Think Money Have Emphasised The Importance Of Good Future Planning With Regard To Interest-Only Mortgages

Responding to the news that over a million homebuyers have been offered interest-only mortgages with no savings plan to repay the remaining mortgage debt, financial solutions company Think Money have advised all homeowners on interest-only mortgages to carefully consider their plan of action for the future, adding that failure to do so could result in significant financial hardship later in life.

LV= estimate there to be around 2.9 million interest-only mortgages active in the UK. Of these, the report claims that 1.3 million – accounting for £74 billion of mortgages – have no specific savings plan in place to pay off their remaining mortgage debt once the interest-only period expires.

That means that around 45% of interest-only mortgages carry no specific capital repayment plan. LV= claim that 41% of these homeowners are relying on rising property value and cashing in equity to pay off the remaining mortgage capital, while 21% plan on using other investments.

More worryingly, 13% of respondents said that they did not know how they would pay off their remaining mortgage capital, while 12% said they hadn’t given the matter any thought.

Mike Rogers, LV= Group Chief Executive, commented that the previously booming housing market led many interest-only mortgage holders to believe the increased equity in their home at the end of the interest-only period would enable them to repay the mortgage, adding: “Many of the homeowners we polled appear to have an over-optimistic outlook on their ability to pay off their mortgage capital at the end of the term. Or worse still they are turning a blind eye to the issue.”

A mortgage expert for Think Money was quick to warn of the dangers of such an attitude towards interest-only mortgages. “There are two main ideas behind interest-only mortgages. Some homeowners simply want to reduce their mortgage payments in the short term to free up extra funds – after which normal (but slightly higher) mortgage payments resume.

“Others choose to go interest-only for the entire mortgage duration – typically 25 years – in which case the matter of repaying the remaining mortgage capital requires more in-depth planning. It would appear that this is an area which many interest-only mortgage holders have failed to address.

“The advantage of such long-term interest-only mortgages is that it allows control – the homeowner is responsible for saving towards the final mortgage repayment, and they can choose to pay more or less each month if necessary. But this is something which requires great discipline, and it also relies on the homeowner’s finances staying relatively consistent for the duration of the mortgage.

“The safest way to run an interest-only mortgage is to agree a capital repayment plan alongside the mortgage – or, at the very least, make frequent, substantial deposits into a savings account. Relying on increased equity or other investments are potentially risky, and could result in the mortgage holder losing their home at the end of the interest-only period.”

The Think Money spokesperson also emphasised the importance of professional mortgage advice before making any decisions about mortgages.

“Speaking to a mortgage adviser who knows the market can ensure that the homebuyer is well prepared and fully understands what is involved. That’s especially important with interest-only mortgages, as it’s a matter of the homeowner’s future financial security.”

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Debt management company Gregory Pennington welcomes the recent fall in inflation – in particular, the indication that some of the financial pressures on struggling borrowers are starting

Welcoming the recent fall in inflation, debt management company Gregory Pennington highlighted the significance of this drop to people struggling to manage their debts.

In October, the CPI (Consumer Price Index) measure fell from 5.2% to 4.5% – the largest month-on-month fall in 16 years. Having said that, the reading of 5.2% was the highest reading in 16 years, so even a reduction of 0.7% falls far short of returning inflation to a ‘normal’ level.

“Remember the Bank of England’s target for CPI inflation is just 2%,” said a spokesperson for the debt management company. “At 4.5%, today’s rate of inflation still means prices are rising more than twice as fast as the Bank would like – this reduction simply means that the speed with which things are getting more expensive is slowing.

“More to the point, CPI has been over the Bank of England’s 2% target ever since October 2007, so today’s consumers are still dealing with the cumulative impact of a full year of high inflation. And the timing makes that elevated cost of living particularly dangerous: today’s consumers are also dealing with record levels of personal debt, as well as rising unemployment.”

As a result, there are many people finding it hard to manage their debts: trying to stretch a shrinking budget further each month. “For anyone in that position, any decrease in inflation can’t come fast enough. They’ll be relieved to see some expenses – such as petrol – coming down, but many other things are still far higher than they were a year ago. A recent article in The Guardian, for example, reported that a basket of 24 staple items in the UK’s biggest three supermarkets now costs 17.8% more than it did last November.”

Looking forward to next year, it seems the Bank of England is expecting inflation to eventually drop below its 2% target, and perhaps as low as 1%. “This is good news for two reasons,” said the spokesperson for the debt management company. “Not just because it’ll mean prices are (relatively) coming down, but also because it could allow the Bank to cut the base rate even further.

“Clearly, a lower base rate could help many people currently struggling with their finances. People on tracker mortgages will see the most immediate benefit – many of them have already seen their mortgage payments drop by hundreds of pounds compared with July, when the base rate stood at 5.75%.”

Nonetheless, too little inflation can be as dangerous as too much – and we’re now facing the possibility of deflation in 2009. While economists agree that a short stint of deflation would not be a problem, any sustained period of shrinking prices could seriously damage the economy.

Deflation means a decrease in the price of property, shares and goods of all kinds. People therefore wait to buy expensive items, as it only makes sense to wait until the price comes down. Falling demand means companies sell less and are forced to reduce their workforce.

“It’s clear the Bank of England has a delicate balancing act ahead of it: when it comes to normal people managing their debts, deflation could be as big a danger as high inflation.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Announced The Launch Of Their New Online Service Which Provides Individuals With Fast, Free Insurance Quotes From Their Local Insurance Representatives recently announced the launch of their new online service which provides individuals with fast, free insurance quotes from their local insurance representatives. Unlike other websites that use nationwide services to fill customer insurance requests, aims to provide its users with results from insurance companies that the individual can meet with face-to-face.

The website covers most insurance types with auto insurance, life insurance, health insurance, and home insurance being at the forefront of their services. Users simply enter their zip code and fill in a short survey based on the type of insurance they are interested in purchasing.

Auto insurance quotes are available on any vehicle type and rate comparisons are provided to make sure customers receive the best rates locally. In addition, all insurance types (auto, home, life and health) provide discounts that have been established through exclusive partnership programs between and local representatives. aims to add a personal approach to the online insurance market,” founder Alex T. stated. “Unlike other services that provide a 1-800 phone number and a website for customers to contact, we provide a local address, a local phone number and even driving directions if they are needed.”

It is this personal approach that both propels and separates from its much larger and less intimate competition. The company’s goal in creating the website was to provide the possible customer-centered experiences in ways that matter to is user base.

“We realized early on that it’s difficult to compete with monster-sized insurance company finders that aim to provide traffic to equally monster-sized insurance companies. So, we decided that we would work for the local insurance companies, the ones whose core values remained unchanged and whose customer service and personal approaches have kept them in business for decades,” Alex T. added.

In the end, it is the customer who wins, both by receiving excellent rates on insurance and by being able to invest their resources locally with insurance companies that share the common goals of success with the customer.

About Insure4USA
Insure4USA has been offering free auto, health, home and life insurance quotes online since 2008. For more information, visit (

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LV= Strengthens Its Enhanced Annuity Offering Meaning People With Minor Medical Conditions Could Be Entitled To Higher Levels Of Income

Flexible retirement solutions provider LV= has improved its enhanced annuity product by increasing the number of medical conditions accepted for enhanced terms under its conventional and with-profits annuities.

In addition to the medical conditions already accepted, customers who have a combination of milder conditions, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and disclose them at application, may now be eligible for an enhanced annuity rate and an increased income in retirement.

Customers suffering from two or more mild medical or lifestyle conditions may now be able to qualify for enhanced annuity rates offering up to 7.5% more income than a standard annuity from the market leading provider. The new qualifying conditions include high blood pressure, being overweight, high cholesterol, smoking cigars, and smoking less than 10 cigarettes each day.

Matt Trott, Head of Annuities at LV= commented: “We hope the improvements to our enhanced annuity will encourage more people to apply and potentially receive a higher income in retirement. Many conditions that people may think are trivial and won’t enable them to qualify for an improved annuity, such as high blood pressure, may in fact open the door to enhanced annuity terms.

“It is therefore even more important that customers are open and honest about their health and medical conditions with their financial adviser. Even relatively minor conditions could increase the income they receive in retirement for the rest of their life.”

Examples of potential income increases, with the improved LV= product, compared with a standard annuity from the market leading provider:

– A 65-year-old male smoker could receive an extra £147 in income each year, equivalent to an increase of 3.2%, having disclosed he is receiving treatment for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as being obese.

– A 65-year-old male smoker who is overweight who purchases a joint life annuity that will provide a 50% dependant benefit to his 62-year-old wife, will receive an extra £167 in income each year, equivalent to an increase of 4.8%, having disclosed he is receiving treatment for both high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

About LV
LV= is a registered trade mark of Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited (LVFS) and a trading style of the Liverpool Victoria group of companies. The new LV= brand identity was launched in March 2007.

LV= employs over 3,500 people, serves more than 2.5 million customers and members, and manages around £8 billion on their behalf. We are also the UK’s largest friendly society (Association of Friendly Societies Key Statistics 2008. Total net assets) and a leading mutual financial services provider.

LVFS is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority register number 110035. LVFS is a member of the ABI, AMI, AFS and ILAG. Registered address: County Gates, Bournemouth BH1 2NF.

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Insolvency Practitioners Freeman Jones Have Commented That Ivas Remain A Very Useful Alternative That Can Avoid Many Of The Negative Consequences Associated With Bankruptcy

Responding to new statistics showing a rise in the number of people in debt applying for bankruptcy, Insolvency Practitioners Freeman Jones have highlighted the importance of addressing debt problems early, especially with a recession looming, and have pointed to the IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) as a useful alternative to bankruptcy that could lessen the blow of insolvency.

The statistics, compiled by the Ministry of Justice, showed a total of 13,653 petitions for bankruptcy in the three months between July and September – 7% more compared with the same time last year, and a 1% increase on the previous quarter.

In the same time, creditors themselves filed 5,499 bankruptcy petitions against borrowers – 2% less than the previous quarter, but 10% more than July-September 2007.

In an earlier report, the Insolvency Service reported a 3.3% rise in individuals taking up IVAs in the third quarter of 2008, although the number had actually fallen by 3.1% compared with the same period last year.

A spokesperson for Freeman Jones commented: “Bankruptcy can be the best way out of debt for some people, but in many cases an IVA is a preferable alternative, as it can avoid a lot of the negative consequences associated with bankruptcy.

“Unlike bankruptcy, an IVA almost always allows borrowers to keep hold of their home – although they will be expected to release some of the equity in their home in the fourth year – and it does not carry the publicity or social stigma that bankruptcy does. It also does not prevent people from running a business or taking other positions, like bankruptcy does.

“There are some people who feel that bankruptcy is a more appropriate way out of insolvency than an IVA,” continued the spokesperson. “That’s mainly because bankruptcy is over more quickly – normally after a year – and it typically results in less of the overall debt being paid off by the borrower.

“However the restrictions placed upon borrowers by bankruptcy can sometimes outweigh the benefits, and although an IVA lasts for longer, it will do less damage to the borrower’s future prospects in the long run.

But the Freeman Jones spokesperson was quick to acknowledge that bankruptcy can sometimes be the better option. “Since an IVA requires regular monthly payments for a number of years, people with a low or unpredictable income may find that bankruptcy better suits their needs,” she said.

“Likewise, if the borrower does not have much in the way of assets, and their circumstances are unlikely to improve, then bankruptcy may be their best choice.

“It can often be difficult for people in debt to decide whether bankruptcy or an IVA is the best option – and as always, we advise anyone facing debt problems to seek expert debt advice.”

Via EPR Network
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US Mortgage, a diversified mortgage products and services provider that offers net branch affiliate programs, commented today about how mortgage rates held even despite last week’s historic changes, which has resulted in a time for consumers to take advantage of historically low interest rates

In a time of historic changes last week in the US financial markets, mortgage interest rates held pretty much even across the board. With the market making the largest one-day drop in decades and also one of the largest one day gains in a long time to mention nothing of the historic $700 billion bailout package, the country would have expected something to happen with mortgage rates. Instead, the country experienced the smallest changes in mortgage rates it’s seen all year.

US MortgageMany experts think the markets reacted somewhat positively to the bailout but at the same time the economic outlook has soured. Additionally, the initial positive reaction to the bailout has softened as some have started to question whether the bailout will actually work. Subsequently, in a week of unprecedented changes in the mortgage industry, mortgage rates didn’t move an inch.

“Despite all the historic moves economic moves as of late,” added Frank Kuri, Vice President of Net Branch Development at US Mortgage Corp.,“there has never been a better time to take advantage of historically low interest rates. Our net branch affiliates are ready to help our customers leverage these opportune times.”

About US Mortgage
Headquartered in Pine Brook, NJ, US Mortgage is a licensed mortgage banker founded in 1996. US Mortgage’s owners and principals founded West Jersey Community Bank, a de novo corporation, prior to the incorporation of US Mortgage. Sharing the vision of a national, multi-platform, mortgage banking organization, the company subsequently broadened the business with the formation of CU National Mortgage, a national provider of transparent mortgage services for credit unions; US Capital Markets, a secondary market resource to investors and sellers; Icon Residential Capital, a national wholesale lender and BranchLink, the branch affiliate program that is bringing US Mortgage to locations throughout the United States.

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Individuals Who Are Investing Their 401k & IRA Money In Ventures Outside The Stock Market Can Have A Brighter Retirement And Growing Wealth

The stock market implosion of 2008 has millions of Americans feeling financially helpless. Yet individuals who are investing their 401k & IRA money in ventures outside the stock market are singing a different tune.

One such cheerful investor is Janice Stoddard, who along with her husband, Jack, owns a real estate business in Arkansas. In 2004, Janice learned about “self-directed investing” from a seminar that taught how to invest IRA money into real estate. She returned home excited about the prospect of setting up her own self directed IRA.

The Stoddards established two IRAs, rolling over investments from their traditional IRAs to fund them. They used the IRAs to make small real estate transactions, purchasing and reselling property at a profit with all proceeds staying in the IRA.

In 2006, an opportunity to buy and then immediately re-sell 60 acres of undeveloped land at a profit came up. Concerns over structuring the deal and keeping everything above board led her and her husband to consult with Jeff Nabers, well known as one of the nation’s top experts on self directed investing.

“Jeff helped us establish a Solo 401k that could be used to handle the 60 acre transaction. The Solo 401k was a key component to our funding because we were able to contribute 10 times more to it than we could to an IRA. Meanwhile, our son, who works in oil and gas, alerted us to keeping our eyes open for property with mineral rights for future transactions,” Janice says.

With the proceeds from the 60 acre sale, the Stoddards began looking for their next investment. They found a 57 acre property with 54 acres of undeveloped land and a house that was sitting on three acres. The property, valued at $435,000, was more than the couple had in cash in their Solo 401k, so they began looking at options.

They contacted friends in Dallas and asked if they’d be interested in joining them in the investment. Their goal was to buy it and sub-divide it for resale in five and ten acre parcels. Their friends, both physicians, agreed.

Nabers Group helped the couples form a Limited Liability Company for purposes of purchasing the land. The LLC is owned jointly by the Stoddard’s Solo 401k and their friend’s IRA.

The owner had originally listed the property for $5,250 an acre with only 50% of the mineral rights. At the time no drilling was taking place on the property and no natural gas had been pulled from the ground. The Stoddards negotiated for full mineral rights and bought them with the property for $5,875 per acre.

Over the next few months, natural gas producer Chesapeake Energy put a well on the property, and soon the LLC was receiving large monthly royalty checks for the natural gas on the property. Over 18 months, those checks totaled more than $100,000. When the Stoddards were approached by a buyer who wanted to purchase the mineral rights and not the land for $8700 an acre, they sold the rights, netting another $465,000 while retaining the land, now valued at an estimated $435,000.

“Janice knows real estate and knew how to identify an under-valued property that was a good investment. With her son’s knowledge of oil and gas, her strategy became as much about the mineral rights as the real estate. Mineral rights prices had been skyrocketing and lease values had been increasing in her area, and Janice knew she could resell the land and improvements alone and at least break even while keeping what she was really after – the mineral rights,” Nabers said.

Within six real estate transactions, the LLC’s asset value had gone from $350,000 to more than $950,000 in under two years. The Stoddards have more than quadrupled their initial investment, and they aren’t stopping there. Other property and mineral rights deals are already on the table for purchase with their Solo 401k funds.

Nabers, whose firm regularly structures self directed IRA & Solo 401k investment plans, says the growth in the Stoddards’ investments is exceptional, but not unique for someone who is as diligent in their investing as they are.

“I will admit to being a researcher,” Janice Stoddard says. “When I found out that as a self-employed individual I could set up a retirement plan that would allow me to invest in real estate, which is something I know very well, I was excited about that. The hard part was finding a financial expert who would embrace the concept of self directed investing. Everyone I talked to told me I should buy stocks instead. The Nabers Group has a wealth of experience in this area and Jeff has been very instrumental in giving us a thorough understanding of our options and the opportunities,” she says.

Today Stoddard advises other real estate professionals to do the same thing, and she’s joined the IRA Association of America to ensure that she is aware of regulations and new opportunities available to individual investors.

“I talk to my friends, and they are absolutely despondent over what is happening to money they thought they had for retirement or college. A lot of people have lost a lot of money in recent months. When I tell them I didn’t lose a dime and that I’ve quadrupled the value of my Solo 401k over the last eighteen months, they want to know how,” Stoddard says.

According to Nabers, “My business is growing because there are plenty of people who are not willing to ‘wait and see what happens’ with the stock market. They want control over their finances, and they want to replace their restrictive IRA or 401k with one that offers unlimited possibilities.”

Stoddard says she never hesitates to tell people to take charge of their own retirement money.

“If we had not established our self directed investment accounts we would not have the cash available for investing that we now have. That’s what allows us the ability to act fast with real estate and mineral rights opportunities. It’s a lot different than helplessly watching the market, and it has absolutely changed our future,” she says.

