Category Archives: Financial


The Children’s Mutual Reports Saving For Children Is Still Crucial

The Children’s Mutual, a leading Child Trust Fund provider, reports that saving for children is crucial and urges the 5 million families whose children hold Child Trust Fund (CTF) accounts to continue saving for their children into CTFs.

The Children's Mutual Reports Saving For Children Is Still Crucial

David White, Chief Executive of The Children’s Mutual, said: “The CTF has changed the nation’s savings habits and we congratulate families across the UK for recognising the critical importance of saving for their children’s futures.”

According to The Children’s Mutual, today’s parents are paying out an average of£30,000 to fund their children between the ages of 18 to 30 and these costs are only expected to rise for families of tomorrow.

The Children’s Mutual urges families to not be disheartened by the Government’s announcement to stop all payments to Child Trust Funds by January 2011, but to continue to help their children fulfil their future potential by saving regularly over the long term. CTF holding children now have a unique asset that others will not.

The Children’s Mutual also revealed that the Child Trust Fund is the single most successful savings policy to date and that this sort of short term cut does not address the pressing need for families to save or recognise the significant benefit to society that the CTF will bring from 2020 as maturing funds return an anticipated £2.96bn each year to the economy.

David White continued: “We also reassure our current and existing customers that having been in existence for the last 129 years, we have been providing long-term savings accounts for children and helping support families throughout our history. We are committed to continuing to do so in the future.”

Launched in 2005, Child Trust Funds were designed to provide a tax efficient, long term savings vehicle for all eligible children. Newborn children (born on or after 1 September 2002) received a £250 Child Trust Fund voucher (£500 for low income families) from the government when their parents registered for Child Benefit. The government then makes a second contribution of £250 (£500 for low income families) when the child reaches seven. Parents, family and friends can all then add to this account up to a maximum value of £1,200 each year. The proposed changes to the CTF will mean that for existing customers the accounts remain as before, with an annual tax-efficient top up allowance of £1,200, albeit without government’s additional contributions from 1 August 2010.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV= Announces Improvements To Its Protection Range

LV= has announced that it has improved its term rates for higher sums assured, re-priced its FPP Term Assurance, Family Income Benefit and Gift Inter Vivos products, as well as cut prices on its accident and sickness cover under its Mortgage & Lifestyle Protection product.

The changes to the term rates for higher sums assured, typically between £150,000 and £300,000, come soon after LV= re-priced its critical illness cover, meaning LV= is now leading the way on price for many term assurance contracts.

Mark Jones, head of protection at LV=, said: “These improvements will help us offer customers a combination of great experience, proven ability and competitive prices. We make no bones of the fact we are keen to expand our customer base for term assurance, especially at the higher sums assured end of the market.”

LV= has also improved all of its accident and sickness rates for lower risk occupations under its award winning Mortgage & Lifestyle protection product.

Mark Jones concluded: “The re-pricing of our accident and sickness rates within our Mortgage & Lifestyle Protection product for lower risk occupations is a clear demonstration of our strategy for marrying competitive pricing with market leading product innovation. We are very pleased to be able to reduce all of these premiums, as this further enhances an already top class proposition for mortgage advisers.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Research Shows Advisers Turn To With-Profits Investments

New research* from Prudential shows that up to a third of advisers expect to recommend with-profits products to clients this year with bonds the most popular.

Prudential Research Shows Advisers Turn To With-Profits Investments

30 per cent of financial advisers expect to advise clients to invest in with-profits products during 2010. Of those, 63 per cent say with-profits bonds are the most popular with clients, followed by with-profits pensions and then with-profits annuities.

Prudential, whose with-profits fund returned 18.9 per cent in 2009** and paid out £2 billion to policyholders, believes with-profits are increasing in popularity as advisers look for investment products which aim to deliver long-term and steady returns.

The research went on to show 82 per cent of advisers believe long-term performance is the most important attribute when recommending investment products which reflects the growing concern about stock market volatility – just 40 per cent of advisers say the majority of their clients are happy to be subject to market volatility when making investment decisions. Around 22 per cent of advisers say only a minority of their clients are now happy to be exposed to market volatility following recent stock market peaks and troughs.

Andy Brown, Director of Investment Funds at Prudential, said: “With-profits sales have strengthened in the past 18 months as investors have looked for more cautious alternatives to pure equity investment and the growing interest looks set to continue into 2010 despite the strong recovery in the stock market.

“Clearly not all advisers are convinced by the with-profits investment story, however not all with-profits funds are the same and it’s important that investors are not misled by generalisations about the performance of these products. Our consistent approach to smoothing and bonus setting has served our policyholders well, protecting them from the full impact of volatile investment conditions while giving them the confidence of knowing that their savings are invested in a financially strong and well-managed Fund.”

Of those advisers who would recommend with-profits to their clients, 53 per cent said that financial strength was the most important factor when considering a with-profits provider.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Barclaycard Wins At The 2010 Cards International Awards

Barclaycard has taken two prizes at the 2010 Cards International Awards for its Visa CodeSure card and its innovative loyalty programme, Barclaycard Freedom.

Barclaycard Wins At The 2010 Cards International Awards

Barclaycard Freedom is the broadest retail rewards scheme the UK has ever known: a rewards coalition of unprecedented size and scope which opened loyalty up to small retailers alongside household names. Barclaycard Freedom was automatically available to eight million Barclaycard holders at launch on 17 March 2010, and more than 30,000 retailers of all sizes were invited to be partners in the scheme. It is a first in the UK market, bringing a new level of simplicity and convenience to the concept of loyalty and rewards.

Barclaycard Commercial’s Visa CodeSure Card is an industry first which expands card functionality beyond payment. The card combines a standard Visa corporate credit card with additional identity protection functionalities. A keypad, LCD screen and battery are embedded into the back of each card, allowing it to become the platform for secure applications such as extranet access.

Sarah Alspach, Marketing Director for Barclaycard Freedom, said: “These two awards demonstrate our investment in innovation, and our commitment to developing card technology across the board for the benefit of our customers. Barclaycard Freedom is giving customers a simple, modern way to enjoy rewards. At Barclaycard we are committed to improving products and services for businesses and consumers alike, and are thrilled to have been recognised with these awards.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

International Figures Show UK Lagging When It Comes To Child Mortality Rate, Prompting Concern From Life Insurance Comparison Site

New research has shown that the UK has the highest child mortality rate in Western Europe. With a rate of 5.3 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, the UK is falling behind other rich countries when it comes to cutting the number of child mortalities.

International Figures Show UK Lagging When It Comes To Child Mortality Rate, Prompting Concern From Life Insurance Comparison Site

International figures have revealed that child death in the UK, along with the USA, New Zealand and South Korea, has not reduced the number of child deaths as quickly as expected.

The figures, from a team at the University of Washington in Seattle, have prompted life insurance comparison site to speak out about its concerns. A spokesperson for the company explained:

“It is extremely concerning to see that the UK is lagging behind its counterparts. As one of the most developed countries in the world, it seems shocking to think that we are not able to quickly and significantly cut the number of child mortalities.

“To receive this information at a time when the NHS is at the focus of attention makes us hope that ensuring everyone gets the care they need is at the top of the agenda for ministers.”

The UK’s mortality rate saw the country fall from 10th in the global chart to the 33rd and the research also found that the decline in deaths in the under fives is reducing more quickly in poorer countries, according to The Lancet.

However, the BBC reports that the global child mortality rate has dropped from 11·9 million deaths in 1990 to an estimated 7·7 million deaths in 2010 in children under five. While the UK has continued to reduce mortality rates, by three quarters since 1970, a large number of other European countries have overtaken it.

A spokesperson for the Department of Health highlighted the fact that infant mortality is at the lowest rate ever in the UK, but there are still calls for the country to have a close look at neonatal and child care.

Life insurance comparison site is among those calling for increased efforts in the coming years. It said: “While the number of deaths does continue to fall, we believe is it not falling fast enough and would like to see assurances that money will continue to go towards research and medical care for threats to the health of infants.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Principle First Highlights Budget Plans To Make Venture Capital Trusts More Attractive

Principle First has registered extremely strong demand for Venture Capital Trust (VCT) investments driven on the one hand by the VCT’s numerous tax advantages, but also by proposed positive changes in VCT legislation which were announced in this year’s budget, which if passed should allow VCTs to invest in a wider range of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with up to 250 employees, and market capitalisation up to £15m.

Principle First Highlights Budget Plans To Make Venture Capital Trusts More Attractive

Gareth Flanagan, managing director of Principle First, said: “VCTs offer an unbeatable 30% tax relief and there are now very innovative VCT models available which have very effectively minimised risk. As the top tax bracket has now risen to 50%, VCTs are a more attractive investment than ever, particularly for high earners.”

Principle First believes the recent increased demand is due to the market conditions which have made VCT investments extremely favourable at present. In the current economic environment, where bank lending to SMEs is relatively difficult to obtain, the UK’s most dynamic companies are looking around for alternative sources of finance – and see VCTs as an attractive option. Consequently, VCT managers have never had such a range of good deals coming across their desks, and the quality and standard of companies where they invest has never been so good. VCT investments offer a 30% upfront income tax relief on investments of £3,000 – £200,000.

According to Principle First, the Octopus VCT, which minimises investment risk, and Alternative Investment Market (AIM) VCTs have also benefited. AIMs work best when investing in companies with capitalisation towards £15m, and as such are poised to benefit strongly from the budget proposals to relax investment rules.

VCTs are a valuable and highly tax-efficient strategic investment which can be used in conjunction with Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and a personal pension, as part of a rounded, balanced and tax-streamlined financial plan.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Reveals Just One In Five Seek Financial Advice In Run Up To Retirement

According to Prudential research, people approaching retirement could be missing out on valuable guidance by choosing to shun the services of a professional financial adviser. The survey found that only 19 per cent who said they were planning to retire in 2010 got their pre-retirement advice from a financial adviser.

Prudential Reveals Just One In Five Seek Financial Advice In Run Up To Retirement

Prudential’s Class of 2010 report has also found that 35 per cent got their financial advice from friends, 10 per cent from family and 25 per cent newspapers, magazines and the internet, however fewer than one in 10 people (9 per cent) who had done their own research from newspapers, magazines or the internet then went on to seek professional financial advice regarding their retirement planning.

Vince Smith-Hughes, head of retirement income at Prudential, said: “There’s no doubt that the internet and all the various personal finance magazines and newspapers provide a wealth of useful information for people planning their retirement. But if people rely solely on this information to make a financial decision, it could lead to serious misdiagnosis and people could end up making irreversible decisions which leave them financially disadvantaged.

“The low take-up of financial advice could also be a wake-up call for the industry and regulators. The fact that relatively few consumers appear to take financial advice highlights the need to develop advice services which can address the issue of consumer access, and perhaps the industry could also do more to encourage people approaching retirement to take advantage of the expertise which are already available from advisers.

“I suspect that one reason for low take-up of financial advice is that people are reluctant to pay for it, but I firmly believe there’s no substitute for expert professional financial advice. Like many services which require skill and a detailed knowledge of the market, financial advice does cost money.”

Men are more inclined to consult a financial adviser about an endowment or their pension plan than women according to Prudential’s research (22 per cent compared to 15 per cent), while more women than men tend to seek their advice from friends or family and newspapers, magazines or the internet (38 per cent compared to 32 per cent).

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Barclaycard Retail Card Spending Index Shows April Spending Was Flat

Barclaycard Global Payment Acceptance has released new data that shows spending on credit and debit cards in April was broadly flat with a slight increase of 0.8% from March. Barclaycard Payment Acceptance processes credit and debit card transactions for 87,000 businesses across the UK. Whilst the monthly increase was flat, the year-on-year comparison with April 09 showed an increase in credit and debit card spending at UK retailers of 8.9%.

Barclaycard Retail Card Spending Index Shows April Spending Was Flat

During April, Barclaycard Payment Acceptance saw transactions peak at 12.19pm on Saturday 3rd April, with 340 transactions per second being processed. However, the busiest day for transactions overall was the 30th April, which was the Friday of the May Day bank holiday weekend when 12.7 millions transactions were processed.

The Barclaycard Retail Card Spending Index is the most comprehensive index of its kind and is based on spending on all credit and debit cards across a wide range of retail sectors, at retailers that use Barclaycard to process their credit and debit card transactions – about a third of UK businesses.

Commenting on the data, Stuart Neal, Head of UK Payment Acceptance said: “We’ve seen a much lower increase in retail card spending in April, although it’s still positive news for retailers following the 18% increase we saw between February and March. Looking forward to next month, I’d expect credit and debit card spending to be broadly flat again.”

In addition to the monthly spending index, Barclaycard has also released early figures for May, covering the May Day bank holiday weekend. Overall, debit and credit card spending over that weekend was down slightly (1.4%) on the same bank holiday period in 2009.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Littman Berg Reports First Quarter 2010 Results

LittmanBerg today reported its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2010, which ended on April 7, 2010. Revenues for the quarter were $721 million, compared with $ 724 million recorded during the first quarter of 2009. Operating income was $95.6 million in 2010, compared with the $97.1 million reported in the year-ago period.

Littman Berg Reports First Quarter 2010 Results

LittmanBerg’s net income increased to $17.6 million compared with the $14.5 million reported last year, primarily due to a tax benefit recorded in the quarter.

Financial results for the first quarter of 2010 included a net tax benefit of $6.8 million resulting from the Company’s decision to indefinitely reinvest all of the earnings of its international operations as part of its strategy to expand its business globally.

Commenting on the Company’s financial results, Martin Kobayashi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, stated: “Revenues and operating income declined in the first quarter of fiscal 2010 as compared to 2009, but we remain on track to meet our financial guidance for 2010LittamnBerg’s performance during the first quarter and our outlook for the full year reflect the continued strength of the commodity sector and our success in positioning LittmanBerg in some of the fastest growing segments of these markets. While capital spending in the power and industrial and commercial sectors remains low, we continue to see signs of recovery in these markets, including increased project planning work by our clients, which should drive increased opportunities for our business. Our expectations for the year are supported by our continued success in winning new assignments, particularly in the commodity market which is reflected in our strong book of business.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

AmCorp Management Links With New Utility Auditor

AmCorp, announces that it has entered into a new agreement with one of the nation’s most successful utility auditing firms. The agreement established Michael and Paul Kerkorian as their head utility auditing division for AmCorp Analytics, Inc.

AmCorp Management Links With New Utility Auditor

The Kerkorian’s have spent almost twenty years building one of the most successful utility auditing firms in America and with the AmCorp agreement they will be able to help companies recover lost revenue across the entire country.

AmCorp helps small and midsize companies recover lost revenue through providing risk free analysis of their expenses. They provide audit and analysis services for workers’ compensation, utility audits, telecom audits and cost segregation services. Darren Oliver, the President of AmCorp stated that many times the billing errors are by accident, however sometimes the billing errors and miss-billing practices are from providers attempting to scam the end user. Our job is to identify the money and recover it regardless on why it happened.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Debt Free Direct Sees Mixed Results As Q1 Insolvency Figures Are Released By The Insolvency Service

The latest insolvency figures released show personal debt is continuing to rise in the UK, with Q1 of 2010 the fifth consecutive quarter to do so. Official figures declared for the first three months of 2010 saw a 17.9% increase in the number of personal insolvencies in England and Wales compared with the same period last year. Company insolvencies however were down 17.8% on the same period last year, rounding off a mixed year for the nation’s debt.

Debt Free Direct Sees Mixed Results As Q1 Insolvency Figures Are Released By The Insolvency Service

There were 35,682 personal insolvencies and 4,082 company insolvencies in the first quarter of 2010, however Derek Oakley, Insolvency Director at Debt Free Direct has warned of the trends of previous downturns; “In previous downturns the UK has experienced a double spike in formal insolvencies: the first representing the actual downturn itself and the second coming during the recovery of the downturn as under capitalised and weakened businesses struggle to cope with increased activity levels.”

The figure for company insolvencies, 4,082, equalled out at a decrease of 8.4% on the previous quarter. The figure can be converted to 1 in 120 active companies going into l formal insolvency(or 0.8%), which is a decrease f r o m the previous quarter, when the figure stood at 1 in every 114 countries (0.9%).

The official figures on insolvencies are released by The Insolvency Service and are compiled f r o m administrative records of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The records show that the 35,682 personal insolvencies consisted of a variety of different types. The traditional way of dealing with unmanageable debt; Bankruptcy was at 18,256, which was down 10.7% on the same quarter last year, but up 7.3% on the previous quarter.

There were 11,782 Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA), up 20.1% on last year but at the lowest level since the first quarter of 2009. An IVA is a legally binding agreement between debtor and creditor in which a reduced payment plan is committed to. Introduced in 1986, the agreement typically lasts for around 5 years and the consumer has the potential to settle a portion of their debt.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LittmanBerg Launches New Integrated Prime Services Model Leading-Edge Technologies and Global Footprint Changes the Face of Boutique Prime Advisory

LittmanBerg is a leading provider of investment technologies and execution solutions to individual and institutional clients worldwide, today announced that it has completed the integration of DML Trading. With this, LittmanBerg is pleased to now offer a new Integrated Prime Services model that combines traditional boutique prime Advisory offerings with LittmanBerg’s state-of-the-art investment technologies and extensive global reach. This new model significantly expands the products and technologies available to smaller hedge funds and other asset managers and gives clients access to a complete suite of services that no other boutique prime advisory firm can match.

LittmanBerg Launches New Integrated Prime Services Model Leading-Edge Technologies and Global Footprint Changes the Face of Boutique Prime Advisory

“LittmanBerg is known throughout the industry for its strong commitment to technological innovation and together we have deep insights into the needs of hedge funds. By offering a solution for virtually all of our clients’ needs, from start-up services and capital introduction to advanced execution technologies, we have created a one-stop shop that is truly unique in the marketplace and one that gives our clients a considerable edge.”

Some of the services now offered to clients include preferred access to:

• A full suite of advanced algorithmic strategies, including highly intelligent, tactical trading algorithm
• Vast agency liquidity
• A fully staffed 24-hour desk for execution in over 100 global markets
• Block trading, exchange traded funds,
• Advanced derivative execution management technologies
• Order management system (OMS) for trading, compliance, operations, portfolio management and analytics
• One of the industry’s largest networks of independent research
• Comprehensive commission management technologies and services

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Launches New Video Channel For Forex And Equity Programmes

Saxo Bank, the specialist in online trading and investment, is launching a new one-stop video site for its market commentary, interviews and educational programmes.

Saxo Bank Launches New Video Channel For Forex And Equity Programmes

The Bank produces many hours of financial news and analysis from its own state-of-the-art studio at its head office in Copenhagen, Denmark. The studio is in daily use by Saxo Bank’s team of analysts providing comments to international and local TV stations such as CNBC and Bloomberg.

Videos for Saxo Bank’s websites have been hosted by Saxo Bank using third-party servers and are shown on several websites within Saxo Bank and sharing sites such as YouTube. The new video site uses a web-TV platform from 23Video, a Danish web start-up.

“Video is becoming increasingly important as a way of reaching investors with commentary on the markets and educational programmes for traders that are new to online markets,” said Dinis Guarda, Global Head of SEO and Social Media Strategy at Saxo.

“We have been running a weekly Forex and equities update since May last year and have produced around 250 trading strategy videos featuring interviews with Saxo Bank’s analysts for the website,” he added.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Principle First Sees Rising Demand For Guaranteed Investments

Principle First reports guaranteed investments are rapidly gaining in popularity, as many investors who felt the pain of the recent slump in stock investments seek more stability and security, moving forward. This follows a noticeably sharp rise in the number of Principle First clients eager to invest capital but also looking for the security that guaranteed investments provide.

Principle First Sees Rising Demand For Guaranteed Investments

Guaranteed investments offer stability and security to those wishing to invest with no risk to capital. This is a significant attraction to those who saw the value of their other investments fall dramatically in recent years, and indeed to those who only witnessed the economic downturn, and are coming to invest money now.” said Gareth Flanagan, Managing Director, Principle First.

There are a wide variety of guaranteed products on the investments market, one particular guaranteed investment available through Principle First is the MetLife Guaranteed Investment Bond. The Guaranteed Investment Bond is a single premium, unit linked insurance bond that invests in a range of portfolios managed by MetLife.

“Income bonds may suit those who wish to enjoy a monthly income from interest on a lump sum guaranteed investment.” said Gareth Flanagan, managing director of Principle First.

This type of bond is not invested in the stock market, and may be the guaranteed investment of choice for those wishing to avoid stock market investments. As guaranteed investments, income bonds offer the security of knowing that the original sum is secure and will be returned, combined with the monthly or annual interest payments on the cash. (Investors can also choose to roll up annual interest, and take it at the end of the bond’s term). These payments are taxable, and can be paid directly into the investor’s bank account.

As is generally the case with bonds, penalty charges are likely to be payable if the bond is cashed in before the end of its term. From that point of view, income bonds are suitable only where the investor can do without the cash for the term of the bond. As Chartered Financial Planners, Principle First offers an advice service covering all aspects of guaranteed investments to clients.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV = Recruiting For Over 300 Staff

LV=, insurance and investment group, has announced it is currently recruiting for over 300 jobs. The jobs being recruited for will be based in locations around the UK including in Bournemouth, London, Huddersfield, Hitchin and Bristol.

LV = Recruiting For Over 300 Staff

LV= offers a wide range of financial products and services including life insurance, protection, home insurance, investments, car insurance, pensions and retirement solutions, pet insurance, travel insurance and commercial general insurance products.

Many of the roles will be based in the company’s general insurance division and include positions in sales, customer services, claims and technical management. Other roles currently on offer are within various head office functions including marketing, ecommerce, finance and human resources.

The company has undergone a transformation since 2007 when a new board led by CEO Mike Rogers, was appointed. As well as a new brand image, the company has opened new offices around the UK and made a number of corporate acquisitions including Highway Insurance and the former GE Life business ‘Tomorrow’.

David Smith, HR director of LV=, said: “LV= is going through a period of significant growth so it’s a very exciting time to join us. Our general insurance operation is a particular hotspot for growth and we are looking for people both with experience in this field but also for individuals who are looking to move into this sector from other careers. When many other financial companies are making cut-backs we are actually expanding so this not only means that there is the opportunity to join us but also lots of great career prospects.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Reveals Imminent Retirees Willing To Work Longer To Secure Higher Pension

According to the latest research* from Prudential’s Class of 2010 retirement survey, 57% of people planning to retire this year would be willing to work on in order to guarantee a higher income when they do retire.

Prudential Reveals Imminent Retirees Willing To Work Longer To Secure Higher Pension

In fact the new study of attitudes to retirement showed that 25% would be happy to work for five years more, with 7% of these people willing to put in another 10 years before retiring.

The research highlights changing attitudes to retirement as people come to terms with increased longevity – as well as the financial effects of the credit crunch and recession on retirement saving plans. The average 65 year-old man is expected to live to 83 and a 65 year-old women is expected to reach 85**.

Prudential found that 18% of those who are planning to retire this year believe they have saved enough to ensure a comfortable retirement and rule out working on even if it could guarantee them a greater income in retirement.

Another 21% refuse to continue working past statutory retirement ages even if that means they will struggle financially.

The research shows it is the over-65s who are the most willing to keep working, with more than three-fifths (62%) saying they would stay in employment to boost their retirement savings.

Vince Smith-Hughes, head of retirement income at Prudential, said: “Working beyond the normal retirement age is already a reality for many people who either have insufficient savings or simply want a greater income when they do come to retire.

“But for a lot of people planning to retire in the very near future the state retirement age is sacred and their expectation has always been to retire at 65. Once they reach that milestone, regardless of the amount of money they have, they simply do not want to work anymore. This is a potential issue because the average 65 year-old is likely to live for another 20 more years, and that’s a long time if you’ve only got limited retirement funds.

“I think what our research confirms is how important it is to consider retirement many years before you actually reach it, and make sure you get financial advice to help you plan for retirement.”

Prudential analysis shows that working an extra five years from age 65 and paying£100 a month into a pension of £100,000 could boost a retirement savings by an additional £53,000. Paying in £200 a month over five years could yield an extra£62,000.

The 25% tax relief on pensions contributions means that a monthly deposit of £100 grosses up to £125. The figures assume a 65-year-old male with a selected retirement age of 70, paying additional regular monthly contributions into an existing pension funds of £100,000***.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV= Announces Income Protection Enhancements

LV=, protection and retirement specialist, has announced that it has made enhancements to its income protection policy, resulting in another coveted Defaqto 5 Star Rating.

LV=’s income protection policy (which forms part of the protection menu, the Flexible Protection Plan) now includes Guaranteed Increase Options, which means policyholders can increase their cover without any medical or financial underwriting if they:
– Increase their mortgage
– Get married or register a civil partnership
– Have or adopt a child
– Have an increase in basic salary as a result of promotion, changing employer or gaining qualifications.

The policy now also includes Back to Work Support, meaning LV= may provide financial support and advice to help policyholders return to work with confidence.

Plus, LV= has added a Career Break Option where policyholders will be covered (for up to a maximum of £1,500 a month) if they decide to take a break from work. If they then return to the same job within 24 months they’ll be able to go back to their original amount of cover and premium without the need for any medical questions (provided they haven’t made a claim during this period).

Mark Jones, LV= head of protection, said: “These new enhancements further improve our already strong income protection proposition, and will help advisers offer greater flexibility and support to their clients.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Barclaycard Announces Major New Partnership With Wembley Arena

Barclaycard has announced a major new partnership programme with Wembley Arena. The partnership sees Barclaycard’s 10.4 million UK customers gaining preferential access to tickets and onsite exclusive benefits at the world renowned venue.

Barclaycard Announces Major New Partnership With Wembley Arena

Gary Twelvetree, Barclaycard’s Global Brand Director said, “Wembley Arena is one of the best-known and respected venues in the British music business and for over fifty years it has played host to some of the greatest music acts of all time.”

“So the opportunity to link our own customer benefit programme, Barclaycard Unwind with Wembley Arena was irresistible. This partnership is part of our wider involvement in the music and entertainment business alongside existing title sponsorships Barclaycard Mercury Prize and Wireless sponsored by Barclaycard. We have resisted the temptation to create another corporate rock venue, so Wembley Arena retains hero brand status with ‘A Barclaycard Unwind Venue’ signoff underlining our commitment to providing enriched experiences for Barclaycard customers. As well as providing unique benefits for our customers, this partnership will allow us to showcase the latest payment technology such as contactless technology aimed at making payments simpler.”

Wembley Arena has recently undergone a £36 million redevelopment programme by owners Quintain Estates and Development plc and forms the centrepiece of the company’s substantial Wembley City redevelopment.

Quintain’s James Saunders said “The decision by Barclaycard to partner Wembley Arena demonstrates the calibre of the venue and the strength of its brand amongst the music loving public. Wembley Arena sits at the heart of the Wembley City development, which brings together retail, leisure, residential and commercial buildings in a world class entertainment district.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Michael Leary Will Manage Merger Talks Between AFG And Apex Investment Services

On 05/15/2010 Peter Cennamo announced their plans to take The Alternative Funding Group (AFG) public in 2011 and their new merger with Apex Investment Services this week in Sydney. The Alternative Funding Group serves as a Hard Money Lender for Non Owner Occupied Investment Properties. Apex Investment Services is one of the leading Investment Firms in Australia.

Peter Cennamo says their partnership with Apex Investment Services will provide them with a dominate partner in the markets as well as provide them with an in house expert in currency trading.

“Having a partner like Apex Investment Services will allow us to benefits from investments made in the currency markets while continuing to acquire as much investment property as we can within the US Markets” says Peter Cennamo CFO of The Alternative Funding Group.

Hard Money lenders assume the majority of the risk in real estate investing by only investing in properties at a profitable LTV (Loan to Value) Percentage. The actual investment property is used as collateral therefore there is no need to use the investor’s money or in most cases their credit. Hard Money Lenders are simply looking for really good deals, and to establish a profitable relationship with investors based on their ability to eventually sell the investment property.

Thomas Rothstein of the Real Estate New Network ( ) says “the sweetest deals going right now for investors are currently offered by The Alternative Funding Group.” Despite the fact that AFG will only fund deals within certain states, there are no requirements that you actually live in one of their servicing states. The basic requirement is that you have at least a 680 FICO (credit score), and at least four months of monthly mortgage payments in the bank in case the home does not sale within the allot time frame you requested.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases