All posts by EPR Financial News

While drinking my morning coffee I came across another one of these one way stories bashing Credit Repair

Its a pretty hard thing to do, ruining my morning coffee that is, but ABC news got me today! From the way this story reads it would appear that someone over at ABC owns stock in Trans Union, Equifax, and Experian. The story can be found here

I planned on doing an upbeat release today seeing as the cost of a gallon of gas has went down below $3.00, But once again the Doom Sayers force me to defend our industry.

I must say that the most appauling anti-consumer comment I have ever seen was part of this article “It’s ironic. People who are too strapped to pay their bills somehow scrape together enough money to pay a credit repair company.” Wow Elisabeth Leamy of ABC thats pretty harsh. I will go as far to say that it is an UnAmerican comment and goes against that whole Pursuit of Happiness thing that my country, The United States of America, belives in. It almost seems as if ABC and Elisabeth Leamy are unaware of the fact that according to the US PIRG over 79% of Credit Reports contain errors.

See it here:

It sounds like ABC and Elisabeth Leamy would like to have us belive that seeking help from a professional is out of the question and illegal. Well, if that is the case, why do we have a law called the CROA?

See it here:

As a matter of fact I would like to quote the opening sentence of the CROA for the benefit of ABC and Elisabeth Leamy:

“(a) Findings.–The Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Consumers have a vital interest in establishing and maintaining their credit worthiness and credit standing in order to obtain and use credit. As a result, consumers who have experienced credit problems may seek assistance from credit repair organizations which offer to improve the credit standing of such consumers.”

Wow did everyone read the same thing I did? Sounds to me like the United States Congress says that consumers who have experienced credit problems may use credit repair. And all this from the FTC website! But wait a minute, ABC and Elisabeth Leamy just told us that the FTC says there are no legit Credit Repair Companies out there. So why would they put this on the FTC website? Perhaps ABC and Elisabeth Leamy should get the facts together and write an unbiased report on both sides of the story.

Oh and by the way ABC and Elisabeth Leamy if your reading this, by some miracle of god. Please read this press release, sent to all major news feeds, and tell me that we are all bad then.

I will once again, for the benefit of ABC and Elisabeth Leamy, announce that if you have been victimized by one of these Bad Credit Repair companies you can get free help from us. All you need to provide us with is a copy of the complaint filed with the FTC and local authorities if applicable, and we will work with you for free. Tell me ABC and Elisabeth Leamy, do those sound like the words of a non-legit company?

I am going to end this release with some final quotes from the FCRA, this should give ABC and Elisabeth Leamy a beter idea of how the laws regarding credit reporting really work.

Quotes from the FCRA
“There is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumer’s right to privacy.”

“(b) Accuracy of report. Whenever a consumer reporting agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates.”

“(E) a statement that a consumer reporting agency is not required to remove accurate derogatory information from the file of a consumer, unless the information is outdated under section 605 or cannot be verified”

“(5) Treatment of Inaccurate or Unverifiable Information
(A) In general. If, after any reinvestigation under paragraph (1) of any information disputed by a consumer, an item of the information is found to be inaccurate or incomplete or cannot be verified, the consumer reporting agency shall–

(i) promptly delete that item of information from the file of the consumer,or modify that item of information, as appropriate, based on the resultsof the reinvestigation; and 

(ii) promptly notify the furnisher of that information that the information has been modified or deleted from the file of the consumer.

(B) Requirements Relating to Reinsertion of Previously Deleted Material
(i) Certification of accuracy of information. If any information is deleted from a consumer’s file pursuant to subparagraph (A), the information may not be reinserted in the file by the consumer reporting agency unless the person who furnishes the information certifies that the information is complete and accurate.
(ii) Notice to consumer. If any information that has been deleted from a consumer’s file pursuant to subparagraph (A) is reinserted in the file, the consumer reporting agency shall notify the consumer of the reinsertionin writing not later than 5 business days after the reinsertion or, if authorized by the consumer for that purpose, by any other means available to the agency.”

Thank You and God Bless America

For more on laws relating to Credit Reporting and Repair

To See actual results from our work in the past

To See our service agreement…

To See our home page Credit Repair.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases


Lloyds TSB have reported that while many Britons have taken action to clear their debt, they are saving less money

Lloyds TSB Consumer Banking released a new report revealing that over half of UK adults have taken action to clear their debt, but despite gathering economic gloom, almost two in five Britons (37%) are saving less money.The ‘Financial Face of Britain’ report reveals the nation’s savings and spending habits, debt levels and tests Briton’s overall financial know-how.

The in-depth study, of over 5,000 adults*, shows a distinct change in financial behaviour as the credit crunch bites. But whilst spending levels have been curbed, the current financial crisis has hit consumer’s appetite to save at a time when acash reserve is vital.

The report reveals a third of people have changed their spending habits in the last six months and spent less to cope with the credit crunch, with almost 40% of under 35s reporting that they have been cutting back.

People have also reassessed their finances, with over half (55%) of UK adults taking action to clear their debt. Almost one in three (32%) have increased the amount they pay off each month, with a fifth (19%) focusing on paying off more of their debt which is on higher interest rates, such as store cards.

But, almost two in five (37%) are saving less, particularly the older age group; with 43% of 45-54 year olds currently neglecting their savings. While the younger generation are bucking this trend, with almost a third (32%) of under 25s currently putting more money to one side. But when it comes to long term savings, almost three quarters (74%) of under 25s do not have a pension and are not saving enough to secure their future.

Worryingly, one in five people have less than £500 in their savings, with four out of ten families having less than £500 available to them should disaster strike, making many consumers vulnerable to financial difficulty during these uncertain times.

In addition, over two million families are also failing to put enough money aside to secure their child/children’s future and the average family savings balance of£7,542 is considerably lower then the national average (£12,703) for a single person.

Consumers are aware that they need to save more but many people want more guidance and support to kick start the savings habit. Research shows that the majority of consumers are looking for advice and guidance on how to save more money and how to make long term savings.

Ian Larkin, managing director, Lloyds TSB Consumer Banking said: “It has never been more important to save. Economic conditions are set to become more challenging and a healthy savings balance could prove to be a financial lifeline for some families during the economic storm.

“But, with rising bills it’s becoming harder to put money on one side. We all understand the need to save but what consumers told us they need is more guidance and advice on how to save more when their finances are being squeezed. To tackle this, we are launching a nationwide programme to help get Britain saving, which is going to be packed full of advice on how to boost your savings balance and make saving a habit.”

About Lloyds TSB:

Lloyds TSB offers customers a wide range of current accounts, savings accounts,insurance, loans and credit cards, designed to meet different customers’ needs. Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Lloyds TSB Scotland plc are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and signatories to the Banking Codes.

Lloyds TSB Bank plc Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales no. 2065.

*Research conducted by ICM with 5000 UK adults between 29th July – 4th August 2008.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Barclaycard Has Unveiled A New Logo And Visual Identity

Barclaycard has revealed the new logo that will be part of the company’s new virtual identity which will be introduced across all Barclaycard’s products, services and operations around the world over the next 12 months. It is a break from the logos used by Barclaycard during the last four decades, which had been designed to be seen on the traditional plastic card.

Antony Jenkins, Barclaycard’s CEO, said: “Barclaycard is leading a revolution which will bring people and businesses together to allow payments to be made in the easiest and most convenient way possible. Our new identity expresses where we see the future, freeing the chip on the credit card from the constraints of the plastic around it, making the way people pay for things simpler.”

Rhidian Taylor, Barclaycard’s head of brand management, added: “Our current logo and look have worked well for us as a UK credit card company, but they do not reflect the global payments company we have become. We needed to create a modern and distinctive look which signals where we are going as opposed to where we have been.”

The new identity has been developed in conjunction with consultancy The Brand Union and has been the subject of extensive research with consumers in the UK, US, Germany, Spain, India and the UAE. The new symbol depicts a world that is calm and confident on the outside, whilst warm and vibrant on the inside. In creating a symbol that is separated from the brand name, the new logo works better online and on some emerging payment tools such as mobile phones.

Customers will start to see the new identity being introduced gradually across Barclaycard’s products and businesses from October. Credit cards and stationery will be replaced in the normal course of events or as existing stock runs out to avoid extra expense. As credit cards last for up to three years, some will not see replacements with the new logo until 2011.

Via EPR Network
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New .mobi Website Developed,, For Investors On-The-Go

Often referred to as dotMobi, .mobi is a top-level domain committed to delivering the Internet to mobile devices through the Mobile Web.

Websites that use the .mobi extension are created specifically for mobile devices such as mobile phones and handheld computers to make them easy to browse and reduce download time. If you see a .mobi domain name, then the website on your phone will work. If you see a .com website today, it may work or you may download more content than your phone or budget is set to receive.

Now you can navigate on your cell phone as you search for the perfect website when you are on the go. Thanks to the .mobi concept, users will receive a smooth and enjoyable online experience.

.mobi sites are popping up on posters in subways and on .com sites of corporations advertising their .mobi sites and best of all in EXCLUSIVELY .mobi directories.

.mobi is backed by leading mobile operators, network and device manufacturers, and Internet content providers, including Ericsson, GSM Association, Hutchison 3, Microsoft, Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics, Syniverse, T-Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, TIM, and Visa and Vodafone.

According to Ipsos Insight’s Latest “The Face of the Web Study”, Mobile Phones are on the brink of surpassing the PC as the major internet platform in many markets.

The study revealed that in the United States,“three in four households own a mobile phone.” Consumers are now demanding better access and a better experience when using their phones to access the internet. With 4 cell phones purchased to 1 pc sale, the number of people that access the internet with a cell phone is expected to increase significantly. To be apart of the .mobi revolution and join our team, please visit

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Despite the economic gloom, Wednesday’s base rate cut could stimulate the economy – and it does hint that the Monetary Policy Committee sees the threat of inflation as lessening, says financial solutions provider Think Money

Responding to the half-point cut to the Bank of England’s base rate, financial solutions company Think Money welcomed its already noticeable impact, and pointed to the implied likelihood of future cuts.

“There’s no question that we’re facing extraordinary issues today, both globally and nationally,” a Think Money spokesperson commented. “As a company, we were pleased to see the Bank of England taking this step – not just dropping the base rate, but dropping it by a substantial amount.

“Furthermore, we’re delighted to see major mortgage providers passing that reduction on to consumers. After so many months of negative news, this could make a big difference to many homeowners’ financial circumstances, as their variable rate mortgages drop from 7% to 6.5%.”

Anyone with a tracker mortgage, meanwhile, is sure to enjoy lower payments at once: The Times predicts immediate benefits for around 4 million people paying home loans that track the Bank’s base rate. ‘Those with a £150,000 mortgage’, it reports, ‘will see their interest-only repayments fall by £63 a month’.

“The same goes for other kinds of credit,” the spokesperson continued, “from secured loans to credit cards: people with tracker deals will certainly profit from the cut, and borrowers with SVR deals will be following their lenders’ reactions closely.”

New fixed-rate loans could also drop in price. “Now that the cost of credit has come down, lenders will be able to pass the savings on, giving their customers a better deal without placing their own profits in jeopardy – something which could have a profound impact on their stability at a time like this.

“Looking beyond the actual cut,” the spokesperson stressed, “it’s equally important to consider the implications – not just what the deal means, but what it says about the Bank of England’s assessment of our economy. First, the cut reveals how seriously it is taking today’s financial troubles. Second, it implies that the Bank is feeling more comfortable about inflation.”

As stated in the Bank’s news release about the rate cut: ‘The recent intensification of the financial crisis has augmented the downside risks to growth and thus has diminished further the upside risks to price stability’.

“In other words, today’s financial crisis has become more of a threat to the nation’s GDP – but on the plus side, slowing growth does tend to slow inflation too. The Bank may well have liked to postpone the base rate cut until inflation came down closer to the 2% target, but given the choice between letting the economy deteriorate and losing some ground in the fight against inflation, it chose the latter.”

As for the months ahead: “The latest BRC-Nielsen Shop Price Index (SPI) for the UK reveals that annual shop price inflation shrank to 3.6% in September, down from 3.8% in August. It’s encouraging to see inflation on the way down, particularly as it gives the MPC more leeway when it comes to future base rate decisions. Various influential bodies are calling for the Bank to make further cuts to the base rate – and there’s reason to hope it’ll be able to do that.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Sunwest Trust, which manages retirement funds for self-directed IRA investors, has continued to expand despite the uncertainty on Wall Street

Sunwest Trust, Inc. the New Mexico Company that acts as an escrow agent and self-directed IRA custodian, claims the self directed IRA funds placed with their firm are FDIC insured through local banks. Sunwest Trust further claims that it is financially sound and is not directly affected by the day-to-day volatility of the stock market. Since Sunwest Trust’s clients are self-directed, their investments are under each client’s direct control and are diversified in non-traditional assets, which are not directly indexed to the ups and downs of the stock market.

“With the current economic scenario being what it is, clients are naturally concerned about the security of their retirement money,” says Terry White, CEO of Sunwest Trust. “Large financial institutions including banks and lending agencies failing at regular intervals make headlines in the print and electronic media quite often, thus creating a suspicion in the mind of the clients about the security of their investments,” White adds.

Sunwest Trust deposits the IRA funds received from its clients into FDIC-insured banks. Although Sunwest Trust, Inc. only requires a minimum account balance of $400, “with the recent passage of the Financial Rescue Legislation this month, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are now insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 until December 2009,” says White, CEO of Sunwest Trust, Inc., as he attempted to avert growing suspicion among customers on the fate of their deposits.

Sunwest Trust is currently serving 14,000 individuals and companies and covering assets to the tune of $1 billion. “In August, the company had a record-breaking month, in terms of opening new accounts, and September is not far behind. The achievements during both these months were higher than the previous record, which was set in April, 2007,” states Terry, projecting an attractive picture of the company’s achievements.

Company management has very high expectations for making the current year the greatest in its 21 years. The company also claims to have achieved a growth rate of 15% annually and to have provided high-quality services to its customers.

In the world of finance, fortunes are often made in down markets. One only needs to use foresight and fortitude to make the right decisions in time. Retirement plans can succeed with diversification plans. “The self directed IRA could well be one of the best ways to achieve success with post retirement investments,” adds White.

Although the stock market may fluctuate and credit may tighten, it doesn’t mean that the avenues for lucrative investments are all closed. Diversification continues to be paramount to a successful retirement plan, and having a self-directed IRA may be central in achieving this. For example, with real estate property values nearing all-time lows this may be an excellent time to purchase property as part of one’s IRA.

About Sunwest Trust, Inc.
Sunwest Trust is an independently owned private company which offers self-directed IRA custodian and escrow services. The company offers a huge range of financial services providing post retirement benefits, private mortgages, real estate contacts and other related fields for its clients. FDIC insured banks back the self directed IRA funds of their clients.

Via EPR Network
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Lloyds TSB has launched two new savings accounts in response to the demand for its savings products

Lloyds TSB has revealed the details of two brand new savings accounts, each offering customers the opportunity to earn up to 6% interest on their savings.

The first of the two new savings accounts, the Easy Saver 2012, tracks the Bank of England base rate until 31st December 2012 on a tiered rate up to 5.5 per cent*. The new account can be opened with a minimum balance of £1 and there are no penalties for withdrawals on the account. The account offers customers instant access to their savings and the tiered rate is designed to help consumers maintain their savings habit over the long term.

The one year term deposit rate is the second of Lloyds TSB’s new savings options. It allows customers to earn a guaranteed return of 6.00 per cent on investments of £2000 or more. The rate is guaranteed for the term of the deposit and customers can opt to earn interest on a monthly or annual basis, enabling them to use their savings interest to boost their monthly income.

Janet Pope, director of savings and investments at Lloyds TSB said: “In an uncertain economic environment, security is a top priority for savers. Our term deposit range** has proved extremely popular, as the guaranteed return gives customers the security to plan ahead, knowing exactly how much interest they will receive and when they will get it.”

Janet continued: “Whilst some savers may want to ring fence funds in a term deposit account, others want instant access to their cash. The Easy Saver 2012 encourages customers to build their nest egg over time, safe in the knowledge they can access funds at any point if they need it.”

The new Easy Saver 2012 account can be managed through any Lloyds TSB branch or via the telephone network. Existing Lloyds TSB customers can manage their account using internet banking and funds can be transferred instantly between savings and current accounts via the new mobile banking service.

Janet Pope continued: “We continue to see strong demand from customers for our deposit products as our savings range offers customers great rates combined with the accessibility of our 1,900 strong branch network and familiarity of a high street brand. Recently, we have seen a significant increase in deposits and in the last week alone, double the average numbers of term deposit accounts have been opened.”

About Lloyds TSB:
Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Lloyds TSB Scotland plc are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and signatories to the Banking Codes. Lloyds TSB offer a full range of financial services including savings and investments, current accounts and insurance. Lloyds TSB Bank plc Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales no. 2065.

* Based on the current Bank of England base rate of 4.5 per cent. Interest will be compounded annually to the account or can be taken as a monthly income.
** On the term deposit range. No withdrawals or additional deposits are allowed during the term of the deposit. The minimum opening balance is £2000 and the maximum balance is £1 million.


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Highway Insurance Group Acquired by LV

LV=, the UK based insurance, investment and pensions group, has announced its acquisition of the Highway Insurance Group, which includes Highway Insurance and Hero Insurance Services, further expanding the fast growing general insurance division of LV=.

The initial offer of 73.35p per share, which was recommended by the Highway Board, was made in August. Highway shareholders also received their interim dividend of 1.65p, payable at the start of October 2008. This gives an overall value of the entire issued share capital of Highway of £150m.

Fenchurch Advisory Partners acted as exclusive financial adviser to LV while Shore Capital Stockbrokers acted as corporate broker to LV=.

Mike Rogers, Group Chief Executive of LV= said: “We are pleased to have completed this deal quickly and we look forward to welcoming Highway into the LV= Group. This acquisition makes sound strategic sense and will assist us in our stated ambition to become a top five insurer in our chosen markets by 2012.”

He continued, “Highway is highly complementary to our existing general insurance operations and will provide a strong platform for growth. Putting the strengths of LV= and Highway together will enable us to compete even more effectively in the insurance broker market.”

Highway Insurance will become part of the LV= General Insurance business which is led by Managing Director John O’Roarke, who formerly headed up the Churchill and RBS Insurance businesses.

Andrew Gibson, Chief Executive of Highway, will be staying on in an advisory capacity until the end of the year, when he will be leaving to explore opportunities outside the LV= Group.

As LV= is a mutual organisation, owned by its members, Highway Insurance will be de-listed from the London Stock Exchange in due course.

About LV=:

LV= is a trademark of Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited (LVFS) and LV= is a trading style of the Liverpool Victoria group of companies. LV= employs over 2,700 people, serves more than 2.5 million customers and members, and manages more than £7.7 billion on their behalf. LV= is the UK’s largest friendly society and a leading mutual financial services provider, providing home insurance and car insurance well as travel and pet insurance direct to consumers. It also offers insurance products exclusively to brokers via the Highway and ABC Insurance brands.

Via EPR Network
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First Nations Has Awarded Grants To Six Native Community-Based Economic Development Organizations Through Its Little Eagle Staff Fund

First Nations Development Institute Announces $175,000 in Little Eagle Staff Fund Grant Awards

First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) has awarded grants to six Native community-based economic development organizations through its Little Eagle Staff Fund (LESF). The mission of the Little Eagle Staff Fund is to support Native community-based economic development organizations who offer unique financial services and products that promote economic development.

“It was a very competitive year for proposals,” stated Sarah Dewees, First Nations’ Director of Research and the program officer for the LESF grant program. “We received many excellent proposals because there is both growing demand and substantial need for funding for this type of work.” First Nations initially received 47 letters of intent from those interested in applying for grant funding. From those 47, twelve groups were invited to submit full proposals. Of the twelve, six were selected for funding.

The six organizations to be awarded grant funding under the LESF program are the Wigamig Owners Loan Fund Inc., Sitting Bull Tribal Business Information Center (TBIC), Turtle Mountain Community Development Financial Institution, the Oregon Native American Business & Entrepreneurial Network (ONABEN), Katikitegon Community Development Corporation, and the Ho-Chunk Nation. The grants range in value from $12,000 to $40,000, and the projects include financial education, loan funds, and entrepreneurship development. Three grants will be given to help groups start community development financial institutions (CDFIs), two grants specifically support financial education programs, and one grant will support an entrepreneurship training program.

“We are proud to be able to support these innovate economic development organizations that play such an important role in creating an ‘enabling environment’ for economic development on Indian reservations and in other Native communities,” stated Michael E. Roberts, President of First Nations Development Institute. “We are thankful to our funders who have supported this grant program.” The Little Eagle Staff Fund is currently capitalized by Bank of America, the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, the Washington Mutual Foundation, and a fourth partner, as well as through the generous support of First Nations’ individual donors.

The focus of the LESF projects is to educate individuals about successful financial management techniques with the broader implication that this knowledge will support Native individuals and communities to become self-reliant and economically prosperous.“Our mission is to change our economic landscape one family at a time by providing the essential educational components related to making sound financial decisions,” stated Chrystel Cornelius, Executive Director for the Turtle Mountain CDFI. “We are also creating an outlet to provide capital and lending products that will increase community and individual assets and help build wealth within our community.”

First Nations Development Institute is a national American Indian-led 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was founded in 1980. Through a three-pronged strategy of educating grassroots practitioners, advocating systemic change, and capitalizing Indian communities, First Nations Development Institute is working to restore Native control and culturally-compatible stewardship of the assets they own – be they land, human potential, cultural heritage, or natural resources – and to establish new assets for ensuring the long-term vitality of Native communities. First Nations was founded with the belief that when armed with appropriate resources, Native peoples hold the capacity and ingenuity to ensure the sustainable economic, spiritual, and cultural well-being of their communities.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

The Risk Of A Severe Economic Downturn Still Remains, And Taking Care Of Personal Finances Should Be Made Top Priority In The Coming Weeks And Months

Debt management company Gregory Pennington have warned that the economy remains uncertain, despite a number of signals suggesting a potential recovery, and have advised anyone facing severe financial problems to seek professional debt advice as soon as possible.

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee’s announcement on Wednesday that the base rate would fall to 4.5% was intended to calm fears surrounding the money market and increase lenders’ willingness to do business with one another, subsequently increasing liquidity and boosting the loans market.

A number of lenders announced cuts to their mortgage rates following the base rate announcement – which may come as a relief to prospective homeowners or existing homeowners looking to remortgage, following many lenders’ reluctance to respond to the last base rate drop.

Meanwhile, petrol prices recently fell to as little as 103.9 pence per litre, while food price growth slowed by 0.2% in September, according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC)– arousing speculation that overall inflation has hit its peak and will now begin to slow.

However, a spokesperson for Gregory Pennington commented that while there are encouraging signs for the economy, there is no guarantee that further difficulty for the economy can be avoided.

“The first thing to bear in mind is that while the base rate cut is intended to help the economy, it was brought in as an emergency measure,” she said. “The threat of a severe economic downturn is still looming and there are no guarantees it can be avoided.

“The fall in oil and food prices are very encouraging, but both are heavily affected by external factors, largely outside our Government’s control.”

The debt management company spokesperson was keen to emphasise the continued need to take care over finances and manage debts effectively in the coming months. “There is still the possibility that things could get tighter in the near future, so it pays to tackle any financial issues now, rather than waiting to see what happens next.

“People who are struggling with debt are especially at risk, because their finances are already stretched – and any further rises in costs of living could make those debts unmanageable.

“As always, we advise anyone struggling with debt to seek expert debt advice as soon as possible. Leaving it too late could allow your debts to grow, which is particularly dangerous if costs of living do continue to rise.

“There are a number of debt solutions to help with various financial situations. A debt management plan is a flexible means of getting out of debt in which your repayments are based on how much you can afford, and in some cases interest and other charges can be frozen.

“Debt consolidation involves grouping your debts into one convenient monthly payment, therefore simplifying your finances, and your debt can also be spread out over a longer period of time, meaning monthly payments are smaller – although this can mean you pay more interest in the long run.

“For more serious debts of over £15,000, an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) might be more appropriate. These work by agreeing with your creditors to make payments based on what you can afford for a period of five years, after which the remaining debt is considered settled.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Debt Advisers Direct Warn Anyone Struggling With Debt To Seek Expert Debt Advice As Soon As Possible

Responding to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s report suggesting that the global economic slowdown is likely to worsen and spread to more economic sectors, Debt Advisers Direct have warned the public that extremely testing times may be ahead, and people should look to get their finances in order and clear any debts as soon as possible.

In their new Global Financial Stability Report, the IMF have warned of “growing turmoil”, saying that the state of the global economy has worsened since its last assessment in April 2008. They also said that Governments’ willingness to act would be crucial in “bringing about a return to stability in the international financial system”.

Although the global economic crisis has so far been mostly limited to the financial sectors in more developed economies, the IMF warned that may soon be about to change, with other sectors and developing economies likely to be affected in the future.

A note on the IMF press release said: “financial institutions in emerging markets, which until recently remained fairly resilient, will be confronted with a much more challenging economic environment: A combination of global credit tightening, and economic slowdown, which could accelerate a downturn in the domestic credit cycle in some countries. Those economies with greater reliance on short-term flows or with leveraged banking systems funded internationally are particularly vulnerable.”

A spokesperson for Debt Advisers Direct said that the threat of financial hardship applies to everybody – not just people on lower incomes or those already in debt.

“The nature of the economic crisis is that many peoples’ jobs are at risk, and that applies just as much to people earning high incomes as it does to low earners. At the same time, many costs of living such as food and energy are still on the rise, so most of us are likely to feel the squeeze to some extent.

“For that reason it’s essential that anyone who is currently struggling financially, particularly those struggling with debt, seeks the relevant advice as soon as possible.”

The Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson added that there are a range of debt solutions available to help people in various financial situations. “For those with a number of debts, a debt consolidation loan could be the answer,” he said.

“Debt consolidation involves grouping all of your debts into convenient single monthly payments. It can also reduce interest rates if you are consolidating high-APR forms of credit such as credit cards, and it can allow you to reschedule your payments over a longer period, making your monthly payments lower. However, this may result in paying more interest in the long term.

“Alternatively, for those who want a less formal debt solution, a debt management plan can reduce your monthly payments to an amount you can afford, as well as freezing interest and other charges.

“Or for people with debts of over £15,000, an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) is an alternative to bankruptcy which could help you keep your home and other assets.”

The spokesperson added: “Above all, it’s very important that anyone struggling with their debts seeks the appropriate advice immediately, because it’s very possible that things are going to get even tighter in the coming months.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

There Are Many Myths About Credit Repair Some True Some Not We Will Attempt To Try And Clear Those Up Here

As a large Credit Repair Company, We feel the pain of negative press every day. So in an effort to help many consumers that could in fact benefit from Credit Repair we are going to address many of the myths that are out there about Credit Repair.

Myth #1 Credit Repair is Illegal.

The truth: Credit Repair is in fact so legal that congress passed a law called the Credit Repair Organization Act or CROA it can be viewed here

Myth #2 Credit Repair Companies are all scams

The truth: Many Credit Repair companies in fact are very good and reputable companies as in all professions a few bad apples have given the rest a bad name. In fact our company Revolution Credit Solutions Inc. has offered our services Pro Bono to victims of these bad companies. See press release here…

Myth #3 Anything a Credit Repair Company can do for you, You can do for yourself.

The truth: While you can certainly dispute items on your own, many consumers lack the knowledge about the laws in place to protect them from unfair credit reporting. Many Credit Repair Companies have an extensive knowledge of these laws and the requirements imposed on the CRA’s by them. So, while self help is certainly possible, Credit Repair is not an easy task especially in unexperienced hands. For those consumers who want a “do it yourself” solution to Credit Repair, the first step is to read the FCRA. You can read it here as a matter of fact, everything we do as a Credit Repair Company is done from the FCRA. Unfortunatly for most consumers the law is very hard to interpret, and they are unable to do it them self. That’s where the value of a company like Revolution Credit Solutions Inc. lies. We use no special tricks or tactics. We merely follow the law and request that the consumers creditors and the Credit Bureaus do the same.

Myth #4 Credit Bureaus do a good job of being accurate, so there is no need for Credit Repair Companies.

The Truth: In spite of section 607b of the FCRA which requires the Credit Bureaus to maintain accurate files on consumers. Over 79% of Consumers Credit Reports and thats according to the P.I.R.G. ( Public Interest Research Group) a Government agency. See it here

Myth #5 Credit Bureaus want to help you fix your credit by providing on line access to your report free and allowing you to dispute items electronically through their system.

The truth: Credit Bureaus make money, and lots of it by reporting and selling information the more information the more money. So by removing inaccurate or unverifiable information the Credit Bureaus lose money. The only reason they allow you to access your report free once a year is because they are forced to by the government, and as to their electronic disputes, they leave much to be desired. All too often the Credit Bureaus will make a great effort to discourage consumers from disputing inaccurate and unverifiable information because not only does it cost them income by removing these items, but they must also pay a full time staff of untold numbers to address these disputes, costing them much more money.

I hope this article has helped you have a better understanding of how a Credit Repair Company can help you in your quest for the American Dream. If you would like more information please contact us at 1-888-852-0005 and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

U.S. Marine Wins $5,000 Ultimate Home Entertainment System From Pioneer Services

Pioneer Services, the military banking division of MidCountry Bank, announced today the grand prize winner of the“Sensory Overload Military Sweepstakes.” Lance Corporal Brandon Unis of the United States Marine Corps, currently stationed in Georgia, has won a brand new home entertainment system, including a 52-inch Bravia® LCD Flat Panel HDTV, a Blu-Ray player, home theatre receiver, PlayStation® 3, and $200 in gift cards for games or movies.

Pioneer Services launched the Sensory Overload Military Sweepstakes in June 2008, for active-duty and career-retired service members, and military spouses. There were also three monthly winners during the sweepstakes period, each of whom received a 16-gigabyte Apple iPod Touch, valued at $399 each.

The Sensory Overload Military Sweepstakes is one way that Pioneer Services, which exclusively serves the military community, is thanking service members and military families for their sacrifice and efforts on behalf of the country.

Pioneer Services, the military banking division of MidCountry Bank, provides financial services, personal loans, and award-winning financial education to members of the Armed Forces. For more than 20 years, Pioneer Services has been a leader in military lending, and supports military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.

(c) 2008 Pioneer Services. No purchase necessary to enter or win. For a complete list of rules and details, visit Sweepstakes ended on September 2, 2008. “iPod” is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. “Bravia” and “PlayStation” are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. This Promotion has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. or Sony Corporation.

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M&S Money Is Offering M&S Credit Cardholders The Chance To Win £10,000 To Spend In Marks Spencer

M&S Money have announced that customers who hold a credit card with the financial services company will automatically be entered into the draw to become an M&S Points Millionaire.

Customers can be entered into the draw by either buying one or more selected products from M&S Money, registering to manage their account online, and/or opting to stop receiving paper statements. Customers who purchase insurance, travel money, personal loans or make an investment with M&S Money stand a chance of winning.

As well as the one million M&S points on offer, five runner up prizes of 100,000 M&S points, worth £10,000 each, are also available to be won.

Andy Ripley, Deputy Chief Executive of M&S Money commented, “Following on from the success of our first millionaire prize draw earlier this year, we’ve extended the prize draw to include a wider range of products and ways to enter. Not only can our customers bag themselves some quality products but they also have a chance of winning 1 million points, worth £10,000, and really reap the rewards of their M&S cards.”

M&S Money are also offering five runners up prices of 100,000 points worth £1,000 to be spent in store.

This is a limited offer, between and including the dates of 4 September 2008 and 29 October 2008. The winners will be drawn at random on 21 November 2008.

About M&S Money
M&S Money (originally called Marks & Spencer Financial Services) was founded in 1985 as the financial services division of Marks and Spencer Group plc. The company is now a top-ten credit card provider and the second-largest travel money retailer in the UK. M&S Money also offers insurance for homes, cars, travel, pets and weddings, as well as loans, savings and investments.

In November 2004, Marks & Spencer sold M&S Money to HSBC, one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations with over 9,500 offices in 85 countries and territories. The business continues to operate under the M&S Money brand, with an executive committee comprising an equal number of representatives from HSBC and Marks & Spencer.

The company employs 1,200 staff at its headquarters in Chester, delivering personal financial services to its customers, reflecting the core values of Marks & Spencer – quality, value, service, innovation and trust.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Remind Borrowers That An IVA Can Represent A Straightforward, Reliable Solution To Their Financial Problems

In response to economic data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), debt experts remind consumers that the right debt solution can help them regain control of their debts, despite the unpredictability of the UK’s finances.

On 30 September, the ONS confirmed that GDP growth (Gross Domestic Product – a measure of economic activity) had been 0.0% in the second quarter of 2008, down from the 0.3% reported for the first quarter.

In other words, although the UK economy isn’t in recession (usually defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth), nor is it experiencing growth – the usual state of affairs under ‘normal’ circumstances. More worrying yet, the economy would have to decline only slightly for the remaining six months of the year to be officially classed as ‘in recession’.

“It may be hard for people to see such macro-economic statistics as relevant to them as individuals,” stated a spokesperson for Debt Advisers Direct, “but the impact is all too likely to make itself felt in the average UK citizen’s daily life. In general, a slowing economy means everyone has less money: not just employees and employers, but the government itself. Given the rapid rises we’ve seen in the cost of living, any threat to a household’s income should be taken extremely seriously.

“People with high levels of debt, struggling to keep up with their debt repayments, are particularly likely to worry about the effects of a slowing economy. There may be little they can do to influence their utility bills, the price of food, or even their job security, but there may be something they can do about their debts – whatever debts an individual is facing, if they become unmanageable, there are a range of debt solutions available that could help reduce their payments and bring their debts under control.”

For people with unsecured debts of around £15,000 or more, an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) may be the most appropriate debt solution. An alternative to bankruptcy, an IVA is a form of insolvency that helps people bring their monthly debt repayments back down to an affordable level and – in the longer term – clear those debts entirely.

“An IVA is a legally binding agreement between an individual and their creditors. In brief, the individual agrees to make fixed monthly payments for a set period (normally five years), based on what they can afford to pay after taking essential living expenses into account. If they own their home, they may also be required to free up equity in their home (towards the end of the IVA) to increase the amount they can pay their creditors.

“It’s a big commitment, but their creditors will, in return, agree to freeze interest, not to take any legal action (such as pushing for bankruptcy) and to write off any outstanding debt once the IVA has successfully concluded. So an IVA can deliver clear benefits to borrowers and creditors alike.

“Finally, should the borrower’s circumstances change during the course of the IVA, they can request an ‘IVA variation’ – it’s in the creditors’ interests as well as the individual’s to make sure the IVA succeeds, so they may well agree to alter the terms of the agreement if this is clearly the best way to bring the IVA to a successful conclusion.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Consumers Should Realise How Unlikely They Are To Lose Their Savings If A Bank Fails

Responding to recent troubles in the banking world, debt management company Gregory Pennington reminds consumers that a bank’s issues do not actually put most people’s savings at risk.

“Some may be tempted to keep a close eye on their bank’s finances, waiting to withdraw all their money at the first sign of trouble,” said a spokesperson for the debt management company. “Of course it’s vital to protect your investments, but it’s also important to understand the extent of the protection offered to normal savers.”

“First of all, troubled banks don’t necessarily ‘go bust’, as some headlines may infer. In the case of Bradford and Bingley, for example, their website informs visitors that ‘Bradford & Bingley’s branches and savings customers are now part of Abbey and Santander. One of the largest banking groups in the world with more branches in the world than any other international bank.’ For their customers, it’s ‘business as usual’.

“Second,” the spokesperson for the debt management company continued, “there’s the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK’s statutory fund of last resort for customers of authorised financial services firms. The FSCS means that the first £35,000 of each customer’s savings with a firm are guaranteed – even if the company can no longer repay that money, it would be refunded in full by the FSCS.”

Savers with deposits over £35,000 may still receive some of their remaining money, but that would not be guaranteed, and would depend on how the insolvency process plays out.

Naturally, many people with savings of over £35,000 may wish to keep their money with various different banks. Someone with £70,000, for example, could split it equally between two different banks and have the entire sum guaranteed.

“Note, however, that the FSCS compensates people ‘per authorised institution’ – many banks are in fact subsidiaries of other financial institutions, so someone who split £70,000 between two banks that share the same parent company would be guaranteed only £35,000 of their money if that parent company was declared insolvent.”

As a debt management organisation, Gregory Pennington focuses on helping people manage and clear their debts: “In the vast majority of cases, it makes financial sense for borrowers to get out of debt before they start saving, as debts tend to gather much more interest than savings.”

The company does, however, also provide advice aimed at helping people stay out of debt in future. “While some people face debt problems because they’ve financially over-committed themselves over a period of time, others find themselves pushed into debt by a sudden change in circumstances (sickness, for example, or unemployment). Without some ‘rainy day’ money set aside, it’s all too easy to accumulate small debts which grow into large debts as they struggle to fund debt repayments at the same time as keeping up with their normal financial commitments.

“Whether it’s a few hundred pounds or many thousands, saving for the future is one of the single most important things an individual can do in order to safeguard their financial stability in the future. Since we advise people to start saving as soon as they’ve settled their debts, it’s worrying to think that the last year’s events in the banking industry may have put some people off the idea of saving. Aside from compensating people whose banks run into trouble, the FSCS serves another vital function: giving would-be savers the confidence that comes with knowing their investment is protected.”

Via EPR Network
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The Money Saving Calendar Informs Consumers How To Organize Their Life To Be More Thrifty During These Harsh Economic Times

While billionaires are baying for their bailouts, the average person got left behind, again. Facing spiraling fuel and food prices, threats of foreclosure, and uncertain job prospects, middle-class and working people feel trapped—and left out.

But there’s hope: Each month, The Money Saving Calendar from AdamsLLC offers…
• Green energy tips to lower not only your carbon footprint, but also your energy bills (examples: in the winter, leave the oven door open after you’ve been baking…use insulating ceramic paint—developed by NASA—to lower your energy cost every time you paint a room…install energy-saving film to reduce heat loss from leaky windows and doors)
• Money-saving tips in food, appliances, using outside contractors, and more (examples: when your plumber needs to dig a hole, get the location and dimensions and hire someone cheaper… buy food items at the dollar store
• Businesses you can start on a shoestring: zero to $2000 typical startup cost (from caring for elders to stenciling address numbers on mailboxes to installing Christmas lights)
• Home improvement tips to increase the value of your home—and your quality of life—while spending little or nothing (examples: put a radiant heat barrier in your attic to slash air conditioning costs…buy new faces for your kitchen cabinets instead of replacing the entire cabinet system, and install them yourself to save thousands of dollars)
• Checklists of money-saving activities you can do every month
• Even a place to write personal and financial goals each month

Each month includes these sections: Money making opportunities, money saving ideas, items that pay for themselves, home improvement tips, best bargain products, personal and financial goals, and a repeating checklist of money-saving things to do.

“A wall calendar is something people look at every single day, and the message is reinforced every time,” says Adams LLC President Dale Adams. “For a lot of people, it presents information in a way that’s much easier to absorb than from a book. The calendar makes it easy to actually take action to improve your life and your wallet.”

One thing you won’t find inside The Money Saving Calendar: pictures. As frugal as his customers, Adams sees no reason to spend extra printing costs for pretty pictures, and this way he can not only provide more useful information, but also keep the price down to just $7 plus $3 US shipping. For the same reason, the calendar is only available directly from the company: visit, or call 870-391-2231.

Journalists: Adams is an author and inventor, and is available for interviews.

Via EPR Network
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Financial Solutions Company Think Money Welcomes The FSA’s Move To Guarantee Deposits Of Up To £50,000 Through The FSCS

Welcoming the changes to the FSCS (Financial Services Compensation Scheme), financial solutions company Think Money commented that any move which strengthened consumer confidence in the financial industry was a step in the right direction.

As of 7th October 2008, the compensation limit for bank deposits is £50,000 (and £100,000 for customers with joint accounts), a substantial increase from the £35,000 limit set on 1st October 2007.

“As a financial solutions company, we welcome this move by the FSA (Financial Services Authority) to reinforce the financial stability of the UK,” a spokesperson for Think Money commented. “In today’s economic climate, it’s vital that consumers know their money is safe. As the case of Northern Rock demonstrated, any doubts about its security can rapidly lead to a self-perpetuating sense of crisis which benefits no-one.

“Furthermore, we also see consumer confidence as an end in itself. As individuals, the more we trust in the stability of our financial institutions, the more faith we have in the future health of our nation’s economy. Simply knowing that our money is secure gives us the confidence to act responsibly, saving for the future rather than living for today. Given the recent moves by the Irish and Greek governments, this move also serves to keep money in the country by simply removing the need to move it abroad.”

As a financial solutions provider, Think Money provides a range of debt, loan and mortgage solutions, as well as a unique managed bank account service.

“But we are also called on to advise individuals on a wide range of financial matters, from managing their debts to budgeting. This is a free service we provide, and the FSCS guarantee helps us carry it out effectively: effective money management is an essential part of avoiding debt in the future, and the FSA’s safeguard means the vast majority of the UK population can have confidence that any problems their bank or building society may encounter needn’t be a threat to their personal savings.”

In the near future, the FSA will also, as its website reports: ‘consult on further reforms, including considering whether the compensation limit should be higher still; the speed with which the FSCS can pay compensation; and the rules surrounding whether deposits are covered on a legal entity, a ‘brand’ or an ‘account’ basis’.

“These are important issues, even the ones which affect only a relatively small proportion of the population – there may not be many people with savings of over £50,000, for example, but it’s important they feel they can safely keep their money in the UK, rather than moving it abroad.

“After all, it’s in everyone’s interests to have a financial system we can all have faith in. Banks themselves are safer when people realise there’s no reason to panic – and fostering a greater sense of security among financial institutions is a fundamental part of bringing an end to the credit crunch, so lenders can get back to lending at levels which promote economic growth across the country.”

Think Money ( are a financial solutions company based in Salford Quays, Manchester. They specialise in a wide range of debt advice and solutions, including debt management plans, debt consolidation, IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements) and Trust Deeds.

Via EPR Network
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