For more information on self-directed investing, visit the IRA Association of America or Jeff Nabers’ blog.

About The Company:
Jeff Nabers is an expert on self directed investing, Solo 401ks, the future of social security, alternative IRA investment options, and other topics that are of interest to individuals at all income levels. His firm, Nabers Group, is located in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Nabers can be reached at 866-253-7746. You may also contact his publicist, Connie Holubar, at 903 880 8217 to arrange for an interview or to request photos or other background materials.

Via EPR Network
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The latest report from the Insolvency Service shows a rapid rise in the numbers of people being declared insolvent

Commenting on statistics from the Insolvency Service showing a sharp rise in insolvencies, both over the last quarter and over the past year, Debt Advisers Direct have said that it is now more important than ever for people to get their finances in order and tackle any debt problems as soon as possible.

Commenting on new statistics showing an increase in the number of personal insolvencies in the third quarter of 2008, Debt Advisers Direct ( have said that this is further confirmation of the difficulties faced by many British households due to rising inflation and worsening economic conditions, and have emphasised the importance of good debt advice as the economy faces a recession.

The latest report from the Insolvency Service shows a rapid rise in the numbers of people being declared insolvent. Between July and September there were 27,087 personal insolvencies, an 8.8% increase on the previous quarter. It was also 4.6% higher than the number of insolvencies reported a year earlier.

Despite falling in the second quarter of the year, bankruptcies were up 12.1% over the quarter. IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements), meanwhile, were up 3.3% over the quarter.

A spokesperson for Debt Advisers Direct said: “Higher costs of living and the credit crunch have put a lot of pressure on British households’ finances this year, so we expected to see a rise in personal insolvencies over the course of this year.

“However, the extent of the rise in insolvencies shows the seriousness of the problems we are facing – and highlights the need to tackle debt problems early, before they become unmanageable..”

The Insolvency Service report also showed that despite the quarterly rise, IVAs were down by 3.1% compared with the same period last year – with The Telegraph concluding that it may be becoming more difficult to enter into an IVA.

“There are a few possible reasons why the number of IVAs may be lower than this time last year,” the spokesperson commented. “It may simply be that more people are taking the bankruptcy route, perhaps because they are unaware that an IVA can avoid many of the downsides of bankruptcy.

“IVAs are usually considered a preferable alternative to bankruptcy. People on IVAs do not lose control of their assets, unlike bankruptcy, and they typically carry fewer restrictions.

“The rise in IVAs over the quarter shows that lenders still consider it a valid means of reclaiming some of the money they are owed – and it remains that if you are in significant debt, an IVA can be a very useful way of getting debt-free.”

The Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson was keen to emphasise the importance of tackling debts before they grow unmanageable. “For anyone struggling with debt, there are a number of ways out. With a recession approaching, it’s important that people do not feel powerless, and that they tackle the issue head-on.

“There are a number of debt solutions, such as debt consolidation and debt management plans, that can help people to stop their debts growing before they become unmanageable. We advise anyone with debt problems to seek professional advice at the first sign of trouble.”

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Debt Advisers Direct have warned that the squeeze on incomes could become tighter in the coming months

Debt Advisers Direct have responded to findings that Britons’ disposable incomes have fallen by nearly 30% on average in the past two years, warning that the pressure on incomes could increase as the economic crisis progresses, and have advised consumers to take care of any debts as soon as possible.

Responding to research by Abbey Credit Cards claiming that British citizens have seen their disposable income fall by nearly 30% during the past two years,Debt Advisers Direct have warned that the squeeze on incomes could become tighter in the coming months, and have advised consumers to take care of any financial issues, especially outstanding debts, as soon as possible.

According to the research, the average household now has only 25% – around £382 – of their monthly income left after essential costs such as mortgage payments and energy bills have been paid.

That figure is down from £541 in disposable income available to British households just two years ago – a 29% fall.

The research also claims that one in ten spend 90% of their income on bills and other essential costs, leaving only 10% as disposable income.

On average, British households were spending 7.4% of their total income on repaying debts, not including mortgages, the research claimed.

Meanwhile, an average 24% went towards mortgage or rent payments, 17% on household bills, 16% on food, and 8% on transport costs.

British incomes have been put under pressure on two fronts throughout the economic crisis, with costs of living such as energy bills and food prices rising rapidly, and the credit crunch limiting access to additional funds in the form of loans and mortgages.

The effects have been tangible, with overall retail sales gradually declining over the year, and profits for ‘budget stores’ increasing – a sign that consumers’ perceived priorities are shifting as their disposable incomes shrink.

An expert from Debt Advisers Direct said: “Many people consider disposable income a luxury that can be spent on ‘unnecessary’ items, but it’s important to remember that disposable income is also a very important buffer against unexpected rises in outgoings.

“For example, if someone depends on their car to get to work, and they have to pay for a £500 repair with only £200 disposable income, that person could be forced into debt in order to make ends meet. That’s why it’s important for people to minimise their outgoings, and make savings where possible.

“The overall situation has become worse over the past year because costs of living, especially energy prices have risen so quickly. Food and other retail products are now falling in price, but energy prices have shown no sign of doing the same – and this continues to push more people towards debt.”

The Debt Advisers Direct spokesperson added that there are a number of debt solutions that can help to minimise outgoings when finances are limited.

“For people with multiple debts, a debt consolidation loan can be spread out across a longer period of time than the original debts, meaning monthly payments are lower,” she said. “Interest rates can also be reduced, especially when consolidating high-APR debts such as credit cards. However if the debt is repaid over a longer period, the additional interest from this can counteract some of the savings made.

“For debts that are becoming unmanageable, a debt management can help. It involves arranging to repay creditors in smaller amounts, based on how much the person in debt can afford, over a longer period of time.

“As always, we advise anyone looking to tackle their debts to seek professional debt advice beforehand.”

Via EPR Network
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Following the first rise in consumer confidence since December 2007, debt management company Gregory Pennington have said that while this may bode well for the health of the economy in some respects, it is by no means a sure sign of economic recovery, and consumers should not be complacent about their finances in the coming months

Following the announcement from Nationwide Building Society that consumer confidence has improved for the first time since December 2007, debt management company Gregory Pennington commented that this is an encouraging sign that the Government’s recent actions aimed towards economic recovery may be working, but warned consumers that difficult times may still lie ahead – and those facing financial worries, particularly debt problems, should tackle those issues as soon as possible.

Nationwide’s overall Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) rose 8% in the month, bringing the index up from 51 in September to 55 in October. Most significantly, this is the first rise since December last year – a sign that some form of economic recovery could be on the horizon, possibly as a result of the recent Government bank bailout scheme.

The number of people who thought the economy would be performing better in six months time almost doubled from 14% in September to 27% in October.

However, Nationwide’s figures showed slightly less optimistic opinions amongst consumers regarding the current state of the economy: three quarters (75%) of those questioned believed the current economic situation is bad, compared with two thirds (66%) in September.

A spokesperson for debt management company Gregory Pennington said that increased consumer confidence for the future is encouraging, but added that consumer confidence should not be confused with expert’s predictions.

“The Consumer Confidence Index is to do with how people feel,” she said. “It’s likely that consumer confidence has improved on the back of the recent Government bank bailout scheme, as well as cuts in the base rate. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we are much more likely to avoid any of the issues highlighted by economists in recent months.

“On the one hand, consumer confidence is very important for the economy and could be pivotal in terms of how soon and how quickly the economy recovers. When consumer confidence is high, people are more willing to spend their money and less inclined to save, therefore pumping more cash into the economy and maintaining a healthy cycle. Conversely, when consumer confidence is low, less money flows through the economy – and that puts the economy at risk of recession.

“The Consumer Confidence Index is a reasonable indicator of how the economy could fare in the coming months, as long as attitudes remain the same. But it doesn’t tackle the underlying issues that continue to threaten the economy – issues which could cause consumer confidence to fall back down.”

The spokesperson added that even though consumer confidence on the whole is recovering, there are many people facing financial hardship due to fast-rising inflation over the past year, many of whom find themselves struggling with debt.

“We have been through an unusual situation for the economy over the past year, in which affordable living costs suddenly became unaffordable for many households,” she said. “The sharp rises in food, energy and petrol prices have prompted many people to cut back, but many people who were already stretched financially may have been forced into debt in order to make ends meet.

“We advise anyone who finds themselves struggling with debt to seek professional debt advice. The right form of debt management could help to bring down monthly outgoings and really relieve the pressure on those hardest-pressed by the financial crisis.”

Via EPR Network
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Pre-paid cards are set to take a major slice of holidaymakers annual spending on plastic this year as tourists bid to keep summer spending under control, Virgin Money believes

Over £20 billion* spent on plastic overseas by UK travellers each year, Virgin Money says. Worries about the soaring cost of living and rising debts will boost the popularity of the cards, which enable customers to spend overseas and withdraw money but not to run up debts, Virgin Money says.

Currently up to 40 pre-pay cards are available on the market with more providers expected to launch over the coming months.

Virgin Money analysis** shows average one-off application fees for the cards are £7.08 with some firms charging as much as £19.95. However customers also need to be aware of monthly fees.

Around 40% of providers charge a monthly fee to users ranging from £1 to £5.95 while customers also need to take into account fees on spending and overseas use when budgeting for holiday spending. Typically debit and credit cards charge handling and commission fees for overseas usage which can add up to as much as £5.95 for a £100 withdrawal.

Virgin, which was among the first to launch into the market with its Pre-Paid MasterCard in July last year, has already seen strong interest from customers and expects the market to continue to grow.

Virgin Money spokesman Grant Bather said: “Everyone needs to keep their spending under control as the credit crunch and soaring inflation take a big bite out of household budgets.

“Pre-paid cards remove the temptation to run up debt while you’re on holiday as you can only spend the amount that is loaded on your card. They’re a good discipline to get into to avoid the risk of the sun going to your head and burning up your bank balance on holiday.

“And they can be more secure to carry than cash as if you lose the card you can get a replacement sent out. Plus if you really do lose control of your finances relatives or friends can load the card up with emergency cash.”

The Virgin Prepaid MasterCard charges a £9.95 application fee but unlike other cards does not charge a monthly fee. Customers can load it up for free by debit card, at Post Offices or through a bank transfer. There’s a 2.95% charge each time you use it in the UK rising to 3.5% when you use it overseas for transactions or to withdraw cash.

Customers also qualify for a range of discounts including 10% off at zavvi, first month free with Virgin Media, 10% off Virgin Wines (for over 18s), a free month’s membership at Virgin Active gyms, 20% off at Virgin Experiences and 10% off Virgin Car, Home, Pet and Annual Travel Insurance.

To apply online go to

**Virgin Money research

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Don’t Let The Banks Threaten You With Foreclosure

Are you behind in your mortgage payments; by how many months? One, three, six or more? Have you been presented with a Forbearance Agreement that just doesn’t feel right? Or is your bank threatening foreclosure? There is help.

Foreclosure may not be the answer. You shouldn’t have to just give up the fight for your home that you worked so hard to purchase and hold on to. There is another option that your bank may not be forthcoming in talking to you about. It’s called Loss Mitigation. The Housing Rescue Plan, LLC specializes in loss mitigation services.

Housing Rescue Plan, LLC offers several loss mitigation options for homeowners facing financial hardships such as unemployment, separation or divorce, medical bills, reduced income, job relocation or others. The loss mitigation options H.R.P., LLC will discuss with you include: loan modifications; VA loan modifications; short payoff (short sale); deed in lieu of foreclosure, repayment plans, partial claims for FHA mortgages and special forbearance agreements. The H.R.P., LLC team will work in conjunction with you and your lender to come up with a plan of action that works for both sides. The best part is you may be able to work out an agreement with your lender that will allow you and your family to stay in your home. The H.R.P., LLC office is operated by Dr. Michael W. Cantrell, Sr. creator of the Federal Housing Recovery Plan and president of H.R.P., LLC. Dr. Cantrell has a 95% success rate negotiating with lenders.

Dr. Cantrell has over 19 years of mortgage experience in various roles. He, together with his team of trained counselors are available now to talk to you about your current housing situation. Your initial consultation is free. Visit for more information and an online application to get started today. Housing Rescue Plan, LLC is working with homeowners, keeping the American dream alive.

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Gregory Pennington reminded Consumers That Tackling Their Debt Problems Is More Important Than Ever In An Economic Downturn

Responding to recent debt-related comments from Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, debt management company Gregory Pennington reminded consumers that tackling their debt problems is more important than ever in an economic downturn.

New analysis, states the Liberal Democrats’ website, reveals that personal debt has risen by a total of one trillion pounds in the past eleven years – a startling ten million pounds for every hour the Labour government has been in power. Repayments to that collective personal debt stand at almost £95 billion per year, or £3,000 per second.

“Much of that debt, of course, is in the form of mortgage debt,” said a spokesperson for the debt management company. “According to the latest figures from the Bank of England (Lending to individuals: September 2008), individuals now owe a total of around £1,460 billion – and a full £1,220 billion of that total is secured against dwellings.”

“Mortgage debt is still a serious issue, with many homeowners having over-extended themselves in order to get a foot on the housing ladder. Even so, taking on a debt to acquire an asset is fundamentally different from borrowing in order to finance a lifestyle, or to pay for food, gas or petrol, as many people have grown used to doing in recent years.

“After all, the vast majority of non-homeowners still need to make monthly payments, in the form of rent. In other words, a mortgage debt needn’t actually add to an individual’s monthly financial burden – in fact, their monthly mortgage payments may well cost less than the rent payments they would need to make to live in a comparable property.

“Even so, Mr Clegg raises some valid points. Britain’s level of personal debt is, as he puts it, ‘unrivalled anywhere in the world outside of the US’, and this can be particularly dangerous in the context of a global economic downturn. Clearly, people with higher levels of personal debt are more at risk of running into severe financial problems more or less as soon as their income drops. People with little or no debt are, in general, much better placed to cope with any financial problems they may encounter as a result of the global downturn.

“As a debt management company, we specialise in debt management plans that help people bring their unsecured debts under control. But debt management is by no means the only way of coping with (and reducing) high levels of unsecured debt. People with debt problems may find they have a range of debt solutions to choose from, and should talk to a professional adviser as soon as possible – the sooner they do this, the more likely they are to get through any financial problems that may lie ahead.

“In the longer term,” the spokesperson for the debt management company concluded, “we wholeheartedly support Mr Clegg’s call for financial literacy to play a much bigger part in education. As he says, ‘maths for life is more important than trigonometry for most people’ – financial education is clearly a key part of helping future generations avoid the kind of debt problems that so many of today’s adults are facing.”

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The alliance offers visitors to the Tiscali website a respected online comparison service for those seeking motor, home, travel, life, pet and many other types of insurance as well as advice on how to navigate the crowded insurance market and decipher the small print.

This agreement with Tiscali is the most recent in a series of significant partnerships for the newly relaunched and further consolidates the site’s position as the leading provider of an impartial, consumer-facing insurance service.

A spokesperson for Tiscali says: “Insurancewide provides a real plus to visitors of our Money Channel and increases the probability of finding the most relevant insurer for their needs, which is the first crucial step to finding the best price.”‘s cutting edge search technology enables the service to interpret each customer’s unique, keyed-in requirements quickly and accurately, and to provide an instantly accessible list of relevant, best-value insurers.

Insurancewide supplies this online comparison technology to more than 50 websites across the UK. Many are of these are white label agreements, reflecting the credibility of for finance portals as a respected, integral part of their core service.

James Harrison, chief executive of, says: “This partnership gives us another opportunity in our rapidly growing network of partners to offer genuine choice to people who want to compare relevant insurers; we don’t just identify the cheapest prices at any cost.”

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Barclays release new video highlighting the risks of online fraud that their customers may face when using the internet

Barclays new video, which is presented by television reporter Spencer Kelly, outlines the key risks such as phishing and malicious software and provides advice on what can be done to avoid these threats as well as the things Barclays does to protect customers.

Barclays is a leader in online banking security initiatives having launched PINsentry in 2007. PINsentry uses a handheld card reader and chip and PIN technology to verify customers’ identities for online banking. Without the need for passwords or memorable words, PINsentry has introduced a new layer of security to online banking, with users being issued with a unique eight digit code, helping to fight fraudsters who hack into people’s computers or utilise “phishing” emails to steal login details. Over 1.5 million customers are now using PINsentry and it was recently named the Best Security Initiative at the Nominet Best Practice Challenge 2008 awards.

In June 2008 Barclays became the only bank to offer all of its customers a full freeonline security software package. The package, from award winning internet security provider Kaspersky, includes anti-virus software as well as a spam filter, parental controls, spyware, adware and firewalls and is available to all customers who are registered with Barclays online banking. As a result of these initiatives and continuing work behind the scenes, Barclays has seen a dramatic 91 per cent drop in the money lost to fraudsters from 2006 to 2007 and is the only UK bank to have seen a reduction in the number of phishing attacks.

Barclays fight against online fraud continues with a new ‘vidcast’ advising people on the best methods of internet security. The five minute video is available to watch at where viewers are also invited to post their comments including suggestions for subjects of future videos.

For more details on PINsentry, free Kaspersky internet security software and other online security information please go to

About Barclays

Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail and commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services, with an extensive international presence in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia.

With over 300 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 50 countries and employs 143,000 people. Barclays moves, lends, invests and protects money for over 38 million customers and clients worldwide.

For further information about Barclays, please visit our website

Video on

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M&S Money reports sales of Dubai currency hit record levels as the QE22 prepares to leave the UK for the final time

As the QE2 leaves the UK for the final time before becoming a floating hotel in Dubai, figures from foreign currency expert M&S Money suggest that the region continues to be a popular winter destination for Brits.

Last month saw the highest ever amount of sales of foreign currency for Dubai, with more than

£1million worth of UAE Dirham (AED) being sold through the network of M&S bureaux de change, as well as on the phone and internet.

October’s record figure has contributed to a 15% year-on-year increase in sales of the UAE Dirham – the currency used in the seven states which form the United Arab Emirates.

Dubai and the other UAE states have grown in popularity as a destination for Brits in recent years, whether on holiday, for business or visiting friends and family.

Hotels in Dubai have reported growing visitor numbers this year. According to the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing there was a 22 per cent growth in hotel revenues during the first three months of 2008, compared to the corresponding quarter last year.

The Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) cruise liner is the longest-serving ship in the 168-year history of the Cunard line and is currently owned by Carnival, the world’s largest cruise operator.

Having now left Southampton for the last time she will arrive in Dubai later this month, where she will undergo extensive refurbishment to become a floating hotel.

Fraser Millar, M&S Money Head of Travel Services, said: “Our travel money sales figures show that the UAE Dirham is one of the most popular currencies outside the Euro and US Dollar.

“October and November are usually the peak months for sales of the Dirham as people prepare to head-off for some winter sun. The high sales figures of last month may indicate that those who are travelling to the region are taking more cash as a result of the increased cost of living in Dubai. Travellers should bear this in mind when deciding how much currency to purchase before travelling.”

According to, visitors can expect to pay around:

  • Hotel room (per night): £50
  • Small car rental (per day): £17
  • Petrol (per gallon): £1.05
  • Beer (pint): £5
  • House wine: £30
  • Bottle of water (1.5 litre): 40p
  • Burger: £2.40
  • Foreign newspaper: £3

Brits spend on average £821 per visit to the UAE, or £76 per day (Figures from the

Office for National Statistics Travel Trends 2006).


About M&S Money

M&S Money (originally called Marks & Spencer Financial Services) was founded in 1985 as the financial services division of Marks and Spencer Group plc. The company is now a top-ten credit card provider and the second-largest travel money retailer in the UK. M&S Money also offers travel insurance as well as providing insurance for homes, cars, travel, pets and weddings, along with loans, savings and investments.

In November 2004, Marks & Spencer sold M&S Money to HSBC, one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations with over 9,500 offices in 76 countries and territories. The business continues to operate under the M&S Money brand, with an executive committee comprising an equal number of representatives from HSBC and Marks & Spencer.

The company employs 1,200 staff at its headquarters in Chester, delivering personal financial services to its customers, reflecting the core values of Marks & Spencer — quality, value, service, innovation and trust.

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M&S Money urge pet owners to ensure household medication is securely stored following increase in reports of pet poisonings

M&S Money has urged pet owners to ensure medication is securely stored around the house following a large increase in reports of pet poisonings.

The potentially fatal mishap is a growing problem across the UK, with a 34% year-on-year increase in reported cases to Vetfone – a 24-hour advice line available to M&S Pet Insurance customers. Vetfone is manned by qualified veterinary nurses who can give concerned animal lovers immediate advice on a pet’s condition. Around 70% of calls to the service by M&S Money customers are made out of normal veterinary hours.

One of the major increases of poisonings seen involves nicotine-based products, including nicotine patches, chewing gum and inhalers.

The toxic dose of nicotine in dogs is five milligrams per pound pet bodyweight and a dose of 10mg/lb can be lethal. While a cigarette contains 15-25 milligrams of nicotine, nicotine patches can contain much more at between 8-114 milligrams of nicotine and even nicotine inhalers contain around 10 milligrams of nicotine. Signs of toxicity are dose-dependent and include tremors, weakness, depression and vomiting.

Vetfone Operations Manager & Senior Emergency Vet Nurse, Louise O’Dwyer, said:”It is very concerning that there has been such a large increase in reported pet poisonings.

“Nicotine poisoning can be particularly serious. Remember prevention is better than cure, so ensure products such as cigarettes, nicotine patches and gums and even ashtrays containing cigarette butts are kept away from your pets reach.”

M&S Money Insurance Manager, Judith Roberts, said: “Anyone who suspects that their pet has swallowed household medication should first try and identify what’s been eaten, by recovering packaging such as blister packs or boxes and then seek immediate veterinary advice.

“M&S Pet Insurance policyholders can rest assured that a qualified veterinary expert is available round the clock to provide advice and answer questions should a pet become unwell.”

About M&S Money

M&S Money (the trading name of Marks & Spencer Financial Services) was founded in 1985 as the financial services division of Marks and Spencer Group plc. The company is now a top ten credit card provider and the second largest travel money retailer in the UK. M&S Money also offers a range of insurance cover, including home insurance and car insurance, as well as loans, savings and investment products.

In November 2004, Marks & Spencer sold M&S Money to HSBC, one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations with over 9,500 offices in 85 countries and territories.

M&S Money has an executive committee comprising an equal number of representatives from HSBC and Marks & Spencer.

The company employs 1,200 staff at its headquarters in Chester, delivering personal financial services to its customers, reflecting the core values of Marks & Spencer – quality, value, service, innovation and trust.

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Think Money have welcomed the Bank of England’s shock base rate cut to 3%, commenting that the mortgage market could benefit as a result

Following the Bank of England’s shock base rate cut to 3%, financial solutions company Think Money have welcomed the news, commenting that firm action is more likely to encourage banks to consider cutting their interest rates accordingly. However, they added, there are still some factors that may prevent lenders from passing on the full 1.5% cut to their mortgages and loans.

The base rate cut, from 4.5% to 3%, is the biggest cut since the Bank of England lowered the rate by 2% in 1981. The base rate now stands at its lowest point since 1955.

Many economists had predicted an aggressive cut in base rates, but the extent of the cut was still unexpected. Most predictions in the run-up to the Bank of England’s announcement pointed towards a 0.75% or 1% base rate cut – and only a few days previously, 0.5% seemed a more realistic figure.

A spokesperson for financial solutions company Think Money said: “It would seem that the Bank of England are acting based on Mervyn King’s recent statements that the recession would be long and drawn-out, and rather than take the base rate down in small increments, they have ‘bitten the bullet’ and taken it down further than most people expected.

“Potentially, it’s very good news for people and businesses looking for loans, but not such good news for savers.”

However, the spokesperson stressed that as with previous base rate cuts, there is no guarantee that lenders will pass the full cut onto their mortgages and loans – although the extent of the cut could at least increase the impact on lenders’ behaviour.

“There will still be a lot of uncertainty with regards to what will happen in the economy in the future, as well as some apprehension amongst banks as to how much they might lose from things like defaults on mortgages as the recession takes hold,” she said.

“The base rate cut only affects how cheaply lenders can borrow funds from the Bank of England. It does not directly affect the LIBOR rate, which is the measure of how expensive inter-bank lending is. Since lenders rely heavily on borrowing from each other to fund their loans and mortgages, they may well be slow to bring their rates down.

“That said, the Bank of England will have no doubt had this in mind when deciding on their base rate cut – and it may well be that such a large cut is sufficient to encourage some lenders to bring their rates down to more competitive levels.”

However, a number of banks appeared to take defensive action even before the 3% base rate had been announced, with several lenders removing tracker mortgages from their product ranges on Wednesday and Thursday morning, while others upped their interest rate margins on tracker mortgages.

“This may just be a temporary measure by lenders in order to avoid any risks in the short term,” the Think Money spokesperson said. “A number lenders have said they will be taking some time to think about their next step, so it’s possible that we will still see some significant interest rate cuts in the next week or two.”

The spokesperson was also keen to emphasise the importance of good mortgage advice. “With so much uncertainty surrounding what will happen with mortgage rates in the next few months, it often pays to speak to a mortgage adviser who understands the market. They should be able to point you towards the best mortgage deals for your circumstances, which could save you a lot of money in the long run.”

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Integrity Financial AZ Launches A New Web Site That Reaches Out To Wall Street’s Weary Investors That Are Apprehensive About The Fate Of Their Investments

Integrity Financial AZ announces today the the launch of their new Web site,, that aims to convince clients about security they can earn by investing with the company.

In an environment where investors are feeling insecure and scared about Wall Street, the IFAZ LLC is boasting about retaining 99 percent of their clients. They claim that renewal of accounts by clients even after maturity is an indication of their trust on the company.

“Though investors are trying to avoid such dangers by liquidating their retirement funds with a fixed rate CD, the company believes the interest rate of 3-4 percent is unlikely to make up for the drastic losses they may have incurred. High levels of corruption and malpractices do not help the situation either,” says Stanley Paulic, CEO of IFAZ LLC. “Our clients consistently make 10 percent on their invested funds. Their returns are contractually guaranteed,” adds Paulic.

IFAZ is ensuring safety and consistency while honoring their contracts. Their investments are not open to all and they only take on 7-10 new clients monthly, encouraging private lending with guaranteed contractual returns.

Traditionally, people have considering retirement plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs as safety nets and not wealth builders. They know that enhanced interest rates may help multiply their income. A possibility in the investment paradigm shifting seems unlimited and the company is trying to cash in on it.

Investor confidence has steadily eroded since 2000 and the old financial planner adage that the stock market is going up forever is falling on deaf ears. A study of the market trends during the last few months is enough to offer real insight into the situation.

In their bid to retain old customers and attract new ones, the company denounces the system of financial agencies preventing customers from diversifying their investments in other profitable channels. Such a ploy only aims at more profit for the financier, irrespective of losses incurred by the investors. They state, “IFAZ has the clear intention of enabling you to have sufficient funds in your self-directed IRA and full control over your investment decisions with a minimum of two year’s commitment,” declares Paulic.

With separate and distinct accounts, investors may expect the 10 percent returns only a small number of investors are presently enjoying. “Clients should take control of their own financial affairs and choose such investment plans that remain unaffected by market fluctuations. This will satisfy their urge to break away from the ups and downs of the Wall Street,” states Steven Long, president of IFAZ LLC.

About Integrity Financial AZ
Integrity Financial AZ Company, a leading financial investment agency in the United States is located in Phoenix, AZ., and is now expanding its area of operations to Greenville, S.C. Founded by Steven R. Long, president, and Stanley M. Paulic, CEO, the company aims to provide clients with financial independence and assured returns as high as three times the normal bank CDs. If you have more questions about the company, please contact us at 888-432-8552 or log-on to our frequently asked questions section at

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Foreign Translations, Inc. Recently Completed A Financial Translation Services Contract With The FDIC

The FDIC Money Smart Program assists individuals with a minimal understanding of the banking structure to develop positive financial practices. The FDIC Money Smart Program has surpassed its goals in reaching over a million consumers and establishing over a thousand partnerships. The FDIC encourages the building of partnerships within communities to further the success rate of reaching more consumers. The FDIC believes that the more information people gather about banking and credit services, the more likely they are to purchase a home, save more money, and improve their overall financial well-being. According to the FDIC, training modules will be utilized throughout the United States, specifically in concentrated areas such as California and New York. The project will launch at the start of the New Year 2009.

Foreign Translations, Inc., worked diligently to ensure that the training modules were translated accurately, understanding that it is of great importance that those participating in the courses fully comprehend the mission of the Money Smart Program. The FDIC stated that Foreign Translations, Inc., assisted in providing a smooth process in translating the large volume and returning the content in a timely manner. To provide this accurate translation, Foreign Translations, Inc. ensured that Hmong was the native language of the translators assigned to the project, and that their area of expertise is in financial translations. Utilizing a financial translator native to the target language and knowledgeable in the financial services industry is the only way to ensure the effectiveness and accuracy of the FDIC documents. The project lasted three months with close and frequent communication between the FDIC and Foreign Translations’ Hmong translators. Foreign Translations, Inc. felt privileged to take part in this constructive governmental financial process to provide assistance to the public.

About Foreign Translations, Inc.
Foreign Translations, Inc. ( is an 11- year old foreign language translation, interpreting and website localization firm headquartered in Greenville, SC. We offer translation services for a wide range of projects; from technical manuals, legal contracts and marketing collateral to financial statements, training manuals, e-learning courses, websites, medical journals, software, policy and procedure handbooks, newsletters and much more. With more than 1,000 native translators located in over 30 countries, we frequently translate documents r from 1,000 words to over several million in all the major languages of the world. In
addition, we provide interpreters for depositions, trials, sales meetings and conferences in every major city in the United States as well as every major country in the world. We also offer a full range of Multilingual Desktop Publishing Services in any format and any size.

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