Category Archives: Financial


Digi Communications NV to release its unaudited 2023 preliminary financial results on 28 Feb 2024

BUCHAREST, Romania, 21-Feb-2024 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on 28 February 2024 at 14:00 UK time / 16:00 EEST (Romania local time), will host a conference call to discuss its 2023 preliminary financial results. The Company will publish the unaudited 2023 preliminary financial results on the same day, 28 February 2024 at 08:00 am EEST.

The call will be held in English language, and it will be hosted by the Company’s CEO, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, and the Company’s CFO, Mr. Dan Ionita.

To participate in the call the stakeholders are invited to pre-register at:

The deadline for pre-registration is 28 February 2024, 12:00 UK time / 14:00 EEST (Romania local time).

About Digi Communications NV

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. published its 2024 Financial Calendar

BUCHAREST, Romania, 23-Jan-2024 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform its investors and the market that the Financial Calendar for 2024 is available on the official website: (Investor Relations Section/Financial Calendar).

About Digi Communications NV

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V.’s Non-Executive Director Bogdan Ciobotaru sold 30,000 class B shares of the company

BUCHAREST, Romania, 3-Jan-2024 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform the market that, in accordance with the provisions of article 19 para. (1) of the Market Abuse Regulation, Mr. Bogdan Ciobotaru, Non-Executive Director of the Company, notified the Company on 15 December 2023, in connection with the sale on 14 December 2023 of a number of 30,000 class B shares held in the Company’s share capital. In connection with this transaction, Mr. Bogdan Ciobotaru notified also the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten). Mr. Bogdan Ciobotaru fulfilled the notification requirements under the Company’s internal policies.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


Financial charts on a dark background. Blurred background, selective focus. panoramic view, copy space.

МОСКВА, 12-Dec-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Независимый эксперт по акционной торговле Сергей Левин объявил о запуске эксклюзивного четырехнедельного онлайн-курса с выдачей сертификата. “Мастер-класс по торговле сырьевыми товарами и хеджированию” предназначен для новых сотрудников биржевых холдингов, менеджеров по рискам, аналитиков и высшего руководства, желающих получить всеобъемлющее представление о институциональной торговле сырьевыми биржевыми товарами.

Курс, который начнется 15 января, предоставит участникам уникальную возможность учиться у признанных лидеров индустрии, таких как предприниматель и эксперт по торговле золотом Михаил Пелег, и получить представление о профессиональных торговых стратегиях. Он учит участников анализировать большие данные для формирования действенных рыночных перспектив, позволяющих выбрать оптимальные торговые стратегии.

“Этот курс, который адаптирован для лиц, работающих на рынках товаров, включая аналитиков, квантов, менеджеров по рискам и трейдеров в компаниях, занимающихся физическим производством, транспортировкой или потреблением”, – сказал Сергей Левин. “Этот мастер-класс обеспечит участников практическими навыками и знаниями, необходимыми для успеха на глобальном рынке товаров.”

Мастер-класс по торговле товарами и хеджированию включает гостевые презентации ведущих товарных трейдеров.

Программа курса охватывает ряд тем, включая:

  • Базовое понимание торговли сырьевыми товарами.
  • Применение стратегий для анализа рыночной информации (на основе стратегии Михаила Пелега).
  • Выбор оптимальных способов реализации рыночных взглядов.
  • Разработка комплексных торговых планов и управление позициями.
  • Создание эффективных стратегий хеджирования для промышленных субъектов, подверженных воздействию товарных рынков.

Курс будет проводиться с использованием предварительно записанных лекций и прямых онлайн сессий, что позволяет студентам адаптировать обучение к своему расписанию. Лекции предоставят глубокий анализ каждого элемента торгового процесса с акцентом на практическое применение и решение проблем.

В качестве завершения курса студенты будут погружены в кейс-исследование, связанное с хеджированием сложных физических рисков судоходной компании, навигирующей в динамичных водах глобального товарного рынка.

По окончании курса студенты приобретут ценные практические навыки, включая:

  • Интерпретацию рыночной информации для принятия обоснованных торговых решений.
  • Реализацию эффективных стратегий хеджирования для снижения рисков.
  • Оценку и управление торговыми позициями для достижения оптимальных результатов.
  • Разработку комплексных рыночных перспектив и торговых планов.

Мастер-класс по торговле сырьевыми товарами и хеджированию – незаменимая возможность для начинающих и опытных трейдеров повысить свою квалификацию и добиться успеха в конкурентном мире торговли товарами.

О Сергее Левине:
Сергей Левин – независимый эксперт по торговле акциями, известный своей уникальной способностью анализировать рынок. Благодаря своему обширному опыту и знаниям, накопленным за 20 лет торговли на финансовых и товарных рынках, Левин консультирует многих международных менеджеров хедж-фондов, банков, занимающихся торговлей драгоценными металлами, директоров и трейдеров по всему миру.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. Q3 2023 financial results now available at its website

BUCHAREST, Romania, 14-Nov-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that the Q3 2023 financial results are available on the Company’s website at:

Also, today at 14:00 UK time / 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss its Q3 2023 Financial Results.

The call will be held in English language, and it will be hosted by the Company’s CEO, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, and the co-CFO, Mr. Dan Ionita.

To participate in the call, the stakeholders are invited to pre-register at: The deadline for pre-registration is 12:00 UK time / 14:00 EEST (Romania local time).

A recording of the conference call will be available shortly after on the Company’s website at:

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV to host a conference call for its Q3 2023 Financial Results on 14 Nov 2023

BUCHAREST, Romania, 7-Nov-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on 14 November 2023 at 14:00 UK time / 16:00 EEST (Romania local time), the Company will host a conference call to discuss its Q3 2023 financial results. The Company will publish its consolidated financial results as of 30.09.2023 on the same day, 14 November 2023 at 8:30 am EEST.

The call will be held in English language, and it will be hosted by the Company’s CEO, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, and the co-CFO, Mr. Dan Ionita.

To participate in the call, the stakeholders are invited to pre-register at: The deadline for pre-registration is 14 November 2023, 12:00 UK time / 14:00 EEST (Romania local time).

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Jifiti, a leader in white-labeled embedded lending, obtains an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license in Europe following a rigorous review from the Swedish regulator

STOCKHOLM, 6-Nov-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Jifiti, a global leader in white-labeled embedded lending, today announced that it has been granted an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license in Europe, following the Swedish regulator’s rigorous review and qualification process.

As a white-labeled solution provider to banks, regulated lenders and financial service providers globally, Jifiti strictly adheres to multinational regulatory and security standards. The EMI license serves as comprehensive validation of the company’s robust compliance and regulatory standards, which also include PCI/DSS, SOC 2 and ISO 27001 certifications.

With its EMI license, Jifiti is able to serve the growing needs of its bank, lender, financial services and merchant clients with a broader scope of payment products and services. Banks and lenders that want to innovate rapidly and compete efficiently in the ever-evolving payments landscape can now do so with Jifiti with the confidence and knowledge that there is enhanced regulatory oversight.

Being licensed also furthers the company’s unparalleled ability to offer pan-European solutions for multinational banks and merchants.

“Our mission at Jifiti is to provide consumers and businesses with access to responsible, affordable financing options from regulated financial entities. Becoming a licensed e-money issuer takes our company to the next level in its growth trajectory and enables us to bring even more value to our customers and partners, ” commented Yaacov Martin, CEO of the Jifiti Group.

Jifiti’s white-labeled embedded lending platform supports every B2B and B2C point-of-sale financing option, including installment loans, lines of credit, net terms and split payments. With its global presence, Jifiti gives consumers and businesses worldwide easy access to loan programs from trusted local banks and lenders from within any customer journey.

About Jifiti

Jifiti ( is a leading fintech company that powers white-labeled embedded lending for banks, lenders and merchants worldwide. The company’s white-labeled platform provides banks and lenders with state-of-the-art technology to easily deploy and scale any consumer and business financing program at any merchant’s point of sale – online, in-store and via call center. The platform supports every loan and BNPL option, including installment loans, lines of credit, split payments and business financing. With its multinational presence, Jifiti provides end-to-end point-of-sale financing solutions to global brands in any international market. Jifiti is utilized by leading financial institutions including Mastercard, Citizens Bank, CaixaBank, Credit Agricole, financial service providers including FIS, Finastra and Fiserv, and top retail brands including IKEA, Peloton, Wyndham, Wayfair, Sonae, Coppel and others worldwide.

Jifiti is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, and has offices in Sweden and Israel.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Spain and abrdn plc complete their first investment in the FTTH network rollout in Andalusia, Spain

BUCHAREST, Romania, 10-Oct-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces today, 10 October 2023, the completion by Digi Spain and abrdn plc of the first investment within the transaction having as subject matter the financing of the roll out of a FTTH network with the aim of covering up to 2,500,000 homes passed in the provinces of Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and Sevilla (the “Network”), pursuant to the fulfilment of the conditions under the investment agreement concluded on 21 March 2023.

This first investment covers 1.35 million homes passed, while the deployment of the entire Network will cover an additional number of 1.15 million homes passed, implying a total investment amount of up to EUR 300 million. The total investment will be committed in substantially equal parts by Digi Spain and abrdn plc, potentially also involving bank financing.

About Digi Communications N.V.

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. expands in Belgium, secures national roaming services and 400 mobile sites

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-Aug-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform the market that on August 27, 2023 our Belgian affiliated companies, Digi Communications Belgium N.V. and InSky N.V. (the “Belgian JV”), have concluded with Proximus Plc, the most important Belgian operator, a series of wholesale agreements, under which the Belgian JV acquired national roaming services for a minimum period of 5 (five) years on the Belgian territory. Additionally, under the above-mentioned agreements, a number of around 400 (four hundred) mobile sites (physical infrastructure) are expected to be bought in the next 4 (four) years.

Alongside the spectrum package acquired during the last auction, which was completed on 21 June 2022, these new commercial agreements will allow our Belgian JV to continue developing our strategy, which, together with the substantial investments and significant efforts allotted to this end, will enable us to prepare for the start of the communications services in the Belgian market.

About Digi Communications N.V.

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. publishes instructions regarding the payment of share dividend for the 2022 financial year

BUCHAREST, Romania, 23-Aug-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) informs the market about the availability of the detailed instruction regarding the payment of share dividend for the 2022 financial year, in gross amount of 1 leu per share, as approved by the Company’s Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting, which was held on 18 August 2023.

The payment of the dividend related to 2022 financial year will be carried out on September 14, 2023, to the Company’s class B shareholders registered on August 31, 2023 in the Register of Shareholders held by Depozitarul Central S.A. and to the class A shareholders registered at the same date in the Register of Shareholders held by the Company, ex-date being 30 August 2023.

The detailed instruction on the payment of dividend is available on the Company’s website, at the „DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE DISTRIBUTION OF DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR 2022” section, available HERE.

About Digi Communications N.V.

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. publishes its 2022 Annual Report

BUCHAREST, Romania, 21-Aug-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) informs the market about the availability of the 2022 Annual Report which was approved by the Company’s Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting, which was held on 18 August 2023.

The approved 2022 Annual Report can be consulted on the Company’s website, HERE

About Digi Communications N.V.

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The resolutions from Digi Communications N.V.’s general shareholders’ meeting held on 18 Aug 2023

BUCHAREST, Romania, 18-Aug-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform the market and its investors that today, Friday, 18 August 2023, at 2:00 PM CET, at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP (Amsterdam Office), Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Company’s general shareholders’ meeting (the GSM) took place with respect to which the Company informed its shareholders and the market through the Convocation notice released on 7 July 2023 (the Convocation Notice).

The GSM was attended by shareholders representing 74,03% of the total number of shares with voting rights, respectively 70,458,884 shares.

Following the debates, the GSM has adopted the following decisions regarding the points included on the agenda, in accordance with the Convocation Notice:

  1. The Annual Report of the Company for 2022 (item 2 from the Convocation Notice):
    c. Adoption of the 2022 Annual Accounts;
    d. Distribution of dividend – based on the approval, the Company will distribute a gross dividend of 1 RON per share, ex-date –30 August 2023 and the record date being 31 August 2023.
    It is expected that the payment date will be on or around 14 September 2023;
    e. Release from liability of the members of the Board of Directors.
    The investors and the market were informed of the 2022 financial results starting with 5 July 2023 when the 2022 annual report was published.
  2. Remuneration Report for 2022
    The general meeting approved by an advisory, non-binding vote the Remuneration Report for 2022 made public on the Company’s website. The Remuneration Report for 2022 is construed according to the provisions of EU Directive 828/2017 as implemented in The Netherlands.
  3. Appointment of Statutory Auditor for the 2023 financial year
    The general meeting approved the appointment of KPMG Accountants N.V. as the statutory auditor of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.
  4. Designation of the Board of Directors as the competent body to repurchase own Class B Shares
    The general meeting approved the designation of the Board of Directors as the competent body to repurchase own class B shares. In accordance with article 10 of the articles of association, the general meeting granted the Board of Directors the authority to acquire class B shares in the share capital of the Company through purchases effected on the stock exchange via trading on the regular market on which the class B shares are listed and/or through other means (including public tender offers), for a period of 18 months from the date of this general meeting, i.e. up to and including 17 February 2025, in compliance with the applicable law, subject to the following conditions:
    • the authority of the Board of Directors shall be limited to a maximum of 3,000,000 class B shares;
    • transactions effected on the stock exchange via trading on the regular market on which the class B shares are listed will be subject to a maximum price per class B share equal to the average of the highest price on each of the five trading days prior to the date of acquisition, as shown in the Official Price List of the Bucharest Stock Exchange plus 10% (maximum price) and to a minimum price per class B share equal to the average of the lowest price on each of the five trading days prior to the date of acquisition, as shown in the Official Price List of Bucharest Stock Exchange minus 10% (minimum price);
    • transactions effected through other means (including public tender offers) will be subject to a maximum price per class B share of RON 40 (maximum price) and a minimum price of no less than RON 35 (minimum price).

Any buy-back of shares will be conducted by way of a share buy-back program in line with applicable EU rules. The launch of such program and the determination of its terms and conditions is subject to a decision of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors intends to appoint an independent specialized trading / brokerage firm to execute any such buyback. Further, any buy-back program may be suspended, discontinued or modified at any time for any reason and without previous notice in the Company’s sole discretion in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Neither the authorization requested, nor the subsequent launch of any share buy-back program obligates the Company to buy-back any class B shares.

The voting results of the GSM, as well as other relevant information on the GSM and the related documents are available on the Company’s website at the section dedicated to the 2023 GSM:

About Digi Communications N.V.

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV releases its H1 2023 Financial Results

BUCHAREST, Romania, 15-Aug-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that the H1 2023 Financial Results are available on the Company’s website:

Also, today at 14:00 UK time / 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss its H1 2023 Financial Results.

The call will be held in English language, and it will be hosted by the Company’s CEO, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, and the co-CFO, Mr. Dan Ionita.

To participate in the call, the stakeholders are invited to pre-register at:  The deadline for pre-registration is 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST.

A recording of the conference call will be available shortly after on the Company’s website:

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV to host a conference call for its H1 2023 Financial Results on 14 Aug 2023

BUCHAREST, Romania, 7-Aug-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on 14 August 2023 at 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 EEST (Romania local time), the Company will host a conference call to discuss its H1 2023 financial results. The Company will publish its consolidated financial results as of 30.06.2023 on the same day, 14 August 2023 at 8:30 am EEST.

The call will be held in English language, and it will be hosted by the Company’s CEO, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, and the co-CFO, Mr. Dan Ionita.

To participate in the call, the stakeholders are invited to pre-register at: The deadline for pre-registration is 14 August 2023, 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST.

A recording of the conference call will be available on Company’s website, for 30 days.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. will hold its general shareholders meeting on 18 August 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

BUCHAREST, Romania, 7-Jul-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that today, 7 July 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company convenes the general shareholders meeting (the “GSM”) of the Company (Digi Communications N.V.), to be held on Friday, 18 August 2023 at 2.00 p.m. CET, at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP (Amsterdam office), Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The main topics for the GSM are the following:

  • discussion and approval items on the 2022 Annual Report (including the annual report, the statutory financial statements – consolidated and stand-alone – and the auditor report);
  • approval of distribution of a gross dividend of 1 RON per share; ex-date – 30 August 2023, the record date for the dividend – 31 August 2023, and the payment date starting with 14 September 2023;
  • release from liability of the members of the Board of Directors;
  • remuneration report for 2022 (advisory, non-binding vote);
  • appointment of the statutory auditor for the for the financial year ending December 31, 2023;
  • designation of the Board of Directors as the competent body to repurchase own Class B Shares.

We kindly invite the market to visit the Company’s website at (for English readers) and at (for Romanian readers) to review the documentation package for the GSM. The above-mentioned sections from the Company’s website also contain the English and Romanian complete versions of the 2022 Annual Report, the 2022 Consolidated and Stand-alone Statutory Financial Statements of the Company, as well as the Independent Auditor’s Report. The document named ‘Agenda and explanatory notes’ contains detailed descriptions regarding the items for the GSM. Any shareholder interested in attending or voting at the GSM needs to follow the procedures set out in the articles of association of the Company (available at and on the ‘Convocation Notice’ available at



  1. Opening
  2. Annual Report 2022 a. Board report 2022 (discussion item) b Dividend and Reservations Policy (discussion item) c. Adoption of the 2022 Annual Accounts (voting item) d. Distribution of dividend (voting item) e. Release from liability of the members of Board of Directors (voting item)
  3. Remuneration Report for 2022 Remuneration Report for 2022 (advisory, non-binding vote)
  4. Appointment of Statutory Auditor Proposal to appoint KPMG N.V. as the statutory auditor of the Company for the financial year 2023 (voting item)
  5. Designation of the Board of Directors as the competent body to repurchase own class B Shares (voting item) Designation of the Board of Directors as the competent body to repurchase Class B Shares (voting item)
  6. Close of Meeting Agenda

The agenda for the AGM and the explanatory notes thereto together with the Annual Report 2022 are available on the website of the Company ( from 7 July 2023 onwards and are, with effect from the same date, available for inspection and obtainable free of charge at the premises of the Company (tel. +40314006505 and address: 75 Dr. N. Staicovici Street, fourth floor, Bucharest, Romania).

Record Date

Shareholders (which for the purposes of this notice includes holders of rights of usufruct and pledgees with voting rights) are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM (either in person or by proxy) if they (i) are registered in one of the (sub)registers as described below on the 28th day prior to the AGM and therefore on 21 July 2023 (the Record Date) after all debit and credit entries have been handled and (ii) in addition have notified the Company of their intended attendance at the AGM in the manner mentioned below. The designated (sub)registers are the administration records of the Romanian Central Depository (Depozitarul Central S.A.), and the shareholders’ register of the Company.

Notification of Attendance

Class A shares: holders of registered class A shares (which for the purposes of this notice includes holders of rights of usufruct and pledgees with voting rights in respect of these shares) who wish to attend the AGM (either in person or by proxy) must notify the Company of their intended attendance, which notice, accompanied where applicable by written power of attorney (see below), must have been received by Mrs. Eliza Popa, the Company’s secretary (address: 75 Dr. N. Staicovici Street, fourth floor, Bucharest, Romania and e-mail no later than by Friday, 11 August 2023, at 4.00 pm CET. Duly registered shareholders will receive a receipt confirmation supplied by the Company which together with a valid identification document will also serve as admission ticket for the AGM.

Class B shares: holders of class B shares (which for the purpose of this notice includes holders of rights of usufruct and pledgees with voting rights in respect of these shares) who wish to attend the AGM (either in person or by proxy) must notify the Company by registering via the E-vote by ING ( no later than by Friday, 11 August 2023, at 4.00 pm CET. Duly registered shareholders will receive a receipt confirmation supplied by ING Bank N.V. which together with a valid identification document will also serve as admission ticket for the AGM.

Representation by Proxy Class A shareholders: holders of registered class A shares (which for the purpose of this notice includes holders of rights of usufruct and pledgees with voting rights in respect of those shares) who will not participate in person to the meeting or be represented by their own legal representative may grant a proxy, on behalf of the relevant class A shareholder, to attend the AGM, to sign the attendance list, to speak and to cast a vote at that meeting on the voting items on the agenda in accordance with the voting instructions provided by the relevant holder, all with the right of substitution to: (i) a third person; or (ii) Mrs. Eliza Popa, secretary of the Company (address: 75 Dr. N. Staicovici Street, fourth floor, Bucharest, Romania).

The holder of shares A will notify the Company of an electronic copy of the proxy at the following e-mail address: no later than by Friday, 11 August 2023 at 4.00 pm CET.

Class B shares: The holders of class B shares (which for the purposes of the AGM includes holders of rights of usufruct and pledgees with voting rights in respect of those shares) who will not participate to the meeting in person or be represented by their own legal representative can grant a proxy to: (i) a third person (based on the Attendance notice and PoA to be obtained on the Company’s website on GSM documents); or (ii) Mrs. Eliza Popa (to be obtained via E-vote by ING, who will be authorized to, on behalf of the relevant holder, with the right of substitution, to attend the AGM, to sign the attendance list, to speak and to cast a vote at that meeting on the voting items on the agenda in accordance with the voting instructions provided by the relevant holder.

The duly completed and executed power of attorney under which a third person is empowered to represent the class B shareholder at the AGM must be received by the Company for the attention of Mrs. Eliza Popa, Dr. N. Staicovici 75, fourth floor, Bucharest, Romania, or by e-mail: or if the Company’s secretary is empowered, by registering the proxy via the E-vote by ING (, no later than by Friday, 11 August 2023, at 4.00 pm CET.

E-voting Class B Shares Only holders of class B shares (which for the purpose of this notice includes holders of rights of usufruct and pledgees with voting rights in respect of those shares) may also give voting instructions via no later than by Friday, 11 August 2023 at 4.00 pm CET.


Persons entitled to attend the AGM (which includes persons granted with a proxy in the manner as described above) will be requested to identify themselves at the Registration Desk prior to admission to the AGM and are therefore requested to bring a valid identity document.

Issued capital and voting rights of the Company

At the day of this convocation, the Company has an issued share capital of EUR 6,810,042.52 consisting of 64,556,028 Class A Shares, each having a nominal value of EUR 0.10 and 35,443,972 Class B Shares, each share having a nominal value of EUR 0.01. 4,409,361 Class A Shares and 425,526 Class B Shares are held by the Company in its own share capital (in treasury). No votes may be cast for shares held by the Company in its own share capital. Therefore, the total number of voting rights at the day of this convocation amounts to 636,485,116.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

MetaSource’s 2022 MERS QA Findings Report Highlights the Challenges of a Short-Staffed Year

Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2023-Jul-06 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — MetaSource, LLC, a leading MERS compliance services partner, released its annual MERS QA findings report.

The report shows that mortgage industry layoffs cut deep into quality assurance talent for many Members this past year. The analysis connects the fact that compliance functions were relegated to less experienced personnel with several challenges, including those related to documentation and data reconciliation.

Documentation & Reconciliation Defects

MetaSource Director of MERS Services Rachel Pylant said, “A lot of the people we are working with are newer to the process.”

Pylant and her team believe that this is why data reconciliation was a major issue in 2022 – even for Members who used advanced reconciliation software, like MetaSource’s mintrak2®.

Documentation errors were also prevalent this past year. As the findings report explains, many of these errors came to light as a result of an update to MetaSource’s processes. New recommendations were added to the MERS review guide that called for a review of document samples in addition to processes. Due to this change, MetaSource now requires Members to provide samples for audit.

While reviewing these document samples, the MetaSource Team discovered that Members were failing to meet several MERS requirements, including state-specific ones related to address listings. A lack of employees familiar with state standards was likely a main reason for this finding.

MetaSource Top MERS QA Audit Findings for 2022

Here are the top findings identified by MetaSource’s annual analysis of third-party MERS QA reviews:

  • Member did not reconcile MERS system data in accordance with the requirements of the MERS System Procedures Manual
  • Document samples submitted for review were not compliant with state-specific requirements or with requirements for identifying MERS as the nominee
  • Member did not have adequate quality assurance processes in place to satisfy Member requirements

Visit the MetaSource Mortgage Blog for the full 2022 MERS QA Findings Report, which includes more details around last year’s top challenges as well as best practices for avoiding findings in 2023.

About MetaSource, LLC

MetaSource is a Digital Transformation Solutions provider, focused on Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) / Business Process Management (BPM) services integrated with Enterprise Content Management (ECM), workflow solutions, compliance services and customer experience processes. MetaSource helps its clients manage risk, improve quality, increase efficiency and realize their most important goals – with special expertise serving the mortgage industry. MetaSource’s mortgage services include quality control (QC) audits (pre-fund, post-close, servicing, MERS), lien release, whole loan purchase reviews, and cutting-edge technology. MetaSource’s solutions enable its clients to focus on their core business while MetaSource does the rest. For more information, visit:

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Digi Communications N.V. 2022 Annual Financial Report released

BUCHAREST, Romania, 5-Jul-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) informs the shareholders and investors that the Annual Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2022 is available starting with 5 July 2023 on the Company’s website (, under the section Investor Relations.

For additional information, please contact us at

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V will publish its Financial Statements on July, 7, 2023

BUCHAREST, Romania, 29-Jun-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) has announced that the Company’s Statutory Auditor informed the Company of an up-date regarding the date when the auditor’s opinion will be available, so that the Company can publish its statutory consolidated and stand-alone financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as adopted by the European Union (“EU”) and Part 9 of book 2 of the Dutch civil code (“Financial Statements”).

The newly estimated date for publishing the Company’s Financial Statements is July, 7, 2023.

The General Meeting of Shareholders will be held after the publication of the Financial Statements, with the due observance of the minimum period of time necessary to inform the Company’s shareholders.

The new 2023 Financial Calendar is available on the official website at:

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Spain Telecom S.L.U., Digi Communications N.V.’s Spanish subsidiary, signs EUR 100m additional term loan facility until 30 Jun 2027

BUCHAREST, Romania, 29-Jun-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform its investors and the market that on 29 June 2023, Digi Spain Telecom S.L.U. (“Digi Spain”), the Company’s Spanish subsidiary, acting as borrower (the “Borrower”), together with the Company and RCS & RDS S.A., as original guarantors, ING Bank N.V. and Banco Santander as bookrunners and mandated lead arrangers and a syndicate of banks acting as lenders, entered into an amendment agreement to the Facility Agreement dated 26 July 2021, under which it will be made available to Digi Spain, an additional term loan facility in amount of EUR 100,000,000, for a period equal to four years, until 30 June 2027.

The borrowed amount of the new term loan facility will be used by the Borrower for the financing of capital expenditure on the fiber-optic network (and related equipment and infrastructure) in Spain and for associated personnel costs.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire