Category Archives: Financial Information

Financial Information

Barclays Bankers May Lose £1bn Bonus To PPI Claims Says PPI Claims Company Simple Financial Solutions

Barclays bank is considering a move that will see the bonuses planned for its staff cut to pay the fines and compensation claims for PPI mis-selling, and may even institute a claw back of bonuses already paid, says PPI Claims Company Simple Financial Solutions.

In the wake of Sir John Vickers banking reform report, Barclays Chief Executive Bob Diamond has put forward the idea that some of the large fines for PPI mis-selling could be met by withholding the bonuses of its staff as a type of penance and using the money to meet its PPI mis-selling commitments instead.

In a meeting with the MPs of the Treasury Select Committee, Mr Diamond was taken to task by Committee Chair Andrew Tyrie about PPI mis-selling. In explaining that the staff responsible for the mis-selling had now gone, Mr Diamond added in reference to the PPI fines: “We are taking into account in our businesses that impact in our remuneration.”

Some believe his comments have come following the decision of Lloyds bank to claw back some of the bonus its chief executive, Eric Daniels, received because of the heavy financial toll of £3.2bn the PPI mis-selling scandal  is predicted to have on the lender.

However, Mr Diamond appeared to be losing patience with proceedings when later asked about bankers’ level of pay and remarked that it was ‘disappointing’ to be asked about it again. ‘I was looking forward to a discussion on the Independent Commission on Banking and its report and we’re right on to the same issues as last time, which I do find disappointing,’ he said.

A spokesperson for PPI Claims Company Simple Financial Solutions, said: “It seems that the bankers wish everyone would just shut up and forget about the PPI mis-selling scandal, as if it is water under the bridge, old history, best forgotten. Nobody has forgotten Mr Diamond’s comments earlier this year when he proclaimed the time for‘remorse and apology’ was over. The trouble is, it isn’t and it won’t be. Barclays has been identified as being one of the worst offenders for dragging its heels over settlingPPI claims and until the matter is fully concluded and Barclay’s customers are properly and fairly treated, Mr Diamond will hear a great deal more on the subject.”

“Cutting staff bonuses for poor performance is just the start of the steps Barclays should be taking to get its house in order. A bonus claw back from those senior manager who time and again failed at their jobs and caused this mess would be a good idea and might see Barclays earn a little lost respect back from customers.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Launches New Partnership With has launched a new partnership with Quotemehappy to offer insurance to careful drivers. is an insurer that is specifically set up for careful drivers who want reliable, low-cost policies.’s comparison service makes it easy for customers to compare car insurance and with the new relationship with, customers have even more choice. offers a comprehensive policy to careful drivers. The insurance brand keeps its costs as low as possible by operating online and premiums are also kept down as is very clear about who it will and won’t insure. For example, it will not insure new drivers, those with older or more expensive cars or drivers who have had more than one at-fault claim in the last four years.

Marco Distefano, Managing Director of, said: “Quotemehappy was created to give careful drivers a fair pricing and personal service when getting car insurance.

“At we have negotiated some fantastic premiums with our specialist panel of insurers and see as the ideal partner to ensure that this brand continues to reach the maximum number of potential customers as possible, whilst further enhancing’s commitment to provide a specialist quote for every client, from every background with any specific needs.”

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance at, continued: “At we want to offer our customers the right cover at the right price by offering genuine value for money, a quality product and competitive prices for careful drivers. Adding to the ever increasing number of insurers that we compare prices for is a great result.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Finding the Best Place to Sell Your Precious Gold Jewelry

If you are observant enough about financial markets, like most people who sell gold in Oakland Gardens, NY, you would probably be aware now that prices of gold have been skyrocketing the past few years. In 2003 alone, gold went for $400 per ounce. Most recently, it went above $1,400 per ounce. While the country and the rest of the world were reeling from the economic crisis, gold rose rapidly due to some factors. One of these factors is that gold is a secure haven, Investors in this precious gem ran after its tangible value in the wake of an uncertain economy that is based on fiat currency.

Aside from that, gold is also considered as hedge against staggering inflation. Gold proved to be a good choice while central banks all over the world engaged in practices aimed at kick-starting inflation. And there’s also the widespread fear of what would happen to countries with huge debt problems. Countries with existing debt before the crisis happened plus the new debt incurred during the crisis look to gold for hope.

The hope placed on gold is also felt by the individual consumer. Many people who have been hit really hard by the crisis are now thinking of selling their gold jewelry. After all, that’s $1,400 per ounce, isn’t it? Not really. If you plan to sell gold in Oakland Gardens, NY, the reality is that you may not get that amount per ounce.

Reality Check: What to Expect When You Sell Your Gold

It is important to determine the reasonable amount to expect from your gold. Get somebody to inspect your gold. An independent jewelry store can evaluate your gold’s worth. Have an estimate of how much pure gold content your jewelry has. Pure gold is 24K. You only have a partial gold if what you have is a 10K, 14K, or 18K. The rest of it is less valuable metals added in. Ask the jeweller how much he is willing to pay for your jewelry item. Don’t forget the exact weight of your jewelry’s gold. Then take your jewelry item to another independent jeweller to compare the different estimates.

Also visit a pawnshop before you decide to sell gold in Oakland Gardens, NY to know what prices are reasonable in your area. The basic rule would be not to get less than 70 percent of your gold’s market price. So that’s about $980 for every ounce of pure gold.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals £203m Worth Of Car Damage Caused By Misleading Sat Navs

New research from has revealed that Sat Navs have caused over £203m worth of damage to drivers on UK roads, through accidents caused by misleading directions. With the Department for Transport holding its first ever Sat Nav Summit in March, the issue of misleading Sat Navs has become an ever-increasing problem across the nation.

A staggering 83% of British drivers have admitted to being misled by their Sat Navs, resulting in over half the country (52%) screaming at their devices. 68% of the drivers end up with longer journeys and clock up unnecessary miles while 45% of British drivers have confessed to feeling angry and frustrated while behind the wheel, which in turn has led to 31% of British motorists red faced, spending between£100 – £500 on Sat Nav related car damage.

Whilst it’s mainly men who blame their car damage on their Sat Nav, women are more likely to admit that it leads them astray. Women also get more frustrated than men, with 57% of female drivers freely admitting that they scream at their Sat Navs, a shocking 12% higher than male drivers.

On a national scale, drivers in the East Midlands fared the worst with their Sat Nav relationship, with 57% shouting at their Sat Navs and 50% feeling frustrated behind the wheel. Northern Ireland has proved the most docile with only 31% getting angry at misleading Sat Nav directions. 80% of Scots claimed to be given misleading directions constantly by their Sat Navs leading to over half (51%) of Scottish drivers screaming at their devices. The research did however pinpoint the Welsh city of Aberystwyth as the worst for Sat Nav anger management with an alarming 75% admitting to regularly losing their temper.

With the amount of Sat Nav accidents occurring across the country, and the pending Sat Nav legislation, is calling for British motorists to register their Sat Nav blackspots from around the UK on

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance at, said: “As car insurance costs continue to rise, it’s never been more important to keep your motoring costs as low as possible. Our research has shown that the Sat Nav is not always the blessing it was once hailed to be and increasingly, motorists appear to be sighting the device as a source of frustration and danger. We hope that our Sat Nav blackspot map will not only help reduce risk, but we also hope that frustrated drivers get back behind the wheel a little happier.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Reveals Young Male Drivers Pay Almost Double For Insurance Compared To Women Watson have revealed that the cost of car insurance for young men continues to go through the roof, with 17-20 year olds paying almost double what women drivers of the same age are paying.

Male drivers in the 17-20 year old age group are suffering as female drivers pay£1,771 less than the men UK-wide: it currently costs an average of £1,959 for women aged 17-20 to insure a car compared to £3,730 for men. These are the findings of the Watson Car Insurance Price Index (Q4 2011), which is based on more than 4 million quotes.

Young people are feeling the impact most, with car insurance for young drivers seeing huge rises from the previous year. Regionally the picture is even more surprising: young men passing their driving tests in inner London can expect to be quoted an average of £5,523 to insure their car if they are aged 20yrs or younger which is more than 48% higher than the average for this group and 5.7% more than they paid in Q4 of 2010 meaning taking the time hunting around for the cheapest car insurance even more worthwhile. Their counterparts in Manchester and Merseyside fare even worse, with average costs of £5,724 facing them to insure their cars when they throw away the ‘L’ plates, a shocking rise of 10.6% year-on-year (Q4 2011 compared to Q4 2010). A 17-20 year old female in inner London can expect to pay £3,261 on average: a rise of 4.4% year-on-year, and they are paying an average of £3,307 in Manchester/Merseyside – a 9.9% rise year-on year. A high cost, but this is still more than £2,000 less than men of the same age.

When a driver adds another person to their comprehensive policy, average costs come down, so a 17-20 year old man pays £3,907 (UK average) as the only driver, but when they add on another driver the costs fall to an average of £3,345, a saving of more than £500. For 17-20 year-old women the UK average is £2,046 if they are the only driver and this falls to £1,819 for 17-20 year olds with another driver on their policy.

Comprehensive car insurance for women across all ages and regions fell marginally in quarter 4 of 2011 (-1.3%), but prices continued to rise for men, although by just 1% in quarter 4. Year-on-year, it was 61-65 year old men who saw the biggest jump in costs, with a 7.4% increase, bringing the average premium for men of that age group to £504. For women drivers it was the 26-30 year olds who saw the steepest jump in prices with 7.2% hikes, giving an average of £789.

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance for commented: “From December, EU legislation will mean that insurers can’t use gender as a factor in setting prices. The differences highlighted in our report show that there is still a huge disparity between what men and women are being charged for their car insurance. Insurers clearly still have a long way to go to comply with the new legislation. It’s more important than ever to shop around and we’re committed to making it easier for people to save money on their car insurance.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Masterseek Estimated IPO Soars to 18-20 USD Per Share, Could Reach 35

With the success of business search engines and business profile sites, startups have become like rabbits out of a magician’s hat. How many of these companies have the database and programming acuity to really make an impact though? The answer is few and the reasons are varied from poor functionality to vague address names, bad marketing and a basic lack of interest from those who would post a profile. The truth is, as we’ve seen with the dominance of sites liked LinkedIn, it only takes a couple of good ones to corner the market and all others more or less fall by the wayside.

There is one site to keep your eyes on when it comes to giving LinkedIn some real competition, and some stock analysts are already starting to pay attention. is an extensively successful B2B search engine already, the largest online with over 100 million business profiles and growing much faster than any of the competition. Recently financial experts have valued it at 18-20 USD per share and this could easily reach 35 very soon according to most forecasts. This new evaluation is coming on the coattails of rumors that will be joining the likes of LinkedIn, Xing, Google+ and Facebook with a professional profiles section added to their already massive database.

How much truth is there to the rumor? It’s been confirmed that they’ve already compiled a database of 150 million professional profiles. That puts them right on par with LinkedIn and ahead of LinkedIn in sheer numbers when you include international profiles. Recently in another interview Masterseek President Rasmus Refer would not comment on the timing of this release; “We are working on many new activities with the objective to become the largest global provider of business information, but cannot tell you more about our plans right now.” They may be playing their cards close to the vest for now, but it appears the new release of a professional profile site is immanent.

You’re probably asking, what would make this different than the dozens of other professional profile sites that tried to go up against LinkedIn and failed miserably? There is a lot that sets Masterseek apart, even when compared to big time LinkedIn competitors like Google+. Here are just a few of the reasons Masterseek’s professional profile section will give LinkedIn a run for its money:

Masterseek already has a larger database than LinkedIn. LinkedIn is estimated to have around 125M profiles where Masterseek has 150M. A deeper look at these numbers shows that LinkedIn still has more U.S. profiles, but as we’ll show you that is likely to change fairly quickly after release. Add to that the growing number of business professionals actively seeking expertise from around the globe and being majority U.S. based is not necessarily a good thing anymore.

Masterseek uses an entirely different platform. Anyone familiar with their business listings already knows it is probably the most functional platform on the internet. It is easier to use, offers more customization and gives individuals and businesses full control over their own profile.

Masterseek has search capabilities far superior to any B2B search engine, and when compared apples to apples to the search functionality of the most popular consumer-based search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, even these juggernauts could learn a thing or two about relevant, fast and customized search results.

It’s free. While the big ones always are, it’s one of the sure signs of a professional profile site’s impending failure that they believe people will actually pay to be listed or that companies will pay for the information contained therein. Masterseek keeps their service free, which online is almost always the smart financial choice in the long run.

Perhaps most important of all, Masterseek is not going to be strictly a professional profiles website. Google+ attempted in its release to bridge the chasm between email, social network and professional business profile. It appears the gap is too great. After all, how many want to mix their business profile with pictures they send family and friends or their personal email? The same is true for Facebook’s professional profiles. Many a job has been lost because an employer found out what employees were up to on their social network. People don’t like to mix business and personal. LinkedIn on the other hand has had more success concentrating on one thing and one thing only, professional profiles. Masterseek by contrast is attempting a far more symbiotic relationship; a massive business search engine combined with professional profiles. Presumably this will be in large part employees and decision makers within those businesses already listed, contractors seeking work, freelancers and more. It will be a virtual hub of business activity. This just makes more sense. The more pressing question is why on earth has it not been attempted prior to this?

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Still safe as houses

Leading property investment company reveals why investors should remain confident about putting their money into property.

Grim predictions for the UK economy in 2012 have left many people wondering where to turn to get the best possible return on their money.

But according to Greater Manchester-based property and investment specialists Assetz plc, high demand for rental property across the country’s major cities shows that there are still exciting opportunities to secure strong returns from property investment for buy-to-let.

Assetz CEO Stuart Law says that leading banks’ continuing tightening of their mortgage lending criteria for first-time buyers, and an unwillingness by homeowners to sell in a fragile market, point to a solid outlook for buy-to-let investors who can get the right financing package in place to take advantage of the right houses for sale UK.

