ANCOM authorized RCS&RDS’ request to apply a surcharge for certain roaming services supplied to its own customers traveling in the EEA

BUCHAREST, Romania, 04-Jul-2018 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. announces the publishing of ANCOM approval for RCS & RDS S.A. to continue to apply a surcharge for certain roaming services provided in the EEA for a renewed period of 12 months.

We would like to inform the market and our investors that the National Authority for Management and Regulation of Communications in Romania (ANCOM) has authorized RCS & RDS S.A., the Company’s subsidiary in Romania (“RCS&RDS”) to continue to apply a surcharge for certain mobile telephony roaming services supplied to its customers traveling in the European Economic Area (EEA), therefore including the European Union.

By decision issued on 29 June 2018, for allowing RCS&RDS to continue to recoup the costs incurred for the supply of roaming services and to continue to apply the national tariffs in Romania, ANCOM has authorized RCS&RDS’ request to apply a surcharge, on top of the national tariffs, for certain roaming services supplied to its own customers traveling in the EEA, but without going above the maximal following values:

  • 0208 Euro/minute (excluding VAT), for the calls made by its clients,
  • 0091 Euro/minute (excluding VAT), for the calls received by its clients (this value might vary in accordance with the changes brought by the European legislation),
  • 97 Euro/GB (0.00297 Euro/MB), excluding VAT.

RCS&RDS will apply the roaming surcharges starting from the first unit of consumption supplied to its own customers traveling in the EEA.

The renewed authorization issued by ANCOM will apply for 12 months starting 1 July 2018.

For information regarding the initial approval in this respect granted to RCS&RDS in 2017, we invite the market and our investors to refer to the current report issued by the Company on 30 June 2017 (

SOURCE: EuropaWire

DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 25-29 June 2018

BUCHAREST, Romania, 04-Jul-2018 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In accordance with the Romanian National Securities Commission Regulation no. 5/2018 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (EU) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority “ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 25-29 June 2018.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official website designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Consumer Loan Market Is Growing

New York, NY, USA, 2018-Jul-03 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — During last ten years, there were significant investments in the personal loans market. It was possible due to the inflow of capital and innovative technologies, which caused a doubling of the market.

Although, according to many financial websites, originations of personal loans are falling. It started with refusals to borrowers with a credit rating below 600, which didn’t take place since 2012.

Despite the decline in the origination of loans, all other data shows an increase of interest of the borrowers to this bank product.

The market for unsecured loans grew by 10.8% in 2017. And financial analytics are talking now about a great prospect for the development of this market segment.

According to statistics in 2017, 10% of respondents applied for a personal unsecured loan, a greater interest was shown to credit cards (65%) and auto loans (26%).

Banking CEOs are Concerned About FinTech

The lending market has a long history and now it is experiencing one of the most historical phases.

One of the biggest changes became a rapid development of FinTech (financial technologies).

Several years ago banks and other traditional financial structures were skeptical about online loans. Now 81% of banking CEOs are worried about such fast FinTech development.

Such concerns are reinforced by the fact that financial Internet structures have become quite competitive. Applying to a lender online, via a certain website connecting the customers with the direct service providers, the borrower gets a wide choice: unsecured personal loans, same day loans, debt consolidation etc. In addition to this sophisticated credit models and new anti-fraud mechanisms makes online financial services more attractive than banks.

The Most Popular Loans

According to the last statistic data, the most popular loan products are unsecured personal loans and installment loans. These loans are the most convenient and profitable for the borrowers. Same day payday loans are also popular, but they are most often used in urgent cases when money is needed for a short period of time. In such cases, 24/7 loans are more convenient, since it is easy to get and the money is being accrued to the bank account of a borrower in short period of time.

The thing that makes personal loans one of the most attractive types of financial products is its uniqueness. It can be used for any purpose: making a big purchase, paying for a wedding or vacation, etc. However, the most common reasons for obtaining a personal loan currently are:

1. Debt consolidation (35%).
2. Household expenses (19%).
3. Medical expenses (9.9%).

Statistic data shows that the purpose of the loan doesn’t affect the chances of the borrower to get approved.

Summing up, the consumer credit market is experiencing rapid growth. Personal loans are attractive to the borrowers because of the affordable interest rate and quick receipt of funds. FinTech is developing and expanding, thus the number of lenders increases and the borrowers have a wide choice.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

DIGI COMMUNICATIONS shares buy-back transactions for the week 18-22 June 2018

BUCHAREST, Romania, Jun-25-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Digi Communications N.V. announces the publishing of Notification shares buy-back: DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 18-22 June 2018.

In accordance with the Romanian National Securities Commission Regulation no. 5/2018 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (EU) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority“ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 18-22 June 2018.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official website designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire


BUCHAREST, Romania, 18-Jun-2018 — /EPR Network News/ — In accordance with art. 150 of the Romanian National Securities Commission Regulation no. 1/2006 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (EU) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority “ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 11-15 June 2018.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications B.V.: legal acts in accordance with Romanian Law no. 24/2017 and Rule no. 1/2006 of CNVM made publicly available on the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”)

BUCHAREST, Romania, 17-Jun-2018 — /EPR Financial News/ — Digi Communications B.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on June 15, 2018 the Report regarding legal acts concluded by DIGI Communications N.V. in accordance with Romanian Law no. 24/2017 and Rule no. 1/2006 of CNVM for May 2018 was made publicly available on the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”) and the Company’s website, while also being available with the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (“AFM”).

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire


BUCHAREST, Romania, 16-Jun-2018 — /EPR Financial News/ — Digi Communications NV (The Company) would like to inform its shareholders and the market that, by decision from 7 June 2018, the Board of Directors of the Company decided upon the initiation of the class B shares buy-back program in accordance with the resolutions of the general shareholders meeting of the Company from 2 May 2018 (the GSM), through which the Board of Directors was authorized to acquire, for a 12 months period starting with the date of the GSM and until, including, 1 May 2019, a maximum of up to 10% of the issued class B share capital at the close of trading on the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange on the date of the AGM, subject to a maximum price per class B share equal to the average of the highest price on each of the five trading days prior to the date of acquisition, as shown in the Official Price  List of the Regulated  Spot  Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange plus 5% (maximum price) and to a minimum price per common share equal to the average of the  lowest  price on each of the five trading days prior to the date of acquisition, as  shown in the Official Price List of the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange minus 5% (minimum price) – the Program.

The Program will be performed and implemented in line with the applicable legal rules and regulations relating to the buy-back programs, specifically article 5 from the European Parliament and the EU Council’s Regulation no 596/2014 regarding the market abuse and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, as well, in compliance with the applicable volume and price thresholds.

It is intended that the class B shares to be repurchased under the Program to be used for the purpose of the several stock option programs as already or to be further approved by the Company.

The Board of Directors of the Company has chosen BRD Groupe Société Générale S.A. as the broker handling the Program.

At the initiation of the Program, it is intended starting as of 11 June 2018 to acquire a total volume of 500,000 class B shares of the Company that can be further adjusted within the above mentioned limits by decision of the Company. During the buy-back process, the Company will comply with the volume and price thresholds as set out by the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052.

For additional information, please contact us at

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV’s subsidiary in Hungary DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft. acquires 99.998395% of the share capital and voting rights of Invitel Távközlési Zrt. for EUR 135.4 million

BUCHAREST, Romania, Jun-2-2018 — /EPR Financial News/ — The Company would like to inform its shareholders that, as a result of the completion of the conditions to closing provided in the share-purchase agreement (“SPA”) signed on 21 July 2017 between DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft.(“Digi HU”), as the purchaser, and Ilford Holding Kft. and InviTechnocom Kft. (former name Invitel Technocom Távközlési Kft.), acting as sellers (the “Sellers”), the acquisition by Digi HU of shares representing in total 99.998395% of the share capital and voting rights of Invitel Távközlési Zrt. (the “Target”) was finalized today, 30 May 2018.

The total consideration paid by Digi HU to the Sellers for the acquisition of shares in the Target was of approximately EUR 135.4 million.

The Company welcomes the addition to the Digi group of a key Hungarian telecommunications operator positioned as the second-largest incumbent fixed line telecommunications and broadband internet services provider in the residential and small business customers segment in Hungary. The Target offers an extensive portfolio of services to residential and small business customers, including a variety of multimedia and entertainment services such as interactive, digital and HD television, fast internet offerings and fixed telephony services across its regional networks.

This transaction will allow the Company’s group to consolidate its position on the Hungarian telecommunications market, and to expand its customer reach and experience, as well as to create better operational synergies.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV approved the implementation of stock option plan to the benefit of the officers and employees of Digi Spain S.L.U.

BUCHAREST, Romania, May-28-2018 — /EPR Financial News/ — Digi Communications NV (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that it approved the implementation of a stock option plan to the benefit of the officers and employees of Digi Spain S.L.U., the Company’s subsidiary in Spain. The maximum number of options of class B shares allocated to this plan amounts to 35,000. The grant of the stock options under this plan will be determined based on performance criteria and the vesting will be conditional upon the passage of a minimum duration of 1 year.

Also, in addition to the stock option plan for the Romanian officers and employees with respect to which the Company informed the market and its investors in December 2017, the Company also granted on 24 May 2017 conditional stock options to a limited number of Romanian directors and employees. The number of options of class B shares granted to such directors and employees amounts to a total of 250,000 stock options. The further vesting of all option shares granted will be conditional upon several performance criteria and the passage of a minimum duration of 1 year.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The parent holding company of RCS & RDS Digi Communications NV granted conditional stock options to several of its Directors


BUCHAREST, Romania, 20-May-2018 — /EPR Financial News/ — The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that, on 18 May 2018, Mr. Serghei Bulgac (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company), Mr. Valentin Popoviciu (Executive Director of the Company), Mr. Marius Vărzaru (Non-executive Director) and Mr. Bogdan Ciobotaru (Non-executive Director) have been granted by the Company conditional stock options pursuant to the decision of the Company’s general meeting of shareholders dated 2 May 2018. The number of options of class B shares granted as part of this stock option plan (applicable for the years 2018 and 2019) amounts to a total of 686,090 stock options. The further vesting of all option shares granted will be conditional upon several performance criteria and the passage of a minimum duration of 1 year.

More details regarding the stock options granted to each of the above-mentioned Directors are available on the Company’s website at (the Agenda and Explanatory notes published by the Company on 21 March 2018, Annex I and Annex II).

In accordance with the applicable regulations, on 18 May 2018, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, Mr. Valentin Popoviciu, Mr. Marius Vărzaru and Mr. Bogdan Ciobotaru, as persons discharging managerial responsibilities in connection with the Company, have notified the Company and the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority in connection with the grant of the above-mentioned stock options and the execution between each of them and the Company of corresponding stock option agreements.

For additional information, please contact us at


Digi Communications NV CEO Serghei Bulgac and Executive Director Valentin Popoviciu exercised their stock options

BUCHAREST, Romania, 20-May-2018 — /EPR Financial News/ — The Company (Digi Communications NV) would like to inform the market and its investors that on 15 May 2018 Mr. Serghei Bulgac, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company and Mr. Valentin Popoviciu, Executive Director of the Company, have exercised their stock options, which have vested in accordance with the provisions of the Company’s stock option plan and which were granted pursuant to the decision of the Company’s general meeting of shareholders dated 21 April 2017 and in relation to which the above mentioned persons and the Company have concluded stock option agreements on 14 May 2017. In accordance with this stock option plan, Mr. Serghei Bulgac was granted 220,000 shares, while Mr. Valentin Popoviciu was granted 60,000 shares.

In accordance with the provisions of article 19 para. (1) of the Market Abuse Regulation, on 17 May 2018, Mr. Serghei Bulgac and Mr. Valentin Popoviciu, as persons discharging managerial responsibilities in connection with the Company, have notified the Company and the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority in connection with the exercise of the stock options.

For additional information, please contact us at


Worldcore: 15 countries where you may encounter problems with cryptocurrency transactions or mining

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, May-10-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — 2018-2019 may be called the era of cryptocurrency regulation. After we’ve followed ICO success stories in 2016-2017, in the next 1.5-2 years we will observe various countries bringing cryptocurrencies and related processes, such as ICOs and smart contracts, out into the legislative framework.

Worldcore international company has comprised a rating of countries according to the stringency of their cryptocurrency regulations. It starts with the countries where cryptocurrencies are entirely banned, followed by those states where cryptocurrency circulation is not merely significantly restricted, but also criminalized in the framework of the national financial legislation.

Thus, there are currently four countries in the world where residents may end up in prison for several years for any cryptocurrency transactions.

  1. Nepal
  2. Bolivia
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Algeria, a recent addition to the list.

Besides the countries with criminalized cryptocurrency trade and ownership, there are numerous countries where a national ban has been imposed on specific types of cryptocurrency transactions. The degree of regulation in this sphere varies notably — from a ban on using cryptocurrency as legal tender (common in countries that have not legalized free cryptocurrency circulation) and to a complete ban on exchanges and ICOs in China (which enterprising Chinese enthusiasts forego by launching hard forks of popular currencies as ICOs and trading on foreign exchanges). Here’s a list of these states:

  1. China (ban on ICO, buying and selling cryptocurrency, advertising)
  2. India (since April 2018, the Central Bank of India has forbidden buying or selling cryptocurrency; cryptocurrency also isn’t recognized as legal tender)
  3. Russia (when cryptocurrency market regulation legislative proposal comes into effect, it will limit the legal annual transaction volume to 50,000 rubles for unqualified investors; allow purchase and sale exclusively on registered national platforms, provide for full participant de-anonymization; mining will be considered an entrepreneurial activity with mandatory sale of the mined assets on national exchanges; cryptocurrency/crypto-token will be recognized as a digital asset, but not legal tender). Cryptocurrency advertising is forbidden on certain platforms (i.e. Yandex).
  4. Vietnam (stringent national anti-money laundering regulations; gradual legalization is planned starting in August 2018)
  5. Indonesia (a ban on purchase and sale of cryptocurrency)
  6. Thailand (in February 2018, the Central Bank of Thailand has forbidden five key transactions with cryptocurrencies to financial institutions: investment, trading, establishment of cryptocurrency platforms, using credit and debit cards to purchase currency and consulting people on cryptocurrency investments).
  7. Kyrgyzstan (cryptocurrency is not recognized as legal tender, liberalization of regulations is currently under consideration)
  8. Ecuador
  9. Iceland (under the umbrella prohibitive currency regulation)
  10. Morocco
  11. Malaysia

“In the countries that have restricted cryptocurrency circulation and mining, it primarily involves cryptocurrency as a digital asset coming under the restrictions of investment or money laundering regulations. Perhaps, these states will address the issue of cryptocurrency regulation later, when the more developed countries establish adequate legislation and provide positive examples of regulation and taxation. Another aspect of the ban, i.e. in China or Ecuador, is the clearing out of the competition prior to launching a national cryptocurrency. Many countries today are implementing a partial, rather than a full ban on cryptocurrency. In case of cryptocurrencies, governments understand that it is impossible to ban them entirely. With regard to the globalization of economy and  distributed registry technologies, which form the foundation for cryptocurrencies, a complete ban will lead not only to the migration of financial assets and mining farms out of the country, but also to the departure of startups outside the country’s jurisdiction, startups that could have become taxpayers in the presence of supportive regulations,” believes Alexey Nasonov, the founder and CEO of Worldcore.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

North’n’Loans Company Starts Offering Small Business Loans in Canada

Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018-Apr-27 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — North’n’Loans adds small business loans to its range of services. Owing to this innovation, the company is now able to provide a qualified help to the small business owners in finding a reliable lender. The new service is already available on the company’s website.

The company is a Canadian service dedicated to connecting customers with direct lenders online. It provides assistance with finding quick financial solutions for Canadian citizens in many provinces. North’n’ is not a direct lender and only aims to connect a borrower with a suitable lender.

The company used to work only with short-term loan lenders that provide payday loans in Canada. Now North’n’Loans extends the range of its services and also offers the assistance with finding a reputable small business loan lender. The newly launched financial service is available for business owners 24/7 on the company’s website.

North’n’ aims to allow the entrepreneurs to satisfy their financial needs with the help of online lending. The service connects a business owner with a reliable lender in accordance with the information in an application form and customer’s place of residence.

A customer can apply for the service submitting the online application form on the company’s website. An applicant needs to enter basic personal data to make a request. Once the application is filed, the approval process starts and a lender contacts the customer within a short period of time. The borrower receives the money to the bank account within 24 hours after approval. The applicants do not pay any fees for using the service offered on the North’n’Loans website.

The company’s database consists of certified private lenders from different provinces. North’n’Loan gives anyone an opportunity to apply for a loan owing to a large number of different lenders. The company’s website informs that the loans are usually given on the basis of the current income and the ability to pay it back. Despite the high chances, the company does not guarantee 100% approval.

All the loans are processed completely online. The customer discusses the loans terms, application status, fees and rates directly with a lender. The company is not responsible for the borrower-lender relationship.

The company continues to improve its services and also presents a new financial blog for Canadian citizens. The articles provide recommendations for achieving financial stability and some useful tips for those who face financial difficulties. The topics enlightened on the North’n’Loans blog vary from the retirement options to the college loans details.

Apart from that, North’n’Loans created a French version of its website to make it convenient for French-speaking citizens of Canada. A language switch is added to make the service available for the residents from all Canadian regions.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases ofrece microcréditos online con las mejores condiciones

MADRID, Spain, Apr-26-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — En abril de 2018 comenzó sus operaciones el servicio de microcréditos online Es un servicio internacional de préstamos online que se especializa en préstamos a personas físicas. El propósito de es proporcionar a los prestatarios servicios de calidad. se diferencia de otros servicios porque emite préstamos con la tasa de interés más baja – desde el 0,7%. El procedimiento para obtener un préstamo online es sencillo, rápido y no obliga al prestatario a ir a una sucursal física.

La empresa utiliza su sistema propio de “scoring “, que mide una serie de parámetros objetivos y otorga a cada persona una puntuación que ayuda a decidir si conceder o no el préstamo en pocos minutos sin papeleo ni aval. Este servicio funciona las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Cualquier residente en España mayor de 21 años puede solicitar un préstamo de hasta 900 euros. Para hacerlo, necesitará una conexión a Internet, su DNI y sus datos bancarios. Los préstamos de hasta 900 euros con un plazo de devolución de hasta 35 días se transfieren inmediatamente a la cuenta bancaria del cliente. Además, ofrece un programa de fidelización a sus clientes: a partir del segundo préstamo, cada préstamo se concede con un descuento acumulativo del 5%.

“En la vida de cada persona siempre se da una situación en que se puede necesitar dinero urgentemente. Si tenéis familiares o amigos a los que podéis pedir dinero prestado – genial. Desafortunadamente, no todas las personas han tenido tanta suerte. Nuestro servicio está destinado a ayudar a las personas que no tienen otra salida y nos esforzamos por hacer que sea rápido, sencillo y cómodo”, afirma Andrey Gorbushkin.

Comunicado de prensa completo…

New decentralized network protocol on the blockchain for regulatory compliant investment in SMEs, startups & real estate

VIENNA, Austria, Apr-11-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — In early April, CONDA entered the next phase of its ICO. Together with experts from project partner RIAT (The Institute for Future Cryptoeconomics), the team is now in the midst of developing the CRWD Network (pronounced Crowd Network), which requires its own cryptocurrency, the CRWD Token. By joining the whitelisting phase, all interested parties now have the opportunity to register before the official start of the Crowd-Sale on June 6, 2018, avoiding longer wait times and ensuring that they will not miss the ICO.

Crowdfinancing within a decentralized network protocol

The CRWD Network is a decentralized network protocol on the blockchain, providing regulatory-compliant investment in SMEs, startups and real estate projects. Any platform on the network can take advantage of the benefits of the CRWD network. As a result, CONDA is setting new standards across Europe: companies use the network protocol, supported by various crowdfunding platforms, to issue tokenized private equity instruments (e.g. company shares, subordinated loans, etc.). This solves a widespread problem of the current crypto scene: the need for financial products to operate within a legally-compliant framework.

CRWD Network Advantages

  • For SMEs, startups, and real estate projects:
    • Standardized solutions for the creation and management of “tokenized” private equity instruments (both proprietary and mezzanine instruments)
    • Easy and fast payouts with the touch of a button
    • 100% legally-compliant: the network complies with the prevailing legal regulations in each country
  • For crowdfinancing platforms:
    • Standardized and legally-compliant infrastructure
    • The ability to share resources, contracts, communities, etc. and to reach a larger crowd
    • Increased automation via smart contracts
  • For investors:
    • Investments are easier to transfer and trade
    • Transparency & traceability
    • Secure transactions
    • Easy & fast access to investment opportunities in a large network

5 years ago, CONDA started as a crowdinvesting platform, transformed into a crowdfinancing platform and is now ready for its next phase: the CRWD Network. A decentralized, regulatory-compliant crowdfinancing infrastructure protocol forms the basis of all transactions within the network. The CRWD Token is required for all CONDA business services and fees. Investments may continue to be made in the national currency (e.g. EUR).

All information regarding the ICO can be found at

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Schuster Manfred Hubert: Crude oil prices will average $60/b in 2018 and $61/b in 2019

BEIJING, China, 01-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Crude oil prices will average $60/b in 2018 and $61/b in 2019. That’s an increase from last month’s Short-Term Energy Outlook by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

In January 2018, oil prices briefly hit $70/b. In December, prices averaged $64/b, the highest monthly average since 2014. Traders responded to the November 30, 2017, OPEC meeting where members agreed to keep production cuts through 2018

Oil prices are almost triple the 13-year low of $26.55/b on January 20, 2016. Six months before that, oil had been $60/b (June 2015). A year earlier, it had been $100.26/b (June 2014). Today’s oil price changes daily. The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate oil is $4/b lower than Brent North Sea oil prices. In December 2015, the difference fell to just $2/b when Congress removed the 40-year ban on exports. The EIA forecast that WTI oil will cost $58/b in December 2018. Commodities traders also predict the price of oil in their futures contracts. They predict the price could be anywhere from $40/b to $85/b by December 2018. Prices have been volatile thanks to swings in oil supply versus demand. That’s because the oil industry has changed in fundamental ways.

Schuster Manfred Hubert believes that by 2025, the average price of a barrel of Brent crude oil will rise to $86/b (in 2016 dollars, which removes the effect of inflation). By 2030, world demand will driving oil prices to $95/b. By 2040, prices will be $109/b (again in 2016 dollars). By then, the cheap sources of oil will have been exhausted, making it more expensive to extract oil. By 2050, oil prices will be $117/b, according to Table 3 of the EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook.

Full news release…

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fast Invest will allow users to use their bitcoin or ethereum as collateral for loans in traditional currencies

Essex, UK, 13-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Fast Invest is excited to announce the launch of its native cryptocurrency token (FIT) during their upcoming ICO launched on December 4th. The FinTech company has been operating since 2015 in the investment loan space, connecting funders with loan-seekers in a peer-to-peer exchange. With more than 8,500 daily users from 36 countries, Fast Invest is expanding into the largely unoccupied cryptocurrency lending sector.

Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have been rapidly in 2017, racking up a seventeen times (at the time of this press release) increase in market capitalization since the beginning of 2017.  As these financial technologies mature new opportunities arise, especially for unbanked and underbanked populations. This is because digital currencies allow for the exchange of value without the need for central banks or other intermediaries. Fast Invest aims to leverage these developments to democratize investment by allowing people to invest as little as one dollar on their loan platform. This enables users to band together to crowdfund a loan that gets paid back with interest, which can then generate returns for the loan suppliers.

In what may be a first for the industry, Fast Invest will allow users to use their bitcoin or ethereum as collateral for loans in traditional currencies. Due to the nature of smart contracts, loans like this can be executed with very little human input and all parties can be sure that the terms of the loan will be carried out. This is because smart contracts utilize code and mathematics to enforce agreements without the need for human intervention.

By expanding to cryptocurrency-based investment instruments the company aims to reduce friction in the world of P2P investment and loan services. These offerings include a cryptocurrency exchange, digital wallet for holding tokens, cryptocurrency investment services, decentralized lending, and a payment card that can be funded by cryptocurrencies but used like a credit card.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

L’agrégation de données: OneLife a collaboré avec Harvest afin de proposer à ses conseillers financiers indépendants en France ce nouveau service

LUXEMBOURG, 24-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — En 2016, OneLife s’est lancée dans une transformation digitale. Elle fait donc partie des précurseurs dans un domaine où l’interaction entre l’Homme et la machine s’intensifie pour améliorer l’expérience client. Depuis, plusieurs projets ont été réalisés conformément à cette feuille de route, d’autres suivront dans les prochains mois et d’autres encore en sont au stade de preuve de concept et devraient voir le jour début 2018.

Après le lancement des Digital Days en juin 2017 dans le but d’impliquer pleinement le personnel, le petit-déjeuner Digital Days du 30 novembre sera l’occasion de mettre en avant les résultats obtenus cette année et de définir les futurs projets. Les collaborateurs issus des différents départements de OneLife participent à la mise en œuvre de l’innovation digitale afin d’améliorer l’expérience des partenaires et des clients et, ce faisant, apprennent les techniques qui leur permettront d’être compétitifs dans le monde de demain.

Chez OneLife, la formation et le développement sont également entrés dans l’ère digitale avec le lancement en septembre de la plateforme de formation de LinkedIn. Cet outil qui propose plus de 10 000 formations en ligne, encourage les collaborateurs à suivre régulièrement des cours dans toutes les disciplines avec une certification à la clef.

Marc Stevens, CEO de OneLife: « Le Digital fait partie de l’ADN de OneLife! L’interaction intelligente entre l’Homme et la machine est synonyme au quotidien de plus de simplicité, de rapidité et de facilité tant pour nos partenaires que nos clients et nos employés. Notre transformation digitale continue … Cette année, nous avons implémenté de nombreuses initiatives à valeur ajoutée et d’autres plus nombreuses encore sont prévues pour l’année prochaine. »


Agrégation des données

OneLife a collaboré étroitement avec Harvest, le leader français de l’agrégation de données, afin de proposer à ses conseillers financiers indépendants en France ce nouveau service qui présente l’avantage de leur offrir une vue d’ensemble des positions en portefeuille de chacun de leurs clients. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans une démarche digitale globale à laquelle viendront s’ajouter d’autres projets d’agrégation de données. OneLife est maintenant en mesure de supporter entièrement le format Penelop, ce qui nous permettra dans les prochaines semaines d’étendre notre partenariat avec d’autres agrégateurs présents sur le marché. De plus, nous avons récemment mis en place un service de B2B qui permet à nos partenaires de se connecter en temps réel à notre plateforme afin de consulter l’ensemble des informations disponibles sur leur portefeuille respectif.

Ce projet a été réalisé en un temps record grâce à une collaboration particulièrement fructueuse entre OneLife et Harvest. C’est ce qui nous a permis d’intégrer ces nouveaux flux pour étendre encore l’intégration des contrats luxembourgeois dans O2S. L’intégration de ces flux s’inscrit dans un dispositif juridique et technique qui garantit la sécurité et la confidentialité des données à caractère personnel (masquage des données clients, protocole de transfert sécurisé, chiffrement des communications, clé d’authentification etc.).

Communiqué de presse complet @

SOURCE: EuropaWire



PA Group, dpa hanno acquistato una quota di poco inferiore all’ 8% (3.86% ciascuna) del Alliance News

Clive Marshall, Chief Executive di PA Group

LONDRA, Nov-21-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Alliance News – agenzia stampa leader nella fornitura di notizie in tempo reale sul mondo azionario per investitori e professionisti della finanza – ha ricevuto un investimento da due delle più importanti aziende media europee per sostenere la propria espansione nell’area EMEA.

PA Group, la società che controlla Press Association, l’agenzia di stampa nazionale del Regno Unito e Irlanda, e l’agenzia di stampa tedesca, dpa (Deutsche Presse-Agentur), hanno acquistato una quota di poco inferiore all’ 8% (3.86% ciascuna) del servizio di informazione economico-finanziaria lanciato nel 2013.

Alliance News fornisce la copertura giornalistica di tutte le aziende quotate al London Stock Exchange – più di 2,000 aziende e società di investimento – e le notizie economiche e politiche dal mondo di interesse per chi investe.

A febbraio 2017 Alliance News ha lanciato il servizio italiano con copertura generale di tutte le quotate del listino di Milano, in lingua italiana. Il programma di sviluppo prevede, nei prossimi mesi, di entrare progressivamente in nuovi mercati come la Francia ed altre nazioni.

Tom Waite, Chief Executive e Editor di Alliance News, ha dichiarato:

“Alliance News è orgogliosa di aver lavorato con partner come dpa sin dall’inizio della propria attività e con PA negli ultimi due anni, perché i nostri lettori apprezzano come il loro lavoro giornalistico si completi il nostro. Applichiamo in modo simile standard editoriali molto alti ad argomenti diversi. Alliance News ha un approccio fresco e diretto alle notizie, sfruttando le nuove tecnologie, ma al tempo stesso mantenendo la voce reale dei giornalisti che lavorano in una redazione multilingua. PA e dpa apprezzano il nostro approccio agile ai nuovi mercati mentre il loro investimento e la loro lunga esperienza saranno di supporto e ci aiuteranno a guidare i piani di espansione dell’agenzia.”

Clive Marshall, Chief Executive di PA Group, ha dichiarato:

“L’agenda informativa continuerà ad essere dominata dallo sviluppo economico e finanziario mentre le aziende nel Regno Unito, in Europa e altrove navigano attraverso questo periodo di incertezza politica ed economica. Alliance News è ben posizionata per fornire molte delle notizie su cui i decision makers fanno affidamento e soprattutto condivide con PA i valori di un giornalismo accurato e tempestivo.”

Peter Kropsch, Chief Executive di dpa, ha dichiarato:

“Abbiamo seguito lo sviluppo di Alliance News sin dall’inizio. Apprezziamo molto i loro standard editoriali e lo spirito imprenditoriale. La strategia di Tom Waite per Alliance News si combina perfettamente con la nostra percezione della futura domanda di informazione per i mercati finanziari. Le attività di dpa in questo settore oggi comprendono dpa-AFX, l’agenzia di stampa finanziaria con sede a Francoforte (76% di quota) e il 50% di azioni di AWP, l’agenzia finanziaria svizzera basata a Zurigo. La cooperazione con Alliance News ci aiuterà a sviluppare questo approccio e siamo molto felici di diventarne nuovi azionisti insieme a PA Group.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Research: 53% of HNWIs relocating or intending to relocate would expect online banking to be part of an international wealth management proposition

LUXEMBOURG, Nov-16-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — New research from The OneLife Company reveals that ensuring investments are tax efficient and managing international tax commitments are among the top financial priorities for internationally mobile HNWIs. In spite of this, fewer than 40% of relocators feel that their investments are as tax efficient as they need them to be.

The insight points to the growing urgency for wealth managers to tailor solutions and services to international clients. One in four European HNWIs surveyed has previously moved countries to live or work, with a further 13% intending to relocate for the first time in the future. The appetite for international living is rising further among the millennial segment, with the number of relocators and future relocators under the age of 35 rising to 43% and 20% respectively.

The research, carried out in conjunction with wealth insights firm Scorpio Partnership, considered the views of 770 HNWIs from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The average wealth of participants was EUR2.76 million.

Responses revealed that 46% of individuals relocating or intending to relocate would expect tax advice to be part of an international wealth management proposition. Notably, 27% would also require life assurance to be included within the product suite, with this figure rising to 39% among those under 35.”

“Younger generations of clients are more likely to relocate and are clearly more cognizant of the range of benefits – such as portability – which life assurance can provide,” commented Marc Stevens, Chief Executive Officer at OneLife.

The findings also point to the significance of technology for the relocator segment. Online banking was the top requirement in an international wealth management proposition, with 53% of relocators saying this was necessary to manage wealth.

This was affirmed by the fact that individuals who continued to work with their primary wealth manager following relocation referenced quality of tools as the primary reason to stay with the firm. By contrast, a quarter of individuals changing wealth management provider following relocation cited lack of suitable digital services as a motivator to pursue a different relationship.

SOURCE: EuropaWire