Category Archives: Financial


Digi Communications N.V. conference call on FY2018 preliminary financial results on February 15, 2019

BUCHAREST, Romania, 12-Feb-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on February 15, 2019 (at 16:00 UK time / 18:00 EEST time) it will host a conference call to discuss the FY 2018 preliminary financial results. To participate in the conference, please follow the instructions from our web site:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V.: Updated Financial Reporting Calendar for 2019

BUCHAREST, Romania, 11-Feb-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the investors and the market with respect to the new date of the Conference Call for the 2018 Preliminary financial results which will take place on 15 February 2019.

Following this amendment, please see the updated Company’s Financial Reporting Calendar for 2019:

Publication of 2018 Preliminary Results 14 February 2019
Conference call for the presentation of the 2018 Preliminary Results 15 February 2019
General Meeting of Shareholders 30 April 2019
Publication of the Financial Annual Report 2018 30 April 2019
Publication of Quarterly Financial Report for the First Quarter, 2019 (“Q1 2019”) ended 30 March 2019 15 May 2019
Conference call for the presentation of the Quarterly Financial Report for Q1 2019 15 May 2019
Publication of Financial Report for the First Half of 2019 (“H1 2019”) ended 30 June 2019 14 August 2019
Conference call for the presentation of H1 2019 Financial Report 14 August 2019
Publication of Quarterly Financial Report for the Third Quarter, 2019 (“Q3 2019”) ended 30 September 2019 14 November 2019
Conference call for the presentation of the Quarterly Financial Report for Q3 2019 14 November 2019

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

R.W. Chelsea Holdings Ltd mandated BMI International Europe Limited as Sole Global Coordinator to arrange a series of fixed income investor meetings in Europe

R.W. Chelsea Holdings Ltd mandated BMI International Europe Limited as Sole Global Coordinator to arrange a series of fixed income investor meetings in Europe

LONDON, 11-Feb-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — R.W. Chelsea Holdings Ltd (the “Issuer”), has mandated BMI International Europe Limited as Sole Global Coordinator to arrange a series of fixed income investor meetings in Vienna, Zurich, Geneva and London, commencing on 11 February 2019.

The road show will be starting in Vienna on the 11th, following Zurich on 12th, Geneva on 13th and the European part will be finished in London on the 14th-15th. This will be followed by investor meetings in Hong Kong and Singapore on the 19th-22nd of February.

A proposed Regulation S only offering of Euro-denominated Global notes (the “Global Notes”) of the Issuer will follow, subject to market conditions and investors’ interest. The Global Notes are expected not to be rated. FCA / ICMA stabilization applies.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market the shares buy-back transactions which occurred under the #DIGI symbol between 4 and 8 February 2019

BUCHAREST, Romania, 11-Feb-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In accordance with the ASF Regulation no. 5/2018 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (UE) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority “ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 4 February 2019 – 8 February 2019.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official website designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications priced EUR 200M 5.0 percent additional senior secured notes due 2023

BUCHAREST, Romania, 8-Feb-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that on 7 February 2019 it successfully priced €200,000,000 5.0% senior secured notes due 2023 (the “Additional Notes”) to be consolidated and treated as a single class with the existing €350,000,000 5.0% senior secured notes due 2023 (the “Original Notes”) – the “Offering”.

The Additional Notes are expected to settle on 12 February 2019.

The Additional Notes have a yield to maturity of 4.578% and the gross proceeds of the Offering are €203,500,000 plus interest deemed to have accrued from (and including) October 15, 2018 (the last date on which interest on the Original Notes was paid) to 12 February 2019 (the settlement date).

Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. acted as the Sole Global Coordinator and Physical Bookrunner in relation to this Offering.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. will act as the Sole Global Coordinator and Physical Bookrunner Digi Communications N.V.’s additional €125 million senior secured notes

BUCHAREST, Romania, 6-Feb-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that, on 6 February 2019, it decided to offer (the “Offering”) additional €125,000,000 5.0% senior secured notes due 2023 (the “Additional Notes”), to be consolidated and treated as a single class with the existing  €350,000,000 5.0% senior secured notes due 2023 (the “Original Notes”, and, together with the Additional Notes, the “Notes”) issued by the Company under the Indenture originally dated October 26, 2016 and supplemented on June 8, 2017 and June 28, 2018 (the “Indenture”), which are currently listed on the official list (the “Official List”) and trading on the regulated market (the “Main Securities Market”) of the Irish Stock Exchange plc (trading as Euronext Dublin).

The Additional Notes will be offered solely to (1) “qualified institutional buyers” within the meaning of Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or (2) Non-U.S. persons purchasing the Additional Notes outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act. The Additional Notes will not be offered to any person or in any jurisdiction if this would be unlawful or would require any approval.

Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. will act as the Sole Global Coordinator and Physical Bookrunner in relation to the Offering.

The Additional Notes will be consolidated and treated as a single class with the Original Notes. The minimum denomination of the Additional Notes will be, as for the Original Notes, €100,000. The Additional Notes will have identical terms and conditions in all respects as the Original Notes, including, without limitation, with respect to payments of interest, waivers, amendments, redemptions and offers to purchase. The Additional Notes will be fully fungible with the Original Notes, subject to certain temporary restrictions designed to ensure compliance with applicable provisions of the US law.

For more information, please visit the original release on EuropaWire.

RCS & RDS S.A. VP and executive director Bendei Ioan resigns from the company for personal reasons

BUCHAREST, Romania, 5-Feb-2018 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. would like to inform its shareholders and the market that, on 5 February 2019, the board of directors of the Company’s subsidiary in Romania RCS & RDS S.A. (“RCS&RDS”) was notified with respect to Mr. Ioan Bendei’s resignation from his position as Vice-president and executive member of the board of directors of RCS&RDS, for personal reasons. Starting 5 February 2019, Mr. Ioan Bendei will no longer hold management or representation powers within RCS&RDS.

The board of directors of RCS&RDS will convene RCS&RDS’s general shareholders meeting (GSM) for the appointment of a new board member. Until RCS&RDS’s GSM issues its resolutions in this respect, Dan Ioniță (40 years), who is the current co-chief financial officer of the Company and of RCS&RDS, will be the fifth (interim) member of the board of directors of RCS&RDS.

The other members of the board of directors of RCS&RDS are Serghei Bulgac (President), Valentin Popoviciu (Vice-president), Mihai Dinei (non-executive member) and Bogdan Ciobotaru (non-executive member).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market the shares buy-back transactions which occurred under the #DIGI symbol between 28 Jan 2019 and 1 Feb 2019

BUCHAREST, Romania, 4-Feb-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In accordance with the ASF Regulation no. 5/2018 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (UE) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority “ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 28 January 2019 – 1 February 2019.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official website designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V.: Independent Limited Assurance Report in accordance with Law 24/2017 (Article 82) and FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 made publicly available on BVB, ASF and the Dutch AFM

BUCHAREST, Romania, 30-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on January 30, 2019, the Independent Limited Assurance Report on the information included in the current reports issued by the Company in accordance with requirements of Law 24/2017 (Article 82) and FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 was made publicly available on the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”) and the Company’s website, while also being available with the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (“AFM”).

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: and (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V.: Report regarding the rectification of the reports from 15 Jan 2019 and 15 Oct 2018 made publicly available on Romanian Stock Exchange

BUCHAREST, Romania, 30-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on January 30, 2019, the Report regarding the rectification of the reports dated 15 January 2019 and 15 October 2018 issued in accordance with Romanian Law no. 24/2017 and FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 was made publicly available on the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”) and the Company’s website, while also being available with the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (“AFM”).

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: and (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports on the shares buy-back transactions for the 21 – 25 January 2019 period

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In accordance with the ASF Regulation no. 5/2018 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (EU) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority “ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 21 January 2019 – 25 January 2019.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official website designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Водеща международна консултантска компания със седалище във Виена започна да предлага услугите си в сферата на корпоративното развитие и в България

СОФИЯ, 21-Януари-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — От януари 2019 i5invest, водеща международна консултантска компания със седалище във Виена, започна да предлага услугите си в сферата на корпоративното развитие и в България – петата държава с установено присъствие. Стъпването на българския пазар е стратегическа крачка и логично развитие след 4-годишен бърз растеж и редица успешни международни проекти на i5invest и позволява близък контакт с IT компаниите от региона.

„Следим България с интерес от няколко години и решихме да станем част от бързоразвиващата се местна екосистема и да помагаме на IT компаниите във фазата на растеж“, споделя Хервиг Шпрингер, изпълнителен директор на i5invest.

„България разполага с отлични IT специалисти и добре развит технологичен сектор. Наблюдават се интересни транзакции на сливания и придобивания, но и съществени външни инвестиции в развойни центрове. Тези тенденции подсказват активни IT процеси и ние от i5invest сме щастливи да работим повече с региона“, допълва Георги Начев, представител на i5invest в България.

Присъствие в България
i5invest отваря врати в партньорство със Симбула, водеща българска консултантска компания. Симбула е перфектният партньор, благодарение на дългогодишната си практика, богат опит в
корпоративните финанси и в работата с дигитални компании, както и глобално-ориентирания си подход. Партньорството със Симбула позволява бърза интеграция в екосистемата и размяна на ценен опит за ефективен глобален растеж на IT клиентите от региона.

Защо България
България е вълнуваща дестинация, с древна история, богата култура, прекрасна природа и силно интернационален културен микс. Последните години се свързват със стремглаво развитие на start-up и IT екосистемата и засилен международен инвеститорски интерес. Силни глобални играчи избират България за своите развойни центрове. Множат се акселераторите, фондовете за рисков капитал и споделените работни пространства (co-working spaces), съпътствани от редица конференции и други образователни мероприятия. По данни на Global Innovation Index 2018 България e на 3-то място по постижения в областта на иновациите след Китай и Малайзия, а Global Services Report 2017 отрежда 2-ро място на България за аутсорсинг и технологични услуги в Европа, след лидера в областта – Полша. Всичко това, както и географското разположение на България, я превръщат в локален технологичен хъб. Екипът на i5invest няма търпение да заработи с местните и регионални IT компании.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market the shares buy-back transactions which occurred under the #DIGI symbol between 14 and 18 January 2019

BUCHAREST, Romania, 21-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In accordance with the ASF Regulation no. 5/2018 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (UE) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority “ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 14 January 2019 – 18 January 2019.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official website designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV: We will challenge the Bucharest Tribunal’s decision

BUCHAREST, Romania, 16-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In connection with the investigation triggered by the Romanian National Anti-Corruption Directorate (“DNA”), which we have previously disclosed to the market and to our investors in the initial public offering prospectus dated 26 April 2017, in the supplemental prospectus dated 8 May 2017, as well as in the subsequent public reports, the Company would like to inform its investors and the market that, based on the information published on the official platform of the court on 16 January 2019, on 15 January 2019, the Bucharest Tribunal convicted RCS & RDS S.A. (the Company’s subsidiary in Romania – “RCS&RDS”) in connection with the offence of money laundering for which the court applied a criminal fine in the amount of lei 1,250,000. The Bucharest Tribunal’s decision also decided on the confiscation from RCS&RDS of an amount of Euro 3,100,000 plus lei 655,124 and it maintained the seizure over the two real estate assets first instituted by the DNA.

Integrasoft S.R.L. was convicted in connection with the offence of accessory to money laundering for which the court applied a criminal fine of lei 700,000. Mr. Bendei Ioan was convicted to a 4 years imprisonment sentence in connection with the offence of accessory to money laundering resulting from his capacity of director of Integrasoft S.R.L.

Mr. Serghei Bulgac (Chief Executive Officer and President of the board of directors of RCS&RDS), Mr. Mihai Dinei (member of the board of directors of RCS&RDS), as well as Mr. Alexandru Oprea(former Chief Executive Officer of RCS&RSD) were acquitted in connection with all the accusations brought against them by the DNA.

In the same case file, Mr. Dumitru Dragomir was convicted to a 4 years imprisonment sentence in connection with the offences of receiving of bribe and accessory to money laundering, Mr. Bădiță Florin Bogdan (director of Bodu S.R.L.) was convicted to a 4 years imprisonment sentence in connection with the offences of accessory to the receiving of bribe and to money laundering, the company Bodu S.R.L. was convicted in connection with the offences of accessory to the receiving of bribe and money laundering, while Mr. Bogdan Dumitru Dragomir was acquitted in connection with all the accusations brought against him by the DNA.

The decision also abolishes the joint-venture agreement from 2009 concluded between RCS&RDS and Bodu S.R.L., as well as all the agreements concluded between RCS&RDS, Bodu S.R.L. and Integrasoft S.R.L. in 2015 and 2016.

We deem the Bucharest Tribunal’s decision to be profoundly unjust, incorrect and ungrounded. This decision is neither final nor enforceable.

We will challenge this decision to the Bucharest Court of Appeal immediately. We trust that the Bucharest Tribunal issues its written decision within a reasonable timeframe, for a timely judgement of the case in the appeal, and that no further deferral is perpetrated.

We strongly restate that RCS&RDS, Integrasoft S.R.L. and their current and former officers have acted appropriately and in compliance with the laws, as we have argued since the beginning of this investigation. We express our belief in the justice in Romania and our trust that this case will be rightfully rebutted in the appeal.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. Co-CFO Smaranda Ștreangă exercised her 3,000 class B shares stock option expected to vest in accordance with the provisions of the Company’s stock option plan

BUCHAREST, Romania, 15-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that, on 13 January 2019, Mrs. Smaranda Ștreangă, Co-Chief Financial Officer of the Company, exercised her stock option with respect to 3,000 class B shares, which are expected to vest in accordance with the provisions of the respective Company’s stock option plan that was approved by the Company’s board of directors from 28 December 2017 and with the Company’s policies.

In accordance with the provisions of article 19 para. (1) of the Market Abuse Regulation, on 14 January 2019, Mrs. Smaranda Ștreangă, as person discharging managerial responsibilities in connection with the Company, has notified the Company, the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) in connection with the exercise of the above-mentioned stock options.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV: legal acts in accordance with law 24/2017 (Article 82) and FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 for December 2018 made publicly available on the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”)

BUCHAREST, Romania, 15-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on January 15, 2019, the Report regarding legal acts concluded by DIGI Communications N.V. in December 2018 or in other period and effective in December 2018 in accordance with Romanian Law no. 24/2017 and FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 was made publicly available on the Romanian Stock Exchange (“BVB”) and the Company’s website, while also being available with the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (“AFM”).

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

Digi Communications N.V. to convert 1,200,000 class A shares held by the Company in treasury into an equal number of class B shares

BUCHAREST, Romania, 15-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that, on 14 January 2019, the Board of Directors of the Company decided to convert 1,200,000 class A shares held by the Company in treasury into an equal number of class B shares (the “Conversion”). The Conversion performed in accordance with article 5 from the Company’s articles of association was duly recorded with the Dutch trade register with effect on 14 January 2019. Given the difference in the nominal value between a class A share (Euro 0.1) and a class B share (Euro 0.01) of the Company, in accordance with article 5 (4) from the Company’s articles of association, the Conversion resulted in a decrease by Euro 0.09 in nominal value per class A share subject of the Conversion (in total – Euro 108.000). This amount will be added to the general equity reserves of the Company. The Conversion will also need to be duly recorded with the Financial Supervisory Authority and with the Central Securities Depository in Romania.

The class B shares resulting from the Conversion will be used by the Company (in addition to the existing treasury class B shares and to the class B shares repurchased through the ongoing buy-back program) for the purpose of the several ongoing Company’s subsidiaries employees and managers stock option plans having a vesting period as follows: the stock option plan involving the Romanian employees, directors and officers of RCS & RDS S.A. and of other Romanian subsidiaries of the Company (with an estimated vesting calendar between – December 2018 – November 2019, with the majority of shares vesting during January – February 2019); the stock option plan involving the employees and officers of the Spanish subsidiary of the Company and an additional stock option plan involving a limited number of directors and managers of RCS & RDS S.A. (expected to reach vesting in May – June 2019), as well as the stock option plan involving the Company’s executive and non-executive directors in accordance with the Company’s general shareholders resolutions from 2 May 2018. For more details in connection with the above-mentioned stock option plans, the structure of the Company’s share capital and the ongoing buy-back program, please refer to the Company’s previous releases and communications to the market.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V.: shares buy-back transactions for the 7 – 11 January 2019 period

BUCHAREST, Romania, 14-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In accordance with the ASF Regulation no. 5/2018 and art. 2 of the Commission Delegated Report (EU) 1052/2016, DIGI COMMUNICATIONS N.V. reports to the regulated market (Bucharest Stock Exchange “BVB”, Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority “ASF”, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets “AFM”) the transactions which occurred under the DIGI symbol between 07 January 2019 – 11 January 2019.

For details regarding the Notification of shares buy-back, please access the official website designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section/Current Reports).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. will host a conference call for the presentation of the 2018 Preliminary Results on 14 February 2019

BUCHAREST, Romania, 11-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company would like to inform the investors and the market regarding an update to the Company’s Financial Reporting Calendar for 2019, with respect to the date of the Conference Call for the 2018 Preliminary financial results.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

DIGI: our Romanian subsidiary RCS & RDS S.A. paid over LEI 1.2 billion for taxes and contributions to local and state budgets in 2017

BUCHAREST, Romania, 08-Jan-2019 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — We would like to inform the market and our investors that, on 29 December 2018, an Emergency Government Ordinance no 114/2018 (the “GEO 114/2018”) establishing, amongst others, certain budgetary and tax measures was published in the Romanian Official Gazette. The GEO 114/2018 sets an increased monitoring tariff of 3% applied to the turnover of telecommunications operators meant to finance the activity of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania (ANCOM). The prolongation of the exploitation period for the existing mobile communications licenses will be subject to the payment of 4% applied to the turnover generated from the mobile telephony operations in the year prior to the extension multiplied with the number of years for which the license validity period is prolonged. The further grant of the new mobile communications licenses will be subject to the payment of a percentage of either 2% or 4% applied to the turnover generated from the mobile telephony operations in the year prior to the grant date multiplied with the number of years corresponding to the validity period of the license. Also, the fines applicable for regulatory breaches in connection with the telecommunications sector in Romania were increased significantly.

The GEO 114/2018 additionally increased the level of the corporate tax applied to licenses owners operating energy or gas activities in Romania to 2% applied to the turnover generated from the respective energy or gas activity. In the public announcements made at the adoption of the GEO 114/2018, the Romanian Government’s representatives stated that the additional taxation would be caused by the “incorrect behaviour” of the telecommunications operators. We are of the opinion that these allegations have no legal, tax or economical basis, and that the decision to introduce these new taxes is ungrounded and discriminatory.

In connection with RCS & RDS S.A.’s activity, our Romanian subsidiary („Digi | RCS&RDS”), we express the following: Out of the turnover of approximately LEI 3.3 billion registered in 2017, Digi | RCS&RDS paid during the same year more than 1/3 (meaning over LEI 1.2 billion) for: taxes and contributions to the state budget, to the central authorities and to the local budgets; amounts due to state owned companies and other similar entities; and also it performed multiple payments to various public and private entities based on mandatory legal requirements. In connection with the income tax assessed by Digi | RCS&RDS, we must recall that, since 2007 until 2017, Digi | RCS&RDS invested more than EURO 2 billion for the development of a highly advanced fixed and mobile telecommunications network based on optical fibre. These investments were made to the benefit of millions of customers who enjoy today the best quality services at very advantageous prices. These investments performed by Digi | RCS&RDS (and which were subject of amortization) have implicitly determined the reduction of the taxable basis, in full compliance with the tax legislation.

In our view GEO 114/2018 is prejudicial to the development of the telecommunications and energy industries in Romania as it materially increases, without proper consultation and without any serious justification, the fiscal burden on businesses in these sectors, thus potentially restricting the ability to make further investments and affecting clients. We will be further evaluating the impact of GEO 114/2018 on our business and take those measures that are deemed necessary.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire