Category Archives: Financial Information

Financial Information Calls For Better Consumer Education On Life Insurance In Order To Tighten Protection Gap – a new money saving website that offers price comparison on life insurance – is today calling for better education on financial products to be made available to UK consumers.

In a recent report conducted by global reinsurer, Swiss Re, it emerged that just 34% of UK citizens aged 21 – 34 have life insurance.

Uptake on life insurance is much higher for older generations with 74% of consumers aged 35 to 54-years-old securing financial provision. believe that the key to tightening the protection gap between the generations lies in an emphasis on planning for the unforeseen at any age.

“The importance of financial protection like life cover can be difficult for consumers to appreciate until the unforeseen actually happens. Given their age, young people might not think life insurance is relevant to them or view it as a sensitive topic that is difficult to discuss with family or friends. Given today’s financial climate that’s seen increased job losses and economic uncertainty as whole, it’s never been more important to build a strong financial foundation, regardless of age.”

71% of people still believe that their household finances are stable enough to cope in the event of a long-term illness, disability or death; regardless of low levels of financial provision.

Although the past five years has seen a jump of 7% in the number of consumers applying for life insurance, the main reason for UK citizens choosing to ignore financial protection is an understanding that the product simply isn’t necessary.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Get Free Credit Reports And Best Credit Cards Deals At

To make it easier for the customers to understand the competitive credit card and credit report market, has introduced a reliable and quick free credit report online service free of cost. A good credit history is very important when customer is looking to get a certain amount of money from the lending institution or banks. To maintain a good credit history, customer will be regularly updated about the credit status so that any blemish can be removed, if it is there.

Get Free Credit Reports And Best Credit Cards Deals At

In response to the query via email, spokesman of said, “All the credit reports provided are organized in a comprehensive way. The customer can go through all the pages in a very easy to understand format. has a tie-up with the reputed and tested players in the credit card market like Visa, MasterCard and American Express. So the customers can rely on our reports for their credit history. Irrespective of the credit history of the customer, one is sure to find a credit card at the” He also went on to add that also provides the guide to understand the various reports.

The spokesperson also stressed that will provide a chart with which the credit eligibility of the applicant is decided. This helps in convincing the lender or creditor in lending the money or providing the credit card to consumer. All the information provided to the is kept secret and is not disclosed to third party. In today’s world the internet is growing at a fast pace and with the growing e-commerce the chances of identity theft have increased manifold. To counter this also provides the services in which they will provide protection against any sort of identity theft.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Children’s Mutual Reports Growth Of Parents Funding Their Adult Childre

The Children’s Mutual, a leading Child Trust Fund provider, has revealed that the cost of having adult children is hitting parents hard, with its new research showing they expect the cost of supporting an 18 to 30 year old to exceed £30,000. Their findings highlight the growth of a generation of Yuckies (Young Unwitting Costly Kids), with 93% of parents funding their adult children.

The Children's Mutual Reports Growth Of Parents Funding Their Adult Childre

Yet many of these parents haven’t planned for the costs and are putting their own financial futures on the line – 28% have either remortgaged or plan to remortgage to fund their Yuckie, with more than half of all parents borrowing to assist with costs.

The Children’s Mutual also found that it’s the Yuckies who are necessitating everyday purse tightening in families – two thirds of parents say they have had to or will reduce their day-to-day living costs to fund their adult child, from shopping more economically for food (28%), selling their cars (7%) and monitoring the use of heating and lighting at home (42%).

David White, Chief Executive of The Children’s Mutual, said: “These figures unveil the stark reality of the cost of being a parent. No longer does turning 18 mean financial independence – in fact 16% of parents questioned expected their child to remain financially dependent on them into their thirties and beyond.

“The families we questioned had just one message for parents whose children are still young – save, save, save. More than half agreed that if they’d have known when their child was born what they now know about the cost of having an adult child they would have saved more through the years, with just 13% having saved regularly in preparation. These figures give us a very clear warning – children aren’t financially independent at 18 and parents need to plan for this to save their whole family’s financial future.”

Child Trust Funds are designed to provide a tax efficient, long term savings vehicle for all eligible children. Each eligible newborn child (born on or after 1 September 2002) receives a £250 Child Trust Fund voucher (£500 for low income families) from the government when their parents register for Child Benefit. The government will make a second contribution of £250 (£500 for low income families) when the child reaches seven and is considering a third in the child’s teenage years. Parents, family and friends can all then add to this account up to a maximum value of £1,200 each year.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Life Insurance Packages From Aviva And BUPA Now Available Via

A new money saving website that compares prices on life insurance packages has announced customers can now get quotes from market leaders BUPA and Aviva when they enquire via

Life Insurance Packages From Aviva And BUPA Now Available Via which launched early this month, is the latest price comparison site to hit the ether. The price comparison industry itself has proved a recession defying success given its 30-50% growth in the past couple of years alone. believe their partnership with brokers who offer life insurance packages from market leaders will immediately stir up interest among consumers:

“Although a new company to the price comparison field, want to offer consumers the very best products from the word go. To do so will work with brokers that cover life insurance providers such as BUPA and Aviva. This means consumers are not only getting tried and tested life cover from long established companies but are also ensuring they get a highly competitive price at the same time.”

Market leaders for life insurance in the UK and beyond, BUPA and Aviva offer consumers and their loved ones peace of mind and financial support at an understandably difficult time.

Although both providers offer a lump sum towards unpaid bills and other financial obligations, there are also added extras such as access to expert support through the BUPA HealthLine and a £15 Marks and Spencer voucher for Aviva customers. thinks consumers will not only be impressed with the price of life insurance but the range of packages available as well:

“A wide range of providers is important not only so consumers can compare prices but also so they get a level of cover that’s right for them. As a company, we appreciate that one person’s circumstances, preferences and budget will differ greatly from the next so is celebrating diversity as well as customers getting a great deal on their life insurance.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

New Rules Adopted By The Shanghai Mercantile Exchange

The financial crisis and the weaknesses revealed by the Reserve Primary Fund’s “breaking the buck” in September 2008 precipitated a full-scale review of the money market fund regulatory regime by the SHMEX. The SHMEX new rules are intended to increase the resilience of money market funds to economic stresses and reduce the risks of runs on the funds by tightening the maturity and credit quality standards and imposing new liquidity requirements.

“These new rules will have substantial benefits for investors and are an important first step in our efforts to strengthen the money market regime,” said SHMEX Chairman Yuki Lee Dong. “These rules will help reduce risks associated with money market funds, so that investor assets are better protected and money market funds can better withstand market crises. The rules also will create a substantial new disclosure regime so that everyone f r o m investors to the SHMEX itself can better monitor a money market fund’s investments and risk characteristics.”

Further Restricting Risks by Money Market Funds
Improved Liquidity: The new rules require money market funds to have a minimum percentage of their assets in highly liquid securities so that those assets can be readily converted to cash to pay redeeming shareholders. Currently, there are no minimum liquidity mandates.

The rules would further restrict the ability of money market funds to purchase illiquid securities by: Restricting money market funds f r o m purchasing illiquid securities if, after the purchase, more than 5 percent of the fund’s portfolio will be illiquid securities (rather than the current limit of 10 percent).

Redefining as “illiquid” any security that cannot be sold or disposed of within seven days at carrying value.

Higher Credit Quality: The new rules place new limits on a money market fund’s ability to acquire lower quality (Second Tier) securities. They do this by:

Restricting a fund f r o m investing more than 3 percent of its assets in Second Tier securities (rather than the current limit of 5 percent).

Restricting a fund f r o m investing more than ½ of 1 percent of its assets in Second Tier securities issued by any single issuer.

Restricting a fund f r o m buying Second Tier securities that mature in more than 45 days (rather than the current limit of 397 days).

Shorter Maturity Limits: The new rules shorten the average maturity limits for money market funds, which helps to limit the exposure of funds to certain risks such as sudden interest rate movements. They do this by:

Restricting the maximum “weighted average life” maturity of a fund’s portfolio to 120 days. Currently, there is no such limit. The effect of the restriction is to limit the ability of the fund to invest in long-term floating rate securities. Restricting the maximum weighted average maturity of a fund’s portfolio to 60 days.

The current limit is 90 days.
“Know Your Investor” Procedures: The new rules require funds to hold sufficiently liquid securities to meet foreseeable redemptions. Currently, there are no such requirements. In order to meet this new requirement, funds would need to develop procedures to identify investors whose redemption requests may pose risks for funds. As part of these procedures, funds would need to anticipate the likelihood of large redemptions.

Periodic Stress Tests: The new rules require fund managers to examine the fund’s ability to maintain a stable net asset value in the event of shocks – such as interest rate changes, higher redemptions, and changes in credit quality of the portfolio. Previously, there were no stress test requirements.

Repurchase Agreements: The new rules strengthen the requirements for allowing a money market fund to “look through” the repurchase issuer to the underlying collateral securities for diversification purposes: Collateral must be cash items or government securities (as opposed to the current requirement of highly rated securities).

The fund must evaluate the creditworthiness of the repurchase counterparty. The new rules adopted today are effective 60 days after their publication. Mandatory compliance with some of the rules will be phased in during the year. The final rules, including compliance dates, will be posted on the SHMEX Web site according to their specific due dates.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases – Urges Consumers To Renew More Than Just Their ISAs As The End Of The 2009/2010 Tax Year Approaches

Traditionally, April sees a flurry of financial activity as savers rush to renew their ISAs with the current tax year drawing to a close and a new session starting afresh. With a plethora of competitive packages and ISA bonuses to entice shoppers, there’s never been a better time to tighten up your finances by getting a great deal on tax-free savings. Although ISAs will be the financial flavour of the month, what’s to stop consumers from shopping around for a better deal on other products at the same time?

New money saving website – – is asking just that. A price comparison website that compares life insurance packages from a variety of providers, is urging consumers to see April the 5th as more than just a deadline for ISAs.

“The increased focus on financial services and products that the end of the tax year brings shouldn’t just centre on savings products. It takes no time at all for consumers to sit down and reassess whether their current insurance and savings packages are the most rewarding and cost effective options on the market for them; especially when using price comparison websites like”

Although the UK has officially left the recession behind, consumers should continue to save and rechannel money they might have splurged on high end, luxury goods into building a firmer financial foundation.

With the growth of price comparison websites boasting a 30-50% increase year on year, consumers are spoilt for choice when comparing everything from home and contents insurance to wedding or golf cover. reiterates the hidden benefits of price comparison in the current financial climate:

“The end of the recession doesn’t mean consumers should become disinterested in what happens to their money. Go online and consumers are spoilt for choice when it comes to price comparison sites that can save people hundreds of pounds. If consumers shop around at the start of April they could benefit from significant savings that are easily reinvested in a holiday, home improvement or even some early savings for Christmas.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Reports Pension Gap Between Men And Women Continues To Grow

According to new figures from the Prudential Class of 2010 retirement survey* women planning to retire in 2010 expect to receive an average annual pension of £12,169, while their male counterparts expect to collect an average pension of £19,593 – a pension gender gap of £7,424. And the pension income gender gap has widened by £782 since 2009 when the difference between men’s and women’s pensions was£6,642**.

The gap continues to grow despite a decrease in expected pension incomes as a whole over the last year. In 2009 men expected to collect an annual pension of £20,313 – down 3.5% to £19,593 for 2010 – while women expected to collect £13,671, down 11% to £12,169 for 2010.

The mean expected pension income for men and women is down from £17,779 in 2009 to £16,509 in 2010, a fall of £1,270, which equates to approximately £100 a month.

Karin Brown, director of pensions and annuities at Prudential, said: “The reason women appear to get less in their pensions than men is embedded in years of history and, to a certain extent, because some women take a career break to have children which has an impact.

“But there is plenty of scope for women who are working and contributing to a pension to help reduce this deficit in future. By talking to your employer you can find ways of boosting pension savings and maximising the tax advantages that pension savings can bring.”

Women who take a career break to have children can safeguard their state pension with home responsibilities protection but this must cover the full tax year from April to April, so July to July, for example, would not count. Women can also buy back any missing National Insurance contributions.

Karin Brown said: “Women could also consider trying to keep up any company or private pension contributions even if they are on maternity leave or an extended career break – or ask their spouse or partner to make contributions for them.”

32% of UK workers over 55 who said they were delaying plans to retire because of the economic slowdown and the falling value of investments or due to a financial emergency believe they will never be able to afford to retire completely.

Karin Brown continued: “Although many working people may not be able to remedy this situation at a late stage in their working lives, younger people do have a chance to start building a decent pension pot. Prudential believes people should, ideally, start saving for their retirement as early as their twenties or early thirties instead of putting off pension savings until later in life.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

M&S Money Readies For Valentine’s Day Rush For Wedding Insurance

New figures from M&S Money show that February is one of the most popular months of the year to buy wedding insurance, with sales of M&S Wedding Insurance expected to increase in the weeks after Valentine’s Day as couples planning their big day make sure they are covered in case the worst happens.

M&S Money Readies For Valentine's Day Rush For Wedding Insurance

David Wells, M&S Head of Insurance, said: “Considering the cost of an average wedding and the current economic climate, wedding insurance really should be at the top of every bride and groom’s list.

“When buying wedding insurance, it is important to think through all the services planned for the big day and make sure the right amount of cover is in place. Once the cover is in place couples can get on with the preparations for the big day.”

Dave Simms, Personal Lines Manager at Ecclesiastical Insurance, which underwrites M&S Wedding Insurance, said: “Supplier failure was the main cause for wedding insurance claims in 2009 and can seriously disrupt a perfectly planned special day. Suppliers struggling in the current economic climate can cause brides and grooms stress and heartache by not being able to deliver contracted services. This often happens at very short notice before the big day.

“In such circumstances, having proper wedding insurance in place can help you get your wedding back on track and help to ensure you’re not left out of pocket because of failed services. Wedding insurance really should be a top priority for newly engaged couples.”

Couples taking out an M&S policy can cover themselves against various nightmare scenarios, including a damaged cake, lost rings or stolen flowers, however there are exclusions, for example the policy does not cover cancellation where the bride or groom decides they don’t want to get married.

M&S Wedding Insurance – Key Features:
Four levels of Wedding Cover
No excess
Up to £17,500 cancellation cover
Stress counselling included as standard
M&S Cardholders receive 100 M&S points when they take out a new policy

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV = Reveals Pet Sick Leave Costs UK Businesses £18 Million A Year

A new LV= commissioned report into the impact of pet illness and death on their owners’ work attendance has revealed that British businesses are losing £18 million* a year in lost workforce hours, as thousands of staff take ‘pet sick leave’ either to look after their sick animal or to grieve because their pet has died.

The UK is well known as a nation of animal lovers with nearly half of all adults in the UK owning a cat or dog. The new LV= pet insurance report found that one in ten dog or cat owners interviewed (11%) said they had stayed at home to nurse a sick pet, while 11% had stayed off work because they were so upset after their pet had died.

The 1.1 million pet owners who called in sick last year because their dog or cat was ill or had died, each took an average of 2.4 days off.

Rather than admit the truth to their employer, nearly a quarter of those who took time off for their pet (24%), told their boss they were staying off work due to their own ill health.

The LV= pet insurance policy, which covers cats and dogs, includes free bereavement counselling for the pet owner as standard. LV= is also one of the few insurers that will insure older cats and dogs, with no maximum age limit.

Emma Holyer, LV= pet insurance spokesperson, said: “It’s clearly an upsetting time when a beloved pet is sick or dying, and this report shows that many people suffer as much they would for a friend or relative. This has a significant impact on employers across the UK, as staff take time off because of their pets. To help owners through this difficult period, LV=’s pet health insurance policy now includes access to a free, confidential helpline on pet bereavement and illness. The helpline is manned by experienced therapists and counsellors to help pet owners get through troubled times.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Reveals A Return To Stock Market As Interest Rates Prompt Rush For Risk Assets

Prudential has released findings from its latest research which shows that financial advisers are predicting a significant return to the stock market in 2010, with 72% expecting an increase in the number of clients looking to invest in equities over the coming 12 months.

While Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) questioned for the Prudential study predicted a strong return to the stock market in 2010, they also believe that investors will look to adopt a more cautious approach on the back of the worst recession since World War II.

Almost three quarters (73%) of IFAs expect clients to invest in cautious managed growth funds, with 66% expecting to see investment in defensive funds and 70% believing investors will also look to spread risk by buying into multi-manager funds.

In addition, 55% of IFAs expect clients to invest in absolute return funds and 68% expect to see ongoing investment in bonds. In contrast, just 18% expect to see clients looking to invest in individual stocks and shares and 46% expect clients to invest in higher risk growth funds.

Andy Brown, Director of Investment Funds, Prudential said: “Given the performance of the markets in the second half of last year coupled with the ongoing poor rate of return for cash based savings, it is perhaps unsurprising that IFAs expect to see more clients looking to return to the stock market and buy into equity based investments in 2010.

“However, in reality not all equities will show equal growth over the coming 12 months and choosing the right time to invest in the right asset classes is key.”

The survey also found that 71% of IFAs believe the recession will have a long term impact on the way clients look to invest and prompt them to adopt a more cautious investment strategy and be more reliant on professional advice. Of these advisers, 83% said they believe clients will be more cautious with investment decisions and favour more balanced portfolios, with 68% of IFAs expecting investors to utilise independent financial advice when choosing investment funds.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Children’s Mutual Reports CTFs Have Revolutionised Child Savings

The Children’s Mutual, a leading Child Trust Fund provider, has revealed new research that, five years on from the first CTF vouchers being issued, the introduction of the CTF has revolutionised long-term savings for children.

The Children's Mutual Reports CTFs Have Revolutionised Child Savings

With every eligible child born since 1 September 2002 having a CTF account, 2010 will see more than five million children holding CTFs.

The Children’s Mutual has revealed that around half of their CTF customers set up a monthly direct debit on the day they open their child’s account. If you look at wider industry statistics, 31% of CTFs receive some form of additional saving. Before the Child Trust Fund was introduced, just one in five families were saving over the long-term for their children.

In addition, while nearly three quarters of parents choose to proactively open their child’s CTF account, a survey by the awards winning Child Trust Fund provider found that when asked over one in 10 parents with CTF vouchers were opting to let the government open the account for them – making an engagement rate of 85%. Compared to engagement rates of other savings products – 40% of the adult population has a private pension and 30% have an ISA – the CTF has driven the UK adult population to engage.

The Children’s Mutual also found that currently 1.4m parents, family and friends are contributing to their children’s accounts with in excess of £22m being added every month – money set to help towards the cost of higher education, first homes and beyond. As a result they estimate £2.74 billion will be available to young adults each year as they turn 18.

According to its calculations, 50% of the government CTF investment so far is going to 1.5 million families on the lowest incomes (under £15,000), with families in the lowest income bracket saving a higher proportion of their household income for their children than those in more affluent groupings.

David White, chief executive of The Children’s Mutual, said: “To those of us involved with the CTF, five years has gone by in the blink of an eye. And yet in that short amount of time, the results have been startling – the CTF has done what no other savings account has achieved before – getting the mass UK population engaged and saving. We’re delighted that parents have engaged with the first universal savings scheme, realising that the only realistic way to fund their adult children’s futures is to start saving now.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases – New Money Saving Website

As the UK emerges from the recession with economic growth up 0.1% and unemployment falling for the first time in 18 months, it’s easy to get sidetracked by the future and forget to learn lessons from the past. - New Money Saving Website

Although the recession saw a dramatic slump in consumer spending on high end products such as cars, luxury holidays and property, recent trends show this too is on the up with the promise of better times to come.

New money saving website,, is urging consumers not to get carried away however and to remain frugal with their money, especially when shopping around for financial products.

“Consumers shouldn’t perceive the end of the recession as a green light for reckless spending or to become apathetic about what happens to their money. Go online and consumers are spoilt for choice when it comes to price comparison sites that can save people hundreds of pounds. in particular helps consumers compare life insurance packages from numerous providers. Saving money on necessities such as life insurance gives people the option to indulge or invest in other areas of their lives which they otherwise might not have been able to do.”

The popularity of the price comparison website is a recession defying success story. Price comparison services are growing at an annual rate of 30% – 50% and became particularly popular during 2007 – 2009 when the recession was at its peak and consumers were eager to save money.

In a nutshell, price comparison services allow consumers to compare financial products from a range of providers. Price comparison websites do not sell the products themselves but source information from retailers from whom consumers can buy from. emphasises the benefits of such as service in a post recession UK:

“ and its competitors update their databases on a daily basis to ensure consumers get the most up to date prices at the click of a button. in particular is free and easy to use, meaning its never been easier to save money on life insurance.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Compare Life Insurance Quotes From A Wide Range Of Providers

Since the start of the global recession in 2008, consumers have become more and more frugal with how they spend their money and approach their finances as a whole. Redirecting funds from high end or luxury products such as property and cars, consumers have begun to avidly protect their savings as well as shop around for better deals on other financial products.

Compare Life Insurance Quotes From A Wide Range Of Providers

It’s no surprise – with an increase in market activity – that life insurance premiums are the lowest they’ve ever been with prices gradually dipping over the last ten years. With insurance providers across the board offering competitive deals whilst attempting to stave off the recession themselves, it would seem the arrival of couldn’t have come at a better time.

The new website [ ] allows consumers to get competitive quotes for life insurance by comparing the market. Once completing a simple online form, aims to have an advisor contact consumers within 24hours to discuss the most economical and competitive options available from a range of insurance providers on the market.

Refreshing offers and provider database on a daily basis, vows to be “a one stop shop for some of the most up to date life insurance quotes on the market today.” The company also hopes that their emphasis on simplicity, ease of use and the clarity of their online form will encourage people to get a better deal and compare life insurance quotes to save both time and money.

The newly launched QuoteBoffin website also emphasises the importance of life insurance cover describing it as ‘invaluable’. Currently less than half the UK population have life insurance which – should there be a death in the family – can leave loved ones the unfortunate task of having to pay off huge debts or mortgages in the name of the deceased. Organising an affordable life insurance package not only takes moments to do but ultimately provides peace of mind.

About QuoteBoffin is an online insurance comparison website offering life insurance comparison tools that allow users to search the market and procure the best life insurance policies and quotes.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases Revealed Truth About Trading Forex Platforms!

Do you know what is the most important thing that you should do before starting a Forex business? It is to find a Forex Trading platform. But how would you do that when more than half the websites on the internet provides malicious and unauthentic information about such platforms? There would be a million recommendations for a specific platform but how would you check its authenticity? The answer is simple. Go by its user’s reviews and comments. BestForexAccount.Net is one such site which is gaining lukewarm acceptance more or less solely through the word of mouth factor.

But why should you listen to somebody? Don’t! Instead try it out yourself and then make your own judgment on the basis of your own experience. One visit to this site will make you understand the real difference between this site and other Forex related sites. Firstly, while choosing a Forex platform you need to check their reputation. Do they have a sound background or you can smell some bankruptcy? Then you should consider is the package they are offering. Does it include any free demo/trial accounts? Or should you directly take the risk of investing in their service. And lastly focus on the superfluous services. What are the compliments they are willing to offer? Free utilities, free trading advice, regular and instant market updates/alerts and how secure would be your transaction through their server etc. Indeed performing such an extensive assessment would be time consuming and often the results could be misleading. Now that is why people sought to take the help of BestForexAccount.Net. This site regularly publishesForex articles and reviews that advise people on what and how should they choose their Forex trading platforms. The site even summarizes and lists answers to all the above questions in a tabular format for the ease of the visitor.

Now who would do such a thing for a total stranger like you? Only a person who believes in helping people in the right direction and so is the owner of the site, a Forex investor since 3 years and whose free tips and advice has helped many Forex traders flourish. The site in fact has brought forth certain facts regarding different trading platforms that otherwise would have been hid by other biased sites. It has compared and listed the Pros & Cons of different Forex trading platforms such as eToro and EasyForex on the basis of their site popularity, registration speed, leverage, spreads and minimum deposit required etc. Never would you find a site which has presented such impartial statistics about so many Forex trading platforms.

You may even feel free to state your queries and doubts regarding Forex trading directly and a prompt reply is guaranteed. Also the site as a matter of fact could be considered a democratic site since any visitor is free to express his/her opinion through the feedback section which will be then listed on the rightmost pane of the site. This doesn’t even ask for a sign up. The site’s transparency and professionalism is beyond question.

The site’s extensive comparison about the different aspects of the platforms and the overall rating of each platform within a scale of 5 allows the visitor to immediately conclude the best platform he/she should take for their business. The presentation of data with proper authentic citing and references assures the visitor that their decision won’t go vain. Also the links to the official site ensures two things: firstly that they wouldn’t have to roam about surfing the internet for the platform’s official site and secondly they needn’t worry about its legitimacy and the site’s professionalism.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

The Children’s Mutual Reports Parents Persist In Saving

The Children’s Mutual, a leading Child Trust Fund provider, has reported that the latest figures from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) show that parents are persisting in saving for their children and engaging with the Child Trust Fund.

The Children's Mutual Reports Parents Persist In Saving

The new quarterly Child Trust Fund statistics released by the HMRC have revealed that nearly three quarters of all Child Trust Funds (CTFs) are proactively opened within a year of a child’s birth. However, according to a new analysis from The Children’s Mutual, this figure only tells part of the story of parents’ engagement with saving for their children.

The award winning Child Trust Fund provider found that while the vast majority of parents open an account for their child rather than waiting for the Government to do so, many of those who don’t are making a proactive decision not to while others are understandably busy with their new baby.

David White, Chief Executive of The Children’s Mutual, said: “Because the CTF is universal, every single eligible child receives an account, but what is impressive is that nearly 75% of parents choose to proactively open the account and around half of our customers start saving on a monthly basis immediately.”

According to its research among parents of young children, over one in 10 parents actively choose not to open an account and to let the Government do so on their behalf, citing their lack of familiarity with financial matters. In addition, research among parents who haven’t opened accounts found that 27% say it is because they haven’t had time to think about it – not surprising considering a new baby has a profound effect on family life.

Mr White said: “Attention is often paid to the quarter of parents who do not open accounts, accusing them of not engaging with, or being interested in the CTF, but our research shows that parents are far more engaged than many would believe. We found that over one in 10 parents, with CTF vouchers to place, said they would choose to let the Government open their child’s CTF and of those who haven’t opened accounts, the number one reason is because they are understandably focusing on the here-and-now. The beauty of the CTF is that it allows for this, with the Government opening accounts on behalf of parents if they don’t do it themselves, meaning that no child will miss out.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Prudential Warns Of Widespread Over-Reliance On State Pension

According to new research from Prudential, nearly a fifth (18%) of people planning to retire in 2010 will be retiring on the State Pension and savings.

Prudential Warns Of Widespread Over-Reliance On State Pension

But 31% of the people surveyed in Prudential’s nationwide Class of 2010 study either do not know how much the basic State Pension pays or over-estimate the individual weekly amount by £25 or more.

Prudential warns the basic State Pension alone may not provide sufficient retirement income for many and urges people who are still working to save as much as possible for their old age in company and personal pensions as well as savings and investments.

“Given that so many people expect to retire on the basic State Pension, particularly when only half know how much it pays, there is still a clear need for people to understand the consequences of not making adequate provision for their retirement,” said Martyn Bogira, Director of Defined Contribution Solutions at Prudential.

“If the basic State Pension is your only source of income you could be in an extremely precarious position financially. Just one significant financial emergency, like your central heating system unexpectedly breaking down, could cause serious financial hardship for people expecting to retire on the State Pension alone.

“On its own the basic State Pension, paying just under £5,000 a year, should only really be used to supplement other sources, such as income from a pension or an annuity.

“We would urge people to pay as much as they possibly can into their retirement savings, because the State alone is unlikely to be able to support you in your retirement. The sooner you start saving, either into a company pension, personal pension or other savings, the greater the amount of money you can build up to help provide for you when you do come to retire.”

Average expenditure in households headed by someone aged 65 to 74 was £321 a week, according to the most recent Office for National Statistics figures from 2007, and £218 a week for households headed by someone aged 75 or over, but today the basic State Pension for married couples lags behind this figure by paying £152.30 a week.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

Understanding Texas Home Insurance Options

It is a smart idea that no matter what state you live in, you familiarize yourself with the types of policies and market rates for that particular state. Texas is no exception to this rule so it is important that when you’re shopping online for home insurance quotes you know what policies insurance companies in Texas offer.

Understanding Texas Home Insurance Options

According to an article recently published on, searching for homeowners insurance quotes in Texas is just like searching for homeowners insurance quotes in any other state, only the rates may fluctuate from company to company. However, the types of policies are usually standard no matter what company you check out.

The article states, “Insurance companies in Texas offer their own particular policies that are relevant solely to Texans. Once you have a sampling of what Texas homeowners insurance offers you can shop for homeowners insurance quotes more effectively.”

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

npower Warns Outdated Financial Records Could Prolong Financial Instability

npower warns that despite evidence showing the UK economy is now out of recession, out of date financial records could prolong financial instability for many UK businesses. This is likely to impact credit ratings, reducing businesses’ access to finance and essential supplies, like energy.

power Warns Outdated Financial Records Could Prolong Financial Instability

Companies House records can be anything from 12 to 18 months out of date, which means that a company’s financial viability will be judged on its performance mid-recession, irrespective of how well it is doing now. Major credit rating agencies typically use these statutory accounts to assess financial health and, despite the scale of the problem, a large number of businesses have a lack of understanding on how their credit rating can impact their business.

Wayne Mitchell, head of corporate sales at npower, explained: “Poor credit ratings mean insurance companies are withdrawing credit insurance for businesses, a necessary guarantee that allows them to negotiate contracts with suppliers. This is impacting businesses’ access to essential supplies like energy and in the worst cases, could lead to tighter payment terms, restricted forward purchasing and even security deposits. In 2009 more than £100m worth of insurance was withdrawn for our business customers and we predict it will continue to be an issue for many businesses in 2010.

“That is why we are calling on businesses, energy suppliers and credit insurers to work together to avoid a credit crisis and prevent businesses facing challenges in securing energy supplies. There needs to be open dialogue and information sharing so that financial decisions are based on real-time data and are not solely reliant on the information held by Companies House.”

npower is also working closely with the Major Energy Users Council (MEUC) to reach businesses and bring to their attention the importance of carefully managing credit insurance.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases

LV = Launches New 50 Plus Plan TV Advert

LV=, the insurance, investment and pensions group, has launched its fifth TV advertising campaign to promote its ’50 Plus plan’. The new TV advertisement was created by creative marketing agency ‘redtag’ to promote the LV= life insurance policy.

The new TV advertisement has been developed with the LV= brand and features three different families, with each one giving their perspective on losing a parent. It highlights how the money they received from the 50 Plus insuranceplan provided by LV= helped them at a difficult time. The theme of the advertisement is to ‘Look after what you love’.

Geoff Bates, Head of Direct Distribution for LV=, said: “We get a lot of feedback on the reasons why our customers buy our product, and leaving a legacy that helps their family at a difficult time is at the core of those reasons. We are pleased that the new advertisement demonstrates so clearly that protecting families is at the heart of our business.”

Launched in October 2004, the LV= 50 Plus plan is aimed at 50 to 80 year olds, living in the UK. The over 50 life insurance policy provides guaranteed cover with a cash lump sum payable on death, without the need for a medical or answering any health questions.

Kevan Kelsey, Creative Director at redtag, said: “It’s a new approach that takes the tried and tested formula we know customers like and uses it in a dynamic and emotive way”.

The life insurance advertisement was previewed on Facebook and YouTube in December 2009 before being launched on terrestrial, satellite and cable channels in January 2010.

Via EPR Network More Financial press releases

Finding Cheap Life Insurance Easier Than You Think

To those who have wondered whether or not a cheap life insurance policy exists today, a newly published article on answers with an emphatic “yes.”

Finding Cheap Life Insurance Easier Than You Think

“Cheap life insurance does exist and its target market are people under 30, that are starting a family,” the articles, ‘Cheap Life Insurance’ states. “Most times cheap life insurance is term life insurance.”

Term life insurance is a policy that has an expiration date. After the term is over, the coverage ceases, as well, unless the policyholder passes on during the term. It’s typically the cheapest life policy to buy. More expensive (but more comprehensive) is a whole life insurance policy—these policies aren’t cheap unless you invest in them very young.

Life insurance can be the line between a financially-broken grieving family and a family that can focus on the death of a loved one because they don’t have to worry about income.

“The death of a loved one is tough enough; combine that with financial devastation and the situation just got worse,” the article states. “A life insurance policy takes care of those you love, should the unthinkable occur.”

The funds from a life insurance policy can be used for any number of things the beneficiary(s) may need to pay for like funeral costs, any mortgage or debts left behind, sending the children to college, and even allowing the family time to grieve before returning to work.

A great way to find cheap life insurance rates is to search online for quotes. You can obtain several life insurance quotes and policies, allowing you the opportunity to compare coverage, rates and insurance providers.

Via EPR Network
Financial press releases