Category Archives: Investment


Digi Communications N.V. amends the EUR 128 million loan agreement for its Spanish subsidiary

BUCHAREST, Romania, 27-Jul-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform its investors and the market that on 27 July 2022, the Company’s Spanish subsidiary, acting as a borrower (the “Borrower”) together with the Company and RCS&RDS as original guarantors, ING Bank N.V. as sole bookrunner and mandated lead arranger and a syndicate of banks, acting as lenders, entered into an amendment agreement (the “Amendment Agreement”) to the facility agreement dated 26 July 2021 (the “Original Facilities Agreement”), under which was made available to the Company’s Spanish subsidiary an additional term loan facility in a total aggregate amount of EUR 128,000,000, for a period equal to five years, until 30 June 2027.
The borrowed amount of the new term loan facility will be used by the Borrower for the financing of capital expenditure in Spain and associated personnel costs.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Citymesh Mobile, a joint venture between Digi Communications N.V.’s subsidiary RCS & RDS and Citymesh, to pay EUR 114 million for frequency user rights as part of its winning bid in 5G auction in Belgium

BUCHAREST, Romania, 21-Jun-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that on 21 June 2022 Citymesh Mobile, a joint venture where the Company’s Romanian Subsidiary and Citymesh, a company incorporated in Belgium, part of the IT-group Cegeka have joint control (the “JV”), won the new entrant package spectrum plus 5G spectrum frequency user rights as consequence of participating in the auction organized by the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (“BIPT”). Details regarding the JV and the development of the Belgian project shall be made available by the Company at appropriate stages. The JV will use 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 3600 MHz frequency bands allowing it to build a new (4th) national mobile network.

The total price that the parties of the joint venture will pay for the frequency user rights is EUR 114,330,000. The amount can be paid in installments during the lifetime of the frequency rights.

The frequency bands will be finally allotted through a decision to be taken by BIPT in the following period.

The Company welcomes BIPT’s decision which will allow the Group to expand its business on the Belgium market, in order to provide high quality affordable telecommunication services, based on the latest technologies.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

LIMASSOL, Zypern, 14-Jun-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Star-Investor und ICQ-Mitbegründer Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

  • Durch Funding von Investoren und Accelerator Programmen erreicht Velvet ein Seed-Investment von über 1,3 Mio. USD
  • Velvet erhält außerdem Funding und Auszeichnung durch HubSpot Accelerator
  • Fintech-Startup beschleunigt KI-Technologieentwicklung und Kundengewinnung

Das Fintech-Unternehmen Velvet Software Technologies erhält ein Seed-Investment in Höhe von 1,3 Mio. USD, sowie Unterstützung von Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger. Der ICQ-Mitbegründer sichert sich einen Platz im Advisory Board des in Stuttgart gegründeten Startups. Die Finanzierung erfolgte nach Zielerreichung von exponentiellem Kundenwachstums sowie starkem Performance-Ausbau der KI-basierten Velvet-Algorithmen. Neben dem Investment von mehreren Investoren wurde Velvet in die Microsoft und Hubspot Accelerator-Programme aufgenommen, im Rahmen derer sich das Fintech-Startup ein weiteres 6-stelliges Funding und Zugriff auf modernste KI-Infrastruktur sichern konnte.

Velvet Software Technologies bietet mit Velvet AutoInvest eine neue Art des Investierens für Privatanleger aller Erfahrungsstufen an. Mission ist es, Privatinvestoren mittels modernster Technologie eine Geldanlage bereitzustellen, die bislang hauptsächlich Hedgefonds vorbehalten ist. Der Handelsalgorithmus Velvet AutoInvest ist zur Ausführung seiner KI-basierten Trades an einen durch ASIC regulierten, international renommierten australischen Broker angebunden. Zur Nutzung von Velvet verbinden Kunden ihren zuvor beim Broker erstellen Account mit Velvet AutoInvest. Daraufhin werden die von der Velvet-KI automatisiert generierten Trades auf das Kundenkonto beim Broker übertragen.

Julius Franck-Oberaspach, CEO von Velvet: “Dass Velvet AutoInvest, ursprünglich für den Eigennutzen entwickelt, bereits nach kurzer Zeit so sehr Fahrt aufnimmt, ist für uns unglaublich. Velvet bietet Privatinvestoren an, mittels unserer KI-Algorithmen den fehleranfälligen, manuellen Investment-Prozess nun wie Investmentbanken zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Die extreme Komplexität und Tiefe der am Finanzmarkt verfügbaren Informationen waren Ideenbringer zur Gründung von Velvet.”

“Velvet AutoInvest bietet ein für Privatpersonen in der Finanzwelt sehr revolutionäres, benutzerfreundliches Anlageprodukt: Die schlichte Verbindung zu einem KI-Algorithmus, der in seiner Komplexität normalerweise nur von institutionellen Anlegern verwendet wird. Privatanleger können technisch hochgerüstet und mit weitreichendem Risiko-Management damit wie Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan oder BlackRock am Finanzmarkt investieren”, ergänzt Jonathan R. Hirsch, CMO von Velvet.

Yair Goldfinger: „Für mich sind junge, talentierte und motivierte Teams, die unglaubliche Ergebnisse erzielen, der wichtigste Baustein in einem Unternehmen. Bei Velvet sehe ich das auf das nächste Level gehoben. Das Produkt, das sie entwickelt haben, ist einfach großartig. Ich verfolge den Markt seit Jahren sehr genau, aber etwas Vergleichbares zu dem, was Velvet anbietet, habe ich noch nie gesehen. Das Team hat in den letzten Monaten nicht nur eine herausragende Performance der KI-basierten Handelsalgorithmen erreicht, sondern es ebenso geschafft, daraus ein intuitives Produkt für Privatpersonen zu bauen – und nun steigt das Kundeninteresse explosionsartig. Diese Kombination aus Team-, Produkt- und Marktinteresse zeigen zweifelslos absolutes Potenzial für weiterhin exponentielles Wachstum des Startups.“

Mit der neu erhaltenen Liquidität wird Velvet sein Fintech-Angebot von der Integration bis hin zum Nutzererlebnis weiter optimieren und beschleunigt skalieren. Dazu zählt unter Anderem die Einstellung zusätzlicher Analyst*innen zur kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung der Handelsalgorithmen wie auch der Ausbau des Customer Supports Teams. Hinzu kommt der Einsatz fortschrittlicher CRMs, gesponsert vom HubSpot Startup Accelerator, zur weiteren Support-Automatisierung, um so für künftige Expansionen gerüstet zu sein.

Mit den Velvet-Strategien Blue, Ultra und dem Flaggschiff Pro verwenden Privatanleger KI-gestützte Anlagestrategien mit Zugriff auf einen breiten Diversifizierungsmix aus über 20 Finanzinstrumenten. Die Produkte folgen dabei unterschiedlichen Risikoprofilen und Renditechancen. Den Kern aller Velvet-Strategien bildet ein Random-Forest-Algorithmus für maschinelles Lernen, welcher Anhand von über 1.300 Datenpunkten mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit Erwartungswerte verschiedener Handelstaktiken prognostiziert. Anhand dieser Prognose werden Handelsentscheidungen gewichtet und die Strategie flexibel an neue Marktverhältnisse angepasst. Ziel dabei ist der nachhaltige und kosteneffiziente Vermögensaufbau der angebundenen Accounts, mit aktivem Risikomanagement und Automatisierung. Aufgrund der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und des minimalen Eigenaufwands sind alle Velvet-Produkte speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Privatanlegern ausgelegt und damit für Einsteiger wie auch für erfahrene Investoren gleichermaßen geeignet.

Neukunden erhalten bei Velvet AutoInvest einen kostenfreien Probemonat, in dem die automatisierten KI-Handelssignale ohne Berechnung einer Gewinnprovision getestet werden können. Nach Registrierung und Eröffnung des Broker-Accounts wird dieser mit der gewünschten Risikoklasse verbunden. Kunden behalten dabei jederzeit die volle Kontrolle und Transparenz über ihr Depot. Die Nutzung der AI-Software ist grundsätzlich kostenlos, Gebühren in Höhe von 15-25 % werden ausschließlich auf erzielte Renditen gezahlt und pro Monat abgerechnet. Velvet AutoInvest kann jederzeit ohne Kündigung deaktiviert werden.

Weitere Informationen zu Velvet Software Technologies und Velvet AutoInvest unter:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Market-neutral hedge fund Caravel Capital Fund Showcased At Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar

COPENHAGEN, 3-Jun-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Jeff Banfield, a founding partner of Caravel Capital Investments Inc., was the featured speaker at Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 2, 2022. With over 35-years of experience in the alternative investment industry, Banfield delivered valuable insights and his recipe for navigating the current global financial markets.

Titled, The Alchemy of Risk, Opportunity, and Experience, Banfield explained how he earned positive returns for each of his 35-years in the investment business. His position as a Proprietary Trader at Dominion Securities in 1987 prepared him for six Bear Markets and unexpected macro factors.

Mr. Banfield was asked how he consistently achieves positive returns. He explained, “We approach every investment with the following criteria: strong understanding of fundamentals, applying the correct strategy in the economic cycle; coupled with the opportunity to generate the targeted return, and always managing the tail risk.” He also added, “We listen to the central banks and policymakers when they telegraph well in advance, and we take appropriate countermeasures to protect the portfolio. Glen and I find our best opportunities when fear and greed misprice the market.”

Soren Dal Thomsen, CIO, kicked off the program, presenting, “Why should one have hedge funds in their portfolio?” Then followed by Jeppe Blirup, Head of Hedge Funds, who gave the landscape of Secure Spectrum’s Fund of Hedge Funds. Jeppe explained, “We turned to Jeff to share his wealth of knowledge on the markets, strategies, and execution. Especially in this kind of market, we are all looking for insights that will help us to grow and preserve our capital. Caravel Capital shares our priorities: growth of capital, capital preservation, alignment of interests, and risk-aversion.”

The Caravel Capital Fund outperformed major indices in Q1 2022 with a 3.25% (net of fees) return, generated 30.78% returns in 2021, and have produced annualized returns of 18.96% since inception in 2016 while maintaining a Sharpe Ratio of 2. Gibbons and Banfield utilize several strategies, including but not limited to convertible arbitrage, relative value arbitrage, capital structure arbitrage, merger arbitrage, distressed debt, and alpha long/short.


Caravel Capital Investments Inc. is an event-driven, market-neutral hedge fund based in Nassau, The Bahamas. Founded in 2016 by Glen Gibbons and Jeff Banfield, the firm prioritizes capital preservation with a commitment to liquidity and transparency. Named after the agile exploration ships used during the age of discovery, the firm maintains strict limits, small positions, and a manageable fund size to ensure quick responses to changing dynamics. The team uses innovative, leading-edge idea implementation while owning the Fund’s risk tails. The managers pursue systematic and non-systematic risk reduction through frequent review of risk/reward and high liquidity, thereby providing a genuinely market-neutral result, as evidenced by the returns.

Secure Spectrum is a fund of hedge funds that aims to generate an absolute return over the business cycle, seeking to generate an attractive risk-adjusted return regardless of the development of financial markets. Secure Hedge seeks to exhibit low correlation with the stock market and help diversify a traditional portfolio consisting of equities and bonds. The fund’s active portfolio management involves looking for exposure to attractive niche investment strategies that are typically difficult to access and independent of each other.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. announced the release of its 2021 Preliminary Annual Report

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-May-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. would like to inform its shareholders and the investors that the 2021 Preliminary Annual Report is available as of 28 May 2022, on the Company’s website.

The updated version of the 2021 Annual Report (including Digi NVs Consolidated & Stand-alone financial statements issued as per Dutch GAAP) will be published on or before 29 July 2022
For details regarding the Preliminary 2021 Annual Report, please visit our website:, under the section Investor Relations / Financial reports.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. grants conditional class B stock options shares to directors and employees

BUCHAREST, Romania, 20-May-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company (Digi Communications N.V.) would like to inform the market and its investors that, on 19 May 2022, was granted, for the year 2022, a total amount of 130,000 conditional class B stock options shares to executive directors of the Company, pursuant to the decision of the Company’s general meeting of shareholders dated 18 May 2021 and a total amount of 91,700 conditional class B stock options shares to directors and employees of the Romanian Subsidiary of the Company, pursuant to the decision of the Company’s Board of Directors dated 19 May 2022.

The further vesting of all stock option shares granted will be conditional upon several performance criteria and the passage of a minimum duration of 1 year.

More details regarding the stock options granted to the executive directors of the Company are available on the Company’s website at (the Agenda and Explanatory notes published by the Company on 6 April 2021, Annex I).

In accordance with the applicable regulations, on 19 May 2022, the Company’s executive directors, as persons discharging managerial responsibilities, have notified the Company, the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (SFA) and Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) in connection with the grant of the above-mentioned stock options and the execution between each of them and the Company of corresponding stock option agreements.

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Jeff Banfield of Caravel Capital Investments featured speaker at Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark

NASSAU, Bahamas, 18-May-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Jeff Banfield, a founding partner of Caravel Capital Investments Inc., will be the featured speaker at Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 2, 2022. With over 30 years of experience in the alternative investment industry, Banfield will deliver valuable insights and his recipe for navigating the current global financial markets.

Jeff Banfield, Founding Partner Caravel Capital Investments Inc.

Titled, The Alchemy of Risk, Opportunity, and Experience, Banfield’s talk will address the perfect storm the markets find themselves in and what history has taught him to navigate. He will touch on the correlation between Caravel Capital’s strategies and the economic cycle and demonstrate how flexibility helps avoid pitfalls.

Secure Hedge’s investors and guests will gather near their headquarters in Copenhagen to attend this invitation-only event. Jeppe Blirup, head of Secure Spectrum’s Fund of Hedge Funds division, explains, “We are excited to host our distinguished investors at our annual Hedge Fund Seminar. We turned to Jeff to share his wealth of knowledge on the markets, strategies, and execution. Especially in this kind of market, we are all looking for insights that will help us to grow and preserve our capital. Caravel Capital shares our priorities, namely: growth of capital, capital preservation, alignment of interests, and risk-aversion.”


The Caravel Capital Fund outperformed major indices in Q1 2022 with a 3.25% (net of fees) return, generated 30.78% returns in 2021, and obtained annualized returns of 18.96% since inception in 2016 while maintaining a Sharpe Ratio of 2. Gibbons and Banfield utilize several strategies, including but not limited to convertible arbitrage, relative value arbitrage, capital structure arbitrage, merger arbitrage, distressed debt, and alpha long/short.

Caravel Capital Investments Inc. is a multi-strategy market-neutral hedge fund based in Nassau, The Bahamas. Founded in 2016 by Glen Gibbons and Jeff Banfield, the firm prioritizes capital preservation with a commitment to liquidity and transparency. Named after the agile exploration ships used during the age of discovery, the firm maintains strict limits, small positions, and a manageable fund size to ensure quick responses to changing dynamics. The team uses innovative, leading-edge idea implementation while owning the Fund’s risk tails. The managers pursue systematic and non-systematic risk reduction through frequent review of risk/reward and high liquidity, thereby providing a genuinely market-neutral result, as evidenced by the returns.

Secure Spectrum is a fund of hedge funds that aims to generate an absolute return over the business cycle, seeking to generate an attractive risk-adjusted return regardless of the development of financial markets. Secure Hedge seeks to exhibit low correlation with the stock market and help diversify a traditional portfolio consisting of equities and bonds. The fund’s active portfolio management involves looking for exposure to attractive niche investment strategies that are typically difficult to access and independent of each other.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. corrects two clerical errors in its Q1 2022 Financial Report

Bucharest, Romania, 18-05-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform the market and its investors that, the Q1 2022 Financial Report was amended in order to correct the following clerical errors:

  1. In the English version of the Q1 2022 Financial report, at page 21, Under the line “Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income”, in the original version of the Q1 2022 Financial Report we presented the description pertaining to ‘Net profit attributable to owners’ under the line ‘Net profit Attributable to non-controlling interests’ and vice-versa. In the amended Q1 2022 Financial Report we have corrected the clerical error by reversing the description to the correct lines.
  2. In the English version of the Q1 2022 Financial report, at page 23, Under the line “Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity”: the figure representing the movement in ‘Translation reserves’ was presented in the ‘Revaluation reserves’ column and the figure representing the movement in ‘Revaluation reserves’ was presented in the ‘Fair value reserves’ column, also the ‘Total’ lines had to be updated. Practically both figures were erroneously shifted to the right, and in the process also the ‘Total’ lines were affected. In the amended Q1 2022 Financial Report we have corrected this clerical error.
    For more details, please see the amended Q1 2022 Financial Report by accessing the link below:

About Digi Communications NV
We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenues generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. posts its financial results for the first quarter of 2022

BUCHAREST, Romania, 17-May-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that the Q1 2022 Financial results are available on the Company’s website.

For more details, please see:

Also today, 17 May 2022 at 16:00 UK time / 18:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the Q1 2022 Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until today, 17 May 2022, at 14:00 UK time / 16:00 EEST (Romania local time).

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. to host conference call for its 1Q2022 Financial Results on 17 May 2022

BUCHAREST, Romania, 10-May-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on 17 May 2022, at 16:00 UK time / 18:00 EEST (Romania local time), it will host a conference call to discuss the Q1 2022 Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) on 17 May 2022.

A recording of the conference call will be available on our website for 30 days:

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania, having significant operations in Spain and being present in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New platform to buy and sell tokens backed by a diversified portfolio of U.S. real estate

ATLANTA, GA, United States, 2-May-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Yield Crowd is an online portal to buy and sell tokens backed by a diversified portfolio of U.S. real estate. Yield Crowd has just finished it’s tokenization of a U.S. $50M portfolio of real estate as YIELD tokens on the Stellar blockchain.

Commenting on Yield Crowd’s ongoing momentum, Chief Executive Officer Amariah Olson stated, “Being huge believers in technology and the future, and witnessing first-hand the transactional friction and liquidity issues in the incumbent real estate private equity sector, we are very excited to be bringing Blockchain technology to the real estate space and to offer the world’s first portfolio of institutional assets tokenized on the blockchain. We are doubling down to become the leading tech pioneers in the blockchain real estate space with our Yield Crowd platform, where buyers and sellers can come together to transact real estate backed tokens on-chain and earn dividends daily.”

Started by brothers Obin and Amariah Olson, their real estate company Olson Capital Investments began as a small private investment company, where they had large success in investing in and developing multifamily, office and retail properties. Prior to real estate, they were investing in and producing Hollywood films with global distribution, now they are primarily focused in the real estate space, currently holding over $50M in institutional class assets, where they have grown the equity at 154% per year through the acquisition of distressed and value-add deals.

The Olson’s recently acquired two retail car wash properties in Orange and Riverside County near Los Angeles, CA, valued at over $33,000,000. They closed the deal with $15M of debt from T bank, and are currently under contract on a 121-room Hotel in Arizona, and 130 additional apartment units in Texas. Diversifying into retail and hotels is part of the company’s short-term strategy to boost its portfolio’s cash flow to help finance the Yield Crowd platform and pay dividends to token holders. YIELD token will initially be a regulation S exempt offering, available to non-U.S. investors. The Tokens are backed by corporate bonds set to receive excess income from the Olson’s private real estate portfolio and will be available on the platform, where token holders can earn a target 8.75% return.

Olson further comments, “In the coming years, Yield Crowd will be positioning itself to be the go-to online real estate investment. Unlike the incumbent real estate funds, which often require an investor to tie up their capital in the fund for 7-10 years, YIELD tokens are freely tradable between owners on the Stellar decentralized exchange. This flexibility is going to make a huge impact in the real estate industry over the next 3-5 years, and we are positioned to be at the forefront as the industry transitions to the blockchain paradigm.”

The Olson’s have completed over 20 real estate investments in Office, Residential, Multifamily, and Retail, totaling over $80 million in transactions, which they have privately financed using their own equity and institutional debt.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. amends its 2022 Financial Calendar

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-Apr-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform its investors and the market that there has been an Amendment regarding its 2022 Financial Calendar.

The new 2022 Financial Calendar is available on the official website at:

About Digi Communications N.V.

We are an European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Former Uber Driver Creates Cryptocurrency Banq potentially Worth Millions

MIAMI, FL, 2022-Apr-27 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Meet Anade, he’s a Former Uber Lyft Driver turned Financial Data Scientist.

His company CryptoShare Banq is raising Funding on Wefunder below:

The Raise closes April 30. This could be the last chance for people to invest!

Almost Five years removed from getting people from one place to another. He is now getting people to Build Wealth using Cryptocurrency with his company “Cryptoshare Banq”.

Website here: www.Cryptoshare.App

“In 2018, after I gave up Uber I made a decision to build Wealth and help others in the process.

Our Target Market is the Creditless, Unbanked, and Underbanked (over 25% of US and over 70% in Latin America).

Almost a 3rd of the World do not access to basic Financial tools (debit cards, loans, savings & checking accounts).” ~ Anade

Cryptoshare Banq launched on Feb 1, 2022. Presently the company has raised $200,000 USD and has nearly 200 Users using the CryptoCurrency Banq!

Web site:

Invest here:

All investments Close April 30 2022!

Cryptoshare Banq is a Decentralized Financial System

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Digi Communications N.V. 2021 Preliminary Financial Results released

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-Feb-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that the 2021 Preliminary Financial Results are available on the Company’s website.

For more details, please see:

Also, on 28 February 2022 at 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the 2021 Preliminary Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST (Romania local time) on 28 February 2022.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. to host a conference call for its 2021 Preliminary Financial Results on 28 February 2022

BUCHAREST, Romania, 22-Feb-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on 28 February 2022 at 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the 2021 Preliminary Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST (Romania local time) on 28 February 2022.

A recording of the conference call will be available on our website for 30 days:

About Digi Communications NV

We are a European leader in geographically-focused telecommunication solutions, based on the number of revenue generating units (“RGUs”) and a leading provider of telecommunication services in Romania and Spain, with a presence also in Italy and Portugal.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. CEO Serghei Bulgac sold 17,537 class B shares held in the Company’s share capital

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-Jan-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that, in accordance with the provisions of article 19 para. (1) of the Market Abuse Regulation, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company, notified the Company in connection with the sale, on January, 25, 26 and 27, 2022, of a number of 17,537 class B shares held in the Company’s share capital.

In connection with this transaction, Mr. Serghei Bulgac notified also the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). Mr. Serghei Bulgac fulfilled the notification requirements under the Company’s internal policies.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. made partial repayment of its financial debt in the amount of EUR 272 million

BUCHAREST, Romania, 20-Jan-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform its investors and the market that, during the period between January, 3, 2022, the date of the closing of the transaction entered into between the Company’s Romanian subsidiary (RCS&RDS) and 4iG Plc regarding the Group’s Hungarian operations, and January, 19, 2022, the Company and its subsidiaries made a partial repayment of the Group’s financial debt in the aggregate amount of EUR 272,017,424.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Framework becomes daappa, the data, accounting, and administration platform for private assets

LUXEMBOURG, 17-Jan-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Global fintech, Framework PEIDM, has announced a new name and brand identity – alongside a new product release – as the final phase of its multi-year digital transformation.

Building on a long pedigree, Framework has rebranded to daappa, as the firm looks to stay ahead of the rapidly evolving private asset market.

The company was acquired by Bertil Rouveure (its chairman) in 2016, following its initial sale as Accounting Frameworks to 3i Infotech in 2008. Since then, daappa has been on a journey of rejuvenation and evolution, culminating in a new management team, the opening of an office in Luxembourg, an upgrade of its core platform, the launch of new products, and new service capabilities including daappa cloud – a managed cloud and data service delivery model.

The rapid pace of change in the private asset market has underpinned the evolution of daappa.

The ‘retailisation’ or democratisation of an asset class long the preserve of very wealthy and sophisticated investors, means the industry is facing demands to become more transparent and socially responsible – against a backdrop of downward fee pressure and more stringent regulatory oversight.

Augmenting daappa’s core accounting, administration and reporting capabilities, is the launch of two new products – daappa Studio and daappa Studio+, which meet these industry challenges head on, with new value-added applications including mandate and ESG Compliance, complex investment structure Look Through, investment and operational data Analytics, a reporting, data and document Portal, and DataHub that addresses a long-held goal of many firms by creating a single source of truth for aggregated internal and external data.

Alongside this wider repositioning, daappa has undergone a cultural reboot. As a global firm, the new management team has been mindful of workers’ local traditions and customs, as well as the firm’s impact on the environment, with the launch of a new CSR initiative, mission statement and company values statement.

Bertil Rouveure, daappa Chairman, said: “Engagement with our clients and the wider industry means we know there is a clear need for the private market industry to be more open and collaborative”.

“Our team has worked diligently over the last 18 months to establish the daappa ecosystem, providing our clients with a flexible and scalable technology platform and a proactive partnership approach to client servicing.”

Karim Ali, daappa CEO said: “The initial feedback on the rebrand from our clients, prospects and consultants has been overwhelmingly positive”.

“While in the process of revamping and expanding our platform and services, we concluded the time was right to update our core values, mission, and objectives.”

“Our clients, and indeed the industry, are demanding a better user experience, transparency, interoperability and flexibility – this has been our focus”.


About daappa

daappa is the data, accounting, and administration platform for private assets.

The daappa platform is a combination of software, cloud technology, data management and proactive client servicing designed to assist asset owners, general partners, asset managers and fund administrators to be data-driven, transparent and operationally efficient.

daappa has been purpose-built to manage complex investment, structures and funds related to private equity, debt, loans and real assets with front to back-office functionality, inbuilt workflow, reporting and data management capabilities that are delivered via a secure, managed cloud service.

We are a socially responsible global fintech with a mission to advance the democratisation of private asset markets. We are trusted by our clients to help them stay ahead of regulatory and operational change. Our agile team cares deeply about what we produce and deliver to help our clients minimise their risks and maximise their opportunities.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. 2022 Financial Calendar available on its website

BUCHAREST, Romania, 11-Jan-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform its investors and the market that the Financial Calendar for 2022 is available on the official website at:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Luxembourg fund servicing firm Fidupar goes live with Framework’s investment and operations platform

LONDON, 13-Dec-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Framework, a specialist provider of middle and back-office technology for private markets, announces today that Luxembourg based fund advisory and administration company Fidupar S.A. is now live on Framework Core (Core) to support their Investor Services, Fund Accounting, General Ledger, and Reporting functions. Having implemented Core, Fidupar, who has seen a surge of interest in its services, can deliver sophisticated investor services to its clients, as well as an improved way to navigate the changes to existing and new regulations within the private assets market.

Nicolas Montagne, Managing Director of Fidupar, said: “Framework’s dedication in supporting and ensuring a smooth transition to our new robust platform was second to none, they clearly listened to our needs and upcoming challenges as a fund servicer. We are confident that with Core in place our clients can expect superior service. Choosing Framework as a software partner was the right decision for our business.”

With Core now embedded, Fidupar has access to a powerful tool that optimises its operational efficiency for its administrative functions, including transaction management, accounting and valuations – on a secure and open architecture cloud-hosted platform. Core also incorporates robust and flexible reporting capabilities and shareholder services including automated investor communications.

In addition to a favourable legal and tax regime, one of the main draws of Luxembourg is the highly-skilled, multilingual staff who can provide tailor-made services for international clients as are found at Fidupar. This commitment to responsiveness and focusing on the needs of customers was an attribute that Fidupar recognises in Framework too.

Craig Tyzack, Head of Delivery & Operations of Framework added: “Working with the Fidupar team allowed us to solidify the reasons they chose Framework as their software provider throughout the implementation process. We focused on understanding Fidupar’s requirements and used our industry knowledge to customise our solution to those needs. Delivering a user-friendly, robust platform to our clients is paramount.”

About Framework
Framework, founded in 2000, is a specialist provider of middle and back-office technology for private markets. Since being acquired by BRD Investments in 2016, Framework is committed to advancing open, flexible digital solutions for asset owners, managers and administrators and the evolution of private asset funds. A significant number of platform and product enhancements have been undertaken, many specifically to address the current and future requirements of leading sophisticated private asset administrators.

Framework holds a leading position with Development Bank customers in Europe and North America and in particular the UK, and services several industry-leading independent or bank-owned asset managers in Europe and the Middle East.

About Fidupar
Part of the Elate Group, Fidupar was formed at the beginning of 2000 by the contribution of the activity of the financial engineering departments of two major banks in the Luxembourg financial centre.

By focusing on the needs of our customers, we have grown considerably with the deep commitment to our historical values: responsiveness, creativity, commitment, and ambition, while maintaining a high level of ethics.

With multilingual staff specialised in different sectors, we provide tailor-made services for our international clients. Our multidisciplinary teams work in close collaboration with our clients in the realization of their projects.

SOURCE: EuropaWire