Category Archives: Business


Digi Communications N.V.: RCS&RDS wins the frequency rights in the 800 MHz, 2600 MHz and 2600 MHz in Romania

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-Oct-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that on October, 27, 2021, the Portuguese Authority for Telecommunications (ANACOM) finalised the auction which began on December 22, 2020, for the allocation of the frequency user rights in the 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz, 2.6 GHz and 3.6 GHz bands.

ANACOM designated the Group’s Portuguese subsidiary, Dixarobil Telecom, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. (Dixarobil) as winner of the frequency user rights in the 900 MHz (2×5 MHz), 1800 MHz (2×5 MHz), 2.6 GHz (2×5 MHz FDD and 25 MHz TDD), 3.6 GHz (40MHz) bands. The total price of the frequency user rights is EUR 67.34 million.

The user rights will be finally allotted thorough a decision to be taken by ANACOM’s Board of Directors, in the following period.

The Company welcomes ANACOM’s decision which will allow the Group to expand its business on the Portuguese market, in order to provide high quality, affordable telecommunication services, based on the latest technologies.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. posts its Q3 2021 Financial Results

BUCHAREST, Romania, 12-Nov-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that the Q3 2021 Financial Results are available on the Company’s website at:

Also, today at 14:00 UK time / 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the Q3 2021 Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST (Romania local time).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. to hold its Q3 2021 financial results Investors Call on 12 November 2021

BUCHAREST, Romania, 4-Nov-2021— /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that today, Thursday, 4 November 2021, at 12:00 PM CET, at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, took place the Company’s extraordinary general meeting (the EGM) with respect to which the Company informed its shareholders and the market through the Convocation notice released on 23 September 2021 (the Convocation Notice).

The EGM was attended by shareholders representing 74.61% of the total number of shares with voting rights, respectively 70,843,023 shares.

Following the debates, the EGM has adopted the following decision regarding the point included on the agenda, in accordance with the Convocation Notice:

  • Appointment of Statutory Auditor – KPMG N.V. as statutory auditor for the 2021 financial year.

The voting results of the EGM, as well as other relevant information on the EGM and the related documents are available on the Company’s website at the section dedicated to the EGM:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. EGM appointed KPMG N.V. as statutory auditor for FY 2021

BUCHAREST, Romania, 4-Nov-2021— /EuropaWire/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that today, Thursday, 4 November 2021, at 12:00 PM CET, at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, took place the Company’s extraordinary general meeting (the EGM) with respect to which the Company informed its shareholders and the market through the Convocation notice released on 23 September 2021 (the Convocation Notice).

The EGM was attended by shareholders representing 74.61% of the total number of shares with voting rights, respectively 70,843,023 shares.

Following the debates, the EGM has adopted the following decision regarding the point included on the agenda, in accordance with the Convocation Notice:

  • Appointment of Statutory Auditor – KPMG N.V. as statutory auditor for the 2021 financial year.

The voting results of the EGM, as well as other relevant information on the EGM and the related documents are available on the Company’s website at the section dedicated to the EGM:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The Bucharest Court of Appeal quashed the Bucharest Tribunal decision against RCS & RDS S.A.

BUCHAREST, Romania, 1-Nov-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — In connection with the investigation triggered by the Romanian National Anti-Corruption Directorate (“DNA”), which we have previously disclosed to the market and to our investors in the initial public offering prospectus dated 26 April 2017, in the supplemental prospectus dated 8 May 2017, as well as in the subsequent public reports, the Company would like to inform its investors and the market that, based on the information published on the official platform of the court on November, 1, 2021, the Bucharest Court of Appeal granted, amongst other appeals, the appeals of RCS&RDS S.A., Integrasoft S.R.L. and of certain directors.

The Court of Appeal quashed the decision of the Bucharest Tribunal from January, 15, 2019 in its entirety. The judgement is final and no remedy against this decision is admissible at this point.

The file will be sent for retrial, to the competent court, which is the Bucharest Court of Appeal, starting with the procedure of the preliminary chamber.

As we stated since the beginning of this investigation, it is our firm belief that RCS&RDS S.A., Integrasoft S.R.L. and their current and former officers have acted appropriately and in compliance with the laws. We have faith in the Romanian legal system and in a correct solution in this case following its retrial by the competent court.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V.’s Portuguese subsidiary Dixarobil Telecom winner in ANACOM’s frequency user rights auction in Portugal

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-Oct-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that on October, 27, 2021, the Portuguese Authority for Telecommunications (ANACOM) finalised the auction which began on December 22, 2020, for the allocation of the frequency user rights in the 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz, 2.6 GHz and 3.6 GHz bands.

ANACOM designated the Group’s Portuguese subsidiary, Dixarobil Telecom, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. (Dixarobil) as winner of the frequency user rights in the 900 MHz (2×5 MHz), 1800 MHz (2×5 MHz), 2.6 GHz (2×5 MHz FDD and 25 MHz TDD), 3.6 GHz (40MHz) bands. The total price of the frequency user rights is EUR 67.34 million.

The user rights will be finally allotted thorough a decision to be taken by ANACOM’s Board of Directors, in the following period.

The Company welcomes ANACOM’s decision which will allow the Group to expand its business on the Portuguese market, in order to provide high quality, affordable telecommunication services, based on the latest technologies.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. to hold EGM for the appointment of KPMG N.V. as its Statutory Auditor for FY2021

BUCHAREST, Romania, 23-Sep-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that today, 23 September 2021, the Board of Directors of the Company convenes the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (the “EGM”) of the Company (Digi Communications N.V.), to be held on Thursday, 4 November 2021 at 12:00 p.m. CET (13:00 p.m. EET), at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP (Amsterdam office), Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The EGM is convened in order to appoint KPMG N.V. as the Company’s Statutory Auditor for the financial year 2021, replacing the Company’s former statutory auditor (i.e., Ernst & Young Accountants LLP) that was appointed by the annual general meeting of 18 May 2021. This proposal follows Ernst & Young Accountants LLP’s decision to cease their services due to reasons not related to the Company.

Ernst & Young Accountants LLP’s notification occurred outside of the typical financial reporting cycle and, as a result, the Company expects to be late with the issuance of 2021 statutory audited financial statements, also for reasons related to standard audit procedures and inherent processes and requirements related to onboarding of new clients by an audit firm.

On or before 31 July 2022, the Company estimates that it will publish the audited statutory consolidated and stand-alone financial statements issued in accordance with Dutch accounting standards applicable to our Company (i.e., IFRS as adopted by the European Union and Part 9 of book 2 of the Dutch civil code). The annual General Shareholders Meeting to, inter alia, approve the statutory consolidated and stand-alone financial statements will then only be convened upon publication of the same.

Nevertheless, the Company will disclose to the market the relevant management information, including management accounts on 30 April, 2022. Therefore, the Company will publish the 2021 annual report accompanied by audited non-statutory consolidated financial statements issued in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as adopted by the European Union.

The topic of the EGM is the proposal of KPMG N.V. as the Company’s statutory auditor for the 2021 financial year.

We kindly invite investors to visit the Company’s website at (for English readers) and at (for Romanian readers) to review the documentation package for the EGM.

The document named ‘Agenda and explanatory notes’ contains a detailed description regarding the item for the EGM.

Any shareholder interested in attending or voting at the EGM needs to follow the procedures set out in the articles of association of the Company (available at and on the ‘Convocation Notice’ available at The shareholders will also be provided with the possibility to cast their votes via Evote by ING (please see the convening notice attached this report).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. approves 39,000 stock options for RCS&RDS employees

BUCHAREST, Romania, 25-Aug-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform the market and its investors that the Company’s Board of Directors has approved the grant of a number of 39,000 stock options within the stock option programme granted to the benefit of employees of the Company’s Romanian subsidiary, RCS&RDS S.A, pursuant to the Company’s Stock Option Plan.

The vesting of the options is conditional upon the fulfilment of the performance criteria, with the vesting period being set at a minimum of 1 year as of the grant date.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV H1 2021 Financial Results released

BUCHAREST, Romania, 13-Aug-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that the H1 2021 financial results are available on the Company’s website.

For details, please see:

Also, today at 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the H1 2021 Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST (Romania local time).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. to host H1 2021 Financial Results conference call on 13 Aug 2021

BUCHAREST, Romania, 6-Aug-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on 13 August 2021 at 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the H1 2021 financial results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST (Romania local time) on 13 August 2021.

A recording of the conference call will be available on our website for 30 days:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V.’s Romanian and Spanish subsidiaries sign facility agreements

BUCHAREST, Romania, 27-Jul-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (The Company) would like to inform its investors and the market that on 21 and 26 July 2021, the Company’s Romanian and Spanish subsidiaries, each acting as borrowers, entered into two facility agreements.

As per the Senior Facility Agreement from December 15, 2020 the details of which were disclosed at that point to the market (please see, an incremental facility was made available to RCS&RDS, which could be established in accordance with the terms and limits set within the Senior Facilities Agreement. Therefore, pursuant to the Senior Facilities Agreement, on 21 July 2021, the Company’s Romanian subsidiary requested the establishment of an incremental facility in an aggregate amount of RON 500,000,000 (the “Incremental Facility”) to be used for the company’s capital expenditure and general corporate purposes. The facility was entered into, besides RCS&RDS as borrower, by and between DIGI Tavkozlesi es Szolgaltato Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag („Digi Hu”), INVITEL Tavkozlesi Zrt (“Invitel”), the Company, Digi Spain Telecom SLU (“Digi Spain”), as original guarantors on one hand and the Original Lenders and BRD-Groupe Société Générale S.A., on the other. The Incremental Facility is not yet drawn. It is available to be drawn at a later stage.

On 26 July 2021, the Company’s Spanish subsidiary, acting as borrower together with the Company, RCS&RDS, Digi Hu and Invitel, as Original Guarantors, Banco Santander S.A. and a syndicate of banks, acting as lenders, entered into a facilities agreement for an initial duration of three and a half years with the possibility of extension up to 5 years, under which Digi Spain was made available: (i) a term loan facility in a total aggregate amount of EUR 57,000,000; (ii) a term loan facility in a total aggregate amount of EUR 65,000,000; and (iii) a revolving facility in a total aggregate amount of EUR 10,000,000 to be used for several purposes, including CAPEX and general corporate purposes.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Cap Expand Partners announce fresh new approach to business acquisitions, financing and exit strategies

RIEMST, Belgium, 27-Jul-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Financial consulting company Cap Expand Partners are pleased to announce a fresh new approach to business acquisitions, financing, and exit strategies. The company offers exciting windows of opportunity for mid-sized businesses considering expansion overseas, particularly in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg (Benelux), and also for independent, fundless sponsors.

According to Managing Director Sergio van Luijk, Cap Expand Partners have the experience to help businesses with insufficient resources or local expertise manage cross-border acquisitions. The company’s network of debt and equity providers are also proving invaluable to independent sponsors, for whom raising capital on a deal-by-deal basis can be time-consuming, leading to many missed transaction opportunities.

“The independent (or fundless) sponsor model is still a novelty concept, and many individuals working on transactions fail to raise the necessary funding on time,” says van Luijk, “which can be detrimental to their reputation in future deals. That’s why we encourage them to discuss financing options with us before signing a letter of intent.”

As pandemic-related lockdown measures subside, many companies are renewing their quest for growth abroad. Due to Brexit, an increasing number of foreign companies are now setting down roots in the Benelux when expanding to Europe:

“The U.K. is no longer a first port of call for many of our international clients seeking to gain foothold in Europe,” adds van Luijk. “Most companies we speak with were previously unaware of the Benelux’ favorable investment climate, which is why we are temporarily offering qualified companies affordable market entry and business valuation quickscans.”

Cap Expand Partners’ Corporate Development & Acquisition Services build upon the client’s existing strategy. At this time, the company will educate the client on local market considerations, assess the industry potential, analyze possible entry strategies, and if applicable, identify and approach potential acquisition targets. Cap Expand Partners will then manage the deal process, value the company, coordinate with existing in-house and external local counsel, draft offer letters, and conduct negotiations. Post-closing assistance and capital raisings are also offered as required.

Cap Expand Partners also help raise capital on behalf of independent sponsors. Unlike traditional private equity teams, these are experienced individuals who do not have a dedicated pool of funds and raise financing on a deal-by-deal basis to acquire and manage companies. This allows the client to focus on sourcing new deals, and creating value for the companies that they already own. Additionally, Cap Expand Partners educate their investor network on independent sponsor economics, create credibility towards counterparties, and ultimately streamline these complex transactions. The company recently published an article on the independent sponsor model.

For more information about Cap Expand Partners, or to arrange a consultation, visit the website at

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. Executive Director Valentin Popoviciu exercised his stock options on May 27 2021

BUCHAREST, Romania, 28-May-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that on May, 27, 2021, Mr. Valentin Popoviciu, Executive Director of the Company, has exercised his stock options, which have vested in accordance with the provisions of the Company’s stock option plan and which were granted pursuant to the decision of the Company’s general meeting of shareholders dated 30 April 2020 and in relation to which the abovementioned person and the Company have concluded stock option agreement on 14 May 2020. In accordance with this stock option plan, Mr. Valentin Popoviciu was granted 50,000 shares.

In accordance with the provisions of article 19 para. (1) of the Market Abuse Regulation, on 27 May 2021, Mr. Valentin Popoviciu, as person discharging managerial responsibilities in connection with the Company, has notified the Company and the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority in connection with the exercise of the stock options.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV publishes the instructions on the 2020 share dividend payment

BUCHAREST, Romania, 24-May-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications NV (The Company) would like to inform its shareholders and the market that, on 24 May 2021, were made available the detailed instructions regarding the payment of the dividend in gross amount of 0.75 lei per share, as approved by the Company’s general shareholders’ meeting from 18 May 2021.

The detailed instructions on the payment of the dividend are available on the Company’s
website, at the relevant „GSM” section:

For additional information, please contact us at:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications NV grants conditional stock options to several of its Directors

BUCHAREST, Romania, 20-May-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that, on 19 May 2021, Mr. Serghei Bulgac (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company), Mr. Valentin Popoviciu (Executive Director of the Company) and Mr. Bogdan Ciobotaru (Non-Executive Director of the Company) have been granted by the Company conditional stock options pursuant to the decision of the Company’s general meeting of shareholders dated 18 May 2021. The total number of options of class B shares granted as part of this stock option plan (applicable for the year 2021) amounts to 160.000. The further vesting of all option shares granted will be conditional upon several performance criteria and the passage of a minimum duration of 1 year.

More details regarding the stock options granted to each of the above-mentioned Directors are available on the Company’s website at (the Agenda and Explanatory notes published by the Company on 6 April 2021, Annex I and II).

In accordance with the applicable regulations, on 19 May 2021, Mr. Serghei Bulgac, Mr. Valentin Popoviciu and Mr. Bogdan Ciobotaru, as persons discharging managerial responsibilities in connection with the Company, have notified the Company and the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority in connection with the grant of the above-mentioned stock options and the execution between each of them and the Company of corresponding stock option agreements.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. 2021 General Shareholders Meeting adopted decisions

BUCHAREST, Romania, 18-May-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — The Company would like to inform the market and its investors that today, Tuesday, 18 May 2021, at 14:00 PM CEST, at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, took place the Company’s general shareholders’ meeting (the GSM) with respect to which the Company informed its shareholders and the market through the Convocation notice released on 6 April 2021 (the Convocation Notice).

The GSM was attended – either in person or by representative – by shareholders representing 73.54%of the total number of shares with voting rights, respectively 69,656,100 shares.

Following the debates, the GSM has adopted the following decisions regarding the points included on the agenda, in accordance with the Convocation Notice:

2. The Annual Report of the Company for 2020 (item 2 from the Convocation Notice):

c. Adoption of the 2020 Annual Accounts;
d. Distribution of dividend – based on the approval, the Company will distribute a gross dividend of 0.75 RON per share, ex-date – 2 June 2021 and the record date being 3 June 2021. It is expected that the payment date will be on or around 14 June 2021;
e. Release from liability of the members of Board of Directors.
The investors and the market were informed of the 2020 financial results by the publication of the 2020 annual report on 6 April 2021.

3. Remuneration Report for 2020

The general meeting approved by an advisory vote the Remuneration Report for 2020 made public on the Company’s website. The Remuneration Report for 2020 is construed according to the provisions of EU Directive 828/2017 as implemented in The Netherlands.

4. Appointment of Statutory Auditor – Ernst & Young Accountants, LLP, Netherlands.

5. Designation of the Board of Directors as the competent body to repurchase own Class B Shares – based on this approval, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to acquire class B shares through purchases effected on the stock exchange, for the purposes of being granted to statutory executive directors, managers and employees of the group under the various stock option plans approved or to be approved by the Company, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, for a period of 12 months from the date of the AGM (i.e., up to and including 18 May 2022).

The authority of the Board of Directors shall be limited to a maximum of up to 10% of the issued class B share capital at the close of trading on the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange on the date of the AGM, 18 May 2021. The maximum purchase price per class B share shall at no times be higher than the higher of the price of the last independent trade and the highest current independent purchase bid on the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The purchases will not exceed, on any trading day more than 25 % of the average daily volume of the shares on the Regulated Spot Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange on which the purchase is carried out, as defined in article 3 para. (3) from Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016.

The Board of Directors intends to appoint an independent specialized trading / brokerage firm to execute any such buy-back.

6. Approval of award of stock options to executive and non-executive directors

The Board of Directors is authorized to decide upon the award stock options to acquire class B shares in the capital of the Company to executive and non-executive directors subject to the criteria of the Company’s Share Option Plan (the details of which can be found on the Company’s corporate website

The voting results of the GSM, as well as other relevant information on the GSM and the related documents are available on the Company’s website at the section dedicated to the GSM:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. releases its financial results for the first quarter of 2021

BUCHAREST, Romania, 14-May-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that the Q1 2021 Financial results are available on the Company’s website. For more details, please see:

Also, on 17 May 2021 at 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the Q1 2021 Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 12:00 UK time/ 14:00 EEST (Romania local time) on 17 May 2021.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. amends its 2021 Financial Calendar

BUCHAREST, Romania, 6-May-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — DIGI COMMUNICATIONS NV would like to inform its investors and the market that an Amendment to the 2021 Financial Calendar, is available on the Company’s official website (Investor Relations Section/Financial Calendar):

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Digi Communications N.V. to host Q1 2021 Financial Results conference call on 17 May 2021

BUCHAREST, Romania, 6-May-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) announces that on 17 May 2021 at 14:00 UK time / 16:00 EEST (Romania local time) it will host a conference call to discuss the Q1 2021 Financial Results.

To participate please follow the instructions from our website: and pre-register for the call. The deadline for pre-registration is until 12:00 UK time / 14:00 EEST (Romania local time) on 17 May 2021.

A recording of the conference call will be available on our website for 30 days:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

ITFX GROUP launched the ITGFX development strategy plan and entered the Asian market

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, 2021-Apr-17 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — As a high-tech company ITFX GROUP INC has an algorithm system and advanced IT infrastructure providing large-scale development and various services. With the development prospects of the foreign exchange industry becoming more and more favored by investors, the company launched the ITGFX development strategy plan began to move towards internationalization and now has an international foreign exchange business.

Our team of experienced programmers has developed a lot of software for the foreign exchange market, CFD and cryptocurrency market. The solution developed exclusively by our experts is combined with the current largest liquidity provider (quotation). It is designed for arbitrage trading and provides a complete solution for arbitrage of products such as foreign exchange, CFDs and cryptocurrencies, allowing you to easily obtain Profit.

ITFX GROUP INC is one of the few financial technology companies that directly connect to exchange data. Therefore, our customers can get the fastest, most reliable and most accurate quotation. In addition to its own use, the solution has also become a trusted arbitrage trading tool for many large institutional traders. ITGFX’s high-quality, reliable and outstanding customer service has created a good reputation. Due to our persistence in technology excellence, we are currently the most trustworthy foreign exchange company.

ITGFX technical support includes commercial and non-profit organizations and customer groups all over the world. The persistent pursuit and attention to quality has allowed the company to achieve more than 15 years of continuous profitability, which is rare in this highly competitive industry. Relying on the professional background of the investment research team, unique and objective value concepts, and a mature and complete research system, a number of well-known overseas funds have been launched to assist high-net-worth clients to obtain stable returns, avoid the risk of RMB depreciation, and achieve global asset allocation.

In order to comply with the strong market demand and development, in Southeast Asia, Malaysia set up an ITGFX operation center to serve the Southeast Asian market and operate the foreign exchange business. To fully expand the global market, ITGFX welcomes you to join us. We are committed to serving every high-quality partner and creating an industry benchmark.

NOW! ITFX GROUP launched the ITGFX development strategy plan and entered the Asian market. 

Via EPR Network
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