Tag Archives: NAIC-Suitability

Not All NAIC Suitability Training Solutions Are Created Equal

With the Iowa Suitability Requirement becoming active on January 1, 2010 there is no doubt that insurance carriers are scrambling to find the best solution. While most solutions are similar in that they will offer State Specific Training and Carrier Specific Training the means and methods in which they deliver the training will differ from provider to provider. Quest is proud to offer the industry’s most comprehensive, user friendly and cost effective solution to the NAIC Suitability Regulation.

Using proprietary technology, Quest has the ability to meet each individual carrier’s NAIC Suitability Training needs. While most carriers will opt for a Single Suitability Platform, there are some carriers with captivate agents that would prefer a private label solution. Quest has built their reputation on providing innovative solutions and advanced custom technologies. This custom technology addresses the needs of the carrier wishing to have an NAIC Training portal branded specifically for their company and their producers. A private label solution will match the carriers’ look and feel providing an effective marketing tool and sense of good will with the carrier’s producers. Custom reporting, in addition to daily PGP encrypted data feeds are standard with all of Quest’s learning platforms and will serve as an integral function in both private label solutions and the Single Source Solution.

While other NAIC Suitability Training Providers have turned to their old, outdated technologies to address the growing demand of training required of producers, Quest has specifically designed their NAIC Suitability Training Portals with the users in mind. Quest’s simple three step process allows producers to either self-register for their training or be loaded in on the front end by their carriers. The first step requires the producer to select the State Specific Training required by the NAIC. Currently the only state with a requirement in place is Iowa. The second step asks the producer to select the insurance carriers that they sell for so they can select their Carrier/Product Specific Training at step three. The process is intuitive and seamless. The producer will easily be able to create their user profile loaded with all of the training they need to continue to sell their carriers’ products.

Quest’s system puts control in the hands of the producers. The logic behind this method is that the producer knows better than anyone else which carriers they sell for and which state and product specific training they need to complete. Other vendors trust complicated and incomplete databases which rely on each carriers list of producers to be correct and constantly updated. Quest’s solution allows for flexibility and intelligence so producers are able to use the training portal as a way of updating their own records with the carriers they represent. On demand reporting and daily data feeds will ensure that producers are compliant with their requirements and able to place business with the carriers they represent as soon as possible.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Quest CE Introduces the 2010 NAIC Suitability Regulation Solution

Quest Continuing Education Solutions (Quest CE) is proud to announce the solution to the 2010 NAIC Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation. Quest’s simple two-tiered approach will provide an “All-In-One” Solution for Insurers, Distributors and Producers that fall under the NAIC’s new regulation.

Quest’s 4-hour annuity course in Iowa has been approved by the state and meets the Iowa Administrative Rule 191-15.72 for a one-time, four (4) hour annuity training course requirement. In addition, this course is approved for resident CE credit. Per the new NAIC Suitability Regulation, Quest will also provide insurer-product specific training in their Industry Leading Learning Management System, Renaissance.

NAIC Suitability Regulation Training through Quest allows for automated encrypted data and completion feeds. Feeds can be sent on a daily basis or as often as the program administrator desires. Quest’s system also allows for participants in the program to be bulk loaded into the training platform. Ensure your programs compliance with Quest so beginning January 1, 2011 your producers are able to sell your annuities in Iowa.

The NAIC Suitability Regulation Training platform will provide:

• A dedicated location where a producer can complete all of their required training requirements and view the status of each requirement within the Model Regulation;
• Updated training posted to the site subsequent to initial training including additional State Specific Annuity Requirements as they become effective;
• A company specific branded web portal where insurers can comply with the new regulation and update their product-specific training courses in their student profiles;
• The ability to print completion certificates online 24/7;
• An automatic e-mail notification system allowing insurers to instantly notify producers of new or updated product specific training requirements;
• Automated and PGP encrypted customized data feeds with real-time search tools for insurers and Broker/Dealers to satisfy compliance requirements and training.

Quest’s NAIC Suitability Regulation Training Solution is available now and ready for demonstration or implementation. Contact Quest at 877-593-3366 or e-mail Quest at sales@questce.com to speak with one of our dedicated Sales Team Members about guaranteeing your 2010 NAIC Suitability Regulation Training today.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases