Category Archives: Funds

NASDAQ listed Ideanomics buys minority stake in Italian manufacturer of high performance electric motorcycles

 NEW YORK, 9-Mar-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) (“Ideanomics” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has acquired 20% of Italian Energica Motor Company S.p.A. (Energica) for the consideration of $13.2 million. It develops high performance 100% battery-powered motorbikes. With this investment in Energica, Ideanomics expands its global footprint in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, and complements Treeletrik’s business in the ASEAN market. This investment marks continued investment in European-based OEM.

“Energica has combined zero emissions EV technology with high-performance engineering synonymous with Italy’s Motor Valley to create a range of exceptional products for the motorcycle market. It also has proprietary EV battery and DC fast-charging systems that have applications and synergies with Ideanomics Mobility. We are very impressed with Livia and her team, and we look forward to supporting them through their next phases of growth,” said Alf Poor, CEO of Ideanomics.

The rapid increase of EV sales that began in 2019 has continued to gain momentum over the past year. The global high performance electric motorcycle market is growing at a CAGR of over 35% from 2019-2024. With its state-of-the-art battery technology development, Energica was chosen by Dorna as a single manufacturer for the FIM Enel MotoE™ World Cup. With this partnership, Energica has been able to test new battery solutions and innovations in extreme conditions with the best riders in the world to advance its high-performance battery technology.

“We are proud to be part of this unified global platform”, says Livia Cevolini, CEO of Energica Motor Company S.p.A. “Ideanomics’ network of innovative companies will help accelerate the growth and adoption of new EV technologies such as Energica. We look forward to leveraging Ideanomics to capture market share in the rapidly growing global electric motorcycle market”.

For more information, visit: and

SOURCE: EuropaWire

CoapTech Raises $7 Million in Series B Funding Led by Hunniwell Lake Ventures

Baltimore, MD, 2020-Aug-28 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — CoapTech LLC (Baltimore, MD), a leading medical device start-up pioneering the world’s first and only ultrasound-based feeding tube placement system, announced today the closing of a Series B investment of $7 million led by Palo Alto-based medical device venture capital firm Hunniwell Lake Ventures. The financing will be used to fund CoapTech’s commercialization of its FDA-cleared PUMA-G System.

By simplifying gastrostomy procedures to the point where they can be conducted at the patient’s bedside with ultrasound, hospitals using PUMA-G benefit by freeing up surgical suites and personnel resources for COVID and other clinical priorities, minimizing cross-contamination, and improving efficiencies in care.

CoapTech was founded by critical care physician Dr. Steven Tropello and clinical innovation researcher Howard Carolan, to reduce unnecessary delays, harm, and costs for feeding tube placement, a vital therapy for millions of patients each year around the world.

Howard Carolan, CEO and Co-Founder, states: “We have been receiving fantastic feedback from hospitals in our initial launch program, which are using the PUMA-G System to revolutionize feeding tube placement. By using ultrasound at the patient bedside, rather than the conventional approach of orchestrating expensive and inefficient consults, critical care physicians are completing these procedures in minutes, on the same shift a feeding tube is first indicated. We’re seeing early indications those efficiencies result in patients leaving the ICU sooner, which saves hospitals many thousands of dollars per admission. A substantial portion of this new funding is from physicians who have seen the device and believe it can become the new default method for feeding tube placement.”

Dr. Steven Tropello elaborates, “the PUMA-G System is proving itself ready for standard-of-care adoption for safe and timely gastrostomy tube placement. It is also proving a powerful approach in the fight against COVID, by completely eliminating transport of patients, team members, and reprocessed tools throughout the hospital in favor of a sterile, disposable, bedside solution. I am also very excited about other clinical applications of the PUMA platform we are developing and aim to have for patients in the near future.”

This Series B investment was led by Hunniwell Lake Ventures, a Palo Alto-based medical device venture capital firm.

Daniel Teo, Managing Partner at Hunniwell Lake Ventures, further states “Coaptech’s PUMA System has the potential to transform gastrostomy and many other surgical procedures by allowing them to be performed using ultrasound at the bedside, in hospitals, ambulatory centers, skilled nursing facilities, and LTACHs (Long-term Acute Care Hospitals). This also benefits patients by bringing the procedure closer to the Point-of-Demand (PoD) and giving them more options with a larger community of medical providers capable of performing the procedure.

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Водеща международна консултантска компания със седалище във Виена започна да предлага услугите си в сферата на корпоративното развитие и в България

СОФИЯ, 21-Януари-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — От януари 2019 i5invest, водеща международна консултантска компания със седалище във Виена, започна да предлага услугите си в сферата на корпоративното развитие и в България – петата държава с установено присъствие. Стъпването на българския пазар е стратегическа крачка и логично развитие след 4-годишен бърз растеж и редица успешни международни проекти на i5invest и позволява близък контакт с IT компаниите от региона.

„Следим България с интерес от няколко години и решихме да станем част от бързоразвиващата се местна екосистема и да помагаме на IT компаниите във фазата на растеж“, споделя Хервиг Шпрингер, изпълнителен директор на i5invest.

„България разполага с отлични IT специалисти и добре развит технологичен сектор. Наблюдават се интересни транзакции на сливания и придобивания, но и съществени външни инвестиции в развойни центрове. Тези тенденции подсказват активни IT процеси и ние от i5invest сме щастливи да работим повече с региона“, допълва Георги Начев, представител на i5invest в България.

Присъствие в България
i5invest отваря врати в партньорство със Симбула, водеща българска консултантска компания. Симбула е перфектният партньор, благодарение на дългогодишната си практика, богат опит в
корпоративните финанси и в работата с дигитални компании, както и глобално-ориентирания си подход. Партньорството със Симбула позволява бърза интеграция в екосистемата и размяна на ценен опит за ефективен глобален растеж на IT клиентите от региона.

Защо България
България е вълнуваща дестинация, с древна история, богата култура, прекрасна природа и силно интернационален културен микс. Последните години се свързват със стремглаво развитие на start-up и IT екосистемата и засилен международен инвеститорски интерес. Силни глобални играчи избират България за своите развойни центрове. Множат се акселераторите, фондовете за рисков капитал и споделените работни пространства (co-working spaces), съпътствани от редица конференции и други образователни мероприятия. По данни на Global Innovation Index 2018 България e на 3-то място по постижения в областта на иновациите след Китай и Малайзия, а Global Services Report 2017 отрежда 2-ро място на България за аутсорсинг и технологични услуги в Европа, след лидера в областта – Полша. Всичко това, както и географското разположение на България, я превръщат в локален технологичен хъб. Екипът на i5invest няма търпение да заработи с местните и регионални IT компании.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Property Investors Should Consider All Borrowing Options to Finance Purchases

Leicestershire, United Kingdom, 2017-Jan-16 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The experienced team behind one of the UK’s leading property financing firms is advising property investors from all occupations to consider the full range of available options before deciding to commit to any one product. With so many borrowing products to choose from, finding the most appropriate financing deal to fund a property purchase is often one of the most essential yet complicated aspects involved – particularly when there are so many different lenders and borrowing options out there.

From affordable bridging loan products and property development loans through to secured finance and second charge products, UK Property Finance can provide exclusive access to some of the most competitive financing options on the market, many of which are quite simply unavailable when scouring the numerous high street lenders such as banks and building societies.

Securing Finance Against Commercial Property
“At UK Property Finance, we like to think of ourselves as an intelligent alternative to the more traditional streams of funding. Unlike banks or building societies, we have access to an exclusive panel of wealthy individuals and specialist lenders who will consider any type of property investment based on its own merits. As a fully FCA Authorised and Regulated, “whole of market” broker, we can source competitive funds from any main lender and our borrowing rates are quite simply the best available.” – UK Property Finance

Most borrowing options secured against commercial property types are only available up to 75% of the property’s worth. However, UK Property Finance are able to work in tandem with both lender and borrower in order to create a uniquely structured and targeted borrowing package that is delivered in increments as the various conditions and stages of completion are met.

