Category Archives: Money


Un leader innovativo nel trading forex online Orbex annunciato una partnership strategia con l’Università LUM Jean Monnet

CYPRUS, 24-Aug-2016 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Orbex, un leader innovativo nel trading forex online, ha annunciato quest’oggi una partnership strategia con l’Università LUM Jean Monnet, un’università privata italiana, conosciuta in tutto il mondo e altamente stimata come centro di formazione economica. La partnership unirà l’esperienza di Orbex nelle soluzioni di trading e nell’analisi di mercato con l’approccio scientifico avanzato della LUM nello sviluppo economico.

Questa partnership risponde alla domanda nel settore di professionisti di alto calibro in materia di trading e soluzioni di investimento multi-target di prossima generazione, qualità che possono essere sviluppate solo tramite progetti di ricerca collaborativa.

L’iniziativa di Orbex è una risposta olistica alle sfide che il settore pone. Orbex espanderà il programma formativo del Master in Analisi finanziaria e di borsa e contribuirà con la sua conoscenza pratica dei mercati internazionali. Gli specialisti di Orbex hanno preparato un programma speciale per gli studenti del Master, che prevede anche seminari teorici e pratici e webinar. Inoltre, gli studenti avranno libero accesso a tutto il materiale formativo della società, trasformando così il centro formativo Orbex in un polo di innovazione e scambio di idee.

La comunità di trading, a sua volta, avrà l’opportunità unica di attingere direttamente dalle conoscenze degli studi scientifici più recenti e di imparare dai più autorevoli docenti di economia.

Kira Vessiari, Content Manager di Orbex, è convinta che “Orbex sta compiendo un passo significativo nel realizzare la propria visione di diventare la destinazione online preferita per una formazione nel trading di qualità. Questa partnership con l’Università LUM ha il potenziale di dare vita a nuovi approcci verso il trading e siamo entusiasti delle nuove opportunità che questa collaborazione offrirà a Orbex per avanzare progressivamente.”

Edoardo Ciampelletti, Desk italiano di Orbex, ha dichiarato: “Abbiamo osato unire quella che è sempre stata vista come una sfera strettamente accademica con una sfera giudicata puramente pratica e tecnologica. Credo proprio che grazie a questa collaborazione possiamo dare vita a una vera e propria rivoluzione nella formazione del trading.”

Professor Adriano Carenza, Università LUM: “Il Master mira a formare professionisti che possono offrire supporto a istituti finanziari, in prevalenza banche, SGR, SIM e SICAV, nel processare e monitorare piani operativi finanziari e strategici, così come sistemi di organizzazione e riconoscimento dei rischi degli strumenti finanziari. Orbex ha voluto riconoscere la qualità e la visione di questo progetto formativo firmando una partnership con la Scuola di Management della LUM, che attraverso lezioni, webinar, seminari ed esercizi, si pone come obiettivo uno sviluppo sostenibile del mercato globale dei servizi di trading online e di creare un nuovo tipo di operatore finanziario. Completando il corso, i nuovi professionisti avranno acquisito capacità versatili nel settore della finanza pura.”


SOURCE:  EuropaWire


DUBLIN, IRELAND, February 24, 2015 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Over the past few months VML was contacted by Mr Conor Ryan and other reporters working on a programme for RTE, the Irish broadcaster.

It soon became clear that a number of untrue and defamatory allegations – about VML and persons formerly or currently connected with it – would be made in the programme and had already been made to third parties. After VML clearly outlined the correct position to RTE, its lawyers confirmed that the programme and/or its reporting would be “fair and balanced”, “fair, impartial and objective”, “fair to all interests concerned”, “fair and accurate”, “broadcast in good faith” and contain “nothing misleading, unsavoury or malicious” nor any “distortions or untruths”. VML was further assured by RTE’s lawyers that it “adheres to high standards of journalistic ethics” and follows “proper journalistic standards”.

Unfortunately, this did not happen: despite withdrawing many of the untrue and defamatory allegations, when broadcasting its programme on 5th February, RTE retained a number of others.

Accordingly, on 13th February 2015, following the advice of Senior and Junior Counsel, VML issued proceedings against RTE and Mr Ryan. The proceedings are for defamation, procuring a breach of confidence, malicious falsehood and other wrongs, for which aggravated and exemplary damages are sought. It is expected that other parties will issue similar proceedings in the English High Court.

The true position, as previously stated to but ignored by RTE, is as follows:
• In 2004, VML effectively came under the control of the British Government.
• In 2011, VML was sold by the British Government to an English private company.
• In 2014, VML was sold by that English company to its present owner.
• The beneficial owners of VML’s shares and debt are those appearing on the public register.
• VML’s current owner and directors are entirely distinct from the previous owners and directors.

Vivier Mortgages
Vivier Mortgages is a Dublin, Ireland based home loan company that has specialised in secured property lending, principally for domestic mortgages and building projects, for nearly twenty years. The company, having recently become part of Vivier Group, is currently looking for new opportunities in Ireland, in the areas of property acquisition, redevelopment and regeneration.

Vivier Group
Vivier Group is the global umbrella organisation of the Auckland based Vivier & Co and Vivier Investments, the London based Vivier Developments & Vivier Home Loans, and the Dublin based Vivier Mortgages.

Luigi Wewege
Luigi Wewege is the founder of Vivier Group and the Managing Director of Vivier Mortgages (a Dublin, Ireland based home loan company), as well as CEO of its Auckland based financial services arm, Vivier & Co, a boutique Financial Service Provider in New Zealand, offering no-cost, above average returns for investors.

Media Contact

Company Name: Vivier Mortgages
Contact Person: Media Relations Manager
Phone: +353 1 697 1353
Country: Ireland

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Byrd Imperial Group LLC. Announces 600,000 common equity shares available at no monetary costs

San Antonio, Texas, January 13, 2015 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Byrd Imperial Group is seeking 1 to 4 Executive Advisors to join our team by helping to raise funds to build and operate a new franchise headquarters in Texas. In exchange for successfully seeking out and securing a 10% Preferred Equity Investor who subscribes to a minimum investment of $3.5M, Byrd Imperial Group will issue 150,000 shares of common stock at no cost. An Executive Advisor could earn up to 4 times that amount or 600,000 shares by securing a single qualified Investor.

In addition to this offer, Byrd Imperial Group is offering 4,000,000 Preferred Equity Shares at a price of $3.50 per share with a minimum purchase of 1,000,000 shares.

Byrd Imperial Group LLC. ( is a franchise development and management company with a total of 9 new business models. Our business plan combines 6 new franchise opportunities along with our internal finance company all-operating at 1 flagship location. From the company headquarters in Texas, we will be able to efficiently manage, grow, and operate each new business opportunity. After smoothing out the operating procedures, the home office location will serve as a springboard to advance each new business as single point locations through nationwide franchising.

Contact-Details: Byrd Imperial Group LLC.
Preston Byrd


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Nomura Group’s equity execution services arm Instinet adds Philippines to its Direct Market Access (DMA) and Algorithmic Trading platforms

LONDON, November 6, 2014 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ —  Instinet Incorporated today announced the addition of the Philippines to its Direct Market Access (DMA) and Algorithmic Trading platforms.

The Philippines becomes the twelfth Asia-Pacific market to which Instinet provides low-touch electronic access. Clients had previously been able to execute trades on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) via Instinet Pacific Limited’s high-touch trading desk in Hong Kong.

Commenting on launch, David Firmin, Head of Global Trading Research, Asia-Pacific, said:

“Clients are increasingly looking to leverage the same tools across the entirety of Asia-Pacific.

Instinet has worked extensively to tune our global platform to meet the specific market structure requirements of the region’s emerging markets in addition to the primary markets we’ve long supported. Remaining at the forefront of trading technology provision in Asia-Pacific is critical to our global strategy, and we’re pleased to be expanding our electronic footprint with the addition of the Philippines.”

Instinet’s award-winning algorithmic trading platform—the Execution Experts®—is a global, event-driven suite of strategies designed to address nearly any trading objective. The strategies, which offer extensive controls to refine behavior, utilize multiple fair pricing models and advanced submission techniques designed to reduce adverse selection and exposure to potentially predatory behavior.

About Instinet

As the equity execution services arm of the Nomura Group, Instinet Incorporated’s subsidiaries provide independent, agency-only brokerage services to clients throughout the world. Through its advanced suite of electronic trading tools, experienced high-touch trading group and unparalleled access to insightful content and unique agency-only liquidity, Instinet helps institutions lower overall trading costs and ultimately improve investment performance. Over the course of its 40+ year history, Instinet has introduced a range of now industry-standard trading technologies as well as the world’s first major electronic trading venue, one of the first U.S. ECNs and, most recently, the Chi-X businesses. For more information, please visit or follow Instinet on Twitter.


Nomura Securities
(44) 20 7102 4222
Address Nomura House, 1 St Martin’s Le-Grand, London EC1A 4NP, United Kingdom
Media: Alex Timmon

Baron-Moore Associates Names Gao San Yim as Treasurer

Baron-Moore Associates ( announced the appointment of Gao San Yim as Managing Director, Treasurer and Head of Corporate Insurance.

In this role, Mr. San Yim will be responsible for leading global treasury, liquidity, funding and capital management activities, reporting to Gary Cheng, Chief Financial Officer for Baron-Moore Associates. He will further expand Baron-Moore Associates’ services by:

•  Identify and map out global cash and liquidity

•  Centralize control of liquidity resources

•  Coordinate liquidity activities

•  Establish liquidity forecast process, tracking actual versus forecast

•  Coordinate with tax to maximize liquidity activities

•  Increase oversight

•  Evaluate global bank resources

•  Establish uniform policies and procedures

“I am pleased to welcome Gao to the Baron-Moore Associates team,” said Mr. Huang. “His extensive experience and strategic insights will be instrumental to managing our balance sheet and optimizing our liquidity and capital management strategies. His leading capabilities in the field of Treasury will further strengthen our team and will better prepare it to face the new challenges that the financial markets is going through.”

Mr. San Yim joins Baron-Moore Associates from top European Exchange where he served as Senior Vice President and Global Treasurer. Prior to this job, Mr. San Yim held various corporate finance roles. He served as Group Treasurer, Treasurer of the clearing house and oversaw major acquisitions of at the CEO’s Office.

Mr. San Yim is a graduate of Business School of Tokyo and MBA in Business Finance in Singapore.

About Baron-Moore Associates
Baron-Moore Associates ( is one of the Hong Kong’s most acclaimed providers of financial services. The firm is an awarded provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and many other financial products and services to more than 10 million individuals and institutions, as well as through 2,000 financial intermediary firms. Every set of services for an account is highly individualized, because every client has unique needs. We don’t just offer you products & services; we aim to offer you the best solutions for managing your wealth keeping in mind your personal financial goals. We provide un-biased and independent investment solutions through professional investment strategy, so that your investments are as successful as you.
Media Contact:
Miao Quinfu

The Landmark – Gloucester Tower,
11 Pedder Street,
Hong Kong


Baron-Moore Associates


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Baron-Moore Associates Hires Head of Marketing & Communications

Baron-Moore Associates ( has hired former Head of Marketing at a leading Asset Management Company, Miao Quinfu, as Head of Marketing and Communications. Based in Hong Kong, Mr. Quinfu will report to Baron-Moore Associates’ Chief Executive Officer, Liang Jiang Rubo.

In his new role, Miao Quinfu will be responsible for the development and implementation of marketing and communications strategies across the group globally. He will work closely with business lines and regional leadership teams to further strengthen the company’s brand and presence to deliver accelerated growth.

Mr. Quinfu brings more than 20 years of experience to this role and was most recently in his previous job where he built the international marketing team and developed targeted marketing strategies in the Southeast Asia region as a key part of its globalization strategy. He previously spent 6 years in London where he held a number of marketing functions, including Group Marketing Strategy Manager. He played an instrumental role in developing the centralized group marketing unit and created the marketing strategy team. Prior to this he worked as a marketing strategy consultant, after completing an MBA at London Business School.

Commenting on the appointment, Liang Jiang Rubo, Chief Executive Officer, Baron-Moore Associates:

“This is an important time for Baron-Moore Associates as our aim is to intelligently diversify the business beyond commodities. Miao is a skilled marketing professional with an extensive experience in implementing global marketing strategies. His appointment is key to ensuring that we develop our marketing capabilities to meet the needs of our clients, business units and distribution teams internationally as the business continues to grow.”

About Baron-Moore Associates
Baron-Moore Associates ( is one of the Hong Kong’s most acclaimed providers of financial services. The firm is an awarded provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and many other financial products and services to more than 10 million individuals and institutions, as well as through 2,000 financial intermediary firms. Every set of services for an account is highly individualized, because every client has unique needs. We don’t just offer you products & services; we aim to offer you the best solutions for managing your wealth keeping in mind your personal financial goals. We provide un-biased and independent investment solutions through professional investment strategy, so that your investments are as successful as you.
Media Contact:
Miao Quinfu

The Landmark – Gloucester Tower,
11 Pedder Street,
Hong Kong


Baron-Moore Associates


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Baron-Moore Associates Global Survey of Institutional Investors

Institutions Will Move out of Cash, Growing Role for Hedge Funds and Private Equity

Major institutional investors ( around the world are poised to increase their allocations to alternative investments, with a bias towards real estate and real assets, during 2014, according to a global survey of institutions conducted by Baron-Moore Associates.

Approximately half of institutions surveyed– 49 percent – expect to increase their real estate allocation and over 40 percent indicated they will increase their investment in real assets this year. At the same time, about one-third of the institutional investors surveyed intend to reduce their cash holdings in 2014.

“Institutional investors are seeking to build portfolios better suited for an investment landscape characterized by low yields, sluggish growth, volatile markets, and rising correlation between stocks and bonds,” said Robert Guanghe, Senior Managing Director and head of Baron-Moore Associates’ Institutional Client Business and Baron-Moore Associates Solutions.

“Divergent economic and geopolitical conditions globally offer institutions a menu of real estate and real asset opportunities that meet a variety of investment objectives,” said Guanghe.

“The results of the survey likely reflect a recognition that, going forward, the portfolio diversification benefit traditionally offered by equities and bonds might be less powerful than in the past,” Guanghe said. “Indeed, the price correlation between equities and bonds, which had been negative from 2009 through mid-2013, has been positive ever since then – suggesting that institutions definitely will be looking to other asset classes for more effective ‘portfolio buffers’ in coming months.”

“Within the alternatives category, we believe hedge funds and private equity also will command a growing role in institutional portfolios in 2014, with investors casting a wide net for appropriate diversification tools,” said Guanghe.

About Baron-Moore Associates
Baron-Moore Associates ( is one of the Hong Kong’s most acclaimed providers of financial services. The firm is an awarded provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and many other financial products and services to more than 10 million individuals and institutions, as well as through 2,000 financial intermediary firms. Every set of services for an account is highly individualized, because every client has unique needs. We don’t just offer you products & services; we aim to offer you the best solutions for managing your wealth keeping in mind your personal financial goals. We provide un-biased and independent investment solutions through professional investment strategy, so that your investments are as successful as you.
Media Contact:
Miao Quinfu

The Landmark – Gloucester Tower,
11 Pedder Street,
Hong Kong


Baron-Moore Associates

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Baron-Moore Associates Launches BMA Expert Funds

Designed for Investors Over 55 Actively Planning For Retirement

Baron-Moore Associates ( launched five new mutual funds which seek to provide long-term investment results that correspond to the total return of the applicable Baron-Moore Associates BMA Expert Retirement Indexes. The BMA Expert Indexes aim to help investors estimate how much their current savings will generate in annual lifetime income when they turn 65, or conversely, how much they need to save to reach a certain level of annual lifetime income when they turn 65.

“For decades, preparing for retirement meant saving as much as you could and trying to make your savings last a lifetime. Yet, understanding what a lump sum savings provides in estimated retirement income is difficult,” said Zuo Hailiang, Managing Director and Head of Baron-Moore Associates’ Retirement Group. “The BMA Expert Indexes enable pre-retirees to quickly estimate the annual lifetime income their current savings may generate once they turn 65. Now, individuals can also invest in the BMA Expert Funds, which seek to deliver a total return that tracks the expected median cost of lifetime income.”

The five funds launched are:

•  Baron-Moore Associates BMA Expert 2015 Fund

•  Baron-Moore Associates BMA Expert 2017 Fund

•  Baron-Moore Associates BMA Expert 2019 Fund

•  Baron-Moore Associates BMA Expert 2021 Fund

•  Baron-Moore Associates BMA Expert 2023 Fund

The mutual funds invest primarily in fixed income securities and can also invest in other financial instruments. They will be managed by Scott Yong, CFA, and James Wei, from Baron-Moore Associates’ Portfolio Solutions Group.

The BMA Expert Funds seek to provide a flexible way to help you prepare for retirement, so that once you reach age 65, the choice is yours.


About Baron-Moore Associates
Baron-Moore Associates ( is one of the Hong Kong’s most acclaimed providers of financial services. The firm is an awarded provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and many other financial products and services to more than 10 million individuals and institutions, as well as through 2,000 financial intermediary firms. Every set of services for an account is highly individualized, because every client has unique needs. We don’t just offer you products & services; we aim to offer you the best solutions for managing your wealth keeping in mind your personal financial goals. We provide un-biased and independent investment solutions through professional investment strategy, so that your investments are as successful as you.
Media Contact:
Miao Quinfu

The Landmark – Gloucester Tower,
11 Pedder Street,
Hong Kong


Baron-Moore Associates


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Loans Direct App for Easy Calculation of Your Loan Repayments

Now you can simply calculate your repayments with an app designed and developed by Loans Direct. This Loans Direct Mobile App also features a home loan calculator, car loan calculator, personal loan calculator, mortgage insurance calculator, truck loan calculator and stamp duty calculator for property investors or potential buyers in Australia.

How about a Smartphone app that helps to calculate loan repayments and makes it quite easier to calculate monthly payments, lump sum and extra payments of home loan, car loan or personal loan. Just one tap on your smartphone screen and the financial figures are right at your fingertips.

Loans Direct, a financial group providing an array of financial solutions in Australia, has recently launched a mobile application that eases the task of calculating figures and numbers to know variety of aspects related to a loan. Whether you have a Nexus or any other Android-based Smartphone, you can download this app Free from Play Store and continue to use with full features without paying anything. The app is a kind of financial calculator integrated with tools to provide information about loan repayments in yearly, quarterly, monthly or weekly payment schedule. The app also includes Home Loan Calculator, Personal Loan Calculator, a Stamp Duty Calculator and a Car Loan Calculator for potential buyers, investors, brokers as well as lenders.

Here are some of the major highlights of this app:
• This ready to use app, after successful download, you can calculate loan repayments and borrowing limits.
• You can also calculate lump sum payments to save the interest and other irrelevant charges on your basic loan amount.
• Rate comparison to find monthly repayments
• This app has a graphical summary of a loan and extra payment frequency to repay the Loan amount sooner.
To know more about its features click here.

Moreover, this app also contains information about the state wise comparison of stamp duty, the latest stamp duty fees and charges specific to Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane.

About us
Loan Direct is a group of financial experts and brokers in Australia that provides financial services and solutions as well as professional assistance in Loan Application processing, credit repair & restoration services, Large Project Financing and Loan Comparison from banks and financial institutions in Australia.

Contact Details:
Mr. Harry Goyal
Contact Number: 03 9819 4656
Address: Suite 19, 17-19 Miles Street
Suburb: Mulgrave VIC 3170
City/State/Country:Melbourne/ Victoria/ Australia
Fax Number: 03 9818 3300
Mail :
ABN: 38270143010
ACN: 385597
Our Website:

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Skadden Rothman DataMXâ„¢ Adds Forwards Coverage

The Addition of Skadden Rothman ( Indicative Data Coverage Allows Skadden RothmanDataMX™ to Provide Customers Greater Price Transparency in South East Energy Markets.

Skadden Rothman, provider of SSP data management and distribution solutions for Southeast Asia Energy Markets, announced today that it started redistribute and market power and natural gas indicative data. “Energy traders require easy access to real-time and historic market data to price their products and services, manage their risk, and perform valuations for compliance reporting and disclosure. Given, industry regulatory requirements aren’t going away; and fully auditable pricing will be a requirement for some time to come, instant access to accurate and comprehensive market pricing data is more important than ever,” said Frederic Young, President, Skadden Rothman DataMXâ„¢.

“Today’s energy trading firms depend on price transparency and liquidity for their success.

With the addition of Skadden Rothman Indicative Pricing data, Skadden RothmanDataMXâ„¢ customers not only gain the means to maintain more accurate daily mark to market reporting, they also get the basis for more meaningful forward market pricing.”

“Skadden Rothman ( Indicative data provides an important piece of the puzzle in creating an accurate view of the market,” added Mr. Young.

“We are excited about our DataMXâ„¢ colleagues to provide targeted forward energy market information through their state-of-the-art SSP data management and distribution solutions.”
About Skadden Rothman 
Skadden Rothman operates successfully in investment management, risk management and advisory services for retail and institutional clients worldwide. Skadden Rothman offers products that span the risk spectrum to meet clients’ needs, including active, enhanced and hedging strategies across markets and asset classes. Products are offered in a variety of structures including separate accounts, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and other pooled investment vehicles. Skadden Rothman also offers risk management, advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of retail investors through Skadden Rothman T-Solutions®.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, the firm strives to be a notable presence in key global markets, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.

Media Contact:
Benjamin Chandler

Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong



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Skadden Rothman Hires new Chief Operating Officer

Skadden Rothman ( has hired Steve Li-Wong as Chief Operating Officer for Southeast Asia Division.

Mr. Li-Wong will report to Benjamin Chandler, Managing Director of Skadden Rothman and will be based in Hong Kong where he will direct day-to-day operations of Skadden Rothman Commodities Services.

Skadden Rothman ( Commodities Services advises retail investors, professional traders, the corporate sector and large commercial, industrial and institutional groups on various cost saving methods through complex trading strategies of managing energy expenses and deploying risk mitigation tools.

Mr. Li-Wong comes to Skadden Rothman most recently from Skadden Rothman Europe Division where he was part of the sales force team focusing on new business development. His experience with several organizations includes significant experience directing sales and organizational growth as well as corporate acquisitions.

“Steve’s management and business development experience is a great asset to Skadden Rothman Commodities Services and its customers. We look forward to continued growth and innovation in the new year under Steve’s leadership.” said Benjamin.

“The size and growth of the Southeast Asia markets and investors’ demand for better investment services and technology solutions requires us to have a player with a strong vision and proven ability to adapt to a rapidly changing marketplace,” continued Mr. Chandler. “I know how committed Steve is to moving the business forward. I am looking forward to see him in action.”
About Skadden Rothman 
Skadden Rothman operates successfully in investment management, risk management and advisory services for retail and institutional clients worldwide. Skadden Rothman offers products that span the risk spectrum to meet clients’ needs, including active, enhanced and hedging strategies across markets and asset classes. Products are offered in a variety of structures including separate accounts, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and other pooled investment vehicles. Skadden Rothman also offers risk management, advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of retail investors through Skadden Rothman T-Solutions®.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, the firm strives to be a notable presence in key global markets, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.

Media Contact:
Benjamin Chandler

Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong



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Skadden Rothman Receives Top Market Rankings from Commodities Zone

Commodities Zone, a leading industry forum has posted its Commodity Rankings. Skadden Rothman ( has received 11 first place, two second place and two third place rankings in the natural gas, electricity and environmental brokerage categories.

“We are very grateful to our customers for the recognition that they have given to us once again this year. We are going to continue to work hard to earn our customers’ business by sharpening our focus on service and continuing to grow our hybrid voice and electronic brokerage model,” Benjamin Chandler, Managing Director of Skadden Rothman.

Skadden Rothman received the following recognition:

  1. Natural Gas Asian Options – long term 1st
  2. Crude Oil Options – long term 1st
  3. Crude Oil Futures – long term 1st
  4. Natural Gas Physical Futures – long term 1st
  5. Natural Gas Last-day Financial Futures – short term 2nd
  6. Heating Oil Physical Futures – long term 3rd
  7. Crude Oil Average Price Options – long term 2nd
  8. Natural Gas Options – long term 1st
  9. Light Sweet Crude Oil – short term 1st
  10. Crude Oil Bullet Futures – long term 1st
  11. Natural Gas Calendar Strip Options – long term 1st
  12. European Crack Spread Futures – long term 1st
  13. Heating Oil Financial Futures – short term 1st
  14. Gasoline Financial Futures – short term 1st
  15. Ethanol Futures – long term 3rd
  16. Coal Futures – long term 1st

About Skadden Rothman
Skadden Rothman operates successfully in investment management, risk management and advisory services for retail and institutional clients worldwide. Skadden Rothman offers products that span the risk spectrum to meet clients’ needs, including active, enhanced and hedging strategies across markets and asset classes. Products are offered in a variety of structures including separate accounts, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and other pooled investment vehicles. Skadden Rothman also offers risk management, advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of retail investors through Skadden Rothman T-Solutions®.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, the firm strives to be a notable presence in key global markets, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.
Media Contact:
Benjamin Chandler

Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong


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Crazy Mike’s Apps Completes Video Demo and Review of Spense for iPhone

Spense is money, simplified. You don’t have to make a complicated budget; just set a spending target and easily track it using Spense. No receipts to carry around and you know instantly how much you have left to spend. With Spense Plus, your transactions are instantly saved using our secure cloud sync technology, and now you can add a note or photo to any transaction. It’s an expense tracker you actually want to use!

“The Spense money tracker app is a super easy way to track your money and spending without requiring a complicated budget. This free iPhone Finance app has quick expense/income entry, list view for expense/income, easy-to-read charts, and works on a customizable cycle that you set.”—Crazy Mike’s Apps

Spense is an easy, quick, and simple way to keep a journal of your day-to-day spending.  Set a spending target and a repeat cycle, and each transaction you enter is immediately deducted from your balance. Available on the iTunes App Store for iPhone and iPod Touch, this app is free to download. To upgrade to Spense Plus, a subscription for $1.99 per month for unlimited users is available.

“Most people don’t bother to track their money or have a budget. That’s because setting up a budget and tracking each expense/income is such a time consuming task. However, the Spense iPhone app changes this by providing you with a practical money tracking app that is simple to understand and very quick and easy to use.”—Crazy Mike’s Apps

Get the most out of Spense by upgrading to Spense Plus. Features available only with Spense Plus include the ability to add notes and photos to any transaction, automatic backup using our secure cloud sync technology, an email at the end of each cycle that includes graphs, notes and photos, and your transaction history in a .csv file, transactions that are instantly synced with multiple users in a shared spending journal, access to your spending journal with multiple devices, and access to all future added features.

“If you are in need of a simple but good money tracker app, you cannot go wrong with the Spense iPhone app.”–Crazy Mike’s Apps

Spense is a development of Irinhawk, LLC, located in Clemmons, NC. Developer Craig Coleman designed the app originally for his family, and realized quickly that all families who are trying to save money would benefit from it as well. Allowing the single version of the app to be downloaded for free will give everyone the opportunity to try Spense and see how much it helps them month to month.

For more information, contact Lisa Coleman at: or visit

Download Spense in the iTunes store:

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Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group Receives Green Stamp for Largest Waste-fired Plant Sponsoring

Under a new agreement, Asian Futures Trading Group will handle the sale of power and certificates for the waste incineration plant located in China.

“The Asian market is especially attractive,” says Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group ( energy manager Tom Wing. “The challenge is that climate certification is an extremely complex area, and so it was crucial that Asian Futures Trading Group made the process simple and easy. It required little effort from our side and we are now looking at an attractive cash return,” he adds.

The certificates are electronic certificates issued by the Hong Kong regulatory board to accredited power stations for each of renewable source electricity generated.

Asian Futures Trading Group is experiencing a growing demand for certification of origin and the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. In addition to Asian Futures Trading Group handling certified wind turbines, 100% biomass-fired plants and Chinese cogeneration plants.

Asian Futures Trading Group Head of Origination Ren Shujing adds: “This was very successful for the client. They are receiving an attractive financial subsidy and don’t have to do anything for it.”

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Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group Research Department Releases the Global Industrial Automation Report

The Dictionary defines automation as “the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically.” Virtually all industries are now using some or the other sort of automation processes in order to increase the overall output and also reduce labor costs. Industrial automation, meanwhile, makes use of robotic devices to complete manufacturing tasks. Industrial automation has a very important role to play in the manufacturing industry. Some of the advantages of industrial automation include stricter quality control, higher waste reduction, and increased integration with business systems, amongst others.

In recent years, China has emerged as a major force in the industrial automation industry, with most automation companies having direct exposure to the Chinese markets. Most automation companies now have a major presence in China. For example, according to Asian (FTG) Futures Trading Group (, China accounts for more than almost 50% of all its CPU/PLC units sold worldwide. Asian Futures Trading Group Research analyzes the Global Industrial Automation Industry in its latest research offering.

The report includes the following:

•  An introduction to automation and industrial automation through definitions and a look at the benefits of industrial automation;

•  A thorough analysis of the global industrial automation industry makes up a significant chunk of this report.

•  An analysis of discrete automation is followed by an in-depth analysis of the importance of China to the global automation industry.

•  An analysis of major end user markets in which industrial automation processes are utilized follows. We analyze nine major sectors such as Aerospace & Defense, Automobile, Chemicals, consumer, mining, oil & gas, amongst others.

Via EPR Network
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Asian FTG Futures Trading Group Earns Asian Commodities Trading Award

Alongside representatives from leading Hong Kong companies, Michael Tian Janguo, CEO of Asian Futures Trading Group received the award at an event officiated by the Chief Official of Trade and Asian Affairs, in Hong Kong.

Asian FTG Futures Trading Group ( the company has grown revenues to almost 90% every year. Four new markets were added last year and Asian Futures Trading Group now trades in 32 countries across the world. Twenty-seven nationalities are represented in the company’s 300 staff, which has almost doubled since last year.

In selecting Asian Futures Trading Group, the Award Winning panel cited the following reasons for the company’s success:

•  Be the first in the market – pioneers have the advantage of being one step ahead

•  Have a solid roadmap for entering new markets that can be adapted to match local conditions

•  Stay close to your customers

•  Recruit staff with local knowledge, language and culture

•  Hold on to your values

•  Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be

•  Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.

•  Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.

•  Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Via EPR Network
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Simons Griffin Financial Names Dana Fong Chief Information Officer

Mrs. Fong will be joining Simons Griffin Financial from a top global energy company, where she was Chief Information Officer and Group Vice President responsible for global information technology, procurement and global real estate.

Mike Hwang, who served as interim CIO over the past several months, has been named Deputy CIO for the company and Chief Information Officer for the firm’s leading Consumer & Community Banking business. Mr. Hwang is a recognized leader who has held a number of senior leadership positions at the firm, including as head of Global Technology Infrastructure and as CIO.

“Technology fuels almost every aspect of our company and is core to the value proposition we offer our customers, clients and communities,” said Paul Sou, Chief Administrative Officer for Simons Griffin Financial. “Dana Fong is an extraordinarily talented executive with outstanding experience and we are pleased he’ll be leading this critically important role for our company.”

Lue Gong, CEO of the company’s consumer businesses, added, “We’re also very fortunate that someone with Mike Hwang’s deep experience across our company will be responsible for delivering technology solutions to our consumers and small business customers across the Southeast Asia region. Our customers have come to expect the best solutions from Simons Griffin Financial, and Mike will help ensure we deliver on that promise.”

Via EPR Network
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Simons Griffin Financial Launches Electronic Client Platform Globally

Simons Griffin Financial today announces the roll-out of Simons Griffin Financial Markets, the firm’s new multi-asset class trading platform, bringing pre-trade, trade and post-trade functionality onto a single platform for the first time. Debuting with a first wave of trading solutions, it is a complete redesign and consolidation of the firm’s existing e-trading offerings from front to back, and will present a seamless client experience throughout the entire trade lifecycle.

“We have created Simons Griffin Financial Markets to give clients an intuitive user experience, and a convenient and efficient way to trade across different asset classes, all in one place,” said Jim Chen, global head of FX & Rates Trading. “By having a high degree of automation at every stage of a trade, clients will be able to focus on trading ideas rather than the increasing complexity of a post-regulatory world in trade execution, post-trade clearing, settlement and reporting.”

With a single log-in, Simons Griffin Financial Markets will offer clients one of the largest sets of products and services in the market, including the firm’s award-winning research, powerful analytics and structuring tools, multi-product trading and extensive post-trade capabilities. Over time, it will give access to liquidity across asset classes, market-leading algorithmic tools, and connectivity to countless trading venues, as needed by clients or mandated by future regulations.

“Developing Simons Griffin Financial Markets has been a huge undertaking and, by the end of this year, we will have consolidated more than 30 platforms into one client offering,” said Peter Chu, global head of Markets Strategies. “It will enable us to quickly deliver innovative new products as we adapt to changing market conditions, and clients will find it a faster, more effective and transparent place to trade.”


Via EPR Network
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Simons Griffin Financial Launches Code for Good Challenge in Hong Kong

Simons Griffin Financial today announced its Call for Entries to the firm’s second annual Code for Good Challenge in Hong Kong. Hosted at the firm’s Hong Kong headquarters, the Code for Good Challenge brings together talented university students studying technology to develop solutions to challenges faced by nonprofits.

“We are excited to host the Code for Good Challenge in Hong Kong for a second year, building on last year’s successful event” said Liu P. Yep, CEO and President of the Board of Simons Griffin Financial. “The event is designed to not only aid local nonprofit organizations, but it also gives incoming talent the opportunity to see what it’s like to work in technology at a major investment bank.”

Participants at the event will be placed into teams and tasked with working together to creatively solve a challenge faced by a local nonprofit organization. Simons Griffin Financial technologists will also be involved, advising participants throughout the course of the event. A panel of judges will determine the winning team, which will be announced at the culmination of the exciting two-day event.

Students studying in a technology-related field at universities who would like the opportunity to put their coding skills to use for a good cause can apply.

Last year’s event in Hong Kong hosted students from 15 universities who joined with three nonprofit organizations to create innovative technology solutions for the social sector, coding over a two-day period. Winners in Hong Kong developed an interactive and educational application for the Nature Conservancy, an organization aiming to raise awareness of nature among young people. Their application highlighted notable aspects of the nature and environmentally friendly initiatives within any specific geographic location, while educating youths with pieces of trivia about urban spaces.

Via EPR Network
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Survey Shows Market Growth in Impact Investments and Satisfaction Among Investors

The survey indicates a growing market, with respondents planning to commit to impact investing. Additionally, the vast majority of surveyed investors report that their impact investment portfolio performance is meeting or exceeding social, environmental, and financial expectations, which is critical to impact investments as impact investors seek measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. Two-thirds of respondents are principally pursuing market-rate financial returns. Investors surveyed for the report include fund managers, development finance institutions, foundations, diversified financial institutions, and other investors with at least USD 10 million committed to impact investment.

“At Simons Griffin Financial Social Finance, we are especially encouraged by the findings in this survey – that, despite the market’s early stage, investors’ portfolios are meeting financial expectations in addition to social and environmental expectations,” said Wilber Sheng, Director of Research for Simons Griffin Financial Social Finance and co-author of the report. “The findings from this report are insightful and we are optimistic for the continued growth in investments that have a positive social and environmental impact.”

Although investors have been making socially and environmentally motivated investments for quite some time, collaboration to develop a coherent and supportive market has increased significantly in the last five years. In the results of this survey, we see positive indication of a market growing in both size and sophistication, which we hope will encourage more activity and attract new investors to the impact investing field.

Though the impact investing market is relatively new, a majority of respondents report that some or many investments passed their initial screens in nearly all regions of the world.


Via EPR Network
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