Category Archives: Financial Information

Financial Information

Saxo Properties and Resolution Property Form a €250 Million Joint Venture

Saxo Properties, the property investment arm of Saxo Bank, the Copenhagen-based trading and investment specialist, has entered into a joint venture with Resolution Real Estate Advisers LLP “Resolution Property”, the pan European real estate fund, whose investors include some of the major US universities such as Harvard and Yale and foundations, currently has €1.5 billion of assets under management.

The Joint Venture will focus on co-investing up to approximately €250 million in the central business district of Copenhagen, targeting residential and mixed use, residential and commercial buildings which will benefit from the application of intensive asset management, including refurbishment and the repositioning of occupiers. With an in-house team of 15 highly skilled property professionals and a facilities management arm, Saxo Properties is well positioned to identify off market opportunities, and implement an asset management programme of improvements resulting in significantly enhanced returns for investors.

The new venture, which is already targeting its first purchases, will have a life of three to five years with the emphasis on income growth and capital gains.

Jesper Damborg, Chief Executive of Saxo Properties said: “We are delighted to have teamed up with Resolution Property, one of the leading pan European real estate investors, with assets across Continental Europe. The Joint Venture will seek to take advantage of carefully selected opportunities which have the potential to produce above average returns in the medium term.”

Robert Laurence, Chief Executive of Resolution Property said: “The stability of the underlying economy in Copenhagen, coupled with the opportunity to acquire good quality assets at levels representing a significant discount to their peak values, is of great appeal to us. Our Joint Venture with Saxo Properties provides a highly experienced property team at local level with an established track record of achieving good returns and an exciting opportunity for us to develop our value add real estate strategy in a new market place.”

Saxo Properties is a wholly owned subsidiary of Saxo Bank and was launched in March 2010 to provide closed end funds for both high net worth clients and institutional investors, focusing on residential, office and retail property in Central Copenhagen.

Originally founded in 1998, Resolution Property, backed by a shareholder base including international private equity investors, pension funds and major US universities and foundations, is invested across continental Europe including France, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom and Switzerland. With a €808 million capital raising completed in 2007, Resolution Property is targeting a portfolio size over €2.6 billion.

de Morgan & Company of London, acted on behalf of Saxo Properties in the negotiations and Resolution Property was represented by Whitmarsh Holt Young along with local advisers including Plesner and Sadolin & Albæk.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals the Vehicles Most Likely to be Stolen in the UK has revealed the UK’s most frequently stolen vehicles and has teamed up with Michael Fraser, an ex-burglar, to help drivers keep their vehicles from being stolen.

The least stolen car, based on’s customer data, is the Ford Ka3 with no incidences of theft among 9,070 owners between 2004-2011. The Toyota Yaris is the number one most stolen car with a 0.41% incidence of theft. This means that car thieves drive off with approximately one in every 244 Toyota Yaris’. Data looking at claims from 2004-2011 showed experts at that after the Toyota Yaris, The Volkswagen Touareg (0.39%) (1 in 256); Volvo XC90 (0.27%) (1 in 370); Porsche 911 (0.24%) (1 in 417) and Seat Altea (0.23%) (1 in 435) are the next most stolen cars.

The least stolen cars based on’s customer data is the Ford Ka3 followed by the Chevrolet Matiz, Suzuki Ignis, Hyundai I10 Comfort and Nissan Skyline which all have tiny theft rates of 0.02% (1 in 5000) or less.

Car insurance specialists at have interviewed security expert and ex-burglar, Michael Fraser, to get a picture of what car owners can do to avoid losing their car to a thief. Motorists can access Michael’s tips and a video on how to beat car thieves and keep cars safe by visiting the website.

34 years ago, Michael stole cars himself, choosing the Ford Capri and Bedford vans due to the fact that they were relatively easy to take. Michael Fraser now advises on which vehicles thieves might target, and his advice includes a look at how new technology is affecting car theft.

Michael said: “The best way to keep your vehicle safe is to put a tracker on it, wheel locking nuts, a sticker saying the vehicle is alarmed, keep the inside tidy, keep the car locked, the windows shut and everything out of sight.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Business Monitor International Releases the Latest Analysis of Japan’s Post-Crisis Economy

Business Monitor International (BMI) has released its latest special report, “Japan After The Quake: Resurgence Or Another Lost Decade?” examining the state of Japan’s economy and exploring the risks and potential areas of outperformance across six industries covering retail, agribusiness, IT, automotives, commercial banking and power.

The report outlines BMI’s views on Japan’s recovery and the future prospects of the Japanese economy, focusing on the longer-term implications of the disaster.

While it has been encouraging how quickly the economic downturn has stabilised, Japanese consumers are unlikely to start spending again soon. BMI expects that the Japanese consumer to place a greater emphasis on price over quality. The reconstruction efforts will divert capital resources away from other sectors of the economy, and a slowdown in China will impact the export sector.

Further, the March earthquake and tsunami has had a major impact on Japan’s ICT and retail industries, with the ICT sector struggling especially to resume full operations on the back of supply chain disruptions and power shortages. Faced with a precarious domestic outlook, ICT firms will, instead, turn to growing emerging market demand to boost their revenues, a strategy that is also being pursued by the Japan autos sector with varying success.

That said, other sectors are better poised to capitalise on the “back-to-basics” spending of consumers with major convenience store retailers outperforming in this challenging environment. While March’s retail sales growth fell to its worst level since 1998, retail sales in recent months have bounced back, underlining a recovering demand outlook for Japanese retailers.

More broadly, the longer-term economic outlook remains fraught with risk, with Japan staring at another lost decade of economic stagnation. Indeed, BMI predicts that consensus expectations for Japan’s GDP growth of 2.9% in 2012 are too optimistic.

BMI’s portfolio of products provides comprehensive analysis across Japan’s industries and enables global investors, strategists and decision-makers across the corporate spectrum to assess and evaluate how far Japan has come since the crisis in terms of economic stabilisation and industry consolidation.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Poll Reveals UK Drivers Want a Crackdown on Drug Driving

A new poll from reveals that ‘Crack down on drug driving’ is the message from drivers to the UK government. 70% of drivers say they don’t think enough is being done about this problem and 71% want to see the government do more to combat drug driving.

25-34 year olds are most likely to drive while on drugs (8% admit to having done it), according to the poll, while drink driving is most likely among 45-54 year-olds (34% admit to having done it).

The ‘drug and drink driving’ poll of 2,000 drivers in the UK reveals 37% of drivers think drug drivers are less likely to get caught than drink drivers (8% say more likely and 55% see no difference). Meanwhile, 25% of men and 18% of women believe drug driving is more widespread than drink driving on UK roads despite figures showing 5% of drivers admit to drug driving and 28% of drivers admit to drink driving. Moreover, more men admit to drink driving than women (38% as opposed to 19%). Most notably, the poll reveals 77% of women want to see the government do more about drug driving, compared to 65% of men.

The Department for Transport reported a fall in alcohol-related accidents last week. Mike Hoban, Chief Marketing Officer for, thinks that drug driving might be a hidden menace on our roads. He said: “The Government has been boasting about cutting public service advertising but it’s clear that people are concerned about the potential dangers of drug-driving. The Government has a responsibility to let drivers know that the penalties are severe and that drug-drivers are a danger to themselves and a danger to others.”

The penalties for drug driving are the same as for drink driving: a drug driver will receive a minimum 12-month driving ban, a criminal record and a fine of up to £5000.

The conviction for driving (or attempting to) when unfit through drugs is DR80 and this stays on the driver’s license for 11 years (attracting up to 11 points). DR90 is the conviction for being in charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs. This stays on licenses for 4 years and can attract 10 points.

Notes to Editors:
The poll of 2000 drivers in the UK was carried out by Onepoll on behalf of and all figures have been rounded up to the nearest 1%

Information on penalties and laws around drink driving and drug driving sourced from

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Standard Life Reveals Brits Tend To Miss Bargain Investments

Standard Life has found that the majority of UK consumers can spot a good deal when it comes to a holiday, but are likely to miss out on a good deal when it comes to their finances.

In a UK wide consumer poll and prize draw in which 8,500 people took part Standard Life found that almost seven out of ten (70%) people would choose a holiday of a lifetime worth £5,000 even if they had to wait five years, rather than settle on a luxury short break this year worth £640*. £5,000 is how much a pension could be worth if £640 was invested into a pension plan each year for the next five years**.

The poll and prize draw, run by long term savings and investment provider Standard Life, highlighted that the UK public know how to spot a good deal when offered one and are willing to wait five years to make their holiday dreams come true. But this savvy forward looking culture is yet to filter through into finances, with almost half (45%) of Brits planning just one to 12 months ahead and a further one in six (17%) failing to make any financial plans at all, according to Standard Life’s research***.

Standard Life’s John Lawson said: “Consumers are keen to spot a good deal which is why voucher codes and group buying websites have become so popular. But many only apply this bargain hunt culture when buying goods, not when it comes to their financial planning. Consumers who take a short term view to their personal finances are likely to miss out on long term tax efficient products that offer far greater benefits than your standard savings account. For example, if you’re a lower rate tax payer and pay into a pension, the government gives you 20% extra on top straight
away in tax relief. That means a pension contribution of £100 a month is instantly worth £125 a month. People’s great bargain hunting skills are being wasted if they are not picking out these great investment deals.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Business Monitor International Predicts Slower Growth In The Angola Construction Industry

Business Monitor International (BMI) forecasts an annual average growth of 8.3% y-o-y between 2011 and 2015 in the construction sector, which will be slightly reduced from the previous high rate.

Angola has experienced a post-civil war reconstruction boom, aided by the spending of oil revenues and large credit lines. The infrastructure sector benefited from the rapid pace of growth in the construction industry. Although sky-high property prices and vast oil wealth have seen the Angolan capital Luanda dubbed the “new Dubai”, new data for Angola’s construction industry illustrates downside risks that expect to slow the future growth of the infrastructure market.

The Angola Infrastructure Report provides an overview of all the major areas of the infrastructure sector including building materials, transport infrastructure, construction industry and utilities. It also features BMI’s market assessment and 5-year forecasts to end-2015 covering public procurement and spending on all major infrastructure and construction projects, including transportation and logistics by land, sea and air; power plants and utilities, and commercial construction and property development.

BMI previously highlighted the pertinent threats posed by political risk across a number of African nations. The violent unrest and political instability seen in Libya and Cote d’Ivoire has underlined the importance of policy continuity for investment into the Africa infrastructure markets.

BMI’s portfolio of products and services provides comprehensive analysis of the global infrastructure industry and enables industry professionals, strategists, sector analysts and investors to evaluate and manage the risks arising in the infrastructure markets.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Diamond Reveals Nation’s Children Sick Of Car Journeys

Diamond has released the results of a new study that reveals one in four British children suffer from travel sickness. The research also suggests the affliction could run in the family.

The study of 2,000 parents by the women’s car insurance specialist has shown even those whose children aren’t regularly travel sick prepare for the worst with two fifths taking the precaution of keeping sick bags in the car just in case.

And for the parents of children who do get car sick, three quarters have to stop and pull over for their child to be ill, travelling an average of just 35 miles before halting the journey. The research also found two fifths of unlucky parents have been left cleaning up after their child was ill in the car mid journey, while a similar number avoid long car journeys altogether because of the stress of their children possibly getting sick.

Interestingly, the research suggests parents who suffered from travel sickness as a child themselves are five times more likely to have a child who also gets ill in the car, compared to parents who did not get sick as a child:

– 41% of parents who suffered from travel sickness as a child have a child who also suffers.
– 8% of parents who did not suffer from travel sickness as a child have a child who suffers.

Although many children will grow out of being car sick, the findings reveal this isn’t always the case. Three in five parents who said they suffered from travel sickness as a child, still experience symptoms as an adult.

Diamond’s managing director, Harriet Neale said: “Car journeys with children can be difficult at the best of times, but when you throw in travel sickness, they become even more stressful for parents and children alike.

“Our study certainly suggests travel sickness runs in the family so many parents will empathise with their children and hopefully know a few remedies to make car journeys that little bit easier.”

The study found that many respondents found opening the windows and getting air circulating around the car as the best way to alleviate the symptoms of travel sickness, with three quarters saying it works. Almost half of parents said travel sickness pills or avoiding looking down will stop their children feeling sick, while acupressure wristbands, chewing gum and closing eyes are the least likely to work.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Finds £4,000 Average Annual Car Insurance Cost For Young Drivers has revealed that car insurance costs for 17-20 year olds have crashed through the £4,000 barrier, with the average 17-20 year old male now paying a staggering £4,006 per year for comprehensive cover.

This is the first time since the Watson Car Insurance Price Index began in 2006 that average annual car insurance costs for young men have exceeded £4,000.

Bizarrely, young driver car insurance costs for males were around £1,000 lower if the driver is married and adds their partner to the policy.”

In order to afford a £4,000 a year premium and cover the cost of running a car, the average single male would need to spend £6,500 a year – almost half of the average salary of full-time employees at this age. This effectively prices them out of the market.

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance for commented: “For young male drivers it has never been more important to shop around for the best price. Our consumer research shows that 50% of under 25s could save up to £556 on car insurance* by using This is one way to help combat these rises.”

The news isn’t only bad for young drivers though. The average cost of a comprehensive car insurance policy across the UK stands at £858 (as of the end of June 2011), marking a year on year rise of £170.

Despite the huge increase in the last twelve months, prices are still continuing to rise. In Q2 of 2011, prices inflated by an average of 25% compared to Q2 2010.

For more information on car insurance rises for young drivers, or to see the interactive car insurance infographic, interested parties can visit for more details.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals Over A Quarter Of UK Motorists Have A Pet Name For Their Car has revealed new research that shows 33% of car owners initiate a daily car-versation with their motors, talking to them not only about day-to-day matters and their frustrations on the road, but also about relationships and personal problems.

The average UK motorist considers their car to be female, with a personality that is sensible (25%), cute (8%) or playful (7%). Findings also confirm that 16% of men see their cars as women, choosing words such as sexy (6%) and mischievous (5%) to describe the personality of their vehicles.

Peter Collett, Psychologist and author of ‘Driving Passion – The Psychology of The Car’ suggests that naming your car can reduce the risk of incidents on the road.

“A majority of car owners feel the need to give their car a distinctive name, usually an affectionate title that expresses how they feel about their car and how they regard it as being different from everyone else’s. The drive to individualise one’s car in this way is very widespread and it also lays the foundation for how people treat their cars. By giving their car a special name, drivers are treating their car as something that deserves to be cared for – a friend, a pet, a companion, sometimes even a lover.”

So, to encourage the nation to care for its cars, has developed an online car name generator, which automatically generates a name for the user’s car. Customers simply answer a few questions about their motor such as colour, personality, number of years of ownership to generate a name. User’s will also be able to print out a certificate, which can be kept with vehicle documents or passed on to the next owner.

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance: at said: “Nearly one fifth of motorists who name their cars believe it encourages them to be more careful on the roads. We have nicknames for our friends, partners and even pets so why not our cars. Drivers with an emotional attachment to their vehicles are more likely to take better care of it on and off the road. We’re calling for all motorists to use the car name generator, and start caring for your car.”

Additional findings from the survey also uncovered a variety of unusual pet names for cars including Albie the great, Baldrick, Claris, Elektra, Lemmy, Michaelangelo, Snoop, Talulah, Florence (the machine) Horatio, Fadgehammer and Yannis.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Prudential Reports Retirement Income Worries And Lump Sum Regrets For Pensioners

Prudential has conducted new research that shows more than two in five pensioners (43 per cent) say they are living a ‘cautious’ retirement as they worry about having sufficient long-term income to get by.

However, despite concerns about making their retirement pots last, the majority of pensioners still take a tax-free lump sum from their pensions when they retire. Nearly eight out of 10 (79 per cent) of those drawing a company or private pension in 2011 took a lump sum from their fund at retirement, compared with 76 per cent three years ago.

The research, exploring the retirement reality for pensioners in 2011, also found that one in 10 (10 per cent) of those who did take a tax-free lump sum either said they now regret the decision or that they had not fully understood the long-term impact it would have on their retirement income.

For many, the option to take a lump sum at the point of retirement is the most tax-efficient way to access some of their pension fund. However, the way in which pensioners use the money from their lump sum is often shaped by concerns around long-term pension income.

More than half (52 per cent) of those who had taken a lump sum put some of the money in a savings account and just over a quarter (26 per cent) invested in stocks, shares or investment trusts.

