting or calling 626.577.4350.

“Simplifile” is a registered service mark of Simplifile, LC. Rekon is a registered trademark of Rekon Technologies, Inc., a California corporation.

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Sameer Al Ansari Of Dubai International Capital Recognised At 2nd Annual Private Equity World Awards MENA 2008

Dubai International Capital LLC (‘DIC’) has announced that its Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sameer Al Ansari, was honoured with the ‘Special Merit Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Industry’ at the 2nd Annual Private Equity World Awards MENA 2008 for his invaluable contributions to the regional private equity sector. The coveted recognition from industry peers was presented to Sameer Al Ansari for the second consecutive year at a ceremony held in Dubai.

In addition to recognising Al Ansari for his leading role in the development of the private equity industry, the distinction also reflects the increasingly influential role of Dubai International Capital, the international investment company that Al Ansari helped establish in 2004.

Organised by Terrapinn, a business media company, the Private Equity World Awards MENA 2008 recognises leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators and pioneers in the MENA private equity and venture capital industries.

Sameer Al Ansari said: “It is a privilege to receive this prestigious award for the second year running. It is not only an honour to have been chosen, but the award is a testament to the talent and expertise of DIC’s team who have contributed to building DIC into a well-respected name in the private equity sphere within a span of four years.”

Sameer Al Ansari is the recipient of several accolades, including the ’50 Most Influential People in Private Equity’ by Private Equity International (2007) and the Young Arab Leaders (YAL) Award from Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Establishment for Young Business Leaders (2005).

Symon Rubens, Managing Director, Terrapinn Middle East, said: “Terrapinn would like to congratulate Mr Al Ansari on his outstanding work and contribution to the private equity industry. Our mission is to identify and reward those individuals, teams and companies who have demonstrated an unparalleled ability to succeed and it gives us great pleasure to celebrate their remarkable accomplishments.”

Under Al Ansari’s leadership, DIC has emerged as a leading investment company in the private and global equities markets with an outstanding reputation and track record. Earlier this year, DIC was named MENA Private Equity Firm of the Year in the 6th annual Awards for Excellence in Private Equity Europe 2008, organised by Dow Jones Private Equity News.

About Dubai International Capital LLC: 
Established in 2004, DIC is an international investment company with offices in Dubai and London focused on both private equity and public equity. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Dubai Holding, DIC manages an international portfolio of diverse assets that provide its stakeholders with value growth, diversification, and strategic investments. Assets under management total over US$13 billion.

Among the many accolades, DIC’s Executive Chairman and CEO, Sameer Al Ansari, is also the recipient of numerous industry awards including, Special Merit Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Industry for two consecutive years (2007, 2008) by PE World MENA Awards and was ranked as the 11th most powerful Arab in the world by Arabian Business

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Changes To Home Information Packs

The Government has announced changes to Home Information Packs, which will take effect from 6th April next year. The new measures are designed to ensure consumers receive more helpful information at an earlier stage in the home buying and selling process.

A new Property Information Questionnaire (PIQ) will be included in the pack, which will provide a summary of information about the property in one place. The summary, to include flood risk information, gas and electricity safety, details of any structural damage, and parking arrangements, should help buyers decide whether to view and ultimately purchase a property.

The new PIQ will go alongside the existing contents such as energy performance certificates.

From April, HIP’s will have to be made available from the first day of marketing. The current temporary measure allows sellers to market their property for up to 28 days before the pack is available, as long as it has been commissioned, and arrangements have been made to pay for it.

Housing Minister Margaret Beckett said:
“Home Information Packs are potentially a vital aid to consumers who are seeking to purchase a home, and I am firmly committed to ensuring they work as well as possible. That is why the changes made today will make sure consumers are better protected, better informed and better assisted when buying a home.”

A basic HIP is expected to take 3 to 5 days to compile.

For more information and no-fee mortgage advice, borrowers should call L&C free on 0800 373300.

London & Country (L&C) is the UK’s leading no-fee mortgage broker. Based in Bath, it provides whole of market advice via telephone and post to clients nationwide. As well as residential mortgages, it also specialises in the Buy-to-Let and adverse-credit sectors.

L&C is a Climate Neutral company and for the last seven years has invested in climate friendly projects and tree-planting to help offset its emissions and those of its customers. For more information, go to

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Lloydstsbcompare.Com Raise Public Awareness Of The Need To Tackle Household Bills Ready For The New Year

Skyrocketing energy costs have been a prime concern for many Brits in 2008 but switching suppliers could save a typical household up to £454 – that’s £7,384 million across the entire country.

To help raise awareness, declared December 30th to be ‘tackle your bills day’ to encourage people to assess their household bills and save money in 2009.

According to research by, 80 per cent of people have seen a rise in their energy bills this year. Over one in four (27 per cent) of UK households saw their energy bills rise by more than £40 per month and 30 per cent think they could rise by a further £40 per month this winter.

Despite the pressure from rising bills, one in three (36 per cent) households has never switched energy providers and one in four believes shopping around will not make any difference. But those who have used comparison sites to switch providers have, in recent months, benefited from average annual savings of £284.

By using a comparison site such as customers can compare gas and electricity, telephone and broadband providers, as well as travel and car insurance. The site also has supermarket and petrol price checkers, helping customers to secure the best deals in and around their local area.

Steve Grainger,, said: “A concerning 40 per cent of Brits said they don’t know how they will cover their bills if prices continue to increase. December 30 was the perfect day for us all to concentrate on getting on top of our finances for the New Year. gives customers all the tools they need to cut their household bills and save money.”

Stealing the crown from TescoCompare, was recently named ‘Britain’s best car insurance comparison site‘ by Defaqto, the independent product research company.

The ‘tackle your bills day’ declaration comes at a time when many UK households are feeling the pinch and hope it will encourage homeowners to push sorting out their personal finances higher up the list of new year’s resolution for 2009.

About has been developed by Lloyds TSB Insurance Services Limited to offer our customers a choice of independent impartial quotes from a wide panel of insurance providers and energy suppliers. Comparison features include price, policy benefits, plan features and customer service rating, so consumers can make sure they get the policy that best meets their individual needs. is a trading style of Lloyds TSB Insurance Services Limited registered in England and Wales under company number 968406, with registered offices at 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (Registration number: 310738).

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Debt Advisers Direct remind consumers with debt problems of the importance of seeking debt advice early on, before their finances are further affected by the recession

Commenting on the nation’s economic troubles, Debt Advisers Direct stressed the importance of seeking debt advice in time, before debt problems can escalate out of control.

“Whatever the economic climate, it always makes sense to address debts at the first sign of trouble,” said a spokesperson for the company. “During times of economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever.

“The problems in the housing market alone pose a significant threat to the livelihoods of people in all walks of life. What was initially seen as an issue for estate agents has grown to affect builders, movers, decorators, furniture stores and so on – after months of negative news from companies directly linked to the housing market, we’re now hearing of problems in a much wider range of industries.

“With so many either out of work or facing the possibility of unemployment, people are spending less and problems in the housing industry are spilling over into the high street, placing even more jobs at risk – at a time when new employment may be hard to find.

“Coping with a period of reduced income is never easy, but people with high levels of debt are far more likely to experience financial problems almost as soon as their income drops.

“This underlines the need to tackle debt problems sooner, rather than later. Many people with smaller debt problems may find a chat with a debt adviser could help them get on top of their finances without making any major lifestyle changes. Once the adviser understands their financial circumstances, they should be able to provide some budgeting advice and suggest practical ways of reducing their level of debt.

“When it comes to more serious financial problems, however, many people are put off by the sheer size of their debts. Someone who owes tens of thousands of pounds may not feel there’s anything they can do to make an appreciable ‘dent’ in their debts.”

In most cases this is unlikely to be true: “However much they owe, they may still have a range of options, depending on their circumstances. A debt consolidation mortgage, for example, could be right for someone who wants to reduce their monthly outgoings and simplify their finances, while an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) could help someone who literally can’t keep up with their debt repayments – and who can’t realistically expect to repay their debts in a reasonable timeframe.

“We were very pleased to see the emphasis which the Chancellor’s Pre-Budget Report placed on debt advice – the Government is dedicating more than £15 million of additional funding to ensure people can access debt advice when they need it. Similarly, we were pleased to see certain credit card providers and mortgage lenders extending a ‘grace period’ to people who fall behind on their repayments.

“Even so, we remind borrowers how important it is to talk to a debt adviser before things reach the stage where they’re missing payments of any kind: taking steps to tackle their debt today is virtually certain to improve their chances of getting through the recession with their finances in a good state.”

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More Financial press releases

The Bank Of England Made A Further Reduction In Bank Base Rate This Week To 2%, Its Lowest Level For 57 Years

The Bank of England made a further reduction in Bank Base Rate this week to 2%, its lowest level for 57 years.

It is hoped that this further increase coupled with the recent reduction in VAT will stimulate consumer spending.

Borrowers who are on tracker deals should see the benefit from January where a £150,000 repayment mortgage over 20 years, tracking the base rate at +0.5% will cost just £794.85, £195.08 less than 2 months ago when the base rate was 4.5%.

Borrowers can see how the change in base rate will impact on their monthly payment by using L&C’s rate change calculator.

Borrowers on a fixed rate mortgage at present may well be feeling badly done by as they have not benefited from recent cuts in base rate. Depending on the rate of interest they are currently paying and the remaining period left to run on their fixed rate they may also be able to save money by switching to a new deal, despite paying an early repayment charge. By using L&C’s early repayment charge calculator, they can quickly find out what rate of interest they would need to pay to achieve this.

For more information and no-fee advice, borrowers should call free on 0800 373300.

London & Country (L&C) is the UK’s leading no-fee mortgage broker. Based in Bath, it provides whole of market advice via telephone and post to clients nationwide. As well as residential mortgages, it also specialises in the Buy-to-Let and adverse-credit sectors.

L&C is a Climate Neutral company and for the last seven years has invested in climate friendly projects and tree-planting to help offset its emissions and those of its customers. For more information, go to

L&C has won numerous awards including:

Best Mortgage IFA/Adviser of the Year – Money Marketing, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008
Best Technology Adviser – Money Marketing 2007
Best Mortgage Broker outside London – Mortgage Strategy, 2004 and 2005
Best National Broker – Mortgage Introducer 2005, 2006 and 2007
Best Overall Broker – Mortgage Introducer 2005
Overall broker of the year – Pink Home Loans, 2006 and 2007,2008
Top 100 company in the Sunday Times Fast Track 100 for 2004 and 2005
Business of the Year – The Bath Business Awards 2005

Growth Strategy of the Year – National Business Awards (Wales and West) 2008
Business Leader (Broker) – British Mortgage Awards – 2008
Online Mortgage IFA of the Year – Financial Adviser – 2008

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Top Mortgage Company Agent Adam Thomas From Invis Inc. Has Become A Business Referral Partner With Debt Settlement Service Companies To Assist Canadians In Debt Elimination


Top mortgage company agent Adam Thomas from Invis Inc. becomes business referral partner with debt settlement services companies launching a new website that reportedly aims to assist Canadians with debt relief programs and debt relief assistance.

In a society where residents are weighed down with debt repayment and debt consolidation problems, the new website promises debt relief/debt assistance by paying off such debts, lowering monthly payments and increasing cash flows. This would help them to stay debt free and increase their savings for retirement, renovations, and children’s education or make purchases they desire, while improving their overall financial situation. Our average client saves $500 to $1000 per month and more in some situations, as well; we follow up with ongoing support, guidance and planning as well.

The website further proposes to assist people in debt relief through various mortgage financing programs for their primary residence, investment properties or commercial property tailored to meet their situation and needs. It offers solutions relating to individual credit, income, assets and property equity positions. Programs are also available thru this partnership to assist those homeowners who don’t have the ability to obtain financing and who truly need debt relief. The site has been developed to be a complete one-stop shop to help everyone to receive debt relief help no matter what their current financial situation may be.

Proposed methodologies of is assessing each individual applicant according to their income, credit, assets and property equity position and thereafter formulate plans to sort out the problem through a first or second mortgage, private funding or thru a debt settlement agreement plan.

“No planning is finalized without due approval of the client and each step is followed up leading the client from initial through final stages of the process” declares Thomas. “Thru this partnership customers are able to receive financing and debt relief assistance. Though the customer’s we most often help are homeowners with high debt balance, we will of course try to help all who apply even non-homeowners. During the process, we will review and analyze all options available to the client and explain to them what programs we have to help them, we then make recommendations for the client to succeed in what they want, this way the client can make a informed decision on what’s best for them,” he adds.

The partners claim that they can help in debt elimination of their clients under their debt relief assistance programs since it has built sound relationships with mortgage agents, debt settlement companies and trustees. Either a straight refinance for debt removal or other debt settlement agreement plans, ensuring debt relief would put clients into a better financial condition, they assert.

The partners also assure their clients that they can provide adequate support where people with multiple loans and consequential higher premiums do not know the way out. With only one consolidated payment substituting your multiple premiums, your savings would be considerable, they claim.

About Adam Thomas:
Top Mortgage Agent Adam Thomas of Invis Inc. the leading mortgage brokerage company in Canada dealing in financing to help with debt consolidation and mortgages of all types, with the aim of expanding operations, has now become a business referral partner with other debt settlement and trustee firms, who have come up with the new website providing a number of services related to debt consolidation and debt settlement for its clients.

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More Financial press releases

Sunwest Trust Claims Their New Friends And Family Lending Program Will Be A Contributing Solution To The Credit Problem

In the wake of the National Credit Crisis, Sunwest Trust, Inc., a leading financial company, unveils its new “Friends and Family Lending Program”. The program seeks to interchange the roles of lending banks with financially solvent family members taking up such a role.

Outlining their new plan, the Company insists that solvent members in the family can assume the role of bankers. They could be lending to such members who are seeking loans for purposes such as having a new home. “The ability to fall back on solvent family members for financial support would be a welcome alternative for people who are finding that getting loans is difficult,” says Terry White, CEO, Sunwest Trust, Inc.

The logic behind the argument advanced by Sunwest Trust is that such lending could result in mutual benefit for the lender as well as the debtor. The debtor would benefit from the lower interest rates and the convenience of getting financing. Lenders, on the other hand, will gain from higher interest rates than they could get in comparison for their deposits made in the bank. “Thus, it will be higher income for the lender while a lower loan burden for the debtor,” adds White.

Another aspect of their statements in favor of the new plan is that with such loans, the lender’s money is more secured in comparison to those lent out to strangers. At the same time, the debtor gets significant income tax benefits.

Sunwest Trust, Inc. assists clients through the process by administering the loan in such manner that everything is well organized. “We can collect for taxes and insurance payables on a monthly basis so that the payments are spread throughout the year”, denotes White.

“Payments will be made to Sunwest Trust who will allocate these payments dividing them to principal and interest. The money can be deposited directly into your checking, money market, or savings accounts”, White further adds.

The Company cautions its clients that every investment is coupled with the risk of loss; however, this is a preferable risk being helpful both for the lender and their family members.

Sunwest Trust is confident of the success of their new program and the “Friends and Family Lending Program” is now currently offered to interested parties nationwide. Learn more by watching our video at

About Sunwest Trust
One of the leading financial Companies in Albuquerque, Sunwest Trust Inc. is the only one dealing with both escrow and completely self directed IRA simultaneously. The New Mexico Financial Institutions Division granted it with Trust powers in the year 2003, but has been an escrow company for over 21 years. While Sunwest specializes in self directed IRA, they also deal with real estate contracts, and mortgages. The Company is presently servicing over $900 Million in assets for over 12,000 individuals.

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New Research From Barclays Financial Planning Shows A Worrying Trend Of People Not Providing Themselves And Their Families With A Suitable Financial Safety Net

Despite the level of fear surrounding unemployment and debts in the current environment, an online poll of 2001 British adults between 24th and 28th October 2008 conducted for Barclays Financial Planning by Opinium Research shows a worrying trend of people not providing themselves and their families with a safety net.

According to the research, over half the people questioned are worried about being able to maintain their outgoings over the next 12 months, pushing essential safety nets like income protection and critical illness cover to the bottom of their priorities. The results show, nearly half (47%) of UK adults have no protection policies in place whatsoever, to protect them and their families in the event of losing their income, health issues or even death.

The safety net gap:
52% have no life insurance
75% have no critical illness cover
78% have no income protection cover

Those aged between 35 and 54 often have the most responsibilities in terms of dependants and outgoings, but showed a large gap in their protection cover, with 45% having no life cover and 74% with no income protection insurance.

Alison Tattersall, Head of Customer and Proposition at Barclays Financial Planningsaid: “When finances are tight it is often responsibilities like protection policies that fall to a lower priority, and of course these policies protect outcomes that people don’t want to think about. But people must consider the financial consequences of what would happen if they were unable to work, or their dependents’ situation if they died, it would be far worse than any concerns they currently have over struggling to meet their outgoings.”

When looking at what other safety nets people could be relying on, the research reveals that 60% of people admit to having nothing saved, having less than one month’s salary in the bank, or not knowing what they have in savings at all. Worryingly the report also reveals that nearly 40% of people don’t receive benefits such as sick pay, death in service or health insurance, or simply do not know if they would be entitled to them. Coupled with 81% of people not knowing what they would receive in benefits from the state if they were too ill to work.

Alison Tattersall continued: “This is a worrying trend. People need to know what their state and employee benefits are before they are able to plan their protection needs properly.

“Over half of people that do have protection policies said they did not take advice or did not know if they had taken advice when buying their cover, and over 70% do not know or only have a rough idea what level of payout their policies would give them if a claim was made. This could clearly mean people end up without the right cover for their needs, which is often just as bad as having no protection at all. We urge people to seek professional advice and review the level of protection insurance they have to cover themselves or their family.”

About Barclays Financial Planning
Barclays Financial Planning (BFP) provides tailored financial advice on life, pensions and investment products across a carefully selected range of products from a range of product providers according to customer needs. It is one of the largest financial advisers in the UK, with over 700 advisers. A no obligation financial planning consultation is available to personal, business and corporate clients, and our advisers have a range of solutions available for businesses wishing to discuss succession planning.

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Think Money Have Advised Consumers To Avoid Getting Into Debt Wherever Possible This Christmas, With The Recession Threatening To Put Further Pressure On The Finances Of British Households In 2009

Financial solutions company Think Money have warned consumers to be careful over the amount of debt they incur over the festive season, in order to avoid potential debt problems in the midst of an economic recession.

They have also advised those consumers who do rely on credit to act early and tackle any debts before they have the chance to grow, and to be selective over the types of credit used in order to prevent the debts from becoming unmanageable.

For many families in the UK, including those who are usually comfortable financially, the Christmas season has become associated with debt. The tradition of spending large amounts of money on food and gifts has meant that large numbers of households fall into debt every year, even if it means spending a large part of the following year repaying those debts.

Indeed, a survey taken earlier this year by suggested that one in four Christmas borrowers were still repaying their Christmas debts in the following October – nine months after the money was originally spent.

A debt expert for financial solutions company Think Money commented: “In today’s society, many households actually expect to get into debt in order to get through the Christmas season – which can put them at risk of debt problems in the future. It’s much safer to focus more on how to avoid falling into debt – and with the right preparation and attitude, it is very much possible to do that.”

The spokesperson added that staying out of debt over the Christmas period does not necessarily have to mean cutting back on costs. “The households who are best prepared for the Christmas period are those who have thought about it long in advance and have been saving throughout the year. By saving just a relatively small amount each month, it’s quite possible to save enough to cover all the costs involved, without having to compromise.

“However, it seems that it is currently more common to pay with credit in the run-up to Christmas. This may have been fuelled by the relatively easy access to credit of the past few years, although due to the credit crunch, this may be a little more difficult this year.”

The spokesperson also said that the type of credit used can be crucial to consumers’ ability to repay the debt. “For those consumers who do rely on credit over the Christmas period, choosing the right form of credit is a simple step that can make all the difference.

“For example, it’s generally unadvisable to make large purchases on credit cards unless the buyer is absolutely sure they will be able to repay the debt in a short space of time. The APR on credit cards is typically very high, which means the debt can grow very quickly unless it is repaid promptly.

The Think Money spokesperson added that anyone finding themselves struggling with debt should seek debt advice straight away. “There are a number of debt solutions that can help to minimise outgoings and/or help to reduce debts, such as debt consolidation or an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement). We urge anyone in serious debt to seek professional debt advice as soon as possible.”

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What are the risks that this financial crisis might pose to the insurance industry?

It’s great when you are confident in safety of your money in general, and in your insurance company’s reliability in particular.

Unfortunately, the credit crisis affected virtually every sphere of life, and in times of the financial turmoil, like it is going now, many began worrying about its consequences for insurance and wonder to what extent the insurance industry was affected.

What are the risks that this financial crisis might pose to the insurance industry? What if my insurance provider won’t be able to pay for the claim? Should I switch the insurer, or even quit my insurance cover? All these questions are very urgent for many people today.

First of all, you should know that there is no reason to worry if you are satisfied with your insurance company and the way they work. Have they paid for the claims in time? Were there any problems with their quick and adequate respond to your claim? Make sure that you are aware of your insurer’s latest rates, and if they are ok for you, you can rest assured (whatever it meant).

Additionally, there are independent sites where you can learn practically every insurance company’s rating. The rating shows the company’s stability and reliability from an independent point of view, whether it will be able to meet its obligations in future, i.e. to pay for claims. According to the rating you can always decide if you should “quit” or switch your insurer.

Some more good news for you:

– an insurer’s activity is strictly regulated, and in most cases an insurance company is not involved in those risks which unregulated industries are vulnerable to; besides, the industry is now under tight control because of the banking crisis, which doubles reliability;

– in case an insurer is in bad financial condition, it will get aid from the state insuranceregulators, for the purpose of anticipating its bankruptcy, and the state which the insurer belongs to will take measures to save the company; moreover, it is a strict obligatory rule for insurance companies to pay into guaranty funds; so, a policyholder has nothing to worry about anyway, as he/she is going to get the money even if the insurer is insolvent;

– in some states there is a so called pre-assessment system,

– a kind of a pool for insurers to annually contribute money to, so as to secure future claim- payments.

As you may see, the sphere of insurance is rather protected from the threats of the world-wide financial crisis. Anyway, if you still have doubts, just shop around for a good and reliable insurance company, be careful and stay tuned.

About Insure4USA

Insure4USA has been offering free auto insurance, health insurance, home insurance andlife insurance quotes online since 2008.

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National Savings & Investments win industry award for successful MyLostAccount campaign

National Savings and Investments (NS&I) has been awarded the Most Effective Advertising Campaign at this year’s Financial Services Forum Awards for Marketing Effectiveness for the successful campaign for mylostaccount.

Launched in January 2008, mylostaccount is the free, ‘one-stop shop’ website to trace bank, building society and NS&I savings accounts. Designed to make it quicker and easier to search for lost savings, the website brings together the existing tracing schemes from the British Bankers’ Association (BBA), Building Societies Association (BSA) and NS&I.

mylostaccount was promoted by an extensive online and print campaign that commenced in February 2008. The campaign was fronted by a cartoon image, ‘Fetch’ the dog, and was designed to appeal to a wide audience.

Ayesha de Silva, Online Marketing Manager at National Savings & Investments who collected the award said, “To receive the award is a real honour for all of us at NS&I and our partners, the BBA and BSA. The mylostaccount website has certainly proved popular with the public in 2008 and the concept of ‘Fetch’ was a straightforward and fun way to make people aware of the new website.”

The campaign identity and advertising was developed and produced by CST and media buying handled by OMD UK. The website was built by Wrenhill.

In the first six months of mylostaccount, more than 140,000 people submitted search forms for money left unclaimed in dormant bank, building society and NS&I accounts. This compares with 44,000 claims in 2007, via the BBA’s, BSA’s and NS&I’s own tracing services, prior to the launch of the website.

The free website has also averaged over 760 claims per day since its launch, as savers have become more aware of this easy way of checking whether any of the estimated £1 billion lying in dormant accounts is rightfully theirs.

The Financial Services Forum Awards for Marketing Effectiveness, introduced in 2002, are dedicated to recognising and rewarding proven success in the presentation and promotion of financial services and products. At the award ceremony the site was also Commended for two other awards, in the Digital Activity and New Product, Service or Innovation categories.

About mylostaccount:
mylostaccount is a free website created by NS&I along with the British Bankers’ Association (BBA), the Building Societies Association (BSA), which is designed to help account holders search for lost bank, building society and NS&I accounts by simply completing just one application form.

About NS&I:
NS&I is one of the largest financial providers in the UK with 28 million customers and over £83 billion invested. It is best known for Premium Bonds, but also offers High Income Bonds, ISA accounts, Guaranteed Equity Bonds and Children’s Bonus Bonds in its range. All products offer 100% security, because NS&I is backed by HM Treasury.

NS&I products are available over the telephone, internet, post and by standing order. They are also available through a network of 14,000 UK Post Office branches.

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Quest CE Announces They Are Now Offering Firms An Online Annual Compliance Meeting Solution

Quest CE is pleased to announce it is now offering firms an online annual compliance meeting solution. Quest’s On-Demand Learning Platform enables firms to hold pre-recorded meetings online without the costly time and travel expenses associated with live meetings.

FINRA Conduct Rule 3010 requires an annual compliance meeting to be held with all registered personnel.

Quest’s On-Demand Learning Platform provides:

• Online Questionnaire Automating the Q&A Process
• Deliver Annual Compliance Meetings On-Demand Over the Internet
• Online Q&A and Feedback Board for Post Meeting Compliance

Quest’s Online Annual Compliance Solution provides an innovative online solution to administer FINRA’s annual compliance meeting requirement and other online events, allowing firms to efficiently provide online registration, delivery, and tracking of meeting attendance.

For more information on how Quest’s Online Annual Compliance Solution can save your firm time and money, contact Jim Hoehn at 877-593-3366 or

About Quest Compliance Education Solutions
Over the past 20-plus years, Quest CE has built a reputation of being the premier provider of Compliance Education to the financial services industry. Quest CE serves more than 100 leading insurance carriers, broker/dealers, banks, and other financial institutions. We are a privately held firm which allows us to quickly meet the ever-changing needs of our clients. Our commitment is to provide advanced custom solutions at cost effective rates while providing a level of service that greatly surpasses that of our competitors. Quest provides a single source solution for organizations training and compliance needs, saving you both time and money.

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Quest CE Releases Their Complete Library Of Online Long Term Care Partnership Training Courses

Quest CE, the nationwide provider of continuing education for insurance professionals, announced the immediate release of their complete library of online Long Term Care Partnership training courses. The online courses enable producers to obtain their newly-mandated continuing education credits on the subject of long-term care and long-term care partnership programs.

Since the passage of the Deficit Reduction Act, most states have implemented a new long-term care partnership program. As part of the new programs, states require that all producers who sell, solicit, or negotiate long-term care insurance must complete training on this subject.

Quest CE offers courses designed to meet state-specific Long Term Care Training requirements. All of our courses are available online, complete with text, exam, and printable certificates where allowed by state. If you sell, or wish to sell long term care insurance, but unsure if you are affected by specific training requirements please visit our website ( for further information.

Quest CE offers Long Term Care Partnership courses in the following states:

New Jersey
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota

About Quest CE
Quest CE is a nationwide provider of continuing education courses to licensed insurance professionals and financial planners. Each year Quest CE delivers over 150,000 continuing education courses either over the Internet or through live CE training. More information is available at the company’s web site at To find out more about Quest’s Corporate discounts and large volume orders, contact Jim Hoehn at or call 877-593-3366.

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Quest CE Offers A Solution To New Red Flag Rules And Anti-Money Laundering Training

Quest CE announced today the release of their new 2009 Anti-Money Laundering and Red Flags online course designed to meet USA Patriot Act requirements. To demo the new course go to

The USA PATRIOT Act requires financial institutions to develop and implement an AML compliance program.

NASD Rule 3011 outlines minimum standards for broker-dealers’ AML compliance programs. It requires firms to develop and implement a written AML compliance program. The program has to be approved in writing by a member of senior management and be reasonably designed to achieve and monitor the ongoing compliance with the requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act.

NASD Rule 3011 also requires firms to provide ongoing training for appropriate personnel. This would include training for all representatives engaged in the business of providing financial advice, the sale of financial products or services, or deal in any way with the transfer of financial interests.

Quest CE offers a complete Anti Money Laundering (AML) solution for organizations of all sizes. Quest’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) program offers advanced capabilities that other vendors do not offer. In coordination with industry experts, Quest CE’s team of IT and database professionals created a Learning Management System (LMS) to fit the AML reporting, tracking, and training needs of Quest’s clients.

“The system allows AML program administrators the ability to run real-time reports, upload new users instantly, and send reminder emails to users who haven’t yet completed their training,” said Patrick Torhorst, Vice President of IT for Quest CE.

In addition to offering this advanced technology in a fully customizable web portal, Quest CE is offering the industry’s lowest available pricing to companies interested in utilizing Quest’s AML program. For as little as $2 per user, firms can have a web portal built to look like their own AML eUniversity complete with full reporting and tracking capabilities, and including Quest CE’s robust library of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) courses.

Quest CE can also author any firm’s proprietary courses to meet specific training needs.

About Quest CE
Over the past 20-plus years, Quest CE has built a reputation of being the premier provider of Compliance Solutions to the financial services industry. In addition to offering CE for professionals holding insurance licenses and professional designations like the CFP, CIMA, CLU/ChFC, and CPA designations, we also provide a complete spectrum of financial compliance training solutions.

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Quest CE Has Released Their 2009 Insurance, Professional Designation And Firm Element Course Catalogs

Quest CE announced today the release of their 2009 Insurance, Professional Designation and Firm Element course catalogs. Quest’s Curriculum Development Team worked closely with clients in determining content that would meet the ever-changing needs of the financial services industry.

The Quest CE-authored courses are available online through Quest’s Compliance Education Training website. To download a course catalog go to:

Quest CE offers a complete approach to Insurance, Designation and Firm Element planning, training, and implementation. Quest helps firms and individuals meet their regulatory requirements in an efficient and cost effective manner. Quest offers complete or A-La-Carte training solutions.

For more information on Quest CE’s products, services, or to request a pricing proposal, contact Jim Hoehn at 877-593-3366 or

About Quest CE
Over the past 20-plus years, Quest CE has built a reputation of being the premier provider of Compliance Solutions to the financial services industry. In addition to offering CE for professionals holding insurance licenses and professional designations like the CFP, CIMA, CLU/ChFC, and CPA designations, Quest provides a complete spectrum of financial compliance training solutions.

Quest CE has trained and tracked more than 100,000 registered representatives and insurance agents in the past year. We offer more than 200 courses to fulfill continuing education requirements for Firm Element, state insurance and professional designation credits.

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The Bank Of England’s Decision To Cut The Base Rate Could Be Particularly Welcome Among People Looking To Remortgage

Welcoming the Bank of England’s decision to cut the base rate to 2%, financial services provider Think Money ( highlighted the positive effect this could have on people looking for a remortgage.

“Many people paying – or looking for – a mortgage will welcome the base rate falling to levels we’ve not seen in over 50 years,” said Melanie Taylor, Head of Corporate Relations at Think Money. “However, we anticipate the greatest sense of relief will be among people coming to the end of their mortgage term.

“Primarily, this is because these are the people who are tied to a specific time period. Most people moving house or buying their first home will have a degree of flexibility in the timing of their move, but when a mortgage term expires, it expires. This is an absolute deadline – and before they reach that point, the homeowner should have decided whether they’ll revert to their mortgage provider’s SVR or look for a new mortgage deal altogether.

“To anyone in that situation, the base rate cut will come as a great relief, as it could make either option more appealing. In some cases, it could make all the difference between being able to stay in the house and having to sell it.”

However, as the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) has pointed out, lenders don’t necessarily benefit from cuts to the base rate in the way that many people believe. As the CML website states: ‘the cost of funds to lenders depends not on Bank rate, but on a range of other factors, including what they have to pay savers to attract deposits, how much it costs them to borrow in money markets, and the costs of holding capital and sufficient liquidity … Far more important than the Bank rate in determining lenders’ funding costs is the three-month London inter-bank offered rate (libor)’.

Nonetheless, the rate which the Bank of England charges lenders is still an important factor, affecting the entire monetary system: “Many mortgage providers passed the full 1.5% of November’s cut on to borrowers on their SVR deals. Various lenders have already announced they will pass on all or most of this latest reduction too, making the thought of reverting to their SVR much more attractive.

“At the same time, this reduction in the base rate will make it easier for lenders to lower the interest rates they charge for new mortgages of all kinds, helping people remortgage at a more attractive rate.”

But homeowners at the end of their mortgage term won’t be the only ones to benefit from the base rate cut. “According to the Bank of England’s November 2008 Inflation Report, around 7% of mortgagors are spending 35-50% of their pre-tax income on their mortgage payments – and 5% are spending 50%-100%. Given the historically high salary multiples we’re seeing in today’s mortgage markets, the ability to remortgage at a lower rate could make all the difference to the finances of many homeowners.”

“Of course, there’s always the question of Loan-to-Value (LTV), a particularly important ratio in today’s economic environment: with house prices dropping and credit relatively scarce, lenders are reserving the best deals for people with LTV ratios of 60% or less. Even so, a base rate of 2% is indisputably good news for most homeowners with mortgages across the country, whatever their situation.”

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