Category Archives: Money


SGOFX Visitors and Culture Center

Singapore Options and Futures Exchange (SGOFX), today announced its plans for the construction of its new Visitors and Cultural Center facility. The center will be located the SGOFX office and will greatly expand the footprint of the exchange space. The facility measures 1200 square meters and includes raised flooring, provides 24×7 climate control through grade air handling units and provides electrical power redundancy through a combination of Uninterruptible Power Supplies and diesel back up power generator. The SGOFX Visitors and Cultural Center will offer visitors a variety of presentations, in English, on the main aspects of the Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange, its markets, trading systems, projects, indices and statistics.

SGOFX Visitors and Cultural Center is due for opening in April 2011 and is expected to receive 350-400 visitors a day. Here, visitors can watch 3-D institutional videos, lectures and simulations of trades carried out by a brokerage, in addition to learning about the history of the Exchange.

The space will as well provide visitors with the opportunity of enjoying works of art by renowned foreign artists and exhibitions of historic value.

“We are extremely pleased to announce the upcoming 2011 opening of our new Visitors and Cultural Center facility. This project is a major undertaking and our entire team handles the transition professionally and we now look forward to providing our customers an even better experience and understanding of the commodity markets and exchange insights”, said Mr. Samuel D. Brown, SGOFX press officer.

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Financial press releases

Advantages of Xmas Sale Shopping Using a Prepaid Card

The Christmas sales are now well under way so out come the credit and debit card, but new statistics show the prepaid credit cards can offer better protection and service than traditional plastic brands.

Online visits to have increased significantly over the last 6 months as traditional shoppers, turn away from credit and stick to debit shopping in order to keep debt to a minimum.

Prepaid credit cards come in all shapes and forms, and some cards like the now notorious Kardashian prepaid card have given this form of spending a bad name.

However the reality is that many prepaid cards actually offer significant advantages over credit purchases and some even offer money saving deals and even free phone credit.

For example the Escape card which retails at phones4u offers cashback on purchases made at GAP, USC, Littlewoods, Argos and Avon and many other stores online.

More importantly than getting cashback on purchases a prepaid card allows you to budget far more easily and not spend more than you can actually afford. For example if you have a monthly income and you want to make sure that you don’t overspend you can load a prepaid card with spending money and this will stop you never overspending.

And finally as online fraud is becoming more sophisticated a prepaid card can offer an additional layer of protection when making purchases online by minimising the risk as you only have a set amount of money in your account at any one time. is a UK based comparison guide offering the latest information about prepaid credit cards for the United Kingdom.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Net Salaries Review is Ready to Launch The Long Awaited How to Work From Home Website

inally, After Months of Research The Net Salaries Review is Ready to Launch The Long Awaited How to Work From Home Website December 27, 2010.

2010 was a year that Net Salaries Review went back to school. The rising unemployment rate was a key factor in this decision. Research discovered work from home scams all over the internet. Research also discovered real work from home opportunities as well. Thousands of hours were spent researching and reviewing countless products. The research revealed the top online work from home opportunities today.

December 27, 2010 The Net Salaries Review site launches. The Net Salaries Review is an information website designed for people that really want to learn how to work from home online. The work from home products reviewed and tested have revealed priceless information for those wanting to learn how to work from home.

The work from home review site includes information on work from home scams. All types of scams are covered in great detail. The information provides which types of work from home scams to avoid and how to identify them. Other topics include how to work from home online and the skills needed to be successful.

About The Net Salaries Review:
The Net Salaries Review is dedicated to uncovering legitimate work from home opportunities. The Net Salaries Review provides accurate information for those wanting to learn how to work from home online and at the same time provide an alternate solution to the current unemployment crisis. Research has shown there are real work

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Financial press releases

Not All NAIC Suitability Training Solutions Are Created Equal

With the Iowa Suitability Requirement becoming active on January 1, 2010 there is no doubt that insurance carriers are scrambling to find the best solution. While most solutions are similar in that they will offer State Specific Training and Carrier Specific Training the means and methods in which they deliver the training will differ from provider to provider. Quest is proud to offer the industry’s most comprehensive, user friendly and cost effective solution to the NAIC Suitability Regulation.

Using proprietary technology, Quest has the ability to meet each individual carrier’s NAIC Suitability Training needs. While most carriers will opt for a Single Suitability Platform, there are some carriers with captivate agents that would prefer a private label solution. Quest has built their reputation on providing innovative solutions and advanced custom technologies. This custom technology addresses the needs of the carrier wishing to have an NAIC Training portal branded specifically for their company and their producers. A private label solution will match the carriers’ look and feel providing an effective marketing tool and sense of good will with the carrier’s producers. Custom reporting, in addition to daily PGP encrypted data feeds are standard with all of Quest’s learning platforms and will serve as an integral function in both private label solutions and the Single Source Solution.

While other NAIC Suitability Training Providers have turned to their old, outdated technologies to address the growing demand of training required of producers, Quest has specifically designed their NAIC Suitability Training Portals with the users in mind. Quest’s simple three step process allows producers to either self-register for their training or be loaded in on the front end by their carriers. The first step requires the producer to select the State Specific Training required by the NAIC. Currently the only state with a requirement in place is Iowa. The second step asks the producer to select the insurance carriers that they sell for so they can select their Carrier/Product Specific Training at step three. The process is intuitive and seamless. The producer will easily be able to create their user profile loaded with all of the training they need to continue to sell their carriers’ products.

Quest’s system puts control in the hands of the producers. The logic behind this method is that the producer knows better than anyone else which carriers they sell for and which state and product specific training they need to complete. Other vendors trust complicated and incomplete databases which rely on each carriers list of producers to be correct and constantly updated. Quest’s solution allows for flexibility and intelligence so producers are able to use the training portal as a way of updating their own records with the carriers they represent. On demand reporting and daily data feeds will ensure that producers are compliant with their requirements and able to place business with the carriers they represent as soon as possible.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Cash for Gold Company

The past few holiday shopping seasons have been lackluster as retailers worked to boost sales in a faltering economy. Once again, the holiday promotions are rolling in to be greeted by skeptical consumers. As stores scramble to boost sales, there is now a pain-free way to get more cash into consumers’ pockets, thereby boosting our economy – sell gold. Selling gold for cash is a great way to improve cash flow, proclaim analysts. If consumers would sell their gold, they would receive cash for gold just in time for the holiday shopping season.

Getting cash for gold benefits all involved parties. Consumers appreciate the widened budget they now have for holiday shopping, or just some splurging without a guilty conscience. Retailers see greater interest in the promotions and sales, and more willingness to spend. This goes right up to wholesalers who are also influenced when consumers sell gold. Wholesalers also see an increase in sales.

Major economists are now working at a frenzied pace, crunching numbers in an effort to forecast the impact this holiday season will have on the economy. Studies have shown that consumer spending rose less than forecast in September as incomes dropped for the first time in more than a year, a sign Americans may keep rebuilding savings and paring debt as the economy is slow to recover. Getting cash for gold is ever more enticing to those trying to save.”While consumers have shown they are once again willing to spend on what’s important to them, they will still be very conscientious about price,” said NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz. “Retailers are expected to compensate for this fundamental shift in shopper mentality by offering significant promotions throughout the holiday season and emphasizing value throughout their marketing efforts.”

Now is the time for consumers to sell gold. This method of earning extra cash is helpful to all sectors because it is not an option solely available for those with extra capital; everyone has old gold jewelry, cash, chains, and the like, to sell. Selling cash for gold also means extra cash without the stress of working longer hours or taking on more work.

Getting cash for gold can be virtually effortless. Between pawn shops, jewelers, and online gold buyers, experts agree that the best way to sell cash for gold is through the web. Online gold buyers have much less overhead costs than a business with a storefront. They can therefore offer a much greater payout. The actual process is fast and easy. Sellers need just request a CashPak online, and one is mailed out promptly. After the seller sends in a short form along with the gold in a FedEx insured envelope, a check is returned within twenty-four hours. If the seller is not happy with the amount, he may return the check for a full refund of his gold. Economists and gold experts alike agree that with gold hitting all-time highs, and the economy struggling out of record lows, now is the time to sell gold for cash.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Couple’s Horror Story With Bank Charges Highlights A Need For Other Short-Term Credit Options

Payday loans are often given negative attention in the media because they’re viewed as a form of high cost credit. However, while banks are clamping down ever harder on customers who don’t stick to the terms of their overdrafts, and inadvertently pushing some customers into unmanageable debts, a leading payday loan company says payday loans offer consumers another option when faced with a need for emergency credit. It also advocates the simplicity and transparency of this option, especially when compared with unauthorised credit charges.

A national newspaper recently highlighted the plight of a young couple who found themselves being expected to pay out a staggering £1,700 to a high street bank – all because they went overdrawn by eight pence.

Angela Hannibal, from Essex, had an account with a high street bank on which she was charged a monthly administration fee. When, one month, that fee took her overdrawn by just 8p, her bank immediately demanded a £170 administration charge.

Angela, who had a young son with her partner, Wayne Green, could not understand how they were continually paying back money to the bank and then getting charged again every couple of months, which kept the debt spiralling out of their control.

Payday Express maintains that their instant payday loans offer consumers a choice in the short-term credit market; an alternative to being at the whim of fees imposed for unauthorised credit. Angela could potentially have avoided those extra charges had she taken out an emergency loan to clear the debt initially or, better still, to avoid going into unarranged overdraft in the first place.

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Financial press releases

Irevna Achieves Milestone as Argentina Crosses 50 Employees

Irevna continues to expand as its Buenos Aires, Argentina research center crossed the milestone of 50 permanent employees. Irevna Argentina currently now has a head count of 51 after three analysts were hired in April. Irevna has hired 15 new employees so far this year.

“We at Irevna strive to offer the best solutions to fit the specific needs of our clients. This includes the capability to provide our customers around-the-clock service with research centers across geographies and time zones in countries such as Argentina, Poland, and India,” says Mani G. V. Mani, Senior Director, Offshoring Business – Irevna. “We continue to prioritize the needs of our clients first, which is the reason Irevna continues to experience such strong growth.

Irevna has been ramping up its hiring in Argentina as clients want the benefits of offshoring, such as labor arbitrage with highly qualified resources, while maintaining a high level of interaction with the offshore analyst. Many clients based in the US and Canada require real-time support during earnings season or periods of market volatility Outsourcing to Argentina, which is only one hour ahead of New York during most of the year, is a solution that many clients have been requesting.

“The increase in employees in Argentina is also the result of an internal strategic decision. Growth is a primary objective for 2010 and we are actively recruiting new analysts,” says Gustavo Araujo, Group Lead of Irevna Argentina.

Irevna was the first KPO to open a Western Hemisphere Deliver Center in Argentina in November 2006. Irevna has started a research center in Wroclaw, Poland to satisfy the demand for similar services in Europe. Irevna is the world’s top-ranked research, analytical and financial services offshoring firm with a global workforce of close to 1,300 analysts.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

CRISIL-Irevna Buys Pipal Research

CRISIL-Irevna, the world’s top-ranked financial services and investment Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) firm, today announced the acquisition of Pipal Research (Pipal), a large player in the KPO Industry. Pipal is headquartered in Chicago. The combination of CRISIL-Irevna and Pipal will be uniquely positioned in the high-end analytical offshoring space with the widest range of services, geographic locations, and customer diversity. Pipal’s operations are complementary to CRISIL-Irevna’s, enabling the combine to strengthen its leadership in the KPO industry. CRISIL Irevna has consistently been ranked the No.1 financial services and investment KPO firm by the Datamonitor Black Book of Outsourcing.

Speaking of the acquisition, Roopa Kudva, Managing Director and CEO of CRISIL Ltd, said “This is an important milestone in the CRISIL-Irevna journey, enabling us to further strengthen our leadership position in the high-end KPO space. Pipal’s deeply embedded client relationships provide a strong platform for growth. The two organisations have complementary strengths, which will enable us to serve our clients better. We look forward to working with Pipal’s talented employees and providing them exciting career growth paths.”

Mr. G.V. Mani, Senior Director, Irevna, added, “The acquisition of Pipal Research not only gives us an opportunity to expand our spectrum of offerings but also presents us a strong customer base, partner franchise and most importantly talented employees, who will enrich our service capabilities.”

Pipal provides business research and investment research services. Its clients include leading global firms in the telecommunications, technology, consumer packaged goods, and industrial sectors, and in the financial services space. Pipal has three research centres in India (Gurgaon, Noida and Bangalore), and an office in Chicago. Majority-owned by Firstsource Solutions Ltd, Pipal reported USD8.1 million of revenue for the financial year ended March 31, 2010.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Quest CE Introduces the 2010 NAIC Suitability Regulation Solution

Quest Continuing Education Solutions (Quest CE) is proud to announce the solution to the 2010 NAIC Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation. Quest’s simple two-tiered approach will provide an “All-In-One” Solution for Insurers, Distributors and Producers that fall under the NAIC’s new regulation.

Quest’s 4-hour annuity course in Iowa has been approved by the state and meets the Iowa Administrative Rule 191-15.72 for a one-time, four (4) hour annuity training course requirement. In addition, this course is approved for resident CE credit. Per the new NAIC Suitability Regulation, Quest will also provide insurer-product specific training in their Industry Leading Learning Management System, Renaissance.

NAIC Suitability Regulation Training through Quest allows for automated encrypted data and completion feeds. Feeds can be sent on a daily basis or as often as the program administrator desires. Quest’s system also allows for participants in the program to be bulk loaded into the training platform. Ensure your programs compliance with Quest so beginning January 1, 2011 your producers are able to sell your annuities in Iowa.

The NAIC Suitability Regulation Training platform will provide:

• A dedicated location where a producer can complete all of their required training requirements and view the status of each requirement within the Model Regulation;
• Updated training posted to the site subsequent to initial training including additional State Specific Annuity Requirements as they become effective;
• A company specific branded web portal where insurers can comply with the new regulation and update their product-specific training courses in their student profiles;
• The ability to print completion certificates online 24/7;
• An automatic e-mail notification system allowing insurers to instantly notify producers of new or updated product specific training requirements;
• Automated and PGP encrypted customized data feeds with real-time search tools for insurers and Broker/Dealers to satisfy compliance requirements and training.

Quest’s NAIC Suitability Regulation Training Solution is available now and ready for demonstration or implementation. Contact Quest at 877-593-3366 or e-mail Quest at to speak with one of our dedicated Sales Team Members about guaranteeing your 2010 NAIC Suitability Regulation Training today.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Financial Planners: Three Questions To Ask For The Current Market

Especially in today’s economic climate, many people are reassessing their financial planners. A large amount of people have been losing money in the market, so clients should not be unnecessarily harsh with their planner; however, individuals must find out if their planner is using this widespread downturn to cover personal mistakes. Here are three questions clients should ask their financial planners.

1. How many personal investment have performed? Clients should find out how their own investments measure up to the Dow and use the current situation to benchmark performance. Find out how these investment compare to relevant indexes or funds with similar strategies. These should be examined over recent months and years, not day to day activity. If it is found that an advisor is doing much worse than benchmarks, they may have made bad decisions. If it is much better, examine whether they got lucky on risky investments. Clients should get detailed explanations.

2. How do the current investments meet with personal goals? One of the top advantages of working with financial planners is that they should be choosing investments that fall within an overall financial plan and time frame. This is to keep long-term funds mainly in stocks for future growth without the need to sell in order to cover expenses. An advisor should know how much in emergency funds a client should have, where it is invested and how liquid it is.

3. What adjustments are being made for the current market. The best financial planners have plans in place for such market downturns. An advisor should not make rash decisions in a market downturn. This is especially true for well-diversified and properly time framed investments. An investor should recommend caution when looking at additions to equity exposure during a downturn.

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Financial press releases

Retirement Planning: Roth IRA Basics

A Roth IRA, or individual retirement account, is one of the most beneficially retirement planning opportunities available. They offer tax-free growth and are an ideal way to become financially independent by retirement. They are available to people who are not eligible for a 401(k) employer matching contribution and people who are able to save more money for retirement than the amount that their employer matches.

People can open a Roth IRA at the majority of bank and brokerage offices in person and online. The forms are basic and assistance is generally available. Typically all that is needed is a social security number and the social security numbers of any potential beneficiaries that may be placed on the account.

When creating a financial plan, an individual must consider their earned income when it comes to their Roth IRA. The contribution amount permitted is limited by the earned income, which includes wages and self-employed earnings. This, however, does not include interest or dividends. For people who are married, the contribution is limited to the total of the combined earned income.

The contributions limits for Roth IRA retirement planning accounts can vary from year to year. This can also vary by age. Generally, if you are under 50 years of age, you can contribute up to $5,000. If you are over 50 years of age, you can put in up to $6,000. These are the combined contribution amount. An applicant should obtain financial guidance to find out specifics.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Everbrighter Financial – The Ones You Can Trust

Everbrighter financial Ltd. is pleased to announce the launch of its new website at and hopes that this new interface will provide clients, both new and old, with all the information and help they require.

Everbrighter financial provides “turn-key” solutions of transfer agent, legal, EDGAR and other related services to public and private companies. We serve as Transfer Agent performing the functions of original issue, cancellation and reissuance of stock certificates and uncertificated shares. We are committed to delivering a complete package of products and services focused on today’s technology but never losing sight that service is our first priority. Expect to receive prompt attention to your needs as well as those of your shareholders.

For more than 12 years Everbrighter financial has been an industry leading stock transfer agent, helping companies from around the world with their stock transfer and registrar needs. In all that time, we have never lost a client to dissatisfaction — NEVER! With the new improved website we are determined to carry on with this tradition of excellence.

We are proud of this unequalled record of achievement and we remain dedicated to providing our clients with superlative stock transfer agent services. Everbrighter financial provides a complete array of worry-free corporate stock transfer and registrar services. Our professional stock transfer agent staff will provide you with complete assistance with any corporate stock actions and guide you through any transfer of stock ownership.

Among stock transfer agents, Everbrighter financial stands out. The biggest difference between us and our competitors is our uncompromising dedication to providing unmatched service. When you experience the way we fulfill all of the needs that you, your company and your shareholders have, you will understand what we mean when we say service is what matters most.

The proof of our dedication to service is illustrated by the fact that in our 12 plus years, Everbrighter financial has never lost a client due to dissatisfaction!

Every time you call us, a real live human being will actually answer the phone in three rings or less! No more spending ten minutes winding through a voice mail system, just to leave a message for someone who isn’t even there! Every member of Everbrighter financial will know you and be able to assist you.

We do not have the overhead of the mega-transfer agents and we pass the savings on to you. The efficiency of our expert stock transfer agent staff can also save you thousands of dollars as we help you eliminate costly mistakes.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Quest CE Launches Compliance Training for Investment Advisers

Quest Continuing Education Solutions (Quest CE) is proud to announce a new product line-up to meet Investment Adviser’s Compliance Training Needs. Since 1986 Quest CE has built a reputation of being the premier provider of Compliance Education Training to the financial services industry including insurance professionals and FINRA regulated Broker/Dealers. Quest is now able to address the regulations and requirements that face the Investment Adviser world.

Quest CE’s comprehensive Investment Adviser Training Program allows advisers to complete essential training through a cost-effective one-stop easy to use program. The Investment Adviser Compliance Training program enhances advisers’ ability to provide investment advice to clients, protecting the client, adviser and firm.

Courses include:

• Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls
• Anti-Money Laundering and the Red Flags Rule
• Investment Adviser Client Suitability
• Information Security Protecting You, Your Clients and Your Firm
• Investment Adviser Code of Ethics

Complete Investment Adviser Compliance Training Packages start at $25.00 with individual courses starting at $10.00.

Our courses are delivered through interesting and interactive self-paced online presentations. All of our courses use images and manageable page lengths to enhance the learning experience and make compliance enjoyable.

Compliance Tracking
Quest also offers a complete suite of compliance tracking tools including:

• Outside Business Activities
• Gifts and Entertainment
• Political Contributions

Professional Designation & Insurance Training
Quest CE is a Nationally Approved Provider of Insurance Continuing Education (Insurance CE). Each year we deliver over 150,000 insurance CE courses. Complete state CE packages start at $29.95 with individual courses starting at $12.95.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Abacus Financial Continues to Expand In Uncertain Economy

Abacus Financial, the national expert in the resolution of distressed commercial real estate borrowers and operating companies is extending its purchasing campaign at an unprecedented pace. Having acquired and sold hundreds of apartment, industrial, office, hospitality, warehouse, single family residential and retail properties in the last 30 years, Abacus knows the ups and downs of real estate cycles and is uniquely positioned to help property owners and investors out of their negative equity predicament.

While countless real estate operating companies and investors are faced with maturing loans and the worst real estate market in decades, Abacus is actively seeking to purchase distressed properties and portfolios, regardless of delinquencies, negative equity or eminent default.Abacus provides a way out for owners who are experiencing the daily nightmare of overwhelming financial obligations and a pervasive lack of liquidity. Abacus Financial offers owners, investment groups, developers and real estate investment funds what may be the best opportunity for relief and financial salvation – purchasing each distressed property or portfolio for a price greater than the existing loan(s), regardless of current outstanding debt balance or current market value.

Abacus Financial’s execution will relieve the daily calls from irate investors and lenders. The strategy will also preserve the coveted capital gains treatment to be realized from a sale and avoid the ordinary income that could arise from debt forgiveness. At a time when it is more likely than not that capital gains rates will increase in 2011, NOW is the time to take advantage of this unique exit opportunity.

Abacus Financial is ready, willing and able to solve distressed real estate problems regardless of property type and location. Nationally recognized as a solutions driven private real estate investment workout firm, the principals of Abacus firmly subscribe to the ages old maxim: “solve a difficult and challenging problem, and all who participate shall prosper”.

In an industry that has no room for failure, Abacus has developed fast and efficient large scale equity solutions for over 30 years by working with owners and investors to solve their negative equity situations. For more information please visit or call (213) 260-4811 and speak to one of our seasoned acquisitions specialists.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Quick Payday Loans Unveils Ground Breaking Impartial Payday Loan Reviews Website is a website dedicated to providing impartial information to applicants and consumers within the payday loans industry to allow them to make more informed payday loan applications. This service has been launched to address the increasing demand in this sector for impartial information on payday loan lenders. The Glasgow based website has launched its product offering into the market with a view to encouraging payday loans consumers to use the service as a vehicle through which to promote their experiences with particular payday lenders within the UK. The main target audience for the website are the same consumers that payday loan companies try to target – young, technically savvy individuals on the lookout for more consumer-orientated information on the payday loans sector.

The main driving force for the website however is its payday loan reviews section and in the first month of being live, this section of the site has turned into a hive of activity with consumers eager to voice their concerns and opinions on the many payday lenders reviewed on Quick Payday Loans. The launch of has also prompted a number of users to email the Administrator of the website, Chris Thomson, to congratulate him on the effort put in so far.

“Payday Loan Consumers have been crying out for a viable and impartial resource through which they can learn more about the various lenders vying for business within the sector”, says Chris. “Quick Payday Loans has been set-up based on a lot of careful research into the sector and we have strong ambitions to expand the service outwards and encourage wider participation through providing networking opportunities both on- and off-site”.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Tom Holcom Receives ‘Outstanding Civilian Service Medal’ from U.S. Army

Tom Holcom, chief executive officer of Pioneer Services, was presented with the U.S. Army’s “Outstanding Civilian Service Medal” Oct. 5, 2010, during a special celebration of his 25 years with the company. The award was presented to Holcom by retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Robert Arter.

Holcom was recognized for his work in helping to found the Command General Staff College Foundation (CGSCF) at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., which supports the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) in the development of tomorrow’s military leaders. He was instrumental in helping the CGSCF obtain tax-exempt status, and was elected the foundation’s first president.

“Tom has displayed extraordinary leadership, enabling the Foundation to develop into one of the most successful supporting foundations in history,” said Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen, the current commander of the Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, which includes the CGSC. “His dedication and selfless service reflect great credit upon him, the Combined Arms Center, and the United States Army.”

Past recipients include Sgt. Audie Murphy, the most decorated service member in American military history; E.N.J. Carter, creator of the “Be All You Can Be” slogan; and ninth Sergeant Major of the Army Richard A. Kidd.

Pioneer Services, the military banking division of MidCountry Bank, provides financial services and award-winning education to members of the Armed Forces. For more than 20 years, Pioneer Services has been a leader in military lending, offering military loans, retail lending, VA loans, and award-winning financial education programs through a network of offices and on the Internet. Pioneer Services is proud to support military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV= Reports That Up To 1.2 Million Over-50s May Use Equity In Home To Supplement Pensions

LV= has revealed that ‘Home is Pension’ is a common mantra among the over-50s workforce in Britain as shown in a recent report published by the retirement specialist. Although 54% of the over-50s believe the value of their home has fallen over the last three years, an estimated 1.2 million ‘HIPpies’ (‘Home is Pension’) may use the equity in their home to help supplement their retirement income.

Only 19% of all over-50s still in work feel that they are financially on track to retire as planned, while the number of working over-50s that believe they may have to delay retirement for financial reasons has increased hugely, to 41% from just 28% this time last year. Homeowners over 50 estimate they have lost £60 billion in property value due to recent volatility in the housing market.

However, this has not put many off using the equity in their homes to help fund retirement, with nearly a quarter of working over-50s considering using some, or all of the equity in their home to fund their retirement. The ‘Home is Pension’ mantra is so valuable to over-50s, that 54% would suggest their children include investment in property as part of their retirement planning.

When working over-50s were questioned about the impact an interest rate rise would have, LV=’s research found that 40% would have to reduce their pension contributions just to meet the higher cost of paying debts. More than four in ten (44%) of all working over-50s and 34% of those aged 60-69 in work, have an outstanding mortgage debt on their home.

Vanessa Owen, LV= Head of Equity Release, said: “It seems to be increasingly commonplace for those approaching retirement to consider using the equity in their property as part of their overall retirement plan. Continuing doom and gloom over volatility in the housing market and seeing some properties fall in value, hasn’t deterred the UK’s “HIPpies” and many are still positive that the equity in their home is their best chance of having a more comfortable retirement.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Experian QAS Achieves Latest Oracle CRM On Demand Validated Integration

Experian QAS, a leading contact data management software and services provider has achieved Oracle Validated Integration with QAS for Oracle CRM On Demand 1.0 and Oracle CRM On Demand. Customers will benefit from Experian QAS’s data quality tools with the Oracle CRM On Demand solution, providing increased accuracy of customer intelligence, improved communications, and more informed decision-making.

Experian QAS’s existing Platinum partnership, through the Oracle PartnerNetwork programme, provides customers with added confidence that Experian QAS is one of the main and trusted contact data providers to Oracle and its customers. Experian QAS software and services can help improve address data quality, increase productivity, reduce waste and improve return on investment by ensuring accuracy and completeness of data.

Nik Haidar, Product and Marketing Director at Experian QAS commented: “This latest acknowledgment from Oracle is testament to our ability to deliver market-leading data management capabilities. Experian QAS for Oracle CRM On Demand software enables Oracle customers to benefit from accurate and enriched contact data to help increase campaign effectiveness, operational efficiency and business intelligence, and ultimately, generate more value from their Oracle CRM activities.”

Kevin O’Brien, Senior Director, ISV and SaaS Strategy, Oracle, commented: “Oracle Validated Integration applies a rigorous technical review and test process. Achieving Oracle Validated Integration through the Oracle PartnerNetwork gives customers confidence that the integrations between Experian QAS for Oracle CRM On Demand 1.0 and Oracle CRM On Demand have been validated and the products work together as designed. This can help reduce risk, improve system implementation cycles, and provide for smoother upgrades and simpler maintenance.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV= Promotes Best Practice For National Customer Service Week

LV=, the mutual insurance, investment and retirement group, is running a series of training and activities to promote and reward excellence in customer service as part of National Customer Service Week.

LV= is dedicated to delivering the best possible customer service all year round and will be using National Customer Service Week as an extra opportunity to highlight the value that customer service plays within organisations.

In addition to highlighting and rewarding those staff who have demonstrated customer service excellence, the group will be running a series of initiatives during the week such as problem solving training and ‘back to the floor’ sessions for senior management.

Two staff award schemes have been set up to celebrate the week. The LOVE awards are for employees who demonstrate Living Our Values Everyday (LOVE) and the Unsung Heroes awards are for staff to nominate colleagues who have gone the extra mile to improve an internal process or system.

In the general insurance business, each site has initiatives promoting great customer service throughout the week including managers’ mystery shopping and awarding prizes for great examples of customer service, quizzes themed around customer service, dress down and dress up days, job swaps and awards for the friendliest members of the customer service team.

Initiatives being rolled out specifically in LV=’s Bournemouth office include a dress like a rock star day, a ‘Know your Claims’ team quiz and retention spot prizes.

LV= handles more than 18,000 customer calls a day and has won numerous awards for its customer service, including the 2010 Moneywise award for best customer service in car insurance. The LV= general insurance call centre also won call centre of the year* in the 2009 National Customer Service Awards and is short-listed again for the same award this year.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Releases Quarterly Outlook For Q4 2010

In its economic outlook for the fourth quarter of 2010, Saxo Bank recognises growing optimism in recent months due to a strong earnings season but the state of the US economy still overshadows these results. Saxo Bank, the trading and investment specialist, expects final sales to remain weak in the second half of 2010 and into 2011 and the unemployment rate to continue to hover just below 10% in the fourth quarter.

Commenting on the outlook, David Karsbøl, Saxo Bank’s Chief Economist said: “With the S&P 500 currently trading around the same level as it did at the beginning of the year, and with the lack of investments due to a weak housing market, the ongoing trouble in Southern Europe, and most developed economies, Saxo Bank fears that a cold front will stall, bringing more challenges and adversity going into 2011.”

Equities rely on the notion that the impressive earnings growth rates, recorded in earlier quarters, can be sustained. According to the Bank, the trouble is that earnings growth currently comes almost exclusively from one source: margin expansion, and while productivity gains can only take income to a certain level, sales growth must soon step up to the challenge.

The Bank predicts that spending at state and local levels remains a downward trend as policymakers scramble to balance their budgets. Despite the fact that the recession is generally perceived to have ended in the summer of 2009, it is still very much a reality at state and local levels.

“Double dip fears re-emerged over the summer as the deceleration in the US economy progressed as predicted in our 2010 Yearly Outlook. We expect growth to come to a complete halt in the fourth quarter of 2010 as consumption deleverages, the manufacturing sector will slow down, and investments will be negatively affected by the weak housing market. Unfortunately, the risk of a double dip, within the next few quarters, is substantial in our view.” Karsbøl added.

The Quarterly Outlook Q4 2010 focuses on the following areas: general market comment, macros forecast, FX outlook, equity outlook, commodity outlook and policy rates.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases