Category Archives: Financial


Business Monitor International Reveals Report On Dry-Bulk Shipping Sector

Business Monitor International has announced the launch of its special report on the dry-bulk shipping sector called ‘Dry-Bulk Shipping in Troubled Waters as Glut of Vessels Soaks up Demand’.

The shipping industry analysis report provides an in-depth overview of the challenges that the global dry-bulk shipping sector faces in 2011, with a particular focus on the sector’s ability to tackle its current overcapacity crisis.

The dry-bulk shipping sector’s woes are expected to continue for some time to come, as dropping rate have already lead to Korea Line Corp filing for receivership, and there could be more victims if lines do not reduce capacity.

BMI’s special report on the global dry-bulk shipping industry provides industry professionals with independent analysis into the sector. The report assists in identifying the opportunities and threats to businesses, whether they are a dry ship operator/owner, a dry-bulk terminal operator, a shipyard, a commodity producer/importer/exporter, a logistic firm, a consultancy or an investment bank with an interest in the sector.

BMI believes that despite growing imports of dry-bulk commodities, supply will continue to outbalance demand in the dry-bulk sector for some time to come. BMI expects overcapacity to remain the major concern for the dry-bulk sector over the medium term.

In supply terms, the outlook for dry-bulk is positive. In terms of commodities markets, Brazil and Australia continue to dominate the iron ore production, while global production of grains is expected to increase around 4% year-on-year (in particular, US corn, South American soya bean, Australian barley).

However – despite growing imports, supply will continue to outbalance demand. Global dry-bulk capacity will expand 14% this year, far outpacing a 6% rise in demand, China COSCO, China’s largest shipping conglomerate, has said.

The current global dry-bulk fleet stands at 7,957 vessels, according to Lloyd’s List Intelligence. There are 2,749 vessels on order, up 2,466 y-o-y, representing 34.5% of the current fleet. Of these, 1,555, about 20% of the current fleet, are due online in 2011. Given the current supply demand imbalance, this orderbook is certainly a cause for concern.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Business Monitor International Launches Latest Report in India

Business Monitor International (BMI) has announced the launch of its latest report on India’s Information Technology industry.

The report includes BMI’s market assessment and independent 5 forecast to end 2015, covering personal computers and software; semi-conductors, memory chips, integrated circuits and general components; the internet and IT solutions.

The India analysis report also analyses regulatory changes (licensing, customs and intellectual property protection) and competitive landscapes comparing multinational and national IT companies by products, sales, market share, investments, projects and expansion strategies.

BMI’s India Information Technology Report provides industry professionals and strategists, corporate analysts, IT associations, government departments and regulatory bodies with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the IT industry in India. The report is vital for all these groups to benchmark BMI’s independent 5-year IT industry forecasts to test other views – a key input for successful budgetary and strategic business planning in the India IT market. It is also vital because it allows them to target business opportunities and risks in India’s IT sector through reviews of latest Information Technology trends regulatory changes, and major deals, projects and investments in India. Finally, it allows these groups to assess the activities, strategy and market position of competitors, partners and clients via Company Profiles, including KPIs and latest activity.

In 2011, India’s potentially vast IT market should consolidate its strong performance in 2010 thanks to an improving economy and consumer sentiment. Computer shipments were up by around 30% in 2010 compared with 2009, and although growth is expected to moderate in 2011 due to base effects, it should remain comfortably in double-digits.

Less than 3% of people in India own a computer (about one-fifth of the level in China), meaning particular potential in the lower end product range. However, realisation of this long-term growth potential depends on fundamental drivers such as raising India’s low computer penetration, rising incomes, falling computer prices and the government’s ambitions to connect the vast rural areas to the outside world.

However, the key threat to the Indian IT sector is the global economic slowdown and rising costs that will impact on consumer and business sentiment.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Tax Issues Not So Bad With The Right Help

No one likes the thought of facing a tax investigation. In fact, we would all prefer not to have to even pay taxes at all. But the reality is that there are some things we can’t ignore. If HM Revenue and Customs come after you, the only way to handle it is to face them head on. Facing a tax investigation is likely to be stressful and inconvenient for you, your business and even your family. A tax investigation usually means a detailed and intrusive investigation of your business and personal affairs. The good news is that if you ever have to face such a procedure there are professional tax advisers that can help you.

Although a tax investigation can never be taken lightly, the experienced professionals at Rooney Tax Services can certainly help take the stress out of one. When you need a tax investigation service Birmingham firm Rooney Tax Services should be the first place you call. They have over 25 years’ experience of handling all types of tax investigations, tax enquiries and tax disclosures, and are dedicated to meeting the needs of any and every client facing such issues. Special Investigations (SI), Civil Investigation of Fraud (CIF), local office investigations and offshore disclosures under the New Disclosure Opportunity (NDO) are just a few examples of the kind of issues Rooney Tax Services help clients with. Whatever kind of tax issues you are facing, the experts at Rooney Tax Services will help you handle them.

In a recent case HMRC were being a bit aggressive in verifying liabilities and taking a very long time to advance in the case. Rooney Tax Services applied for a closure notice. HMRC resisted, wanting to drag the case on further and make more enquiries. Rooney Tax Services then presented the situation to a tribunal judge, who agreed with them in favour of the client. The case was then promptly resolved. This is just one example of what Rooney Tax Services can do for its clients.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Uncover the Nation’s Amorous Auto Habits has revealed that almost half* of male drivers in the UK admit that they have had got frisky in their car, and almost 30% of women admit this too. However, having an argument is a more likely pursuit, with nearly 60% of men and almost 63% of women fighting with their loved ones while in the car.

Other popular pastimes while in a vehicle include dumping a boyfriend/girlfriend (10% of men and 8% of women), being dumped (6% of men and 5% of women), flirting with another driver (24% of men and 18% of women), eating something (73% of men and 76% of women) and having a nap (42% of men and 29% of women).

Men voted Audi drivers the sexiest women drivers (21%) and women agreed, also voting male Audi drivers top with 31%. Male BMW drivers are considered second sexiest by women, with 25%. Men’s second choice was female Mini Cooper drivers with 14%.

The city admitting the most car friskiness is Brighton with 68% of drivers admitting having done the deed in their cars, while only 22% of drivers in Worcester say they have got frisky while in their cars.

Drivers were also asked how often they have sex each week, with the highest average of 2.9 times per week among those living in Coventry.

Gareth Kloet, head of car insurance at said: “The results of this survey bring a new meaning to the UK being a nation of car lovers. Although this is not a rating question that insurers would ask when people are applying for car insurance, perhaps it’s something we should look at in the future, judging by how many people are getting frisky in their cars.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Diamond Reveals The Most Popular Hairdresser’s Car

Diamond has revealed that the Mini One is the most popular car among British hairdressers.

The term ‘hairdresser’s car’ has long been used to describe sporty little run-arounds popular with nation’s style conscious hair stylists. Women’s car insurance specialist Diamond decided to find out what hairdressers really drive and can reveal that the most popular, and therefore ultimate ‘hairdresser’s car’, is the Mini One.

Diamond looked at data from over 18,000 hairdressers to create a definitive list of the most popular cars amongst Britain’s hairdressers*. The Mini One is three and a half times more likely to be driven by a hairdresser than everyone else. The next most popular for hairdressers are the Vauxhall Tigra and Volkswagen Beetle, which are both more than three times as popular with hairdressers than the rest of the UK. Rounding out the top five are the Ford Ka and Mini Cooper.

Commenting on the findings, Diamond managing director, Elwyn Gedrych said: “It’s not surprising that the Mini One is so popular amongst hairdressers, as it’s stylish, modern and looks great. In fact, with two Mini models in the top 5, that certainly cements its place as the ultimate ‘hairdresser’s car’.”

Diamond also wanted to see if hairdressers like to show off their perfectly coiffered locks in a convertible car. It found that they’re happy to have the wind through their hair as they’re 33% more likely than non-hairdressers to drive one.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Standard Life Reveals One In Eight UK Adult Can’t Wait For Greater Reward

Standard Life, the long term savings and investments specialist, has conducted a poll and found that one in eight of UK adults adopt a ‘live for the moment’ culture and would choose the instant gratification of a £640 holiday this year, rather than be willing to wait five years for a holiday worth £5,000 instead.*

The figures come from Standard Life’s UK-wide poll and prize draw**, in partnership with boutique hotel specialist, which investigates the nation’s attitudes to planning for the future. Entrants have to vote on which prize they would prefer; a short break this year worth £640, or a holiday of a lifetime in five years time worth £5,000.

Standard Life’s John Lawson said: “Planning five years ahead is something many people find difficult to imagine or do their best to avoid. Our poll shows that some people just seem too impatient to wait for greater rewards in the future, no matter how enticing they are. But being patient and taking a long term view on your finances is precisely what helps you achieve your goals and, ensures you remain financially secure. It might seem easier to take a short term view, but unless you plan ahead how else can you look forward to your future with confidence and optimism?”

Standard Life also points out that if everyone was this impatient, the world would be a far different place. If one in eight of the doctors employed by the NHS weren’t patient enough to finish their studies, the UK would have 14,061 fewer doctors**. Inventions such as the Dyson vacuum cleaner may also have never been made if the inventor Mr James Dyson has been impatient, as it took five years to develop the iconic bagless vacuum cleaner***.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Announces Ole Sloth Hansen to Visit Dubai

Saxo Bank, the online trading and investment specialist, has announced that Ole Sloth Hansen, senior commodity Manager at Saxo Bank, will be visiting Dubai in early June to discuss with investors and the financial media recent trends in commodity prices, which have risen dramatically over the past two years.

Total investments into commodities have risen 250 per cent from US $159 billion in 2008 to $400 billion in 2011, according to Barclays Capital, with investments in gold and silver rising three-fold during the period.

Hansen recently observed that investment flows into commodities have been very strong due to a combination of strong fundamentals and new inventions, such as exchange traded funds (ETFs), which has made the sector accessible to everyone.

“ETFs have had a strong impact on the commodities market, making them accessible to everyone from the biggest hedge fund managers to the retail investor,” said Hansen.

“May has been a month of setbacks across most commodities. Prior to this, commodities had been outperforming bonds, equity and currency investments, so it is most likely that this deceleration is just a temporary correction in an overall bullish market.”

Ole Sloth Hansen is a specialist in traded futures with over 20 years experience, both on the buying and selling side. He joined Saxo Bank in 2008 and today works as a senior manager analysing a diversified range of products from fixed income to commodities. He previously worked for 15 years in London, most recently for a multi-asset Futures and Forex Hedge fund where he was in charge of the trade execution team.

Ole Sloth Hansen will be in Dubai 7/8 June to discuss the commodities landscape at present and the new strategies for entering the market through ETFs.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Standard Life Reveals That One In Six Don’t Plan Their Future Finances

Standard Life has found that people in the UK live for the moment rather than the long term, with more than one in six (17%) failing to plan their finances at all, according to recent research from the savings and investments company.

The research, which looks into the UK’s fascination with living for now, finds that almost half of Brits (45%) only plan their finances just a year ahead, or less, with only a fifth of them (22%) planning up to five years into the future. Alarmingly, only one in six people (16%) plan more than six years ahead which underlines the real necessity for the UK to start addressing their long term savings plan. Doing this is critical if they are to be financially secure, achieve their future goals and live the lifestyle they want.

Of the UK regions, it was found that those from London were the top financial planners, with one in six (17%) planning six years or more ahead. In contrast, those from Scotland came out as the least likely to make long term financial plans, with only one in ten (11%) planning more than six years ahead.

To find out more about the nation’s attitudes to planning for the future, Standard Life is launching a UK-wide poll and prize draw and linking up with boutique hotel specialist Entrants have to vote on which prize they would prefer; a short break this year with accommodation from, or a holiday of a lifetime in five years. The results will show whether people in the UK favour instant gratification or greater long term rewards. This issue of desiring instant gratification presents an on-going challenge for the UK because people are living longer and their financial security cannot be guaranteed. It represents a huge challenge for providers and advisers who are keen to help consumers plan ahead so they can look to the future with confidence and optimism.

Bruce Kelsall, group and UK marketing director at Standard Life, said: “The growth in our ageing population has created a dramatic need to shift from a culture of spending to one of saving. People are completely comfortable making financial plans for a summer holiday; planning and investing in your future is no different. You may have to finance your lifestyle up to the age of 90 or even longer and while planning for this eventuality is essential, it needn’t be stressful. Even the smallest actions now can have a dramatic effect on your long term finances.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Launches New YMCA Advert has announced that the well-loved 70’s disco anthem YMCA is the soundtrack to the latest advert “Con-Fused-Dot-Com” featuring animated logo Cara. The new thirty second advert, focusing on car insurance, launched on Sunday 22nd May, with its peak spot taking place during the new ITV1 drama Vera.

The new advert is once again voiced by Louise Dearman who plays the lead in the popular West End hit musical, Wicked. Animated and produced by Hornet, with musical arrangement from Speckulation entertainment, the advert will feature living logo Cara singing the catchy anthem before being joined by a lively backing group of animated singers and dancers. Previous adverts featuring Cara include covers versions of songs from Queen and Diana Ross.

Mike Hoban, marketing director at, said: “ is the UK’s first price comparison site and this advert is an entertaining way to remind people how easily they can save money on household bills.

“The new series of adverts have been so successful that has added more than 2 million customers since the campaign launched.”

In addition to this thirty second car insurance advert, a thirty second advert focusing on home insurance and a sixty second brand advert are also launching. The new thirty second car insurance “Con-Fused-Dot-Com” advert can be viewed on Cara Confuseds page now. is also unveiling a new thirty second London region only radio advert on 1st June. Fans of Cara can keep up to date with her on her Facebook and Twitter pages.

Via EPR Network
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Standard Life Reveals Brits Think They Cannot Live on £140 a Week

Standard Life’s new research* has revealed that almost two out of three people (63%) think they could not live on £140 a week in retirement, rising to 72% for the 55 and over’s. Only 17% of the 55 and over’s think they could live on £140 a week. The Government has recently proposed a single-tier flat-rate state pension worth around £140 a week, and are currently consulting on how this might be introduced in 2015 at the earliest.

John Lawson, head of pensions policy at Standard Life said: “The introduction of state pensions of £140 a week for all is to be welcomed. This makes it clear and easy for people to understand what they will receive from the government as a pension. However, people clearly recognise that£140 a week will not likely be enough to live on in retirement.”

The research also found there were significant differences of opinion between age groups, with the young more likely to think £140 a week was OK, while those in the older age ranges having had a reality check at the cost of living.

John Lawson concluded with tips for improving overall financial health: “Set up a savings plan to put money away for your future needs. Pensions and are enough to meet the savings needs of 99% of the population. If you are saving for a retirement income, a pension is the most tax efficient home for your money.

“Investing in cash, whilst generally safe, often means that your savings don’t even keep pace with inflation, so don’t be afraid to take some risk, particularly if you are investing for the longer-term. Savings providers now offer personalised investment portfolios, such as Standard Life’s MyFolio, that match the level of risk you are comfortable with.”

Via EPR Network
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Saxo Bank Provides Retail Derivatives Trading to TD Waterhouse

Saxo Bank, the specialist in online trading and investment, has announced it will provide TD Waterhouse, the UK’s leading execution only broker, with an online derivatives trading platform for retail investors. Through Saxo Bank’s technology and service, TD Waterhouse will enhance its offering to enable customers to take control of their trading through TD Derivatives Trading for Contracts for Differences (CFDs), FX and Futures.

The TD Derivatives Trading account, which will be provided by Saxo Bank, has been developed to respond to the needs of sophisticated derivatives traders. Clients can tradeCFDs with commissions starting from 0.15% (minimum £15) on all markets. They can also take advantage of one of the leading FX Trading offerings available, with access to more than 160 FX currency pairs. The account also includes Futures, enabling customers to trade over 450 instruments on live market prices from exchanges around the world. TD Derivatives Trading clients can also create their perfect trading environment using two, free customisable platforms that can be adapted to their exact specifications.

Darren Hepworth, trading and customer services director at TD Waterhouse commented: “We always strive to ensure our customers have access to the best products and services. With the launch of TD Derivatives Trading, our customers can take control of their trading needs and create their perfect trading environment.”

Albert Maasland, CEO of Saxo Bank London added: “We are thrilled to be working with the preeminent execution only broker, TD Waterhouse. Their decision to adopt Saxo Bank’s technology and service are testament to the effectiveness of our offering in the retail market place. We strive to develop a collaborative business model, and the launch of this service reinforces the strength of our Institutional solutions.”

Via EPR Network
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Business Monitor International Launches Report on China’s Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry

Business Monitor International (BMI) has announced its latest report, China Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report.

The healthcare and pharmaceutical analysis includes Business Monitor International’s five and ten year forecast for drugs and healthcare expenditure, imports and exports, and focuses on the growth outlook for the prescription, OTC, patented drugs and generics market segments. The forecasts are based on in depth analysis into industry trends and new developments.

The China Analysis report is designed to provide industry professionals, market investors and corporate and financial services analysts with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the Chinese pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. The report is vital to these groups so that they can benchmark BMI’s independent five and ten year pharmaceutical and healthcare industry forecasts on Chine, target business opportunities and risks in the Chinese pharmaceutical and healthcare sector and asses the activities, strategy and market position of pharmaceutical competitors, partners and clients.

Following the outcome of Q1 2011, BMI now predicts China will become the most attractive pharmaceutical market in Asia Pacific within the next five years. China has the world´s most attractive emerging pharmaceutical market. Driven by a booming economy and underpinned by political stability, demand for medicines, both generic and patented, will continue to increase. However – the key downside risk is further pricing pressures, which could intensify in the event of an economic slowdown.

Via EPR Network
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Standard Life Reveals The Most Popular Retirement Top-Up Plans

Standard Life research* has revealed the most popular retirement top-up plans for people who have saved into a pension. Alongside using other investments (43%), nearly a quarter (24%) are expecting inheritance will help fund their retirement, while others are planning equity release on their main home (10%), using rental income / sale of a property (23%) or using a partner or spouse’s income (16%).

The research found that 7% of over-55s don’t plan to retire or have a pension plan, even though they had been saving into a pension. Using the state pension or other state benefits (76%) was the favoured choice of the majority of people. 23% of women are expecting to receive a retirement top-up from their spouse, while 13% of men make the same assumption.

John Lawson, head of pensions policy at Standard Life said: “Nearly half a million people in the UK over 55 are not planning to retire. This shows our attitudes towards retirement are changing, as people consider the implications of working and living longer than ever before. We know that many people want to continue working on their own terms, while some will want to start a new business or learn a new skill.

“Unfortunately, some may not have got their financial planning quite right. The realisation of reaching 65 and having to fund another 30 years in retirement has made them rethink their future plans.

“Relying on certain sources of income, for example an inheritance, could leave you short changed, so seeking the right financial advice early on and taking practical steps to ensure you don’t have all your eggs in one basket may prove a prudent move in later years.”

To help support people when making investment decisions, Standard Life has recently launched a range of investment funds, called MyFolio**. The MyFolio funds are a family of carefully constructed risk-based portfolios that offer clients a choice of active and passive investment strategies across five risk levels. Three styles are available to suit each clients’ investment philosophy: MyFolio Market Funds, Standard Life MyFolio Funds and MyFolio Multi-Manager Funds.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Releases Video on Margin Pressure, the home of Saxo Bank’s trading commentary, financial research and analysis, has released a video discussing the first quarter earnings wrap and specifically what happened to margin pressure.

It seems margin pressure hardly emerged and that its effects (on the back of higher commodities), especially for consumer driven companies, will instead first kick in later in the year. The underlying momentum for stocks remains strong. Pro-cyclical companies, in particular, posted good results largely driven by emerging markets), and this was confirmed in their earnings outlooks for more growth ahead – which is good news for stocks and the overall economy. Peter Garny, equity strategist for Saxo Bank discusses these issues in’s latest video.

With the larger companies in the S&P 500 in mind Peter discusses how many investors at the beginning of the earnings season were talking about a margin squeeze. In actual fact margins have actually expanded slightly in April, as well as year on year. So, margin pressure is by and large not evident yet, and the only disappointment lay on the top line in terms of revenue, which has slowed down somewhat. However, Peter is hopeful that this will grow again as the economy continues to grow throughout the year.

Peter then tackles how companies have dealt with the pressure of rising input costs. He commented that many of the large companies still have tight controls in place, meaning they have managed to keep their operating costs low. Most companies are also operating with long term contracts, which mean that rising spot prices in commodities are yet to kick in.

To finish, Peter talks about how large shipping companies and steel makers have recently reported better than expected earnings and growth, and what can be deduced from this in terms of economic growth. The numbers from these big procyclical companies, combined with the better than expected GDP numbers from the Eurozone show that the underlying momentum in the economy and on the corporate side is strong. However, as there is no great pick up in either Europe or the U.S., the emerging markets are clearly driving these numbers. This is a good sign for economic recovery, because when big companies affirm their outlooks for 2011, it generally means it should be a good year for stocks.

Via EPR Network
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Reliable Forex Signal Service

After almost 3 years of trading, development and back-testing, Reliable Solutions is proud to announce the launch of the Reliable FX Signals subscription service.

For the first time ever, Reliable Solutions introducing “Automated Trading System” in Forex industry. By this service, subscribers need not to wait for email or SMS to receive trade signals. Instead of that all the trade signals will automatically executed on subscribers Metatrader 4 account. All subscriber need to do is to check increasing balance daily.

Each day, Reliable FX Signal subscribers will be sent at least 1 trading signal a day. If subscribers PC and Internet are online then that trade will be executed automatically and it will also set take profit, stop loss levels at the time of execution. Reliable FX Signal will also manage risk of subscribers account. We also offer 100% money back guarantee to our subscribers. It means, at the end of the month if subscribers account balance stays below of beginning balance then we will give 100% subscription charges back to subscriber. Development of own profitable, stable, viable trading system may take several years. Normally, this process faces some dangers. Plus add to that the fact that you are going to make some big mistakes on your way which means that you will lose lots of money. Often, these mistakes devastate the account, and injure the incentives of the beginner so much, that he gives up his work with Forex and makes no further tries. Our signals will help you avoid this huge mistake.

Our experienced and professional traders strive to identify the market current trend (short or long) ¬ so you can reap the benefits and make money constantly. We hope that you will take full advantage of all we have to offer in our website.

For more information about the signal subscription service, Reliable FX Signals, you can go to the company website at

Via EPR Network
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LV= Launches My Car iPhone App

LV= has launched a new iPhone app for motorists called LV= My Car. It is a multi-utility application that features five clickable options for users to chose from including a car profile function, traffic maps, local info maps and for LV= customers only, an accident toolkit and call LV= tool. Each option takes the user to a separate page and offers a different service.

The car profile function allows users to input information about their own car to be stored on the app. Users can either enter their vehicle registration number whereby a third party provider will determine the exact car make/model (plus other information) or they can choose to create their own manual car profile. Here they will be able to include relevant information about their car such as engine size, BHP, miles per gallon, tyre pressure and tyre size.

There is also the option to set a number of car related renewal reminders including road tax, MOT and service, parking permit, and insurance. These reminders can also be added to the iPhone calendar. Users are then alerted two weeks before the renewal is due.

Using the accident toolkit feature, LV= car insurance customers are able to fill out an accident report form and submit it to LV=. There are two sections to this feature; ‘during an accident’ and ‘after an accident’. The first section allows the user to make notes about an accident they have been involved in and this includes the other driver’s details and the opportunity to capture images of the accident.

The second section enables LV= customers to fill in an accident report form. Here they are prompted to note their personal information, a description of the incident, whether there was third party involvement, whether either party accepted fault, extent of the damage, injuries, witnesses, whether the police were involved and if there is a crime number. Once all of the relevant information is complete users can submit the form to LV= and a claims handler is guaranteed to get in contact within 24 hours. Customers also have the option to call LV= at this point rather than submit information via the app.

Drivers can also use the app to receive detailed local traffic updates and access a local information map which will highlight nearby amenities.

The launch of the application follows the launch of LV=’s first iPhone app for job hunters which was released in September last year.

Paul Wishman, LV= e-commerce director said: “We are delighted to be launching the LV= My Car app. We opted to create an app with a difference that offers a service that could be used in different situations. We have recently launched the LV= mobile site so the launch of the iPhone app is the next step in our mobile strategy.”

Via EPR Network
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Will the Catholic Church & the U.S. Courts Embrace Advanced Cell Technologies?

Advanced Cell Technology with laboratory facilities in Marlborough Massachusetts has pioneered a solution to the ethical, moral & legal debate raging in regards to protection of a human embryo. ACT has developed the “single-blastomere” technique. Patent Number 7,893,315 a non-destructive alternative for deriving human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines.

This achievement in Regenerative medicine is a ground breaking feat for both Catholic and U.S. law.
• The 1995 encyclical The Gospel of Life, of which Pope John Paul II wrote: “Human embryos obtained in vitro are human beings and are subjects with rights; their dignity and right to life must be respected from the first moment of their existence. It is immoral to produce human embryos destined to be exploited as disposable ‘biological material'” (1,5 )
• The Dickey Amendment (also known as the Dickey-Wicker Amendment) is the name of an appropriation bill rider attached to a bill passed by United States Congress in 1995, and signed by former President Bill Clinton, which prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from using appropriated funds for the creation of human embryos for research purposes or for research in which human embryos are destroyed.

The single-blastomere technology uses a one-cell biopsy approach similar to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which is widely used in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process and does not interfere with the embryo’s developmental potential. The stem cells generated using this approach are healthy, completely normal, and differentiate into all the cell types of the human The safety record for one-cell biopsy as part of PGD now has a 15-year track record, and is carried out routinely as part of IVF processes around the world. ACT’s technique of protecting the human embryo from harm can be expounded to the smallest blood transfusion in the world. As does a human being give millions of blood cells in a pint of blood so does ACT’s “single blastomere” process take but “one cell” from a 2 day old embryo. As the blood removed from a human donor “regenerate” the removed pint of blood so does the human embryo “regenerate” the one cell. Both of these procedures leave the human body & two day old embryo healthy. Both procedures are similar in that they both provide life saving material to those whom need them most to due to disease and other aliments of a medical nature.

Advanced Cell Technology has been granted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a Phase I/II multicenter clinical trial using retinal cells derived from human embryonic stem cells for both Stargardt’s Macular Dystrophy (SMD), one of the most common forms of juvenile macular degeneration in the world and Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) the most common form of macular degeneration in the world affecting an estimated 150 million people. ACT is using RPE cells developed from the patented (SCB) technique for this trial. The trial will take place at UCLA’s Jules Stein Eye Institute in California. Because of the biological nature of the human eye the trial will be able to provide a 100% irrefutable proof that the (hESC) derived RPE cells used attached to the Bruch’s membrane. Before and after state of the art imaging will take place.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

RBS Invoice Finance Launches New External Website

RBS Invoice Finance has launched its new external website. The new site comes after several months of development and planning, as well as talking to staff, clients and introducers alike.

The improved site sees the information architecture of the site being completely overhauled, allowing easier access to the information on the site for different audiences.

The new site aims to be turnover-based for those who are keen to understand the types of services RBS Invoice Finance offers; sector-based, for those who are keen to see examples of the services and clients in sectors such as theirs and product-based, for those who know what they are looking for.

The site also features new and improved content including richer content, to help engage visitors and keep them browsing the site, animation to bring ‘Approve/Fund/Collect/Protect’ to life and video client case studies to help tell the RBS Invoice Finance story through the voice of the client.

Ross McFarlance, director of UK sales and client relations, commented: “The digital world is constantly changing, so it’s important that we invest to give our site prominence in search engine results. To ensure this happens, RBS Invoice Finance has appointed bigmouthmedia as its retained search engine optimisation agency. They will help RBS Invoice Finance to continually review and improve its performance in online search engines.

“This is a significant investment in the online channel and one which RBS Invoice Finance is confident will yield increased online visibility, site traffic and new business lead flow.”

Via EPR Network
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Advanced Cell Technology (OTC:ACTC) vs. Geron Corp. (NASDAQ:GERN)

Regenerative medicine is a highly complicated and vastly misunderstood science. Investor Stem Cell is dedicated to bringing investors and stakeholders together in thoughtful discussion to educate and publicize the incredible advancements unfolding in the regenerative medicine sector. A quantum leap in health care is upon the world. Will you profit from this emerging sector & help bring cures to millions? Find out now what the street thinks at

Side by side comparison of Advanced Cell Technology & Geron Corporation:

Geron Corporation (NASDAQ:GERN), Approved by the FDA to use human embryonic stem cell (hESC) treatments to treat spinal cord injuries. The research Goliath is a well-funded machine employing the top minds in the world working on everything from mid-stage oncology trials to promising (hESC) drugs for spinal cord injuries, heart disease & cancer.

Snap shot of Goliath: Geron Corpoartion-(NASDAQ:GERN)-
• Seven oncology Phase 2 trials currently underway, and has several big Pharma joint venture agreements in oncology animal and human trials
• Five hESC areas of investigation underway. GRNOPC1 is the lead candidate. Geron destroys the human embryo through its (hESC) R&D, of which the company uses the blastocyst embryo formation at day five after fertilization from IVF clinics
• Cash, restricted cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities: $221,274.000.00
• Total operating expenses in 2010: $114,730,000.00
• 175 employees; over 100 hold PhD or MD degrees
• Geron Corporation was founded in 1990 and is based in Menlo Park, California
• Trades on the NASDAQ providing liquidity & large institutional investors
• Corporate financial statements:

Advanced Cell Technology not too long ago was the predominant leader in the field of regenerative medicine. It fell from that distinction in part due to executive management hubris and ultimately the credit crisis in mid-2008. ACT was able to resurrect itself from near bankruptcy in June 2008 and now has the distinction of holding two out of the three FDA approved (hESC) trials. ACT is led by a competent executive management team and employs several of the most predominant regenerative researcher(s) in the world.

Snap shot of David: Advanced Cell Technology-(OTC:ACTC)-
• Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Program is their lead program-(HESC) trials for both SMD/AMD are expected to start in week(s) Jules Stein Eye Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA ) will conduct the 2 (hESC) trials for Stargardt’s Macular Dystrophy (SMD) and Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
• Filed a European Clinical Trial Application for Phase 1/2 study using (hESC) to treat macular degeneration
• Issued a broad patent for hESC-derived RPE cells in China
• Seeking funding & joint venture partner for Myoblast program for the treatment of cardiovascular disease Phase 2 approved by the FDA
• Joint ventured with Korean medical giant CHA to form “Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine International” (SCRMI). This partnership expected to file an investigational new drug application (IND) with the FDA in Q-4 of this year. CHA biotech is waiting for final approval from the Korea Food and Drug Administration for (hESC) trial for AMD
• Issued patent on its “single-blastomere” technique. Patent Number 7,893,315 broadly covers ACT’s proprietary single-blastomere technology that provides a non-destructive alternative for deriving hESC lines. This “Embryo-Safe” one-cell biopsy approach similar to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which is widely used in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process and does not interfere with the embryo’s developmental potential
• 22 full-time employees, six hold PhD or MD degrees-Formed in 1994, HQ in Menlo Park, California with laboratory facilities in Marlborough, MA
• Total operating expenses in 2010: $22,044,701
• Cash, restricted cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities: $34,889,409
• Trades on the OTC:BB ACTC is a Sarbanes–Oxley Act SEC reporter
• Corporate financial statements:

Via EPR Network
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