Insurancewide Urges People To Take A Fresh Look At Health Insurance

As health insurance reform dominates the headlines in America – and has news pundits writing about it here in the UK - Insurancewide urges consumers to take a fresh look at the benefits of health insurance, which doesn’t have to have a prohibitive cost attached.

Barack Obama is atttempting to bring in sweeping healthcare reforms, which will mean the millions of Americans without health insurance can have access to good quality medical treatment – it’s estimated that 46 millions US citizens live with the worry of financial ruin if they were to fall ill.

Health Insurance For Peace Of Mind

Of course, in the UK we have the NHS which has always been free at the point of service, yet we have our own healthcare worries – waiting list numbers never seem to come down and hospital-related infections are still not under control. There are many reasons people in the UK seek out health insurance, and Insurancewide, one of the UK’s leading insurance comparison sites, is urging those who may not have considered it, to take a fresh look.

Private health insurance can give you the valuable peace of mind of knowing if you were to fall ill, or need treatment following an accident, you wouldn’t have to suffer the added worry or stress of being put on an NHS waiting list. Instead, with health insurance, you would receive quick attention at a private hospital knowing it was all covered under your premium (depending on the kind of premium you had purchased).

Health insurance offers a wide range of coverage – broadly speaking, it will cover short-term illness, accidents (though not of the kind relating to dangerous sports), in-patient treatments and also alternative remedies in some cases – each individual policy must be checked and evaluated before purchase.

The best way to check health insurance policies and compare quotes, is to use an online insurance comparison site such as Insurancewide. Comparison websites are useful not only for those new to health insurance but those people who already have a health insurance policy in place – you could find a more competitive quote or a policy with more benefits tailored to your needs.

About Insurancewide

Insurancewide, also known as Services Limited, is an online insurance comparison website offering insurance comparison tools which allow users to search the market and procure the best insurance policies and quotes. Insurancewide was launched in August 1999 as the first insurance comparison website on the internet.

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NS&I Has Announced The Launch Of A New Issue Of Its Guaranteed Equity Bond That Is Linked To The FTSE 100 Index

National Savings and Investments (NS&I) has announced the launch of a new issue of its Guaranteed Equity Bond. This will offer a potential return that is linked to the FTSE 100 index – up to a maximum of 40% over the 5-year term – without any risk to investors’ capital.

For example, if the averaged index end level is 20% greater than the averaged index start level at the end of the 5-year term, £10,000 invested would earn a gross return of £2,000 at the end of the term. If the index end level was 45% greater than the index start level at the end of the term, £10,000 invested would earn a gross return of £4,000, because the maximum return is 40%. The returns are calculated by comparing the start level of the FTSE 100 index (averaged over the first five days of the investment term) to the end level (averaged over the final six months).

While the returns paid on NS&I Guaranteed Equity Bonds are linked to the FTSE 100 index, NS&I does not invest the money in equities, so investments in the Guaranteed Equity Bond will not be eligible for dividends. Therefore investors may not get as high a return as they might through investing directly in the stock market. However, unlike investments in the stock market, any money invested is guaranteed 100% secure, backed by HM Treasury. If the FTSE 100 index end level is the same as or lower than the start level, investors’ initial capital would be returned in full.

Issue 18 of the Guaranteed Equity Bond will be on sale until 11 August 2009 (although it may close earlier if fully subscribed). Investments will earn interest at 0.5% pa gross until the Bond’s investment term starts on 26 August 2009. This interest will be paid when the Bond matures. The minimum investment level for this Guaranteed Equity Bond remains at £1,000 and the maximum investment is £1 million per person or £2 million for a joint investment.

This latest Guaranteed Equity Bond launch roughly coincides with the maturity of Issue 8 of NS&I’s 5-year Guaranteed Equity Bond on 28 July 2009, which went on sale in June 2004. NS&I has written to investors to inform them that their Bond is about to mature.

NS&I’s previous Guaranteed Equity Bond issue closed two weeks early as a result of customer demand. NS&I Guaranteed Equity Bond key features and further details available from the NS&I website

About NS&I
NS&I is one of the UK’s largest financial providers with almost 27 million customers and over £94 billion invested. It is best known for Premium Bonds, but also offers Inflation-Beating Savings, Guaranteed Equity Bonds and Children’s Bonus Bonds in its range. All products offer 100% security, because NS&I is backed by HM Treasury.

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4 Tips to Better Homeowners Insurance Quotes Published

One of the first things you do when you buy a new home is you start shopping for homeowners insurance quotes. Finding the right policy goes well beyond the right price. It’s critical that you get the appropriate coverages to make sure you, your family, and your property are appropriately covered. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but this article is designed to serve as a quick guide to getting a new policy quickly and painlessly. Below are some helpful tips for choosing the right homeowners insurance policy.

Look Into the Companies You Are Getting Homeowners Insurance Quotes From

In order to insure that the company you are looking at is financial stable and has a good history of paying claims, check into their background. Use services like AM Best to find out what their credit rating is. Use search engines like Google to investigate for complaints, lawsuits, or current criminal investigations. It’s also a good idea to check with your state department of insurance to see if they recommend any particular companies as being safe before you start getting homeowners insurance quotes.

Understand Your Available Options

Two important things to keep in mind are your cause-of-loss options and additional coverages for personal belongings such as jewelry, antiques, electronics, collections, appliances, etc… The cause-of-loss option comes in three forms: basic, broad, and special. Basic and broad very general and limited coverages. Many claims will not be covered by a basic or broad cause-of-loss policy. Special on the other hand is general much more comprehensive and covers nearly any property loss/damage, for nearly any reason.

Second, consider your options for additional coverages for your personal belongings. Most homeowners insurance quotes will be for a basic rate without any additional coverages for jewelry, etc… Make sure to tell your agent if you have anything valuable you own that you would like covered and to make sure you new policy actually covers the damage of theft of those items.

Make Sure you are FULLY Covered

It’s all too common that the average homeowners insurance policy doesn’t include enough coverage for the property its insuring. Neatly 60% of the households in the US are underinsured. Its critical that when you are looking at a new policy that your homeowners insurance quote includes an accurate appraisal of your home and its contents. Double check the insurance agents calculations to make sure they are accurate otherwise you could end up severely under compensated when you go to file a claim. This is the perfect time to get a second opinion on the estimated replacement value of the home by comparing the homeowners insurance quote you get with another agent or another company.

Compare and Save Big

Using a site like you can compare multiple quotes from local agents in your area. When agents start competing for your business you will be amazed at how much lower of a rate you end up with in the end. This is the most convenient and fastest way to compare several different homeowners insurance quotes from different companies all from the convenience of your computer.

For more information, visit

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Health Insurance Is Cheaper Than You Might Think

In recent weeks it has been reported the National Health Service (NHS) will face a shortfall of funds as the previous big spending boom comes to an end in 2011. At the annual NHS confederation conference in Liverpool, the report ‘Dealing with the downturn: the NHS’s greatest ever leadership challenge’ stated if extra money wasn’t found for the NHS in 2011/2012, it was in danger of no longer being free at the point of service. This is the worst case scenario, but even if it doesn’t come to pass, Brits could face longer waiting lists and an overall poorer experience – alarming news for the many people who don’t have private health insurance.


There is the general view that private health insurance is an expensive and unneccessary cost to add to your monthly outgoings – however Insurancewide – a specialist UK insurance comparison website is urging people to take a fresh look, as it might not be as expensive as they think.

Cheap Health Insurance – Benefits and Comparisons

As with most types of insurance, health insurance can be as cheap as you like, or you could go for a more expensive option – when purchasing health insurance it’s definitely worth investing a little time and effort into making the right decision. There are usually three levels of cover on offer – budget, standard and comprehensive.

Budget health insurance covers treatment but usually sets the payouts at a certain level and limits the range of hospitals the patient is able to visit. Standard plans can cover some outpatient treatment and in some instances limited complementary therapies, and premium health insurance will cover elements such as home nursing, ambulance services, all complementary therapies and treatments with no limit on cost. If you fall ill, and you have even the most basic and cheap health insurance, you can rest-assured that you will be able to bypass NHS waiting lists, choose a private room for treatment and have most, if not all, your medical bills covered – depending on the length of your illness.

So, whilst you can buy expensive health insurance if you can afford it, basic plans can still give you the peace of mind of knowing you are covered should you fall ill and need treatment immediately – and with the latest doom and gloom predictions regarding the NHS such peace of mind is very valuable. Insurance comparison sites are a quick and effective way of comparing multiple health insurance quotes from various different providers, allowing you to make a decision based on your needs.

About Insurancewide

Insurancewide, also known as Services Limited, is an online insurance comparison website offering insurance comparison tools that allow users to search the market and procure the best insurance policies and quotes. Insurancewide was launched in August 1999 as the first insurance comparison website on the internet. The site also powered tools used on popular website

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Kublax – Free Online Money Management Service

A new online financial service has been launched in the UK, set to pioneer the way forward in personal finances by simplifying the way people manage their money. Called Kublax, the finance software works by aggregating all financial information in one place, such as bank, building society, and credit card accounts, and presents them in an easy to understand way.

Kublax aims to make money management an easier procedure, while helping users to save money and create better budgets in the process. The service offers a great alternative for anyone who finds budgeting and balancing their finances difficult, or those who are looking for a free online alternative to expensive desktop financial software.

In addition to pulling together all financial details to a central source, the new service features many useful interactive features, including alerts and budgets. Once a user has uploaded the details of their financial institution, the advanced software automatically categorises the users’ expenses in order to see exactly where money is spent each month.

By setting up a budget on the service, users can track their fixed budget against their actual spending. The handy alerts system also means users can be quickly notified of any usual account activity as well as always be reminded when bills are due to avoid paying late fees.

The new service also features a unique ‘compare me’ function. This tool allows users to anonymously compare their spending with others throughout the UK, and could help users identify clear budget categories they could cut down.

Displaying data visually in easy to read graphs and charts, the product aims to make budgeting a faster and easier process for the UK consumer.

Kublax’s initiative to help consumers have better control over their finances may also help them to save. Throughout the site, users will find suggestions on where they could save via switching account providers.

Users can also feel safe using the service, as it is completely secure. The site uses bank level security and is verified to be hacker proof by McAfee. The site has been qualified by the VeriSign security seal, while their privacy policy has been approved by TRUSTe. Because the site offers a read only service, no transactions can take place via the online software.

Although only launching the product a few short weeks ago, the original concept had already won the Seedcamp 2007 startup competition, and has been well received by the media.

The free financial management service should come as a relief to the millions of Brits who have found balancing their finances and building budgets to be a time consuming and difficult process. For more information or to use the product, visit

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Carefully Reviewing Your Current Homeowners Insurance Policy Can Expose Potentially Expensive Gaps In Your Coverage

Carefully reviewing your current policy can expose potentially expensive gaps in your coverage.


Making sure you are properly covered is the single most important aspect of an insurance policy, yet it’s one of the most common mistakes consumers make when seeking out homeowners insurance quotes.

If your residence is one of the most important assets you own, you should make sure it is properly covered by reviewing your policy with your local agent. recently published an article detailing the risks many homeowners fail to cover because of gaps in their homeowners insurance coverage.

According to the article, “many times these gaps aren’t realized until the homeowner tries to file a claim and realizes their policy doesn’t provide proper coverage …” It’s important that you review your policy to see if it covers antiques, jewelry, electronics, floods, personal liability, and many other critical coverages that most homeowners insurance companies offer.

The article goes onto explain that a personal injury coverage should be included in your policy. This additional coverage pays for things such as bodily harm, personal injury, libel/slander, or defamation of character to you, your family, or your guests while they are on the property. Typically this additional coverage is not expensive and can provide a significant amount of coverage for you.

You may want to consider other additional coverages like sewage backup coverage or flood insurance. The main point the article stresses is that there are a lot of available coverages available under your homeowners insurance policy that you should consider and it’s in your best interests to find out where the gaps are in your current or new policy.

It’s your responsibility to understand your rights and protect yourself and you don’t want to be left with potentially thousands of dollars in rejected claims because you lacked proper coverage. Check out for more helpful article like this one about how to use homeowners insurance to protect your home and other helpful tools to help you find a lower rate.

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Term Life Insurance Presents Options for Family, Individual

Today’s economy has many people wondering about the future of their loved ones. Rightfully so; if they were to pass, not only would their family members have to deal with the emotional turmoil of their deaths, but they would also have to contend to funeral costs, financial debts, mortgage payments, and their own financial priorities.

Now there is even more reason to worry about their families; the recession continues to churn, and no one really knows if the worst has past or just begun. Unemployment has risen beyond 8.5 percent with no signs of decreasing in the near future. Many households are finding their incomes dwindle amidst rising costs. Compared to past years, more people are struggling to make ends meet. If the prime income holder was to pass away suddenly, and he or she had no life insurance, their loved ones could be financially devastated in the aftermath. points out that now more than ever people should consider the benefits of life insurance. Term life insurance is a life insurance policy that insures almost anyone for a certain amount of time of your life. It is the less expensive option compared to other life insurance types, making it extremely easy to afford for anyone. There are some drawbacks to term life insurance, but its benefits at this time period outweigh the negatives. suggests that anyone looking for life insurance quotes should search online. The sooner they get the best coverage and rate, the better off their families will be financially.

For more information, visit

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LV= Reveals UK Adults Set To Spend £178 Million Less On Weddings This Year

Research by home and travel insurer LV= reveals that cash strapped wedding guests are planning to reduce their spending on weddings this year, adding up to a total of £178 million less than before the recession kicked in. On average, men plan to spend £62 on wedding gifts compared to women, who plan to spend £40.

LV= research reveals that 11.1 million (23%) UK adults will attend a wedding this year. However, the impact of the economic climate has resulted in 2.7 million (25%) of those attending saying they cannot afford to spend as much going to the wedding and buying gifts as they would have otherwise. A further 24% said the bride and groom are not expecting them to spend as much because of the recession, with the average reduction in spend per person being £37.

Of the Brits set to attend weddings this year, 61% said that the recession has affected their attitude towards going. Nearly a third (31%) said they would be less willing to attend a wedding abroad this year if asked while 19% would be less willing to travel long distances in the UK due to the cost implications. A further 19% said they would avoid attending a wedding unless they were close to the people involved.

The research also reveals that the trend for weddings abroad is becoming increasingly popular. 2.8 million adults have attended a wedding abroad over the last 18 months and 1.4 million plan to do so over the remainder of this year. One of the most common reasons cited for attending weddings abroad is that the bride and groom are trying to keep costs down in the current recession.

John O’Roarke, Managing Director of LV= home and travel insurance, commented: “Weddings are clearly an expensive affair, but not just for the bride and groom. Despite the recession this research shows that the average couple will spend over £300 per wedding they attend. People planning on attending or holding their own wedding, both in the UK or overseas, should have travel insurance in place so that if they do have to change their plans at the last minute they won’t be out of pocket.

“In addition, much of this spend will be on wedding gifts so anyone planning their own wedding should check their home insurance policy to ensure it includes an automatic increase in home contents insurance to cover wedding gifts. The LV= home contents insurance policy automatically increases the sum insured by 10%.

“Finally, gifts such as cash will not be covered on most home insurance policies, so the bride and groom should make arrangements for any large amount of cash to be deposited somewhere safe rather than left in the house whilst they are on honeymoon.”

  • Opinium Research carried out a survey of 2,141 people between 16 and 20 Jane 2009. All population figures based on ONS statistics: 48,315,000 UK adults.

About LV=
LV= offers home, car, pet, travel and home insurance direct to consumers online and from its offices in Bournemouth, Croydon and Bristol.

LV= employs more than 3,800 people, serves more than 3.5 million customers and members, and manages around £7bn on their behalf. We are also the UK’s largest friendly society (Association of Friendly Societies Yearbook 2006/2007, total net assets) and a leading mutual financial services provider.

LVFS is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and entered on the Financial Services Authority Register No. 110035. LVFS is a member of the ABI, AMI, AFS and ILAG. Registered address: County Gates, Bournemouth BH1 2NF.

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Styles Checks Released The New “Grease” Product Suite

With hundreds of assorted designs for every collector, Styles Checks continues to expand and incorporate more designs to appeal to the many tastes of its consumers. With the addition of the new “Grease” design, Styles Checks gets a sassy addition to its current collection of check designs.

In June, 2009, Styles Checks released the new “Grease” product suite through its website, The personal checks offer four rotating scenes that feature some of the Pink Ladies individually and then one of them as a group. Against backgrounds of pink and yellow, each rotation features a quote typical of the Pink Ladies. “Eat your heart out” appears with Rizzo, “Beauty school drop-out” is written below a pink-haired Frenchie, “Too pure to be pink” is portrayed with Sandy, and the group shot features the words, “Love us or hate us.” The personal contact cards also feature the group picture of the Pink Ladies while the self-adhesive address labels feature six rotating scenes of the above quotes plus the Pink Ladies and Grease logos. Finally, the checkbook cover is black with pink accents that include the Grease car logo.

The addition of the new “Grease” design allows Styles Checks to appeal to the preferences and collections of even more customers. Styles Checks offers designs for checks and banking accessories that speak to the interests of every collector, hobbyist, or enthusiast.

About Styles Checks:
Whatever interest, hobby, or collection you may have, Styles Checks is sure to have something for you. Including checks that feature our favorite personalities, colorful designs, and famous brands, Styles Checks is certain to have something you can fall in love with! Visit our site to make your daily banking routine a little more interesting!

TM & © 2009 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

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IVAs: Help Avoiding Repossession

Responding to the latest figures from the CML (Council of Mortgage Lenders), debt management company Gregory Pennington has stressed the role which debt solutions addressing unsecured debt can play in helping people avoid repossession.


Released on May 15th, the CML’s figures show that 12,800 repossessions were carried out by first-charge mortgage lenders in the first quarter of 2009. “Compared with many predictions, these figures are relatively low,” said a spokesperson for Gregory Pennington. “Indeed, the CML itself has used the word ‘pessimistic’ in reference to its own estimate of 75,000 repossessions throughout 2009, and has recently revised this figure downwards to 65,000.

“It’s good to see lenders and borrowers working together to keep the figure as low as possible, but it’s important not to become complacent. There were still around 23% more repossessions in Q1 2009 than in the previous quarter – and 50% more than we saw in Q1 last year.

“Looking ahead, the repossession figures for the rest of 2009 are by no means set in stone. They depend not just on the state of the economy and the forbearance shown by secured lenders, but on the attitude of borrowers and unsecured lenders alike.

“In this recession, many people are suffering multiple ‘shocks’ at the same time. With 2.2 million unemployed and many others dealing with reduced wages, homeowners are also facing the issue of falling equity. While there’s no direct link between low (or negative) equity and repossession, this is limiting many homeowners’ ability to access ways of dealing with their debt – from debt consolidation loans and remortgaging to downsizing to a smaller property.

“It all underlines the importance of finding a solution that addresses a borrower’s priority and non-priority commitments at the same time. A founder member of DEMSA (the Debt Managers Standards Association), Gregory Pennington has 15 years’ experience of dealing with lenders of all kinds.

“Secured and unsecured lenders alike clearly have a thorough understanding of the problems consumers face today. They understand the link between secured and unsecured debt problems.

“Secured lenders know that many of today’s borrowers are facing complex financial problems, trying to deal with unsecured debts as well as secured.

“Unsecured lenders, in general, appreciate that a homeowner’s secured debts must take priority – and that repossession is unlikely to improve the borrower’s chances of repaying their unsecured debt.

“This is one reason unsecured lenders will often agree to the terms of an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement).”

A solution that’s designed to address the concerns of everyone involved, an IVA can help unsecured lenders recover as much of their money as realistically possible, and can help borrowers avoid the need to focus on their mortgage / rent at the expense of their unsecured debts. Insolvency Practitioners (IPs) achieve this by calculating how much the individual can realistically afford to repay per month after they’ve taken their mortgage / rent payments and other essential expenses into account.

“Even so, we always emphasise that entering an IVA is a serious step, and is by no means suitable for everyone facing debt problems. Depending on their situation, different homeowners may be better advised to consider alternative solutions to their debt problems.”

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Debt Management Could Help With Unmanageable Credit Card Debt

Responding to a new report suggesting that there are more than 200,000 ‘secret credit cards’ in the UK – cards that are kept hidden from the holder’s partner – financial solutions company Think Money has advised consumers that while credit cards can be a useful means of funding purchases, borrowers should be careful to ensure that they can make their repayments in order to avoid debt problems in the future.


Research from Halifax Credit Cards showed that people in the UK hide an estimated 217,000 credit cards from their partners. Reasons for doing this included buying items the card holder did not want their partners to know about, hiding existing debt from partners, or simply having emergency funds available.

According to credit card trade association APACS, there are 30.2 million credit card holders in the UK. Total credit card spending in 2008 was £126.2 billion.

Melanie Taylor, Head of Corporate Relations for Think Money, said that while there is nothing specifically wrong with having a ‘secret’ credit card, card holders should ensure they are hiding it for the right reasons – and not in order to hide problem debts.

“It boils down to the same principle as having any credit card. Credit cards can be a very useful source of additional finances, as well as a ‘safety net’ against any unexpected costs. Used correctly, credit cards should not cause the consumer any problems.

“However, it’s when the borrower starts delaying their repayments – paying only the minimum – that the problems can start.

“The trouble with credit card debt is that the interest is a lot higher than on many other forms of credit. If the borrower does not repay the full credit card balance at the end of the month, then the interest that accumulates on the remaining balance may be a lot higher than a lower-interest alternative, such as an authorised overdraft.

“Over time, the interest can begin to ‘snowball’, and it can become increasingly difficult to repay the remaining balance. It may not be long before the debt becomes unmanageable – which is why it’s important to get debt advice at the first sign of difficulty.”

Mrs Taylor added that the relatively low minimum repayment on credit cards means that some people can take a long time to clear the debt.

“Unlike personal loans, which carry fixed regular repayment terms, credit cards only require a minimum repayment each month. This makes it very easy to delay repaying the full balance, which is how problems start for many borrowers.

“In general, we advise people to avoid making large purchases on credit cards unless they can be absolutely sure that they can afford to repay the debt in the near future.”

Mrs Taylor said that anyone who does find themselves struggling to repay their credit card debt should not hesitate to seek professional debt advice.

“Because the interest will only continue to grow, finding the right debt solution is vital for anyone who can no longer afford to repay their credit card debt.

“One such debt solution is a debt management plan, which is an informal arrangement with the lender that can allow the borrower to repay their debt at a more manageable pace. It is often also possible to negotiate a freeze or reduction in interest, which could be especially helpful for repaying credit card debt.

“However, borrowers should always consider all options available to them. A professional debt adviser can recommend the best debt solution for the borrower’s individual circumstances.”

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Prudential Reveals That Advisers Pin RDR Hopes Online

Prudential has released research demonstrating the need for providers to constantly adapt their services to help advisers in both the online and offline environment, with more than half of the advisers surveyed (58%) ranking better quality or more online information and service options as the most important element of the product provider/distributor relationship surrounding preparations for Retail Distribution Review (RDR).

While improving online servicing is seen as a must do by advisers, they also believe that solid account management relationships must go hand-in-hand with technology. This sentiment was highlighted by 40% of advisers citing more or better dialogue with an account manager as the next most important service element surrounding their preparations for RDR. With a combination of expert face-to-face and telephone account management teams readily available to guide advisers through obtaining and completing sales, this is a service Prudential is already supports.

Ian McKenna, Director of the Finance and Technology Research Centre (FTRC) said: “RDR will make it essential for advisers to focus on the cost of doing business in ways they have never needed to previously. It is not giving the advice that takes excessive time but the preparation. Collating information manually is hugely time consuming, electronic services can deliver in seconds what might otherwise take hours. Historically the cost of those hours has been subsidised by commission, when it is the client potentially paying for the time racking up hours in this way will no longer be acceptable. Automated delivery of information to advisers will be a hygiene factor in a Post RDR environment.”

57% of advisers claimed that their volume of client enquiries regarding retirement planning remains unchanged. This is encouraging news in the current economic climate, proving that it is vital for providers to arm advisers with all the necessary tools to deal with their continuous day-to-day business.

Jon Cross, Head of eBusiness at Prudential said: “Our research shows that advisers are becoming increasingly dependent on online services to help guide them through the changes that RDR will bring. Prudential works very closely with advisers to develop its online services, we constantly review our content and navigational functionality, and will of course continue to evolve our systems to help advisers as they change their business models ready for RDR. We are committed to providing a high level of service to advisers to ensure that they spend as little time on administration as possible. Taking their business online frees up time that would have traditionally been spent processing paperwork.”

The benefits of online servicing are clear for advisers, allowing easy access to brochures, illustrations and valuations outside normal office hours. Prudential’s adviser website houses a wealth of useful material including product guides, support literature, real-time valuations and market analysis from industry experts. Advisers can also find a variety of interactive tools covering pension planning, drawing an income and annuitisation. The ‘Support for you’ section provides advisers with updates and news regarding regulatory issues such as TCF and RDR. Also under this section advisers can hear what Prudential experts have to say as they explore various opportunities and considerations advisers face in helping their clients save for and provide an income in their retirement.

Prudential surveyed 123 independent financial advisers during April 2008.

About Prudential:
“Prudential” is a trading name of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited, which is registered in England and Wales. This name is also used by other companies within the Prudential Group, which between them provide a range of financial products including life assurance, annuity products – including retirement annuity, pensions, savings and investment products. Registered Office at Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH. Registered number 15454. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

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Battle Against Mortality Fraud Intensifies

In order to offer their customers increased protection against impersonation of the deceased (IOD) fraud, Tracesmart have considerably increased the coverage of mortality data they hold. The consumer data specialists have now incorporated the General Register Office (GRO) death indexes for England and Wales from 1980-1983 into their Tracesmart Corporate suite of services; this being only the beginning of their comprehensive death index digitisation project.

The GRO has collated registers of important civil events, such as births, deaths and marriages, since 1837, but it was not until 1984 that they began to digitise records. All registrations prior to 1984 are held on microfiche. In 2005 the GRO initiated the ‘Digitisation of Vital Events’ (DOVE) project to digitise the birth, death and marriage indexes, but unfortunately following major delays the project was put on hold, with only birth records up to 1934 and death records up to 1957 having been digitised; it is not known when the project will recommence.

Death index data is a pivotal tool in the fight against IOD fraud. With a lack of historical death data available electronically and having acquired microfiches holding all deaths registered in England and Wales covering 1960 – 1983, Tracesmart embarked on a comprehensive death index digitisation project. Utilising an offshore service provider, the company are ensuring 99.95% accuracy on all records digitised through a strict quality control procedure and, when completed in 2010, the project will yield approximately 14,500,000 death records in a digital format.

Tracesmart have completed the initial stage of this project and the 1980 – 1983 death indexes (some 2,500,000 records) have already been integrated into their mortality database. These additions make it both the most comprehensive and extensive commercially available mortality database in the UK.

Whilst the 1980 – 1983 death indexes will be essential for conducting comprehensive identity checks and data cleansing exercises, they will also play a significant role when financial institutions wish to trace people as part of an asset reunification program. From their considerable experience in tracing dormant account holders, Tracesmart know that many of the missing individuals will transpire to have died prior to 1984. Whereas to identify such events previously involved labour intensive research, it can now be done at the click of a button.

Commenting on how the new death records and their ongoing digitisation project will help their customers Mike Trezise, Managing Director of Tracesmart, noted,

“Following on from the integration of death registration information into our anti-fraud services last year, we are continuing to enhance our mortality database. From a service standpoint this data means we can improve and enhance much of our portfolio, especially our identity verification and mortality screening services. This, in turn, allows our clients to better defend against mortality related fraud, protecting both the company and consumer alike.”

About Tracesmart

Tracesmart Limited was formed in 1999 and supplies a diverse range of consumer data cleansing, identity check and people tracing tools to a wide variety of industries. The company’s client base ranges from SME to Blue Chip, who are all recipients of bespoke solutions, built around their specific needs.

Mike Trezise is the founder and Managing Director of Tracesmart. With over 25 years tracing and fraud analysis experience his unrivalled knowledge provides the company with a distinct competitive advantage.

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Barclaycard Retailer Rewards Scheme Takes A Step Forward

Barclaycard, a leading payment provider in the UK, has announced that it has taken a step forward with its plan to introduce a retailer rewards scheme by signing an agreement with Welcome Real-time to provide the scheme’s IT infrastructure.

Welcome Real-time will work with Barclaycard to develop the software that will enable Barclaycard customers to benefit from a retailer rewards scheme that is expected to encompass retailers ranging from sole traders to major high street names.

Dan Salmons, Director of Payment Innovations at Barclaycard said: “Barclaycard is committed to making life easier for its customers, both consumers and retailers and this scheme will enable up to ten million of our card holders to be rewarded when using their Barclaycard to purchase goods and services with retailers participating in the scheme.”

“Barclaycard has close to 90,000 retailer relationships, many of which we expect to participate in the programme, and we believe this scheme will change the way people shop in the UK. That is why we are partnering with a world leading loyalty solutions provider to ensure that we develop a simple hassle free rewards scheme that will truly benefit our customers.”

Welcome Real-time is the global loyalty solutions provider for banks and retailers of all sizes and is headquartered in France.

Francois Dutray, CEO of Welcome Real-time, said of the announcement: “We are delighted to be working with Barclaycard in the UK to develop a rewards scheme that will make a huge impact on the British High Street. It is a great opportunity to develop a scheme with the potential for millions of customers and many retailers in the UK, whether large or small.”

Barclaycard will make further announcements about the development of the rewards scheme in the coming months.

About Barclaycard
Barclaycard, part of Barclays Global and Retail Commercial Banking division, is a leading global payment business which helps consumers, retailers and businesses to make and accept payments flexibly, and to access short-term credit when needed. The company is one of the pioneers of new forms of payments and is at the forefront of developing viable contactless credit card and mobile payment schemes for today and cutting edge forms of payment for the future. It also issues business credit cards and charge cards to corporate customers and the UK Government. Barclaycard partners with a wide range of organisations across the globe to offer their customers or members payment options and credit. In addition to the UK, Barclaycard operates in the United States, Europe, Africa and the Middle and Far East.

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The More Ways You Protect Your Home, The More Willing Insurance Companies Are To Offer Discounts


Did you know that summer is the most popular time of the year for home burglaries in the US? During the summer months there is a burglary every 10 seconds since so many people are on vacation, away from their homes, and the weather is nice.

An alarm system is one of the best ways of making sure your home is properly protected. However, many people don’t realize that having a home alarm system means homeowners insurance savings.

According to a recent article published by, “For an insurance company, low risk is the name of the game. They like policyholders who have considered home safety and security and have taken necessary steps to thwart intruders …” This means investing in an alarm system and taking other precautions like installing dead-bolt locks and shatterproof windows can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, in insurance premiums each year.

To many people the idea of installing an alarm system can sound too expensive, but when compared against the 5-20% savings per year on homeowners insurance quotes, the costs suddenly seem much more affordable. Even a simple alarm system can still save you 5% a year or more with most homeowners insurance companies. Also, adding a deadbolt to all entry doors in your home can qualify you for a discount of 5% at many companies.

The article explains that the more you can show the homeowners insurance company that you are protecting your house against break-ins the more they are willing to discount your policy. With the economy still struggling and people looking to save every penny they can, this is the perfect time to review your homeowners insurance policy and find out how you can start to save more money by taking advantage of available discounts.

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Free Customer Logo Checks With US Banking Security Backer Regulation Compliance

Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, announced today that it has released a line of free business customer check designs incorporating a company’s logo. The checks also include the Security Backer feature, which makes the checks nearly impossible to photocopy or otherwise reproduce for fraudulent purposes.

Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, announced today that it has released a line of free business customer check designs incorporating a company’s logo. The checks also include the Security Backer feature, which makes the checks nearly impossible to photocopy or otherwise reproduce for fraudulent purposes.

The checks are in full compliance with U.S. banking laws, said Carousel Checks president, Andy Crim.

“Corporate fraud is at an all time high,” Crim said. “Companies suffer from ID theft, too. These checks not only certify who wrote them with the use of a corporate logo, but they also provide extra security by being virtually impossible to reproduce or forge.”

Crim went on to say that Carousel Checks incorporates four security features on every check it prints. These features exceed industry guidelines as an extra assurance to customers that their security is assured.

The four features are:
1. Padlock Icon: This icon insures the issuer of the checks that security enhancements are being used in accordance with Financial Stationers Association guidelines.

2. MP Signature Line: The MP icon assures the issuer that micro-security print is being used in the design. Micro-security print is very small print that is designed to “break up” if photocopied. In other words, the print will be very broken and jagged on the fraudulent check.

3. Rear Panel: The reverse side of the check provides full descriptions of the security features.

4. Finally, Carousel Checks protects all online purchases of checks and other transactions with the highest levels of security.

“We realize that people and businesses can be a bit apprehensive about providing their financial information on line,” Crim said. “However, these days you have to do it if you’re going to be in business.” Carousel Checks has been awarded the highest level of security certification by GeoTrust and ControlScanTM, two leading providers of PCI compliance and security solutions.

Printing business checks that meet government and industry qualifications is nothing new for Crim. His parents founded Carousel Checks over 40 years ago as a check designer and printer for businesses and banks. Even then, security was a primary concern, even though the opportunity for fraud was much smaller.

As technology progressed, and the banking industry began to get more diverse, Carousel Checks moved into the personal – and personalized – check printing business. This included customizing business checks with company logos and other identifying marks.

Crim said that any assurance of security during an internet purchase can often turn a reluctant visitor to the site into a repeat customer.

“The trust badges we receive from different security companies serve a real purpose on our site,” Crim said. “They’re the visual affirmation of security certification. Customers know that they can order their online checks safely. They know that when they share the financial information needed for their checks that their information will not be stolen or otherwise compromised. We take great pride in that. “

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Vietnam Wall Commemorative Checks By Premier Online Check Company Carousel

Nearly 35 years after the final American helicopter flew out of Vietnam, the memory of more than 50,000 American men and women who lost their lives in the conflict is preserved forever in the black marble walls of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Since it was first unveiled in 1982, it has become as recognizable as any other monument in Washington, D.C. and a place of healing for countless veterans of the war and their families.


Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, recently announced the release of “The Wall,” a stirring photograph adorning the company’s newest addition to its American Pride line of commemorative checks.

The design on the checks respectfully depicts a portion of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial with a proud U.S. Marine saluting in the foreground. Names of many of the fallen can be clearly read in the design.

“The wall is such a stark reminder of the selflessness that our fighting men and women exemplify,” Andy Crim, president of Carousel Checks, said. “We received many requests from veterans and their families for a Vietnam-themed design. We chose this one because it is both heartening and solemn.”

The Vietnam Wall design joins a growing number of Americana-based check designs for the 40-year-old Carousel Checks Company. Other patriotic photos available in the American Pride line of custom checks include Mt. Rushmore, The Lincoln Memorial, the Statue of Liberty, the POW-MIA logo and several attractive “Old Glory” patterns.

“American history and Americana in general is very popular on personal checks,” Crim said. “These checks have always among our most popular designs. “ Crim added that he had no doubt that the Vietnam Wall check design would become quite popular.

“Obviously, veterans of the Vietnam War identify with it,” Crim said. “But so do the families and survivors of the men and women whose names are on the wall.” Crim added that Carousel Checks has already received many “thank you’s” from people who have ordered the online checks at the company’s site,

“They’re truly moved by the design,” Crim said. “People tell me that the checks instill a feeling of pride every time they open their check books.”

Carousel Checks was founded over 40 years ago by Crim’s parents as a regular check printing company for banks around the country. When the internet made custom printing of checks a reality for many consumers, Carousel was one of the first companies to pursue the consumer end of the checks business.

Currently, CarouselChecks offers scores of check designs in a variety of categories, from Americana and sports to religion, education, sports, wildlife and seasonal designs.

Crim said that the Wall check design is available in a variety of package sizes. Retail prices range for $10 to $80, based on the quantity of checks ordered. The entire CarouselChecks product line is available online at

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Carousel Checks Online Security Reaches Highest Level of Security in the Nation

Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, announced today that it had been awarded the nation’s highest online security certification by GeoTrust®, the world’s second largest digital certificate provider.

The certification confirms that all customers of Carousel Checks may perform worry-free, secure online transactions and conduct business over the internet in complete security and confidence.

Andy Crim, Carousel Checks president, said that the GeoTrust certification provides Carousel Checks customers with the highest security when placing or checking an order online.

“With check and computer fraud on the rise, you can’t be too careful with your financial information when you’re on line…,” Crim said. “The GeoTrust Certification will help to reassure any apprehensive customers that ordering checks online is safe, sensible and secure.”

Carousel Checks, founded over 40 years ago by Crim’s parents, started business as a check printing company for banks around the country. When the internet made custom printing of checks for consumers a reality, Carousel was one of the first companies to pursue the consumer end of the checks printing business.

Crim said that customers return to order more checks from because the company provides three important elements: security, speed and cost. “When people order checks, they’re probably a day or two away from running out of them,” Crim said. “So we specialize in being able to turn around check orders quickly, affordably and with the utmost of security. That’s where the GeoTrust certification is a real benefit. When customers see the GeoTrust logo on our site, they can be reassured that their transactions are safe.”

Carousel Checks prints all of their check orders on laser printing machines. These machines provide fast, accurate printing, with minimal time lost on printing errors other common hazards of standard printing. The GeoTrust announcement comes at the same time that Carousel Checks announced that it had received “Verified Secure” certification from ControlScanTM, GeoTrust’s parent company, based in Atlanta.

Crim stressed the importance of his company being certified by both ControlScan and GeoTrust. “These double security certifications are vital necessities for secure sites,” Crim said. When people order checks from Carousel Checks, we want them to have a good time browsing through our designs and ordering in confidence. The last thing we want is for them to worry about their online security.”

Crim added that visual “trust badges” signifying secure certification on the Carousel website actually encourages many reluctant customers to buy. “People who want to have that extra assurance are often swayed by the security badges on our site,” Crim said. “We are absolutely thrilled to have received these certifications.” offers scores of unique check designs for business, personal checks, and online checks. Designs range from nature paintings and national landmarks to artwork, Americana and wildlife. Carousel also provides a wide variety of business and payroll computer checks. Among the most popular checks are Photo Checks, which allow the account owner to put their own photo on their checks. “This virtually eliminates the possibility of anyone passing a bad check,” Crim said.

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Rate Tarts Are In A Jam As 2 Million Balance Transfer Applications Are Rejected

The latest credit card market analysis from, the independent price comparison and switching service, reveals that almost 2 million consumers have been rejected for balance transfer deals in the last year. This represents 57% of all credit card rejections, forcing these consumers to fork out £535 million in interest payments in the next 12 months as they are unable to switch to a new provider. In total, £3.5 billion of credit card debt is now stuck on interest bearing credit cards as consumers cannot switch to their next 0% deal.

Across all types of credit card, more than one in ten consumers, totalling 3.32 million, has had an application declined in the past twelve months. This is a clear sign that providers are still acting on the air of caution and only lending to those with a squeaky clean credit record. This is a huge problem in the credit card market, particularly for rate tarts. In 2008, consumers carried out an average of 650,000 balance transfers every month. For many people, the 0% party really is over as they have reached a dead end.

Alongside a drop in acceptance levels, the number of balance transfer deals available is also a problem for consumers. There are now 178 balance transfer credit cards, representing 74% of all credit cards compared to 204 this time last year. The biggest casualty of this has been the 10 month deals which have fallen by 83% to just 1 deal.

With just one provider, Virgin, offering a 16 month 0% balance transfer deal, consumers are pushed towards the more popular six month balance transfer deals which represent a third of the market (33%). However, with the average balance transfer fee currently at 2.9% consumers will have to pay £54.09 on the average balance of £1,846. Unless consumers are planning to pay the credit card balance during the six month offer period, this could be a costly way to move money around.

Louise Bond, personal finance expert at uSwitch, comments: “We can’t ignore the fact that the country is in economic turmoil – a situation which has been catalysed by bad consumer credit. The knock on effect for credit card customers is that those with a less than perfect credit history could find themselves being turned down for the next best 0% deal, forcing them to pay interest. This is a huge problem for switchers as these people have accumulated debt based on the fact they do not have to pay interest on it.

“The knock on effect of rejected credit applications is that it will appear on your credit report and, in the long term, have a negative impact on your score. With this in mind, it’s important to check your report before applying for products to make sure you stand a good chance of being accepted – constantly reapplying to different suppliers will make the situation worse. If you can’t get another credit card, think about using a 0% overdraft, an unsecured personal loan or, if there are no other options and debt is getting out of control, speak to your provider or seek professional advice.”

Bond’s credit card tips:

• Check your credit report before making any applications for credit.

• If you are rejected for your next credit card, do not any further applications until you have checked your credit record. Failed applications for credit will have a negative impact on your credit score.

• You must also close down any credit card accounts you are not using. The available balance on these accounts will be taken into consideration when you are applying for a new card.

• Missed credit card payments also impact your credit score, the best way to avoid this is to set up a monthly direct debit for the minimum payment.

• If you are not planning to pay the balance off in full during the 0% balance transfer period you should consider life of balance cards. This will provide one low rate of interest for the entire time the balance is on the card.

• Depending on which issuer your balance transfer card is managed by, you may not be allowed to switch your balance to another card within the same group. By using’s balance transfer tool, you will only be allowed to apply for cards that are available at you.

About uSwitch: is a free, impartial online and telephone-based comparison and switching service, helping consumers compare prices on gas, electricity, water, heating cover, home telephone, broadband, digital television, mobile phones, personal finance products and car insurance.

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Business Checks With New Symbols And Custom Logos By Check Crafters

Check Crafters has always provided a wide selection of products for business owners. Among Check Crafters’ offerings are laser checks, manual checks, deposit products, mailing labels, and even various accessory products including customizable logo teddy bears. To further enhance consumers’ abilities to promote their businesses, Check Crafters is providing the opportunity to personalize business checks for individual careers and companies. The company has expanded its selection of stock symbols for checks to over 200 profession-specific selections. Now, Check Crafters enables business owners to order checks with their custom company logo printed on them.

Recently, Check Crafters began offering an increased number of stock symbols. The symbol list has grown to include categories like automotive, education, professions, sports, and much more. While Check Crafters has always given customers the option of a symbol, this new custom logo option adds an extra personal touch to business checks for any company. According to personal preference, the logos can be printed in black and white or up to three colors. This new option can be added to all available draft checks and most laser or ink-jet check formats. To place a business check order that includes a custom logo, consumers can call a Check Crafters customer service agent to place the order and then e-mail their desired logos. Once a sample has been created, the consumer is contacted for final approval.

The addition of these new options to the Check Crafters site increases the personalization abilities for business checks. Check Crafters knows that a logo or symbol is memorable to consumers and wants to benefit all vendors by allowing them to personalize their business checks. For more information and price quotes f r o m Check Crafters visit today!

About Check Crafters:
Since its creation in 1995, Check Crafters has grown to include standard and exclusive professions and photo upload business checks and accessories for businesses and organizations. Check Crafters understands the importance of professionalism and uniqueness when it comes to running a business. With this concept in mind, Check Crafters is committed to bringing the most modern and useful checks, accessories, and promotional products to business owners everywhere at our low, direct to the consumer prices. Visit the site today to find something for your everyday business needs!

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