Vince Smith Hughes, Head of Business Development at Prudential, said: “Most people with a company or private pension fund choose to take a tax-free lump sum at retirement, and for many this proves to be the right thing to do. However, some pensioners are beginning to regret the way they used the tax-free cash. The days of buying a shiny new car or going on an once-in-a-lifetime holiday may be gone, to be replaced by making savings and investments with the lump sum to supplement retirement income.

“There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the financial choices that people need to make when they retire. For example, spending the money from a tax-free lump sum and taking a level annuity with the balance of your fund will effectively fix the level of your retirement income – and for some this may provide the stability they need. Others may wish to explore more flexible retirement products that take into account the effects of inflation.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Acquires 25% Stake In Broker Solutions Provider Leverate

Saxo Bank and Leverate announced that they have entered into a strategic partnership in which Saxo Bank has acquired 25% of Leverate. The broker solutions provider offers a full turn-key solution for brokerage companies looking to offer trading capabilities based on the online automated trading application MetaTrader or to complement their existing trading solutions.

Through this acquisition, Saxo Bank and Leverate will continue to enhance their offerings towards institutional segments and retail brokers by adding new trading functionalities. Leverate’s complete solution provides brokers with the services needed to increase their conversions, trading volume and risk management capabilities by offering products integrated to the MT4 and other proprietary platforms. Since its release in 2005, MetaTrader has established itself as one of the most popular non-proprietary Forextrading platforms. Offering advanced functionality, the system is regarded as one of the preferred auto-dealing systems on the market and it is widely used by FX traders.

Stig Pastwa, Chief Commercial Officer of Saxo Bank, commented on the acquisition: “We have seen an increased demand among our institutional and retail clients for automated trading solutions, including MetaTrader. Leverate’s track record and ability to deliver a comprehensive and reliable trading environment has made them an obvious choice as a provider of technology supporting the MT4 universe, which lives up to Saxo Bank’s award winning standard of execution. As an extension to our important business for white-label and institutional clients, we wish to support Leverate with technology and liquidity. While keeping their independence, we hope to assist Leverate in their already impressive growth from which their customers will further benefit.”

In a joint statement, the co-CEOs of Leverate, Ran Strauss and Doron Cohen commented: “Leverate had been approached on multiple occasions by other private equity funds eager to enter into a business relationship, but when we met Saxo Bank, we felt we had encountered the perfect partner. Leverate will continue to provide innovative and comprehensive proprietary solutions for the FX market, and we are proud to be working together with Saxo Bank. Time and time again, Saxo Bank has been recognised as a leading force in the FX industry, and together we plan to continue Leverate’s R&D efforts in the area of technology solutions and related services for brokers and financial institutions. This mutually beneficial partnership will allow our clients to benefit from enhanced top-tier liquidity sources, while Saxo Bank’s clients can have access to our Complete Broker Solution: MT4, Live Feed, Web & Mobile Traders, CRM and Risk Management, powered by Leverate, and fully integrated with Saxo Bank’s core liquidity and execution engine. This partnership will in no way change the management or operations of Leverate and our clients can only benefit from it.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveal Drivers Are Only Swayed By Price In The Hunt For The Best Car Insurance Deals’s latest survey has found that consumers use price-comparison sites purely because they help slash insurance bills with the minimum of hassle.

More than half of the survey’s 2,600 respondents said that special offers such as cashback or vouchers had absolutely no bearing on their decision to use a comparison site. A further 40 per cent said the only kind of marketing incentive that would appeal to them was some form of discount on their premiums.

Head of car insurance at, Gareth Kloet, said: “When it comes to car insurance, consumers aren’t necessarily loyal, so price is key. That’s why using a price comparison site is so important, it gives drivers the opportunity to compare not only price but a range of features. So you can either opt for the cheapest or the best value for money. With, the price you see is the price you pay.”

When it came to choosing an insurer, three-quarters of consumers said the only thing that would cause them to switch providers was a cheaper price. Around 15 per cent said they would move to a new company purely because it was a trusted brand, while just 9 per cent said they would switch if the new insurer offered extras such as free breakdown cover.

Unsurprisingly, price was the number one reason respondents gave for using price-comparison sites – more than 90 per cent cited this as a major factor in using these services, and 40 per cent also said they appreciated the fact the sites saved them so much time in their search for the best value cover.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Saxo Bank Launches FX Binary Touch Options

Saxo Bank, the specialist in online trading and investment, today announced the launch of six Binary Touch Options on its trading platform. The Binary Touch options will initially be offered in six currency pairs; EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, EURJPY, EURGBP, and AUDUSD. They will be tradable from Saxo Bank’s award winning FX Options Board, where clients are already able to trade regular FX Vanilla Options.

The launch will further extend Saxo Bank’s FX offering and allow clients to trade in the world’s most liquid financial market in a simple and convenient way. A Binary Touch Option differs from a plain Vanilla Option in that the potential gains and losses of a Binary Touch Option position is known upfront, thus greatly simplifying the transaction. Clients may invest not only in which direction the price will move, but at the same time express their views on how far and over what time period.

Unlike other trading platforms that offer similar products, Saxo Bank will offer its clients the ability to close-out their long or short positions at the current market price prior to expiry.

Gustave Rieunier, Global Head of FX Options & Forward Trading at Saxo Bank, said: “Adding Binary Touch Options trading to our platform bridges the gap between FX Spot and FX Vanilla Options and meets the recent demand in the market for wanting to trade in the global currency market in a simple, straight forward manner. Whether you are a seasoned FX trader or new to investing in currencies, this is an excellent way to add FX exposure to your portfolio.

“Saxo Bank has developed into one of the top market makers in the global FX Options space. Adding such a simple and straight forward product to our strong liquidity and award winning pricing capabilities is another significant improvement to our FX offering.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals Most Car Thefts Happen On The Weekend has revealed that although for most of the working population, the weekend is a period of rest, the same cannot be said for car thieves, as new research shows that they’re at their most active over the weekend.

The research, carried out by car insurance specialist, shows the day of the week most cars are stolen is a Saturday while the day most items are taken from cars is a Sunday. looked at 45,000 theft claims over the last 5 years to see on which day most car crime took place. While Saturday was the most popular day for vehicle theft claims, it was closely followed by Friday, Thursday, Monday, Sunday, Wednesday and then finally Tuesday. Additionally, Sunday was the most popular day for theft from vehicle claims, then followed by Tuesday, Saturday, Monday, Thursday, Wednesday and Friday.

Brian Martin, managing director, commented: “The last thing you need after a hard week’s work is for your car to be stolen or broken into so this research will make unhappy reading for motorists. With most people out and about at the weekend, there’s a likelihood they’re leaving their cars unattended either in a car park or at home which could tempt thieves to make their move.”

But what exactly are criminals stealing from cars? Over the past 5 years, the most common items have been Sat Navs followed by CDs and stereos. In fact, these three items are all more than twice as likely to be stolen as anything else.

The full list of the items most likely to be stolen from cars also includes iPods/MP3 players, sunglasses, mobile phones, clothes, computers, child car seats and cameras.

Brian continued: “Car thieves are opportunist, and too many motorists present them with an opportunity by leaving valuable items on show, or even leaving their windows open. Motorists need to remember not to make themselves an easy target.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals Slow Drivers Are The Biggest Frustration For UK Drivers has released new research which reveals that dawdling drivers are the top cause of irritation for UK drivers. The survey by the car insurance experts shows that over half (60%) of motorists experience an increase in stress levels and a heightened irritability when faced with a vehicle driving slower than the rest of the traffic.

In reaction to these slow drivers, almost half (45%) of motorists risk overtaking, thus increasing the chances of an accident. Research from the Department for Transport also reveals that 143 accidents a year are caused directly by slow drivers or “Sunday drivers” as they are known.

With little to prevent drivers from travelling too slowly, half of British motorists are supporting the idea to introduce the first ever ‘slow speed camera’ to the roads of the UK. The slow speed camera will specifically catch slow motorists, penalising them with a fine for driving slower than the minimum designated speed limit. This has come as a reaction to the fact that although minimum speed limits are enforced on some UK motorways, there are few preventative measures that are used widely.

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance at said: “Slow drivers need to be taken as seriously as motorists caught speeding. Findings confirm they are a constant source of anxiety on UK roads and responsible for a large amount of accidents each year.”

Kloet continued: “We support the introduction of a programme of measures to eliminate this hazard as our research has highlighted that excessively slow driving is a real problem – the government introduced speed cameras and now even a super speed camera so should also consider the same rigour to combat slow driving as it could make a difference and help reduce motorists putting themselves or others at risk.”

The car insurance survey’s additional findings also uncovered other solutions for limiting slow drivers. Suggestions included imposing a minimum speed limit on ALL British roads (37%) the introduction of a slow lane (26%), dedicated times for slow drivers to be on the road (15%) and even a warning badge system to be displayed by offending motorists (5%).

Peter Rodger, Chief Examiner from The Institute of Advanced of Motorists (IAM) supports the need for change on Britain’s roads. He said: “All forms of inconsiderate driving need to be tackled. Drivers who are unnecessarily excessively slow lead others to make rash moves.”

For more information on car insurance, interested parties can visit

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

MLDEX Market Development Training Program

The Market Development Training Program hosted by the Headquarters of the MLDEX, was held in Melbourne, Australia in the week of 12-19 June 2011.

This program was designed as a forum for the exchange of best practices in the development and regulation of capital markets presented through a series of lectures, roundtables and case studies. Senior experts from different International Regulatory Agencies and the Capital Markets Board (CMB), as well as speakers from the region shared their insights on capital market development, enforcement, and examination of market participants. The Program also explored responses to crises and market abuses, provided observations comparing and contrasting approaches by regulatory systems around the world, and highlighted international best practices.

The presenters used real-world examples of market abuse and inefficiencies to explore the regulatory, statutory, and other tools that capital market regulators need to address.

Besides CMB representatives, many international exchange representatives and market professionals attended the event that was also sponsored by MLDEX.

Via EPR Network
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Saxo Bank Wins Best Liquidity Distribution Service at the eFX Awards 2011

Saxo Bank, the specialist in online trading and investment, has won the “Best Liquidity Distribution Service” award at the annual eFX Awards 2011 hosted by FX Week in New York.

At the core of Saxo Bank’s offering is its White Label solution for banks that require a market leading on-line trading platform for their clients. The key benefits of the solution are:

– It facilitates ownership and control of banks’ relationships with their clients whilst maintaining full client anonymity from Saxo Bank.
– Access to a fully branded and customised trading solution.
– A facility for banks to distribute their own FX liquidity to their clients via the white-label platform.
– A multi-asset offering with more than 20,000 financial products, including FX, Stocks,CFDs and commodities.
– Flexibility and control allows banks to distribute liquidity from the asset classes with tailored commission pricing to their own clients, based on their own local and regional requirements.

For institutional clients, such as hedge funds and retail aggregators with sophisticated high trading volumes, Saxo Bank’s trading API compliments their needs by making its multi-asset product range available in the client’s own systems via a low latency VPN, standard FIX protocol API. The trading API extends Saxo Bank’s distribution services and makes available its range of FX crosses and order routing for CFDs, Stocks and Futures in the client’s proprietary systems.

The founders and co-CEOs of Saxo Bank, Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christens said in a joint statement: “Saxo Bank acts as a facilitator linking liquidity from Tier-1-banks and access to over 20 exchanges across the globe to our institutional and retail clients via our integrated platforms. The award acknowledges this business model. It makes us very proud and we are honored to accept the award.”

Saxo Bank was also nominated for the “Best Retail Platform” award. The award was won by Citi. The CitiFX Pro platform is powered by Saxo Bank.

This year the awards were judged by industry experts, Joel Clark, Editor, FX Week, Justyn Trenner, Chief Executive, Client Knowledge, Sang Lee, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Aite Group and Rob Daly, Editor, Sell-Side Technology.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

New Management Board Members of Melbourne Derivatives Exchange(MLDEX) Want to Establish Investment Culture in Australia

Australia does not have a traditional investment culture – neither for capital management, or financing nor for building retirement provisions by investing. More intense information activities, additional services and stepped up efforts to improve the tax framework will help to bring about a change in the coming years, was the message of the management team of Melbourne Derivatives Exchange, underlined by Henry Petterson, the President of MLDEX.

“In the future, we want to provide more trading services. To establish a culture of saving and investing more firmly in Australia – only a small percentage of monetary assets are invested in derivatives and investment funds, while the Asia Pacific Rim average is almost twice as the Australian one. Melbourne Derivatives Exchange would like to see more of an attractive framework for the tax advantages of investment participation schemes. A survey conducted by MLDEX among the leading 20 funds listed on the prime market in Australia revealed the need of individual investors and self-traders to participate with a bigger share in the market flow. The fund directors interviewed spoke out in favor of doubling the tax-exempt amount and a shortening of the holding period.

The goal of establishing an investment culture in Australia also requires the efforts of domestic investment banks. “At present, only one-sixth of the entire Australian fund volume is invested in close ended funds. We therefore appeal to Australian investment management companies to invest more in close ended funds,” said Petterson.

Via EPR Network
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Melbourne Derivatives Exchange launches new index: CDEX

Melbourne Derivatives Exchange launched the CDEX. The index is weighted according to certain fundamental ratios and made up derivatives in the Australian Trading Index, the leading index of Melbourne Derivatives Exchange.

In contrast to the Australian Trading Index, the weighting of the commodities in the CDEX is not based on market fluctuation, but rather on a factors computed by the Melbourne Derivatives Exchange taking into account fundamental ratios: supply and demand on the medium to long term, net growth and market exposure to other factors. The CDEX is calculated and published in AUD in real time. It has been designed as a tradable index that can be used as an underlying for structured products and standardized derivatives. The calculation parameters are reviewed on a quarterly basis and the index composition is checked, and if necessary adjusted, analogously to the Australian Trading Index in January and June of each year.

With the launch of the CDEX, the Melbourne Derivatives Exchange has once again shown its internationally recognized competence in the area of indices and its skill in responding to market demands. With the CDEX, the range of index products now comprises a total of 36 indices, with 12 of them tracking national, regional or sector-related developments in the Asia Pacific region. Meanwhile, the majority of all structured products with a reference to Asia Pacific are based on the indices produced by the Melbourne Derivatives Exchange.

Via EPR Network
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Admiral Reveals More Than A Quarter Of Motorists Admit To Drink Driving

Admiral, a leading car insurance expert, has revealed worrying new research that suggests the number of people drink driving has risen in the last year. It found that 28% of motorists have driven their car in the knowledge they were over the legal alcohol limit, up from 24% in 2010.

Admiral commissioned YouGov to survey 2,500 drivers for the annual Admiral Survey of Motorists, which includes questions about drink driving. With summer in full swing and the temptation to drive after a few drinks in a beer garden or at a barbecue high, the results raise concerns that the anti-drink driving message is failing to hit home.

Many motorists still believe a few drinks before getting behind the wheel won’t hurt. So while nearly half of those questioned said they would only consider themselves safe to drive after drinking no units of alcohol, one in ten said they think they are still safe after drinking three or more units.

When it comes to gender, men appear to be far more likely than women to drink and drive. 37% of men said they have driven while over the limit, compared with 16% of women, and 16% of men said they think they are still safe to drive after three or more drinks, compared with just 1% of women.

Roger Singer, head of road safety charity DDE+, gave his thoughts on why drink driving is such a concern in the summer: “Firstly, and it seems too simple, it’s warmer, so try not to drink alcohol for thirst – have a pint of squash first and then savour that pint of lager or glass of wine at a more leisurely pace.

“Secondly the drinking episodes can be longer, we start stoking up the lunch-time BBQ about 11am on Sunday morning sampling the bottled lager to make sure it’s up to standard at the same time. We’re finishing the last of the Rosé as we are clearing up at midnight. Without realising it we’ve consumed a total of 29 units – it’s only a beer or a glass of wine an hour but it means we won’t be able to drive till 4pm Monday.”

Another major risk highlighted by Admiral’s research is the number of people who admit they have driven the morning after drinking heavily the night before. Nearly a quarter of motorists admitted they have done this while they suspected they were over the limit, while a further 16% are unsure if they were safe to drive.

Sue Longthorn, managing director of Admiral, said: “These statistics are a real concern; the number of people who say they have driven while over the limit is up from last year and stands at nearly three out of ten motorists. We just want to highlight these figures and point out why it is never worth the risk.

“Motorists who get caught drink driving could also find it difficult to get insured. They will at least find their car insurance premiums have increased, and this increase could be significant, and in some extreme cases they could even be refused insurance completely.”

More information on this and the rest of Admiral’s Annual Survey of British Motorists can be found at

Via EPR Network
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