“The shortage of apartments in cities such as Manchester and Liverpool is resulting in significant competition between tenants, and driving up rental values,” Law said.

“Banks refuse to fund much-needed development which is worsening the undersupply situation, and with no measurable levels of new-build properties completing in the foreseeable future, tenants are going to find themselves increasingly squeezed out of core areas.”

That view is echoed by Matthew Smith from Manchester estate agent Thornley Groves, who said: “There is an overwhelming demand for rental properties in Manchester city centre, which has driven rents up by as much as 20 per cent over the last year.”

He added that, last autumn, as many as 20 tenants had been chasing every available property in the city. “This has resulted in competition becoming extremely fierce,” he said, “with tenants often reserving properties without viewing to avoid missing out.”

Student investment properties always make solid investments in major cities, Stuart Law added, and because so few other properties are currently being built, those which become available are expected to remain in high demand for many years to come.

Find out how easy it can be for you to put in place a solid foundation for your own future by investing in in-demand UK properties by contacting Assetz today, at, or by calling 0845 400 9000.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Lefroy Hudson Forms Team for Institutional Client Services and Sales

Lefroy Hudson today announced the formation of a team dedicated to institutional client services and sales. Lefroy Hudson has recruited this team for the initial part of the expansion: Michael Huff, most recently the Executive Director and Analyst in charge of the Research sector of Lefroy Hudson; Violet Yao Chia, currently the Executive Director of Sales at Lefroy Hudson; Colin Johnston who was most recently a Management Director with one of Singapore most successful advisory; and Karl Erikson who joined Lefroy Hudson 16 months ago to consolidate the company’s presence in the market landscape. He is responsible for rounding out the team as well.

“Michael Huff has established himself as one of the market’s top analysts, and Lefroy Hudson is committed to affording him an environment to oversee his sector independently, objectively, and without conflict,” said Robert Milberg, Lefroy Hudson’s co-founder and CEO. “Violet and Colin have extensive experience of markets from both ends of the spectrum, and bring to us a degree of excitement, the proposition of them joining Lferoy Hudson to apply their skill sets and trade acumen to generate doable, feasible ideas, identify movers and shakers and provide top-notch service to their customers. Michael is already integrated in Lefroy Hudson’s culture of peerless customer service, and dedication to excellence.”

Via EPR Network
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Lefroy Hudson Forecast Crude Oil Price 2012

Lefroy Hudson revised higher its forecast for U.S. crude oil prices by $3 to $104 a barrel, citing the possibility of strong demand in the northern hemisphere winter, and left its Brent crude forecast unchanged at $116 a barrel.

“Global fundamentals and further monetary easing suggest upward pressure on oil prices. Given tightness in the distillate complex ahead of winter, gasoil-led rallies in crude are equally possible in the event of colder-than-average temperatures,” Lefroy Hudson’s analyst said in a note to their clients.

Brent crude oil prices are forecast to stay well above $100 a barrel, despite widespread expectations of an economic slowdown, a company poll said in late October.

U.S. crude was expected to average $92 a barrel next year and Brent was set to average $106.80 a barrel, the poll showed.

Brent crude was up $1.52 at $109.74 a barrel by 12:42 GMT on Friday after closing down $3.66 in the previous session.

Lefroy Hudson’s forecasts for 2012 implied the WTI-Brent spread would be $12 a barrel, slightly higher than the current level of around $9-$10.

“We believe that the extent of the Brent/WTI spread correction is overdone,” the Lefroy Hudson note said, citing the bullish impact for Brent of limited supplies of light, sweet oil.

lefroy Hudson’s analysts said it expects U.S. crude at around $105 a barrel in the first quarter of next year and $119 a barrel for Brent.

A modest start to the forecast period before oil prices regain strength.

We expect a somewhat weaker oil price trend in the first quarter of 2012. The Euro-area debt turmoil will continue to dampen risk appetite, while an improvement is expected in the supply/demand balance. Libyan oil will gradually return to the market, so other OPEC countries will have to scale back production to balance the market. This will improve OPEC’s reserve capacity.

From the second quarter of 2012 the balance in the oil market is likely to tighten again. Activity in the large oil-consuming countries will again accelerate. Growth in oil demand will again outstrip capacity expansion on the supply side. This will reduce OPEC’s capacity buffer. Tighter market conditions will lift oil prices and this trend is expected to strengthen towards the end of the forecast period. We have cut our oil price forecast to USD 130/barrel in 2012 from USD 135/barrel, but kept our forecast for 2013 unchanged at USD 140/barrel.

The risk of a sharp drop or abrupt upswing in oil prices has increased The risk is still high that we may experience a major downturn in the world economy or we see a new wave political unrest in vital oil producing countries. In our low price scenario we assume that a liquidity crisis and economic turmoil in Europe pushes the world into a new recession. In turn a sharp decline in economic activity will cut global oil demand significantly. Internal conflicts within OPEC hinder the cartel from imposing a coordinated cut in oil production and thereby trigger a drop in oil prices. In our high oil price scenario we assume that the political uprising spreads to Saudi Arabia and a significant share of the country’s oil production is locked in for a long period.

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

Lefroy Hudson Announces Timothy Daniels Election to the Company’s Board of Directors

Mr. Daniels served as President and CEO of Beijing Asset Management (BAM) for seven years and is serving as its Chair through this term. In his three decades of service at BAM, he has held numerous offices including Finance Head, Vice President, and President of Market Research. He lived in Europe, Asia and Australia during his extensive career. He has seen memberships with key government councils, most notably in areas of economic stimulus and planning.

Simon Lee Ngieu, President and CEO of Lefroy Hudson, said, “Timothy is a noteworthy and excellent addition to the Board as our pursuit of excellence in all our lines of business within a sustainable landscape continues. His management, planning acumen and economic expertise will be beneficial to the entire Lefroy Hudson family and clients.”

Julian Chaperon, Chairperson of the Board’s Committee on Nominations, said that they are “enchanted to welcome Mr. Daniels to the Board,” and that they “look forward to his contribution to the focus of keeping Lefroy Hudson on the forefront of continued success.”

Mr. Daniels, in his keynote speech, welcomes the opportunity to work with Lefroy Hudson, adding that “he is glad to be part of the winning team,” and that he hopes that his expertise would “be productive and harmonic with the tradition of leadership and excellence Lefroy Hudson.” Furthermore, he said that it is his aim to “keep Lefroy Hudson relevant in the larger business picture in the coming years,” and will “be hard at work to see that goal through fruition.”

Via EPR Network
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APT Publish New Whitepaper on Risk Management

The technology firm APT have just published a new whitepaper. The paper discusses the issues associated with analysing risk in multi-asset class investments.

APT work to offer risk management solutions to investors, and have much experience behind them in doing so. They work with many different groups involved in investment, such as private wealth managers, hedge fund managers, brokers and others. They provide them with the kind of quality, evidence-based risk management they need. It is against this background that APT publishes this whitepaper, which looks at how investors working across multiple asset classes can best mitigate their risks. The paper is called ‘Building a Multi-Asset Class Model: the Commodities Example – Correlation is the Key’.

APT’s solution to the specific risks involved in multi-asset class investments is scenario-based risk management. Such products can help investors by offering them a solution based on thorough research, which responds clearly to events, and is flexible, to meet changing needs. APT recognise that markets will always undergo shocks and dislocations, and that this means that good risk management is important. Analysis of how and why these shocks happen helps to contribute to this risk management. This is APT’s approach: real research that looks at real research to help investors manage risks well. When looking at mulit-asset class investment, risk management needs to look at how the different asset classes may correlate, and also how to recognise that the management of risk is only really effective if separated from the attribution of risk.

Via EPR Network
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Mortgage Network of Ohio Plan to Assist Ohioans Everywhere Find That Perfect Mortage

Unlike banks, the Mortgage Network of Ohio believes that when it comes to finding the perfect mortgage, there is always more than one option. They’d now like to pass this message onto Ohioans everywhere.

The company, one of the State’s leading Mortgage Lenders and mortgage Cincinnati, are currently doing business across the area. So much so that they’ve recently worked hard to improve on what they specialize in, in order to offer an even better service to buyers.

“At The Mortgage Network of Ohio, we believe that our clients should have more than one option on a Mortgage. We will take their application, work every possible scenario, then offer them options of loan programs available to meet their needs. Our objective is to maximize the profitability of the homeowner’s experience by eliminating the hassle of shopping.” – says Jeff Steinacker, president of the Mortgage Network of Ohio.

The company has a long history of helping thousands of families in the Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana region find their perfect home financing option – and have a strict process they adhere to with each application. This expansive service and investment in time ensures that each client finds a financing option that suits their needs, timeline and budget.

“Essentially, our ultimate goal is to help everyone get the keys to their dream home as quickly as possible. We can also assist them with refinancing, debt consolidation, home improvement, home loan Cincinnati, FHA and reverse mortgages” they say.

To find out more about the services that the Mortgage Network of Ohio offer, to speak with one of their experiences and skilled staff and to get yourself on the road to that set of shiny new house keys, please visit them online

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Launches New Points Promotion With Nectar has announced it will unveil a new promotion with Nectar, the UK’s largest loyalty programme. Customers will receive 1,000 Nectar points for every car insurance policy they buy through The promotion is running from 12 December 2011 until 31 March 2012.’s Nectar Points promotion will be supported by a 30 second TV advert and radio advert running from 23 December. The adverts will feature animated logo Cara singing ‘YMCA’, with some unique wording added to highlight the Nectar promotion.

