Category Archives: Investment


Un leader innovativo nel trading forex online Orbex annunciato una partnership strategia con l’Università LUM Jean Monnet

CYPRUS, 24-Aug-2016 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Orbex, un leader innovativo nel trading forex online, ha annunciato quest’oggi una partnership strategia con l’Università LUM Jean Monnet, un’università privata italiana, conosciuta in tutto il mondo e altamente stimata come centro di formazione economica. La partnership unirà l’esperienza di Orbex nelle soluzioni di trading e nell’analisi di mercato con l’approccio scientifico avanzato della LUM nello sviluppo economico.

Questa partnership risponde alla domanda nel settore di professionisti di alto calibro in materia di trading e soluzioni di investimento multi-target di prossima generazione, qualità che possono essere sviluppate solo tramite progetti di ricerca collaborativa.

L’iniziativa di Orbex è una risposta olistica alle sfide che il settore pone. Orbex espanderà il programma formativo del Master in Analisi finanziaria e di borsa e contribuirà con la sua conoscenza pratica dei mercati internazionali. Gli specialisti di Orbex hanno preparato un programma speciale per gli studenti del Master, che prevede anche seminari teorici e pratici e webinar. Inoltre, gli studenti avranno libero accesso a tutto il materiale formativo della società, trasformando così il centro formativo Orbex in un polo di innovazione e scambio di idee.

La comunità di trading, a sua volta, avrà l’opportunità unica di attingere direttamente dalle conoscenze degli studi scientifici più recenti e di imparare dai più autorevoli docenti di economia.

Kira Vessiari, Content Manager di Orbex, è convinta che “Orbex sta compiendo un passo significativo nel realizzare la propria visione di diventare la destinazione online preferita per una formazione nel trading di qualità. Questa partnership con l’Università LUM ha il potenziale di dare vita a nuovi approcci verso il trading e siamo entusiasti delle nuove opportunità che questa collaborazione offrirà a Orbex per avanzare progressivamente.”

Edoardo Ciampelletti, Desk italiano di Orbex, ha dichiarato: “Abbiamo osato unire quella che è sempre stata vista come una sfera strettamente accademica con una sfera giudicata puramente pratica e tecnologica. Credo proprio che grazie a questa collaborazione possiamo dare vita a una vera e propria rivoluzione nella formazione del trading.”

Professor Adriano Carenza, Università LUM: “Il Master mira a formare professionisti che possono offrire supporto a istituti finanziari, in prevalenza banche, SGR, SIM e SICAV, nel processare e monitorare piani operativi finanziari e strategici, così come sistemi di organizzazione e riconoscimento dei rischi degli strumenti finanziari. Orbex ha voluto riconoscere la qualità e la visione di questo progetto formativo firmando una partnership con la Scuola di Management della LUM, che attraverso lezioni, webinar, seminari ed esercizi, si pone come obiettivo uno sviluppo sostenibile del mercato globale dei servizi di trading online e di creare un nuovo tipo di operatore finanziario. Completando il corso, i nuovi professionisti avranno acquisito capacità versatili nel settore della finanza pura.”


SOURCE:  EuropaWire

Exchange auction for the sale of liquefied gas production of PJSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” held on Ukrainian Energy Exchange

KYIV, 30-Jun-2016 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — On Thursday, 23rd June 2016 on the trading floor of CE “Ukrainian Energy Exchange” an exchange auction was held for the sale of liquefied gas for the domestic market, production of PJSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya”. In the end of the auction were sold 5 630 tons for a total amount of 59,324 million UAH on the basis of delivery “Poltavagasvydobuvannya”, gas processing plants Bazylivschyna, Iablunivka and “Shebelynkagasvydobuvannya” with the type of shipment – motor transport and railway.

Specialists of the exchange note price growth ( on all the exposed positions in the corridor from 14.59% to 26,02% in comparison with the previous auction. The largest increase in prices observed for PBA(propane-butane) with shipping by railway. Additional income of PJSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” is more than 11 million UAH.

“Live interest is explained by the increase in demand of small customers, who are fighting for the resource. This is an indication of high competition in the marketplace. For us it is a real indicator and a visual demonstration of what a transparent competitive bidding in Ukraine can form a fair price for resources that allows the state to earn decent money,” – said after the auction, CEO of Ukrainian Energy Exchange Oleksandr Kovalenko.

Reference: Trading in energy resources of PJSC “UKRGASVYDOBUVANNYA” on the trading floor of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange takes place on a regular basis. The auction is attended by some of the largest traders of the domestic market.


SOURCE: EuropaWire

Spot trading of petroleum products produced by PJSC “UkrGasVydobuvannya” on the electronic trading platform of CE “Ukrainian Energy Exchange”

KYIV, Ukraine, 2016-Jun-20 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 on the electronic trading platform of CE “Ukrainian Energy Exchange” were held spot trading of petroleum products produced by PJSC “UkrGasVydobuvannya” on the domestic market № UGV-22. 8 485 tons of oil products were put up for trading. In the end of the trading session 5 390 tons for a total amount of 4,134 million USD have been sold on the basis of delivery Shebelynka, Iablunivka and branch “Lvivgasvydobuvannya” with the type of shipment – vehicle and railway.

On the results of the exchange trading were sold more than 63.5% of the exposed volume of oil products, which is an average result. Exchange specialists have noted that there was low level of demand on the majority of lots that immediately reflected in the price of energy. Prices decreased at average of 1.25% relative to the starting prices.

“Ukrainian energy and oil products market is deeply integrated into international markets. There’s nothing surprising in the fact that the pricing on the world markets affect our rates, but a more important question is: where is the center of pricing for Ukrainian oil, gas and fuel products, Rotterdam, New York? I’d like to see the prices on Ukrainian minerals and energy to be formed where this resource is produced or consumed,” said CEO of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange Oleksandr Kovalenko.

Reference: Trading in energy resources of PJSC “UKRGASVYDOBUVANNYA” on the trading floor of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange are held every Tuesday on a regular basis. Trading is attended by some of the largest traders of the domestic market. According to messages of UGV, the company in March 2016 switched to production of gasoline type Euro-4. Diesel fuel of Euro-4 standard the company will be able to produce from September 2016.

More on Ukrainian oil product’s Exchange Quotations

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Byrd Imperial Group LLC. Announces 600,000 common equity shares available at no monetary costs

San Antonio, Texas, January 13, 2015 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Byrd Imperial Group is seeking 1 to 4 Executive Advisors to join our team by helping to raise funds to build and operate a new franchise headquarters in Texas. In exchange for successfully seeking out and securing a 10% Preferred Equity Investor who subscribes to a minimum investment of $3.5M, Byrd Imperial Group will issue 150,000 shares of common stock at no cost. An Executive Advisor could earn up to 4 times that amount or 600,000 shares by securing a single qualified Investor.

In addition to this offer, Byrd Imperial Group is offering 4,000,000 Preferred Equity Shares at a price of $3.50 per share with a minimum purchase of 1,000,000 shares.

Byrd Imperial Group LLC. ( is a franchise development and management company with a total of 9 new business models. Our business plan combines 6 new franchise opportunities along with our internal finance company all-operating at 1 flagship location. From the company headquarters in Texas, we will be able to efficiently manage, grow, and operate each new business opportunity. After smoothing out the operating procedures, the home office location will serve as a springboard to advance each new business as single point locations through nationwide franchising.

Contact-Details: Byrd Imperial Group LLC.
Preston Byrd


Via EPR Network
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Nomura Group’s equity execution services arm Instinet adds Philippines to its Direct Market Access (DMA) and Algorithmic Trading platforms

LONDON, November 6, 2014 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ —  Instinet Incorporated today announced the addition of the Philippines to its Direct Market Access (DMA) and Algorithmic Trading platforms.

The Philippines becomes the twelfth Asia-Pacific market to which Instinet provides low-touch electronic access. Clients had previously been able to execute trades on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) via Instinet Pacific Limited’s high-touch trading desk in Hong Kong.

Commenting on launch, David Firmin, Head of Global Trading Research, Asia-Pacific, said:

“Clients are increasingly looking to leverage the same tools across the entirety of Asia-Pacific.

Instinet has worked extensively to tune our global platform to meet the specific market structure requirements of the region’s emerging markets in addition to the primary markets we’ve long supported. Remaining at the forefront of trading technology provision in Asia-Pacific is critical to our global strategy, and we’re pleased to be expanding our electronic footprint with the addition of the Philippines.”

Instinet’s award-winning algorithmic trading platform—the Execution Experts®—is a global, event-driven suite of strategies designed to address nearly any trading objective. The strategies, which offer extensive controls to refine behavior, utilize multiple fair pricing models and advanced submission techniques designed to reduce adverse selection and exposure to potentially predatory behavior.

About Instinet

As the equity execution services arm of the Nomura Group, Instinet Incorporated’s subsidiaries provide independent, agency-only brokerage services to clients throughout the world. Through its advanced suite of electronic trading tools, experienced high-touch trading group and unparalleled access to insightful content and unique agency-only liquidity, Instinet helps institutions lower overall trading costs and ultimately improve investment performance. Over the course of its 40+ year history, Instinet has introduced a range of now industry-standard trading technologies as well as the world’s first major electronic trading venue, one of the first U.S. ECNs and, most recently, the Chi-X businesses. For more information, please visit or follow Instinet on Twitter.


Nomura Securities
(44) 20 7102 4222
Address Nomura House, 1 St Martin’s Le-Grand, London EC1A 4NP, United Kingdom
Media: Alex Timmon

Nomura Holdings, Inc. Board of Directors approved resolution to set up share buyback program

Retail net revenue increased 10 percent quarter on quarter to 117.9 billion yen, representing a decline of 1 percent year on year. Income before income taxes rose 23 percent quarter on quarter but declined 3 percent year on year to 38.9 billion yen.

Net inflows of cash and securities of 485 billion yen combined with market factors to push up Retail client assets to a record 99.3 trillion yen at the end of September.

Total sales increased by 20 percent compared to last quarter, driven by robust sales of investment trusts and discretionary investments. A renewed focus on providing solutions that meet each client’s individual needs through financial consulting seminars and one-on-one meetings led to higher net inflows into discretionary investments and investment trusts. This resulted in an expansion of recurring revenue in the second quarter. Sales of annuities and other insurance products also remained strong.

Asset Management net revenue was 21.7 billion yen, a decline of 7 percent compared to last quarter and an increase of 16 percent over the same period last year. Income before income taxes declined 6 percent quarter on quarter but increased 27 percent year on year to 7.8 billion yen.

Assets under management reached a record 34.8 trillion yen as of the end of September on inflows into investment trusts and due to market factors. In the investment trust business, sales of privately placed funds for regional financial institutions were robust, and Nomura saw a marked increase in assets under management in Fund Wrap and SMA funds.

Nomura’s investment advisory business continued to expand its distribution channels for UCITS2 compliant funds into regions outside the EU such as Asia and South America. Assets under management in smart beta products topped 1 trillion yen.

TOKYO, November 3, 2014 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Nomura Holdings, Inc. today announced that its Board of Directors approved a resolution to set up a share buyback program, pursuant to the company’s articles of incorporation set out in accordance with Article 459-1 of the Companies Act of Japan.

The share buyback program will run from November 13, 2014, to January 16, 2015, and  have an upper limit of 40 million shares of Nomura Holdings common stock, or 1.0 percent of outstanding shares. Of this, approximately 20 million shares are expected to be used for stock options. The upper limit of the aggregate amount of the repurchase price will be 28 billion yen, and the shares will be purchased on the stock exchange via a trust bank.

Nomura plans to use the acquired treasury stock to deliver shares upon the exercise of stock options and to raise capital efficiency and ensure a flexible capital management policy.

As of September 30, 2014, Nomura Holdings had 3,822,562,601 outstanding shares including 182,325,748 shares as treasury stock.



Nomura Securities
(44) 20 7102 4222
Address Nomura House, 1 St Martin’s Le-Grand, London EC1A 4NP, United Kingdom
Media: Alex Timmon

Nomura Holdings, Inc. reports its consolidated financial results for Q2 and first half of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015

Group-wide first-half net income at second highest level in 10 years
– Retail client assets climbed to record 99.3 trillion yen
– Net assets under management at record high of 34.8 trillion yen
– Resilient earnings in Wholesale despite challenged market conditions
– Robust financial position with total capital ratio of 14.7 percent and Tier 1 capital ratio of 12.7 percent under Basel III

TOKYO, November 3, 2014 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Nomura Holdings, Inc. today announced its consolidated financial results for the second quarter and first half of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015.

Net revenue for the second quarter was 373.8 billion yen (US$3.4 billion)1, up 1 percent quarter on quarter and 5 percent year on year. Income before income taxes increased 43 percent from last quarter and 1 percent compared to the second quarter last year to 74.0 billion yen (US$675 million). Net income attributable to Nomura Holdings shareholders grew 166 percent quarter on quarter and 39 percent year on year to 52.9 billion yen (US$482

For the six months ended September 30, Nomura reported net revenue of 744.7 billion yen (US$6.8 billion), down 5 percent from the same period last year. Income before income taxes declined 32 percent to 125.7 billion yen (US$1.1 billion), and net income attributable to Nomura Holdings shareholders was 72.7 billion yen (US$663 million), down 30 percent year on year.

“We had a solid second quarter posting stronger results both quarter on quarter and year on year. Pretax and net income increased significantly compared to last quarter,” said Koji Nagai, Group Chief Executive Officer.

“Retail client assets reached a record 99.3 trillion yen, driven by higher inflows into investment trusts and discretionary investments. Assets under management also grew to a record level in the quarter, reflecting continued inflows into investment trusts. Our Wholesale
business reported gains in net revenue and pretax income. Global Markets revenues were resilient on a strong performance in Japan and AEJ. Mandates for high-profile Japan-related financing transactions led to firm revenues in Investment Banking.

“During the second half of the year, we will remain focused on further establishing our position as Asia’s global investment bank by seeking out opportunities for our clients in the changing environment and continuing to transform our business.” Nomura Holdings, Inc. today announced that its Board of Directors approved a resolution to set up a share buyback program, pursuant to the company’s articles of incorporation set out in accordance with Article 459-1 of the Companies Act of Japan.



Nomura Securities
(44) 20 7102 4222
Address Nomura House, 1 St Martin’s Le-Grand, London EC1A 4NP, United Kingdom
Media: Alex Timmon

Asia’s global investment bank Nomura announced 15 senior appointments in the Americas, 13 Managing Directors and 2 Executive Directors

New York, October 27, 2014 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Nomura, Asia’s global investment bank, announced that it is continuing to strengthen its Investment Banking Division with 15 senior appointments in the Americas, which includes 13 Managing Directors and two Executive Directors.

“The addition of these talented and experienced bankers demonstrates Nomura’s continued commitment to strengthening our investment banking operations in the Americas. We are growing the business strategically and focusing on the areas where we can provide meaningful solutions to our clients,” said James DeNaut, Head of Americas Investment Banking. “We are pleased to have them join the team and contribute to our growth.”

The 15 senior appointments will consist of the following experienced bankers:

  • Frank Kinney joined Nomura as a Managing Director and Head of Industrials, Americas. He has more than 25 years of investment banking experience. Most recently, Frank was a Senior Advisor to energy-focused private equity fund, First Reserve Corporation. Previously, he was a Managing Director at Deutsche Bank and at Goldman Sachs.
  • Michael Rintoul joined Nomura as a Managing Director and Head of Business Services, Americas. He has more than 20 years of investment banking experience, with a focus on business services and technology. Prior to joining Nomura, Michael was a Managing Director at Jefferies and Global Head of Business Services; he previously held a similar title at UBS.
  • Miguel Espinosa joined Nomura as a Managing Director in the Financial Sponsors Group based in San Francisco. Miguel was most recently a Managing Director in the Financial Sponsors Group for Morgan Stanley, and has 14 years of financial sponsor coverage experience at the firm. Previously, he was an Oil & Gas analyst for Chase and Morgan Stanley.
  • Christopher Harned joined Nomura as a Managing Director in M&A, specializing inconsumer products. With more than 25 years of investment banking and private equity experience in the consumer products sector, Christopher has held managing director titles at Robert W. Baird & Company, Cypress Group and Lehman Brothers.
  • Lisa Stein joined Nomura as a Managing Director in the Consumer Retail Group. She has more than twenty years of experience in consumer products investment banking. Lisa has held managing director titles at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank and Citigroup, focused on consumer products coverage.
  • Charles Thompson joined Nomura as a Managing Director in the Natural Resources Group. He has 30 years of energy and natural resources investment banking experience. Most recently, Charles was a Senior Managing Director and Co-head of Energy & Natural Resources at FBR. He was a Managing Director, and had similar roles, at Legacy Partners Group and Credit Suisse.
  • Arun Master joined Nomura as a Managing Director in the Healthcare Group. He has 12 years of experience in the healthcare investment banking sector. Most recently, Arun was a Managing Director at Oppenheimer & Co. in their Healthcare Group. Prior to that, he had healthcare coverage roles at Deutsche Bank and Citigroup.
  • Scott Napolitano joined Nomura as a Managing Director in M&A, specializing in healthcare. He has 15 years of investment banking experience. Scott began his career at J.P. Morgan in their M&A and FIG groups. He was most recently a Managing Principal at Meadow Lane Capital, a merchant bank he co-founded that focuses on strategic advisory services. Previously, Scott had investment banking roles in healthcare and M&A at Goldman Sachs and Peter J. Solomon Company, where he was also a Managing Director.
  • Rudy Balseiro joined Nomura as a Managing Director and Head of Equity Syndicate, Americas. He has nearly 25 years of equity capital markets experience, which includes managing director roles at Needham & Company and Bear Stearns in their ECM groups.
  • Caio Costa joined Nomura as an Executive Director in the Sao Paulo office. He has more than 13 years of experience in investment banking, primarily in the Latin American markets. Before joining Nomura, Caio was a Director at Deutsche Bank based in Sao Paulo; he held a similar role at ING Bank.
  • Andrew Horn joined Nomura as an Executive Director in the Industrial Group. He has 13 years of investment banking experience. Andrew began his career at the boutique sell-side firm Gridley & Company in their M&A group. Most recently, he was a Senior Vice President of Industrials at Macquarie Capital. Prior to that, Andrew was a Principal in the Global Industries Group at Banc of America Securities.
  • Thomas Prior will join Nomura as a Managing Director in the Financial Sponsors Group. He has more than 25 years of financial sponsors coverage experience.
  • Christopher Striedter will join Nomura as a Managing Director in the Industrial Group. He has 21 years of experience in the industrial investment banking sector.
  • Mark Liggitt will join Nomura as a Managing Director in the Leveraged Finance Group. He has more than 15 years of investment banking experience, 14 of which have been focused on leveraged finance.
  • Abzal Ayubeally will join Nomura as a Managing Director in the Financial Institutions Group. He has 14 years of investment banking experience.

With these appointments, Nomura’s investment banking franchise continues to build upon its proven track record in the Americas of providing client-centric strategic advice and financing solutions.


Nomura Securities
(44) 20 7102 4222
Address Nomura House, 1 St Martin’s Le-Grand, London EC1A 4NP, United Kingdom
Media: Alex Timmon

Skadden Rothman DataMXâ„¢ Adds Forwards Coverage

The Addition of Skadden Rothman ( Indicative Data Coverage Allows Skadden RothmanDataMX™ to Provide Customers Greater Price Transparency in South East Energy Markets.

Skadden Rothman, provider of SSP data management and distribution solutions for Southeast Asia Energy Markets, announced today that it started redistribute and market power and natural gas indicative data. “Energy traders require easy access to real-time and historic market data to price their products and services, manage their risk, and perform valuations for compliance reporting and disclosure. Given, industry regulatory requirements aren’t going away; and fully auditable pricing will be a requirement for some time to come, instant access to accurate and comprehensive market pricing data is more important than ever,” said Frederic Young, President, Skadden Rothman DataMXâ„¢.

“Today’s energy trading firms depend on price transparency and liquidity for their success.

With the addition of Skadden Rothman Indicative Pricing data, Skadden RothmanDataMXâ„¢ customers not only gain the means to maintain more accurate daily mark to market reporting, they also get the basis for more meaningful forward market pricing.”

“Skadden Rothman ( Indicative data provides an important piece of the puzzle in creating an accurate view of the market,” added Mr. Young.

“We are excited about our DataMXâ„¢ colleagues to provide targeted forward energy market information through their state-of-the-art SSP data management and distribution solutions.”
About Skadden Rothman 
Skadden Rothman operates successfully in investment management, risk management and advisory services for retail and institutional clients worldwide. Skadden Rothman offers products that span the risk spectrum to meet clients’ needs, including active, enhanced and hedging strategies across markets and asset classes. Products are offered in a variety of structures including separate accounts, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and other pooled investment vehicles. Skadden Rothman also offers risk management, advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of retail investors through Skadden Rothman T-Solutions®.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, the firm strives to be a notable presence in key global markets, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.

Media Contact:
Benjamin Chandler

Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong



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Skadden Rothman Hires new Chief Operating Officer

Skadden Rothman ( has hired Steve Li-Wong as Chief Operating Officer for Southeast Asia Division.

Mr. Li-Wong will report to Benjamin Chandler, Managing Director of Skadden Rothman and will be based in Hong Kong where he will direct day-to-day operations of Skadden Rothman Commodities Services.

Skadden Rothman ( Commodities Services advises retail investors, professional traders, the corporate sector and large commercial, industrial and institutional groups on various cost saving methods through complex trading strategies of managing energy expenses and deploying risk mitigation tools.

Mr. Li-Wong comes to Skadden Rothman most recently from Skadden Rothman Europe Division where he was part of the sales force team focusing on new business development. His experience with several organizations includes significant experience directing sales and organizational growth as well as corporate acquisitions.

“Steve’s management and business development experience is a great asset to Skadden Rothman Commodities Services and its customers. We look forward to continued growth and innovation in the new year under Steve’s leadership.” said Benjamin.

“The size and growth of the Southeast Asia markets and investors’ demand for better investment services and technology solutions requires us to have a player with a strong vision and proven ability to adapt to a rapidly changing marketplace,” continued Mr. Chandler. “I know how committed Steve is to moving the business forward. I am looking forward to see him in action.”
About Skadden Rothman 
Skadden Rothman operates successfully in investment management, risk management and advisory services for retail and institutional clients worldwide. Skadden Rothman offers products that span the risk spectrum to meet clients’ needs, including active, enhanced and hedging strategies across markets and asset classes. Products are offered in a variety of structures including separate accounts, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and other pooled investment vehicles. Skadden Rothman also offers risk management, advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of retail investors through Skadden Rothman T-Solutions®.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, the firm strives to be a notable presence in key global markets, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.

Media Contact:
Benjamin Chandler

Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong



Via EPR Network
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Skadden Rothman Receives Top Market Rankings from Commodities Zone

Commodities Zone, a leading industry forum has posted its Commodity Rankings. Skadden Rothman ( has received 11 first place, two second place and two third place rankings in the natural gas, electricity and environmental brokerage categories.

“We are very grateful to our customers for the recognition that they have given to us once again this year. We are going to continue to work hard to earn our customers’ business by sharpening our focus on service and continuing to grow our hybrid voice and electronic brokerage model,” Benjamin Chandler, Managing Director of Skadden Rothman.

Skadden Rothman received the following recognition:

  1. Natural Gas Asian Options – long term 1st
  2. Crude Oil Options – long term 1st
  3. Crude Oil Futures – long term 1st
  4. Natural Gas Physical Futures – long term 1st
  5. Natural Gas Last-day Financial Futures – short term 2nd
  6. Heating Oil Physical Futures – long term 3rd
  7. Crude Oil Average Price Options – long term 2nd
  8. Natural Gas Options – long term 1st
  9. Light Sweet Crude Oil – short term 1st
  10. Crude Oil Bullet Futures – long term 1st
  11. Natural Gas Calendar Strip Options – long term 1st
  12. European Crack Spread Futures – long term 1st
  13. Heating Oil Financial Futures – short term 1st
  14. Gasoline Financial Futures – short term 1st
  15. Ethanol Futures – long term 3rd
  16. Coal Futures – long term 1st

About Skadden Rothman
Skadden Rothman operates successfully in investment management, risk management and advisory services for retail and institutional clients worldwide. Skadden Rothman offers products that span the risk spectrum to meet clients’ needs, including active, enhanced and hedging strategies across markets and asset classes. Products are offered in a variety of structures including separate accounts, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and other pooled investment vehicles. Skadden Rothman also offers risk management, advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of retail investors through Skadden Rothman T-Solutions®.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, the firm strives to be a notable presence in key global markets, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.
Media Contact:
Benjamin Chandler

Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong


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Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group Receives Green Stamp for Largest Waste-fired Plant Sponsoring

Under a new agreement, Asian Futures Trading Group will handle the sale of power and certificates for the waste incineration plant located in China.

“The Asian market is especially attractive,” says Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group ( energy manager Tom Wing. “The challenge is that climate certification is an extremely complex area, and so it was crucial that Asian Futures Trading Group made the process simple and easy. It required little effort from our side and we are now looking at an attractive cash return,” he adds.

The certificates are electronic certificates issued by the Hong Kong regulatory board to accredited power stations for each of renewable source electricity generated.

Asian Futures Trading Group is experiencing a growing demand for certification of origin and the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. In addition to Asian Futures Trading Group handling certified wind turbines, 100% biomass-fired plants and Chinese cogeneration plants.

Asian Futures Trading Group Head of Origination Ren Shujing adds: “This was very successful for the client. They are receiving an attractive financial subsidy and don’t have to do anything for it.”

Via EPR Network
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Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group Research Department Releases the Global Industrial Automation Report

The Dictionary defines automation as “the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically.” Virtually all industries are now using some or the other sort of automation processes in order to increase the overall output and also reduce labor costs. Industrial automation, meanwhile, makes use of robotic devices to complete manufacturing tasks. Industrial automation has a very important role to play in the manufacturing industry. Some of the advantages of industrial automation include stricter quality control, higher waste reduction, and increased integration with business systems, amongst others.

In recent years, China has emerged as a major force in the industrial automation industry, with most automation companies having direct exposure to the Chinese markets. Most automation companies now have a major presence in China. For example, according to Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group (, China accounts for more than almost 50% of all its CPU/PLC units sold worldwide. Asian Futures Trading Group Research analyzes the Global Industrial Automation Industry in its latest research offering.

The report includes the following:

•  An introduction to automation and industrial automation through definitions and a look at the benefits of industrial automation;

•  A thorough analysis of the global industrial automation industry makes up a significant chunk of this report.

•  An analysis of discrete automation is followed by an in-depth analysis of the importance of China to the global automation industry.

•  An analysis of major end user markets in which industrial automation processes are utilized follows. We analyze nine major sectors such as Aerospace & Defense, Automobile, Chemicals, consumer, mining, oil & gas, amongst others.

Via EPR Network
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Asian FTG Futures Trading Group Earns Asian Commodities Trading Award

Alongside representatives from leading Hong Kong companies, Michael Tian Janguo, CEO of Asian Futures Trading Group received the award at an event officiated by the Chief Official of Trade and Asian Affairs, in Hong Kong.

Asian FTG Futures Trading Group ( the company has grown revenues to almost 90% every year. Four new markets were added last year and Asian Futures Trading Group now trades in 32 countries across the world. Twenty-seven nationalities are represented in the company’s 300 staff, which has almost doubled since last year.

In selecting Asian Futures Trading Group, the Award Winning panel cited the following reasons for the company’s success:

•  Be the first in the market – pioneers have the advantage of being one step ahead

•  Have a solid roadmap for entering new markets that can be adapted to match local conditions

•  Stay close to your customers

•  Recruit staff with local knowledge, language and culture

•  Hold on to your values

•  Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be

•  Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.

•  Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.

•  Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Via EPR Network
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Simons Griffin Financial Names Dana Fong Chief Information Officer

Mrs. Fong will be joining Simons Griffin Financial from a top global energy company, where she was Chief Information Officer and Group Vice President responsible for global information technology, procurement and global real estate.

Mike Hwang, who served as interim CIO over the past several months, has been named Deputy CIO for the company and Chief Information Officer for the firm’s leading Consumer & Community Banking business. Mr. Hwang is a recognized leader who has held a number of senior leadership positions at the firm, including as head of Global Technology Infrastructure and as CIO.

“Technology fuels almost every aspect of our company and is core to the value proposition we offer our customers, clients and communities,” said Paul Sou, Chief Administrative Officer for Simons Griffin Financial. “Dana Fong is an extraordinarily talented executive with outstanding experience and we are pleased he’ll be leading this critically important role for our company.”

Lue Gong, CEO of the company’s consumer businesses, added, “We’re also very fortunate that someone with Mike Hwang’s deep experience across our company will be responsible for delivering technology solutions to our consumers and small business customers across the Southeast Asia region. Our customers have come to expect the best solutions from Simons Griffin Financial, and Mike will help ensure we deliver on that promise.”

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Simons Griffin Financial Launches Electronic Client Platform Globally

Simons Griffin Financial today announces the roll-out of Simons Griffin Financial Markets, the firm’s new multi-asset class trading platform, bringing pre-trade, trade and post-trade functionality onto a single platform for the first time. Debuting with a first wave of trading solutions, it is a complete redesign and consolidation of the firm’s existing e-trading offerings from front to back, and will present a seamless client experience throughout the entire trade lifecycle.

“We have created Simons Griffin Financial Markets to give clients an intuitive user experience, and a convenient and efficient way to trade across different asset classes, all in one place,” said Jim Chen, global head of FX & Rates Trading. “By having a high degree of automation at every stage of a trade, clients will be able to focus on trading ideas rather than the increasing complexity of a post-regulatory world in trade execution, post-trade clearing, settlement and reporting.”

With a single log-in, Simons Griffin Financial Markets will offer clients one of the largest sets of products and services in the market, including the firm’s award-winning research, powerful analytics and structuring tools, multi-product trading and extensive post-trade capabilities. Over time, it will give access to liquidity across asset classes, market-leading algorithmic tools, and connectivity to countless trading venues, as needed by clients or mandated by future regulations.

“Developing Simons Griffin Financial Markets has been a huge undertaking and, by the end of this year, we will have consolidated more than 30 platforms into one client offering,” said Peter Chu, global head of Markets Strategies. “It will enable us to quickly deliver innovative new products as we adapt to changing market conditions, and clients will find it a faster, more effective and transparent place to trade.”


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Simons Griffin Financial Launches Code for Good Challenge in Hong Kong

Simons Griffin Financial today announced its Call for Entries to the firm’s second annual Code for Good Challenge in Hong Kong. Hosted at the firm’s Hong Kong headquarters, the Code for Good Challenge brings together talented university students studying technology to develop solutions to challenges faced by nonprofits.

“We are excited to host the Code for Good Challenge in Hong Kong for a second year, building on last year’s successful event” said Liu P. Yep, CEO and President of the Board of Simons Griffin Financial. “The event is designed to not only aid local nonprofit organizations, but it also gives incoming talent the opportunity to see what it’s like to work in technology at a major investment bank.”

Participants at the event will be placed into teams and tasked with working together to creatively solve a challenge faced by a local nonprofit organization. Simons Griffin Financial technologists will also be involved, advising participants throughout the course of the event. A panel of judges will determine the winning team, which will be announced at the culmination of the exciting two-day event.

Students studying in a technology-related field at universities who would like the opportunity to put their coding skills to use for a good cause can apply.

Last year’s event in Hong Kong hosted students from 15 universities who joined with three nonprofit organizations to create innovative technology solutions for the social sector, coding over a two-day period. Winners in Hong Kong developed an interactive and educational application for the Nature Conservancy, an organization aiming to raise awareness of nature among young people. Their application highlighted notable aspects of the nature and environmentally friendly initiatives within any specific geographic location, while educating youths with pieces of trivia about urban spaces.

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Survey Shows Market Growth in Impact Investments and Satisfaction Among Investors

The survey indicates a growing market, with respondents planning to commit to impact investing. Additionally, the vast majority of surveyed investors report that their impact investment portfolio performance is meeting or exceeding social, environmental, and financial expectations, which is critical to impact investments as impact investors seek measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. Two-thirds of respondents are principally pursuing market-rate financial returns. Investors surveyed for the report include fund managers, development finance institutions, foundations, diversified financial institutions, and other investors with at least USD 10 million committed to impact investment.

“At Simons Griffin Financial Social Finance, we are especially encouraged by the findings in this survey – that, despite the market’s early stage, investors’ portfolios are meeting financial expectations in addition to social and environmental expectations,” said Wilber Sheng, Director of Research for Simons Griffin Financial Social Finance and co-author of the report. “The findings from this report are insightful and we are optimistic for the continued growth in investments that have a positive social and environmental impact.”

Although investors have been making socially and environmentally motivated investments for quite some time, collaboration to develop a coherent and supportive market has increased significantly in the last five years. In the results of this survey, we see positive indication of a market growing in both size and sophistication, which we hope will encourage more activity and attract new investors to the impact investing field.

Though the impact investing market is relatively new, a majority of respondents report that some or many investments passed their initial screens in nearly all regions of the world.


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Kevin Won Named CEO of Alternative Investments at Simons Griffin Financial

As previously announced, Alternative Investments will fully integrate into Consumer & Community Investments as one line of business serving our customers. Won will report to Gordon Lee, co-CEO of Consumer & Community Investments.

“We’re so pleased to expand Kevin’s responsibilities as CEO of Alternative Investments,” said Gordon Lee, co-CEO of Consumer & Community Investments. “Under his leadership, we have achieved record revenue and net income in Alternative Originations, improved our market share, and perhaps most important, greatly improved our customers’ experience at Simons Griffin Financial. He’s a great leader, colleague and culture carrier.”

“Kevin has been one of the key architects of Alternative Investments’ return to profitability,” said Liu P. Yep, CEO and President of the Board of Simons Griffin Financial. “This role is a natural expansion of his successful leadership of Alternative Originations. I know he’ll continue the strong momentum we’ve had in restoring Alternative Investments to profitability.”

Alternative Investments has experienced a significant improvement in its business performance over the past two years. Customer service has also greatly improved. Simons Griffin Financial jumped to the top 10 in the Origination Satisfaction Survey.

Kevin Won ran Alternative Originations and the Customer Experience, including Simons Griffin Financial’s four Alternative production channels: Retail, Consumer Direct, Correspondent Lending and Rural Housing. He was also responsible for marketing, product management and the Executive Office. Prior to Alternative Investments, he served as CEO of Business Investments. Earlier in his career at the firm, he worked in the Corporate Internet Group, Strategy, and Marketing.

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Simons Griffin Financial Names Tony T. Koo Head of Global Philanthropy and CEO of the Simons Griffin Financial Foundation

Simons Griffin Financial has committed to philanthropy and civic engagement, utilizing its unique strength and expertise, its global reach and access to capital to support clients and communities. Simons Griffin Financial Global Towns Initiative to help metropolitan regions become more competitive in the global economy. Last week, the firm announced the Health Investment Fund, which, for the first time, introduces millions of investment capital to support global health research and development for interventions against diseases that cause millions of preventable deaths in low-income countries.

“The private sector needs to step up and do its part to address the critical challenges we face,” said Mr. Liu P. Yep, CEO and President of the Board of Simons Griffin Financial. “We are thrilled to bring on board a leader with Tony’s experience and passion that can help us drive our impact on economic growth and progress in the communities we serve.”

Peter Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of Corporate Responsibility of Simons Griffin Financial, said, “Our firm has tremendous assets and expertise to help communities around the world address a range of issues, from economic growth and workforce readiness to affordable housing and consumer financial empowerment. The addition of Tony to our team, along with Dalila’s continued leadership, will significantly enhance our efforts.”

“Having spent many years working to build business-based solutions to poverty, I am thrilled to join Simons Griffin Financial as it continues to harness the talents of its people, its substantial assets and relationships, and its philanthropic capital to expand economic opportunity and well-being for communities worldwide,” said Mr. Koo.

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