Category Archives: Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds

Surviving Financial Turmoil: ThinkStrategy’s Journey Through Crisis and Courts

NEW YORK, 20-May-2024 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — ThinkStrategy Capital Management, a leading hedge fund management firm, today announced a significant triumph in its long-standing legal dispute with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All charges against the firm and its founder, Chetan Kapur, have been dropped, affirming the firm’s financial integrity and commitment to its investors.

Over the past decade, ThinkStrategy has consistently delivered robust financial returns, even during periods of economic turbulence such as the Great Recession. The firm’s strategic management practices and diligent risk assessment have been pivotal in achieving superior performance and low relative volatility for its investors.

“Today’s vindication marks a significant milestone for ThinkStrategy,” said Chetan Kapur, founder and chief investment officer. “It reaffirms our dedication to upholding the highest standards of financial management and transparency.”

The allegations brought forth by the SEC questioned the firm’s operational and financial conduct. However, thorough investigations and legal proceedings have demonstrated that these claims were unfounded and did not reflect the firm’s strong compliance culture or its effective investment strategies.

Despite the challenges posed by the SEC’s prolonged scrutiny, ThinkStrategy remained committed to protecting investor assets and maintaining transparent communication with all stakeholders. The resolution of this legal matter allows the firm to direct its full focus back to its core mission of managing and growing investor capital.

ThinkStrategy’s resilience and proactive management have allowed it to maintain financial stability and continue delivering excellent service to its investors throughout this challenging period. The firm appreciates the unwavering support of its investors and partners, who played a crucial role in navigating through these times.


Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

LIMASSOL, Zypern, 14-Jun-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Star-Investor und ICQ-Mitbegründer Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest

  • Durch Funding von Investoren und Accelerator Programmen erreicht Velvet ein Seed-Investment von über 1,3 Mio. USD
  • Velvet erhält außerdem Funding und Auszeichnung durch HubSpot Accelerator
  • Fintech-Startup beschleunigt KI-Technologieentwicklung und Kundengewinnung

Das Fintech-Unternehmen Velvet Software Technologies erhält ein Seed-Investment in Höhe von 1,3 Mio. USD, sowie Unterstützung von Star-Investor Yair Goldfinger. Der ICQ-Mitbegründer sichert sich einen Platz im Advisory Board des in Stuttgart gegründeten Startups. Die Finanzierung erfolgte nach Zielerreichung von exponentiellem Kundenwachstums sowie starkem Performance-Ausbau der KI-basierten Velvet-Algorithmen. Neben dem Investment von mehreren Investoren wurde Velvet in die Microsoft und Hubspot Accelerator-Programme aufgenommen, im Rahmen derer sich das Fintech-Startup ein weiteres 6-stelliges Funding und Zugriff auf modernste KI-Infrastruktur sichern konnte.

Velvet Software Technologies bietet mit Velvet AutoInvest eine neue Art des Investierens für Privatanleger aller Erfahrungsstufen an. Mission ist es, Privatinvestoren mittels modernster Technologie eine Geldanlage bereitzustellen, die bislang hauptsächlich Hedgefonds vorbehalten ist. Der Handelsalgorithmus Velvet AutoInvest ist zur Ausführung seiner KI-basierten Trades an einen durch ASIC regulierten, international renommierten australischen Broker angebunden. Zur Nutzung von Velvet verbinden Kunden ihren zuvor beim Broker erstellen Account mit Velvet AutoInvest. Daraufhin werden die von der Velvet-KI automatisiert generierten Trades auf das Kundenkonto beim Broker übertragen.

Julius Franck-Oberaspach, CEO von Velvet: “Dass Velvet AutoInvest, ursprünglich für den Eigennutzen entwickelt, bereits nach kurzer Zeit so sehr Fahrt aufnimmt, ist für uns unglaublich. Velvet bietet Privatinvestoren an, mittels unserer KI-Algorithmen den fehleranfälligen, manuellen Investment-Prozess nun wie Investmentbanken zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Die extreme Komplexität und Tiefe der am Finanzmarkt verfügbaren Informationen waren Ideenbringer zur Gründung von Velvet.”

“Velvet AutoInvest bietet ein für Privatpersonen in der Finanzwelt sehr revolutionäres, benutzerfreundliches Anlageprodukt: Die schlichte Verbindung zu einem KI-Algorithmus, der in seiner Komplexität normalerweise nur von institutionellen Anlegern verwendet wird. Privatanleger können technisch hochgerüstet und mit weitreichendem Risiko-Management damit wie Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan oder BlackRock am Finanzmarkt investieren”, ergänzt Jonathan R. Hirsch, CMO von Velvet.

Yair Goldfinger: „Für mich sind junge, talentierte und motivierte Teams, die unglaubliche Ergebnisse erzielen, der wichtigste Baustein in einem Unternehmen. Bei Velvet sehe ich das auf das nächste Level gehoben. Das Produkt, das sie entwickelt haben, ist einfach großartig. Ich verfolge den Markt seit Jahren sehr genau, aber etwas Vergleichbares zu dem, was Velvet anbietet, habe ich noch nie gesehen. Das Team hat in den letzten Monaten nicht nur eine herausragende Performance der KI-basierten Handelsalgorithmen erreicht, sondern es ebenso geschafft, daraus ein intuitives Produkt für Privatpersonen zu bauen – und nun steigt das Kundeninteresse explosionsartig. Diese Kombination aus Team-, Produkt- und Marktinteresse zeigen zweifelslos absolutes Potenzial für weiterhin exponentielles Wachstum des Startups.“

Mit der neu erhaltenen Liquidität wird Velvet sein Fintech-Angebot von der Integration bis hin zum Nutzererlebnis weiter optimieren und beschleunigt skalieren. Dazu zählt unter Anderem die Einstellung zusätzlicher Analyst*innen zur kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung der Handelsalgorithmen wie auch der Ausbau des Customer Supports Teams. Hinzu kommt der Einsatz fortschrittlicher CRMs, gesponsert vom HubSpot Startup Accelerator, zur weiteren Support-Automatisierung, um so für künftige Expansionen gerüstet zu sein.

Mit den Velvet-Strategien Blue, Ultra und dem Flaggschiff Pro verwenden Privatanleger KI-gestützte Anlagestrategien mit Zugriff auf einen breiten Diversifizierungsmix aus über 20 Finanzinstrumenten. Die Produkte folgen dabei unterschiedlichen Risikoprofilen und Renditechancen. Den Kern aller Velvet-Strategien bildet ein Random-Forest-Algorithmus für maschinelles Lernen, welcher Anhand von über 1.300 Datenpunkten mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit Erwartungswerte verschiedener Handelstaktiken prognostiziert. Anhand dieser Prognose werden Handelsentscheidungen gewichtet und die Strategie flexibel an neue Marktverhältnisse angepasst. Ziel dabei ist der nachhaltige und kosteneffiziente Vermögensaufbau der angebundenen Accounts, mit aktivem Risikomanagement und Automatisierung. Aufgrund der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und des minimalen Eigenaufwands sind alle Velvet-Produkte speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Privatanlegern ausgelegt und damit für Einsteiger wie auch für erfahrene Investoren gleichermaßen geeignet.

Neukunden erhalten bei Velvet AutoInvest einen kostenfreien Probemonat, in dem die automatisierten KI-Handelssignale ohne Berechnung einer Gewinnprovision getestet werden können. Nach Registrierung und Eröffnung des Broker-Accounts wird dieser mit der gewünschten Risikoklasse verbunden. Kunden behalten dabei jederzeit die volle Kontrolle und Transparenz über ihr Depot. Die Nutzung der AI-Software ist grundsätzlich kostenlos, Gebühren in Höhe von 15-25 % werden ausschließlich auf erzielte Renditen gezahlt und pro Monat abgerechnet. Velvet AutoInvest kann jederzeit ohne Kündigung deaktiviert werden.

Weitere Informationen zu Velvet Software Technologies und Velvet AutoInvest unter:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Market-neutral hedge fund Caravel Capital Fund Showcased At Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar

COPENHAGEN, 3-Jun-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Jeff Banfield, a founding partner of Caravel Capital Investments Inc., was the featured speaker at Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 2, 2022. With over 35-years of experience in the alternative investment industry, Banfield delivered valuable insights and his recipe for navigating the current global financial markets.

Titled, The Alchemy of Risk, Opportunity, and Experience, Banfield explained how he earned positive returns for each of his 35-years in the investment business. His position as a Proprietary Trader at Dominion Securities in 1987 prepared him for six Bear Markets and unexpected macro factors.

Mr. Banfield was asked how he consistently achieves positive returns. He explained, “We approach every investment with the following criteria: strong understanding of fundamentals, applying the correct strategy in the economic cycle; coupled with the opportunity to generate the targeted return, and always managing the tail risk.” He also added, “We listen to the central banks and policymakers when they telegraph well in advance, and we take appropriate countermeasures to protect the portfolio. Glen and I find our best opportunities when fear and greed misprice the market.”

Soren Dal Thomsen, CIO, kicked off the program, presenting, “Why should one have hedge funds in their portfolio?” Then followed by Jeppe Blirup, Head of Hedge Funds, who gave the landscape of Secure Spectrum’s Fund of Hedge Funds. Jeppe explained, “We turned to Jeff to share his wealth of knowledge on the markets, strategies, and execution. Especially in this kind of market, we are all looking for insights that will help us to grow and preserve our capital. Caravel Capital shares our priorities: growth of capital, capital preservation, alignment of interests, and risk-aversion.”

The Caravel Capital Fund outperformed major indices in Q1 2022 with a 3.25% (net of fees) return, generated 30.78% returns in 2021, and have produced annualized returns of 18.96% since inception in 2016 while maintaining a Sharpe Ratio of 2. Gibbons and Banfield utilize several strategies, including but not limited to convertible arbitrage, relative value arbitrage, capital structure arbitrage, merger arbitrage, distressed debt, and alpha long/short.


Caravel Capital Investments Inc. is an event-driven, market-neutral hedge fund based in Nassau, The Bahamas. Founded in 2016 by Glen Gibbons and Jeff Banfield, the firm prioritizes capital preservation with a commitment to liquidity and transparency. Named after the agile exploration ships used during the age of discovery, the firm maintains strict limits, small positions, and a manageable fund size to ensure quick responses to changing dynamics. The team uses innovative, leading-edge idea implementation while owning the Fund’s risk tails. The managers pursue systematic and non-systematic risk reduction through frequent review of risk/reward and high liquidity, thereby providing a genuinely market-neutral result, as evidenced by the returns.

Secure Spectrum is a fund of hedge funds that aims to generate an absolute return over the business cycle, seeking to generate an attractive risk-adjusted return regardless of the development of financial markets. Secure Hedge seeks to exhibit low correlation with the stock market and help diversify a traditional portfolio consisting of equities and bonds. The fund’s active portfolio management involves looking for exposure to attractive niche investment strategies that are typically difficult to access and independent of each other.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Jeff Banfield of Caravel Capital Investments featured speaker at Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark

NASSAU, Bahamas, 18-May-2022 — /EPR FINANCIAL NEWS/ — Jeff Banfield, a founding partner of Caravel Capital Investments Inc., will be the featured speaker at Secure Spectrum’s Hedge Fund Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 2, 2022. With over 30 years of experience in the alternative investment industry, Banfield will deliver valuable insights and his recipe for navigating the current global financial markets.

Jeff Banfield, Founding Partner Caravel Capital Investments Inc.

Titled, The Alchemy of Risk, Opportunity, and Experience, Banfield’s talk will address the perfect storm the markets find themselves in and what history has taught him to navigate. He will touch on the correlation between Caravel Capital’s strategies and the economic cycle and demonstrate how flexibility helps avoid pitfalls.

Secure Hedge’s investors and guests will gather near their headquarters in Copenhagen to attend this invitation-only event. Jeppe Blirup, head of Secure Spectrum’s Fund of Hedge Funds division, explains, “We are excited to host our distinguished investors at our annual Hedge Fund Seminar. We turned to Jeff to share his wealth of knowledge on the markets, strategies, and execution. Especially in this kind of market, we are all looking for insights that will help us to grow and preserve our capital. Caravel Capital shares our priorities, namely: growth of capital, capital preservation, alignment of interests, and risk-aversion.”


The Caravel Capital Fund outperformed major indices in Q1 2022 with a 3.25% (net of fees) return, generated 30.78% returns in 2021, and obtained annualized returns of 18.96% since inception in 2016 while maintaining a Sharpe Ratio of 2. Gibbons and Banfield utilize several strategies, including but not limited to convertible arbitrage, relative value arbitrage, capital structure arbitrage, merger arbitrage, distressed debt, and alpha long/short.

Caravel Capital Investments Inc. is a multi-strategy market-neutral hedge fund based in Nassau, The Bahamas. Founded in 2016 by Glen Gibbons and Jeff Banfield, the firm prioritizes capital preservation with a commitment to liquidity and transparency. Named after the agile exploration ships used during the age of discovery, the firm maintains strict limits, small positions, and a manageable fund size to ensure quick responses to changing dynamics. The team uses innovative, leading-edge idea implementation while owning the Fund’s risk tails. The managers pursue systematic and non-systematic risk reduction through frequent review of risk/reward and high liquidity, thereby providing a genuinely market-neutral result, as evidenced by the returns.

Secure Spectrum is a fund of hedge funds that aims to generate an absolute return over the business cycle, seeking to generate an attractive risk-adjusted return regardless of the development of financial markets. Secure Hedge seeks to exhibit low correlation with the stock market and help diversify a traditional portfolio consisting of equities and bonds. The fund’s active portfolio management involves looking for exposure to attractive niche investment strategies that are typically difficult to access and independent of each other.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Littman Berg Reports First Quarter 2010 Results

LittmanBerg today reported its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2010, which ended on April 7, 2010. Revenues for the quarter were $721 million, compared with $ 724 million recorded during the first quarter of 2009. Operating income was $95.6 million in 2010, compared with the $97.1 million reported in the year-ago period.

Littman Berg Reports First Quarter 2010 Results

LittmanBerg’s net income increased to $17.6 million compared with the $14.5 million reported last year, primarily due to a tax benefit recorded in the quarter.

Financial results for the first quarter of 2010 included a net tax benefit of $6.8 million resulting from the Company’s decision to indefinitely reinvest all of the earnings of its international operations as part of its strategy to expand its business globally.

Commenting on the Company’s financial results, Martin Kobayashi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, stated: “Revenues and operating income declined in the first quarter of fiscal 2010 as compared to 2009, but we remain on track to meet our financial guidance for 2010LittamnBerg’s performance during the first quarter and our outlook for the full year reflect the continued strength of the commodity sector and our success in positioning LittmanBerg in some of the fastest growing segments of these markets. While capital spending in the power and industrial and commercial sectors remains low, we continue to see signs of recovery in these markets, including increased project planning work by our clients, which should drive increased opportunities for our business. Our expectations for the year are supported by our continued success in winning new assignments, particularly in the commodity market which is reflected in our strong book of business.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LittmanBerg Launches New Integrated Prime Services Model Leading-Edge Technologies and Global Footprint Changes the Face of Boutique Prime Advisory

LittmanBerg is a leading provider of investment technologies and execution solutions to individual and institutional clients worldwide, today announced that it has completed the integration of DML Trading. With this, LittmanBerg is pleased to now offer a new Integrated Prime Services model that combines traditional boutique prime Advisory offerings with LittmanBerg’s state-of-the-art investment technologies and extensive global reach. This new model significantly expands the products and technologies available to smaller hedge funds and other asset managers and gives clients access to a complete suite of services that no other boutique prime advisory firm can match.

LittmanBerg Launches New Integrated Prime Services Model Leading-Edge Technologies and Global Footprint Changes the Face of Boutique Prime Advisory

“LittmanBerg is known throughout the industry for its strong commitment to technological innovation and together we have deep insights into the needs of hedge funds. By offering a solution for virtually all of our clients’ needs, from start-up services and capital introduction to advanced execution technologies, we have created a one-stop shop that is truly unique in the marketplace and one that gives our clients a considerable edge.”

Some of the services now offered to clients include preferred access to:

• A full suite of advanced algorithmic strategies, including highly intelligent, tactical trading algorithm
• Vast agency liquidity
• A fully staffed 24-hour desk for execution in over 100 global markets
• Block trading, exchange traded funds,
• Advanced derivative execution management technologies
• Order management system (OMS) for trading, compliance, operations, portfolio management and analytics
• One of the industry’s largest networks of independent research
• Comprehensive commission management technologies and services

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Daniel Nole Was Appointed Chief Operating Officer At Xasax

Xasax Corporation is challenging the boundaries and integration of network infrastructure and systems technologies through its leading edge Xasax Financial Backbone. Built on Dark Fiber routes and a la carte trading services, Xasax is exceeding customer expectations. In keeping with this mantra, Daniel Nole was appointed Chief Operating Officer. His mandate, to guide the process and spearhead operations in providing this ultra low latency solution to the markets.

“Xasax is pleased to have an experienced top tier player on our team. Dan’s level of expertise and industry knowledge is certainly in keeping with the Xasax gold standard of quality and service. He plays a significant role in our overall planning and execution. The entire Xasax team is excited to have him,” said Noah Lieske, Xasax Chief Executive Officer and Founder.

Mr. Nole remarked, “The Xasax Offering is unlike any other on the street today. Low latency has a new meaning and definition under the Xasax model; speed to market, scalability, customizability, and flexibility are the hallmarks of this next generation solution. I am pleased to be a part of this tradition of excellence and look forward to assisting Xasax in the expansion of its global reach.”

Mr. Noles’ prior appointments include COO at NYFIX Millennium, Portware, and FTEN. Mr. Nole leverages his grass roots beginnings in financial audit at Ernst & Young, as well as his trading and operations expertise on the Floor of the Boston Stock Exchange. Dan brings a unique blend and wealth of knowledge from leading financial technology companies to Xasax.

About Xasax:
Xasax Corporation provides an ultra-low latency financial network called the Xasax Financial Backbone built by lighting diverse dark fiber paths. The XFB encompasses the majority of available liquidity in the US with dark fiber interconnections. Xasax services include proximity hosting / co-location; raw and consolidated market data; order routing and execution management systems; Vendor of Record/entitlement solutions, and historical data warehousing. This infrastructure facilitates high-frequency traders, hedge funds, and financial service providers.

Via EPR Network
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Venulum’s September Client Was A Great Success With Over 40 Clients And Their Partners Of The Private Wealth Manager Attending From All Across America

The Venulum September client conference was held on Friday morning and set out to clarify Venulum’s strategy for 2009 together with a review of performance of the Mutual Wine and Property Funds in 2008. Giles Cadman, Chairman of the group, was pleased to announce the overall returns for the Group had exceeded 15% in 2007 and was positive about 2008-2009 in light of the opportunities presenting themselves because of the deteriorating economic climate in the US and the impact felt in the UK and Europe.

“We are well placed to take advantage of the weakening property market in the UK as we have strong liquidity in the Property Fund,” explained Cadman, “We have been waiting for three years for the property market to cool so that we can acquire property within our yield criteria of between 7% and 9%.” The property team are now analysing three opportunities where values have fallen by over 50% in the past twelve months.

Rob Spalding, Business Development Officer from Pensco Trust Co was also a speaker at the conference. Pensco started trading in 1989 in New Hampshire and are an independent custodian of self directed IRA’s, specialising in non traded assets. Rob Spalding explained that as a regulated IRA custodian, Pensco are independent and are never in conflict with investors’ goals because they do not sell investment products nor provide investment or tax advice.

“At Pensco Trust, we combine proprietary technology, built specifically to facilitate smooth, safe processing of investment transactions with the greatest depth of in-house expertise in the industry” explained Spalding, “Clients benefit from our expertise on non-traditional IRA investing that comes from our singular focus. We are proud of our philosophy of sharing this expertise with our clients and prospects by providing free education on self directed IRA investing.”

Daniel Cann, Director of Folio Administrators Limited was also on hand to answer specific questions from clients throughout the weekend. Folio administers all of the Venulum funds. Having been founded in 2001, they have grown to be the largest fund service provider in the British Virgin Islands, currently providing full administration services to over 130 funds with approximately $5.5 billion of net assets under administration.

Daniel commented “We focus on tailoring our services to match individual requirements by employing specialist, highly qualified accountants and administrators. We utilize the best in fund administration solutions with PFS-Paxus and Bloomberg.”

The second session of the Friday morning presentation focussed on Venulum Wine Ltd and the different ways that Venulum invest in wine. “Wine is an asset class that Venulum believe is perfect for use in IRA and 401K investment vehicles,” Giles Cadman explained, “It can produce strong consistent returns as it benefits from diminishing supply as it gets drunk whilst demand increases as it improves with age.” Venulum Wine Limited has a team of experts and consultants who attend the annual tastings in Bordeaux and Burgundy to unearth those wines they think will provide the strongest investment returns. The company offers clients the opportunity to invest with different levels of gearing, from a straight forward full physical purchase to instalment contracts, En-Primeur agreements or forward purchase agreements.

Venulum are already planning conferences for 2009 on the West Coast and back at Greenbrier in the fall.

About Venulum:
The Venulum Group is a multinational private wealth management firm headquartered in the British Virgin Islands. The Group manages the wealth of high net worth individuals, and specialises in alternative investments often not available to the general public. Venulum helps high net worth individuals balance their portfolios.

The Venulum Group was formed in 2002 and has expanded to include offices in five countries with service offices in a further two. Since 2002 Venulum’s client base has expanded rapidly, and we now have a substantial number of United States based clients.

Via EPR Network
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Welcome to EPR Financial News

Welcome to EPR Financial News.

EPR Financial News is a new blog, part of EPR Network, that is going to be focused on and will be covering the financial news and stories from press releases published on EPR Network.

EPR Network (EPR stands for express press release) is one of the nation’s largest press release distribution networks on Web. The EPR’s nationwide network includes 12 State based PR sites, one major PR forum and a number of industry specific PR blogs and what started as a hobby on Internet years ago turned out to be a rapidly growing business today. EPR Network is also known as one of the most trusted (human optimized, published, edited and monitored, spam/scam/low quality PR content free) PR sites on the web with more than 10,000 company and individual press releases distributed per month. EPR Network is putting your press releases on top of all major search engines’ results and is reaching thousands of individuals, companies, PR specialists, media professionals, bloggers and journalists every day.

EPR Network has thousands of clients around the world including global 500 corporations like Hilton Hotels, Barclays Bank, AXA Insurance, Tesco UK, eBay/Skype, Emirates, just to name a few. The network’s PR web sites are currently reaching from 150,000 to sometimes 500,000 unique visitors per month while our viral reach could possibly go to as much as 1M people per month through our presence across various social media sites. EPR Network was established in 2004 and as of May 2008 it had more than 800,000 press releases (pages) published on its network.

If you have a press release to be distributed, you can do it over here: press release distribution