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Gregory Pennington Has Warned That The Recent Growth In Retail Sales Should Not Be Taken As A Sign Of Market Recovery

Responding to the recent news that retail sales growth enjoyed an unexpected rise in July, debt management company Gregory Pennington ( has warned that this should not be taken as a sign of market recovery, and that consumers should still be looking to protect themselves against a potential downturn at some point in the future.

Despite the Office of National Statistics’ predictions that retail sales growth would fall by around 0.2%, July in fact saw a rise of 0.8% compared to the previous month – a figure which, according to a Gregory Pennington spokesperson, may prompt some to “underestimate the danger that lies ahead for the economy”.

The figures follow June’s sales growth actually falling by around 4.3% – the largest decrease for several years. But the Gregory Pennington spokesperson says that this simply reflects the volatile nature of the retail market. “It’s important to look at the bigger economic picture,” he says. “Inflation is at a 16-year high, costs of living are increasing, and unemployment is rising – all of which are likely to affect the retail market negatively in the long run – but the full impact is yet to be seen.

“The retail market has seen several years of fluctuating growth – even when the economy was very strong. The rises and falls are rarely any bigger than two per cent, which is minimal in the scheme of things, and is probably coincidental.

“June’s fall of 4.4% did raise some concerns for the market, but the fact that it’s gone straight back up by 0.8% shows that this was just a particularly wild fluctuation.”

The spokesperson added that consumer caution is still necessary, highlighted by the recent year-on-year increases in people experiencing debt problems – which can be partly attributed to overly relaxed lending and high consumer spending.

“Statistics show that the number of people seeking debt help has been steadily increasing for well over a decade now – with the most distinct rise coming in 2007, when the credit crunch began to hit the economy,” he said. “Since problems with debt tend to filter through over a long period of time, we would expect this pattern to continue well into 2008 and 2009.

“Realistically, a continued slump in the retail market would in fact be a good sign for the economy, since it would show that people are taking the economic downturn and risk of getting into debt very seriously, as well as helping to bring down inflation.”

The spokesperson went on to say that if people do find themselves struggling in the coming months, they should seek debt help from an expert as soon as possible. “It’s looking like the downturn we are facing will be quite severe, and we would expect people with existing debts to suffer more than most – not to mention many people may be forced into debt as money gets tighter,” he said.

“If that is the case, it’s essential you seek debt help from a professional debt adviser. Lenders and consumers alike will feel under pressure over the next few months, so your debt adviser should be able to help come to an agreement that suits both you and your lender.”

Gregory Pennington ( are a debt management company based in Salford Quays, Manchester. They offer a wide range of debt help and solutions, including debt management plans, debt consolidation and IVAs.

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Barclays Has Become The First Bank To Offer Complete Free Online Security Software To All Its Customers

Barclays has become the first UK bank to offer all its two million online banking customers free internet security software covering not only anti-virus software but also spyware, adware, firewalls, parental controls and spam filters.

The offer is available to all Barclays customers who sign up for its online banking. The software provided by leading internet security firm Kaspersky normally retails for £51 for an annual subscription, but Barclays will offer it completely free of charge with customers able to download it from its online banking website.

This follows on from Barclays becoming the first UK bank to roll out its two factor authentication system, PINsentry, in 2007 which protects customers against phishing attacks and fraudsters getting hold of customer security information. Over 1 million PINsentry readers have already been sent out to customers.

Sean Gilchrist, Director of Digital Banking for Barclays, said: “For the last two years we have offered customers free anti-virus software, but as internet fraudsters become more sophisticated it is important that customers protect their computers from all threats and not just viruses. Kaspersky has one of the best reputations in the business and together with PINsentry we believe Barclays online customers will have one of the best security packages of all online banks.”

Barclays has signed a two year agreement to provide the Kaspersky software which will be worth £102 to customers. Barclays will also allow customers to download the online security software on up to three personal computers for each licence so that customers can protect all the computers in the same household.

Barclays customers that do not currently bank online can register by going Non-Barclays customers can gain access to the free software by opening a Barclays current account in branch or online.

Notes to editors:
Registered users can download additional online video content including a number of clips of Sean Gilchrist, Barclays Digital Banking Director, outlining the launch of Kaspersky, the importance of security and top tips for consumers to keep them safe. Downloads are available from

About Barclays
Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail and commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services, with an extensive international presence in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia.

With over 300 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 50 countries and employs 143,000 people.

Barclays currently moves, lends, invests and protects money for over 38 million customers and clients worldwide.

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Whatever Financial Problems An Individual Is Facing, It’s Crucial They Seek Debt Advice As Soon As Possible

Debt specialists remind consumers with debt problems of the need to seek debt advice on time.

“Whatever their nature, virtually all financial problems have one thing in common: they get worse if left unaddressed,” says a Gregory Pennington spokesperson. “Whether someone’s behind on their mortgage payments or struggling to keep up with credit card bills, all the experts agree that the sooner they seek debt advice, the better their chances of clearing their debts as quickly and painlessly as possible.”

At the moment, mortgage payments are at the forefront of many homeowners’ worries. “The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) has reported 18,900 repossessions in the first half of the year, signifying a year-on-year increase of 48%. Given their forecast of 45,000 repossessions in 2008, this means they expect over 25,000 more before the end of the year.”

With timely debt advice, however, many of those potential repossessions needn’t happen at all. In a video on the BBC’s website, Judge Stephen Gold (Kingston-upon-Thames County Court) states: “The big message which I think needs to be screamed from the rooftops of the County Courts is this: that if you get into difficulty with your mortgage, don’t bury your head in the sand. Engage with the lenders. Pay what you can.”

“For unsecured debts,” the Gregory Pennington spokesperson continues, “the principle is essentially the same. When people contact us for debt advice, we stress that simply talking to a lender – whether they do it themselves or we do it on their behalf – can often produce results. A lender might agree to accept lower payments, for example, or to reduce the interest rate on a loan. It’s in the lender’s interest to arrive at an arrangement which the borrower can afford, so the money can be repaid as soon as realistically possible.

“Before they grant any concessions, of course, most lenders will want to see that the borrower is doing their utmost to order their finances and repay the debt. So the debt advice we provide goes a long way beyond ‘Talk to your lender’: we help people with all sorts of financial issues, from improving their budgeting skills to understanding their rights and responsibilities in relation to different kinds of debt.”

“If the individual’s situation has reached the point where debt advice simply isn’t enough, we can help them choose the debt solution that offers the best way out of debt. Depending on their circumstances, that could be a debt management plan, in which we talk to their unsecured lenders on their behalf, negotiating changes to their repayment terms so they can clear their debt at a rate they can afford.”

In cases where debt management isn’t appropriate, an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) or Trust Deed could be the answer: helping people reduce their monthly debt payments, these debt solutions can free up the money they need for mortgages payments, food bills and other essential living costs.

“Everyone’s circumstances are different, and no debt solution is ‘better’ than another – it’s a question of which is the most appropriate for that particular person under those particular circumstances. As always, the most important thing is for them to seek debt advice as soon as possible, before any further financial problems restrict the range of options open to them.”

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Joslin Rowe Recruitment Reports Banks Recruiting In High Volumes For Senior Business Unit Controllers Within Commodities

Pockets of high volume product control recruitment still exist within the City, despite wider doom and gloom. In particular, senior business unit control jobs within commodities are increasing.

Simeon Hall, a senior consultant in the Joslin Rowe senior accountancy and finance recruitment division, stated: “Commodities is one of the fastest growing product areas of the moment. As credit is down, commodities is up. A number of investment banks are rapidly expanding their desks, whilst others are effectively starting up a commodities division from scratch. This means excellent opportunities for senior product/business unit controllers.”

According to Joslin Rowe research, the commodities product control jobs on the market will appeal to those professionals looking for senior accountancy jobs, who are keen to shape the future of a new division and develop, from scratch, the product control infrastructure.

“These product control positions are highly desirable,” stated Hall, “You’re not inheriting the status quo and instead can implement new ideas with the support of strong resources, as banks pump money into the commodities arena. All the banks are keen to get the very top people on board to set up or expand their offering.”

This keenness is translating into the finance jobs recruitment process. Joslin Rowe‘s product control recruitment desk has seen the times to hire within commodities slashed by around 30% in comparison to product control jobs in other areas, such as equities. Salaries are also strong for those moving within the market. Senior product controllers are typically securing around 10-15% more – a big premium when most other remuneration packages are rising in small increments because of the credit crunch. In fact, according to Hall, recent salary jumps for the most in demand product controllers have been from £65,000 to £75,000, with a £10,000 sign-on bonus on top.

