Category Archives: Financial


Prudential Reports Strife Begins At 40 For Pensions Late Starters

Prudential has revealed that workers who don’t pay a penny into a pension until they reach the age of 40 may need to set aside upwards of 33 per cent of their salary until age 65 if they want to retire on the holy grail pension of two-thirds annual salary.

But for someone starting their pension at 30 the amount drops to 20.5 per cent of salary and at age 18 it falls to 12.9 per cent – just over a third of the amount a 40-year-old would be required to pay into a pension for the first time.

Based on the current average salary of £26,020 a 40-year-old worker starting their pension plan today and aiming to retire at 65 would need to put aside the equivalent of £728.06 a month, or £23.94 a day, from combined employee and employer contributions.

A 30-year-old worker’s pension savings would need to total £443.59 a month or£14.58 a day, while an 18-year-old starting work today would need to save an amount equivalent to £9.19 into a pension every day of their life until the age of 65 in order to achieve the optimum pension of two-thirds the current average annual salary of £26,020.

Martyn Bogira, Prudential’s Director of Defined Contribution Solutions, said: “The findings show very clearly that anyone earning an income should try to begin putting money into a pension fund as soon as possible as the cost of delay is considerable; for someone aged 40 who’s contributing to a pension for the first time, the optimum pension contributions are three times higher than for someone aged 18.

“Understandably, making payments into a pension at age 18 may be a struggle and seem insignificant but even the smallest of contributions has the potential to make a massive difference. Arguably, the simplest and most beneficial way to do this is to pay into an employer’s defined contribution scheme and take advantage of any contributions an employer will also make to help make up the optimum amount needed to retire on two-thirds salary.”

Via EPR Network
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LV= Is Inviting Its Members, Customers And Website Visitors To Share Photos Of What They Love In Life

LV=, insurance, pensions and investment group is inviting its members, customers and website visitors to share photos of what they love in life, and be in with the chance of winning £1,500.

The competition’s theme ties in with LV=’s overall aim as a financial solutions and insurance provider, to help people look after the things that they love in life.

The photo could be of a family member or friend, a pet, or a treasured possession like a car or house, even a place they love to go on holiday.

The online photo competition judges aren’t looking for an ‘expert’ photo, but a picture that captures something that the entrant really cares for, in the most original, visually appealing and self-explanatory way.

Details of the competition have already been emailed to a large number of LV=’s customers and to competition websites, and already some excellent entries have been received and loaded up to view. And even if entrants don’t win the first prize of£1,500, there are three runners-up prizes of £250 to be had.

To take part in the competition entrants will need to register themselves as a member of the LV= online community, and then it’s simply a case of loading up their photos. The closing date is 31 October 2009.

Alan Lay, LV=’s Web Content Manager, said: “The LV= community has been very popular with our members since its launch, and this new competition is an ideal way for existing and new members to share what they really love in life with the wider community. Judging by the high quality of photos that we’ve already received, it’s going to be tough to choose the winners, though we’re sure that there are even better examples out there just waiting to come in.”

Via EPR Network
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Over 800,000 Knee Jerk Fixers Need Instant Access

This year really has been a savings rate massacre for consumers, with rates falling to historic lows in line with the plummeting base rate. New research from reveals that in response to this rate land slide, 9 million savers have locked away a total of £131 billion in fixed rate savings accounts in a desperate bid to bag a decent rate. Unfortunately, a turbulent financial climate has led to almost one in ten of these consumers being forced to access their savings early due to job losses (6%) and mounting housing bills (32%). As a result, these savers have incurred penalty fees averaging £132 each.

In total, over 800,000 consumers have made an average withdrawal of £3,738 each from their fixed rate account in the last year, with over a third of these incurring penalty charges. As a result, these cash hungry savers have racked up a total bill of £40 million in withdrawal penalties which are predominantly made up of interest charges. Going forward this issue is only going to get worse as a further 1.7 million (19%) people with fixed rates claiming that they might have to access their money early.

With each of these savers locking away a total of £14,237 each, this has clearly made a positive boost to the UK’s £1.1 trillion savings pot which is held by 35 million consumers. This may sound like a lot of money in the current climate but it’s hardly surprising as further reports have shown that the amount of money consumers are stashing away has actually gone up by 26% since January this year.

However, with 47% of fixed rate savings accounts offering consumers absolutely no access to their money before the end of the term, it’s hardly surprising that 6% of these knee jerk fixers already regret locking their money away. 87% of fixed rate savers only chose this type of account because it was the only decent rate available at the time and 17% admit to making a rash decision.

Rumina Hassam, savings expert at, comments: “Fixed rate savings accounts can offer consumers some really competitive returns, but the reality of this extra interest can be harsh. Almost half of the accounts available do not allow consumers to access their cash under any circumstances which, in a climate of recession and redundancy, is a dangerous situation for some people. The devil really is in the detail as far as fixed rate savings are concerned. Even if consumers are allowed to make withdrawals, the extra interest earned could be completely wiped out by the penalties incurred.

Variable rate savings deals are on the up and there are currently deals paying as much as 3.3% with no restrictions on access with Citibank. This explains why 37% of people don’t feel their rate is quite as competitive as it seemed when they first took it on. The average one year fixed rate bond now pays an average of 3.11% but Chelsea Building Society is offering as much as 3.8%. Five year bonds have gone up from an average of 3.33% to 4.61% since January however, one year fixed options have actually dropped down from 3.62% to 3.11% in the last nine months. For details of the best savings accounts available consumers can log onto

Via EPR Network
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The Japanization of Financial Markets

Saxo Bank predicts that monetary stimuli and government deficits are likely to continue, fostering a “Japanization” of financial markets, whereby the market will see higher price-to-earnings ratios and lower yields on both corporate bonds and treasuries.

Chief Economist at SaxoBank, David Karsbøl, commented: “Because Western economies are more flexible and able to embrace the necessary changes, we do not think that things will get as bad as was the case in Japan. However, it is increasingly evident that the current scenario in the West bears a close resemblance to post-1990 Japan, and it looks progressively like we have entered a new regime in which everyone assumes that large companies will be bailed out. This means that default risk is ‘priced out’, and we see higher price-to-earnings ratios and lower yields on fixed income.”

In its fourth quarter outlook, the Copenhagen-based investment specialist predicts that the American economy will return to positive GDP growth in the second half of the year, but warns that the sustainability of this growth is questionable and will be largely due to government spending and inventory restocking. US unemployment will continue to rise over the coming months, and that this will further hinder debt repayments and consumption.

David Karsbol believes a USD short seems to be a vote for the global recovery and has become the, newer and better carry trade. “The very low US’s yields and need for external financing and increasing reluctance from China to buy greenbacks is a toxic cocktail that could drive the currency even weaker in the near term,” Karsbol said.

Looking towards the end of the year, market dynamics indicate a shift from this year’s equity market rally. Global equity markets rallied 59% from the March lows through to August, and looking ahead, dynamics indicate a shift in performance towards micro trends and sector-specific growth and valuation stories.

Karsbol added: “Most indicators of economic activity are stabilising, but at very depressed levels. We believe investors should continue to take cyclical risk through regional allocations, with particular emphasis on emerging markets over Europe and the US, where it will be difficult to maintain and improve growth.”

Via EPR Network
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By Lowering The Risk You Can Save on Home Insurance

There are many factors that affect home insurance quotes. Things such as the neighborhood the house is located in, the neighborhood’s crime statistics and the amount of security the home contains are all major components. A recently published article on reveals that the more secure a house is, the cheaper home insurance rates it will produce.

Fill out a form to get free home insurance quotes.

For homeowners interested in preventing break-ins—not just to reduce insurance rates but also to ensure the safety of your family and belongings—they may want to consider taking certain steps to increase home security. The first step they can take is to install deadbolt locks on their doors.

“Statistics show that thieves tend to stay away from houses with deadbolt locks on ground level doors,” the article, Low Risk Behavior: Prevent Break-Ins And Reduce Home Insurance, states. “They take substantially longer to break into thus increasing their risk of getting caught. Simply put, deadbolt locks deter robberies and reduce home insurance.”

Via EPR Network
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Identity Burglary Crime Wave is Hitting Homeowners

LV= has revealed in a new report that one in seven burglaries last year was carried out solely in an attempt to steal the homeowner’s personal details.

A quarter of all burglary victims in the past year fell prey to ID fraud as a direct result of a break in. The research from home insurer LV=, which questioned both burglary victims and convicted fraudsters, reveals the scale of the crime and fraudsters’ tricks of the trade.

‘ID burglary’ is estimated to cost the UK over £150 million per year to rectify and according to the report the number of home burglaries involving personal data theft is predicted to rise by 33% year on year if ID fraud continues to increase at its current rate.

The LV= report found that credit cards, coupled with a form of ID such as a bank statement, utility bill or National Insurance number, are prized items on the black market as they make it easier for fraudsters to steal an identity. Individual identity documents can change hands for around £15, whereas fraudsters will typically pay £150 for a ‘bundle’ of personal identity information.

One fraudster said: “So many people make my job really easy by sticking all the key documents together in one place. And for all the family too, so you often get three or four identities for the price of one, so to speak.”

While ‘identity burglars’ are becoming more common, even thieves after more traditional items such as purses or wallets are likely to take the opportunity to steal personal details as well, because they know they can sell these on. Around 94% of handbags, wallets and purses contain at least one form of personal identity document.

To help assist the growing number of people affected by ID fraud, the LV= home insurance policy now includes free access to a special identity fraud helpline.

John O’ Roarke, managing director of LV= home insurance, said: “As the trend for identity fraud increases, we would strongly urge homeowners to take appropriate measures to limit their chances of being targeted by thieves and fraudsters. As well as installing home security measures such as burglary alarms and security lights, homeowners should ensure they store personal documents securely and if possible separately to minimise the risk of ID theft.”

Via EPR Network
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Don’t Forget to Protect Your Mortgage – and Your Family

The different types of life insurance cover available can sound confusing, but the choice is more straightforward than people think. If you have a family with children, as a bare minimum you should consider life assurance that would pay off your mortgage upon death. There is then the option of cover that would pay out in the event of you contracting a serious illness. Both types of cover can be

provided either as a lump sum or as a regular income. For new parents, life insurance company AVIVA is currently offering £10,000 FREE life cover until their child’s first birthday – £20,000 if both parents apply. In their recent Parents Study, Aviva found that almost 40% of parents polled have not bought life insurance cover and a further 17% only have enough to cover their mortgage.

Richard Morea, Technical Manager at L&C said, “When taking out a mortgage or starting a family, it is essential that borrowers and parents look at their life insurance needs and make sure that their family is properly protected if the worst were to happen. It’s important to shop around and get advice too, because banks and building societies that offer good mortgage rates will not always offer good rates on life insurance.“

For a free life insurance review, speak to one of L&C’s expert advisers on 0800 073 1932. New parents can click here to apply for £10,000 FREE life cover through L&C.

Via EPR Network
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New Micro-Lending Program To Help People Establish Businesses

Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together (MATT) and ACCION-Texas, a national micro-lending organization, have jointly created the MATT Micro-lending Assistance Program (MMAP) designed to help individuals establish their new small enterprise.

“The beauty of this program is that we not only provide them with financial assistance but with technical support as well to help ensure their success” says Janie Barrera, President & CEO, ACCION Texas-Louisiana.

The MMAP program depends on the generosity and financial support from businesses and donors to succeed. MATT, a non-for-profit headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, has committed to securing financial supporters to ensure the continuation and success of the program. “Our goal is to assist people help themselves. We have many talented people who need some support and direction to succeed in life. That is what we are committed to do, in association with ACCION-Texas,” comments Aracely Garcia-Granados, executive director of MATT, who helped devise this initiative after she learned that ACCION-Texas is a non-profit and needs 3 million a year in order to serve its constituencies.

MATT will identify and secure businesses to support ACCION-Texas. However, MATT’s contribution comes with a twist. “We are going after Mexican-owned companies so that they give back to the community that has helped them succeed,” confirms Garcia-Granados. “We need to cultivate a sense of philanthropy among Latinos and this is one small way to do it.”

MMAP-San Antonio is possible due to the generosity of Anne-Marie Grube, owner of La Tradicional Tortilleria. As a successful small business owner, Anne-Marie jumped at the opportunity to help others realize their dream. She knows how hard yet liberating it is to be an independent entrepreneur and when approached by MATT and ACCION-Texas, she agreed to be the first to help establish the MATT Micro-lending Assistance Program in San Antonio. “There are many talented people in our communities, especially among Latinos, who just need a little counseling and financial support to make the American dream come true. I am glad to have had this opportunity to partner with MATT and ACCION-Texas. I cannot think of a better cause and a more needed program.”

It is MATT’s goal to work with its national network of supporters to identify communities where MMAP is most likely to succeed. “At this point, we want to get the information out there to create interest among potential donors but we are also going to aggressively promote this program and get supporters. There is a lot of need out there and we are committed to make this program work for those who will most benefit,” concluded Garcia-Granados.

Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together (MATT) is a San Antonio-based, bi-national, non-profit organization. MATT’s mission is to bridge the gaps of understanding between Mexicans and Americans.

Via EPR Network
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Dr. Elizabeth Mays Has Been Named One Of The 25 Women To Watch For 2009 By U.S Banker Magazine

Dr. Elizabeth Mays has been named one of the 25 Women to Watch for 2009 by U.S Banker magazine. The list contains some of the banking industry’s most accomplished women and is compiled annually. Over 5,000 female banking executives were nominated this year.

Mays is located in Columbus, Ohio where she is a Senior Vice President and the Head of Consumer Risk Modeling and Analytics for JP Morgan Chase, part of the Risk Management organization.

The criteria used to select the 25 Women to Watch include their impact on their bank’s financial performance and the nominee’s industry, personal, and community impact. In conjunction with the publication of U.S. Banker magazine’s October issue highlighting the women selected this year, an awards ceremony will be held at The Plaza hotel in New York on October 6th.

Mays has spent 24 years in the financial services sector, first as a government economist and savings and loan regulator in Washington DC, and later in executive positions in the banking industry. She is also an author of four books on risk measurement and writes articles on corporate governance and risk management topics. A busy executive and mother, U.S. Banker magazine noted that parts of her last book were written “f r o m a booth at Chuck E. Cheese” while her young son played games.

Via EPR Network
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Majority Of Over 50s Unaware Of October ISA Limit Increases

Lloyds TSB has revealed new research that shows two thirds (61 per cent) of over 50s do not understand the approaching ISA changes which will enable more than 21 million savers to benefit from an increased tax free savings allowance.

As part of this year’s budget, the Chancellor announced that the total ISA limits would increase from £7,200 to £10,200, £5,100 of which can be saved in cash. For those born on or before 5th April 1960 the new limits come into effect on October 6th, whilst younger customers will need to wait until the start of the 2010/2011 tax year next April.

Despite the imminent changes, the findings show that just 15 per cent of over 50s know that the new ISA limit will be set at £10,200. Four out of ten over 50s are not even aware that increases have been announced.

Lloyds Banking Group customers can take full advantage of the increased limits, as the Group has confirmed that all of its ISA products will accept top ups when the new rules come into effect on 6th October.

Colin Walsh, managing director of savings and investment, Lloyds Banking Group commented: “As the UK’s largest ISA provider, we want our customers to be able to reap the benefits of the new rules and make use of their entitlement. This historic low rate environment has meant a challenging time for savers, especially for those who rely on returns to supplement their monthly income, so maximising your full tax free allowance has never been more important.”

Savers will be able to top up their existing ISA balance in any of the Group’s fixed and variable rate cash ISAs, as well as investment ISA products. New customers can also take advantage of the new entitlement and open one of the competitive products offered by the Group’s ISA brands, which include Halifax, Lloyds TSB, Scottish Widows, Bank of Scotland, Cheltenham & Gloucester, Birmingham Midshires and Intelligent Finance.

Colin Walsh continued: “Traditionally the ISA transfer market peaks in April around the new tax year, but this year’s changes will no doubt result in a ‘mini ISA season’ as savers look to take advantage of competitive rates on an increased balance.”

Earlier this year, Lloyds Banking Group announced its participation in electronic transfers for the cash ISA market, allowing customers to benefit from a more efficient process and reducing the delays caused by sending cheques in the post.

Via EPR Network
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The Most Popular Baby Names In The UK Revealed By The Children’s Mutual

According to research by The Children’s Mutual, leading Child Trust Fund (CTF) provider, Jack and Olivia have maintained their position as the most popular baby names in the UK for a second year.

Jack leads the pack at the head of the Top 10 boys’ names, which have remained the same for the past two years. However, a review of almost 150,000 new CTF account holder names revealed that the girls’ names are more imaginative, varied and less traditional than the boys’ names.

With newcomers Amelia and Evie entering the list this year, the Top 10 girls’ names has had new entrants for the last three years despite Olivia clinching the top spot for the last two. Ava, Freya and Isabelle have entered the Top 20 for the first time. However in contrast, there have been falls for Grace, Lucy, Katie and Megan during 2009.

Within the top boys’ names there are some signs of influence from celebrity names, with Lewis racing into the Top 20 and both princes’ names, William and Harry, staying in the Top 10. Harry Potter also appears to have had some influence, with Harry and leading actor Daniel Radcliffe’s first name both having moved up the chart.

Tony Anderson, Marketing Director at The Children’s Mutual, said: “We’ve had lots of new children on our books in the past 12 months, with almost 150,000 new accounts opened, and it’s always interesting to see how the trends in babies names change each year. We realise that choosing a name can be daunting for parents as they want to give their child the best start in life.

“As well as the choice of name, parents should also be considering their child’s future and how they plan to save for important milestones such as university or a first car. If parents top up their child’s CTF monthly by £24 – the average amount saved by customers – these 2009 babies could receive a lump sum of over £9,750 when they reach 18.”

Child Trust Funds are designed to provide a tax efficient, long term savings vehicle for all eligible children. Each eligible child (born on or after 1 September 2002) receives a £250 (£500 for low income families) Child Trust Fund voucher from the Government when their parents register for Child Benefit. The Government will make a second contribution of £250 (£500 for low income families) when the child reaches seven and potentially a third in the child’s teenage years.

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Joe Freeman Of MidCountry Bank Has Been Appointed To The National World War I Museum’s Board Of Trustees

Joe Freeman, Chief Operating Officer of Pioneer Services, the Military Banking Division of MidCountry Bank, has been appointed to the National World War I Museum‘s Board of Trustees. Freeman joins a group of other notable and distinguished community leaders such as Henry Bloch, William Dunn, Sr., R. Crosby Kemper, and Dr. Thomas Hoenig, all who are committed to preserving, promoting, and improving the nation’s official WWI Museum.

Freeman’s strategic and entrepreneurial business skills, along with his knowledge of the military and national security communities, and the financial services arena, will benefit the Museum. “Each new Trustee brings a diverse base of experience and knowledge that will help further the Museum’s mission”, said Brian Alexander, President and CEO of the National World War I Museum.

Freeman is active in local business, philanthropic, and community service efforts, including ; the UMKC Board of Trustees Bloch School Blue Ribbon Committee; the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Council; the Dean’s Bloch School Advisory Board, Chairman of the International Entrepreneur of the Year Dinner; Business Executives for National Security; the Association of the United States Army; the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Armed Services Committee; Angel Flight Central; the FBI Citizen’s Academy, and more. He was named one of Ingrams’ magazine’s “40 Under 40 Power Elite” in 2006.

He is responsible for all lending and retail operations at MidCountry Bank’s military division, as well as strategic planning. In his position, Freeman manages a diverse group of more than 200 associates in various departments and geographic locations. He has more than 15 years of business experience in accounting, operations, consulting, and marketing.

Freeman is a graduate of the Henry W. Bloch School of Business and Public Administration at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Accounting. He is the author of several published articles on management and financial matters.

Via EPR Network
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How To Lower Your Insurance Premiums During the Recession

During a recession, such as we are currently experiencing, it is essential that all businesses should reduce their expenditure wherever possible. It is a simple fact to understand that when income falls, expenditure must also be reduced in order to balance the books. When businesses have completed their cost-cutting exercises in the obvious areas, such as payroll and suppliers, they look to make savings in the peripheral areas of expenditure- such as insurance.

All businesses are required to hold insurance cover to a greater or lesser extent, be it material damage, goods in transit or the legally unavoidable road risk cover and employers liability insurance. Staveley Head, one of the UK’s leading motor trade insurance providers, has some important advice for those looking to reduce their insurance premiums. A spokesman said “Many people will opt for policies which are cheaper because the additional benefits such as windscreen cover or a courtesy vehicle in the event of an accident have been excluded from the policy. This can prove a false economy as the reduction in premium will only be marginal, and those benefits can prove very worthwhile if and when needed. It is far more effective to look at areas we tend to take for granted. Many policyholders request any driver cover because once in a blue moon, due to illness or holidays perhaps, someone else will be required to drive their vehicle. This is a very costly way of covering that eventuality. It is far cheaper to name on the policy the drivers you think you may need, and even cheaper again if it is your spouse or partner.”

The Staveley Head representative went on to say “It is also worthwhile considering an additional voluntary excess on the policy, certainly for careful and claim-free drivers. If you divide the amount of the voluntary excess by the number of years since your last claim and compare that to the annual saving in premium it should give you an indication of the overall economy of increasing your excess. Keeping your vehicle overnight in a garage or secure compound or driveway will also reduce your premium. A low annual mileage will also produce a lower premium. The annual average is between ten and twelve thousand miles, but if you only cover five thousand miles a year tell your insurer. Less miles means less risk for your insurer and consequently less premium. There is a number of ways that premiums can be reduced without losing any benefit in cover, and Staveley Head will be delighted to assist and advise anyone if they contact us on our website at or telephone us on 0845 017 9991.”

Via EPR Network
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Three Unsecured Personal Loan Providers Have Implemented Rate Hikes Of Up To 1.2% For New Customers

This product ‘tweak’, although seemingly small, could cost personal loan customers an extra GBP322 in interest paid on a typical loan of GBP10,000. With UK consumers currently forking out GBP181 million in interest daily, this will only add to an already hefty bill.

As consumers struggle to manage their debts in the current climate, their chances of consolidating to a low cost loan have also been vastly reduced compared to this time last year. There are currently 36 personal loans available to consumers, this is compared to 57 loans that were available this time last year, a drop of 37%. At the same time, the average loan rate has increased from 9.04% to 9.08% in the last year.

Providers that have increased rates since the start of September include:

1. Marks and Spencer Money – selected rates increased by 1.2%

2. Egg – GBP3,000 to GBP20,000 increased by 1% to 14.9%

3. Alliance & Leicester – GBP5,000 to GBP7,499 increased by 0.1% to 8.9% and GBP7,500 to GBP15,000 increased by 0.8% to 8.7%

However, it seems the trend for offering the best deals to “brand new customers only” does not currently extend to the unsecured personal loans market, with the best deals currently being offered to existing customers. The average interest rate in the Best Buy table for existing customers is currently 7.94%, with Nationwide topping the table with its Existing Customer Personal Loan Plan at 7.7%. However, new customers can expect to be hit with an average interest rate for a Best Buy loan of 8.08%, 0.14% higher.

Louise Bond, personal finance expert at, comments: “As consumers struggle to make ends meet and manage their finances, loan providers are looking to offer the best rates to those who financial behaviour they can closely inspect – which are their existing customers.

“Last year 1.3 million consumers used an unsecured personal loan for debt consolidation purposes. However, with the number of personal loans available dropping by 37% this year and rejection running high, it would be highly unlikely that a similar number of consumers would be able to consolidate their debts this year. However, for those that are thinking about or attempting to do this, it would definitely be worthwhile finding out what rates existing providers can offer, as it seems loyalty is one of the only aspects that could win consumers better interest rates at the moment.”

Via EPR Network
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Debt Levels Amongst Pensioners Are Increasing

Responding to a new report claiming that debt levels amongst pensioners are increasing, debt management company Gregory Pennington said that finding the right debt solution is important for anyone struggling with debt, regardless of age.

The company added that in particular, anyone approaching retirement age with debts that they may not be able to repay in time should contact a professional debt adviser to discuss the best way to clear their debts.

The research by pensions and investment provider Scottish Widows found that around 34% of retired people have ‘non-mortgage’ debts, such as credit cards and personal loans, with each owing an average of £7,344.

The figure is 9% higher than at the same point last year, and almost 25% higher than it was in 2007, suggesting that the problem has become no easier for pensioners as the economic downturn has progressed.

Meanwhile, the research found that almost one in six (15% of) retired people in the UK are still repaying their mortgage, with an average remaining debt of £50,100 – £8,000 higher than 2008’s figure.

In total, Scottish Widows claimed that pensioners owed a collective £90.4 billion – up from £72.3 billion last year.

Ian Naismith, Head of Pensions Market Development at Scottish Widows, said: “The situation for retirees in debt is not getting any better, and an increase of eight thousand in the average amount of mortgage debt is alarming.

“The recession has seemingly done nothing to encourage retirees to cut their debt, and with the possibility of the value of their property dwindling, they could be leaving themselves in a vulnerable position.

“Those in retirement should be able to enjoy life and not worry about the financial burden of debt, as well as their retirement income.”

A spokesperson for Gregory Pennington said: “Some people might assume that debt is a ‘young person’s problem’, but in a difficult economic climate we are all at risk. Pensioners, who often live on a much lower income than they did while they were working, can be particularly vulnerable.

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One In Five Stock Market Investors Never Check Share Performance

Prudential has revealed that over one in five (22 per cent) of UK stock market investors never check the performance of their shares. Furthermore, it has been revealed that 65% of investors don’t seek any professional advice prior to investing.

The findings, f r o m new research conducted for Prudential, found that 36 per cent of UK adults aged 18+, equivalent to 17.23 million people, have invested in the stock market over the past 10 years. However, more than half (53 per cent) of these investors admit they only check share performance every six months or less frequently, with one in five (20 per cent) saying they only review their stock performance once a year and 22 per cent admitting they never do.

When it comes to gaining advice on where the best place is to invest their savings, UK adults appear to be equally apathetic with around two thirds of investors (65 per cent) saying they rely on internet searches or media reports when selecting which shares or investment fund to buy with just 16 per cent seeing an independent financial adviser, four per cent consulting a stockbroker and 10 per cent gained advice f r o m bank or building society staff.

However, while many stock market investors fail to adequately monitor share performance or gain financial advice on how to invest, they are at least exposing themselves to an asset class which has historically shown some of the strongest growth. This sits in stark contrast to the rest of the population with around 30 million UK adults (64 per cent) having made no stock market-based investments in the past ten years.

Trevor Cheal, Retirement Savings Business Director, Prudential said: “While not everyone is fortunate enough to have spare funds to save or invest, many people do and it is staggering how few are seeking financial advice or looking to capitalise on the growth potential that the stock market has historically offered.

“Those who invest in the stock market have taken the first important step towards benefiting f r o m the long-term growth of the economy, but they stand a greater chance of maximising its value if they re-evaluate their investment arrangements regularly. However, in volatile markets, investors may not want all their eggs in one basket and multi-asset funds which provide diversification can give them some degree of comfort while still having exposure to the stock market. Those who feel they lack the knowledge to manage a diversified portfolio should consider getting professional financial advice f r o m a stockbroker or an IFA.”

Via EPR Network
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Lloyds TSB Is Encouraging New Students To Eat Healthily Whilst Staying Within A Budget With The Launch Of Its ‘Budget Cook Off’

Lloyds TSB is encouraging new students to eat healthily whilst staying within a budget with the launch of its ‘Budget Cook Off’ section of the Savvy Saver student hub, an all round guide for students, advising them on how to manage finances during their time at University.

The new section of the site contains practical tips for healthy eating with limited finances and also offers a video showing students putting the budget cooking tips into practice.

Included in the range of tips is information on how to make sure a healthy diet is maintained throughout the day, even when students are pushed for time or under stress from upcoming exams or deadlines. The ‘Budget Cook Off’ section also advises prospective students on how to find the best deals on food in the shops and habits to avoid, such as junk food and eating out, in order to make the most of their money.

The savvy student hub has been launched in response to student concerns about their finances. As part of its annual research* with more than a thousand 17-25 year olds who hope to start a degree course in the autumn, Lloyds TSB found that three quarters of would-be freshers think that money management is especially important in the current economic environment.

Catherine McGrath, director of current accounts, Lloyds TSB, commented: “We want to do everything we can to support young people manage their finances responsibly but also have fun and enjoy their studies. We hope the hub will show them that it is possible to study on a budget, and also that they’re not alone in being concerned about looking after their pennies during their degree course.”

Via EPR Network
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Pioneer Services Recognized By The American Banker’s Association

Pioneer Services was recognized recently at the American Banker’s Association (ABA) Financial Marketing Awards ceremony, receiving runner-up for its Military Spouse Finance Guide: Financial Advice for the Homefront. The book offers comprehensive financial education for military spouses, and was published last year. This is the second ABA award for Pioneer Services—the company won last year for its entire range of financial education materials.

Established in 1972, the ABA Awards recognize those who have displayed excellence in their financial materials, and are one of the most coveted awards in the financial services industry. Pioneer Services received the award in the financial education category, which recognizes those that work to educate customers on responsible and sound financial practices.

“Military spouses take care of the family and finances during their husbands’ or wives’ deployment, and really are the unsung heroes of the military,” said Karen Von Der Bruegge, Chief Marketing Officer of Pioneer Services. “We’re honored to provide them with information that can help them throughout their military and civilian lives, and to have that information recognized as being the best in the banking industry.”

The book was based on two years of research, and included input from military spouses, industry experts, and Pioneer Services associates. Available for sale on and Barnes and, Pioneer Services has also distributed thousands of free copies of the book to military families. It has been featured in several media outlets. And its website,, offers more information about the book, testimonials praising its content, and a free chapter on debt prioritization.

“We’ve been providing free financial education to military families for several years, and know it has helped thousands take control of their finances,” said Von Der Bruegge. “Being recognized by the ABA for our continuing efforts is a great honor, and reaffirms our commitment to helping educate the military community.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

24% Of Students In The UK Expect To Graduate With Over £20,000 Of Debt

Responding to a report that found that 24% of students in the UK expect to graduate with over £20,000 of debt, Debt Advisers Direct has advised students that with the right financial planning, the amount of debt they take on can be reduced.

The company added that students should avoid taking on debt (i.e. any debt outside their regular student loan) wherever possible, as this could increase their risk of debt problems in the future.

Research by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC) looked into the financial expectations of UK students. It found that 24% thought they would leave university with more than £20,000 of debt – although the picture varied between countries.

In Scotland, Scottish-born students are not required to pay university tuition fees. This is reflected in the AIC’s figures: only 26% of Scottish students expected to take out a student loan, compared with 55% across the entire UK.

A spokesperson for Debt Advisers Direct commented: “Debt is a big concern for many students. The introduction of top-up fees in recent years has added a significant amount to the debt many students will be expected to repay once they graduate.

“However, it’s very important that we distinguish between student debt in terms of an official student loan, issued by the Student Loans Company (SLC), and other forms of debt.

“Government student loans are designed to be paid back once the student graduates and is earning enough to meet the threshold – currently £15,000 a year – and only as a small percentage of earnings above this amount. In that respect, a student loan is not likely to cause significant financial hardship.

“However, students who have borrowed money in other ways could find themselves in more difficulty. Things like personal loans and credit cards, for example, usually require regular repayments and tend to carry higher interest rates. This is not ideal for students, who usually survive on a relatively low income.

“The risk is that the more debt students take on, the more likely they are to have trouble meeting their repayments. For that reason, we advise students to steer clear of taking on additional debt wherever possible.”

The Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson added that while most students experience financial difficulties at one stage or another, there are other things they can do to improve their situation.

“There is plenty of advice available, both online and from expert financial advisers, on ways for people to manage their finances well. For example, we have just released a guide on ways to cut back without compromising their social life – which is particularly relevant to students.

Via EPR Network
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Let The Competition For The Safest Home Begin!

The winning prize? The lowest home owners insurance rates around. According to a recently published article on, homeowners looking to save on their insurance should first assess their home to make sure it doesn’t pose any threats.

“Nobody likes a surprise that results in having to spend more than they were expecting,” the article, Home Owners Insurance: Assess Your Risk, states. “If you honestly assess your home and the risk that it represents to your insurer then you will be able to take the proper measures in lowering your risk, thus lowering your home owners insurance.”

Factors of a home, such as its age or the neighborhood it’s located in, can cause a homeowner’s rates to either increase or decrease. The age of a home affects rates because the older the home is, the more likely the home’s materials, foundation, and wiring and heating systems are not up to current building codes, making it more vulnerable to external damage. “Newer homes are more attractive to insurance companies because they were built with modern materials are generally more resilient to damage,” the article emphasizes. The neighborhood around the home is an integral factor as well.

“The crime rate of the neighborhood you live in is an important factor in the mind of your insurer,” the article describes. “If it isn’t the best then you can buffer your situation by taking measures to secure your house with deadbolt locks, motion sensor lights, and a security system.”

Although a homeowner might believe their home is safe, an inspector might think otherwise. Taking the necessary measures to fully assess a home can prevent home owners insurance rates from skyrocketing. Nobody likes to pay more than they have to, so contact a home insurance agent today to inquire about other steps that can be taken to ensure the lowest homeowners insurance quotes around. Visit for expert articles and Hinsurance quotes from up to five local agents.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases