If you have been frustrated with the options available to fulfill your credit requirements for continuing insurance education, you life may have just got a lot easier. www.MyCeIsOnline.com began offering insurance education courses last month for only $1 per credit in most states. Instead of paying over $10 per credit hour to take them in a class. We had an insurance agent take several of their courses to review their site and service.
The feedback was that it was the ugliest site she had ever seen. That being said, the courses were delivered with out issues, payment was easy, and she really liked the part about not paying until she passed the exam. In all she said she didn’t care if the site was ugly. It was by far the best Insurance CE solution that she had seen.
We would suggest the same, go check out the site, laugh at how ugly it is, then fall in love with its simplicity. To visit their site. Go to http://www.myceisonline.com.
Via EPR Network
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