Category Archives: SME


North’n’Loans Company Starts Offering Small Business Loans in Canada

Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018-Apr-27 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — North’n’Loans adds small business loans to its range of services. Owing to this innovation, the company is now able to provide a qualified help to the small business owners in finding a reliable lender. The new service is already available on the company’s website.

The company is a Canadian service dedicated to connecting customers with direct lenders online. It provides assistance with finding quick financial solutions for Canadian citizens in many provinces. North’n’ is not a direct lender and only aims to connect a borrower with a suitable lender.

The company used to work only with short-term loan lenders that provide payday loans in Canada. Now North’n’Loans extends the range of its services and also offers the assistance with finding a reputable small business loan lender. The newly launched financial service is available for business owners 24/7 on the company’s website.

North’n’ aims to allow the entrepreneurs to satisfy their financial needs with the help of online lending. The service connects a business owner with a reliable lender in accordance with the information in an application form and customer’s place of residence.

A customer can apply for the service submitting the online application form on the company’s website. An applicant needs to enter basic personal data to make a request. Once the application is filed, the approval process starts and a lender contacts the customer within a short period of time. The borrower receives the money to the bank account within 24 hours after approval. The applicants do not pay any fees for using the service offered on the North’n’Loans website.

The company’s database consists of certified private lenders from different provinces. North’n’Loan gives anyone an opportunity to apply for a loan owing to a large number of different lenders. The company’s website informs that the loans are usually given on the basis of the current income and the ability to pay it back. Despite the high chances, the company does not guarantee 100% approval.

All the loans are processed completely online. The customer discusses the loans terms, application status, fees and rates directly with a lender. The company is not responsible for the borrower-lender relationship.

The company continues to improve its services and also presents a new financial blog for Canadian citizens. The articles provide recommendations for achieving financial stability and some useful tips for those who face financial difficulties. The topics enlightened on the North’n’Loans blog vary from the retirement options to the college loans details.

Apart from that, North’n’Loans created a French version of its website to make it convenient for French-speaking citizens of Canada. A language switch is added to make the service available for the residents from all Canadian regions.

Via EPR Network
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Mike Baur: Die Veränderungen im Schweizer Bankwesen veranlassen viele Fachleute der Branche dazu, den traditionellen Karriereweg zu verlassen

ZURICH, Feb-19-2017 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Mike Baur machte sich im Schweizer Bankensektor einen Namen, als er 2008 ein wichtiger Akteur bei der Privatbank Clariden Leu wurde. Er fand sich in seiner Position gut zurecht und beriet schon mit Anfang zwanzig die wohlhabendsten Einwohner der Schweiz in finanziellen Angelegenheiten.

Das Bürogebäude, in dem Baur arbeitete, war auch sehr beeindruckend. Solch ein ehrwürdiges Gebäude konnte sich natürlich nur in der sehr eleganten Bahnhofstrasse befinden. Baur bezeichnete das Gebäude als „ein Juwel“, aber die guten Zeiten, die er dort verbrachte, fanden ein Ende, als die Finanzkrise ausbrach, und die Geschäftslage wurde sehr unruhig.

In diesen schwierigen Jahren entschloss sich die Muttergesellschaft von Clariden Leu dazu, die Türen der 250 Jahre alten Einrichtung zu schließen. Daraufhin wurde Clariden Leu ein Teil ihrer Muttergesellschaft, der Credit Suisse Group AG. Das wunderschöne Bürogebäude, in dem Baur einst arbeitete, ist mittlerweile verkauft worden.

Baur hörte im Jahr 2014 bei Clariden Leu auf, um anderen Projekten nachzugehen. Bei diesen Projekten handelte es sich um Technologie-Startups. Während Clariden Leu also kurz vor dem Ende stand, hatte Baur sich bereits Größerem verschrieben.

Baurs Karriere im Bankensektor nahm zunächst einen sehr positiven Anfang. Im Alter von 16 Jahren begann er seine Karriere als Lehrling bei der UBS Group AG. In einem Treffen mit dem Personalmanager der Firma erhielt er ein Diagramm, auf dem aufgezeichnet war, wie seine gesamte Karriere bis zu seinem Ruhestand aussehen würde. Baur folgte diesem Plan und erhielt eine Beförderung nach der anderen, bis er Teil einer Gruppe wurde, die auf der Suche nach innovativen Methoden für die Anwerbung sehr wohlhabender Investoren war. Seine Strategien funktionierten und UBS begann, in einem rekordverdächtigen Tempo zu expandieren. Das hielt an, bis die Wirtschaft schließlich von der Finanzkrise getroffen wurde.

Nachdem die Regierung UBS im Jahr 2008 gerettet hatte, fing die Bank an, sich zu verkleinern. Auch die Credit Suisse musste ihre Expansionsbemühungen zurückfahren und sich darauf konzentrieren, die Bank im Geschäft zu halten. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt verließ Baur UBS, um bei Clariden Leu zu arbeiten.

Baur blieb nur sechs Jahre bei Clariden Leu. Er war soweit, seinen eigenen unternehmerischen Ideen nachzugehen und sein großes Talent in Startup-Unternehmen zu investieren. Diese Entscheidung bedeutete, dass er ein üppiges Gehalt hinter sich ließ, aber er erfuhr später, dass die Leute, die sich auf sein Accelerator Programm bewarben, auch ehemalige Bankkaufleute waren. Für Baur ist der Grund dafür sehr klar. Aufgrund der verstärkten Regulierungen, mit denen Banker im gegenwärtigen finanziellen Klima zu kämpfen haben, ist das Bankwesen mittlerweile eine weniger attraktive Karrierewahl als in der Vergangenheit.

Derzeit versinkt das Bankwesen in gesetzlichen Vorschriften und viele Rechtsskandale sind ans Licht gekommen. Dazu kommt, dass die Zinsen stark gesunken sind und Banken nicht mehr die enormen Gewinne einfahren, die sie in der Vergangenheit erwirtschaften konnten. Die Finanzbranche war in hohem Maße für die bequeme Position verantwortlich, die die Schweiz in der Welt innehat, aber die aktuelle Stimmungslage hat dazu geführt, dass sie sich in einem anderen Licht betrachten. Präsident Johann Schneider-Ammann hat vor Kurzem eingeräumt, dass es für die Schweiz an der Zeit sei, weniger risikoavers zu sein und mehr unternehmerischen Esprit zu entwickeln.

Derzeit hat es nicht den Anschein, dass das Bankwesen sich in diese Richtung bewegt, da die Branche 2015 weniger als fünf Prozent zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Schweiz beigetragen hat. Das Beschäftigungswachstum in der Branche sank auch unter das Niveau des Beschäftigungswachstums in der Bau- und Immobilienbranche.

Mike Baur erkannte die Gelegenheit und machte sich die Talente, die der Bankenbrache abhanden gehen, zunutze. Er entwickelte eine Methode, um diesen Leuten zu helfen, ihre Karrieremöglichkeiten abseits des Bankensektors zu realisieren.

Es scheint, dass Baur und seine Kunden viel gemeinsam haben. Er war Teil einer traditionellen Branche, aber er hatte nicht immer das Gefühl, dass seine Ideen sehr traditionell waren. Es fiel ihm nicht schwer, seinen Job bei UBS hinter sich zu lassen, weil er dort seine kreative unternehmerische Seite nicht fördern konnte.

Das Unternehmen, das er gegründet hat, nennt sich „Swiss Startup Factory“. Er hat sein Unternehmen eine „Fabrik“ genannt, weil er die Absicht hat, Menschen dabei zu helfen, aus ihren Ideen erfolgreiche Unternehmen aufzubauen. Er betrachtet seine Aufgabe als eine Art Hersteller, der neue Unternehmen für den Markt „herstellt“.

Der andere Grund, der „Herstellung“ zu einem guten Wort für Baurs Unternehmen macht, ist seine Überzeugung, dass die jungen Leute, die mit ihm arbeiten, hart arbeiten müssen. Er hat in seinen Jahren als Banker viele wohlhabende Menschen kennengelernt und er glaubt, dass sie dazu neigen, nicht hart genug zu arbeiten, um Erfolg zu haben.

In dieser Branche gibt es andere Gründerzentren, aber Baur besteht darauf, dass sein Unternehmen anders ist. Der Hauptunterschied liegt darin, dass er und die anderen Gründer der Swiss Startup Factory ihr eigenes Geld in das Unternehmen investiert haben, sie wollen also wirklich erfolgreich sein. Sein Unternehmen ist zudem unabhängig und das macht einen riesigen Unterschied, weil sie so nicht durch die Agenda einer bestimmten Person eingegrenzt werden. Jeder einzelne ist wichtig.

Baur hat verlauten lassen, was seiner Meinung nach die Stärken sowie die Schwächen seines Unternehmens sind. Die Stärke der Swiss Startup Factory ist die Tatsache, dass es ein hochinnovatives Unternehmen ist. Seine Schwäche ist, dass sie Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung ihrer Strategien haben. Er glaubt auch, dass sie daran arbeiten müssen, den Investoren die Chancen und Möglichkeiten auf professionellere Art und Weise zu präsentieren, damit diese Investoren mit mehr Begeisterung mit seinem Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten.

Unter dem Strich kann man sagen, dass Mike Baur sein Unternehmen mit Leidenschaft führt und hart daran arbeitet, seine Ziele zu verwirklichen. Er glaubt, dass dies die zwei Faktoren sind, die in jeder Branche zum Erfolg führen. Es schadet natürlich nicht, dass er das liebt, was er tut.

Mike Baur glaubt, dass man Menschen beibringen kann, was ein Unternehmer ist, aber dass man ihnen nicht die Mentalität beibringen kann, die man als Unternehmer braucht. Laut Baur wird man entweder mit der unternehmerischen Mentalität geboren oder eben nicht.

In Zukunft möchte Baur, dass sein Unternehmen der Schweiz etwas zurückgibt. Er und seine Partner leisten schon ihren Beitrag, aber er sieht in diesem Bereich noch Verbesserungspotenzial und wird weiter daran arbeiten, einen positiven Einfluss auf das Ökosystem der Schweizer Geschäftswelt zu haben.

‘SOURCE: EuropaWire

Baron-Moore Associates Names Gao San Yim as Treasurer

Baron-Moore Associates ( announced the appointment of Gao San Yim as Managing Director, Treasurer and Head of Corporate Insurance.

In this role, Mr. San Yim will be responsible for leading global treasury, liquidity, funding and capital management activities, reporting to Gary Cheng, Chief Financial Officer for Baron-Moore Associates. He will further expand Baron-Moore Associates’ services by:

•  Identify and map out global cash and liquidity

•  Centralize control of liquidity resources

•  Coordinate liquidity activities

•  Establish liquidity forecast process, tracking actual versus forecast

•  Coordinate with tax to maximize liquidity activities

•  Increase oversight

•  Evaluate global bank resources

•  Establish uniform policies and procedures

“I am pleased to welcome Gao to the Baron-Moore Associates team,” said Mr. Huang. “His extensive experience and strategic insights will be instrumental to managing our balance sheet and optimizing our liquidity and capital management strategies. His leading capabilities in the field of Treasury will further strengthen our team and will better prepare it to face the new challenges that the financial markets is going through.”

Mr. San Yim joins Baron-Moore Associates from top European Exchange where he served as Senior Vice President and Global Treasurer. Prior to this job, Mr. San Yim held various corporate finance roles. He served as Group Treasurer, Treasurer of the clearing house and oversaw major acquisitions of at the CEO’s Office.

Mr. San Yim is a graduate of Business School of Tokyo and MBA in Business Finance in Singapore.

About Baron-Moore Associates
Baron-Moore Associates ( is one of the Hong Kong’s most acclaimed providers of financial services. The firm is an awarded provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and many other financial products and services to more than 10 million individuals and institutions, as well as through 2,000 financial intermediary firms. Every set of services for an account is highly individualized, because every client has unique needs. We don’t just offer you products & services; we aim to offer you the best solutions for managing your wealth keeping in mind your personal financial goals. We provide un-biased and independent investment solutions through professional investment strategy, so that your investments are as successful as you.
Media Contact:
Miao Quinfu

The Landmark – Gloucester Tower,
11 Pedder Street,
Hong Kong


Baron-Moore Associates


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Baron-Moore Associates Hires Head of Marketing & Communications

Baron-Moore Associates ( has hired former Head of Marketing at a leading Asset Management Company, Miao Quinfu, as Head of Marketing and Communications. Based in Hong Kong, Mr. Quinfu will report to Baron-Moore Associates’ Chief Executive Officer, Liang Jiang Rubo.

