Category Archives: Financial Services

Financial Services

Finding Cheap Life Insurance Easier Than You Think

To those who have wondered whether or not a cheap life insurance policy exists today, a newly published article on answers with an emphatic “yes.”

Finding Cheap Life Insurance Easier Than You Think

“Cheap life insurance does exist and its target market are people under 30, that are starting a family,” the articles, ‘Cheap Life Insurance’ states. “Most times cheap life insurance is term life insurance.”

Term life insurance is a policy that has an expiration date. After the term is over, the coverage ceases, as well, unless the policyholder passes on during the term. It’s typically the cheapest life policy to buy. More expensive (but more comprehensive) is a whole life insurance policy—these policies aren’t cheap unless you invest in them very young.

Life insurance can be the line between a financially-broken grieving family and a family that can focus on the death of a loved one because they don’t have to worry about income.

“The death of a loved one is tough enough; combine that with financial devastation and the situation just got worse,” the article states. “A life insurance policy takes care of those you love, should the unthinkable occur.”

The funds from a life insurance policy can be used for any number of things the beneficiary(s) may need to pay for like funeral costs, any mortgage or debts left behind, sending the children to college, and even allowing the family time to grieve before returning to work.

A great way to find cheap life insurance rates is to search online for quotes. You can obtain several life insurance quotes and policies, allowing you the opportunity to compare coverage, rates and insurance providers.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Midcountry Bank Honored By USDA For Increasing Rural Home Ownership

MidCountry Bank was recently recognized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (USDA) for utilizing federally-guaranteed mortgages that increased, and made more affordable, home ownership in rural Illinois. Each year the USDA honors lenders that excel in using the federal agency’s guaranteed loan program in rural areas.

“In this difficult housing marketing, MidCountry Bank is committed to using Rural Development’s guaranteed home loan program to help as many homebuyers as possible,” said Jim Davis, a Rural Development specialist in the USDA’s Marion , Ill. , office. “They helped borrowers buy their first homes, or upgrade to better homes. We are extremely pleased with MidCountry Bank’s achievement.”

MidCountry Bank provided Illinois homebuyers with more than $1 million in Rural Development-backed loans in 2009. With the Rural Development guarantee, MidCountry Bank offers 100 percent loans with no required down payment, no private monthly mortgage insurance (PMI), no maximum purchase prices, competitive fixed interest rates, and 30-year terms. The program also includes flexible credit guidelines and generous income limits.

“This program has helped put many families into a home and strengthened rural communities by providing stability in a challenging housing market. It is easily the best 100-percent program in the market,” said MidCountry Bank Regional President Randy Forby. “We’re proud to have received this honor from the USDA, and even more so to have helped families throughout rural Illinois realize their dreams of homeownership.”

For nearly a decade, MidCountry Bank has been serving the communities of southern Illinois and central Minnesota with a full spectrum of financial products that are matched with excellent customer service. Its retail banking division offers a variety of deposit and loan products to meet consumers’ needs, its business division helps small business by providing them with the financing they need to grow, and its military banking division serves those who serve our nation with personal loans and award-winning financial education programs. Every MidCountry Bank associate is dedicated to creating a high-quality and well-respected financial services organization, and is committed to the values of integrity, fairness, honesty, excellence, and compassion.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Launches Five New Risk Rated Portfolios

Prudential is launching five new actively-managed, risk-rated, multi-asset funds designed to help advisers to focus on client management through an extension of its partnership with independent investment specialist Old Broad Street Research (OBSR).

The partnership gives advisers access to the asset allocation expertise of Prudential’s Portfolio Management Group (PMG)*, which currently manages over £100 billion of capital, and the fund selection and recommendation experience of OBSR in one place.

Prudential is launching the funds in response to demand f r o m advisers for investment solutions which can help them respond to the changes driven by the Retail Distribution Review and the ongoing focus of the Financial Service Authority’s Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) initiative. In addition, customers will benefit f r o m the choice of a wide range of funds across tax wrappers that are designed to meet the needs of identified groups and are targeted accordingly.

Crucially, the funds will be actively risk managed in line with their portfolio investment objectives and may help reduce the risk of potential TCF issues through running static portfolios.

The five portfolios – Defensive; Cautious; Cautious Growth; Balanced; and Adventurous – will be available on a range of Prudential personal pension products, income drawdown, onshore and offshore bonds. The risk ratings of each portfolio can be mapped against all the major independent risk-rating tools.

Andy Brown, Director of Investment Funds at Prudential said: “Asset allocation and fund selection are vital in ensuring that client needs and long-term investment expectations are met. However, both are potentially demanding and time-consuming.

“Advisers need cost-effective support with their investment management to address the changing regulatory environment. We are determined to address that issue and are delighted to be expanding our partnership with OBSR.”

Phil Lindsay, sales & marketing director for OBSR said: “The objective of the ‘Prudential Dynamic Portfolio’ risk rated funds is to consistently conform to specific risk profiles by utilising the strengths of Prudential’s Portfolio Management Groups’ asset allocation capabilities and OBSR’s fund research and portfolio construction skills thereby assisting intermediaries in developing solutions in line with client attitudes to risk.”

Prudential’s Portfolio Management Group will be responsible for asset allocation, determining the macro asset mix of the portfolios with the long-term aim of ensuring the portfolios conform to their stated risk objectives. They will have the flexibility to implement strategic and tactical changes within given ranges which over time will result in changes in the broad asset mix. These changes will be made to ensure the funds remain within the risk parameters set.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Warns Of State Of Ignorance Over Retirement Age Rise

New research from Prudential shows that nearly half (47 per cent) of 45 to 49 year-olds and two-fifths (39 per cent) of 50 to 54 year-olds are unaware of the rise in the minimum retirement age from 50 to 55 which comes into effect on 6 April this year. The increase in the minimum retirement age could be a particular blow to people aged 50 to 55 who are planning to retire this year, Prudential warns.

Prudential is urging people who will be affected by the increase in minimum retirement age to speak to financial advisers and pension providers ahead of the 6 April deadline and stresses there is still time to act.

The new minimum retirement age – first announced by the Government in 2004 – will prevent many people aged between 50 and 55 from claiming private or company pension benefits and especially taking the tax-free cash element of their pension fund until they
are 55.

For those who had planned to retire at 50, the higher minimum age will mean five years without access to pension benefits or tax-free cash.

Prudential’s research has found that 6 per cent of the UK’s 3.9 million adults aged 50 to 54 – equivalent to more than 230,000 people – said they planned to retire in 2010.

Karin Brown, Director of Annuities at Prudential, said: “People who want to take their pension benefits and any tax-free cash allowance still have nearly three months to decide what they want to do.

“Prudential strongly urges people approaching retirement to contact a financial adviser or talk to their pension provider about the options available.

“The Government first announced the changes to the minimum retirement age nearly six years ago so there has been plenty of time for the news to sink in. It is worrying that so many are still unaware but there is time to act before rules change.”

The information contained in Prudential UK’s press releases is intended solely for journalists and should not be used by consumers to make financial decisions. Full consumer product information can be found at

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Reveal Concern Over Asset Allocation And Fund Selection

Prudential has revealed new research that shows nearly six out of 10 financial advisers are concerned about possible regulatory action over asset allocation and fund selection decisions. The research found that 39 per cent of advisers are concerned they could face problems justifying decisions while another 19 per cent are concerned but have plans in place to deal with potential regulatory issues.

Prudential Reveal Concern Over Asset Allocation And Fund Selection

The survey f r o m Prudential also shows that 50 per cent of advisers would welcome support f r o m providers on asset allocation and fund selection as they battle to cope with the fallout f r o m the recent extreme stock market volatility.

With the research showing advisers currently spending around five hours per week on asset allocation and fund selection, 56 per cent of firms say expertise in these areas is important to the success of their business model. One in five advisers suggest that this activity could be outsourced.

Andy Brown, Director of Investment Funds at Prudential, said: “The unprecedented economic and market events of the past 18 months have increased the need for advisers to help their clients understand the implication of their risk and fund selections.

“Providers should be doing more to support advisers and giving them access to expert advice and help. It is in the interests of advisers and providers to come up with innovative solutions that meet clients’ expectations and their assessed risk levels.

“Asset allocation and fund selection are vital in ensuring that client needs and long-term investment expectations are met. However, both are potentially demanding and time-consuming. Finding reliable sources of both can enhance the service advisers offer to their clients.

“We believe that the interests of intermediaries and their clients are best served by providing risk-rated portfolios that can be mapped to the independent profiling systems used by advisers to assess their client’s attitude to risk. This is a better solution than relying on tools offered by product providers.”

Prudential and Old Broad Street Research (OBSR) have been working together since 2008 on the PruSelect fund range which offers 100 ‘best of breed’ funds as part of a drive to help advisers with fund selection and asset allocation.

Andy Brown continued: “This research demonstrates there is a real need for support f r o m providers to help advisers with the increasing regulatory pressure they face. In addition, the time advisers are currently spending on asset allocation and fund selection cannot be underestimated. We only see this requirement increasing over the next 12 months and we estimate more advisers will look to providers for support in meeting their regulatory obligations.”

Prudential’s research also reveals that only just over half of advisers (52 per cent) say they feel very confident in their level of knowledge of investment products and how to invest which points to a real need for support in this area f r o m providers.

The information contained in Prudential UK’s press releases is intended solely for journalists and should not be used by consumers to make financial decisions. Full consumer product information can be found at

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Invest in Life Insurance Now for Your Children

Nothing is more precious to a parent than the guaranteed protection of their children. Children’s life insurance is among the most valuable protection a parent can invest in. It offers a variety of benefits and is affordable. According to a recent article by, parents willing to spend several dollars each month can obtain valuable coverage for their children throughout their lives.

No parent wants to contemplate about the time when their child—whether they’re 8 months, 8 years, or 80 years old—will pass on. But it can be a very valuable and wise to make the investment when it’s at its most affordable, according to the article, ‘Children’s Life Insurance: A Solid Investment.’

There are many reasons to compare life insurance rates for children, though parents may not want to think about any of them. Some reasons include:

1. Funeral/burial costs. A child’s death yields some expensive funeral expenses—bills you won’t want to worry about if you need to grieve. Burial costs and grief counseling alone can range between $6,000 and $15,000.

2. It won’t cost much. Children’s life insurance can cost mere dollars a month. And if you fix the rate at the earliest opportunity, your child could have life insurance coverage throughout their life and benefit from such an amazingly low rate.

3. Ultimate protection. “Life insurance can be hard to obtain for people with unfortunate genetic traits or preexisting conditions. Investing in children’s life insurance cuts the risk of your child being denied coverage later on in life if they develop a disqualifying condition,” the article states.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

MidCountry Bank Military Division’s Volunteer Time-Off Program Recognized Nationally For Corporate Social Responsibility

An effort to promote community service within its national workforce was recently recognized when MidCountry Bank‘s military banking division, Pioneer Services, was named a finalist for the Corporate Social Responsibility Award for Workplace Innovation by PR News. The company received the honor for creating and offering all of its associates a Volunteer Time-Off (VTO) benefit, providing each individual up to 16 hours of paid time off annually to volunteer in their communities.

MidCountry Bank Military Division's Volunteer Time-Off Program Recognized Nationally For Corporate Social Responsibility

To encourage additional participation in the VTO program, last year the company initiated the Be the Difference campaign, an internal effort to increase usage of this unique benefit. The campaign included a Volunteer Fair at its headquarters that featured 23 nonprofit organizations, the creation of a new volunteerism website, t-shirts, promotional posters, and other items—all of which was led by an associate-ran Volunteer Committee. The result was a 400 percent increase in VTO usage, and numerous individual recognition and awards for associates, both locally and nationally.

“Giving back to the community is a key component of our corporate culture,” said Karen Von Der Bruegge , chief marketing officer of Pioneer Services. “We are proud to receive recognition for our social responsibility efforts, but must also recognize our associates around the country. Their efforts and willingness to give back have made the VTO program a great success.”

Winners of the PR News Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards are announced Feb. 24, 2010, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC . Pioneer Services is joined as a finalist in the Workplace Innovation category by Pepsi, Deloitte, and Butterball, and finalists in other categories include Bank of America, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Coca Cola, GE, Oracle, and eBay.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Children’s Mutual Launches New Pocket Money Site To Help Families

According to new research from The Children’s Mutual, the old saying that good manners cost nothing is not strictly true, as 44% of children are now financially rewarded for good behaviour.

Award winning Child Trust Fund Provider, The Children’s Mutual, has revealed that as well as good behaviour, parents are also offering an ‘honest wage’ for a hard day’s work. 37% of children ‘earn’ their pocket money by helping out with chores around the home and 19% fill their piggy banks by helping out with the family pet.

As the Government announces plans to make financial education compulsory for children as young as five from 2012, leading Child Trust Fund provider The Children’s Mutual has launched a new Pocket Money Petz microsite which has been created to help parents teach their children about pocket money and saving.

Children can choose a ‘virtual’ pet, from a dog to a dinosaur, to help them learn to boost, manage and save their pocket money earnings, and while children have fun deciding which character to accompany them through PocketMoneyPetz, their parents can put a value against each chore to help them learn the value of money.

Tony Anderson, Marketing Director at The Children’s Mutual, said: “As children are receiving more and more pocket money in return for undertaking household chores, helping with the family pet and their good behaviour, we created Pocket Money Petz to help spark their imaginations about earning and saving money.”

According to The Children’s Mutual research, the going rate for pocket money has increased by a whopping 83% in a single generation from when their parents received pocket money until today. Parents are already giving an average of £2.85 a week to their child, with many (27%) parents expecting to increase this amount by £1 each year.

However, despite the rise in pocket money, The Children’s Mutual research showed that parents are often unsure of how much to ‘pay’ their children and can feel pressurised to compete with how much other parents give. Nearly one in five (18%) said there was pressure to conform to a ‘market rate’ and 16% said they feel they pay too much but ‘have to go with what everyone gets’. In response to these concerns, The Children’s Mutual has also created a Parents’ Pocket Money Guide which offers advice on teaching children about money, how to give pocket money, when to start and how much to give and how often.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Barclaycard Reveals Christmas Spending Increased In 2009

Barclaycard Payment Acceptance reveals spending on credit and debit cards was up this Christmas compared with last year.

Barclaycard Payment Acceptance, one of the largest processors of debit and credit card transactions in the UK has announced that shoppers spent more on debit and credit cards from 19 December to 31 December 2009* compared to the same period last year. This new data from Barclaycard provides a snapshot of how customers of all UK banks and credit cards were using their cards over this period.

The data showed that the busiest day prior to Christmas Day for turnover came on the 23 December with £497m being spent. After Christmas Day, sales peaked on the 29 December with £376m being spent.

Other highlights from the data include:

– Total turnover over the period was £4,085m compared to £3,989m in the same period in 2008 – a 2.4% increase
– Post Christmas spending up in 2009 against 2008 – £1,683m versus £1,642m
– Christmas Day – £24m over 0.7m individual transactions processed
– Christmas Day transactions peaked at 12.08pm with 32 transactions a second
– Boxing Day saw an average credit card transaction of £72.46. This was largely driven by the DIY and electronic stores sectors
– Online retailers saw £9.5m of turnover on Christmas Day compared to £8.1m for Christmas Day 2008 – an increase of 17%

Marc Pettican, Head of Sales at Barclaycard Global Payment Acceptance said “Our retailers have seen an increase in turnover compared to the same period last year with over £4 billion being spent. We’ve also seen a stronger post-Christmas performance as shoppers take advantage of the sales discounts and consider the effects of the imminent VAT increase.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

One In Five Parents Has A Will

According to new research by leading Child Trust Fund (CTF) provider The Children’s Mutual, just 18% of parents have written a will, yet many are unaware that should the worst happen and the parents die without having appointed a guardian, the child may not be looked after by their chosen carer and it will be up to the courts to decide where they live. The Children’s Mutual is therefore urging parents to make and keep just one New Year’s Resolution this year – to write a will.

According to research by The Children’s Mutual, the majority of parents who hadn’t written a will said it was because the task was ‘sitting on the to do list’ but wasn’t a priority (35%), 32% said they hadn’t found the time and 27% said they couldn’t afford to write a will. To help address these concerns, The Children’s Mutual has put together a simple Will Writing Checklist which is available on request to assist parents ahead of writing a will and is offering a discounted rate for a standard will of £50 plus VAT through its Will Writing Service in partnership with Flint Bishop Solicitors.

The Children’s Mutual is calling on parents to act to protect their children and is urging the one in three (27%) parents it surveyed who said they planned to write a will, to do just that this year.

Tony Anderson, Marketing Director at The Children’s Mutual, said: “The majority of parents have writing a will on their to do list but we’re urging them to put their New Year’s Resolutions to good use in 2010 and make it happen. While it’s something no parent wants to think about, getting a will written and their paperwork in order so they know their child will be cared and provided for will be a huge weight off their mind.”

Of the parents questioned who have a will, their top reasons for writing one were to ensure their partner inherited their estate and because they wanted to decide who would look after their children should the worst happen.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Supermarkets Beat Big Banks In Credit Cards Customer Satisfaction Awards

•Supermarket sweep: M&S and Tesco credit cards (89.4%) top the table for overall customer satisfaction, closely followed by Amex (88.6%)

•Poor service: nearly two million customers dissatisfied with the everyday customer support from their credit card companies with Halifax, Lloyds TSB and Natwest coming bottom of the table

•Biggest improver: MBNA jumps from bottom slot to eleventh place in poll of 16 – overall satisfaction score rises six percentage points from 68% to 74% satisfied

•Better the devil you know: half of customers (50%) have held onto their main credit card for over 5 years, yet over 1 in 3 (34%) don’t know if the interest rate is competitive
•Growing gap: difference in customer satisfaction between the best and worst providers widens to 22% making it more important than ever for consumers to check they are on the right deal.

As 2009 proved to be another rocky year for borrowers and lenders alike, the annual credit card Customer Satisfaction Survey from reveals supermarket brands to be stealing a march on traditional financial institutions. Marks & Spencer and Tesco have together narrowly taken the top spot from American Express to win Best Overall Satisfaction, but with less than a one per cent difference between the top three, the credit card companies still have everything to play for. The survey of over 10,000 credit card customers also reveals that nearly two million are dissatisfied with the everyday service provided by their card company, and a staggering 22% gap in satisfaction levels between the best and worst provider.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Financial Experts Predicting Rapid Dollar Devaluation in a Coming Burst of the ‘Dollar Bubble’

Many news commentators are echoing the same resounding assurance: the recession is over. But not everyone sees it this way. Who’s right? Just look at the facts.

While Wall Street, thanks to the help of the Federal Reserve, rallied for a big end-of-the-year win, at least for top executives, they’re getting big bonuses while Main Street investors suffer. Rising unemployment figures, increased foreclosures and a loss of wealth continue to plague the average Joe.

Times Magazine named Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke, “Person of the Year” for 2009. The National Inflation Association, a grassroots group that warns people of the dangers of hyperinflation, named him “Villain of the Year.”

The Fed’s policies have made the value of the US dollar artificially high and before long the dollar bubble is bound to burst, leading to hyperinflation with prices of consumer goods rising sharply. According to Phoebe Chongchua of the Denver-based Nabers Group, the U.S. is already beginning to experience this kind of runaway inflation.

Nabers Group has issued a warning to U.S. consumers on its blog about the impending devaluation of the U.S. Dollar’s value in a period of hyperinflation.

“Hyperinflation can really be thought of as a silent tax, especially if artificially created by U.S. monetary policy. If the dollars you have today can purchase a fruit punch, a sandwich and a bag of chips but that same money in the future can only purchase the fruit punch, then your money has been devalued—you have lost purchasing power. Ultimately it’s the average middle class consumer who ends up getting the short end of the stick,” says Chongchua.

For most people, the major concern is how to preserve their dwindling wealth. CEO Jeff Nabers, encourages clients to diversify their portfolios using an exceptionally flexible investment vehicle known as the Solo 401k.

“The Solo 401k is designed specifically for a business owner who has no full-time employees. One of the most powerful benefits of the Solo 401k is the plan’s participant loan feature, which offers a tax-favorable alternative to withdrawing money from a retirement plan as a distribution,” says Nabers.

Preserving your wealth doesn’t have to be an uphill battle even as we head into rising inflation and the devaluing of the dollar if people act now to protect their wealth.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

M&S Home Insurance Helps Householders Reduce Their Environmental Impact

M&S is the first home insurance provider in the UK to offer policyholder claimants two unique features to help reduce their impact on the environment.

M&S Home Insurance is now offering the features to new customers at no added cost and will be making them available to existing customers on policy renewal from 1st February.

While lost or damaged possessions are usually replaced with equivalent new items M&S Home Insurance claimants for fridge freezers, refrigerators, washing machines, tumble dryers or dishwashers, will be offered an environmentally-friendly A rated energy-efficient replacement, saving up to 140kg of CO2 each year*.

Additionally, insured properties requiring a rebuild will be reconstructed in line with the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) 4, using sustainable materials where possible, emitting at least 44% less CO2 than building regulations stipulate**.

David Wells, M&S Head of Insurance, said: “These new policy features, which we believe are firsts in the UK insurance market***, mean that the M&S Home Insurance policy is one of the most environmentally friendly products of its kind.”

Nick Kidd, of AXA Insurance, said: “It is becoming increasingly common for companies to launch ‘green’ products on the basis of carbon offsetting facilities which our research suggests is not valued by customers.

“The M&S product goes significantly further by providing tangible environmental benefits which will help customers to save energy, save money and ultimately, to help save the planet. According to the Energy Saving Trust, the average home will emit around 5 tonnes of CO2 a year, so these new product features can have a real impact.

“At AXA we’re committed to reducing our negative environmental impact and are really pleased to work with M&S Money on this innovative product.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Responsible Homeowners Receive Lower Home Insurance Quotes

A recently released article, “Maintaining Your Home Could Lower Your Home Insurance Rates,” seeks to show homeowners how proper up-keep of a home will help save them money on their premiums.

“You can lower your annual premiums by properly maintaining your home throughout the year,” the article states. “Take the safety and well-being of your home seriously.”

Here are some ways to protect homes from the most common sources of damage:

• Fire – Smoke detectors, multiple fire extinguishers, properly cleaning and maintaining the fireplace, etc. are all ways to protect against fire and find significant homeowners insurance discounts.

• Theft – Deadbolt locks, security systems, motion sensor lights will protect homes from burglary as well as lower home insurance rates. Taking this initiative shows insurers their client is a low risk and takes protecting their property seriously.

• Water – Leaky pipes can cause extensive water damage to homes. Check the heating and cooling systems regularly for any irregularities and patch them up as they come along.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Finance Director Appointed by Tracesmart

Rhiannon Wilcox FCCA has joined the board of directors at Tracesmart, one of the UK’s leading consumer data specialists. Previously the company accountant, Wilcox will strengthen the board at a time when the organisation is experiencing rapid growth and transition due to sustained high demand for its data cleansing, anti-money laundering and debtor tracing services.

A graduate of Loughborough University, Wilcox trained with RSM Bentley Jennison followed by spells with Citigroup in Sydney and KTS Owens Thomas in Cardiff. Having established her own successful business operating within a diverse range of industries and commerce in South Wales, Tracesmart became one of her principal clients. As a recognised and respected figure within the company, the transition to board member has been seamless.

Wilcox remarked, “I am delighted to have joined the board at Tracesmart as we embark on a new financial year and I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that will arise as the company diversifies and grows. These are exciting times for the business, management and staff.”

The scope of online data driven services provided by the company’s B2B arm, Tracesmart Corporate, offers an invaluable source of consumer information to a vast and varied range of companies, from SMEs to FTSE 100 corporations. Delivering a powerful data cleansing and mortality screening service, an online provision to perform identity checks and an authoritative facility to trace people, Tracesmart’s client portfolio boasts a wide variety of industries including the pension, collection, media and financial sectors.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Securities Based Funding, Inc. Announces A Unique Financing Advantage To Borrowers Against The Value Of Their Securities Portfolio

Securities Based Funding, Inc. announces a unique financing advantage to borrowers against the value of their securities portfolio at below-market, simple interest, fixed rate loans ranging from 2.5% to 4.5%.

These   non-recourse   loans will assist Domestic and international buyers, sellers and developers of properties worldwide. The loan proceeds can be used for any purpose except to buy securities or carry securities in a margin account.

Despite the credit crunch and while access to liquidity through traditional capital markets is difficult in today’s uncertain economy, security-based loans enable borrowers to access liquidity at below-market rates by pledging the securities they own as collateral for the loan. Securities based loans offer residential and commercial real estate owners and developers, a viable alternative, that are being frozen out of the market, by their banks and traditional sources of financing.

Eligible securities are publicly trades stocks, bonds, tradable mutual funds, unit investment and real estate investment trusts as well as foreign positions on international exchanges. Ineligible securities include, privately held stocks, securities held in retirement accounts, such as, IRAs and 401Ks. The borrower retains all upside market appreciation and receives any dividends or interest to which the securities are entitled. Loan to security values (LTV) range from 35% up to 80%. The more liquid and actively trades the securities, the higher the LTV.

Securities Based Funding, Inc. represents a full-service, private, nonpurpose, direct lender that specializes in securities-based lending with investors in need of prompt funding. Terms are based on the evaluation of the risk and future performance associated with the stocks, bonds or U.S. Treasuries to be pledged as collateral to maximize and maintain complete yet proprietary flexibility of the equity-loan process.

Successful stock-lending transactions have been executed involving the American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ National Stock Market, NASDAQ Small-Cap Stock market, New York Stock Exchange, Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board and foreign exchanges.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

What To Ask When Getting Home Insurance Quotes

Homeowners insurance rates are rising in many states. As such, it’s more important than ever for homeowners to find ways to save money on their home insurance policies. Just as important to homeowners, they need to be aware of what factors affect their home insurance premium. As a recently published article on states, too many homeowners are not aware of what questions to ask agents and thus are unable to determine what is important when it comes to designing a policy.

The article, “What To Ask Agents: Homeowners Insurance Quotes Shopping,” lists different coverage options and questions homeowners may want to discuss with their agents. Doing research beforehand will result in homeowners being more confident and becoming aware of what specifically they want in a home insurance policy.

First, homeowners need to know what factors affect whether they find affordable or costly home insurance quotes.

“These days it’s about money, money, money. The whole reason to invest in insurance is to guard against financial loss. But no one wants to take out a second mortgage just to pay the premiums. So of course homeowners will need to know what factors (credit history, age and condition of the home, pets, lifestyle, etc.) cause home insurance quotes to skyrocket and which factors yield the most affordable rates,” the article states.

Also, to determine that your agent is someone whom you can trust to help you customize your home policy, you may want to conduct quick informal interviews with the agents who offer you home insurance quotes. Your agent should be reliable, trustworthy and experienced (find one with at least a few years’ worth of insurance experience.

“Check with your state’s insurance department to make sure any agent you interview is licensed. Better yet, ask the agent for proof of their license. Furthermore, conduct interviews with any agent you’re considering giving your business to. As a homeowner, that’s your right,” according to the article.

Homeowners should also look into what special hazards their area presents; any additional risks to your property need to be included in your home insurance policy to make it more thorough. Read the article on to discover more questions to ask your agent and educate yourself on the importance of a home insurance policy.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Apex Signs up to Tracesmart’s Online Debtor Tracing Facility

Tracesmart Corporate has been appointed by Apex Credit Management to provide their proprietary data cleansing and online tracing services. The intuitive web based tracing system offers a single source solution, which permits the rapid and confident tracing of gone aways and absconded debtors. The facility will provide Apex with the means to conduct their tracing activities, both efficiently and ethically.

Apex Credit Management is a rapidly growing credit management provider. Headquartered in Stratford-Upon-Avon, the business is focused exclusively upon providing debt management services to the financial services sector; notably early arrears outsourcing, debt collection, debt purchase and tracing services. The company was established in 2000 as a specialist UK based consumer debt collection agency.

Apex recently created a new division, Apex Discovery Solutions, which provides dedicated tracing solutions to the financial services sector. Based in West Malling, Kent, the new enterprise boasts a large team of tracers to fulfil the recent uptake in demand from this sector. Head of Trace is Jamie McGrath, who with over twenty years of experience in the debt recovery and debt purchase sectors has extensive knowledge of tracing and compliance. Commenting on the company’s new partnership with Tracesmart, McGrath remarked, “Forging an alliance with Tracesmart enables us to broaden our data cleansing and tracing services across our client base, which will assist us in our goal of becoming a data led, ethical and compliant trace provider.”

Tracesmart is one of the UK’s leading data specialists, providing debtor tracing and consumer data services to a vast number of the country’s credit management companies. In addition to people tracing, the company also offer identity checks and anti-money laundering services to a varying and growing legion of businesses and industries.

Commenting on the new partnership, Chris Rothwell, Tracesmart’s Sales Director remarked, “We are delighted that Jamie and his recently established Apex division have chosen Tracesmart for their tracing and data solutions. Our debtor tracing facility is industry leading; we are confident we can provide increased productivity and efficiencies to any credit management organisation. We look forward to providing a first-rate and cost-effective service to our new partner, Apex.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank announce Outrageous Claims for 2010 now live on Trading Floor

Saxo Bank’s annual ‘Outrageous Claims’ now has its own page on, the home for news from the Denmark-based online bank’s strategy team.

Among the 10 ‘Outrageous Claims’ for 2010 are predictions of the devaluation of the CNY, the emergence of a third political party in the US, a massive fall in the price of sugar, a positive US trade balance for the first time since the 1975 oil crisis and the US Social Security Trust Fund going bust.

The online futures trade and investment specialist’s ten claims are an annual thought exercise to predict rare but high impact ‘black swan’ events that are beyond the realm of normal market expectations. The exercise aims to challenge market conceptions. Compiled as part of the bank’s 2010 Outlook, the claims this year paint a picture of a more positive year ahead but with a few tremors along the way.

David Karsboel, Chief Economist at Saxo Bank, commented: “We believe that 2010 will be a year of reflation, but structural headwinds lie ahead of us and could turn 2010 into a rollercoaster ride.

“One of the most likely structural headwinds will be a shift in investor focus towards slowing GDP and timing issues regarding the path of FED tightening. This will bring risk aversion back into markets.

“Whilst our annual ‘Outrageous Claims’ should be seen as the black swans of the market rather than outright predictions, we do believe that the odds of these events happening are somewhat higher than what is currently priced into the market,” David Karsboel concluded.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases