Category Archives: Financial Services

Financial Services

Diamond Reveals Britain’s Speediest Drivers

Diamond has revealed that drivers named Juliet and Rupert are the most likely to have been caught breaking the speed limit, according to new research.

The women’s car insurance specialist looked at over three million motorists to identify the first names of drivers most likely to have points for speeding*. The top five women’s first names are Juliet, Susannah, Justine, Deirdre and Alexis, while for men the speediest five names are Rupert, Julian, Piers, Giles and Justin.

The research also revealed the occupations of the motorists most likely to have a motoring conviction for driving over the speed limit. Surgeons and chartered surveyors top the list of professions most likely to have been clocked speeding, followed by area sales managers, commercial chairmen and chiropractors.

Diamond managing director, Sian Lewis said: “Our research does indicate that people with certain names and occupations are more likely to have a speeding conviction than others. It was most surprising to see surgeons and other well-qualified professions top the list of occupations most likely to have a speeding conviction.

“Many people would also consider the names Juliet, Alexis, Rupert and Piers as traditionally middle-class names so it’s also interesting to see them feature highly as well.”

Diamond also looked at the first names and occupations of drivers least likely to have speeding convictions. At the other end of the scale, women named Paige, Molly, Shannon, Bethany and Lily are least likely to have points on their licence and for men it’s Connor, Terrence, Jake, Jordan and Joshua.

In terms of occupations, school students, au pairs, college students, typists and dinner ladies are the least likely to be caught speeding.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals Why Single People Are ‘Mating’ With Friends For Life

A new report, entitled ‘Friendships, Finance and the Future: The rise of Singledom in the UK’, has revealed that almost three quarters* (72%) of singles have friends who will be friends for life, and four in five say that friendships last longer than romantic relationships. Men in particular are saying no to marriage. Just three in ten single men think they will ever get married, and 48% think single people are more fun.

This new report also identifies a new demographic in UK society: FLAPers (Financially Liberated and Positively Single). This is a new breed of single people who are turning the tables on the stereotype of the sad singleton and embracing the adventure and spontaneity. Like the flappers of the 1920s, who threw away their corsets and sought independent lifestyles, these FLAPers are celebrating a new era of positivity and empowerment in the wake of troubled times.

Experts at Future Poll, the research division of The Future Laboratory, predict that the future could see friendships among single people recognised as relationships that work while marriage increasingly fails. Laws will protect best friends and single people might formalise their friendships by entering into ‘mate-trimony’ agreements with their best friends. Relationship status on passports and census forms could include ‘mate-trimony’ as an option, next of kin will automatically be friends, and more and more singles will protect their friendships with life insurance – 59% of singles would consider insuring the life of a friend if they bought a house together.

As people stay single for longer, they are realising how much they rely on their friends for the things traditionally provided by a partner. Friends offer a shoulder to cry on: 45% of singles turn to their friends first for emotional support. Friends know each other inside out too: 30% of singles say the person who knows them best in life is a friend.

Singles even trust their friends, rather than family members, with their online secrets. Twice as many singles would rather have a friend see what they’ve been looking at online than a family member. 18 – 24-year-old singles would much rather that friends see their web-browsing history (62%) than family members (18%), probably because their friends would be less shocked.

The research found that 29% of single people in the UK have lent money to a friend in the last 12 months and in the West Midlands, 35% of singles have lent friends money in the last year. More than one in four single people would go to their friends first if they needed money urgently, and men (31%) are more likely to do so than women (23%).

To many single people, marriage is viewed as an old fashioned idea. 21% of single men think marriage is out-dated while 34% of single women think marriage lacks the value it once had.

Mike Hoban, Chief Marketing Officer at said: “The need for us all to prepare for the worst, and protect our loved ones, is paramount. There is an opportunity for life assurance companies to reflect the rich diversity of our society and meet the needs of more people by making available products and services which reflect the value that people put on personal relationship outside of traditional family and marriage ties.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals A New Way Of Living For Young Singles has revealed that the continued property crisis, coupled with a rise in the number of singles in the UK, is resulting in the creation of alternative ‘family’ units and giving birth to the MOSH.

This type of MOSHing does not include head-banging to metal music; it’s all about embracing the ‘Multiple Occupant Shared Home’ and challenging the traditional household structure. has worked with futurologists at Future Poll, the research division of The Future Laboratory, on the new study into the friendship and finances of single people in the UK, which explores the growing trend for best mates to create alternative ‘family’ units.

The research found that 57% of singles have a friend they trust enough to buy a house with.

Furthermore, 59% of singles would consider protecting their friendships with life insuranceif they bought a house together.

Single-person households are projected to increase by 163,000 per year – from 6.8m in 2006 to 10.9m in 2031 – and singleton households could outnumber any other kind of household by 2031, according to the Government Office for Science. This shift in behaviour among young people will mean MOSHing is tipped to become mainstream over the next decade. The report predicts that MOSHing will become a lifestyle of choice for men and the younger generation of singles, and so it will be vital to protect these co-dependent lifestyles with some form of insurance.

Men are already MOSHing more than women. Twice as many single men (10%) have bought a house with a friend compared to just 5% of single women surveyed. Some 44% of men would be comfortable owning a property with a friend, compared with 38% of women. Young people are native MOSHers, according to the research. More than six in 10 (64%) single 18–24-year-olds have friends they trust enough to buy a house with, compared with around half (47%) of those over 55.

Young MOSHers also have more friends they would trust enough to buy a house with: 18–24-year-old singles have 36%, while those over 55 have just 21%.

Social networking is accelerating friendship and young people are connecting to more people and sharing things in a way that would be impossible in their busy offline lives. Their constant connection to their friends online means that they increasingly want to make these online communities concrete.

Mike Hoban, Chief Marketing Officer at explains how this will impact insurers: “Insurance companies are increasingly using social media to communicate with young audiences and the next stage is to recognise, and respond to, the real-life social networks which are structuring the new ‘urban families’ as friends set up home together, supporting one another both financially and emotionally. As our report demonstrates, friendships are increasingly important to independent single people in the UK and a financial industry that caters for single people and couples alike is one that is prepared for the future of personal finance.”

The report, entitled ‘Friendships, Finance and the Future: The Rise of Singledom in the UK’, can be downloaded here:

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Launches New Zombie Video has launched a new video application called ‘Home Sweet Zombie’, in order to increase awareness of the importance of home insurance and raise its social media profile.

The video requires the user to enter their postcode. After doing so, the hometown of the user becomes swamped with a virus and zombie characters appear to make their way to the user’s home making use of Google Maps technology.

In order to demonstrate the need for home insurance, the video app uses the customer’s name and postcode to personalise the experience and make them feel as though their local area has been invaded by zombies. As the video continues, a shot of the zombies with a bomb is shown and the video comes to a climax as the customer’s home is blown up.

The last shot is characters holding a message ‘Make sure you get your home insurance through’.

The video forms part of the on-going social media strategy of, and reinforces the importance of having a home insurance policy in place to make sure possessions are covered against damage and theft.

The video app can be accessed via the website here and also’s Facebook page. But to widen the campaign further, will be sending an email to 1.2 million of its customers, each with a personalised video.

This app also coincides with’s Nectar promotion where customers can collect 1,000 Nectar points with every home, pet, van, bike and car insurance policy bought through Customers who buy life insurance will receive 5,000 Nectar points.

The app aims to encourage people to think about the need for home insurance and customers can collect 1,000 Nectar points by simply buying this product through

Speaking about the video app, Mike Hoban, Marketing Director at, said: “We’re looking to get people talking about this video app and make people understand the importance of having home insurance. We want to create customer engagement and via Facebook and Twitter we want people to share and like this video, building essential relationships with our customers.

“The aim of the video is also to create a personalised touch for our customers to ensure they know how important they are to us and how important it is to ensure their house is protected against unforeseen circumstances.”

Gareth Kloet, Head of Home Insurance added: “We want to ensure that people have home insurance. By using a comparison site like it means we do the hard work for you and the added benefit of this exciting video app is that customers can be directed straight to the site by the click of a button.”

The ‘Home Sweet Zombie’ video app can be found at

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Bower Welcomes the ReLaunch of SHIP

Bower Retirement Services, winners of the 2011 Equity Release Awards, welcome the relaunch of Safe Home Income Plans (‘SHIP’) as The Equity Release Council (The Council). Bower welcome also the decision of the trade body to broaden its membership to include financial advisers, solicitors, surveyors and other interested parties.

SHIP was established in 1991 by the major product providers as the body to safeguard the interests of consumers entering into equity release plans. Over the past 20 years, SHIP has been very successful in improving the reputation of equity release and in promoting consumer awareness of the products available. The main focus of the Equity Release Council will be to protect consumers and increase education, awareness and understanding of how equity release works, the options available and the consumer safeguards that are in place.

Geoff Charles, Managing Director of Bower commented:

“We welcome the new organisation and look forward to joiningand supporting the Equity Release Council. The changes are excellent news for elderly homeowners who are seeking to release capital from their homes in order to raise a lump sum and/or to supplement their retirement income. The extension of the membership and SHIP standards to all participants in the sector will strengthen consumer confidence and reinforce the message that equity release plans are now mainstream retirement products.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Standard Life Launches Auto-Enrolment Toolkit

Standard Life has launched a toolkit aimed at helping employers and advisers plan for the introduction of auto-enrolment and identify the potential cost impact.

Ann Flynn, Head of Corporate Marketing, Standard Life said: “From our research and discussions with employers it is clear that many are scratching their heads as to how to tackle the implementation of auto-enrolment. They’re not entirely sure of the steps they need to take to meet their responsibilities, how much work is involved and importantly, how it will impact their bottom line.

“We have therefore developed a dedicated corporate benefits website which hosts a range of tools, news and videos to support employers and advisers through auto-enrolment and beyond.”

The toolkit includes; Pension Reform Pathfinder tool: An in depth planning tool which will help employers and advisers build up a personalised plan of duties and help establish a scheme to fit their requirements, and comply with auto-enrolment regulation.

Pension Reform Cost calculator: The pension reform cost calculator will help employers and advisers understand the potential cost of auto-enrolment by:
– Checking if a current scheme meets the requirements to satisfy the legislation
– Identifying the estimated ongoing costs of meeting legislation requirements
– Showing how the costs can be implemented gradually over time
– Demonstrating how costs could be reduced by providing the option for employees to pay through salary exchange.

Employer checklist: Gives employers an overview of the key tasks they must carry out in order to fulfil their new duties.

Data exchange guides: The guides will help employers navigate their way through their new duties and understand the impact on their current processes and systems.

Member communications timeline: The timeline gives a clear view of the mandatory member communications that pension reform legislation requires. It shows:
– The timeline – what communications need to be issued and when
– The regulations – which communications are mandatory and which are ‘recommended’
– The ownership – which communications must be sent by the employer
– The member categories – what type of information needs to be communicated to each category of employees.

Pension Reform information for employees: A dedicated pension reform website page, aimed at educating employees, has also been created on to inform employees about the changes. The site covers everything they need to know, from why pension reform is happening to what to do if they don’t want to join their company pension scheme. There is also a short video which summarises pension reform and auto-enrolment.

Flynn added: “The cost and infrastructure impact will be a major concern for most businesses so these tools will help form the basis of discussions between advisers, HR teams and Finance Directors.

“With so many employers’ staging dates falling in 2013 and 2014, it is crucial that providers support employers and their advisers to help make the transition as painless as possible. Our message to all employers is the sooner you start your planning the better.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Payday Express appoints new facilities co-ordinator to ensure staff wellbeing

Short term payday loan provider Payday Express has enlisted a facilities co-ordinator to support its focus on staff wellbeing.

Kristina Winch, who began with Payday Express as an administrator in September 2009, was appointed last month and has been focusing on making improvements to the staff break-out area. Vending machines providing snacks and hot drinks for staff throughout the day have already been installed.

The online payday loan service provider takes staff wellbeing very seriously, paying close attention to the working environment as well as to training programmes, ongoing job support and career development.

As well as vending machines, sofas have also been installed in the break-out area to give staff somewhere comfy to sit during their breaks. This is in addition to the Wii-Fit, which was introduced as part of the March “Be Fit” campaign.

The company also focuses on job satisfaction, aiming to equip employees with the tools and skills to carry out their jobs successfully and progress within their careers. This starts from an employee’s first day in the company when he or she undergoes a two-day induction course, held by the company’s experienced training staff.

Payday Express is a fast-growing company and in May the company recruited 30 new employees across their account management, contact centre and collections departments. Of the 30, 12 of the new starters were referred by friends who already work at the company, a statistic which is representative of the satisfaction felt by employees.

Richard Turner, human resources advisor at Payday Express, said: “Staff wellbeing is paramount. We aim to deliver this not only by creating a welcoming environment, but also by offering effective training and on-going support, which in turn ensures staff provide consistently high levels of customer service.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Expands Their Telematics Car Insurance Providers has added leading telematics brand, insurethebox, to its ever-increasing car insurance panel. insurethebox joined’s collection of leading car insurance providers on Friday 25 May.’s car insurance comparison service makes it easy for customers to compare different policies, and the new relationship with insurethebox affords those shopping for insurance an even greater choice than before.

insurethebox specialises in telematics insurance, which is targeted at drivers who believe they can reduce their premiums by driving safely. This can be of specific benefit to young males, who traditionally have the worst driving record and consequently the highest premiums.

insurethebox is the fourth telematics provider to be added to the panel, following Autosaint, Coverbox and AA Drivesafe.

Telematics enables personalised insurance based on the safety of the policyholder’s driving. This is measured using data gathered by a device which is fitted to the car. The device is about the size of a deck of cards, and gathers data such as mileage, when and where the car is driven and harsh acceleration and braking.

insurethebox policies are unique in a number of ways. The insured is limited to a maximum number of ‘policy miles’ which they can drive in a year – currently 6,000. Extra miles can be purchased or built up.

Data gathered is sent to insurethebox, which then rewards safe driving with up to 100 bonus miles every month. The better the driving, the greater the chance of premium reductions on renewal. The data can also be accessed online through a secure personalised portal, so that the driver can see how they have driven and learn where they need to improve.

As an additional safety benefit, the telematics device will inform insurethebox in the event of an accident, and the emergency services may be contacted where appropriate. The device also acts as a tracker, which can deter theft and locate the car in the event of it being stolen.

The telematics page contains plenty of information, as does the telematics FAQ page.

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance at, said: “For us, customers come first. So we’re really happy to be able to offer them a greater choice and variety of policies.

“insurethebox are a market-leading brand with some really progressive ideas. Their telematics expertise is second to none, and we’re really glad to be able to add them to our impressive list of partners.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Prudential Reveals Women Set To Retire On £5750 Less Than Men

New research from Prudential has revealed that women retiring in 2012 expect their annual retirement income to be a third lower than that of their male counterparts, adding up to a gender gap of £5,750.

Prudential’s Class of 2012 study into the finances and expectations of those planning to retire this year finds that the average woman expects an annual income of £12,250 from their retirement pension, compared with an average expected income of £18,000 for men.

The study shows that the gender gap has fallen from last year’s £6,500, and has narrowed steadily since Prudential first measured a gap of £6,642 in 2009. The fall this year can be mainly attributed to a reduction in men’s expected incomes. However, the gap remains significant.

Prudential’s study found that the average amount that men and women expect to retire on in 2012 fell to a five-year low of £15,500 including private, company and State pension, compared with £16,600 in 2011.

Stan Russell, Prudential’s retirement income expert, said: “The Pension Gender Gap appears to be narrowing, but there is still a long way to go. Not only does the gap remain stubbornly wide, but anticipated retirement incomes have this year hit a five year low for both men and women.

“The practical steps that women can take to improve their retirement income prospects include maintaining pension contributions during career breaks and, if possible, making voluntary National Insurance contributions after returning to work.

“It is imperative for anyone looking to secure a sufficient income when they retire to begin saving as much as they can, as early as they can, and to do so regularly through life. For those who are still working, it has never been a more important time to save into a pension.”

The Prudential study also found that nearly half (49 per cent) of women believe they will not have enough income for a comfortable retirement, compared with 40 per cent of men.

The retirement gender gap is widest in the South East, where women retiring this year expect to have £7,878 less income a year on average than men – £12,259 compared with £20,137.

The gender gap is narrowest in the North West, with women in the region retiring on an average of £13,087 a year, compared with £15,632 for men – a difference of £2,545.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

STANLEY-CLIFFORD Dynamic Allocation Fund Risk Considerations

After the release of the Dynamic Allocation Fund Risk Considerations the board of STANLEY-CLIFFORD is releasing the following considerations.

STANLEY-CLIFFORD Funds, the mutual fund family of STANLEY-CLIFFORD, offers individual and institutional investors a wide range of long-term investment choices among over 80 financial instruments, fixed income, money market and hybrid funds. The family’s global line of offerings provides both core and satellite investments across different asset classes, investment styles, investment approaches and geographical regions.

The STANLEY-CLIFORD Fund invests primarily in exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), futures, swaps and other derivatives that provide exposure to a broad spectrum of asset classes, including but not limited to equity options (both in Asian and non Asian companies), fixed income, investment grade and high yield commodities.

Derivative instruments may involve a high degree of financial risk. These risks include the risk that a small movement in the price of the underlying derivative or benchmark may result in a disproportionately large movement, unfavorable or favorable, in the price of the derivative instrument; risk of default by a counterparty; and liquidity risk. The STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund’s equity investments are subject to market risk, which means that the value of its investments may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular industry sectors and/or general economic conditions.

The STANLEY-CLIFFORD`S Fund’s fixed income investments are subject to the risks associated with derivatives generally, including credit, liquidity and interest rate risk. High yield, lower rated derivatives involve greater price volatility and present greater risks than higher rated fixed income futures. The STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund is subject to the risk that exposure to the commodities markets may subject the Fund to greater volatility than investments in traditional investment vehicles.

The STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund may also invest in foreign market derivatives, including emerging markets futures, which may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in traditional Asian markets and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and sudden economic or political developments. The Fund is non-diversified and may invest more of its assets in fewer issuers than diversified funds. Accordingly, the STANLEY-CLIFFORD Fund may be more susceptible to adverse developments affecting any single issuer held in its portfolio and to greater losses resulting from these developments.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Payday Loans Paid Enter the UK Payday Lending Market has entered the payday loans online market in the United Kingdom. With a team of financial experts who bring with them an inordinate amount of experience in the unsecured loans sector in the UK, they aim to bring something different into the challenging internet, payday lending sector.

Head of online operations, Jenny Statham explained, ‘’Many payday loan applications are declined from a number of the main lenders in the United Kingdom due to their reliance on passing one application. Our payday loans are slightly different in that we can use our strong relationships with some of the payday lenders to ensure the majority of the applications are approved.”.

Payday loans are a somewhat sensitive subject and have featured heavily in the mainstream British press in recent times, but it appears they could be featuring in the UK lending sector for some time. With some APR’s of payday loans surpassing 4 figures, they have – in some quarters – been rightly criticised. Jenny Statham added, ‘’ we try to make sure any potential applicant are fully aware of the associated costs that come with the payday loan agreement they enter into.  Our advice to people who are considering entering into a payday loan agreement with  a lender they have sourced through is to primarily focus on the repayment terms, if they are unable to meet the repayments costs then it is important they do not take on the payday loan.”

With a plethora of payday loan operators frequenting the internet it can be difficult to decide what lender to choose from.  Jenny Statham advised, ‘’if you are looking to secure a payday loan, it is important not to use the first lender you find. Spend some time researching the different providers to ensure you get the very best deal. As there are so many in competition with each other now, there could be some great deals to be found out there”. is one of countless payday loan lenders in the United Kingdom in what some commentators are calling a ‘’saturated market”. They hope, however, to hit the ground running with an easy to use online portal, quality customer service and modest acceptance rates for new applications. Jenny concluded, ‘’we hope to attract people to our online portal who may not have used a payday loan, but have the capacity to service the loan, as new applications will typically have a greater chance of being accepted for a payday loan through our approval system”.­­­­­

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

The Royal Mint Commemorates 60 Years of The Queen’s Reign

The Royal Mint has revealed two Proof quality UK five-ounce coins to celebrate the momentous occasion of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Following on from the success of the Alderney issue five-ounce coins created for the Royal Wedding last year, The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee five-ounce will be issued on a UK coin and looks set to sell out as it appeals to collectors who want a unique piece of Diamond Jubilee memorabilia to treasure forever.

The gold five-ounce coin, priced at £9,500, contains five ounces of fine gold and only 250 will be struck. In addition to the gold five-ounce coin, a silver five-ounce coin has also been created, priced at £450, and only 1,952 will be minted in honour of the year The Queen took to the throne.

Created by Ian Rank-Broadley FRBS, the reverse design of the five-ounce coin depicts a majestic image of Her Majesty The Queen enthroned. Inspired largely by the Great Seals of both Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, the enthroned effigy of The Queen is a very important image, conveying a deeply meaningful sense of stability.

The Queen wears the Royal Diadem and is draped in luxurious robes, the extravagant folds and ornate sculptural detail suggests enormous grace and dignity. The Diamond Jubilee anniversary dates of 1952 – 2012 are shown in Roman numerals and are accompanied by the Latin inscription DILECTA REGNO – ‘I reign beloved’.

The obverse of the five-ounce coins feature the Diamond Jubilee portrait of Her Majesty the Queen also by Ian Rank-Broadley FRBS, created especially for and exclusive to all 2012 Diamond Jubilee UK coins struck by The Royal Mint.

Commenting on his design, Ian Rank-Broadley said: “I did look at the Great Seals of various monarchs and wanted to give a new dimension to that image, to produce something that will have a special significance for the nation and possibly worldwide.”

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee UK Five-Ounce Gold Coin is housed in a high-gloss wood-veneer presentation case. The Diamond Jubilee UK Five-Ounce Silver Coin is presented in a faux leather case and both come with an illustrated booklet and a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Both are available now from The Royal Mint’s website

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases To Offer Free Breakdown Cover With Any Van Insurance Policy is launching a new promotion giving away free breakdown cover with any van insurance policy purchased through the site.

The free breakdown cover includes up to two call outs for home assistance, within one mile of a customer’s home address; up to four call outs for road side assistance; payment for alternative travel up to £100 to the customer’s chosen destination; alternative accommodation up to £60 per person for one night and recovery for 23 foot caravans/ trailers.

Breaking down without cover could cost hundreds of pounds to be rescued. As purse strings are tightened and finances reviewed, drivers no longer need to think of breakdown cover as a costly extra due to’s new promotion.

The promotion began on 6 June and will run until 31 July, so anyone buying a van insurance policy during this period will get free breakdown cover. Whether people are using their van for business or personal use, searches the market’s top insurance providers to help them to find a competitive quote.’s van insurance covers small vans, medium vans, commercial vans, pickup vans and the commonly known transit van, offering a wide range of insurance cover for the customers various van needs.

The expert price-comparison site offers comparison on van insurance policies, allowing van drivers to get prices from 20 of the most competitive and market-leading brands, such as Aviva, Highway, Ageas, RSA.

A further benefit for buying van insurance from is that any customer who buys any van insurance product through the website will receive 1,000 Nectar points, giving a little helping hand in these difficult times. All Nectar points will be awarded within the first 90 days of purchase and the points will go straight onto the customer’s card – so they can boost their Nectar balance by simply buying insurance.

Alex Higgs, Product Manager at said: “As people’s purse strings are still tight, we want to help our customers save money, but also make their travel journeys as safe as possible. So by simply buying essential van insurance customers can help prevent themselves being left stranded on the side of the road by getting this free breakdown cover that we are offering in our new promotion.

“With our choice of cover options and our excellent value for money prices, we have a policy to meet the needs of every van driver. is here to help customers get the right cover they need at the right price.

“Make sure you’re shopping around using a price comparison site like as it allows you to not only check the price but also review the benefits you can get which you may not necessarily think about until you are in an emergency situation.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Unveils Its Improved Motorbike Insurance Offering has teamed up with Vast Visibility to broaden its online bike insurance service. now goes to 35 insurers to compare motorbike policies for its customers. These include MCE, Bikesure, Carole Nash, and most of the other leading providers in the UK.

The motorbike insurance quotes service has been re-launched as a much slicker experience, helping to make it easier for bikers to find the right policy at the right price. compares policies for a range of motorbikes, including mopeds, scooters, classic motorbikes, sports bikes and quads and with every motorbike policy bought, customers can still claim 1,000 Nectar points.

Alex Higgs, Head of motorbike insurance at, said: “We are delighted to be in partnership with Vast Visibility, working together to provide an even better service for motorbike insurance customers.

“We can now offer an even wider range of policies and a wider range of prices. With the list of questions nearly 20 per cent shorter, getting a quote through is now easier and more intuitive than before. And, as ever, we will continue to make improvements.

“Having helped bikers compare insurance deals since 2008, we have a loyal base of valued customers, and hope to help an ever-increasing number of bikers save money in the future.”

The service shows prices for all three levels of cover – fully comprehensive, third party fire and theft, and third party only. This gives the customer even more information with which to make an informed decision. In addition, policy features can be compared side-by-side to aid with the decision of which policy to buy. At a glance, it’s possible to tell which policies feature helmet cover, breakdown assistance, legal cover and so on.

Once a bike insurance customer has compared policies with, then comparing prices the following year becomes easier too. sends the customer their best prices at renewal time, so they can see at a glance if it’s worth allowing their policy to renew automatically, or if they’d be better off comparing policies again.

Also, for the first time, motorbike insurance customers are able to complete their quotes over the phone. This is useful in case they get stuck, and means that it is now even easier to get quotes. Another way bikers could keep their motorbike insurance premiums down is to read’s motorbike insurance articles, which are full of top tips and useful pointers.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Gives Away 5,000 Nectar Points with Every Life Insurance Policy has announced it is continuing its Nectar promotion with a new exciting twist; for every life insurance policy bought through, 5,000 Nectar points will be given away to the policyholder.

Previously, were giving away 3,000 Nectar points with every life insurance policy bought through the comparison website, but this has been extended to 5,000 points.

As of 1 June, 2012, any customers who buy a life insurance policy through will receive 5,000 Nectar points.

Life insurance offers protection and support to family and loved ones if the worst should happen. By purchasing life insurance through, customers are not only planning for the future, but will also get a little helping hand in these difficult financial times.

As well as giving away 5,000 Nectar points for buying a life insurance product, will continue to give customers 1,000 Nectar points for every car, home, pet, bike and van insurance product they buy through the website.

All Nectar points will be awarded within the first 90 days of purchase. The Nectar points will go straight onto the customer’s card.

The promotion not only gives customers competitive rates on all their insurance needs, but gives customers something back for their purchase.

Mike Hoban, Marketing Director at, said: “After extending the Nectar giveaway which offered our customers the chance to get thousands of Nectar points by purchasing motor, home, life, bike and van insurance products we decided to increase the giveaway when customers purchase a life insurance product.

“Now customers can get 5,000 Nectar points as an added reward when they buy life insurance with, which we hope will be a welcomed boost in these turbulent economic times.”

The 5,000 point Nectar promotion will also be supported by a TV advertisement, running from the 6 June, 2012. The new advert can be viewed at

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals How Vain Brits Turn To Credit To Keep Up Appearances has revealed that forty per cent of Brits use their credit card to make themselves look good by buying beauty and grooming products.

When it comes to looking good, more than one in ten (11%) Brits regard fake tan as an essential expense.

Surprisingly, many men see image-enhancing purchases as something they can’t live without. For instance, 14% of men say waxing is an essential part of their grooming regime.

Across the regions, 10% of men surveyed from London say Botox treatment is a vital part of looking good. Meanwhile, 22% of men in the West Midlands believe a fake tan is a crucial part of sprucing themselves up – the highest of any region. In Wales, 23% of men surveyed say eyebrow shaping is an essential part of their grooming regime.

From the findings it appears image is everything for adults. 60% have bought clothing using their credit card, the most popular credit card purchase, while 28% have bought jewellery.

When it comes to who influences their appearance, almost a fifth (18%) of adults say celebrities affect the way they choose their look.

However, it is not just superstars that have a sway over people’s image. More than one in ten (12%) people say reality TV personalities from programmes such as ‘Made in Chelsea’ or ‘The Only Way is Essex’ influence their appearance.

Overall, Kate Middleton is the most popular celebrity icon for women, with 21% of females saying they would like to look like her. Cheryl Cole came in second place (18%), while Kate’s sister Pippa Middleton received 5% of the vote.

As well as using a credit card to obtain the perfect look, 28% of Brits polled spend on credit cards to treat themselves. Shockingly, more than one in ten (11%) believe spending on a credit card is easy money.

Nerys Lewis, head of credit cards at, said: “Our survey suggests many Brits are using their credit cards to power an aspirational lifestyle fuelled by celebrity culture.

“A third (35%) of adults say they are spending more than they can afford this year, and it seems many are turning to credit when they haven’t got the cash or just fancy indulging themselves.

“All this spending has got to come at a price, however. We would urge people to think carefully about what’s essential versus what’s desirable when it comes to using their cards for buying things such as fake tan.

“People should ensure they have a solid plan in place for paying back any debt, and if anyone is struggling, they can speak to a specialist debt advice organisation such as Citizens Advice.”

Via EPR Network
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Bad Credit Rating Can Be a Symptom Of Identity Fraud

In 2012, we are more aware of the problems that arise from identity fraud than ever before, however a recent survey by has suggested that we still do not fully understand the extent to which someone stealing our identity can affect out future chances of getting a loan.

Lead researcher, Peter Richardson, said “It is well known that most identity fraud cases are financially motivated. Fraudsters commonly open bank accounts, take out credit cards and attempt to take out loans using your name, address and history as a means of bypassing the credit checks. The result is potentially devastating to the victim’s financial affairs, however the biggest problem is the bad credit rating you could pick up along the way.”

Your credit rating is important, it’s the first statistic a lender will check when deciding whether to offer you that mortgage you urgently need, or that credit card you have applied for, even the new mobile phone contract you wanted. If you have a blackmark on your credit record due to a fraudsters activity you could mistakenly be refused finance, it is thought over 4000 UK residents have found themselves in this unfortunate situation. have noticed a steady rise in applications for short term loans for people with a bad credit score, as a result of the economic climate and issues resulting from events such as identity theft the number of people with bad credit is trending upwards with no immediate signs of slowing down.

With identity fraud rising year on year, experts have advised people to be extra vigilant with personal documents such as bank statements and utility bills and regularly shred them. By protecting your personal information you can vastly reduce the chances of being victim to ID fraud in the UK, reports show that people earning above £35,000 a year and living in London are most at risk. If your credit record has been damaged it is recommended that you request your own file from one of the leading credit agencies and have any mistakes removed as soon as possible.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Becomes First Ever Brand To Use YouTube Slam And Gives Away £500 has become the first ever brand to use YouTube Slam in its latest social media competition. The YouTube Slam competition is the final showdown of’s latest social media campaign, the ‘5 second challenge’, where the British public were asked to showcase what they could do in 5 seconds to be in with the chance of winning £500.

YouTube Slam is one the most recent innovations from Google which allows users to create a video duel which the public can vote on.’s YouTube Slam will take place from midday on Wednesday 6 June till Friday 15 June 12pm. During this time, the public will get the chance to vote for the ultimate winner of’s 5 second challenge. The entrant with the most votes in the Slam will receive £500 in prize money for themselves or a charity of their choice. Entries received include a woman removing her bra and a unique piece of art created in just 5 seconds and can be viewed at when the Slam begins on midday Wednesday 6 June 2012.

This latest social media campaign forms part of’s ongoing marketing strategy for QuickQuote. The campaign demonstrates the concept of time and what can be achieved in 5 seconds, a creative twist on the fact that the new groundbreaking QuickQuote text message service allows customers to get a car insurance quote in seconds.

The progress of the ‘5 second challenge’ can be followed on the leader board on the YouTube Slam page and the public can help decide who wins the competition by voting for their favourites. The winner of the slam will take £500 prize money.

Sharon Flaherty, head of content at, commented: “It is now almost second nature for people to comment, like, share and vote in social media platforms. The popularity of programmes such as Britain’s Got Talent and The Voice also clearly shows that the public want to be able to affect the outcome of competitions, highlighting that interactivity is key to ensuring successful conversations with customers.

“As such, we have incorporated this into our social media strategy and are encouraging people to vote for their favourite video in our 5 second challenge on YouTube Slam. To see the video of their choice be crowned the winner of our YouTube Slam, viewers simply need to vote for their favourites and make someone a winner.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Standard Life Reveals Most Parents Feel Financially Supporting Their Grown Up Children Is ‘Their Duty’

According to Standard Life research, over half of parents feel it is “their duty as a parent” to financially support their grown up children.

A third of parents worry that without financial help their children would suffer and not achieve their full potential. 37% of parents recognise the impact that the current economy is having on their children’s financial status while a third of parents expect to have to financially support not just their children but also any grandchildren.

Parents are expected to help pay for a variety of amenities; 38% expect to help foot the wedding bill, the most significant cost, with university fees second. More than one in three parents pay university fees or expect to do so, whilst a third of parents are paying towards university accommodation. 34% pay towards their child’s car or expect to do so and a quarter will be likely to pay towards a deposit for a first home. Even a quarter are expected to help with mortgage and credit card debts.

Julie Russell, Head of Customer Relationships at Standard Life, commented: “The economic downturn and price increases have left many parents expecting to have to financially support their children into adulthood. The only way to achieve this is through careful financial planning, so that the financial sacrifices parents make for their grown up children are not to the significant detriment of their own long term plans. Parents need to make sure their money works as hard for them as they are working for their children. That means being efficient with their savings and making the most of tax breaks offered by products like ISAs and pensions.”

Pensions are a tax efficient way for parents to save, with every £4 a person contributes, the government effectively contributes £1 as it rebates the income tax on contributions*. For those who are in a workplace scheme, their employer is likely to be topping up the contributions too.

ISAs help to build up a tax free cash lump sum which can be used to pay for a child’s wedding or to fund university fees. Parents can invest up to half of the annual ISA allowance and earmark that to help themselves and their children with more immediate costs. They can also consider investing the remainder of their allowance in a stocks and shares ISA which has the potential of greater tax efficient growth over the longer term to help with larger future costs.

Via EPR Network
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Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruitment Employs Two; Announces Scholarship Recipient; Sally Ezra Quoted

The Leader in Actuarial Recruitment, Ezra Penland, is proud to announce the hiring of two new employees at the rapidly-growing, Chicago-based firm. Thomas Clohisy joins Ezra Penland as an Actuarial Recruiter. Tom has executive recruiting experience, as well as recruitment business development skills. He was also a successful commodities trader for a number of years, after having earned an MBA from Loyola University and a Bachelor’s degree from Purdue University. Tom can be reached at

John Gieger joins Ezra Penland as Corporate Librarian and Data Specialist. John earned a Masters of Library and Information Science from Dominican University, as well as a Bachelor’s in Audio Engineering from Belmont University. He has varied experiences as a data manager and a librarian, and brings with him exceptional computer skills and an innate ability for information organization. John may be reached at

Additionally, Ezra Penland proudly awards their most recent $500 Actuarial Scholarship to Jordan Nadler. Ms. Nadler is a junior at Missouri State University where she is a Mathematics major with a concentration in Actuarial Science, and she is minoring in Finance and Risk Management & Insurance. In addition to tutoring mathematics, she is a member of the Delta Sigma Pi Professional Business Fraternity and treasurer of the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma, the Risk Management,Insurance and Actuarial Science Fraternity. Nadler has held an internship at American National and will hold an internship at Ernst & Young this summer in New York. She has passed two Actuarial Exams and is pursuing a career as an Actuary.

And, finally, Sally Ezra, Partner at Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruitment, was interviewed in the May-June, 2012 Contingencies, the magazine of the American Academy of Actuaries. The topic was the “Workers Compensation Predictive Modeling Comes of Age”, and Ms. Ezra discussed the hireability and availability of actuaries with such skills.

Via EPR Network
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