In his new role, Miao Quinfu will be responsible for the development and implementation of marketing and communications strategies across the group globally. He will work closely with business lines and regional leadership teams to further strengthen the company’s brand and presence to deliver accelerated growth.

Mr. Quinfu brings more than 20 years of experience to this role and was most recently in his previous job where he built the international marketing team and developed targeted marketing strategies in the Southeast Asia region as a key part of its globalization strategy. He previously spent 6 years in London where he held a number of marketing functions, including Group Marketing Strategy Manager. He played an instrumental role in developing the centralized group marketing unit and created the marketing strategy team. Prior to this he worked as a marketing strategy consultant, after completing an MBA at London Business School.

Commenting on the appointment, Liang Jiang Rubo, Chief Executive Officer, Baron-Moore Associates:

“This is an important time for Baron-Moore Associates as our aim is to intelligently diversify the business beyond commodities. Miao is a skilled marketing professional with an extensive experience in implementing global marketing strategies. His appointment is key to ensuring that we develop our marketing capabilities to meet the needs of our clients, business units and distribution teams internationally as the business continues to grow.”

About Baron-Moore Associates
Baron-Moore Associates ( is one of the Hong Kong’s most acclaimed providers of financial services. The firm is an awarded provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and many other financial products and services to more than 10 million individuals and institutions, as well as through 2,000 financial intermediary firms. Every set of services for an account is highly individualized, because every client has unique needs. We don’t just offer you products & services; we aim to offer you the best solutions for managing your wealth keeping in mind your personal financial goals. We provide un-biased and independent investment solutions through professional investment strategy, so that your investments are as successful as you.
Media Contact:
Miao Quinfu

The Landmark – Gloucester Tower,
11 Pedder Street,
Hong Kong


Baron-Moore Associates


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Baron-Moore Associates Global Survey of Institutional Investors

Institutions Will Move out of Cash, Growing Role for Hedge Funds and Private Equity

Major institutional investors ( around the world are poised to increase their allocations to alternative investments, with a bias towards real estate and real assets, during 2014, according to a global survey of institutions conducted by Baron-Moore Associates.

Approximately half of institutions surveyed– 49 percent – expect to increase their real estate allocation and over 40 percent indicated they will increase their investment in real assets this year. At the same time, about one-third of the institutional investors surveyed intend to reduce their cash holdings in 2014.

“Institutional investors are seeking to build portfolios better suited for an investment landscape characterized by low yields, sluggish growth, volatile markets, and rising correlation between stocks and bonds,” said Robert Guanghe, Senior Managing Director and head of Baron-Moore Associates’ Institutional Client Business and Baron-Moore Associates Solutions.

“Divergent economic and geopolitical conditions globally offer institutions a menu of real estate and real asset opportunities that meet a variety of investment objectives,” said Guanghe.

“The results of the survey likely reflect a recognition that, going forward, the portfolio diversification benefit traditionally offered by equities and bonds might be less powerful than in the past,” Guanghe said. “Indeed, the price correlation between equities and bonds, which had been negative from 2009 through mid-2013, has been positive ever since then – suggesting that institutions definitely will be looking to other asset classes for more effective ‘portfolio buffers’ in coming months.”

“Within the alternatives category, we believe hedge funds and private equity also will command a growing role in institutional portfolios in 2014, with investors casting a wide net for appropriate diversification tools,” said Guanghe.

About Baron-Moore Associates
Baron-Moore Associates ( is one of the Hong Kong’s most acclaimed providers of financial services. The firm is an awarded provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and many other financial products and services to more than 10 million individuals and institutions, as well as through 2,000 financial intermediary firms. Every set of services for an account is highly individualized, because every client has unique needs. We don’t just offer you products & services; we aim to offer you the best solutions for managing your wealth keeping in mind your personal financial goals. We provide un-biased and independent investment solutions through professional investment strategy, so that your investments are as successful as you.
Media Contact:
Miao Quinfu

The Landmark – Gloucester Tower,
11 Pedder Street,
Hong Kong


Baron-Moore Associates

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Financial Architect® “The Fastest Way to Legally Raise Capital – Guaranteed!”

It has just been reported in “The Private Capital Access PCA Index Q2, 2013 report in partnership with Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp., measures the demand for capital and financing activity for privately-held businesses. Privately held businesses continue to find it difficult to raise new financing in the current business environment, according to 59 percent of small business owners who responded in the second quarter survey results. Only 33 percent of those who applied for business loans from a bank were successful. The research also shows that many small business owners are tapping into their personal assets to fill financing gaps with 41% of business owners saying they transferred personal assets to their business over the last three months.

There is a better way: As former Wall Street financiers turned entrepreneurs, the principals at Commonwealth Capital Advisors know what you’re going through or about to go through. They have felt the pain of attempting to capitalize start-up and early stage companies. They know how to succeed, but more importantly, they know about failure and how to avoid it.

To find out how by reading the Abridged Edition of the E-book their CEO wrote entitled: “The Secrets of Wall Street – Raising Capital for Start-Up and Early Stage Companies.”


If you are serious about raising capital for your start-up or early stage company, this resource was made for you. “The Secrets of Wall Street…” will open your eyes to the truth on how the world of capital works. It’s designed to enable any Entrepreneur to make a qualified decision on how to go about effectively raising capital.

The unsolicited testimonials continue to stream into their website.

It’s their “pay it forward” gift to you to help you to turn your dream into reality.

Charles David Dreher
Executive Vice-President

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Ontario Mercantile Exchange (ONMEX) launched newly redesigned website

Ontario Mercantile Exchange (ONMEX) has launched its newly redesigned website. By updating their main site they are now able to provide clients and visitors with a central portal for analyzing and understanding the commodities markets, as well as for obtaining detailed information onONMEX ‘s services and products. Their new website presents their positions on commodities markets and provides greater insight into the financial aspects of commodities markets, with the more perceptive depth of analysis for which ONMEX is known.

ONMEX is a premier commodities exchange providing independent analysis, and advisory services related to commodities markets, corporate and project finance, and the financial management of exposure to commodities oriented investments.

Comment: The new site provides our clients and subscribers with exclusive subscriber only content such as ONMEX’s timely trading mechanism, as well as many other reports and analyses. Our trading mechanism not only provide website visitors with market insights from ONMEX’s team of economists and analysts, but also allow them to experience first-hand the depth and breadth of ONMEX’s knowledge and expertise in commodities markets and investments. Clients are now able to access our monthly metals Advisories and other reports via our website. Our new online trading platform enables easy navigation and access to purchasing the entire suite of ONMEX commodity products.

The new Trading Platform allows clients to trade on the commodities market having access to a large list of commodities such as metals (Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum, Palladium), grains (Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, oats, Rough Rice, Canola), energies (Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Ethanol, Natural Gas, Unleaded Gasoline), softs (Cotton, Orange Juice, Coffee, Sugar, Lumber, Cocoa), currencies (U.S. Dollar, British Pond, Canadian Dollar, Swiss Frank, Australian Dollar, Mexican Peso, New Zealand Dollar, Japanese yen), meats (Live Cattle, Lean Hogs, Class III Milk).

In addition to the site’s informative content, the design is developed in a way so as to provide an enhanced user experience. Our goal is to provide visitors with a comprehensive view of the commodities markets and demonstrate how ONMEX’s market knowledge can be applied to help our clients’ businesses grow.

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Red Wing Software Offers Accounting Software Data Transfer for New Customers

Red Wing Software, Inc. has announced the offering of data transfer service to its new customers from non-Red Wing software accounting software applications.

Customers who are new to Red Wing Software can rest easy, knowing the Red Wing Software support team will help them through the process of bringing in their master record files from their prior system into Red Wing Software’s CenterPoint Accounting Software application. This also includes vertical applications CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture, Nonprofits, and Municipals, and CenterPoint Payroll Software. The cost of data transfer service varies and is done at $125 per hour.

Red Wing Software’s current customers have always enjoyed the benefits of the support offered by Red Wing Software for transferring data between the company’s programs, and will continue to receive the option for this service.

For more information about Red Wing Software data transfer services or accounting software products, visit, contact Red Wing Software at 800-732-9464 or e-mail

Red Wing Software, Inc., along with its nationwide network of business partners, offers industry-leading service, as well as training, on-site installation and implementation of the software. Their vision is to create the best management software experience through personal support and attention to customers’ business goals.

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npower Warns Outdated Financial Records Could Prolong Financial Instability

npower warns that despite evidence showing the UK economy is now out of recession, out of date financial records could prolong financial instability for many UK businesses. This is likely to impact credit ratings, reducing businesses’ access to finance and essential supplies, like energy.

power Warns Outdated Financial Records Could Prolong Financial Instability

Companies House records can be anything from 12 to 18 months out of date, which means that a company’s financial viability will be judged on its performance mid-recession, irrespective of how well it is doing now. Major credit rating agencies typically use these statutory accounts to assess financial health and, despite the scale of the problem, a large number of businesses have a lack of understanding on how their credit rating can impact their business.

Wayne Mitchell, head of corporate sales at npower, explained: “Poor credit ratings mean insurance companies are withdrawing credit insurance for businesses, a necessary guarantee that allows them to negotiate contracts with suppliers. This is impacting businesses’ access to essential supplies like energy and in the worst cases, could lead to tighter payment terms, restricted forward purchasing and even security deposits. In 2009 more than £100m worth of insurance was withdrawn for our business customers and we predict it will continue to be an issue for many businesses in 2010.

“That is why we are calling on businesses, energy suppliers and credit insurers to work together to avoid a credit crisis and prevent businesses facing challenges in securing energy supplies. There needs to be open dialogue and information sharing so that financial decisions are based on real-time data and are not solely reliant on the information held by Companies House.”

npower is also working closely with the Major Energy Users Council (MEUC) to reach businesses and bring to their attention the importance of carefully managing credit insurance.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Consumers Who Are Looking For An Alternative To The Traditional Method Of Ordering Checks Are Turning To Carousel Checks For Their Needs

The company offers online checks in a variety of styles. Customers who choose to deal with Carousel Checks can have their order shipped directly to their door by the shipping method of their choice.

Personal Checks are available in a number of styles. The customer can choose checks with images that reflect their work, hobbies or interests. Choices include firefighter and farm themes. Customers can also choose f r o m various sports themes, including bowling, basketball, billiards, football, golf and fishing. Other images available on checks f r o m Carousel represent flowers, different ethnic groups, flowers, food, religious images, and more.

Once a customer has selected the theme they are most interested in, the process for ordering checks is quick and convenient. Rather than having to travel to the bank during regular business hours to place an order, Carousel offers customers a secure server where they can order products f r o m their computer, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Carousel keeps information about the correct spacing for banking information in a database. If a customer has questions about whether the company has up-to-date information on their bank’s specifications, they can call 1-888-422-6122 to confirm. If the records aren’t current, the customer can request a form to provide the required information to Carousel Checks.

Customers who order online checks can place their order in varying quantities, ranging f r o m 150 and 960 checks. Each order includes a number of deposit tickets and a transaction register. Carousel Customers can select a typeset and add a monogram to their checks, if desired.

Other products offered by Carousel Checks include address labels. The customer can choose to add coordinating labels to their order when they place the order for their checks. Ink stamps with up to four lines of type are available, along with check book covers.

Customers who choose to order online checks f r o m Carousel have the option of personalizing them with their phone number and/or Driver’s License information if they wish. They also have the option of providing their own image to the company to have custom checks printed.

The company allows customers to submit their own image to have custom checks printed. Before the order is run, the image is examined by a photo professional, who can use their expertise to improve its quality. The image is forwarded to the customer by e-mail for their approval before their order is printed. The custom image can also be used for address labels.

Carousel Checks Inc. is a company that offers custom Checks to individuals and business owners alike. The company’s online checks can be ordered quickly and conveniently. Along with an extensive line of checks, Carousel also offers address labels, check book covers, and other accessories.

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Carousel Checks Offers Custom Products to Customers

Carousel Checks, based in Crestwood, IL, offers an extensive line of checks for personal use. Customers who need to order personalized checks can simply visit the web site at a convenient time. They can browse through Carousel Checks’ extensive product line to select the style of online checks that best meet their needs.

The checks are offered in a number of themes. The customer can choose f r o m themes ranging f r o m animals to transportation. Other offerings include sports, roller coasters, music, flowers, and food.

A customer who wants to use personalized Checks with the image of their choice can do so. The company also offers a line of checks that are printed with an image that the customer provides. Carousel also offers custom photo address labels. A four-line pre-inked stamp is another option for customers who want a solution for providing their return address on correspondence but who don’t want to include an image.

The company offers proofs at no charge to its customers who want to use custom images for their checks. They can even use a series of rotating images in their order. Before the order for the checks is run, the customer receives the proofs by e-mail. They know in advance what the image is going to look like on their custom checks.

Business customers can order three to a page accounts payable checks. A company logo can be added to the checks at no extra charge. All of Carousel Checks’ business products are printed on quality paper. Depending on the business owner’s needs, up to three signature lines can be included on the front of the checks. The company also provides double window envelopes for its line of business checks.

Carousel Checks also offers a line of computer checks that are compatible with Quickbooks, Quicken and Microsoft Money. These products are designed to meet or exceed regulations put in place by United States banks. As in the case of accounts payable checks, adding a company logo is free. Double window envelopes for the computer checks are included in the price.

Contact Details: Carousel Checks Inc. offers a complete line of checks that can be used for personal and business purposes. The company can provide its customer with online checks delivered straight to their door. Laser checks and accessories are also part of Carousel Checks’ product line.

Via EPR Network
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Commonwealth Capital Advisors Joins More Than 650 Organizations In The United States To Educate And Inspire The Next Generation Of Entrepreneurs Nov. 16 – 22

This November, young people around the globe will get together to change the world. To celebrate the vital role entrepreneurs play in innovation, job creation and economic recovery, Commonwealth Capital Advisors is participating in Global Entrepreneurship Week on Nov. 16 – 22, 2009 to inspire, connect, mentor and engage young people.

Commonwealth Capital Advisors, an 11 year old American investment banking advisory firm serving entrepreneurs worldwide, will give away 1 million e-books explaining to aspiring entrepreneurs how to raise enough capital to start a business. It is the only resource available online that shows Entrepreneurs the whole process so they can successfully get the capital they need without wasting time or money where others fail.

Co-founded in 2008 by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in the United States and Make Your Mark, a business-led government-backed campaign in the United Kingdom, Global Entrepreneurship Week will connect young people through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. Students, educators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, employees, non-profit leaders, government officials and others will participate in a host of activities that include virtual and face-to-face events, large-scale competitions and intimate networking gatherings.

In 2009, the Week is estimated to exceed the 3 million people and 8,800 organizations around the globe that participated in the inaugural Global Entrepreneurship Week in 2008. Already, more than 650 organizations in more than 80 countries have signed up.

“Our primary purpose is to increase every entrepreneur’s probability of raising substantial amounts of capital to the highest degree possible at a mere fraction of the traditional cost without giving up any permanent equity or management control.” Timothy D. Hogan, Chairman & CEO, Commonwealth Capital Advisors.

“The world knows that entrepreneurship is the key to economic recovery, and the next generation of innovators holds that key,” said Carl Schramm, president and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation. “Now more than ever, we need to unleash the creativity and ingenuity of our youth by engaging them in the endless possibilities of entrepreneurship.”


You can get started by reading the abridged version of the e-book “The Secrets of Wall Street – Raising Capital for Start-Up and Early Stage Companies” the most comprehensive guide to the world of raising capital. To download your personal copy, visit and enter promotional code gew.

CCA has become the advocate for the entrepreneur by specializing in assisting start-up and early-stage companies raise seed, development and expansion capital through the issuance of securities. They have taken one of the most complex, arduous and expensive processes and reduced it to a simple, easy and inexpensive system. The amounts can range from $100,000 to $50 million for operating companies and up to $500 million for REITs, Film Production Companies, Oil & Gas projects or other Investment Funds. CCA has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the legal, accounting and investment banking work product, just to license it to its users and to enable them to have a shot at their dream.

About Global Entrepreneurship Week
With the goal to inspire young people to embrace innovation, imagination and creativity, Global Entrepreneurship Week will encourage youth to think big, turn their ideas into reality, and make their mark. From Nov. 16-22, 2009, millions of young people around the world will join a growing movement to generate new ideas and seek better ways of doing things. Tens of thousands of activities are being planned in dozens of countries. Global Entrepreneurship Week is founded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and the Make Your Mark campaign. For more information, visit, and follow @unleashingideas on Twitter.

Kauffman Foundation
The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation is a private nonpartisan foundation that works to harness the power of entrepreneurship and innovation to grow economies and improve human welfare. Through its research and other initiatives, the Kauffman Foundation aims to open young people’s eyes to the possibility of entrepreneurship, promote entrepreneurship education, raise awareness of entrepreneurship-friendly policies, and find alternative pathways for the commercialization of new knowledge and technologies. It also works to prepare students to be innovators, entrepreneurs and skilled workers in the 21st century economy through initiatives designed to improve learning in math, engineering, science and technology. Founded by late entrepreneur and philanthropist Ewing Marion Kauffman, the Foundation is based in Kansas City, Mo. and has approximately $2 billion in assets. For more information, visit, and follow @kauffmanfdn on Twitter.

Make Your Mark
Make Your Mark is the campaign to give young people in the UK the confidence, skills and ambition to be enterprising – to have ideas and make them happen. Run by Enterprise Insight, which was founded by the four leading UK business membership organisations – the British Chambers of Commerce, the CBI, the Federation of Small Businesses and the Institute of Directors. Their Director-Generals sit on our board, which is chaired by entrepreneur Peter Jones, from BBC’s Dragon’s Den. It is supported by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and endorsed by the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

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St Peter Port Capital Limited, An AIM Listed Investment Company Announces Its Preliminary Results For Its Second Year Of Investment

St Peter Port Capital Limited (the “Company” or “St Peter Port”), the AIM listed investment company whose aim is to generate value by investing predominantly in growth companies shortly before an initial public offering (“IPO”) or other exit event, announces its preliminary results for its second year of investment..

St Peter Port Capital Limited


• 36 investee companies at year end

• realised to date, £22.5m in cash f r o m investee companies, generating a gain on investment of 39%

• following the year end, a further £5.67m invested in five companies, two of which are new to the portfolio

• NAV of 105.6p per share, up 3.1% over the year

• profit of £877,000 (2008: £3.69m), eps of 1.2p (2008: 4.9p)

Bob Morton, Chairman of St Peter Port, said:
“I am pleased to report that the Company has weathered the storm and maintained the net a s s e t value of the portfolio. We believe that many of the companies within the portfolio have considerable upside potential in a portfolio of high risk/high reward companies.”

Tim Childs, Chief Executive of St Peter Port Investment Management Limited, said:
“As at the 14 July 2009, we had £16.6m to invest in new opportunities and follow-on investments. Competition is limited and we are therefore being offered these on attractive terms.”

St Peter Port Capital Limited floated on AIM on 16 April 2007, raising £75m in new equity. The Company is a Guernsey registered closed-ended investment company. The Company’s objective is to achieve returns f r o m the uplift on or shortly after IPO, but the exit f r o m the investment could also be a trade sale. The universe for investment is principally companies across a broad range of sectors and geography expecting to conduct an IPO or achieve a trade sale or other liquidity event in the months after the Company’s investment. However, in current conditions, it may also include companies which are already public whose value is not properly recognised by stock markets. The initial focus is on companies targeting UK, US and Commonwealth stock markets although pre-IPO companies looking to float on other exchanges will also be considered. The Company appointed St Peter Port Investment Management Limited, a joint venture between Broughton Investments Group Limited (“Broughton”), a company in which Tim Childs is interested, and Shore Capital Limited (“Shore Capital”), the absolute return fund management specialist which currently manages approximately £1.4 billion, to act as its investment manager (“the Investment Manager”).

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Chairman’s Statement


Although our second year of investment was a year of unprecedented difficulty for financial markets around the world, I am pleased to report that the Company has weathered this storm well. It has maintained the net a s s e t value of its portfolio which includes a number of companies with considerable upside potential.

Investment Environment and Portfolio Composition

St Peter Port was relatively fully invested at the start of 2008/9, having invested most of the funds raised at flotation in the previous year. A number of companies in which we had invested were coming to market shortly or otherwise close to a liquidity event such as a trade sale. The portfolio accumulated in the first year was weighted its towards three sectors: oil and gas exploration and production; mining and resources and renewable energy/clean technology, reflecting suitable opportunities which had been identified for St Peter Port’s strategy. At the start of 2008/9 St Peter Port held stakes in 41 companies.

During the earlier part of 2008/9, commodity prices remained high, giving rise to a number of flotations and other exit opportunities. Wherever possible, as described in the report below, the Investment Manager took full advantage of these to release cash. Over the same period the Company redeemed nearly all its hedge fund holdings other than one much reduced holding in a third party fund of funds which has staged redemption arrangements. However, after the banking crisis became extreme in September 2008 the opportunities for achieving exits vanished and only began tentatively to return since the year end.

Given the extent of the turmoil in financial markets, and its impact on the global economy, the Company refrained f r o m making any further investments in the second half of 2008/9. This reflected the conditions for a number of months in which markets – were unable to find any sort of equilibrium.

Investments and Realisations during the Year

During the first half of 2008/9, the Company invested a further £14.9m in nine companies, two of the investments being follow-ons. The focus of these investments shifted f r o m a possible exit through flotation to investments where there was a credible expectation of a liquidity event in any form within a relatively short period, such as a trade sale or repayment of a loan.

To date the Company has realised over £22.5 million through disposals (over £22 million in 2008/9), generating a gain on investment of 39 per cent. This was largely derived f r o m six investments which were wholly or substantially realised during the year and one other which was partially realised.

Share Buy-Back

Shortly before the year end the Company bought back 1.95m of its own shares at 30p per share. These shares are currently being held in treasury. As discussed below, the effect of this buy-back was to enhance net a s s e t value per share.

Basis of Valuation for Financial Results

Determining the Company’s financial results for the year is an exercise largely dependent on an assessment of the fair value of each investment held. Where investments are now quoted, there is an external basis for determining fair value and we have valued holdings at the bid price of the shares. Where this is not available IFRS rules require us to select a fair value.

Values of our oil and gas and resource stocks are influenced by a number of factors, including company progress, exchange rates and commodity prices. Where we have invested in a mining or petroleum project, when the company receives positive results f r o m drilling geological investigation this should lead to a rise in value. We report in sterling but many of our investments were made in foreign currency. Even where this was not the case, the value of the investment is frequently determined by reference to dollar values rather than sterling. We have also taken account of any pre-defined uplift on a liquidity event; in some cases we have written investments down heavily and in others written them up.

Financial Results

The Company made a profit in the year of £877,000 (2007/8: £3.69m), generating earnings per share of 1.2p (2007/8: 4.9p). Income arose largely f r o m the net gains in fair value of investments of £2.51m (2007/8: £4.57m).

Net a s s e t s at year end were largely unchanged f r o m the previous year at £77.13m (31 March 2008: £76.84m). However, net a s s e t value per share increased by 3.1 per cent to 105.58p (31 March 2008: 102.45p), largely as a result of the share buy-back.

Balance Sheet

As at 31 March 2009, the Company held £54.3m in investments in companies, being equity investments and loan instruments (31 March 2008: £55.9m). Nearly all of the remaining balance sheet was in cash, £22.6m (31 March 2008: £12.5m – including commercial paper), the principal difference being that £8.7m was held in hedge funds at 31 March 2008, which was reduced to £130,000 at the year end.

Activity since the Year End

Since the year end conditions have become more stable and the Company has resumed making new investments, described below in the Investment Manager’s report. Three of these investments are follow-ons into companies in which we were already shareholders and the other two are new investments. The pricing of each of these reflects the depressed market conditions which currently prevail and offer the prospects of significant uplifts on exit.

As a result of these investments since the year end, the Company, as at the 14 July 2009, held £16.6m in cash and available for investment. We therefore have the cash to cherry pick f r o m the best of our existing portfolio and new opportunities at a time when many potential participants are illiquid.

The investment climate has become less volatile and commodity prices have recovered substantially since their lows around the turn of 2008. Competition in our area f r o m other funders is limited. We believe that many of the companies within the portfolio have considerable upside potential in a portfolio of high risk/high reward companies. The Board views the future with confidence.

Bob Morton

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Personalized Photo Checks Available F r o m Carousel Checks

Consumers are looking for variety when they are considering check designs, and the plain styles offered by financial institutions are no longer the only option available to them. Carousel Checks has stepped forward to meet their customers’ needs by offering a number of styles and colors to reflect their taste. They are no longer limited to a single color or basic patterns when ordering this necessary item.

For the ultimate in personalization, Carousel Checks offers its customers the opportunity to choose a custom photo for their checks. They may want to use an image that reflects a favorite hobby, their pet, or any other image they want to share when paying bills and other expenses.

Along with the option of using a custom photo on checks f r o m Carousel, consumers have the option of choosing f r o m a large selection of ready-to-use themes. Patriotic U.S. customers would be interested in the American Pride collection. F r o m the Lincoln Memorial to POW/MIA and the bald eagle for a Soaring Over America theme, the customer’s choice can reflect their love of country.

Hobbies and careers are popular choices when it comes to images for personalized checks, and Carousel offers several online check options that reflect these themes. Firefighter, farmer, and soldier images are available for people who work in these types of jobs. The hobby themes available for online checks f r o m Carousel include baseball, bowling, golf, fishing, football, and snowmobiling.

Not all the images offered by Carousel Checks are ones that are more likely to appeal to male customers. The flower and nature themes offered by the company include garden birdhouses, butterflies, and funky modern designs. Food is another popular theme, and the images in this collection run the gamut f r o m wine and cheese to fresh raspberries and candy items.

The company also offers an inspirational line of checks with positive messages that will give the customer and the person receiving the check a boost to their day. Religious and mystic themes are also available, and are not limited to Christian images only. Customers can also choose to add a Yin-Yang or wisdom symbol to their checks.

Personalized checks are not limited to individual consumers. Business customers can choose to add their company logo to the checks they order f r o m Carousel Checks. This type of advertising ties in well with other ones that companies use regularly, such as adding a logo to letterhead, company envelopes, and account forms.

Why buy checks online f r o m Carousel Checks? Company spokesperson Andy Crim has the answer: “We don’t charge our customers more for reorders. We want our customers to stay with us for life, not just a single order.” With the variety of styles available, Carousel is doing all they can to create long-term relationships with its customers.

Carousel Checks is a company that provides custom online checks to consumers. Customers can choose f r o m a variety of styles for their personal or business needs. Available image types include animals/wildlife, career, food, flowers, religious, and sports themes. Business customers can order payroll, accounts payable, or multi-purpose checks. Carousel Checks also carries computer Checks and coordinating address labels for their customers’ needs.

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Free Customer Logo Checks With US Banking Security Backer Regulation Compliance

Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, announced today that it has released a line of free business customer check designs incorporating a company’s logo. The checks also include the Security Backer feature, which makes the checks nearly impossible to photocopy or otherwise reproduce for fraudulent purposes.

Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, announced today that it has released a line of free business customer check designs incorporating a company’s logo. The checks also include the Security Backer feature, which makes the checks nearly impossible to photocopy or otherwise reproduce for fraudulent purposes.

The checks are in full compliance with U.S. banking laws, said Carousel Checks president, Andy Crim.

“Corporate fraud is at an all time high,” Crim said. “Companies suffer from ID theft, too. These checks not only certify who wrote them with the use of a corporate logo, but they also provide extra security by being virtually impossible to reproduce or forge.”

Crim went on to say that Carousel Checks incorporates four security features on every check it prints. These features exceed industry guidelines as an extra assurance to customers that their security is assured.

The four features are:
1. Padlock Icon: This icon insures the issuer of the checks that security enhancements are being used in accordance with Financial Stationers Association guidelines.

2. MP Signature Line: The MP icon assures the issuer that micro-security print is being used in the design. Micro-security print is very small print that is designed to “break up” if photocopied. In other words, the print will be very broken and jagged on the fraudulent check.

3. Rear Panel: The reverse side of the check provides full descriptions of the security features.

4. Finally, Carousel Checks protects all online purchases of checks and other transactions with the highest levels of security.

“We realize that people and businesses can be a bit apprehensive about providing their financial information on line,” Crim said. “However, these days you have to do it if you’re going to be in business.” Carousel Checks has been awarded the highest level of security certification by GeoTrust and ControlScanTM, two leading providers of PCI compliance and security solutions.

Printing business checks that meet government and industry qualifications is nothing new for Crim. His parents founded Carousel Checks over 40 years ago as a check designer and printer for businesses and banks. Even then, security was a primary concern, even though the opportunity for fraud was much smaller.

As technology progressed, and the banking industry began to get more diverse, Carousel Checks moved into the personal – and personalized – check printing business. This included customizing business checks with company logos and other identifying marks.

Crim said that any assurance of security during an internet purchase can often turn a reluctant visitor to the site into a repeat customer.

“The trust badges we receive from different security companies serve a real purpose on our site,” Crim said. “They’re the visual affirmation of security certification. Customers know that they can order their online checks safely. They know that when they share the financial information needed for their checks that their information will not be stolen or otherwise compromised. We take great pride in that. “

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Vietnam Wall Commemorative Checks By Premier Online Check Company Carousel

Nearly 35 years after the final American helicopter flew out of Vietnam, the memory of more than 50,000 American men and women who lost their lives in the conflict is preserved forever in the black marble walls of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Since it was first unveiled in 1982, it has become as recognizable as any other monument in Washington, D.C. and a place of healing for countless veterans of the war and their families.


Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, recently announced the release of “The Wall,” a stirring photograph adorning the company’s newest addition to its American Pride line of commemorative checks.

The design on the checks respectfully depicts a portion of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial with a proud U.S. Marine saluting in the foreground. Names of many of the fallen can be clearly read in the design.

“The wall is such a stark reminder of the selflessness that our fighting men and women exemplify,” Andy Crim, president of Carousel Checks, said. “We received many requests from veterans and their families for a Vietnam-themed design. We chose this one because it is both heartening and solemn.”

The Vietnam Wall design joins a growing number of Americana-based check designs for the 40-year-old Carousel Checks Company. Other patriotic photos available in the American Pride line of custom checks include Mt. Rushmore, The Lincoln Memorial, the Statue of Liberty, the POW-MIA logo and several attractive “Old Glory” patterns.

“American history and Americana in general is very popular on personal checks,” Crim said. “These checks have always among our most popular designs. “ Crim added that he had no doubt that the Vietnam Wall check design would become quite popular.

“Obviously, veterans of the Vietnam War identify with it,” Crim said. “But so do the families and survivors of the men and women whose names are on the wall.” Crim added that Carousel Checks has already received many “thank you’s” from people who have ordered the online checks at the company’s site,

“They’re truly moved by the design,” Crim said. “People tell me that the checks instill a feeling of pride every time they open their check books.”

Carousel Checks was founded over 40 years ago by Crim’s parents as a regular check printing company for banks around the country. When the internet made custom printing of checks a reality for many consumers, Carousel was one of the first companies to pursue the consumer end of the checks business.

Currently, CarouselChecks offers scores of check designs in a variety of categories, from Americana and sports to religion, education, sports, wildlife and seasonal designs.

Crim said that the Wall check design is available in a variety of package sizes. Retail prices range for $10 to $80, based on the quantity of checks ordered. The entire CarouselChecks product line is available online at

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Carousel Checks Online Security Reaches Highest Level of Security in the Nation

Carousel Checks, an online provider of personal, business, computer, laser and bank checks worldwide, announced today that it had been awarded the nation’s highest online security certification by GeoTrust®, the world’s second largest digital certificate provider.

The certification confirms that all customers of Carousel Checks may perform worry-free, secure online transactions and conduct business over the internet in complete security and confidence.

Andy Crim, Carousel Checks president, said that the GeoTrust certification provides Carousel Checks customers with the highest security when placing or checking an order online.

“With check and computer fraud on the rise, you can’t be too careful with your financial information when you’re on line…,” Crim said. “The GeoTrust Certification will help to reassure any apprehensive customers that ordering checks online is safe, sensible and secure.”

Carousel Checks, founded over 40 years ago by Crim’s parents, started business as a check printing company for banks around the country. When the internet made custom printing of checks for consumers a reality, Carousel was one of the first companies to pursue the consumer end of the checks printing business.

Crim said that customers return to order more checks from because the company provides three important elements: security, speed and cost. “When people order checks, they’re probably a day or two away from running out of them,” Crim said. “So we specialize in being able to turn around check orders quickly, affordably and with the utmost of security. That’s where the GeoTrust certification is a real benefit. When customers see the GeoTrust logo on our site, they can be reassured that their transactions are safe.”

Carousel Checks prints all of their check orders on laser printing machines. These machines provide fast, accurate printing, with minimal time lost on printing errors other common hazards of standard printing. The GeoTrust announcement comes at the same time that Carousel Checks announced that it had received “Verified Secure” certification from ControlScanTM, GeoTrust’s parent company, based in Atlanta.

Crim stressed the importance of his company being certified by both ControlScan and GeoTrust. “These double security certifications are vital necessities for secure sites,” Crim said. When people order checks from Carousel Checks, we want them to have a good time browsing through our designs and ordering in confidence. The last thing we want is for them to worry about their online security.”

Crim added that visual “trust badges” signifying secure certification on the Carousel website actually encourages many reluctant customers to buy. “People who want to have that extra assurance are often swayed by the security badges on our site,” Crim said. “We are absolutely thrilled to have received these certifications.” offers scores of unique check designs for business, personal checks, and online checks. Designs range from nature paintings and national landmarks to artwork, Americana and wildlife. Carousel also provides a wide variety of business and payroll computer checks. Among the most popular checks are Photo Checks, which allow the account owner to put their own photo on their checks. “This virtually eliminates the possibility of anyone passing a bad check,” Crim said.

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Barclays Local Business reveals small business owners are in it for the long haul and plan to stay in business longer

It may not always be a match made in heaven, but UK bosses are in it for the long haul when it comes to running their own company, according to a survey of small business owners conducted by Barclays Local Business* research reveals that over a quarter (28%) expect to run their business for more than 25 years (longer than the average marriage in the UK at 24 years, or 11.6 years if it ends in divorce**) and one in five said they plan to keep working well into their seventies.

As well as being wedded to the job, UK small business bosses are forming long-term and loyal relationships with their staff. Despite the popular belief that a ‘job for life’ is a thing of the past, nearly a third (29%) of those questioned have an employee on the books who has worked for them for at least ten years and two thirds of respondents still employ their first ever recruit.

John Davis, marketing director for Barclays Local Business said: Starting your own business is a serious commitment and for most people it really is about a life long relationship that needs constant nurturing and attention. For every over night success there are thousands of business people who have spent years developing a successful business – but there are few things as satisfying as making it a success after all that effort.”

Given this propensity for long term commitment, it is no surprise that bosses are quite literally ‘married to the job’. Two fifths admit feeling personally connected to their business, and said its failure would cause emotions akin to a relationship ending.

Although women were more likely to be affected by ‘business bereavement’ when a company fails, the survey showed that when it comes to their staff, male entrepreneurs are more sentimental than their female counterparts. On average, male bosses employed their first recruit for approximately a year longer than female bosses, while their longest serving employees typically clocked up a year longer on the payroll.

The survey also revealed that entrepreneurs who value stability in their personal life are more likely to replicate it in the workplace. Respondents who had been in relationships for more than twenty years tended to employ their first recruits for nearly eight years – two and a half years longer than the national average. Their longest standing employees also remained employed for more than nine years – 50% longer that the national average of six and a half years.

Despite growing concern about an economic downturn, confidence among the small business community remains strong, as three quarters (74%) say they are keen to grow their business this year. Of those that felt growth was not an option, a quarter cited the risks currently posed by the economic climate while nearly one in five (19%) said they simply had no interest in making more money.

* Taken from online research carried out between 1 and 16 June 2008 by Ciao Surveys on behalf of Barclays Local Business Banking. Total sample size was 503 Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) owner-managers from across the UK, where an SME is defined as having up to 250 employees.
** National Statistics and the National Family and Parenting Institute.

About Barclays Local Business
Barclays supports businesses with:

1600 local business managers in 600 locations.
Start-ups get standard banking transactions free for up to 12 months.
Flexibility to bank when and how they want – online and telephone banking and a full counter service at 1600 branches nationwide.
In the longer term businesses can choose various banking packages which give a choice of free automated payments or in credit interest. These packages also include different levels of further support from online training to credit management facilities.

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