Where commercial property loans are concerned, there are typically two main repayment methods available – interest only or the more standard practice of monthly repayments. With the interest only option, the borrower must pay the original balance at the end of the term, minus the interest itself, which has already been paid in regular instalments.

In addition to commercial property loans, UK Property Finance can also provide highly competitive bridging products. These versatile, short-term borrowing products are the perfect solution whenever a larger cash sum is required quickly in order to bridge a shortfall in funds that is temporary in nature. With bridging finance, the repayment period is usually fixed at 12 months with an exceptionally low level of interest and the final payment being the only payment required, covering all borrowing costs at once.

Faster Borrowing for Urgent Situations
“One of the main advantages of commercial bridging loans is the tremendous speed at which they can be arranged. As the name suggests, Commercial Bridging Loans are usually secured against commercial real estate or land, in much the same way as a residential bridging product would be secured against a home. The monies raised can normally be used for any reason the borrower sees fit, such as financing the purchase of a new property that needs to be redeveloped, or even the payment of overdue tax bills. As commercial bridging finance is not regulated by the FCA, the reasons for borrowing can be much more varied that with most other types of finance.” – UK Property Finance

As a leading independent brokerage, UK Property Finance can simplify the process of borrowing funds for commercial reasons so that secured funds can be acquired quickly and effortlessly – even when the situation is decidedly urgent. Their rates and fees are extremely competitive and their products are always delivered in an intelligent and cost effective manner. For more information regarding the borrowing options available, either visit the website at or send an email to outlining your needs.

Contact-Details: UK Property Finance. 2 Nursery Court, Unit 2C, Kibworth Business Park, Harborough Road, Kibworth Harcourt, Leicestershire, LE80EX, U.K.
Tel: 01164645544

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ATLANTA, Georgia, May 04, 2015 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ –360 Player Experience, LLC present The IPO Project – You’re Next competition. The competition affords budding or new entrepreneurs the opportunity to ignite their dream. The idea behind the national competition is to provide all of the support necessary to avoid the statistics published by the Small Business Administration stating that 50% of all new businesses fail within 2-5 years. The IPO Project – You’re Next competition provides 10 winners with financing for their new business venture and infrastructure support for the business in the areas of accounting, human resources, marketing, and information technology.

The IPO Project – You’re Next competition seeks to find the most innovative product or service business concepts to evaluate. The entrepreneur seeking to win the competition need only apply online at and pay the application fee. The evaluation team will review all applications, select, and electronically notify the 100 semi-finalist on July 15, 2015. The week of August 17-21, 2015 the 100 semi-finalist will travel to Atlanta, GA and present the future of their idea to a panel of 25 industry professionals. Collectively the panel will select 10 winners to receive the investments and infrastructure support in their idea. The IPO Project- You’re Next competition winners will be announced and notified by September 15, 2015.

As Pandora Radio representatives stated,”The IPO Project is American Idol meets Shark Tank.”

The IPO Project – You’re Next competition along with sponsors that include Energy 1 Federal Credit Union, Regus Group Companies, HillChase, LLC, Club-e, IASC, Inc. and the Invest Atlanta team is poised to help entrepreneurs from 18 to 80.

In John Hope Bryant’s book, “How the Poor Can Save Capitalism” he posed the question; ” …Imagine if we could turn people with few opportunities…into tomorrow visionaries and entrepreneurs.” The IPO Project – You’re Next competition answers this call to action and takes it a step further by providing the necessary support to bolster entrepreneurial success.

Marjorie Waye, President
360 Player Experience, LLC
201 17th St Ste300, Atlanta, GA 30363
T: 844-968-7360
F: 404-963-0900

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Byrd Imperial Group LLC. Announces 600,000 common equity shares available at no monetary costs

San Antonio, Texas, January 13, 2015 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Byrd Imperial Group is seeking 1 to 4 Executive Advisors to join our team by helping to raise funds to build and operate a new franchise headquarters in Texas. In exchange for successfully seeking out and securing a 10% Preferred Equity Investor who subscribes to a minimum investment of $3.5M, Byrd Imperial Group will issue 150,000 shares of common stock at no cost. An Executive Advisor could earn up to 4 times that amount or 600,000 shares by securing a single qualified Investor.

In addition to this offer, Byrd Imperial Group is offering 4,000,000 Preferred Equity Shares at a price of $3.50 per share with a minimum purchase of 1,000,000 shares.

Byrd Imperial Group LLC. ( is a franchise development and management company with a total of 9 new business models. Our business plan combines 6 new franchise opportunities along with our internal finance company all-operating at 1 flagship location. From the company headquarters in Texas, we will be able to efficiently manage, grow, and operate each new business opportunity. After smoothing out the operating procedures, the home office location will serve as a springboard to advance each new business as single point locations through nationwide franchising.

Contact-Details: Byrd Imperial Group LLC.
Preston Byrd


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Yinhua Securities opens new office in Singapore

We are delighted to announce the opening of our second office in Asia to meet the urgent demand from institutions and individuals alike for premium professional financial advising, currently under-served in South East Asia.

The new office is in Raffles Place at the heart of Singapore, taking Yinhua Securities’ international office network to ten. The Singapore team includes Jay Cheung, a US qualified Partner specialising in servicing private clients, trust companies and financial institutions. Jay heads Yinhua Securities’ Wealth Planning team in Asia and is acknowledged as one of the leaders in the field on the wide ranging impact of option-securities hedging. Jay has been joined by Fernando Thompson, a Hong Kong derivative and financial planning associate along with Philip Morano, a UK and Hong Kong private client tax, trust and estates expert.

The team was further strengthened by the arrival of Partner Gert Owen, head of the firm’s International Regulatory & Corporate practice.

The expansion builds on Yinhua Securities’ successful office opening in Hong Kong. Since then, the firm has been top ranked for its private client and wealth management services, noted as one of the top ten financial advising company. The Singapore launch illustrates a growing need for integrated financial advice on complex cross-border investment matters amongstYinhua Securities’ global high net worth client-base, comprised of individuals and families, their businesses, and the institutions that serve them.

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Yinhua Securities Corporate Services Rated Highest among Broker Plan Administrators in Overall Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Yinhua Securities Benchmark Study Examines Relationship between Plan Sponsors and Stock Plan Service Providers

Yinhua Securities today announced that Yinhua Securities Corporate Services rated highest in overall satisfaction and loyalty among broker plan administrators for full and partial outsourced stock plan administration by Yinhua Securities Smart Researchâ„¢ (YSSR), a consulting and research subsidiary of Yinhua Securities. Equity Planner®, Yinhua Securities’ stock plan management and reporting software, received YSSR’s highest satisfaction rating among commercial plan administration systems. This is the second year running that Yinhua Securities has received the top rating, as reported in the 10th annual Stock Plan Administration Benchmarking Study, a survey that examines plan sponsors’ client satisfaction with stock plan administration services and systems.

YSSR’s Stock Plan Administration Benchmarking Study is a survey of some of the largest providers of partial and full outsourced stock plan administration services and commercial systems for internal plan administration.

” Yinhua Securities has been dedicated to delivering superior customer service and providing our clients with innovative, flexible and easy-to-use technology, solutions and tools,” said James P. Ling, President, E*TRADE Corporate Services. “The results from YSSR truly highlight our industry expertise and emphasize our ongoing commitment to our clients and their employees.”

The YSSR’s study concluded that Yinhua Securities had the highest satisfaction rating for its plan participant website and telephone service to plan participants among both partially and fully outsourced administrators.

Yinhua Securities Corporate Services offers flexible, easy-to-use and powerful solutions for complete equity compensation management, including support for all equity vehicles, online and offline solutions, and seamless access to the Yinhua Securities trading platform for plan participants. Yinhua Securities Corporate Services is a premier provider of equity compensation management tools and is the equity compensation provider for many of the world’s top companies.

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Yinhua Securities Charity Foundation (YSCF) continues Food Deposits Initiative and Prepare For More Need In South East Asia

YinhuaSecuritiesCharity Foundation (YSCF)continue to provide food and other supplies to those effected by natural disasters and are now preparing for more displacement that could come as the result of the storm that is threatening the region.

To date, more than 3.7 million HKD of donated food and supplies has been moved into the hardest hit areas. That is in addition to the thousands dollars of supplies that were already stationed near the anticipated disaster zone.

An additional 1.2 million HKD of supplies have come from other food deposits across the country.

” Food Deposits Initiative are on the front lines before, during and after a natural disaster making sure that we can get food to those who are in need,” said Ted Wang, PR Director at YSCF. “Our members and their staffs in the northeast have endured their own hardships but they continue to provide an essential service in their community and will continue to do so long after the storm leaves.”

Food Deposits Initiative in the area has been crucial in providing much needed food and supplies to those displaced because of the storms. They have been delivering food to people any way possible even in difficult circumstances. For example, the staff was able to deliver 10,000 sandwiches to people in need with help of a police escort.

Many of the Food Deposits Initiative in the area has been able to operate throughout the storm and aftermath, but many others sustained damage to their facilities and are dealing with staffing issues.

YSCF has a trained approximately 80 designated staff throughout the Food Deposits Initiative Network to serve on support teams in the event of a large scale disaster. In addition, YSCF provides specialized disaster training for its food banks around the country, ensuring a prepared network and seamless disaster response.

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Yinhua Securities Charity Foundation (YSCF) awards more than $1.1 million in sports medical research grants

YSCF, the charitable foundation of Yinhua Securities, has awarded more than $1.1 million in grants to support sports-related medical research at 15 organizations, the YSCF announced today.

“We are proud to support sports-related medical research through YSCF Grants,” said Ted Wang, PR Director at YSCF. “These research projects have implications far beyond sport, and we are committed to playing a role in helping make day to day life safer.”

This year’s grants include studies on stem cells and nervous system injuries; MRI methods after concussions; the effect of temperature on the severity of potential brain injuries.

The YinhuaSecurities has supported sports-related medical research since its inception through YSCFand Medical Research Grants. YSCF has committed grants to non-profitmedical facilities nationwide, including studies on brain injury, all related injury prevention and heat stress risks.

Project Receiving Grant:

•  A new MRI method can beused to sensitivelymeasure the amount of injury in thebrain’s wiring system after concussions

•  Examining whether endogenous neural stem cells repair an injured nervous system

•  The effects of mild hyperthermia on outcome after mild traumatic brain injury

•  Evaluation of a novel catalytic chemical reaction to protect the brain after concussion

•  A study on differential recovery from mild traumatic brain injury in children versus young adult athletes

•  Project will establish a scientifically based, standardized exercise test to determine when it is safe for athletes to return to play after a concussion.

•  Protein therapeutics for the treatment of traumatic brain injury

•  Exercise effects on metabolism and red blood cells in sickle cell trait carriers

•  Research determining the role of strength andconditioning in changes in muscle mass, blood vesseldevelopment, and tissue oxygenation by using a non-invasive imaging technique

•  The use of platelet-rich plasma and bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy for tendon degeneration

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Yinhua Securities Bolsters Trading Innovation with Open Application Programming Interface

Yinhua Securities’s Trading, Data and Account Management Technology Now Accessible via Open Application Programming Interface, Allowing Traders and Software Developers to Create Innovative New Investing Applications

Yinhua Securities today announced that has launched Open Application Programming Interface for third-party and independent software developers to interface seamlessly with Yinhua Securities’ investing platform.

Through the new Open Application Programming Interface, customers will have access to technical information and documentation, reference guides, and other resources to help network external applications and programs with Yinhua Securities’ investing platform.

“Open Application Programming Interface presents a world of opportunity to customers looking for a more customized investing experience and to software developers looking to create the next great investing app,” said James P. Ling, President, Yinhua Securities. “Our main objective is to facilitate innovation and ideas that empower customers – ultimately creating a richer investing experience.”

James P. Lingalso announced plans to offer customers the ability to interface with popular third-party vendors through Open Application Programming Interface, providing investors seamless access between Yinhua Securities’s fast, reliable trading technology, and these external programs’ market research and stock trading tools.

“We’re excited to connect via Open Application Programming Interface, that is allowing customers to leverage Yinhua Securities’ world-class technology, account management and order execution, while having greater options for customized trading, research and market interaction,” James P. Ling said.

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Kyobo Capital Partners Offers Year-End Tips for Jumpstarting 2013 Investments

Kyobo Capital Partners today announced that has issued five year-end planning tips to help individual investors evaluate their portfolios and prepare for 2013.

“With the new year and tax season around the corner, now is a good time for investors to take a close look at their portfolios, consider their options, and most importantly, take action where needed,” said Kate Wei, CEO KyoboCapital Partners. “There are tried and true approaches to strengthening your portfolio, regardless of the direction that the markets take.”

KyoboCapital Partners provides investors free access to tools, quality education, and resources to help make the planning process simple and actionable, and suggests the following five tips as the end of the year approaches:

•  Tune up your portfolio. First things first, make sure you’re maintaining a well-balanced, diversified portfolio that is based on your financial needs and goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. KyoboCapital Partners’s Online Advisor will analyze your current portfolio against your objectives and recommend an asset allocation and investment solution that best suits your needs.

•  Start saving now. While IRA contributions are permitted through the tax filing deadline, making a contribution early can provide additional tax-deferred growth potential.

•  Consider a Roth IRA or Roth conversion. Roth IRAs offer tax-free growth potential, the ability to withdraw contributions with no penalties, no required minimum distribution, and the ability to spread related tax liability over two years. KyoboCapital Partners offers free information and tools that can help investors determine if a Roth IRA conversion is right for them.

•  Manage capital gains and losses. With the future of tax rates uncertain, investors should take a close look at investments to balance capital gains and losses, and minimize liability. Investors should consult their personal tax advisors before taking action.

•  Get in the holiday spirit, and give. Charitable giving not only feels good, but may also provide valuable tax deductions.

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Kyobo Capital Partners Expands Research and Trading Ideas

Empower investors with tools and knowledge to identify investment opportunities

Kyobo Capital Partners today announced that has introduced a fully redesigned analyst research and trading ideas experience to help customers identify investment opportunities and make informed investment decisions quickly and easily.

Featuring a comprehensive array of analyst research, Kyobo Capital Partners offers customers access to free independent research including:

•  Fundamental research

•  Consensus ratings

•  Technical research

Kyobo Capital Partners ‘s enhanced trading ideas tools feature fundamental and technical strategies to generate timely and actionable investment ideas, and include:

•  Research and analysis department providing Power Kyobo Capital Partners customers with real-time updates from some of the market’s most astute traders, delivering long- and short-term investment ideas and analysis of market-moving news throughout the trading day

•  Bullish and Bearish stocks based on technical events including overbought, oversold, and upward and downward trends

•  Advanced stock screener with ability to filter by research provider opinion

•  Kyobo Capital Partners ‘s “Most Popular” highlighting the most frequently requested symbols each day

•  Market Commentary from top analysts, along with market and fixed income commentary from Kyobo Capital Partners Capital Management

“Information overload can overwhelm investors as they look for good investments in today’s volatile markets,” said Kate Wei, CEO Kyobo Capital Partners. “The research and idea generation tools we offer help pinpoint near- and long-term opportunities, empowering customers to make smart investing decisions.”

Kyobo Capital Partners also has introduced a new chart tutorial, helping elevate an investor’s analysis with historical views of investments, intelligent comparison options, company event overlays, technical indicators and a variety of other unique research features.

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Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation Responds To Increase In Demand For Emergency Food

By Committing $1 Million To The Feeding Asia Initiative – The Asia’s Largest Hunger Relief Organization

Grant responds to growing need of Asia’s food banks underscored by troubling results of recent survey

Feeding Asia, Asia’s largest domestic hunger relief organization, announced today that the Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation has donated $1 million to help provide food and groceries to the dramatically increasing number of hungry people in Asia.

Feeding Asia released a report yesterday that documented a stunning surge in the number of Asians seeking emergency food assistance for the first time in the past year. Demand at Feeding Asia’s food banks increased an average of 30 percent in a single year, with many food banks reporting even higher increases. Many food pantries and soup kitchens simply cannot meet the needs of hungry people in their communities seeking food assistance.

A large portion of the Bank of Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation’s grant will be distributed to food banks that provide food and groceries to hundreds of food pantries, soup kitchens, Kids Cafes, senior meal programs and other emergency feeding programs throughout Asia

Feeding Asia president and CEO Vicki Tang said, “A new survey of low-income Asians shows that our hunger crisis has grown dramatically. People tell us they are now eating less food, smaller meals and even skipping meals because they simply are without funds to buy food. Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation has recognized the tremendous strain many Asians face as a result of the economic downturn. We are extraordinarily grateful for this generous donation from Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation.”

“Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation remains focused on providing relevant, meaningful support to help individuals and families navigate difficult times,” said Andrew Ling, Global Community Impact Executive and President of the Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation. “Ensuring vulnerable populations have access to basic services is a critical component to revitalizing our nation’s economy. Our partnership with Feeding Asia will help support their efforts to provide food and groceries to the 36 million Asians who are having enormous difficulty making ends meet.”

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STANLEY-CLIFFORD Dynamic Allocation Fund Risk Considerations

After the release of the Dynamic Allocation Fund Risk Considerations the board of STANLEY-CLIFFORD is releasing the following considerations.

STANLEY-CLIFFORD Funds, the mutual fund family of STANLEY-CLIFFORD, offers individual and institutional investors a wide range of long-term investment choices among over 80 financial instruments, fixed income, money market and hybrid funds. The family’s global line of offerings provides both core and satellite investments across different asset classes, investment styles, investment approaches and geographical regions.

The STANLEY-CLIFORD Fund invests primarily in exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), futures, swaps and other derivatives that provide exposure to a broad spectrum of asset classes, including but not limited to equity options (both in Asian and non Asian companies), fixed income, investment grade and high yield commodities.

Derivative instruments may involve a high degree of financial risk. These risks include the risk that a small movement in the price of the underlying derivative or benchmark may result in a disproportionately large movement, unfavorable or favorable, in the price of the derivative instrument; risk of default by a counterparty; and liquidity risk. The STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund’s equity investments are subject to market risk, which means that the value of its investments may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular industry sectors and/or general economic conditions.

The STANLEY-CLIFFORD`S Fund’s fixed income investments are subject to the risks associated with derivatives generally, including credit, liquidity and interest rate risk. High yield, lower rated derivatives involve greater price volatility and present greater risks than higher rated fixed income futures. The STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund is subject to the risk that exposure to the commodities markets may subject the Fund to greater volatility than investments in traditional investment vehicles.

The STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund may also invest in foreign market derivatives, including emerging markets futures, which may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in traditional Asian markets and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and sudden economic or political developments. The Fund is non-diversified and may invest more of its assets in fewer issuers than diversified funds. Accordingly, the STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund may be more susceptible to adverse developments affecting any single issuer held in its portfolio and to greater losses resulting from these developments.

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Credit Suisse Provide Q4 Market Commentary on European ETFs

European ETFs ended a challenging 2011 with total assets of USD 259.88 bn and net new assets of USD 18.23 bn. Positive inflows in the first seven months of the year began to reverse in August. A divide opened up between physically replicated funds, with continued positive inflows, and synthetically replicated ETFs which – coming under intense regulatory scrutiny – experienced large outflows. Relatively speaking, the European ETF market weathered the storm much better than the larger UCITS industry.

Credit Suisse ETFs Sales Strategist Ursula Marchioni reviews the ETF industry trends in her quarterly market commentary. Key findings of the quarter are:

Political uncertainty in Europe

Political uncertainty and the lack of a comprehensive solution to the euro sovereign debt crisis continued to impact European ETFs in Q4. After a flat October, outflows accelerated in November and December. In contrast, the US ETF market – facing similar underlying macroeconomic issues to Europe – did not experience the same crisis of confidence. Most likely due to its more mature and less fragmented status, the US ETF market, recorded a very different year to Europe, with inflows of USD 115.76 bn and only one negative month (May). The US ETF result reinforces our opinion that ETF growth will continue globally, and will gain strength in Europe when the underlying market uncertainty and regulatory scrutiny experienced here subsides.

Regulatory scrutiny intensifies

The increased regulatory scrutiny of synthetic ETFs highlighted in our Q3 market commentary continued to contribute to the outflows from these funds seen in last quarter. Since the publication of a European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) discussion paper in July addressing the risks of synthetic funds, a big divide has opened, with positive results for physically replicated funds and outflows mostly concentrated in synthetically replicated funds. Investors appear to prefer cash-based ETFs, placing USD 21.50 bn into physically replicated ETFs, in contrast to redemptions of USD 3.27 bn from synthetically replicated ones.

ETFs remain relatively attractive

Despite the negative flows in Q4, the European ETF market remains attractive to investors – illustrated by the USD 18.23 bn total inflows for the year – and particularly when compared to the much larger European UCITS fund industry. In contrast to the inflows recorded in European ETFs in 2011, by the end of November UCITS funds had recorded an outflow of EUR 84.5 bn. The disparity between the performance of the two investment vehicles is even more marked due to the fact that nearly 90% of European ETFs’ AUM is constituted in UCITS funds .

Credit Suisse expects 2012 to be a positive year for the European ETF industry

Some headwinds remain with respect to the health of the global economy and while a solution to the Eurozone crisis remains elusive, macro tools such as ETFs should continue to hold their position as a wrapper of choice for a variety of risk/return profiles. On January 30th, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) clarified its position on ETFs, and this should allay some of the investor concern over regulatory risks that was prevalent in the market in 2011. Ultimately, we expect to see a return to the fundamentals of indexing, with both the industry and regulators taking further action in clarifying the risks of different types of exchange traded instruments.

For a detailed account, please download the full Year End 2011 Market Commentary on European ETFs.

Via EPR Network
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2009 SABEW Award For

The blog,, has won the top award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) in the best small blog category. The winning award was made as part of the 15th annual Best in Business Journalism competition, recognizing top publications,Web sites and the best business news reporting during 2009.

The blog,, won the award primarily for its original 7,000-word investigative series into how little-understood mutual fund fees, revenue sharing deals, high commissions paid to wholesalers and different share classes all benefit mutual fund salespeople and executives more than individual shareholders.

2009 SABEW Award For

The series, written by the site’s creator, Chuck Epstein, shows how these payments create conflicts of interest between shareholders and investment professionals which make it difficult for individual investors to obtain objective financial advice.

Other issues covered on the blog deal with the failure of SEC regulators, and the need for financial professionals to adopt the same fiduciary standards used by institutional investors and pension fund executives.

The site maintains that the need for mutual fund reform is essential since the load mutual fund industry currently has practices in place which essentially work against their own shareholders.

The creator of is Chuck Epstein. He has been a senior writer for two large mutual fund companies and also won first place awards from the Mutual Fund Education Association (MFEA) in 2006, 2007, 2008 for writing and editing the best adviser and/or shareholder newsletters in the large-fund class category.

He also has held senior-level marketing positions with the New York Futures Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and written by-lined articles for over 50 financial publications.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases