Tag Archives: fintech

Monesave brings social and community touch to personal finance

DUBLIN, 1-Mar-2024 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Monesave, a trailblazer in the social fintech space, proudly unveils its latest innovation: Anonymous Budget Benchmarking. This ground breaking feature empowers users not only to craft personalised budgets but also to compare their progress anonymously with peers, transforming the landscape of financial management.

In today’s digital age, managing finances can often feel like a solitary journey. Traditional budgeting methods, such as pen and paper or generic budgeting apps, fail to address the emotional aspect of financial management.

Recognising the loneliness inherent in traditional budgeting practices, Monesave set out to create a solution that goes beyond mere number crunching. With its empathetic Budgeting App, Monesave provides users with a supportive environment where they can connect with like-minded individuals, share their budgets, investment ideas, and receive encouragement along their financial journey.

“Budgeting shouldn’t be a solitary task,” emphasises Patrick Enin, co-founder and CEO of Monesave. “We understand the emotional toll that financial management can take, especially for those facing unique challenges. That’s why we’ve built a platform that not only helps users manage their finances but also provides a sense of belonging and community.”

Monesave’s Budgeting App reimagines the traditional budgeting experience by offering features tailored to address the emotional needs of users. Through interactive forums, support groups, and personalised guidance, Monesave creates a virtual support network where users can find solace in knowing that they’re not alone in their financial struggles.

“We want our users to feel empowered and supported every step of the way,” adds Sanjay Sikdar. “By fostering a sense of community and empathy, we’re breaking down the barriers to financial success and creating a more inclusive space for everyone.”

In addition to its social approach, Monesave’s Budgeting App offers practical tools and resources to help users achieve their financial goals. From customisable budgets to intuitive savings plans, Monesave equips users with the tools they need to take control of their finances with confidence. Imagine a budgeting community on reddit but from with the ability to actually form groups and invest directly from the Monesave App.

Moreover, Monesave’s Budgeting App encourages collaboration through its Group Savings feature, allowing users to pool resources and work towards common financial objectives. Whether it’s saving for a rainy day fund or planning for a shared expense, Monesave empowers users to achieve their goals collectively, strengthening bonds and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

“We believe in the power of collective action,” states Patrick. “By bringing people together, we can accomplish more than we ever could alone. With Monesave, users can leverage the support of their community to overcome financial challenges and build a brighter future.”

Moreover, Monesave’s Budgeting App fosters a vibrant Budgeting & Savings Community where users can share insights, tips, and strategies for effective money management. Through interactive forums and social features, members can invest in Crypto, challenge each other to save more with positive peer pressure, and get cash rewards on the app.

As part of its commitment to innovation, Monesave is exploring opportunities in Crypto Trading to provide users with additional avenues for wealth accumulation and diversification. By integrating cryptocurrency functionalities into its platform, Monesave aims to cater to the evolving needs of its tech-savvy user base while maintaining its focus on community and empathy.

For more information about Monesave and its Socialised Budgeting App, please visit [www.monesave.com]. Join the Monesave community who share a passion about Savings & Budgeting.

About Monesave:
Monesave is a pioneering company founded by two ex-bankers from minority background who are passionate about revolutionizing bringing a social and community touch to personal finance. Through its innovative Budgeting & Savings App, Monesave empowers users to take control of their finances, gain valuable insights from their peers, and get rewarded. With a focus on transparency, accountability, and community, Monesave is reshaping the future of financial management.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Jifiti, a leader in white-labeled embedded lending, obtains an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license in Europe following a rigorous review from the Swedish regulator

STOCKHOLM, 6-Nov-2023 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Jifiti, a global leader in white-labeled embedded lending, today announced that it has been granted an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license in Europe, following the Swedish regulator’s rigorous review and qualification process.

As a white-labeled solution provider to banks, regulated lenders and financial service providers globally, Jifiti strictly adheres to multinational regulatory and security standards. The EMI license serves as comprehensive validation of the company’s robust compliance and regulatory standards, which also include PCI/DSS, SOC 2 and ISO 27001 certifications.

With its EMI license, Jifiti is able to serve the growing needs of its bank, lender, financial services and merchant clients with a broader scope of payment products and services. Banks and lenders that want to innovate rapidly and compete efficiently in the ever-evolving payments landscape can now do so with Jifiti with the confidence and knowledge that there is enhanced regulatory oversight.

Being licensed also furthers the company’s unparalleled ability to offer pan-European solutions for multinational banks and merchants.

“Our mission at Jifiti is to provide consumers and businesses with access to responsible, affordable financing options from regulated financial entities. Becoming a licensed e-money issuer takes our company to the next level in its growth trajectory and enables us to bring even more value to our customers and partners, ” commented Yaacov Martin, CEO of the Jifiti Group.

Jifiti’s white-labeled embedded lending platform supports every B2B and B2C point-of-sale financing option, including installment loans, lines of credit, net terms and split payments. With its global presence, Jifiti gives consumers and businesses worldwide easy access to loan programs from trusted local banks and lenders from within any customer journey.

About Jifiti

Jifiti (https://www.jifiti.com) is a leading fintech company that powers white-labeled embedded lending for banks, lenders and merchants worldwide. The company’s white-labeled platform provides banks and lenders with state-of-the-art technology to easily deploy and scale any consumer and business financing program at any merchant’s point of sale – online, in-store and via call center. The platform supports every loan and BNPL option, including installment loans, lines of credit, split payments and business financing. With its multinational presence, Jifiti provides end-to-end point-of-sale financing solutions to global brands in any international market. Jifiti is utilized by leading financial institutions including Mastercard, Citizens Bank, CaixaBank, Credit Agricole, financial service providers including FIS, Finastra and Fiserv, and top retail brands including IKEA, Peloton, Wyndham, Wayfair, Sonae, Coppel and others worldwide.

Jifiti is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, and has offices in Sweden and Israel.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

LIMASSOL, Zypern, 14-Jun-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Star-Investor und ICQ-Mitbegründer Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

  • Durch Funding von Investoren und Accelerator Programmen erreicht Velvet ein Seed-Investment von über 1,3 Mio. USD
  • Velvet erhält außerdem Funding und Auszeichnung durch HubSpot Accelerator
  • Fintech-Startup beschleunigt KI-Technologieentwicklung und Kundengewinnung

Das Fintech-Unternehmen Velvet Software Technologies erhält ein Seed-Investment in Höhe von 1,3 Mio. USD, sowie Unterstützung von Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger. Der ICQ-Mitbegründer sichert sich einen Platz im Advisory Board des in Stuttgart gegründeten Startups. Die Finanzierung erfolgte nach Zielerreichung von exponentiellem Kundenwachstums sowie starkem Performance-Ausbau der KI-basierten Velvet-Algorithmen. Neben dem Investment von mehreren Investoren wurde Velvet in die Microsoft und Hubspot Accelerator-Programme aufgenommen, im Rahmen derer sich das Fintech-Startup ein weiteres 6-stelliges Funding und Zugriff auf modernste KI-Infrastruktur sichern konnte.

Velvet Software Technologies bietet mit Velvet AutoInvest eine neue Art des Investierens für Privatanleger aller Erfahrungsstufen an. Mission ist es, Privatinvestoren mittels modernster Technologie eine Geldanlage bereitzustellen, die bislang hauptsächlich Hedgefonds vorbehalten ist. Der Handelsalgorithmus Velvet AutoInvest ist zur Ausführung seiner KI-basierten Trades an einen durch ASIC regulierten, international renommierten australischen Broker angebunden. Zur Nutzung von Velvet verbinden Kunden ihren zuvor beim Broker erstellen Account mit Velvet AutoInvest. Daraufhin werden die von der Velvet-KI automatisiert generierten Trades auf das Kundenkonto beim Broker übertragen.

Julius Franck-Oberaspach, CEO von Velvet: “Dass Velvet AutoInvest, ursprünglich für den Eigennutzen entwickelt, bereits nach kurzer Zeit so sehr Fahrt aufnimmt, ist für uns unglaublich. Velvet bietet Privatinvestoren an, mittels unserer KI-Algorithmen den fehleranfälligen, manuellen Investment-Prozess nun wie Investmentbanken zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Die extreme Komplexität und Tiefe der am Finanzmarkt verfügbaren Informationen waren Ideenbringer zur Gründung von Velvet.”

“Velvet AutoInvest bietet ein für Privatpersonen in der Finanzwelt sehr revolutionäres, benutzerfreundliches Anlageprodukt: Die schlichte Verbindung zu einem KI-Algorithmus, der in seiner Komplexität normalerweise nur von institutionellen Anlegern verwendet wird. Privatanleger können technisch hochgerüstet und mit weitreichendem Risiko-Management damit wie Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan oder BlackRock am Finanzmarkt investieren”, ergänzt Jonathan R. Hirsch, CMO von Velvet.

Yair Goldfinger: „Für mich sind junge, talentierte und motivierte Teams, die unglaubliche Ergebnisse erzielen, der wichtigste Baustein in einem Unternehmen. Bei Velvet sehe ich das auf das nächste Level gehoben. Das Produkt, das sie entwickelt haben, ist einfach großartig. Ich verfolge den Markt seit Jahren sehr genau, aber etwas Vergleichbares zu dem, was Velvet anbietet, habe ich noch nie gesehen. Das Team hat in den letzten Monaten nicht nur eine herausragende Performance der KI-basierten Handelsalgorithmen erreicht, sondern es ebenso geschafft, daraus ein intuitives Produkt für Privatpersonen zu bauen – und nun steigt das Kundeninteresse explosionsartig. Diese Kombination aus Team-, Produkt- und Marktinteresse zeigen zweifelslos absolutes Potenzial für weiterhin exponentielles Wachstum des Startups.“

Mit der neu erhaltenen Liquidität wird Velvet sein Fintech-Angebot von der Integration bis hin zum Nutzererlebnis weiter optimieren und beschleunigt skalieren. Dazu zählt unter Anderem die Einstellung zusätzlicher Analyst*innen zur kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung der Handelsalgorithmen wie auch der Ausbau des Customer Supports Teams. Hinzu kommt der Einsatz fortschrittlicher CRMs, gesponsert vom HubSpot Startup Accelerator, zur weiteren Support-Automatisierung, um so für künftige Expansionen gerüstet zu sein.

Mit den Velvet-Strategien Blue, Ultra und dem Flaggschiff Pro verwenden Privatanleger KI-gestützte Anlagestrategien mit Zugriff auf einen breiten Diversifizierungsmix aus über 20 Finanzinstrumenten. Die Produkte folgen dabei unterschiedlichen Risikoprofilen und Renditechancen. Den Kern aller Velvet-Strategien bildet ein Random-Forest-Algorithmus für maschinelles Lernen, welcher Anhand von über 1.300 Datenpunkten mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit Erwartungswerte verschiedener Handelstaktiken prognostiziert. Anhand dieser Prognose werden Handelsentscheidungen gewichtet und die Strategie flexibel an neue Marktverhältnisse angepasst. Ziel dabei ist der nachhaltige und kosteneffiziente Vermögensaufbau der angebundenen Accounts, mit aktivem Risikomanagement und Automatisierung. Aufgrund der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und des minimalen Eigenaufwands sind alle Velvet-Produkte speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Privatanlegern ausgelegt und damit für Einsteiger wie auch für erfahrene Investoren gleichermaßen geeignet.

Neukunden erhalten bei Velvet AutoInvest einen kostenfreien Probemonat, in dem die automatisierten KI-Handelssignale ohne Berechnung einer Gewinnprovision getestet werden können. Nach Registrierung und Eröffnung des Broker-Accounts wird dieser mit der gewünschten Risikoklasse verbunden. Kunden behalten dabei jederzeit die volle Kontrolle und Transparenz über ihr Depot. Die Nutzung der AI-Software ist grundsätzlich kostenlos, Gebühren in Höhe von 15-25 % werden ausschließlich auf erzielte Renditen gezahlt und pro Monat abgerechnet. Velvet AutoInvest kann jederzeit ohne Kündigung deaktiviert werden.

Weitere Informationen zu Velvet Software Technologies und Velvet AutoInvest unter: https://www.vlvt.ai/de/

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Framework becomes daappa, the data, accounting, and administration platform for private assets

LUXEMBOURG, 17-Jan-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Global fintech, Framework PEIDM, has announced a new name and brand identity – alongside a new product release – as the final phase of its multi-year digital transformation.

Building on a long pedigree, Framework has rebranded to daappa, as the firm looks to stay ahead of the rapidly evolving private asset market.

The company was acquired by Bertil Rouveure (its chairman) in 2016, following its initial sale as Accounting Frameworks to 3i Infotech in 2008. Since then, daappa has been on a journey of rejuvenation and evolution, culminating in a new management team, the opening of an office in Luxembourg, an upgrade of its core platform, the launch of new products, and new service capabilities including daappa cloud – a managed cloud and data service delivery model.

The rapid pace of change in the private asset market has underpinned the evolution of daappa.

The ‘retailisation’ or democratisation of an asset class long the preserve of very wealthy and sophisticated investors, means the industry is facing demands to become more transparent and socially responsible – against a backdrop of downward fee pressure and more stringent regulatory oversight.

Augmenting daappa’s core accounting, administration and reporting capabilities, is the launch of two new products – daappa Studio and daappa Studio+, which meet these industry challenges head on, with new value-added applications including mandate and ESG Compliance, complex investment structure Look Through, investment and operational data Analytics, a reporting, data and document Portal, and DataHub that addresses a long-held goal of many firms by creating a single source of truth for aggregated internal and external data.

Alongside this wider repositioning, daappa has undergone a cultural reboot. As a global firm, the new management team has been mindful of workers’ local traditions and customs, as well as the firm’s impact on the environment, with the launch of a new CSR initiative, mission statement and company values statement.

Bertil Rouveure, daappa Chairman, said: “Engagement with our clients and the wider industry means we know there is a clear need for the private market industry to be more open and collaborative”.

“Our team has worked diligently over the last 18 months to establish the daappa ecosystem, providing our clients with a flexible and scalable technology platform and a proactive partnership approach to client servicing.”

Karim Ali, daappa CEO said: “The initial feedback on the rebrand from our clients, prospects and consultants has been overwhelmingly positive”.

“While in the process of revamping and expanding our platform and services, we concluded the time was right to update our core values, mission, and objectives.”

“Our clients, and indeed the industry, are demanding a better user experience, transparency, interoperability and flexibility – this has been our focus”.


About daappa

daappa is the data, accounting, and administration platform for private assets.

The daappa platform is a combination of software, cloud technology, data management and proactive client servicing designed to assist asset owners, general partners, asset managers and fund administrators to be data-driven, transparent and operationally efficient.

daappa has been purpose-built to manage complex investment, structures and funds related to private equity, debt, loans and real assets with front to back-office functionality, inbuilt workflow, reporting and data management capabilities that are delivered via a secure, managed cloud service.

We are a socially responsible global fintech with a mission to advance the democratisation of private asset markets. We are trusted by our clients to help them stay ahead of regulatory and operational change. Our agile team cares deeply about what we produce and deliver to help our clients minimise their risks and maximise their opportunities.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Luxembourg fund servicing firm Fidupar goes live with Framework’s investment and operations platform

LONDON, 13-Dec-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Framework, a specialist provider of middle and back-office technology for private markets, announces today that Luxembourg based fund advisory and administration company Fidupar S.A. is now live on Framework Core (Core) to support their Investor Services, Fund Accounting, General Ledger, and Reporting functions. Having implemented Core, Fidupar, who has seen a surge of interest in its services, can deliver sophisticated investor services to its clients, as well as an improved way to navigate the changes to existing and new regulations within the private assets market.

Nicolas Montagne, Managing Director of Fidupar, said: “Framework’s dedication in supporting and ensuring a smooth transition to our new robust platform was second to none, they clearly listened to our needs and upcoming challenges as a fund servicer. We are confident that with Core in place our clients can expect superior service. Choosing Framework as a software partner was the right decision for our business.”

With Core now embedded, Fidupar has access to a powerful tool that optimises its operational efficiency for its administrative functions, including transaction management, accounting and valuations – on a secure and open architecture cloud-hosted platform. Core also incorporates robust and flexible reporting capabilities and shareholder services including automated investor communications.

In addition to a favourable legal and tax regime, one of the main draws of Luxembourg is the highly-skilled, multilingual staff who can provide tailor-made services for international clients as are found at Fidupar. This commitment to responsiveness and focusing on the needs of customers was an attribute that Fidupar recognises in Framework too.

Craig Tyzack, Head of Delivery & Operations of Framework added: “Working with the Fidupar team allowed us to solidify the reasons they chose Framework as their software provider throughout the implementation process. We focused on understanding Fidupar’s requirements and used our industry knowledge to customise our solution to those needs. Delivering a user-friendly, robust platform to our clients is paramount.”

About Framework
Framework, founded in 2000, is a specialist provider of middle and back-office technology for private markets. Since being acquired by BRD Investments in 2016, Framework is committed to advancing open, flexible digital solutions for asset owners, managers and administrators and the evolution of private asset funds. A significant number of platform and product enhancements have been undertaken, many specifically to address the current and future requirements of leading sophisticated private asset administrators.

Framework holds a leading position with Development Bank customers in Europe and North America and in particular the UK, and services several industry-leading independent or bank-owned asset managers in Europe and the Middle East.

About Fidupar
Part of the Elate Group, Fidupar was formed at the beginning of 2000 by the contribution of the activity of the financial engineering departments of two major banks in the Luxembourg financial centre.

By focusing on the needs of our customers, we have grown considerably with the deep commitment to our historical values: responsiveness, creativity, commitment, and ambition, while maintaining a high level of ethics.

With multilingual staff specialised in different sectors, we provide tailor-made services for our international clients. Our multidisciplinary teams work in close collaboration with our clients in the realization of their projects.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Venture Fund part of insurtech startup Ignatica’s Pre-A round of financing

ZÜRICH, 7-Jul-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Ignatica, the insurance policy administration platform that offers digital self-service and intelligent automation solutions for insurers, is excited to announce that the Innovation and Technology Venture Fund (ITVF) has become its strategic investor.

The ITVF is a HK$2 billion fund established in 2017 by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government to co-invest with selected venture capital funds in local innovation and technology (I&T) start-ups.

“Becoming a portfolio company of the ITVF is core to Ignatica’s love and commitment to Hong Kong and its burgeoning start-up and technology sector,” said Ignatica President and Co-Founder, Travis Callahan.

As the first insurtech investment made by the ITVF, Ignatica’s platform lets insurers quickly and efficiently build and launch new products at low cost, while drastically reducing administration costs and transforming the servicing experience for consumers.

“The investment aligns with the ITVF’s primary objective to support the development of I&T start-ups in Hong Kong. We look forward to supporting Ignatica’s innovative work that creates new markets and value for the insurance industry,” said an ITVF spokesperson.

As of July 7, 2021, the ITVF has invested US$1.75 million in Ignatica.

“As a lifelong Hong Konger, it means a great deal to me to enter into this partnership with the city,” said Ignatica CTO and Co-Founder Adhish Pendharkar. “Ignatica is a reflection of the diversity, innovation, and sense of community of Hong Kong.”

Ignatica’s suite of SaaS offerings allows insurance product managers to create and edit coverages and plans, dynamically adjust pricing, and change product configurations in seconds. They also enable servicing and back-office operations to be automated and pushed to the front edge for digital self-service for even the most complex insurance products.

“The ITVF is an ideal investor as we continue to scale our business globally,” said Manuel San Miguel, Ignatica’s CEO and Co-Founder. “It’s an honor to be chosen by the city’s own, premiere investment fund.”

“We welcome the Innovation and Technology Venture Fund to join as a co-investor of Ignatica. We believe Ignatica will be better positioned growing in the Hong Kong market, and in turn contributing to Hong Kong’s fintech industry,” said Ming Shu, Partner of Lingfeng Capital. “As the lead investor of the company’s Pre-A round of financing, we are very pleased to introduce Ignatica to the ITVF. Moving forward, we aspire to continue our post-investment value-add to our portfolio companies and together building the future of insurance technology in the Greater China region and beyond.”

ABOUT IGNATICA (www.ignatica.io/)

Ignatica was founded in 2018 by Manuel San Miguel, former Manulife CTO for APAC, fellow technology and insurance industry veteran, Adhish Pendharkar, and longtime C-suite executive and entrepreneur Travis Callahan. Its core platform technology enables insurers to profitably provide every person on the planet the type of insurance they need, at the price they can afford, with the service and speed that today’s customers expect.

ABOUT INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY VENTURE FUND (https://www.itf.gov.hk/en/funding-programmes/supporting-start-ups/itvf/)

The ITVF is a HK$2 billion fund established by the HKSAR Government in 2017 with a view to attracting more private capital to invest in local I&T start-ups, thereby creating a more vibrant I&T ecosystem in Hong Kong. The ITVF will co-invest with selected co-investment partners at a matching investment ratio of approximately 1 to 2.

ABOUT LINGFENG CAPITAL (www.lingfengcap.com/)

Lingfeng Capital is a growth capital private equity fund for the fintech sector in the Asia Pacific, particularly in the Greater China region. Its focus is on real applications and underlying tech for the finance industry. Its vision is to become the leading innovative tech fund management company and to facilitate growth and success for the next generation of entrepreneur-driven fintech companies.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

A Neowintech é um marketplace financeiro que tem por base uma filosofia de simplicidade, rapidez e conveniência

LISBON, 26-Feb-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — A Neowintech é um marketplace financeiro que tem por base uma filosofia de simplicidade, rapidez e conveniência. Ao estabelecer parcerias com vários prestadores de serviços financeiros, consegue dar acesso a um leque alargado de soluções para cada etapa da vida das pessoas.

Através de um perfil digital único que pode ser criado em menos de 5 minutos, os utilizadores conseguem aceder a produtos inovadores fornecidos por entidades terceiras, desde soluções de investimento a planos de pensões, hipotecas, e fundos de investimento – oferta essa que irá futuramente incluir mais serviços.

O resultado é um ponto central de gestão de finanças pessoais, com uma base tecnológica sólida e segura, a que toda a gente pode aceder de maneira completamente gratuita.

Sendo totalmente digital, cada parte da vida financeira de cada um pode ser acedida, gerida e impulsionada através do smartphone, dispensando qualquer tipo de papelada ou deslocações a locais físicos.

Ao selecionar cuidadosamente parceiros adequados, simplificar processos e melhorar a eficiência ao longo de toda a linha, a Neowintech pretende dar mais opções a mais pessoas, num processo de democratização de ferramentas e soluções que, ou estavam reservadas a um número limitado de pessoas, ou eram de tal modo complicadas que acabavam por contribuir para uma gestão financeira desnecessariamente não otimizada.

Em linha com esta filosofia, o processo de registo é também ele rápido e fácil. Basta fornecer o endereço de email e alguma informação pessoal. Isto inclui alguma documentação que tem o objetivo de validar a identidade do cliente, pelo que todos os requisitos de cada documento deverão ser lidos com atenção.

Este é um novo período de possibilidades financeiras. O alargamento do acesso é um dos pontos centrais da Era da Informação, e não há motivo para deixar a gestão financeira do lado de fora. Porque este é um assunto que deve estar presente para todas as pessoas. Torná-la mais fácil é mais do que uma preocupação de negócio para a Neowintech. É também uma missão, permitindo que cada vez mais pessoas possam melhorar as suas circunstâncias, sejam elas como forem.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Neowintech è un marketplace finanziario costruito attorno a una filosofia di semplicità, velocità e convenienza

ROME, 26-Feb-2021 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Neowintech è un marketplace finanziario costruito attorno a una filosofia di semplicità, velocità e convenienza. Stabilendo partnership con diversi fornitori di servizi finanziari, è in grado di offrire l’accesso a una gamma completa di soluzioni per le molteplici e diverse fasi della vita delle persone.

Sotto un unico profilo digitale che può essere creato in meno di 5 minuti, gli utenti possono accedere a prodotti innovativi forniti da partner terzi, incluse soluzioni di investimento, piani pensionistici, mutui e fondi di investimento – con ulteriori servizi in arrivo in futuro.

Il risultato è un punto centrale della gestione delle finanze personali, solidamente costruito su una tecnologia sicura, a cui tutti possono accedere facilmente e completamente gratuito.

Essendo completamente digitale, è possibile accedere, gestire e migliorare ogni aspetto della propria vita finanziaria attraverso il proprio smartphone, senza bisogno di scartoffie o di recarsi a una sede fisica.

Selezionando attentamente i partner adatti, semplificando i processi e migliorando l’efficienza dall’inizio alla fine, Neowintech mira a portare più opportunità a più persone, democratizzando efficacemente l’accesso a strumenti e soluzioni che in precedenza erano riservati a un numero limitato di persone, oppure talmente complicati da lasciare la gestione finanziaria personale inutilmente sotto ottimizzata.

In linea con la sua filosofia, anche l’iscrizione è molto semplice e veloce. E’ sufficiente fornire un indirizzo email e alcune informazioni personali. Ciò include fornire documenti al fine di garantire la corretta identificazione del cliente, quindi tutti i requisiti i termini di documentazione devono essere letti attentamente.

Questa è una nuova era di possibilità finanziarie. Un maggiore accesso alle nuove opportunità è uno degli elementi fondamentali dell’Era dell’Informazione e non c’è motivo per cui la gestione del denaro debba esserne esclusa. Perché si tratta di qualcosa che dovrebbe essere nella mente di tutti. Rendere più facile per le persone farlo non è solo una preoccupazione aziendale per Neowintech, ma anche una missione in modo che più persone possano migliorare la propria situazione, indipendentemente da dove si trovano.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

TABS Score™ adds TABS | EU Assessment to their Diligence-as-a-Service (#DaaS) platform

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., United States, 20-Jul-2020 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — TABS Score™Â has just deployed their newest addition to the suite of products available on their Diligence-as-a-Service (DaaS) platform – TABS | EU Assessment, (available in both Lite and Suite versions). The rollout was strategically timed to complement the rapidly increasing requests by TABS’ existing European (and those that focus on Europe as a market) customers, as there are quite a few differences in terms of rules, processes, and regulations that European ventures face differently than US-based startups. The new model entails the addition of several nested decision trees to augment the already-powerful nucleus of the Machine Learning algorithm, as well as a new ESG, regulatory, and analytics sections to properly address the differences between American and European resources, financing, policies, accounting practices and more. The EU version of the Assessment will mirror the US Assessment in functionality and output but will provide comparative analytics between them and their counterparts on the global market and allow companies to complete the Assessment in a language of their preference.

Mayflower Ventures, a micro-fund being formed by Wall Street Veteran Marshall Sterman, has already made the decision to integrate a Diligence-as-a-Service as part of their investment process which pitching to investors for the fund.

“Both the committed and prospective LPs love the fact that instead of asking for higher management fees to hire an analyst team in house, we are making smart lateral decisions to use a powerful software like TABS to strengthen and accompany our own internal diligence processes,” Sterman says.

As TABS expands to Europe and subsequently, their footprint across the globe, they will soon be modifying the assessment to meet the needs of ventures in other venture hotspots as well, the APAC region being the first. The comprehensiveness and ever-evolving nature of the TABS Score and its customizable solutions has made the Fin-Tech company one of the most sought-after Diligence-as-a-Service providers, with accolades coming from founders, investors, accelerators, and consultants (legal, accounting, fundraising, etc.)

TABS has already gained significant traction in the US markets, partially attributable to the Covid-19 virus and the cancellations of physical meetings. Engineered by successful serial entrepreneurs and veteran seed investors, the TABS Suite, which includes the TABS Score & Valuation assessment, has helped investors assess the viability of a business, significantly augmenting their diligence process in a fraction of the time and cost. Early-stage companies on the other hand increase the probability of attracting the attention of a potential investor by proactively going through the process.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Fast Invest will allow users to use their bitcoin or ethereum as collateral for loans in traditional currencies

Essex, UK, 13-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Fast Invest is excited to announce the launch of its native cryptocurrency token (FIT) during their upcoming ICO launched on December 4th. The FinTech company has been operating since 2015 in the investment loan space, connecting funders with loan-seekers in a peer-to-peer exchange. With more than 8,500 daily users from 36 countries, Fast Invest is expanding into the largely unoccupied cryptocurrency lending sector.

Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have been rapidly in 2017, racking up a seventeen times (at the time of this press release) increase in market capitalization since the beginning of 2017.  As these financial technologies mature new opportunities arise, especially for unbanked and underbanked populations. This is because digital currencies allow for the exchange of value without the need for central banks or other intermediaries. Fast Invest aims to leverage these developments to democratize investment by allowing people to invest as little as one dollar on their loan platform. This enables users to band together to crowdfund a loan that gets paid back with interest, which can then generate returns for the loan suppliers.

In what may be a first for the industry, Fast Invest will allow users to use their bitcoin or ethereum as collateral for loans in traditional currencies. Due to the nature of smart contracts, loans like this can be executed with very little human input and all parties can be sure that the terms of the loan will be carried out. This is because smart contracts utilize code and mathematics to enforce agreements without the need for human intervention.

By expanding to cryptocurrency-based investment instruments the company aims to reduce friction in the world of P2P investment and loan services. These offerings include a cryptocurrency exchange, digital wallet for holding tokens, cryptocurrency investment services, decentralized lending, and a payment card that can be funded by cryptocurrencies but used like a credit card.

SOURCE: EuropaWire