Call for Papers Encourages Academic Thought Leaders to Identify Ways to Implement Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment Principles into Practice
Axiata Financial and the National Association of Corporate Managers (NACM) issued an invitation to undergraduate and graduate students, PhD researchers and university faculty to participate in a global challenge to apply the latest in academic theory to develop innovative corporate governance practices. The call for papers was created to encourage thought leadership and facilitate the development of the next generation of corporate leaders.
Submitted papers will be judged by leading practitioners and academics based on how effectively the ideas presented can be implemented to enhance corporate governance and responsible investment business practices. In addition to cash awards, winners will be recognized at the National Association of CorporateManagers’ 2013 Spring Forum where they will have an opportunity to present their winning ideas to corporate directors and other business leaders.
“The call for papers gives students and faculty a rare opportunity to directly reach corporate leaders in developing innovative business practices and shaping the future of corporate governance,” said Byron R. Silver, who is chairing the evaluation committee.
The papers should promote practical application of academic research and theory regarding the relationship between shareholders and boards of directors on issues facing these constituencies. Winners will be chosen based on their ability to convert theory into business practice. Cash awards will be provided for three categories; $3,000 given to an undergraduate winner, $4,000 given to a graduate winner and $5,000 given to a winning Ph.D. or faculty submission.
“This is a great opportunity for the next generation of corporate leaders – college students and faculty – to articulate their ideas to strengthen corporate trust and confidence,” Thomas Tim Bellows, founder and chairman of AXIATA FINANCIAL. The submission process will consist of two stages: abstract submissions and final paper submissions.
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Via EPR Network
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