Hall also points to excellent career progression. “It’s really a chance to write your own job spec and an opportunity to rocket up the career ladder. In these start up divisions progression will revolve around success – not just dead man’s shoes. One of the most desirable aspects of these commodities product control jobs are their exposure to the front office. Being able to move out of business unit control and into a front office desk job is much more likely.

About Joslin Rowe
Established in 1982, Joslin Rowe is one of the leading UK financial services recruitment firms in the UK and Ireland. In April 2006, international staffing services company Vedior (headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands) raised its stake in Joslin Rowe’s parent company, The Blomfield Group, from 18% to 70%. Joslin Rowe recruits for banking HR jobs across London, Edinburgh and Glasgow including long-term contracts, temporary and permanent roles.

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Debt Solutions Company Debt Advisers Direct Have Warned That There May Be Tougher Times Ahead, And Advise People To Make Sure They Are Protected

Responding to the news that average bank balances are down by 5% compared to last year, a spokesperson for debt solutions company Debt Advisers Direct said that this is a clear sign that the credit crunch and fast-rising inflation is starting to truly affect consumers.

HSBC reported that average balances of its 8.2million customer accounts had fallen by 5% in the first six months of 2008, as rising costs of living and inflation at a 16-year high puts increasing pressure on consumers’ disposable incomes.

The Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson commented: “This is one of the first clear signs that people are feeling the pressure of the credit crunch, even if 5% is a relatively small figure.

“It’s been said many times that the impact of the credit crunch would take a while to filter through, and it would appear that time has come. Prices and living costs have reached the point where they are beginning to have a clear effect on bank balances – and that should be taken as a warning that it’s time to act.”

The spokesperson continued that while many people may not feel they have been significantly affected by inflation just yet, many leading economists have suggested the worst is yet to come.

“Economists have been predicting a more severe downturn for some time, and while that hasn’t happened yet, there are clear signs that the economy as a whole is slowing down,” he said. “This is likely to lead to further cuts in disposable incomes, especially with the sharp rises in gas and electricity prices due to come in shortly.”

HSBC had also suggested that some of the reduction in disposable incomes might be due to more people transferring money into savings accounts. In reaction to this, the Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson commented: “It would be reassuring to think that a large part of the lower disposable incomes is due to savings – and some of it probably is – but research suggests that most people do not save enough money for their future.

“Saving will become increasingly important in the next few months. Just a few hundred pounds put aside can be a useful financial buffer when money gets really tight.

“Of course, there are some people whose income simply does not stretch far enough once all their living costs are taken into consideration – particularly people struggling with debt – and those people are most at risk.”

The spokesperson added that for anyone who finds themselves struggling with debt, or thinks they might be about to, it’s essential that they seek professional debt advice as soon as possible.

“There are several solutions out there for people who find themselves struggling with debt,” he said. “For people with multiple debts who are getting by but want to simplify their finances, a debt consolidation loan could help.

“Debt consolidation loans involve combining all your existing debts into one, meaning you pay only one lender instead of many, and you may be able to reduce your monthly payments this way. However, you are likely to pay more in the long run if you do reschedule payments.

“Debt consolidation is a good way of freeing up extra funds each month – which could be crucial if the economy does hit hard times.”

He continued that even for those with unmanageable debt problems, there is help available. “For more severe debts, a debt management plan or an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) might be more suitable. Both can reduce your monthly payments in line with what you can afford.

“Before making any decisions, though, you should always contact an expert debt adviser. They will talk you through your situation and decide which debt solution is appropriate for you.”

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The Sooner People Seek Professional Help In Managing Their Debts, The More Likely They’ll Be To Avoid Serious Debt

A survey by debt management company indicates that today’s economic troubles may be encouraging people in debt to keep a closer eye on their finances.

Only 6% of those questioned saw their debt as unmanageable. Yet a full 35% of respondents who considered their debt manageable also declared they were unhappy with their financial situation.

A spokesperson from the debt management company commented: “In many ways, that 35% figure is actually a positive sign. It means people who aren’t actually struggling with debt are nonetheless aware that their finances could be better. They’re thinking beyond the present and considering the impact their debts could have on them in the future.”

That awareness is, in itself, a form of protection against financial problems in the future. “We always remind people that the sooner they seek professional help managing their debts, the more likely they’ll be to avoid serious debt altogether. Keeping a close eye on their finances is obviously key to this, as it enables them to take action at the first signs of trouble – and taking action in time can make all the difference between needing to make a few short-term lifestyle changes and being forced to live on a shoestring budget for a number of years.

“Perhaps this is one ‘silver lining’ to all the negative economic news we’re hearing these days. In good times, it’s tempting to assume that the good times will keep up. It’s human nature to focus on enjoying today when there’s no perceived threat of tomorrow being any different. But hearing all those gloomy predictions tends to make people think more about the future.”

No-one, however, has solved their financial problems by dwelling on them: “There’s little point in someone just worrying about their debts unless they take it a step further, making the necessary lifestyle changes and talking to a debt specialist about improving their financial situation.”

For people who do this before their debt becomes unmanageable, it may simply be a matter of cutting back on a few luxuries. “Nobody likes economising, but a few minutes with a calculator and pencil can prove beyond all doubt why it’s worth the effort. Exactly how they do it is up to the individual: some choose to reduce their spending to a bare minimum for a short time; others prefer to sacrifice just a few luxuries every month, even though this means their debt will take longer to clear.”

The important thing is to address their debts sooner, rather than later – while it’s still relatively easy to do: “Even if someone can comfortably manage their monthly debt repayments today, there are plenty of reasons to clear their debts at the earliest opportunity. Avoiding interest charges might be the most obvious reason, but interest isn’t the biggest threat: even small debts can rapidly escalate out of control if their situation takes a turn for the worse. If they lose their job, for example, finding that extra money every month might be all but impossible.”

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Financial Consequences Of An Expensive Holiday Can Outweigh Any Beneficial Effects

Responding to a study suggesting that a quarter of British adults have shelved their holiday plans to ease the strain of the credit crunch on their finances, debt management company Gregory Pennington ( have advised other people struggling with their finances to consider following suit and not risk getting into debt this summer.

The study from, the online credit monitoring service from Experian, showed that 43% of those questioned were worried about the impact of a holiday on their finances, yet only 24% have changed their plans.

The study also claimed that 2.8 million British adults will get into debt in order to fund holidays this year – twice as many as this time last year.

A spokesperson for Gregory Pennington commented: “It’s encouraging that many people are considering changing their plans with regards to holidays this year, although it’s still a concern that so many people are still spending beyond their means.

“The relatively easy access to credit in recent years has meant it is now common for people to get into debt to fund expensive holidays, and this debt can become a serious burden if it’s not managed properly.”

The study also claims that 33% of those in the 18-24 age group say that peer pressure often forces them into holidays they cannot really afford. “This is a common problem,” says the Gregory Pennington spokesperson. “We live in a culture where we can take many things for granted, and it seems to many people that includes holidays. But if that involves racking up large debts, it might be best to carry on saving and maybe even wait until next year.”

Of the people attempting to cut back on holiday debts, it was revealed that 19 per cent would be sharing with family or friends in an attempt to cut costs. This figure rises to 37 per cent in the 18-24 age group.

The spokesperson commented: “Sharing is a good way of minimising holiday debts this summer, and some people may be able to avoid getting into debt entirely this way. Certainly, if you are still intending on going on holiday, we advise people to cut costs wherever possible, unless you are completely sure you can afford it.

“The credit crunch is putting pressure on most of us at this time, and there is the risk that unless you are very careful, you could arrive home with potentially unmanageable debts to deal with.”

The spokesperson went on to point out how easy it is to get into debt unintentionally. “Many people book holidays well in advance, up to a year in some cases. Much of this is done on credit, under the belief that they will be able to save up enough money in that time to cover the holiday.

“But the pressures of the credit crunch and rising costs of living mean that many people may be finding it much harder to pay for their holidays than they anticipated. If this happens, it doesn’t take long before the interest begins to add up and the debts could become unmanageable if they are not taken care of quickly.

“We advise anyone in this situation to contact an expert debt adviser, who can discuss your situation and help decide the best plan of action. There are various debt solutions available to suit different situations, including debt management plans, debt consolidation loans and IVAs. Choosing the right debt solution could help you cut down your monthly costs and prevent your debts from continuing to grow.”

Gregory Pennington ( are a financial solutions company based in Salford Quays, Manchester. The company specialises in a range of financial services, including mortgages, loans, debt help and advice (including debt management plans, IVAs, and debt consolidation).

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Gregory Pennington advise people to stay on top of their finances

As the credit crunch reaches the end of its first year, debt management company Gregory Pennington ( have advised people to keep on top of their finances, and warned that there may still be tough times ahead.

A spokesperson for Gregory Pennington said: “While studies suggest some of the country feel they have not yet been affected too badly by the credit crunch, these people may begin to feel the effects as future events unfold.”

A recent survey in The Times revealed that 66% of those asked felt their family would fare badly over the next year, while 77% felt the country as a whole will suffer. The spokesperson said that while these views are probably justified, there is still a lot people can do to lessen the effects of the credit crunch.

“The most important thing is staying on top of your finances,” says the debt solutions company. “Make sure you are meeting all your priority financial commitments before anything else, and try to build a budget around that. If you find you can’t meet those commitments, seek expert advice as soon as possible.

“We would also advise people to save as much as possible, because that little bit extra could come in very useful if things get tight.”

The fact that the remaining 34% of people questioned in the survey did not feel (or weren’t sure) that their family would suffer over the next year suggests that the credit crunch has not necessarily affected everyone. But the Gregory Pennington spokesperson warned that other problems linked to the credit crunch may start to kick in over the next few months.

“It’s important to distinguish between the different elements of the economic downturn we’re currently experiencing,” he said. “The credit crunch primarily affects people looking for credit – particularly homeowners, who may be faced with large arrangement fees or higher payments when they remortgage, and also those looking to obtain loans and new mortgages.

“People who aren’t reliant on credit, or homeowners who have a long-term fixed rate on their mortgage, may well have been largely unaffected – so far.

“But it’s now very possible that we will see the knock-on effects of the weak housing market combined with rising costs of living – higher unemployment, increasing amounts of people struggling to meet their comments, and more people facing problems with debt.

“Even if it does get to that stage, there are still things you can do. Seeking professional debt advice from an expert debt adviser is essential if you find yourself in financial difficulty.

“There are a range of debt solutions available to meet different situations, including debt management plans, IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements), debt consolidation loans and remortgages, etc. One of these could be a lifeline if you find yourself with unmanageable debt, which is a growing threat in the current economic climate.”

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Raising road tax could mean more hardship for families already under severe financial pressure

Government plans to raise road tax for millions of motorists could mean more hardship for families already under severe financial pressure, says debt management company Gregory Pennington.

Commenting on proposed changes to vehicle excise duty, debt management company Gregory Pennington highlighted the negative impact the changes could have on millions of motorists already struggling to cope with escalating costs of living. The plans will mean higher road taxes for an estimated nine million motorists.

“Naturally, we applaud government efforts to protect the environment,” a spokesperson for the debt management company stated, “but these are tough times for families throughout the UK. The credit crunch, housing market uncertainty, record levels of personal debt and rising food costs – the cumulative impact can be overwhelming, and many motorists will struggle to cope with any extra burden on their finances, especially in the face of today’s unprecedented fuel prices.

“Particularly worrying, we note that many so-called ‘gas guzzlers’ are family cars. Many families would love to save on petrol and insurance by switching to a smaller vehicle, but for space reasons that’s simply not an option, as anyone with three children (and two prams) could tell you.”

An example: according to the Vehicle Certification Agency, a 1.6 litre Renault Scénic (petrol; 6 speeds) emits 182g of CO2 per km. Under current rules, this would fall in the E band and cost £170 for 2008/09, but under the new rules, it would fall in the J band and cost £260 in 2009/10. “With so many households already struggling to manage their debt payments, £90 could make the difference between climbing out of debt and sliding further into it – and many drivers will find themselves facing much larger increases, paying hundreds of pounds more.”

There are, however, debt solutions that can reduce monthly outgoings, such as Gregory Pennington’s debt management plan. “Our debt management plan was designed with flexibility in mind: when our customers’ expenses go up (or their income goes down), we talk to their unsecured creditors about making the necessary adjustments to their repayment plans. By freeing up funds that would have gone towards their non-priority debts, we help our customers stay on top of their priority commitments – the kind of debts that, if neglected, can rapidly land them in serious trouble.

“Even under normal conditions, a debt management plan offers a realistic, affordable path out of debt – but at a time like this, when people find themselves facing so many financial challenges simultaneously, borrowers have even more reason to select a flexible debt solution that can renegotiate their payments in line with changes to their disposable income.”

At the same time, debt management offers creditors a proven way of recovering the money they’re owed without resorting to any ‘extreme’ measures. “In the 15 years since Gregory Pennington was founded,” the spokesperson concluded, “we’ve found that most lenders would rather negotiate with a debt management company than resort to court action – accepting lower payments might mean the debt is repaid more slowly, but the majority of creditors will accept this, as long as the individual demonstrates they can make those payments reliably.”

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