Will Shuckburgh, Nectar Client Development Director, commented: “We’re thrilled to be building on an already successful partnership with This is another fantastic way for our card holders to collect more Nectar points whilst getting a great deal on car insurance. It’s great to be working with a leader such as, as we know this is something our savvy Collectors will take advantage of and continue to get excited about.”

Mike Hoban, Marketing Director at, said: “ was the first site to offer price comparison for car insurance, so saving people time and money is at the very heart of our business.The promotion with Nectar offers our customers an added reward when they choose to buy cheaper car insurance with”

The advert will be aired from 23 December. Find the latest games, videos and more from the Cara Confused page.

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2012 Could be the Year for Umbrella Companies, Say Umbrella Company Tarpon

The recent news of an extra boost for the umbrella company industry, in the form of a £1 billion grant, could support half a million jobs.

The new year could be the year for umbrella companies as the industry is boosted by an extra £1 billion injection in the Regional Growth Fund (RGF), assigned to help 500,000 people find jobs in 2012. The decision to award the RGF with an extra £1 billion is not only going to be beneficial for workers, but also those in the umbrella company industry.

A spokesperson for Tarpon explains:

“The news that the RGF is going to benefit from extra money really is fantastic because it’ll help give the employment market a really great boost in time for 2012. The RGF is a two year fund that’s designed to support a number of projects and programmes that create economic growth and sustainable employment. So getting this extra money means that half a million people could potentially get a new job that could last them a very long time.”

The news of the extra money, which was delivered by the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, during a visit to the north-west of England earlier this month, has been welcomed by a number of industry insiders and job seekers alike. The focus of the fund will not only help get people into work, but also encourage private investment in the public sector. This is the second piece of good news for the umbrella company industry in as many months, as new figures from last month show that the demand for contractors has continued to rise.

A spokesperson for Tarpon continues:

“For every £1 of public money put into the RGF, the private sector will put in £5, which will help jump start growth across the UK. This, coupled with the news that the number of employers that have taken on contractors has grown for the 28th consecutive month in November, means that we anticipate that 2012 is the year for the umbrella company.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases

TOMEX Launches New and Direct Spread Contract

TOMEX, one of the world’s leading trading companies has recently launched a new direct spread contract that will allow its members to manage the difference between spot contracts. This new contract will give members of Tokyo Mercantile Exchange more options when it comes to trading, which is also in direct response to their unified requests.

This gives both industrial and financial institutions another method to hedge the liquidity in the spot markets. Doing a direct spread contract is simple as you make one singular trade which is then automatically divided into a singular trade and a single delivery. On the other hand, even if two separate trades are physically created a trader or member will only be paying for the difference between the two contracts.

Jefferson Harold, CEO of Tokyo Mercantile TOMEX recently said, “This new and improved contract was created as a direct answer to the requests of our clients and members for more financial products. On the plus side, it also serves as an additional way to help other companies make full use of their asset management.” This will further expand its suite of investor relations and intelligence services for advisory companies and their individual and institutional clients.

The new contracts will offer for companies trading on behalf of institutional clients on Tokyo Mercantile Exchange access to an bundle of individually-packaged intelligence services powered websites and other sophisticated tools. The recent announcement is a branch of the TOMEX’s access centres for the market’s most comprehensive investor relations, as well as market intelligence service for companies trading on TOMEX.

These arrangements are an indication of our client focus and dedication to give top services for our trading companies,” said Tokubey Ito, Vice President of Tokyo Mercantile Exchane.“We are pleased that TOMEX, one of the world’s leading TOMEX groups, has decided to work with us in its continued support of TOMEX-listed companies,” said Mark Kevins, the President and COO of INTELLIGENCE SERVICES COMPANY. “We are very confident that through this partnership, in addition to the TOMEX access centre, TOMEX-listed firms will receive a level of market insight never before available.”

“Especially in this current state of the economy, professionals need intelligent information, strong analytics and advanced tools that provide greater transparency into the evolving markets. We are more than happy to give TOMEX trading companies with the answers they need to effectively manage investors”, completed Mr. Ito.

Via EPR Network
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TOMEX Announces Changes in Credit Brokerage Management Team

TOMEX, a leading operator of regulated futures exchanges, clearing houses and over-the-counter markets, announced changes to the management team within its Credit Tomex dervivatives sector. Wholy owned by TOMEX, Credit Tomex is one of the most promising platforms for default swaps and derivatives credit.

TOMEX appointed Arata Haruka as President. Mr. Haruka was previously the Managing Director at Credit Tomex where he was in charge for several years. Mr. Arata Haruka will replace Umetaro Hakaru, Chief Executive Officer of Credit Tomex, who is now pursuing other opportunities. Mr. Umetaro Hakaru played a key role in building Credit Tomex and in facilitating its integration into Tokyo Mercantile Exchange Trading Platforms. TOMEX has also appointed Jefferson Harold as Chief Operating Officer of Credit Tomex. Mr. Jefferson Harold joined Credit Tomex a few years back as the Financial Officer and played an instrumental role in creating synergies between Credit Tomex and TOMEX Trading Platforms.

Hisao Yamada, the Senior Vice President who co-created Credit Tomex a decade and served as its C.O.O to TOMEX last year will also be in charge of the Marketing Department of Credit Tomex and also will remain as an advisor to TOMEX Board of Directors. Since the inception of Credit Tomex recently, he has been instrumental in the integration of Credit Tomex into the organization and in the execution of TOMEX strategies.

TOMEX CEO, Jefferson Harold, said: “We are more than happy to elevate the new management as key contributors in our business. Based on our successful partnership in supporting the evolution the credit default swap space, I want to thank the whole management team for their help with our achievements over the past years. This industry insights have been extremely important as TOMEX has established its leadership position in the credit default swap markets. On behalf of the entire TOMEX team, I want to explicitly state our appreciation to the whole of the management team for their efforts in integrating Credit TOMEX business.”

Via EPR Network
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TOMEX Announces the Launch of Long-Term Bond Futures for Clients

Tokyo Mercantile Exchange, one of the industry’s biggest and most diverse futures marketplace recently announced the launch of long-term futures beginning this year. These contracts will be part of and subject to the regulations and laws of the industry authorities. It will also be approved pending the board’s ruling.

“The long-term futures has now become part of TOMEX’s product listing as part of our response to overwhelming customer demands and requests for a contract that is similar to this one that we have launched,” said Tokubey Ito, TOMEX Director and Vice President of Consumer Affairs. “This new contract will complement our remaining products and allow us to grow the range of services as well as trading opportunities for industry participants and our clientele.”

Derivatives that are redeemable for the new long-term futures contracts will consist of cash bonds with at least 25 years of remaining term to maturity. By comparing them, redeemable derivatives for the existing bonds contract are bonds with remaining terms to maturity of 15 years or more. There is a rather vast difference between the two that clients will be able to choose depending on what they prefer. The recent policy shift towards greater issuance of long-term bonds has enabled Tokyo Mercantile Exchange to launch this contract targeted at this important part of the yield curve.

In all other aspects the specifications for the bond futures have seen close resemblance with those that are in the existing treasury bond contract. They are similar in terms of their value, low tick size, contract critical dates, and coupon. Initially, TOMEX will list three delivery months in the bond futures, beginning with mid 2012. There will be no notable differences or adjustments to the currently listed treasury bond futures contract specifications and requirements. Additional information about futures, other trading products and TOMEX’s other interests can be found at

Via EPR Network
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Standard Life Teams Up With Legacy Asset Systems To Support Asset Migration To Standard Life Wrap

Standard Life, a market leading platform provider, has teamed up with Legacy Asset Systems to support advisers migrating assets to the Standard Life Wrap. With the agreement, preferential terms will be offered to Standard Life Wrap firms signing up to the services offered by Legacy Asset Systems. Legacy Asset Systems offer two services: the Discovery Report, a ‘smart search’ of existing client data, and the Asset Migration Service, a combination of systems and services to successfully complete an asset migration project.

The benefits of the Legacy Asset Systems offering are:
– A cost effective approach and opportunity for adviser firms to create an additional profit centre
– Develops a fully compliant and automated end to end audit trail
– Reduces capacity constraints and frees resource to focus on added value services
– Delivers a robust and scalable process, systems and controls
– Supports a consolidation approach by enabling review of whole portfolio and individual products
– Develops an income stream on assets which have been generating little or no income

Chris Divito, Head of Platform Distribution at Standard Life, said: “Advisers have been telling us that analysing and migrating clients legacy assets is a real challenge, particularly from a compliance and capacity point of view. So we have teamed up with Legacy Asset Systems to provide a solution. They have provided a cost effective solution which not only ‘makes it happen’, but also reduces costs and generates income for the business.”

Kevin Jow, Director at Russell Ulyatt has recently used Legacy Asset Systems to help migrate client business to the Standard Life Wrap. He said: “We were keen to start tackling the next segment of our client bank and we’re focused on completing the collation and analysis of client information as cost effectively as possible. Legacy Asset Systems provided the ideal solution in that they took on all of the manual effort of contacting providers, provided accurate cost comparisons and a complete audit trail. In addition to that, the Discovery Report enabled us to take a very detailed view of our client bank and identified some great opportunities. We’ve been able to significantly increase our speed of client transfer and subsequent income streams.

“Using Legacy Asset Systems has freed up so much of our time, speeded up the whole process and just let me get on with the day job – spending more time with my clients.”

Via EPR Network
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Saxo Bank And ICAP Shipping Involved In World’s First Electronic Container Freight Swap Settled In USD

Saxo Bank, the trading and investment specialist, and ICAP Shipping, the shipping arm of ICAP plc, announced on Thursday that they were involved in the execution of the world’s first electronic, voice-assisted trade of a container freight swap agreement settled in US dollars.

The counterparties to the trade were Saxo Bank in Denmark as the buyer and a Netherlands-based trading house as the seller. ICAP Shipping was the broker of the trade. The container freight swap agreement was executed on ICAP’s Webtrader platform, with manual input from ICAP Shipping brokers and cleared by LCH.Clearnet.

The trade was executed by rugby star Lawrence Dallaglio during ICAP’s 19th annual Charity Day. On ICAP Charity, all ICAP revenues are donated to a selection of 200 charities and celebrity patrons are invited to help close deals. Mr. Dallaglio attended ICAP Charity Day in support of Cancer Research and Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Container freight swap agreements lock in the freight exposure for standard containers transported from Asia to Europe, Mediterranean countries and the United States. Cash flow for this sort of freight exposure has been unpredictable for retailers, importers and logistic companies in the past and the concept of pricing container freight against indices and using swap agreements to manage the risk has attracted many industry participants over the last year. Screen execution with the added surety of voice broker assistance was a key requirement of customers.

Henry Liddell, CEO ICAP Shipping said: “The execution of the world’s first electronic container freight swap agreement is an important milestone in the on-going development of the container swaps market. This youngest segment in the shipping industry has seen a rapid growth over the last decade and will become an even more important risk management tool in the current economic environment. Container swaps are a hedging tool for the container industry to manage the price volatility of the physical market.”

Johan Gade, Freight & OTC Derivatives, Saxo Bank said: “We fully support electronic freight derivatives trading and believe that going forward container swaps will be a valuable addition to the electronic dry bulk and tanker freight derivatives offering we are about to launch.”

Via EPR Network
More Financial press releases Find Brits Are A Nation Of DIY Lovers But Pay The Price In Home Insurance Claims has revealed that fifty-three per cent of homeowners are doing their own home improvements due to an increase in living costs. However, many of these projects are ending in disaster, with 11 per cent of those who ‘have a go’ then claiming on their home insurance.

A recent study by the Institute of Fiscal Studies warned that households are looking at a 3.8 per cent fall in earnings with data for the first 11 months of 2010-11, marking the largest fall in disposable income since 1981. As a consequence of this strain on income, homeowners in the UK are turning their hand to DIY.

Aside from money issues, the survey also showed that thirty-nine per cent of Brits claim to have undertaken home improvement work after watching DIY programs; their favourite being Grand Designs (22 per cent).

Homeowners in Scotland and the West Midlands are most likely to do their own home improvements, with 23 per cent claiming to do DIY, compared with the North East where only 11 per cent do DIY.

Fifty per cent of homeowners in Northern Ireland also claimed to have done a successful job, compared with 26 per cent of homeowners in Wales who said their inspirational home improvements looked dreadful and out of this 26% of Welsh homeowners, if money were no object, then 67 per cent would pay someone to do their DIY.

Of all those UK homeowners surveyed, 31 per cent of these budding Kevin McClouds admitted to having DIY mishaps, and of these 31% homeowners, most disasters were taking place in households in Scotland (12 per cent) and Wales (12 per cent) resulting in home insurance claims.

Despite tackling DIY to save money, 6 per cent of Scottish homeowners have paid over £1,000 in the past 24 months rectifying their DIY disasters. A further15 per cent of Scottish homeowners have paid £200 or more in the same period, whereas those living in Northern Ireland paid out over £350 in the last two years to fix botched DIY. In Wales, 13 per cent said they have paid out £300 fixing bad DIY jobs in the last two years.

Mark Gabriel, Home Insurance spokesman, said: “With the economy so fragile, people’s finances are under more pressure and things aren’t getting any easier particularly with the rise in petrol prices and food prices. Therefore people have turned to ways of saving money and have been inspired by home improvement programs.

“However it is important to remember that television often makes tasks look easier than they are. In fact, some home insurance policies stipulate that only professionally accredited tradesmen should carry out certain work, so it is worth checking that you are not inadvertently rendering your insurance invalid by failing to read the small print.

“It is important to look at your home insurance policy to check that you are fully covered, should things go wrong, and to check their policy details carefully. It is also necessary to take extra safety precautions, as DIY disasters can cause accidents.”

For more information on home insurance, flat insurance and staying safe while DIYing, visit

Via EPR Network
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